Maintaining a register of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Typical form of the register of primary fire extinguishing equipment at the enterprise - a sample of filling and a form Journal of recording the technical condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment


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Article: 00818460
Year: 2020
Format: A4 (290x210 mm)
Binding: Paperback

Setting up a page block

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (Recommended 60 pages )

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Paper density: ?

48 g / sq.m- Thin inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody hue. Used for printing newspapers or similar products. Has a low density and, accordingly, not high wear resistance. The advantage of such paper is its low price.

65 g / sq.m- bleached paper. It is widely used for printing books, magazines, etc.

80 g / sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in consumer printers. The strength of such paper is significantly higher than the previous two types of paper. It is recommended to order magazines from such paper, for industries (dust, dirt), food units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace up, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for binding with a seal in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and bonding is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 buyers order lacing and stamping
And 7 out of 10 additionally order pagination


Page numbering starts from the title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located at the bottom corners of the magazine.


The magazine block is punched with two holes 6 mm in diameter, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, from the side of the spine in the middle of the magazine.


The lacing of the magazine is carried out with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secured with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

Cover customization

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Sewing and adhesive bonding ? Sewing stapling

(makes the binding more durable)

Sewing stapling in the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are bent, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Then this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with bumvinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a paper sheet. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the block spine for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Embossing the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely embossed on the cover, mainly gold foil is used (but also silver, blue, red are available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, the logo, any combination of letters, numbers and pictures.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can stamp it along with the name of the magazine

Number, lace up, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books" Receipt and expense book for accounting workbook forms and an insert in it and book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

More about paperback Soft cover- one of the most inexpensive and fast-producing binders.

The cover of the binding is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g / m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are stapled with a paper clip, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the stapling is carried out on a hot melt glue machine.

Due to the simplicity of execution and affordable prices, soft cover is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of cover.

Bonding method:



Cover color: white

Laminate cover: ?
Lamination- This is the covering of printed products with a film. Lamination will keep the attractive appearance of printed products for a long time and will reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out one-sided and two-sided lamination up to A1 format on special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users are aware of another valuable feature of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image "appears" colors become more contrasting and rich. The "develop" effect makes inexpensive laminated paper look like a luxury photo paper.

The register of primary fire extinguishing means is required to download free of charge, usually to those citizens who are interested in the safety of the property of the enterprise.

The sanitary norms of production require maintaining the document, and the fixation of the measures taken confirms the reliability of the company, the care for the personnel, the fulfillment of the assigned responsibility from the management.

Navigating the article

General information about the journal

A fire extinguisher maintenance log must be present at every enterprise, regardless of the direction of its functionality. Fire safety of employees, material resources is one of the conditions that must be present without fail when opening a company.

For this, rules are developed on how to prevent a fire, to localize the focus in any unforeseen situation.

In each organization, special areas are equipped with tools and objects, with their help the resulting fire will be extinguished. Before a group of firefighters arrives with professional equipment, the neutralization of hearths in a building, a factory production site, a warehouse is carried out with primary means, they must be at a special stand.

There they install:

  • several types, portable, mobile
  • sand box
  • fire-resistant fabric, felt felt, asbestos cloth
  • bucket, shovel, ax, hook, crowbar

All items must be kept in good condition, ready for full use. To do this, they inspect the tool, check the reliability and equipment of fire shields.

From the employees, a person responsible for the constituent items is appointed, indicated in the checklist and replacement of damaged equipment. Any fire is an exceptional case, it does not arise by itself, the perpetrators must be present, as well as the source of origin of the hearth. If this happened, the competent authorities will be sure to sort it out, and the records of the person responsible for the fire condition of the enterprise will be attracted to help.

Understanding legal provisions

The register of fire extinguishers, the rest of the inventory equipment, provides documentary evidence for the management of the presence of all conditions and requirements for compliance with fire safety at the enterprise.

In the regulatory rules, the equipment, the number of devices, their location, and methods of application are indicated. All these data should contain a journal in which all ongoing and planned activities are recorded.

The norms do not define strict requirements for maintaining papers, filling out the main sections. Fire inspectors do not ask for a special form, but its presence is mandatory, as well as prior approval from the inspection for supervision on the correct fixation and operation of fire extinguishing devices.

Who and how are instructed to fill out

By order, an employee is appointed responsible for safe activities at the enterprise, competent and responsible in the field of firefighting, he annually raises his qualifications in special training courses.

Now the fiscal authority for enterprises is the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and you should contact there if you encounter problems with maintaining the documentation that is presented during control checks. Papers, forms, sample forms, recommended for mandatory registration, are sold in specialized stores, they are available on sites, you only need the ability to download an acceptable form.

As soon as the form is purchased, it should be brought into proper form, laced up, and paginated.

The last sheet must be processed separately:

  • tie the protruding ends in a knot
  • glue a piece of tape on top
  • write number of pages
  • indicate the full name of the employee in charge
  • affix the seal of the enterprise or the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Firefighters control the correct design of the magazine, and the bound pages will exclude the possibility of forgery of unwanted sheets, for other, good reviews of checks. An employee can make comments in any form, describe the condition of the equipment, there are no strict restrictions for this:

  • The standard content in the log should list all available firefighting tools by inventory number. Items are numbered with ordinary dye, oil paint is suitable. The accounting document includes a record of the brand of equipment, the year of its production, purchase.
  • Visual inspection is also recorded; joints, nodes, welds are separately designated. If the time has come for recharging, they take and record the numbers shown by the pressure gauge, and then the readings and the date of charging.
  • It is necessary to indicate the weight of the device along with the position, the name of the inspector, the condition of the equipment. Since there are no clear requirements for the maintenance of this type of documents, an official can independently line up, delimit into columns and columns at his own discretion.
  • The header should be clearly renamed in each section so that any reviewer could easily read it. If an error is found, they write another phrase, carefully crossing out the first one, put their signature, then they are assured by the inspection.

It is imperative that the last page contains information about the manufacturer of fire extinguishers, their model, expiration dates and who controls the company. This organization must be licensed to carry out control activities.

Storage order, requirements for records

The documentation that is needed to be presented during regular inspection work should be kept in an accessible place, kept by the person responsible for the condition of the fire-fighting equipment.

The title page is designed with the name of the magazine and its purpose. As soon as it is completely filled, a new copy is opened, the used one is written off according to the act, and handed over to the archive, there it will be up to 40 years.

By filling out all the pages correctly, the inspector's claims will decrease, and the verification period will be shortened. The Fire Safety Inspectorate will verify the record with the actual state of inventory, equipment, items needed on the shield. Each malfunction is indicated in the log, with a separate written designation, as well as the time when the violation was corrected.

They are recorded with the signatures of the person responsible for the condition of the devices and the inspector performing the control. With the help of entries in the journal, they control the proper state of the tools, materials of their operation as a means of combating the primary sources of fire.

There is the following order:

  • indicate the serial number of the fire extinguisher
  • where is the device installed
  • filler, model according to the equipment passport
  • production date, start of operation
  • manufacturer

The table consists of graphs:

  • to indicate the dates of the performed technical inspection, charging the device
  • the appearance of the product, elements separately
  • fixture masses
  • parameters of pressure indicators in each case
  • condition of component parts
  • measures taken when malfunctions are detected

These are not bureaucratic, but effective measures that will help people in difficult situations. If a fire breaks out, and the fire extinguisher is inoperative, this will lead to irreparable consequences. The extinguished source in time will save human lives and material property. Fire safety rules are written on the experience of numerous disasters caused by fire.

What the responsible employee should know

After the announcement of the order on the appointment of a person responsible for the fire stand and safety, the employee starts his duties.

It is not easy to be responsible for the state of the enterprise, a person must have:

  • professional knowledge and skills
  • study thoroughly the TB rules
  • be able to draw up a magazine

An employee is appointed to the position after he has completed training courses on the fire-technical minimum, and will receive a certificate corresponding to the case. Although no one relieves the management of the responsibility for the serviceability of the devices, the presence of inventory on site. The order grants managerial authority regarding fire supervision at the enterprise to the employee.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment - in the photo:

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The fire extinguisher register is an important document that is checked by the fire department during fire inspections in small and large organizations. Unfortunately, the greatest demand for this document appeared after the tragedy in Kemerovo on March 25, 2018. It is very sad that the Russian "until the thunder breaks out" worked here.


In most companies, a fire extinguisher is the primary means of containment of emerging fires and fires. And they can happen unexpectedly, at any moment. And for documentary confirmation of the readiness to fight the fire, a register of fire extinguishers is drawn up. The document is needed to streamline information and control the acquisition, reloading and other nuances that relate to the storage and operation of equipment for fighting fire.

Who fills in

The head of the organization and the heads of departments of the company, if any, are directly responsible for the timely filling and maintenance of the journal. However, in practice, these employees have so many responsibilities that are urgent.

So almost any employee (with the appropriate education) can fill out the log and be responsible for fire safety in an organization. In this case, it is important for the manager to sign an order or order on the appointment of such a person from the employees of his organization, or he will have to fill out everything himself.

Journal elements

The document consists of a cover and separate sheets, which are called operational passports for each fire extinguisher. It is more convenient to place the magazine horizontally. It is usually printed on standard A4 sheets.

The name of the organization is indicated on the cover (above), in the middle - the name of the document itself. At the bottom right of the cover is the start date and the end date of the magazine. Moreover, the latter is indicated at the last check or when a new one is started. From the very beginning of filling out the document, the end date is rarely set. Thus, it is a document that may not have a specific end date on the date of the inspection.

Important! After the cover, separate operational passports of fire extinguishers are put into the magazine, which are listed on the balance sheet of the organization and are physically present in a specific division.

A separate sheet of the journal is presented in columns identical for all fire extinguishers, which should contain information on:

  • Manufacturer of the product. Here it is enough to indicate the name of the organization, but the indication of address data is also encouraged.
  • The number assigned to the fire extinguisher. Each of them has its own operational passport. Even if the rest of the information in them is the same, they will differ precisely in the assigned number.
  • Date of putting the fire extinguisher into operation.
  • His factory number. This data can be gleaned from the passport for each specific product. For example, MIG OP-4 (3) -AVCE.
  • Installation location. Here it is enough to indicate the number or name of the room, which actually contains the fire extinguisher.
  • Date of manufacture. This information is needed for timely replacement of content.
  • The type and brand of the product described.
  • Brand and concentration of charged OTV. In most cases, this is vexon.

All these items have separate lines, but they are not designed in the form of a table. The tabular part is at the end of the operational passport. It includes:

  • When and what kind of fire extinguisher maintenance was carried out. This can be an inspection during commissioning, replacement of contents, etc.
  • Appearance and condition of equipment nodes.
  • Mass. The object is weighed completely, including the filler.
  • If a pressure indicator is installed on the fire extinguisher, then the indicators on it.
  • If the equipment is mobile, what is the condition of the undercarriage? In the case of a stationary type of fire extinguishers, this column indicates the absence.
  • What measures have been taken to eliminate possible deficiencies.
  • Name, position and signature of the employee who is responsible in the organization for fire safety and the maintenance of equipment in working order.

One line should reveal the essence of one technological service. It may also contain information on recharging fire extinguishers. But it is better for this to have a special document for testing and recharging fire extinguishers, and put only links from it in the log book (in the column "Elimination of deficiencies").

How many fire extinguishers do you need

When initially equipping with fire extinguishing means, the manager must take into account the standards that were developed specifically to reduce the fire hazard in a particular organization. It is necessary to take into account the level of danger in a particular situation. Premises (all except for commercial buildings) are divided into levels: A, B, C, D and D. D - the lowest fire hazard. A - respectively, the highest.

The fire hazard level depends on:

  • Materials from which the structure was erected (as well as insulated, etc.)
  • Layout of the building, floor.
  • The presence or absence of explosive substances (even temporary).

The calculation of the number of fire extinguishers must be made based on the area of ​​the room or premises that are used by the organization. In most cases, one standard model fire extinguisher is enough for offices for no more than a dozen people. In this case, the fire extinguishers register will consist only of the cover and one passport of the fire-fighting equipment.

Types of fire extinguishers

The design of the fire extinguisher is also of paramount importance. Distinguish:

  • Air-foam machines. They are filled with foam.
  • Aquatic. Their filler is carbon dioxide.
  • Gas fire extinguishers. They are filled with freon at the factory.
  • Powder.
  • Mixed type.

Moreover, there are portable models, whose maximum weight is 20 kg, and there are mobile ones, with a powerful chassis. Their weight can reach 4 centners. According to the regulations, the maximum distance that a fire extinguisher can separate from the likely fire source is 20 meters. Accordingly, there is 40 meters between the two places for placing fire safety equipment. The scheme of placement norms with the taken into account the type of equipment is placed in the first appendix to PPR No. 390.


Anyone who fills out the register of fire extinguishers must undergo fire-prevention training without fail. This can be done in a specialized institution or in the organization itself, if there is a fire safety instructor. This is called minimum firefighting courses.

Before commissioning, all fire extinguishers must be checked in accordance with paragraph 4.3.5 of SP 9.13130.2009.

Fire extinguishers should not interfere with the possible evacuation of people from the premises. They should also not interfere with the technological processes taking place in the enterprise. Their close location with heating devices is unacceptable.

Primary extinguishing media must always have their own passport. From the latter, it is better to take information about the brand, type of fire extinguisher and its other technical characteristics and transfer it to the fire extinguishers log book.

Is it obligatory to have such a form

The register of fire extinguishers, in accordance with the existing legislation (specifically - paragraph 478 of the Fire Regulations, adopted by the Government Decree No. 390 dated April 25, 2012), can be drawn up in a free (arbitrary) form. However, the laws clearly state the requirements that he must comply with. The form available for download contains just everything that is needed to comply with these requirements: the details of the organization, the timing of inspections of each fire extinguisher, etc.

Thus, despite the fact that the given form is not unified, its use will be optimal in any of the organizations, since it contains and spelled out all the fundamentally important points to which inspections from controlling organizations pay attention during inspections.

Fire extinguisher installation algorithm

After the responsible manager acquires a primary fire extinguishing agent in the form of a fire extinguisher, he must conduct its initial inspection, describe it in the fire extinguishers log book, and then install it.

Initial examination includes:

  • Removal of indicators of the manometer (if any).
  • External examination for damage, chips and other defects.
  • Evaluation of the condition of the outer coating of the cylinder.
  • Control over the legibility of the text in the instructions attached to the equipment.
  • Close visual inspection of the spray gun, nuts and other items for damage.
  • Tracking the mass of the balloon filler (if possible).
  • Inspection of the integrity of the seal, the presence of a factory mark on the product.

It is important to keep in mind that the equipment to be purchased for extinguishing fires must correspond to the area of ​​the premises of the enterprise, their specifics of work, and volumes.


During its existence, each fire extinguisher must first pass an inspection for commissioning, then three types of checks await it:

  • Full. Usually carried out on the initiative of the head, by a separate order.
  • Planned annual. External examination, inspection of hikes, check for possible leaks, remove products with a low pressure indicator in the cylinders or with an expired fifth service life. Sometimes, if necessary, selective opening of powder products (at least 3% of the total amount) is carried out for the condition of the filters, the composition of the OT (dispersity, the presence of lumps and the ability to destroy them, moisture content, flowability). If the requirements for these parameters are not met, then the entire batch of fire extinguishers for this period is changed throughout the enterprise.
  • Planned quarterly. They are relevant only for large industrial enterprises or organizations whose premises have a fire hazard class A or B. There is nothing serious here: external inspection, inspection of the installation site.

An important point! The date of the last check is noted not only in the log, but also on the fire extinguisher itself.

For this, tags are attached to them. If the equipment is carbon dioxide or powder, then, in addition to this information, the tag should contain the mass of the charge and the cylinder. Each equipment must be accompanied by an instruction manual. She will tell you which of the fire extinguishers needs to be checked. For example, the service life of OPAN-50M fire extinguishers is 10 years. But that doesn't mean they don't need to be checked every year.


In order for the internal contents of the equipment to always be in order and the correct information was always listed in the fire extinguisher register, fire extinguishers must be periodically recharged. A separate document is even started about this - a log of tests and recharging of fire extinguishers.

The duration of this recharge will depend on the type of substance filling the device. For water fire extinguishers, the recharge rate is once every 1 year, as well as for foam ones. Even if water with specialized additives is used, this rule always applies.

Recharging fire-fighting equipment is quite troublesome every year. If the manager (or the person responsible for fire safety) is not satisfied with this situation, then it is necessary to purchase carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguishers or equipment with freon for the safety of their premises.

In these three cases, fire extinguishers will have to be recharged no more than once every 5 years. However, it is necessary to monitor their condition and make notes on inspections in the log book of fire extinguishers at the same frequency - once a year.

One of the frequently identified violations of fire safety requirements is the lack of accounting for primary fire extinguishing equipment. What is such a record for and how to keep it I will tell you in this article.

Let's start with the requirement of the Fire Regime Rules in the Russian Federation, which determines the availability of accounting for primary fire extinguishing equipment, namely, from paragraph 478 of these rules. The requirement is stated as follows "Accounting for the availability, inspection frequency and recharge time of fire extinguishers, as well as other primary fire extinguishing equipment is kept in a special log of free form."

Now let's turn to the set of rules ", namely to paragraph 4.1.33" Records of checking the presence and condition of fire extinguishers should be kept in the log in the recommended form (Appendix D). "

From the foregoing it follows that accounting for primary fire extinguishing means is needed to establish control over their technical condition.

Such control is expressed in periodic inspections with the reflection in the log book of marks and dates:

  • availability checks;
  • periodic inspections and their results;
  • recharging fire extinguishers.

As you can see, the requirements in different documents are not identical. Let's deal with the magazine.

So what kind of "free" or "recommended" form should it be?

If we take into account that the recommended form is recommended, and not mandatory, then it follows that the fire extinguishers register can be of arbitrary form, and maybe in the form of an application to the set of rules 9.13130. The first and second options are correct.

Where does it begin

Each primary fire extinguishing agent must have a number, by the way, this is logical if there are several of them and they are of the same type. It makes no sense to keep records of one fire extinguisher, since all credentials are indicated in the passport for the fire extinguisher. The numbers affixed on the primary fire extinguishing equipment may coincide with the inventory numbers.

Based on the number of types of primary fire extinguishing equipment, the Register of primary fire extinguishing equipment will have a corresponding number of sections.

Fire equipment

Since firefighting equipment is most often placed on, it is more convenient to record them in accordance with the number of the fire shield and its type.

For example: No. 1-1, where the first digit is the number of fire equipment on the fire shield, and the second digit is the number of the fire shield.

To account for fire shields, the following items are needed:

  • serial number;
  • location;
  • type of fire shield.

Single fire equipment can be counted by serial number, type of equipment and location.

Fire equipment
N / a View Location
1-1 Scrap SCHP-A No. 1
2-1 Hook SCHP-A No. 1
3-1 Bucket SCHP-A No. 1
4-1 Bucket SCHP-A No. 1
5-1 Bayonet shovel SCHP-A No. 1
6-1 Soviet shovel SCHP-A No. 1
7-1 Water tank 200 l SCHP-A No. 1
8 Hand pump Gas station, st. Parkovaya, 2A
9-2 Scrap SCHP-V No. 2
10-2 Bucket SCHP-V No. 2
11-2 Cover SCHP-V No. 2
12-2 Bayonet shovel SCHP-V No. 2
13-2 Soviet shovel SCHP-V No. 2
14-2 Sand box 0.5 m 3 SCHP-V No. 2
15-2 Asbestos cloth SCHP-V No. 2

Fire blankets (canvas or felt)

Two positions are enough for accounting:

  • serial number;
  • location.

Fire hydrants

For accounting of fire hydrants, you can use the form of a journal that does not provide for the registration of periodic inspections, tests and maintenance, since the results of such inspections should be reflected in acts.

Fire hydrants
N / a PC location Water consumption (required), l / s Equipment
PC-1 1 x 2.5 barrel, sleeve
PC-2 Building st. Summer, 6, first floor 1 x 2.5 barrel, sleeve
PC-3 1 x 2.5 barrel, sleeve
PC-4 Building st. Summer, 6, second floor 1 x 2.5 barrel, sleeve
PC-5 1 x 2.5 barrel, sleeve
PC-6 Building st. Summer, 6, third floor 1 x 2.5 barrel, sleeve

Fire extinguishers

The magazine consists of two parts:

  • operational passport for a fire extinguisher,
  • maintenance results.

If you fill them in, you get the following:

Service passport

  1. Number assigned to the fire extinguisher 1
  2. Date of putting the fire extinguisher into operation 01.09.2016
  3. Fire extinguisher installation location Building st. Gogol, 61, pom. 21
  4. Fire extinguisher type and brand OU-5-ALL
  5. Fire extinguisher manufacturer LLC Yarpozhinvest, Yaroslavl
  6. Factory number 143138
  7. Fire extinguisher production date 10.11.2010
  8. Brand (concentration) of charged OTV CO 2

Maintenance results

Date and type of maintenance performed

The appearance and condition of the units of the fire extinguisher

The total mass of the fire extinguisher

Pressure (if equipped with a pressure indicator) or weight of the gas cylinder

Condition of the undercarriage of a mobile fire extinguisher

Measures taken to eliminate the noted deficiencies

24.01.2011 first weigh-in satisfactory 16.00 kg head warehouse Ivanov I.I. Xxx
06.11.2011 weighing satisfactory 16.00 kg
08.11.2012 weighing satisfactory 16.00 kg
10/30/2013 weighing satisfactory 15.97 kg (-30g)
11/06/2014 weighing damage to the paint of the case 15.93 kg (-40g) take into account and eliminate during maintenance
09/05/2015 recharging TO satisfactory 16.00 kg
11/05/2016 weighing satisfactory 15.99 kg (-10g)

The given operational passport for a fire extinguisher, in principle, is not needed as such, since we need to keep records in a journal, especially since there is already a passport for a fire extinguisher, it is attached to each fire extinguisher upon purchase.

The easiest way is to separate the accounting of fire extinguishers and the accounting of their maintenance. It should also be remembered that, in addition to accounting for the maintenance of fire extinguishers, we are obliged to keep records of inspections in accordance with the Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to have two journals: a fire extinguishers log and a fire extinguisher maintenance and inspection log. Otherwise, if you follow the recommended form, you will end up with one magazine for one fire extinguisher, which is not advisable with a large number of fire extinguishers.

First log book

As you probably noticed, we used the positions of the recommended form of the operational passport, but not all. This is done on purpose, since such information as “Date of putting the fire extinguisher into operation”, “Manufacturer of the fire extinguisher”, “Serial number” and “Brand (concentration) of charged OTV” you will not need when using the fire extinguisher. These are just reference data, including most of which are reflected in the factory passport of the fire extinguisher that you already have.

Second log book

Date TO Fire extinguisher no. Type of maintenance Fire extinguisher maintenance results
Full mass

Gas cylinder pressure or mass

Identified deficiencies

A note on the elimination of previously identified deficiencies

Position, surname, initials and signature of the person in charge

24.01.2011 1 first weighing and inspection 16.00 kg head warehouse Ivanov I.I.
24.04.2011 1 quarterly inspection
22.07.2011 1 quarterly inspection not suspended fixed on July 22, 2011
06.11.2011 1 16.00 kg
21.01.2012 1 quarterly inspection
16.04.2012 1 quarterly inspection
20.07.2012 1 quarterly inspection
08.11.2012 1 annual weighing and inspection 16.00 kg
19.01.2013 1 quarterly inspection
04.04.2013 1 quarterly inspection
16.07.2013 1 quarterly inspection
30.10.2013 1 annual weighing and inspection 15.97 kg (-30g)
16.01.2014 1 quarterly inspection
17.04.2014 1 quarterly inspection
22.07.2014 1 quarterly inspection
06.11.2014 1 annual weighing and inspection 15.93 kg (-40g) damage to the paint of the case fixed 09/05/2015
23.01.2015 1 quarterly inspection damage to the paint of the case fixed 09/05/2015
26.04.2015 1 quarterly inspection damage to the paint of the case fixed 09/05/2015
10.07.2015 1 quarterly inspection damage to the paint of the case fixed 09/05/2015
05.09.2015 1 recharge TO 16.00 kg damage to the paint of the case fixed 09/05/2015
16.01.2016 1 quarterly inspection
28.04.2016 1 quarterly inspection
29.06.2016 2 first inspection 1.4 MPa
29.06.2016 3 first inspection 1.4 MPa
15.07.2016 1 quarterly inspection
05.11.2016 1 annual weighing and inspection 15.99 kg (-10g)
05.11.2016 2 quarterly inspection 1.4 MPa
05.11.2016 3 quarterly inspection 1.4 MPa

Filling out such a journal form is somewhat easier than the recommended form and allows you to enter information about all fire extinguishers in one journal.

By button DOWNLOAD this article is available in the format of a document with tables.

A fire occurs for a variety of reasons. This is mainly the careless handling of fire. Any fire can be quickly neutralized if there are any on the territory of a building, factory, warehouse or open area. Even before the arrival of firefighters, they can be used to prevent the fire from spreading.

According to the fire safety regulations should include the following:

The responsible person should check and record the serviceability of all equipment. There are fire safety rules for any residential, industrial or office building.

They are necessary to check the installation and operation of fire extinguishing equipment. To account for this information, the rules provide for the maintenance of a special journal.

Documentation rules

The log of the report on the content of primary fire extinguishing equipment is a document that reflects the history of the operation of these devices.

The head of the enterprise, by order, appoints a person responsible for fire safety. This person agrees on the form and method of filling out the magazine with government agencies. Most often it is a division of the Ministry of Emergencies. Together with the inspector, the rules for checking the journal are being developed. The person responsible for fire safety must undergo appropriate training at least once a year.

The magazine can be purchased from specialist technical book stores or printed. It needs to be prepared before filling. For this, the pages are laced and numbered.

On the last sheet, the lace is tied and fixed with adhesive paper, on which the number of sheets, position and name of the person in charge are written and the organization is stamped. If necessary, the magazine is printed in the regional department of the Ministry of Emergencies. All of these measures serve to ensure that the sheets are not torn out or replaced. The fire department should oversee the keeping of the log.

Fire safety rules do not establish the criterion for making entries in the log for monitoring the state of primary fire extinguishing equipment, therefore it is kept in an arbitrary form. According to the standard filling, the serial numbers of the devices are first entered into the log.

The numbers themselves are applied with indelible paint. Then the name of the fire extinguishing means, including the brand and date of issue. The third entry is made about the appearance, condition of joints, nodes and welds. If the device needs recharging, during the initial inspection, the pressure data is entered from the manometer. The next column indicates the date when the extinguisher was recharged. The weight of the instrument is recorded near the installation site. The last column contains the position, full name and contact phone number of the responsible and checking person.

To start filling out the magazine, you first need to study the factory passport of the device. It contains the main technical characteristics - brand, type, model, release date, weight, type of filler. All other data will appear on subsequent checks.

Considering that there are no special rules for filling out the journal, the columns can be swapped, as well as supplemented with new ones, if necessary. Write-off of fire extinguishing equipment, due to the expiration date or malfunction, is also entered into the primary fire extinguishing equipment log book.

The journal entries must be kept carefully. If a mistake is made, the recording should start on a new line. Cross out the old one and sign the fill. Corrections are certified by an EMERCOM inspector.

At the end of the journal, information is written about the fire extinguishing equipment manufacturer, the operating organization that installed them and the inspection authorities. According to fire safety regulations, the controlling party must be licensed accordingly.

Storage methods

The register of primary fire extinguishing equipment is kept by the responsible person. The title page should contain the title of the journal and the inventory number. After graduation, you must make an appropriate entry and submit it to the archive. The shelf life should not be less than 40 years.

Correct filling of the log will reduce the time of inspections by the fire service. The inspector must definitely check the coincidence of the log numbers of the devices with the actual... Malfunctions revealed during the check are immediately eliminated, a record of this is made in the log. All journal entries must be certified by the signatures of two people - the person responsible for operation and the inspector.

The register for monitoring the state of primary fire extinguishing equipment is a means of monitoring the operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment. This is necessary so that during a fire all devices and materials are in place and help people in the fight against fire. If you pay it off on time, it can save not only property, but also human lives.