What does the name of Alexey meaning the interpretation meaning. What does the male name Alexey and how it translates

Alexey's name is not burdened by no negative energy. It gives her owner to calm and love for life. Such a man is not distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities, but still knows how to find a common language with people, to protect close to all kinds of trouble.

Origin of name

The roots of Alexey go to ancient Greece. Translated, it means "Defender", "The one who protects".In Russia, the name has become popular after the adoption of Christianity. For the most part it was common among aristocracy, boyars and military top ranks.

Names Alexey and Alexander have a general origin. But interpreters note that they have different energy. Sasha is more solid, balanced, and Lesha is soft, like dough. Figuratively speaking, Alexander always stands exactly, as if the soldier in the post, and Alexey falls indefinitely for a long time.

Forms of name Alexey

Brief forms of name:

  • Alyosha;
  • Lesha;
  • Alex;
  • Lyok;
  • Alah.

A brief form of Alex is also characteristic of a related name - Alexander.

Researchers of the names note the dependence of the character of a man depending on which brief form it is most often called. Alyosha Bright and brave, Lesha funny and kind, and Lech is a good buddy, with whom nice to relax.


  • Aleoshenka;
  • Alekseyushka;
  • Leszynka;
  • Leshik;
  • Alekseyka.

Photo Gallery: Name Forms

Alexey - full form of name
Alyosha is one of the most common brief form names.
Lyokhami Alekseev usually call only the closest friends of Lesha - a brief form of the name Alexey Aleshyanka - a beautiful and cute affection to Alexey

Church form of name - Alexy.

Transliteration name for passport - Aleksei.

Formediations formed from this name: Alekseevich, Alekseevna.

Composing the poems about a man with this name, you can use such rhymes: Alexey - candles, passions, ships, lovers of children, all fun; Alyosha - noble, leather, nosha.

Table: names name in different languages

EnglishAlexey, alexisAlexey, Alexis
Chinese阿列克谢 Alikexie
Korean알렉세이 Arrregsey
Japaneseアレクセイ Azerki
GermanAlexey, alexius.Alexey, Aleksius
FrenchAlexey, alexisAlexey, Aleksi
Danish, Swedish, NorwegianAlexis.Aleksis
FinnishAleksi, AleksisAlexy, Aleksis
Arabأليكسي Alicci
GreekΑλέξιος, Αλέξης Aleksios, Alexis
CzechAleš, Alexej.Alesh, Aleksey
HungarianAleksia, Aleksije.Aleksie
BulgarianAlexey, Alexey, AlexeyAlexey, Alexey, Alexey

Middle names that are combined with the name

With the name, Alexey harmoniously combines such patrimonies:

  • Dmitrievich;
  • Sergeevich;
  • Denisovich;
  • Olegovych;
  • Igorevich.

Options for Nikov for Social Networks

  • alexey;
  • oLEXIY;
  • lesha;
  • alex;
  • a.e.k.s.

Songs with this name: "Alah" Vladimir Vysotsky, "Aleshka" of the group "Hands up", "Lyokha" Alina Apina.

Video: Alina Apina song about Lyukh

Saint patrons Alexey, date name

Patrons of men with the name Alexey a lot (39 saints). The most famous of them:

  • metropolitan Moscow, as well as all Russia, Alexy;
  • Alexy man of God;
  • prince Alexy (in the world is known as Alexander) Nevsky;
  • ieria Alexy Bratsurmansky;
  • bishop Alexy Vhyphic;
  • reasanist Alexy Pechersky;
  • martyr Alexy Constantinople.

Alexy man of God grew up in a wealthy Roman family. He was brought up in piety, with his youth adhered to the post, helped the beggar. The guy wanted to devote all his life to serving God, but the parents had other plans - they decided to marry the Son.

On the day of the wedding, Alexy ran out of the house and headed to Mesopotamia. Arriving, he sold all his things, and the money distributed the needy. After that, he began to live at the church, collected alms and distributed it to the poor. After 17 years, the man returned home, but did not betray himself. For another 17 years he lived at the court of his father, praying and serving God. Only after his death, the parents learned from the papers of the deceased that the Son was so long with them.

Alexy, the man of God - the saint patron of Alekseev

Name Day (Angel Day) Alekseev is in every month of the year, except for January:

  • 17, 20, 25th and 28 February;
  • 8, 22, March 28 and 30
  • April 5 and 18;
  • February 4 and 7;
  • 2, 5, 20, 22 and 23 June;
  • 4, 6, 14 and 17 July;
  • 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 30, 25, August 27 and 30;
  • 4, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 and September 29;
  • 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 18, and 29 October;
  • 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, November 23 and 27;
  • 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, December 23 and 26.

On March 30, the people are called warm alex. It is believed that in this day, Spring finally enters into its own rights. Poons are withdrawing hives, the owners are preparing potatoes for landing, gardeners are engaged in repairing inventory. They believed: if an unmarried girl to Alexy gives a thread of something out of the clothes, it will come back to her soon.

Characteristic and influence of the name

Positive qualities include:

  • reliability;
  • equilibrium;
  • practicality;
  • desire for justice;
  • the ability to protect close people from trouble.

By nature, Alesa is a peacekeeper. He hates any enmity and bloodshed. The only exception may be the battle for the restoration of justice. This is a calm and cheerful man who quickly finds a common language with other people.

Among negative qualities can be allocated:

  • weavolois;
  • scattered;
  • excessive softness.

Leszynka in childhood

Little Alyosha is a real Mamenkin Son. He is not shy to hugging and kissing parents, say that he loves them. But this does not mean that the child is growing ramp. The boy from an early age considers himself a defender and assistant mom (as well as grandmothers, aunt, sisters). The homework entrusted to him does well and without any compilation.

As a child, Aleshyanka is a real Mamenkin Son

As a child, Lёzhenka is not surpassed and somewhat closed. If he says, it is always essentially. It does not like boastful talkers, so there are no such a boy in the circle of friends. Sincere and immediate child, does not expose their ambitions. This is what he deserves respect and love others.

In school, Alexey is good academic performance, although it is capable of greater. The boy inherent laziness does not allow to fully show their knowledge and abilities. This is an honest and fair child. True, his emotionality often prevents him from explaining him and defend his opinion.

Lesha teenager

In adolescence, Alexey often falls into unpleasant situations due to its excessive emotionality. During this period of life, he still learns to keep everything under control. In the nature of the guy there are calm, goodwill, prudence and desire for the struggle for justice. Responsive and sensitive Lesha will never quit friends and loved ones.

The young owner of this name can exercise excessive stubbornness and excessive perseverance. He has no desire to occupy leadership positions, but the guy does not tolerate when he does not listen to his opinion. At the same time, Alyosha under any circumstances will not obey someone else's will.

This is an absolutely non-conflict young man who tries to solve all problems in peaceful ways. He tries not to be in adventurous situations and live, adhering to its own principles.

Influence of the name on the character and fate of adult Alexey

According to Pavel Florensky, Alexey is endowed with the subtlety of consciousness. Attitude towards peace, life, other people largely depends on its emotions. He seemed to be lacking a face that disconnects him with all external, while there is some kind of inability to an independent existence in this reality. Chitrijan, which is inherent in such a man, acts as a means of self-defense. He is not as simple as it seems. If Lekra is considered stupid, he will strive to look even more stupid, in the soul rejoicing that the mask was a jester spent people who were going to take advantage of his helplessness.

According to Florensky, Alexey can hide behind the mask of foolishness and frivolity, protecting against intrigue and betrayal

Boris Higir argues that Alexey is a man of business. This is a friendly and a laconic man who diligently performs any things, even very painstaking work. He always strives for perfection. Whatever a profession he chose, after a while Alyosha becomes a real master of his case. The ambition and business qualities of his character will help the owner of this name to achieve a high position in society. He is very good, hardworking, responsible and persistent.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter believe that the equilibrium is characteristic of this name emphasizes Alexey calm and confidence, but makes it imperceptible to others. Most often, he lives away from society, preferring to be guided only by his own beliefs. The guy does not tolerate attempts to break his will and subjugate to someone else's opinion, and he himself does not tend to violence. The carrier of this name is loved and respected.

Many since childhood know Alyosh Popovich, the best and fun of the Trinity of the epic heroes. In the legends about him, it is told as a perky warrior, who has the character traits of an ordinary person, and not only positive. Unlike harsh government, Alyosha differs not so much by force (sometimes it is painted with weak and chrome), how many intelligence and cunning.

Alyosha Popovich differs from two other epic warders less severe physique, but at the same time greater cunning

According to Mendeleev, Alexey is a gentle and reliable man. Hot passions, dizzying takeles and rapid falls, unexpected solutions - all this is not about such a man. He shows himself perfectly in family life. Daily troubles and care for home give him joy. The owner of this name is a solid person. If you do not overdo it with the requirements for it, Alyosha will be a cheerful and reliable friend, responsible and economic family man.

The version of Pierre Ruhzh says that the carrier of such a name is deepened. Sometimes he runs away from reality into his imaginary world. When Alexey is afraid of judgments and critics, trying to justify his actions or actions in advance. In his perseverance, there is some concern, which indicates the impermanence of character. He often experiences fear of failure without any reason. Friendship for such a man has a special meaning. Often, passionate relations with a girl will develop into a strong friendship, and it is not like all women. It has excellent memory, very inquisitive.

Talents and hobbies

Alesa loves active rest. In winter, he can go to some ski resort, and in the summer I am pleased to go on a bike or rollers. Such a man loves to go on nature with tents, collect mushrooms and berries, hunt, fish.

It is believed that the winged phrase "case time - fun hour" belongs to the owner of this name. For the first time, these words pronounced and recorded Russian king Alexey Mikhailovich.

Alexey prefers active rest

Career and business

Alexey - Creative Nature. It will be best able to implement himself in professions related to art, manifestation of creativity:

  • actor;
  • producer;
  • writer;
  • artist;
  • designer;
  • architect;
  • musician.

Balance, calm, perseverance and thoughtfulness of the owner of this name can bring him success in business, as well as in medical, legal and diplomatic activities. Alexey does not particularly seek senior positions, but there will be no excessive pressure on the part of the authorities.

Alyosha can become an excellent actor, for example, as Alexey Buldakov

Such a man can clearly plan and organize a labor process. Official, patience and pedantry Alexei help him think over his own business to the smallest nuances and lead him to success. For the balanced nature and the justice of the carrier of such a name respect and appreciate subordinates.


In childhood, Lesha often transfers Orz, but with age, children's pain passes. Such a man should pay attention to food. People with this name often suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Love and marriage of Alexey

In women, Alexey appreciates sincerity and soulfulness. It is also important for the woman to be neat, economic and devotees. For their nature, he is monochleb. His choices for a long time and carefully chooses, but again and forever. Such a man needs to constantly feel love, warmth and care of the girl. Otherwise, the owner of this name turns into a suspicious grumble, which can cause a breaking of relationships. Treason will never forgive.

The spouse for Alexey is primarily a faithful friend who will always support and understand, and not a beautiful doll to demonstrate to friends and acquaintances. Therefore, an ideal wife for such a man is a calm, balanced and concerning woman with iron patience. His beloved should make a maximum of effort in order to enjoy the mother-in-law, otherwise the wedding may be questionable.

Alexey is important to constantly feel tenderness and care to beloved

Alyosha is confident that her husband and wife are a whole. The family is always in the first place for him. Usually he takes the side of the spouse (even if it is clearly incomprehensible). The owner of this name is trying to avoid scandals and disagreements from the chosen, tries to compromise. This attitude strengthens and unites their family. True, if a woman has pronounced leadership qualities, constant consent from Alexey can lead to divorce.

The attitude of a man to his wife and children is saturated with love and care. In his family, calm and harmony reigns, Alexey with trepidation and respect refers to his relatives. But his wife should be very sensitive, because the possessor of this name is inherent in vulnerability and syradiability. The second half of Aleshi is important to become a real keeper of a family hearth, creating comfort and comfort.

Table: Compatible with female names

NameCompatibility in LoveMarriage compatibilityFeatures of relationships
Tatyana90% 80% In this union, respect and love reigns. The main goal in life for both partners is to create a friendly and prosperous family.
Yulia80% 70% Creative union of freedom-loving and independent personalities. Their relationship over the years is strengthened, and feelings are becoming stronger and hot.
Elena90% 50% The impulsiveness and disapplusion of the woman gives a lot of reasons so that the man shows special attention to her and care. In this pair, Alexey is important to act as a real defender of his beloved.
Irina90% 70% These people unites the desire for change and adventures. They are happy to travel with pleasure, the economy is conducted and sometimes they work. Such a pair lacks only stability.
Anastasia100% 70% Union of people who live in their world incomprehensible to others. The format of their relationship is very different from the generally accepted norms. The pair is harmonious and stable, no matter what.
Olga80% 50% Conflicting relationships. Soft and timid Alexey practically cannot resist the powerful and volitional Olga, and therefore the scandals are very often in this pair.
Anna100% 80% In this union, the leader is a woman who intelligently uses his championship, and diplomatic and tactful Alyosha does not interfere with her. Harmonious relationship.
Catherine90% 70% Their relationship is usually built on a cold calculation. But if Alyosha and Katya really love and respect each other, they will be able to create a strong and happy family.
Natalia.90% 70% These people are peculiar to life, it helps bring a holiday on every day spent together. Alexey and Natalia have almost perfect sexual compatibility.
Maria100% 70% Union of two happy people who live with common interests and values. They develop together and travel. The cheerfulness of Alexey and Maria helps them survive all family difficulties easily.
Svetlana90% 70% For both partners, the main thing in the relationship is spiritual unity, which gives them peace of mind, peace and happiness. Financial issues in such a pair of quarrels never lead.
Victoria90% 70% Vika is not accustomed to save, she loves not to refuse themselves. Alyosha tries to use money wisely. Different temperaments of these people, as well as material instability in a pair, can destroy the relationship.
Ksenia90% 70% The basis of this union is tenderness and care. Wounded Alesh and Sensual Ksyusha seemed to dissolve each other. These are very harmonious and serene relationships.
Hope80% 70% Both partners in this union believe that the creation of a family is the main vocation of a person. They will not allow anyone to destroy their relationship. Alexey and Nadia will never be changed to each other, loyalty for them is the key to a happy couple.
Eugene.80% 70% A pair of emotional personalities who do not restrain their feelings, it may not affect the development of their relationship. Save the family they will only be able to learn to infer each other.
Daria60% 80% Soft and tender Dasha needs a strong and reliable partner, how Alexey is. For his beloved, he is ready on a lot, such a man will make a stable and happy family.
Sofia80% 70% A woman in this tandem really appreciates that her man is a man of business. But in their relationship, not everything is smooth, often Alexey cannot provide a favorite stability that so needs Sofia.

The value of each letter name

A - the start symbol, leadership, targeted activity. Physical and spiritual development.

L - gourmets and metropolots, connoisseurs of true beauty. Creative abilities and a thin artistic taste.

E - the tendency to independent judgment often becomes the cause of their loneliness. At the same time, they are very sociable, sometimes they can be too obsessive. So they are expressing.

To - maximalism, willpower, tactfulness and insight. Thanks to its sexuality and natural grace, very attractive to others.

C - strive for material well-being. Wealth for them is an opportunity to enjoy life. Common sense, but only a consumer nature. Wonderful workers. Sometimes too much require a partner.

Th - variability, gustiness, emotionality, temperament.

Seven letters in the name is a sign of conservatism and even stubbornness. Such men almost never forgive the offense, you should not spoil relations with them. It is believed that the sequence and accuracy should be in everything. Executive and accurate, can become true professionals of their business. They know the price and no one do not allow to wash themselves.

Table: name matching

A rockLapis lazuliSymbol of sincerity, friendliness and love. Lazurit gives joy, peace and consent to the family, helps to fulfill the desires to those who seek new achievements. It has such a stone and therapeutic properties: normalizes sleep, allergic reactions, skin diseases, nerve exhaustions are treated.
ColorGreenPeople who seek success and financial well-being, but material values \u200b\u200bare not the most important in life. Do not love crowded and noisy places, a picnic will choose a picnic in the circle of their relatives and loved ones. Easily adapt to change. Not afraid of difficulties, failures harde them and make it stronger.
Number5 These freedom-loving agents are difficult to resist in one place. They are all the time pulls on something new and unknown, to adventure. Friends who will gladly share their interests and hobbies, "fives" appreciate above all.
PlanetNeptuneTell show sympathy, to have care. These people often come up with their own world, where dreams and happiness are in the neighborhood with difficult tests and troubles. Such an attitude to life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.
ElementWaterExcellent intuition, make the right decisions, even without thinking. Always find a way out of any situation. Creative, sociable and talented personals. Occasionally can be peeled, jealousy and irritability.
AnimalElkSymbol of wisdom, restraint, generosity, peace and internal force. The mascot in the form of a figure of this animal contributes to solving various problems, strengthening hope in a bright future.
Zodiac signAquariusThese people appreciate loyalty, kindness and sincerity. They are reluctant to take some strangers to communicate. Do not suffer two and greedy people. They cannot be called pie, most of the income they spend on to create a comfortable and secure life for themselves and their family.
WoodPoplarLeaves of this tree with an external and inside have different colors. Therefore, in the east, the tree symbolizes the unity of the light and dark start. In Russia, poplar personified harmony, youth, beauty, independence and dreaminess.
PlantOmelaSymbolizes fertility, wealth, longevity, revival and strength. Helps restore peace and consent to family life. Omelo is not a tree, not a shrub, so it is not surprising that the plant is an personification of freedom from various restrictions and frameworks.
MetalCopperIt has magical properties, may drive evil spirits.
Favorable daySaturday

When Alexey was born

Winter Alexey has emotionality, stubbornness, perseverance. By virtue of his, the lava often turns out to be in unpleasant situations. He has a vigorous sense of justice, but it will not be proven to prove his right, so considers it above his dignity.

Spring Alyosha has indecisiveness, modesty, peacefulness and society. This often enjoy the surrounding people, since they are convinced that a man will not express his protest in open. It does not seek to take leadership positions, does not like to impose their own opinion to anyone.

Alexey, born in spring, peace-loving and sociable

Summer Alexey does not have a strong will, so he is very necessary support for relatives and friends. Approval of his actions or actions for such a man is of great importance. Excessive modesty and uncertainty interfere with fully realize themselves and embody their ideas.He is painfully experiencing any failures, close to heart takes criticism.

Alexey, who was born in the fall, confident man, knows how to defend his own opinion. Always speaks only in essence. His brevity, enterprise, reasonableness and calculation, supported by a living mind, contribute to the fact that it achieves success in its activities.

Table: Horoscope named

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA man who has some naivety. It easily finds a common language with people, but very quickly disappointed in them. Alexey-Aries is very independent, his freedom will not allow anyone to limit.
calfLiberation and independence are the main features of the nature of Alexey-Teltsa. He does not shift responsibility on others, prefers for all his actions to answer himself.
TwinsA romantic and dreamy man who lives in his own world, cut off from reality. He doesn't have a soft character, but the twins can not be called a weakly-speakers, because if necessary, he can firmly insisted on his.
CancerA man with conflicting character, which combines independence and some dependence on representatives of weak gender, activity and apathy, dreaminess and thoroughness. In its half, Alexey-Cancer appreciates the hardness of character and authority.
a lionAlexei-Lev egoism does not know the borders: he directs all his strength solely to achieve its own goals. The opinion of others does not care.
VirgoThis is a true wrestler, which nothing will stop before reaching the goal, and the more difficult task, the more persistent and persistent Alexey-Virgo will go to the desired result.
LibraRestrained, educated and smart Alexey-scales respect at work and at home, he has many devotees who appreciate him for responsiveness. He tries to hide their emotions and feelings, not only from others, but also from the most relatives and close people.
ScorpioA man who often can't understand himself. Naturally, and for others it is a real "dark horse", from which you can expect anything. Alexey-Scorpio - the owner and a very jealous spouse.
SagittariusThe true romantic, which is in constant search for real eternal love. Like all subtle personalities, he may have an attacks of melancholy. Loves Alyosha-Sagittarius sincerely and selflessly.
CapricornSociable, open and honest man who can be called a man of mood. He can have fun and tell the anecdotes at a party, and in a couple of minutes - just get into yourself. This is a very intractable and stubborn person, always achieves his.
AquariusSuch a man is distinguished by freedom and the point of view of other people will not listen. Alyosha-Aquarius got used to act exclusively in accordance with his desires, which could prevent him from build a career and create a family.
FishAlexey-Fish has perfectly developed intuition, he is a dreamer and a fantasist who constantly stays in search of the meaning of life. It is not surprising that his relationship with people is hard.

Famous people

Famous men with this name:

  • Alexey Mikhailovich - the second king of the Romanov dynasty;
  • Alexey Yagudin - Russian figure skater, honored master of sports of Russia, Olympic champion, four-fold world champion;
  • Alexey Apricosov - Soviet and American physicist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics;
  • Alexey Buldakov - Soviet and Russian actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Alexey Papin - Russian Boxer-Professional, Absolute Champion of the World Kickboxing;
  • Alexey Vorobyov is a Russian musician and actor, director, the ambassador of the UN Good Will, a representative of Russia at the Eurovision Contest in 2011;
  • Alexey Chumakov - Russian singer and musician, TV presenter, screenwriter Bulgarian-Armenian origin;
  • Alexey Navalny - Russian politician and public figure, lawyer;
  • Alexey Zavyalov - Russian actor of theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Alexey Kortnev - Soviet and Russian musician, actor, author-performer, soloist and leader of the group "Accident".

The poem with the name Alexey: "Ballada of Mother" Andrei Dementiev, "Leszynka, Leszynka" Agnia Barto.

Alexey Kortnev - Soviet and Russian musician Alexey Navalny - Russian politician Alexey Papin - Russian Boxer-Professional
Alexey Chumakov - Russian singer and musician Alexey Yagudin - Russian figure skater Alexei Apricos - Nobel Prize winner Alexey Mikhailovich - the second king of the Romanov dynasty

Alexei has a firm spirit and power of will. Such a man is compassionated, good nature, sensuality and fasciance. He is not inclined to show leadership qualities, but no offense will not give himself nor his beloved nor his family.

Winter Aleksey - This is an emotional, stubborn and persistent person, which, because of his nature, often gets into unpleasant stories. He has an exacerbid sense of justice, and there will be no his right thing to prove, believing that it is above his dignity.

Spring Aleksey It is indecisive, modest and impressionable, peacefully and non-conflict, which people around him use, knowing that he will not express her protest. Spring Alexey does not seek to be a leader, because he does not like to impose his opinion or society.

Summer Aleksey Does not have a strong will, so needs to be supported by loved ones and friends, it is extremely important for him to receive approval of their actions. Modesty and insecurity do not allow Summer Alexey to fully implement their ideas. In addition, he is seriously tolerance and criticism.

Autumn Alexey "This is a confident person who knows how to defend his ideas." He always says "essentially," his conciseness, initiative, practicality and rationality, supported by a living mind, contribute to the fact that it is successful on any chosen field.

Stone - Talisman

Alexei's talismans are lazurians, Yasma and Alexandrite.

Lapis lazuli

This is a symbol of sincerity, friendliness and love. Lazurites brings peace, joy and peace in family life, contributes to the execution of desires and plans, helping those who seek to achieve new vertices.

It has lapis and therapeutic properties: with its help you can normalize sleep, cure allergies, skin diseases, nervous depletion and rheumatism.


This mineral in the east symbolizes the life itself, its beauty and wealth.

It will also save the Jasham from evil rock, damage and various ailments (especially strongly opposes the negative effect of the black stone stone).

The Chinese believe that Jasper not only keeps the secrets of being, but also can develop a gift from its owner.

In Russia, Jasma (or "Tiger Stone") since ancient was a symbol of friendship and loyalty. In addition, it is believed that the amulet from this stone will save from unrequited love, and the world will bring the world and harmony.


This is a rather rare stone in Russia, which is the personification of sadness and loneliness (no wonder Alexandrite is called a "vdove stone").

In Europe, Alexandrit symbolizes in love and jealousy, while the inhabitants of Sri Lanka believe that this stone brings his owner to prosperity and prolongs life.

Alexandrite notifies its owner about future troubles and exposure to the evil strength of color change.


With flowers that bring good luck, are green, red and blue (more about the exposure of these flowers can be read in the article "The influence of the sign of the zodiac and the color name for a person's life").





Animal - symbol

Animal symbols of Alexey are elk and crab.


This animal symbolizes equilibrium, good, wisdom, nobility, calm and inner power.

Elk as a totem animal contributes to solving various problems and the appearance of hope for a bright future.


This is a symbol of tricks, cowardice, robust, pegs and unreliability. As you know, the crab in danger is buried in the sand, so people who patronize it is crustacean, prefer to leave the situation, and not to look out of it.


Plants, patronizing Alexey, is a mistletoe, poplar and lilac.


This plant is a symbol of fertility, wealth, longevity, rebirth and strength. I also contribute to the restoration of peace and consent in the family.

For the Celts and residents of Germany, this plant was sacred because it symbolized a certain divine substance, a panacea from all the troubles and immortality.

Interesting fact! The mistletoe is neither a tree, and neither a shrub, so it is not surprising that the plant is the personification of everything that does not have a clear definition (in more specifically, mistletoe is a symbol of freedom from various restrictions and frames).


This tree, the upper and lower leaves of which have different color, in the east symbolizes Yin and Yan, bright and dark start.

In Russia, the poplar personifies slimity, beauty, youth, independence and dreaminess. Also, this tree can symbolize narcissism and fear of aging.


This plant symbolizes tenderness, kindness, sensitivity, generosity and responsiveness.

However, not always Lilac was the personification of the positive traits of the character of a person. According to the Russian, take a white blooming lilac in the house - to widow.

The British also attribute negative properties to this fragrant plant: so, the love of lilac color and lilac in particular can lead to disappointment in love and loneliness.


Metals, patronizing Alexey are copper and bronze.


This metal has magical properties and is able to drive unclean power.

According to legend, Moses in the name of salvation of the Israeli people from poisonous snakes, whom the prophet himself enjoyed, made a snake out of copper, attached it to the T-shaped six and delivered the Israelis from attack.

However, life difficulties and misfortunes are associated in Russia with copper.


Bronze is an alloy of metals such as tin and copper, therefore, androgic properties are attributed to this metal (that is, the connection of opposite principles: chaos and harmony, active and passive).

In general, this metal symbolizes the success, strength, power, consistency, resistance.

Favorable day


The origin of the name Aleksey

Translation name

From the ancient Greek name Alexey translates as "defender" or "guarding".

History name

Alexey's name came to us from ancient Greece, where he sounded like Alex. The growth in the popularity of this name was observed in Russia after Christianity was taken. Canonical church form name - Alexy.

This name was the most popular among representatives of the royal family, commander, patriarchs, as well as boyars and nobles.

Forms (Analogs) name

The most used forms of name Alexey: Alesha, Aleshenka, Lech, Alekseyushka, Lesha, Leshenka, Leshik, Alekseyka, Alex, Aleja, Leka.

Legend of Alexey

There is a legend of Alexia by the man of God, born in the Roman pious and rich family and named after a voice called from the sky. Being a young man, Alexy strictly adhered to posts, distributed alms to those in need, and under the dear clothes I wore a wisenman (a long shirt from simple fabric). Even then he decided to devote his life to the ministry to God, but his parents vote a different fate to him, deciding to marry the Son.

However, Alexy went against the parent will and on the day of his wedding secretly left the father's house and went to Mesopotamia on the ship. In the city of Edessa, he sold all his belongings and distributed money to the poor, whereas he himself lived at the church for 17 years and asked the alms, which he was distributed. The Ponomar of the Church, in which Alexy lived, saw a vision in which the Mother of God pointed to Alexy and ordered it to enter him into the church. So Alexy became the honorable holy, who, in order to avoid fame, secretly left the monastery and recovered in Rome, where unrecognizable settled in the yard of his father, where he lived in prayer for another 17 years. The Lord informed him about the date of death, after which Alexy on the scroll outlined the story of his life, asking for forgiveness and the parents, and his bride. Only after the death of Alexia (from his scroll), parents found out that all these years the Son lived in close proximity.

Mystery named after Aleksey

Patrons name

  • Metropolitan Moscow, as well as all Russia Alexy.
  • Alexy man of God.
  • Prince Alexy (in the world is known as Alexander) Nevsky.
  • Ieria Alexy Bratsurmansky.
  • Bishop Alexy Vhyphic.
  • Restress Alexy Pechersky.
  • Martyr Alexy Constantinople.
  • Rev. Jeroshimona Alexy Zosimovsky (or Solovyov).
  • Sacred Martyr and Jeri Alexy (Prince).
  • The priest and the Järey Alexy (balls).
  • The priests and the Järey Alexy (Nikitsky).
  • The priests and the Järey Alexy (Nikolsky).
  • Sacred Martyr and Archpriest Alexy (Vinogradov).
  • Martyr Alexy (swirling).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Crotenkov).
  • Sacred Martyr and Jeri Alexy (Protopopov).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Lebedev).
  • Archpriest Alexy Moscow (Misewings).
  • The priests and the Järey Alexy (Skvortsov).
  • The priest and the Järey Alexy (introduced).
  • The priests and protodiacons of Alexy (Drozdov).
  • Passionoterer Tsarevich Alexy (Romanov).
  • Sacred Martyr and Archpriest Alexy (Znamensky).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Ilinsky).
  • Holy Martyr and Jeri Alexy (Krasnovsky).
  • Holy Martyr and Jeri Alexy (Troitsky).
  • Sacred Martyr and Archpriest Alexy (Sparrow).
  • The priest and the deacon of Alexy (Zverev).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Great Seller).
  • The priest and the Järey Alexy (Naumov).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Zinoviev).
  • Sacred Martyr and Archbishop Alexy (Belkovsky).
  • Sacred Martyr and Archpriest Alexy (Assumption).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Nikonov).
  • The priest and the Järey Alexy (Smirnov).
  • Holy Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Moskvin).
  • Sacred Martyr and Ieria Alexy (Siberian).
  • Sacred Martyr and Archpriest Alexy (Amanov).
  • Sacred Martyer and Archpriest Alexy (Christmas).

Angel Day (Name Day)

February: 17, 20, 25 and 28 numbers.

March: 8, 22, 28 and 30 numbers.

April: 5 and 18 numbers.

May: 4 and 7 numbers.

June: 2, 5, 20, 22 and 23 numbers.

July: 4, 6, 14 and 17 numbers.

August: 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 30 numbers.

September: 4, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 and 29 numbers.

October: 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 18, and 29 numbers.

November: 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23 and 27.

December: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 23 and 26 numbers.

Famous people

Famous poets named Alexey:

  • Alexey Plescheev;
  • Alexey Potekin;
  • Alexey Tolstoy;
  • Alexey Snezhin.

Famous directors and artists named Alexei:

  • Alexey Wild;
  • Alexey Popov;
  • Alexey Smirnov;
  • Alexey Batalov;
  • Alexey Herman;
  • Alexey Buldakov;
  • Alexey Saltykov;
  • Alexey Zharkov.

Famous musicians named Alexei:

  • Alexey Kortnev;
  • Alexey Chumakov.

Alexey Mikhailovich - Russian king, a leaving from the Romanov dynasty.

Alexey Arakcheev - Russian political and military leader.

Alexey Venetsianov - Famous Russian artist.

Alexey Leonov - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut.

Alexey Maresyev - The pilot and the legend of aviation times of World War II.

The meaning of Alexey

For a child

Little Alexey can with confidence to call the "mother son": Lesha is not shy to hug mom, kiss her or confess to her love. But it should not be thought that he grows with a raised egoist. On the contrary, Alexey considers himself a defender and a real assistant mom and grandmother, so any work in the house performs without priests.

Alexey in childhood is a few and closed, always speaks only essentially, at the same time peers always listen to his opinion. Moreover, Alyosha dislikes Boltunov and Bustunov, so there are no such friends. My ambitious sincere and direct boy prefers not to exhibit a deposit, for which they love and respected others.

In school, Alexey learns well, although it may be better, but his laziness prevents its knowledge and opportunities in full.

In general, Alyosha is a very fair and honest boy, however, his emotionality often prevents him from constructively argued and defend his opinion.

For a teenager

In adolescence, Alexey is still learning to manage his emotions, because of which it often gets into unpleasant situations. He is calm, benevolent, fair, prudence, but at the same time a bit. Friends and relatives know that it can always be rejected on it.

Among the negative traits of the character of Alesh, excessive stubbornness and perseverance can be called. He does not seek to be a leader, but will not tolerate, if it will not be listened to his "authoritative" opinion, although he himself will not be obeyed by someone else's will.

Alexey can be called a non-conflict person who tries to solve all problems in peace. In general, Alesha prefers not to get involved in various kinds of adventures and live solely with his mind.

For a man

Adult Alexey is a self-sufficient, balanced and confident man who responsibly belongs to the family and work. His words will never disagree with affairs, its actions are planned and recovered. Its goals are always achievable, but at the same time fundamental.

Charm, cheerfulness, openness, responsiveness, sociability and wonderful sense of humor help Alexey without much difficulty to join any company and arrange people to themselves. At work, he is a diligent and executive officer, at home - loving, caring and devoted husband, son and father, to which you can always come for advice.

A distinctive feature of Alexei - immense respect for parents. In addition, he really honors family traditions, on which a strong family is built.

Description of the name Aleksey


Alexey is a moral personality with an exacerbate sense of justice, but at the extreme necessity it is capable of acts of a dubious nature.


Little Alexey does not have strong health (susceptible to respiratory diseases). However, with age, he "develops" his childhood pain. The only thing to pay attention to Alesham is a diet, since people with this name often experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Alexey is valued in a woman, first of all, stateness and sincerity. Such qualities such as accuracy, business, home adhesiveness and loyalty are equally important. Alexey - Odnolyuba, so the chief chooses carefully, but at the same time forever. Never forgive betrayal.

It is extremely important for him to feel the love and care of their woman, otherwise Alyosha will become grievous and suspicious, which can lead to the breakdown of relations.


The wife for Alexey is not a beautiful doll, which can be demonstrated to friends and acquaintances, and first of all - a devotee, who will always understand and support. Therefore, it is not surprising that in his wife he chooses a calm, balanced and caring woman who has patience. Alexey's chosen must take into account the fact that he must like his future husband's mother, otherwise the wedding may not be.

Alexey believes that her husband and wife are a single whole, so always and in everything will support their soul mate, even if it is incomprehensible. But such an attitude to his wife can how to strengthen their marriage, and destroy it, especially if the wife has leadership qualities (Alexey can exchange the role of the head of the family for the role of "repeater").

Family relationships

Alex belongs to the category of people for whom the family is holy, so it tries to avoid quarrels and conflicts with his wife, which is concessions, but it is impossible to convince it in principle.

Alyosha with trepidation, love, respect, patience and concern applies to both his wife and to children who love very much. In his family, peace reigns, peace and harmony, but his wife should be very sensitive, because Alexey is injured and having heard. In addition, Lesch's wife should be able to create a comfort in the house, become a real custodian of a homely hearth.

His hardworking, conscientiousness, calm, generosity and federations are favorably affecting family life, which resembles a quiet marina in which there is no place to Buryam and Shkwal.


An curiosity of Alexei is sooner or later, relucting his natural modesty, making it liberated in sexual terms. In the period of sexual formation, he prefers mature and experienced partners, which should be affectionate and gentle.

In intimate relationships, sensual, attentive and passionate Alyosha is not an egoist, so, first of all, it tries to delight his partner.

For Alexey it is important to trust your chief, because by nature he is silent. Even in his youth prefers to have long sexual intercoms (he "chases" quality, not quantity).

Mind (intelligence)

Alexey has a critical mindset, he can synthesize information and find interesting solutions to the most difficult tasks. It has perfectly developed creative and intellectual abilities, which, in combination with insight, diligence and abatibility, helps Alechy to succeed in any field of activity.


Alexey is a creative nature, so the most comfortable will feel in the profession related to art (from the owners of this name will be excellent actors, directors, writers, artists, sculptors, musicians).

The balance of Alexey, his perseverance and thoughtfulness can come in handy in business, medicine, jurisprudence, as well as on a diplomatic field.

Alexei's managerial perspective does not greatly chooses, but also will not suffer from excessive pressure on the part of the authorities.


Alexey's diligence and patientity, his ability to clearly plan and organize the workforce contribute to the prosperity of its enterprise. He is pedantic and scrupulous, so his business is always thought out to the smallest detail. Subordinates respect Alexey for balanced temper and justice.


The main passion of Alexei is an active rest: in winter it skiing, in the summer - by bike. Often he leaves with tents per city, autumn and spring collects mushrooms and berries, and also hunts.

Type of character


Alexey is a balanced man, patient and friendly, but very wounded and impressionable, so if you do not want to lose your face in his face, then you should not openly criticize him, because any negative statements in his address he is experiencing extremely painful.

In the nature of Alesh, from early childhood, there is ambition, which in case of improper education can transform into egoism, vanity and narcissism.

Alive imagination Alexei often draws amazing paintings in which he acts as a super hero, saving peace, so when he faces the realities of life, in which he does not always have a place to herogery, can fall into depression (it is extremely important for Alexei to be necessary and in demand ).


Alexey is the owner of a well-developed intuition, which he always uses. Moreover, he is of great interest in magic and occult sciences.

Horoscope named after Aleksey

Alexey - Aries

This is an open and naive man who finds a common language with people quite easily, but often very quickly disappointed in them. Alexey-Aries is independent, so no one will allow anyone to limit his freedom. Despite its charm and incredible charm, it is not very romantic in relation to women, on the contrary, he belongs to them, rather consumer.

Alexey - Taurus

Freedom and independence - distinctive features of the character of Alexey-Teltsa. He does not like to shift responsibility on other people's shoulders, preferring for all his actions to respond solely independently. Alexey-Tauries idealizes his beloved, attributing to her non-existent qualities, in which he fell in love, so it often awaits disappointment on the love front.

Alexey - Gemini

This is a sentimental dreamer living in its special world torn off from modern realities. He has a soft character, while it is impossible to call it weakly, because if necessary, he can insist on his. Its negative qualities are quick-temperedness and intolerance to the disadvantages of others. Chief of his Alexey-Gemini chooses for a very long time and carefully, because he must trust her one hundred percent.

Alexey - Cancer

This is the owner of a controversial nature, which combines independence and dependence on women, energy and apathy, dreaminess and practicality.

In its elect, Alexey-Cancer appreciates the character and authority, because it prefers to obey, and not command.

Alexey - Lev.

The selfishness of Alexei-Lion does not know the borders: so, he directs all his strength exclusively to achieve its own goals, while the opinion of him is absolutely not interested. Women with Alexei-Lv is extremely difficult, since he is not used to making compromises and listen to his second half, which gives her chosen one more than he receives from him.

Alexey - Deva.

This is a true wrestler who will not stop neither for the sake of achieving the goal, and the one who is more likely to be, the most persistent will be preferably to seek her Alexey Virgo. He also loves to conquer women, while it is attracted to the mysterious and inaccessible representatives of the beautiful sex.

Alexey - Scales

Restrained, brought up, non-conflict and intelligent Alexey-scales enjoying respect at work and at home, he has many faithful friends who appreciate him for his responsiveness. He tries to hide their emotions and feelings not only from others, but also from the most relatives and loved ones, so women with Alexey-weights are not easy, because it is not always easy to understand.

Alexey - Scorpio

This is a man who often can not understand himself, therefore, for others, he is a real "dark horse" from which you do not know what to expect. Alexey-Scorpio - the owner and an incredibly jealous man (justice, we note that he knows his negative emotions to hide thoroughly). Women are extremely hard to get along with hot-tempered Alexei.

Alexey - Sagittarius

This man without a branch of conscience can be called a real romantic that is constantly being in search of perfect love. Like all romance, he is attached to melancholy. He loves sincerely and beless, and it is capable of keeping loyalty to a single woman throughout his life.

Alexey - Capricorn.

Sociable, open and sincere Alexei-Capricorn can be called a mood man: he can joke and ask the tone of a party, and a minute will clict in himself. This is a very stubborn and persistent person who always achieves his. Alexei-Capricorn's favorite woman must accept the fact that he is impossible to convince him.

Alexey - Aquarius

This is a freedom-loving person, not listening to the advice. Alexey-Aquarius got used to act exclusively in accordance with his desires, which prevents him from build and career, and family life. Most often, Alexey, born under this sign, remain bachelors.

Alexey - Fish

Alexei-Fish has perfectly developed intuition, he is a dreamer and a visionary who constantly stays in search of the meaning of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that his relationship with people is not easy. He is also not lucky with women, and all for the reason that Alexey fish ideals its chosen.

Aleksey's compatibility with female names

Alexey and Olga

This is a fairly controversial union in which quarrels often happen often, and all for the reason that a robust and soft Alexei is difficult to confront the volitional and powerful nature of Olga.

Alexey and Anna

Diplomatic and tactful Alesha griminally gives leadership in the family Anna, while the woman in this union can competently use his powers, thereby only strengthening the Union.

Alexey and Elena

This is a union in which Alexey can fully show himself as a defender, especially since the impulse and touching Elena will give his beloved a lot of reasons for manifestation of caress, care and love.

Alexey and Julia

The freedom and independence of both partners not only do not interfere, but also strengthen this creative union, love in which every day becomes only hot.
Julia - Name, Origin, Characteristics, Horoscope

Alexey and Anastasia

Stability and harmony are waiting for Alexei and Nastya, despite the fact that the format of their relationship does not always correspond to generally accepted standards.

Both live in some special and many incomprehensible world.

Alexey and Tatiana

The basis of this tandem is love and respect, while Tanya and Alyosha have common goals, the main of which is the creation of a friendly and prosperous family.

Alexey and Ekaterina

Alexey and Svetlana

In this pair there is no quarrel on a material basis, because for both more valuable is spiritual unity in which they find calm, peace and happiness.
Svetlana - meaning of name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Alexey and Kristina

Alexey and Diana

Emotionality, temperament and stubbornness reign in the relationship between Lesha and Diana. Despite this, these two are good together, they know how to put up with the shortcomings of each other, therefore, they can well be strong.

Alexey and Evgenia

This is a very emotional union, in which Alexey and Eugene are not accustomed to restrain their emotions and feelings, which can negatively affect their family life. Only going for concessions, these two will be able to save the family.

Alexey and Daria

Alexey and Valentina

Impulsive Valentine and balanced Alexei rarely get along, blame for various views on life and the opposite of temperaments. Save this union can only understand understanding.

Alexey and Lily

Lily is calm and restrained, whereas Alexey is an emotional person, subject to frequent and sharp change of mood. For this reason, it is not easy for them to find common points of contact that negatively affects the development of their relationship.

Alexey and Angelina

In this tandem, which does not differ in strength, Angelina tries to take on the functions of the head of the family, with which Alexey does not agree, which sooner or later leads to quarrels and unresolved contradictions.

Alexey and Sophia

Alexey is a man of business, and this quality of Sophia appreciates in a man above all. However, their tandem is not clouded, as a woman in it wants stability and certainty that a man is not always ready to provide.

Alexey and Larisa

For this pair, conflicts and quarrels are peculiar, but they rarely reach their apogee, because Lesha and Larisa are able to appreciate the relationship.

Moreover, they make every effort to ensure that their union flourishes.

Alexey and Lidia

This union is strong and stable, and all due to the fact that Alexey and Lidia are able to appreciate even minor everyday joy. In addition, they are beautiful sexual partners.

He is not very skillful in sexual games, but nevertheless easily wins. Alexey is wound, sensitive and careful in contact with the partners - mostly concerns the "summer" men. In general, he is curious, seeks to know all forms of sexual relationships, gain experience. He seriously trying to adapt to the partner, because of his modesty prefers women a little older, more experienced, but at the same time gentle and delicate. Suddenly, even for himself can show amazing abilities that make it free, liberated in sex. If it happens that at the first intimate proximity to the woman, he suffers defeat, it does not lead it to sexual stress, but only strengthens the desire to meet his partner, and the more successful this search is completed, the more confidence takes over Alexey in the field of sex.

Alexey Vladimirovich, born in August, - a thin, wounded nature. He can be very gentle with a woman who herself is gentle. Does not tolerate rudeness, not afraid of ridicule, but considers it a bad tone. Carefully preparing for an intimate meeting with a woman, does not regret the means to make a small holiday for it: flowers, sweets, delicacies are all for the lover. Women should not be dedicated that all this is done only for her, Alexey is equally attentive to all partners. He knows how to cover the table, loves beautiful dishes, exquisite atmosphere, muted light, good music. All this is important primarily for himself, but he hopes that they will like the partner. Prefers to deal with experienced partners, trying to get a maximum pleasure from sexual contact. He likes sophisticated caress, during which he may experience orgasm. With a partner of the Complex, which came to meet in intimate relations, will not meet for a long time. The best partner for him can be a woman born in January, sex about such a woman will be the most complete and with such a partner he does not want to part.

He does not like to often change the girlfriends, as Alexander, in this sense he is careful and indecisive. With intimate intimacy, it tries to choose such a position so that his partner experienced an orgasm, making it gently, very delicately and naturally. Enjoying love, he is in no hurry to finish the sexual intercourse. His behavior strengthens the excitement of the partner, her desire to extend the preliminary caress. "Winter" Alexey is trying to play a leading role in intimate relationships. He should not choose his wife to his wife, also born in winter, it will be a rather complicated union.

Alexey Dmitrievich, born in January, - in marriage outwardly, persistent. May argue on trifles, annoyed due to objections. It struggles for economic superiority over his wife and independence. Miscellaneous children are born.

Natalia Vladimirovna is suitable for successful marriage, Elena Andreevna, Bogdan Alekseevna, Hell Petrovna, Anna Mikhailovna, Oksana Mironovna, Darina Alekseevna, Vitaly Borisovna, Lyudmila Fedorovna, Valentina Sergeevna, Aza Leonidovna.

Zhanna Dmitrievna, Stanislav Nikolaevna, Tatiana Igorevna, Milena Yurevna, Elsa Arturovna, Yunna Rostislavovna, Ion Eduardovna, Ekaterina Felixna.

Everyone has familiar Lyokh and Alyoshi, and want to know what is common between them? In this article we will look at the name Alexey: the meaning of the name, the nature and fate of its owner.

Close-like Alexei can always rely on it, because he is for them - the main defender from all the troubles.

The name existed in Kievan Rus, then it sounded like Oles, Lexes, Ales.

Alexey's name comes from ancient Greek language.

The word "Aleksios" is translated as "Defender", and this is very symbolic, because Alexei is always supported and supporting for relatives and loved ones.

Immediately I remember the mighty, but good fabulous bogatyr Alyosha Popovich.

The old-Russian version of the name - Alexy - became popular a hundred years ago after the baptism of the second king from the Romanovsky dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich, and today after the Patriarch Alexy second.

Description of personality

Aleksey is inherent in many positive qualities. Here are the main one:

  • Among his advantages is the main thing - reliability. He becomes a defender still in early childhood;
  • He is inherent in a sharp sense of justice;
  • It is balanced and practical;
  • He is accompanied by harmony and peace. He does not accept any forms of hostility and often acts as a peacemaker. Although there are exceptions, if you need to fight for justice, then it will do it.
  • He is benevolent, calm and easily conquers the love of others;
  • Cheerfulness allows him to easily join any team.

Alexey is confident in herself, prefers to act as he thinks necessary, does not go beyond the crowd. If necessary, remains aside.

At first glance, many consider it soft and try to expose their influence, but in such cases it is impregnable and prefers to act according to its own principles. Although the individuals with a very strong character are able to influence it.

Negative traits

At the same time, he can actually have an excessive softness, sometimes reaching the weakness. Here the upbringing and atmosphere reigning in the family plays a huge role.

Scattered and lack of ambitious times do not give Alexey to self-realize, despite the fact that it has a huge domestic potential. When led by attention, he is important for anything to conquer him, which often ends with failure.

He is inherent in diligence, and he is trying to achieve perfection in all matters. Hardworking, and fulfills any work on conscience. Unfortunately, he is inherent and lazy, succumbing to the influence of which he is literally transformed, and absolutely not for the better.


Alexey are excellent interlocutors who are able to listen at any time. They can always find support, sympathy and understanding.


It will be solid in any profession, and with the help of this approach will always be able to become one of the best in his business.

The carriers of this name have developed intuition and good in creative professions.

Drafting and circumstance makes Alexei an excellent candidate to achieve success in the business world, as well as medicine. The desire to always seek justice will make it a good lawyer, judge and even a politician.

Routine work is not for Alexey. His intellect and creativity will allow him to succeed in other areas. His desire for perfection will be useful in sports.

Name speakers have developed intuition and good in creative professions. Ideal work should be exciting and have career growth prospects. If the work becomes uninteresting, it can easily change the scope of activity.

Name carriers often become a victim of people with unkind intentions, and they do not like to refuse people if they are asked about something. Therefore, they should avoid speculators, and in general, risks associated with risks.

Alexey does not seek to take leaders, although often it turns out there due to its diligence, responsibility and ability to find a common language with everyone. In this case, he becomes the magnificent head that can perfectly organize the work of the whole team. Colleagues are proud of Aleksey's achievements, are equal to him, constantly lead him as an example, everyone is respected.

Relations and family

From the young age, Alexey is in search of real love and affection. His chosen will be a woman neat and tidy, and capable of creating family comfort, because he appreciates these qualities most.

Always supported his wife if she happens to be discorded with others. In general, in serious issues prefers to do as it considers correct. But in the little things he is ready to give up his wife. He loves to do homemade deals, but if his spouse will ask something about something, then readily fulfills her request.

Not inclined to jealousy, but the betrayal does not forgive. Alexey is calm and caring, which makes it a great husband and father. He does not forget about the parents to which he is strongly tied, and this feeling is preserved by him until the oldest. Always cares about their relatives. This is especially true for children who may even assume that their father is drunk too much. For the material well-being of his wives and children will do everything in his power.

Falls in love for the first time quite late, considering such feelings too small, compared to what is happening in other areas of his life. But it will not miss true love. Having met my only one, he will not think to look at someone else.

It is hard to experience failures on the love front. The same who agrees to be with Alexey, he brings only happiness. Always faithful to his wife, and is waiting for her the same. Honesty and mutual understanding are extremely important to him. Perhaps will not be divorced with his wife if she change him, for example, for children. However, from now on, family life will cease to bring happiness.

Name Alexei It has ancient roots and comes from the Greek word "Alex", which translated into Russian means - "defend, protect". The name is often found to be fixed in Russia after the adoption of Christianity. It can be said in those days it was the most fashionable and popular among the kings, the commander, Patriarchs, Boyar and the Nobility.

And in our time it is quite widespread. The peak of the fertility of children who received the name Alexey came in 1974. His traditional canonical church form - Alexy. Russian Orthodox Church honors many saints with this name.

Alexey - character traits

As a child, Alexey is very tied to the mother, he literally afraid to miss it from the view. If, God forbid, my mother is offended, Aleshka will be furious to the offender, trying to fight with his little cams. He is directly and sincere, it does not know how to lie at all; The boy is a good and trying to obey the parents.

At school, Alexey does not strive for excellent students, although it is capable of more than it really is. If it were not for his laziness! Where much nicer to run with friends! Alyosha - Natura stubborn, persistent and emotional, especially felt during puberty, it often falls into various grinds.

Adult Alexey stands out in diligence, and it does not matter, for what business it takes. Returns deep respect for parents and family traditions throughout life. He is friendly and communicated, with ease finds a common language with any team, not to strive for power. It goes in life exactly, preferring to bypass the bodies side; Cool turns of fate, passion and unexpected decisions are not his element.

In a woman, Alexey values \u200b\u200bchiopliness, accuracy, no less important quality chosen qualities for him. He is a good father, a beautiful family man and a loving, faithful husband; He is inferior to his wife in trifles, but reserves the right to make serious decisions. The betrayal of his wife will affect him to the depths of the soul, and, most likely, Alexey will cease to trust the weak floor.

Alexey - Name Compatibility

For marriage, Alexey is perfectly suitable: Angelica, Alexey, Galina, Anna, Love, Larisa, Svetlana, Hope. Unsuccessful relationships may arise from Oksana, Yulya, Alina and Tamara.

Famous personalities with the name Alexey

The Sacred Martyr Alexy Konstantinople, A. Mikhailovich - Russian Tsar, A. Tolstoy, A. Pisemsky, A. Maresyev - the hero-pilot of the Soviet Union.

And, of course, a lot of celebrities wears this name in our rigorous age: A. Yagudin, A. Shattal, A. Gorbunov, A. Kortnev, A. Komashko, A. Vorobyov, etc.

Alexey - Interesting Facts about the name

- zodiac sign: Aquarius, scales;
- Planet: Neptune, Jupiter;
- Name colors: blue, light green;
- Plants - Totems: mistletoe, poplar, lilac
- animal totem: crab;
- Stone Talisman: Lazurit, Yashma, Alexandrit.


Polina 04/12/2016

Alekseev should not be betrayed, they will not be able to survive it until the end. In the soul, Alexey, subtle nature, very sensitive to rudeness and rudeness from loved ones. But on outsiders, may or not pay attention, or answer the same.

Irina 12.04.2016

Oh, these Alexey!))) They are very charming, on them, almost, it is impossible to be angry for a long time. Alexei do everything somehow ineffective, and even the naive such eyes will do))) because of this, they do not have to be overcome to seeking their goal.