Where to find a ton of gold and silver. Treasures and treasures

Treasures and treasures are difficult to find. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the disappearance of three echelons of values, which, according to the International Treasures Around Us Club (France, Paris), are now estimated at 10-12 billion euros.

As a child, almost every one of us, after reading adventure books, wanted to find a treasure. Some people even dug something somewhere.

However, with age, dreams of hidden treasures somewhere are gradually fading into the background, being replaced by more pressing and more mundane goals.

Therefore, many consider professional treasure hunters (they are also called "black archaeologists") people who did not finish playing Treasure Island in childhood. But in vain!

In Russia, unfortunately, there is no exact data on the number of treasure and treasure hunters. However, there is an official organization of treasure hunters - the Krasnodar Regional Public Fund headed, of course, Yuri Kharchuk- a man well-known both in Russia and abroad.

Today the organization includes 57 branches not only in Russia, but also in Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus ...

And despite the fact that the village of Leningradskaya of the Krasnodar Territory, where the headquarters of the Krasnodar Regional Public Fund is located "Russian treasure hunter Yuri Kharchuk", marked on the map with a tiny dot, at the moment it can rightfully be called the capital of modern Russian treasure hunting.

The Armavir local branch of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) has long been friends and closely communicates with Yuri Ivanovich Kharchuk. Arriving to visit him in the village of Leningradskaya, Yuri Ivanovich told us a very interesting story, with which we are happy to share with the readers of the site "Https: // site /". So, the word to Yu.I. Kharchuk:

Treasures and treasures in the Kuban

“We have found documents in the archives of St. Petersburg that indicate that in 1917 an echelon was sent from Petrograd to the old merchant city of Yeisk on the Azov coast from 22 wagons with gold, silver, other various values, as well as parts of equipment and copper, silver and gold plates for minting coins in the south of Russia.

The famous Armavir ruble and other coins in Armavir were made with this equipment.

Deposits of the Petrograd Loan Treasury

Simply a pawnshop of a state scale, where, under the Provisional Government under the leadership of A.F. Kerensky, private deposits in gold and silver coins, jewelry and collections of various antiques of the richest people of Petrograd and the Romanov family, as well as foreign embassies, were kept.

In October 1917, it was decided to evacuate the treasures and treasures from Petrograd to Moscow (90-95 percent) and Yeisk

Three echelons were sent. In one of them, according to the documents there were 710 boxes of silver and 580 boxes of things totaling more than four million rubles.

In those days, values ​​were underestimated many times (as now, in order not to pay insurance fees) - the Russian mentality.

There were rumors about the values ​​of the Yusupovs. They were actually kept in this savings and loan treasury and disappeared.

Here - and this is a documented fact - and the most ancient (XII century) riza with Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

This is one of the shrines of Russia of that period.

All this was guarded by an armed border guard corps. The border guards were under Kerensky A.F. to the Ministry of Finance of the Provisional Government. The savings and loan office in Yeisk was not only hidden. She worked.

More than 110 people were transferred to Yeisk, who ensured the work of the treasury. She was housed in the city's public bank. Now it is the Yeisk administration.

But the bank premises did not fit all the valuables. And then an agreement was concluded with a local merchant who owned the building opposite. The loan treasury occupied the entire basement and the first floor of the huge mansion. Now this building is gone. A hotel and a shopping center were built on this site.

Countless treasures were in Yeisk for about eight months. In the spring of 1918, the values ​​were going to be divided by a revolutionary method. I had to transport them quickly.

According to our information, at night the most expensive things were loaded into the train, which was constantly under steam, and taken to the Tikhoretskaya station, and then to Yekaterinodar. On the way, some of the valuables were plundered near the village of Shcherbinovskaya. Some were hidden 12 kilometers from the village of Novoshcherbinovskaya.

From 1995 to 2006, until his death, the former director of the station of young technicians of the village of Leningradskaya, Alexander Grigorievich Filobok, dealt with this issue. He searched the cellars and caches of the village of Novoshcherbinovskaya.

In 2001, one of the farmers of the Shcherbinovsky district brought ten photographs from a family album of the 1940-1980s, where his grandfather and father were captured in the forge from different angles, including near the press.

He brought and showed the press in good condition, on the side was the abbreviation SMD (St. Petersburg Mint).

For the press and photos, the farmer asked first $ 20,000, then $ 10 (which was very expensive at the time). This is A.G. Philobok told before his death. He said that there was a lot of this equipment lying around in the Shcherbinovsky district.

During the Civil War (in 1918), it was thrown out of the carriages as being of no value. Now, in 2017, we regret not purchasing it.

The farmer also said: his grandfather and father said that a lot of equipment came to the blacksmiths from the nearby districts - Starominsky, Kanevsky, Tikhoretsky, and also Leningradsky (a lot - in the Bely farm). And so on throughout the Krasnodar Territory (to the cities of Sochi, Tuapse, Labinsk, Apsheronsk, the village of Mostovsky).

In the 1960s-1980s, they bought something and took it to the shipyard in Primorsko-Akhtarsk. High-quality equipment came in handy for the manufacture of small boats at the Primorsko-Akhtarskaya shipyard.

Treasures and treasures - "Pigeon Angel"

Who does not know - this is a statue weighing more than three pounds (48 kg) of pure gold, decorated with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, black pearls and other precious stones. It was made in the 17th century in Nepal by one of the religious cults.

In the 19th century, the statue came to Afghanistan, and then to Iran. In 1915, the Turks seized a baggage train with valuables from the Persians, where a statue resembling a deity was discovered as a trophy. It was the Dove Angel statue.

In the same year, one of the Cossack officers brought this statue with other valuables to the Kuban, where he hid everything in a safe place. This place is the Bely farm, which is nine kilometers from the village of Umanskaya (after 1934 it was renamed into the village of Leningradskaya).

After being wounded, he stayed here with his family for two months and at the beginning of 1916, together with a military unit, was transferred from the Caucasus to the Western Front. Exactly one year later, in 1917, a funeral came to him, in which it was indicated that he had died in a battle with the Germans on the territory of Western Belarus.

Residents of the village of Leningradskaya (Umanskaya) told about one treasure-werewolf - "the farm boyaryna Galka".

Among the older generation, there is an opinion and there are rumors that the restless soul of the farm boyar Galka periodically infiltrates other people, especially negligent officials of any status, both in the 20th century and in the 21st century.

It all started back in 1934. In those years, from 1929 to 1934, being at party work, a woman of Balzac's age during the years of repression - dispossession in the village of Umanskaya - exchanged values ​​for food and managed to exchange a large barn of food for jewelry.

Wedding rings, gold and silver watches, icon frames, rings, coins, as well as part of the famous “Gold of the Kuban Rada” hoard, which is estimated today from 150 to 200 million US dollars, including the statue of the “Pigeon Angel”.

In 1918, this official buried a very large fortune in one of the groves. And at the end of 1934, in one of the cellars of her native village, she herself was buried alive with treasures. Until 1934, all buildings in Leningradskaya were connected by underground passages with various openings and caches in the ground.

Buildings and partly passages in the center of the rural settlement (the buildings of the current registry office, gymnasium, local history museum, passport office, prosecutor's office, music, sports and art schools, a cinema, an old building of a pedagogical school and a former branch of the Kuban University) have survived to this day.

Under these buildings, you can hear the groans of the restless “farm boyaryn Galka”, who was buried alive in the basements of these buildings.

According to legend, on the territory of the grove, three kilometers from the village, lies a treasure that protects the statue of the "Pigeon Angel".

Treasure hunters at all times noticed that unusual visions constantly appeared at the burial place of treasures, a fire lit up or firebirds appeared or, as in the territory of the Leningrad region, the kind werewolf Anastasia Umanskaya-Ozarennaya.

Sometimes in basements, caches, dungeons, underground passages, you can see lights at night. Since ancient times, treasure hunters all over the world have said that this supposedly treasure comes out of the ground to dry out.

Any modern treasure hunter knows what swamp fires are, but there is also a part of the truth in these legends. Robbers of all times and peoples, hiding the stolen goods, often lowered them into the pits, where they buried the killed horses.

Also in such graves came across human skeletons. In wartime, especially in the years of collectivization and dispossession, treasures were also hidden in graves.

Before the metal detector was invented, a wax candle was considered the main tool for finding treasure. In the famous treatise of Papus on the practical use of magic, the following recommendation is given:

“At the supposed burial site of the treasure, light a candle, set in a walnut candlestick. The closer the treasure is, the stronger the flame will flicker.

And where it goes out, there you have to dig. But if there is no firm intention to give a tenth part to the poor, the treasure will hide in the ground so deep that no strength will be enough to open it "...

Part of the loaned Petrograd treasury in the hungry 1930s-1940s of the XX century fell into the hands of such werewolves as the farm boyaryn Galka. And there were a lot of such people at that difficult time. "

Member of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) of the city of Armavir, Sergey Frolov

Searching is an exciting hobby! Moreover, not only men, but also women are engaged in it. Someone is looking for scrap metal, someone is hunting for gold, and someone likes to collect the found coins. One thing unites radio amateurs - getting pleasure from their finds and the very excitement of searching.
Let's watch a video of searching for metal with a metal detector and see how interesting this case can be.

Treasure search video with a metal detector 2017

The guys once again went out on a "hunt" with a metal detector. We walked through the woods, one of them made a loud sound from the detector. See what happened next in the video.

A company of treasure hunters found a decent treasure with silver coins of Nicholas II. See how the cop went and how many coins you managed to get.

Scrap metal search video

The young boy loves the search business. And so, he came across a scrap metal deposit. See how the cop went.

Guys guys came for scrap metal, but did not even imagine what deposits awaited them there. The author of the video almost lost his partner.

Finding scrap metal can be not only an interesting hobby, but also a side job. The boy on the video proves this. Watch and be inspired.

Video of the novelty of the search with a metal detector 2017

And a couple more videos for those who want to motivate themselves to be a successful cop.
Record finds in the field.

Beach search with a good find

Underwater search. The guy found gold rings and fought off a metal detector!

Look guys! Those who are looking will find 100%.

Treasure hunting is becoming more and more popular every year, attracting fans of different ages to its ranks. The fact is that this is an interesting and exciting hobby, which is not only suitable for relaxation, but also provides an opportunity to explore the area. If you are professionally engaged in treasure hunting, then in a short time you can perfectly master topographic maps.

A term such as treasure hunting means searching for values ​​buried in the ground or forgotten values ​​that, for one reason or another, no longer belong to the owner. However, there are people who believe that treasure hunting is an illegal business. Even during the years of the USSR, this hobby was not banned. The Soviet government asked to donate rare art objects to the state. But people received a monetary reward for this. Searching for coins and treasures with a metal detector video 2017 on the network is a huge amount.

Today the situation with the search for metal products has changed slightly. This activity is regulated by Russian law, in particular, the Federal Law and the Civil Code. According to the law of the Russian Federation, the found rarity must be divided equally with the owner of the land. As a rule, the state is the owner of a certain site, because treasure hunters choose the following places: swamps, abandoned areas, closed forests, beaches, etc. In this regard, you can safely pick up a metal detector and go to look for valuable items without fear of going to jail. However, before you start treasure hunting, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with the text of the article of Federal Law 245.

It is also worth securing in advance the permission of the owner of the land plot to search for coins and rare specimens. If the document is not made in time, then all finds should be transferred to the owner of the land. It is important to remember: coins or precious things of historical value must be transferred to the state. In this case, the government compensates the search engine for 50 percent of the value of the treasure.

Experts divide treasure hunters into three types of people:

  1. Passionate treasure hunters with a passion for rare artifacts and local history. Usually such people like to collect information, study archival documents and research scientific funds.
  2. Someone is looking for valuable things for the sake of additional income. Indeed, in the market, truly valuable art objects can be sold for a lot of money.
  3. There is a category of people who regard treasure hunting as a common hobby and do it for their own pleasure.

Although the majority of treasure hunters accommodate three types of simultaneous. This pushes the search engines to move forward towards the treasured treasure. Every collector should have tools with him - a shovel and a metal detector. With the help of these devices, you can quickly and efficiently find rare coins underground. In addition to having a metal detector, preparatory work is important, which ensures a competent approach to business. If you go in search unprepared, then you can search for treasure for a long time and to no avail.

To find value, you need to know where to go. Do not think that treasure hunting is just a trip to the meadow outside the city. Experienced collectors spend tens of hours reading literature in libraries before searching. This is the only way to draw up an effective plan for searching for a rare book. Finding coins is easier if every step is thought out.

Professionals begin their searches from ancient settlements, remote towns of Russia. Ruins, abandoned villages, estates and villages are also great places. It so happens that various legends and rumors are the "key" to the solution of the hidden treasure.

Such a topic as the search for coins with a metal detector video 2017 is of interest to everyone who is not indifferent to rare metal exhibits. Now a large number of resources and sites on this topic with video content have been created on the Internet. Also, more information about searching for coins with a metal detector can be found on specialized forums. The fact is that on these sites there are many knowledgeable people who are ready to help with any question for free.

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This week, information has surfaced about newly discovered treasures - both underwater and on land. Gold, silver, jewelry - everything as it should be.

1. Almost a billion dollars

This is not quite a treasure yet, but close to it. The Argentine treasure hunter-submariner is confident that he found a British warship that sank off the coast of Uruguay more than 250 years ago.

It is believed that he was carrying a whole mountain of gold, if you count on today's prices, it will be about a billion dollars (well, or about 60 billion rubles).

The treasure hunter's name is Ruby Collado, he found a ship at the bottom near the coast of Uruguay, and is now looking for support in order to somehow raise the ship's skeleton.

All-about everything needs 4 million dollars.

2. Silver dirhams.

An excellent treasure of silver dirhams was raised either in the south of Russia or in Ukraine. Of course, this did not happen in winter, but the photos were posted online this week. According to the photo report, we can say that the treasure was found in the fall by two XP Deus metal detectors in the "swampy land". All coins are silver.

“The treasure was raised in two stages, first they hooked on the plowing, and the next day they finished it off,” the diggers write.

3. Rose of the Tudors.

Archaeologists with metal detectors did their best here. They found a unique 16th century English medallion in the center of Moscow. The jewelry is made of an alloy of lead and tin; its diameter is about five centimeters. The product depicts the heraldic symbol of the royal dynasty of England, the Rose of the Tudors. From 1485 to 1603, the emblem in the form of doubled red and white roses, a symbol of reconciliation between Lancaster and York, was applied to coins, hats, medallions and even playing chips.

In addition, the medallion has an inscription: Dieu et mon droit, which in French means "God and my right". Next to the motto is the date - 1590. This phrase has been the official motto of the English monarchy for 700 years, it speaks of the divine origin of the monarch's right to the crown.

Perhaps this interesting archaeological find is associated with the activities of the Old English Court, the building of which is located on Varvarka. It existed in Zaryadye in the 16th century. In 1556, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich granted the British the right to duty-free trade and customs privileges.

The artifact will be transferred to the Museum of Moscow.

Cufflinks made of an alloy of silver and gold of the 17th century were found by a searcher with a metal detector in Messingham, Lincolnshire (England). Experts have already called the find a treasure. Professors from the British Museum explain that the cufflinks are dated between 1662 and 1700, and were most likely created to celebrate the marriage of King Charles II and Catherine of Braganza in 1662. The disc is decorated with a pair of hearts under the crown.

Several gold coins from that period were also found with cufflinks.

The search engine will be rewarded. So far, the value of the treasure is being determined.

5. Almost a treasure

The report on this treasure was published at the largest Ukrainian digging forum-auction. The search engine wrote that he found several silver pesetas of the 19th century, as well as such an interesting bracelet in the Cantabria region in northern Spain. The bracelet can be of very high historical value.

And a couple of news in the end. First: The Amber Room will again be searched for in Poland, in the tunnels under the town of Paslenk. The local population says that during the Second World War, there were many loaded German cars near the castle. Scientists are confident that, having excavated a tunnel under the castle, they will be able to find, if not the Amber Room, then many cultural values. Excavations will begin in summer 2017.