How to remove links in a bicycle chain. How to shorten your bike chain at home

A number of factors lead to wear on the axles, the so-called pins, of the bicycle chain. Firstly, deposits in the form of old oil accumulate between the structural elements, on which dust and small impurities adhere. In addition, stretching can cause undue stress on the chain when climbing steep climbs on the bike. Another reason is the end of the chain's service life, the destruction of its elements as a result of impacts, metal corrosion. To avoid discomfort while using the bike, you need to figure out how to shorten the chain on the bike.

Before figuring out whether it is possible to shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands, you need to find out how long it should have for comfortable movement.
To understand this issue, it is enough to throw the chain onto the largest stars both in the area of ​​the rear and front chassis of the bike. Next, you need to open one of the links. Finally, tighten the chain as much as possible. It is enough to add a couple of centimeters to the resulting length so that the chain is not overstressed during driving.

Preparation for dismantling

To make it easier to work with the chain, it is worth cleaning it first. The easiest way is to wipe it with a regular piece of material soaked in kerosene. You can also use a special wash, such as AB-80 or WD-40.



Ride lovers.
75; In use, the bike chain "sags". As a result, it has to be shortened. Also, the reason for the sagging can be a change in the set of stars.

To shortly &.
9; and pedo chain

For this:

  • put the largest stars in front and behind
  • we take and do the opening of the link (one)
  • we stretch the chain to the maximum until the caliper is horizontal.

  • now we attach several links. All correct bike chain lengths have been received.

The circuit for shortening the chain looks like this:


big chainring in plastic protection What is the protection of the chainring of the bike for?

Removing unnecessary links

We connect

We reduce the chain and a.
7; m pin in the link released in p. No. 2.

Some people prefer to remove the chain - in this case, before connecting, you should check if it is threaded into the switches.

Chain components

Before we talk about how to remove the chain, it is necessary that you understand what is at stake. For this, below, we will give an explanatory picture with the constituent elements.

We clean the chain before removing

We put the chain on the middle stars (for example, 2 - 5). We take an old dirty rag. Wrap the chain around and pedal back. It will not be possible to achieve perfect cleaning, because part of the oil and dirt is on the stars and when rotating it again adheres to the chain. Therefore, we stop pedaling and clear a small gap (10-20 cm) between the stars. This is where we will disconnect the bike chain.

Squeeze out a pin with a squeeze

I use the cheapest squeeze chain (about $ 4) and it does the job just fine.

We insert the link into the grooves (as in the picture), tighten it with a clamping bolt (it has a spring-loaded rod in the middle, where the pin will come out) and squeeze out the pin. Care must be taken to ensure that the release rod is firmly in the pin. Do not rush and in case of failure, you should correct the chain and repeat the procedure.

After you have set everything correctly, we begin to gently rotate the handle clockwise. If you do not need to dismantle the link, but simply need to disconnect the chain, then the pin should not be squeezed out completely. Initially, there will be a tight move, then a little easier, and in the end again a tight one. At the last stage, you should slow down and act carefully so as not to squeeze out the pin completely (it will be problematic to insert it back). You can safely remove the squeeze and see how much more you need to rotate the handle.

After that, we disconnect the chain (it should be remembered that the chain is under tension, and so that it does not fly away and does not scratch your bicycle feathers, you should hold it).

Cleaning the chain, chainrings and chainrings

After you have removed the chain, you can safely apply it to various water procedures. If soap solution is used (this also includes other detergents / cleaning agents), after cleaning, it should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water. At the end of the cleaning stage, we send it for drying. There are no special problems with cleaning the stars either. Please note the following, if your bike has disc brakes, then the disc must first be removed from the wheel so that oil and dirt do not fly onto it when cleaning the cassette (if you do not do this, you will also have to degrease the brake disc). We rinse everything with clean water and wait until it dries.

We put the chain back

We pass the chain between the rollers of the rear derailleur and do not forget about the frame of the front derailleur. In the picture we will show how the bicycle chain should be positioned.

We insert the links into each other (if at the stage of disconnection everything was done correctly, then the chain should hold).

After that, we inspect the junction. The pin should protrude evenly on both sides of the chain. We check the link, it should move without any effort (like everyone else). After that, all that remains is to lubricate the chain and enjoy cycling.


Internet experts and connoisseurs of Soviet tales usually recommend a nail and a stone, but progress does not stand still and it is better to purchase a chain squeeze (chaintool) - a simple tool that resembles a child's vice without a bed, which can be purchased for 500-1000 rubles.

It makes sense to keep the squeeze in a backpack only during difficult multi-day hikes, usually this is a workshop tool, so when choosing, you should not pay attention to light versions and squeezes in multitools - they are usually unreliable and are thrown away after 5-10 uses.

If there is no squeeze nearby, a hammer, a couple of nuts and a nail will help, but more on that later.


Let's consider how to shorten the Gall bike chain (this is what is used on 95-99% of all modern bicycles).


  1. Install the squeeze so that its core is exactly in the center of the pin (roller).
  2. Smoothly rotate the squeeze handle until the roller comes out to the level of the second inner plate.
  3. Disconnect the link without removing the pin to the end.

Removing unnecessary links

  1. We fix the required length and determine the pin for squeezing, taking into account that the released link plates coincide with the plates of the already squeezed one.
  2. We repeat the sequence from item # 1, completely squeezing out the roller.

We connect

We reduce the chain and carefully, having centered the squeeze at the start and controlling the process every 0.2-0.3 mm, we press the pin into the link released in p. No. 2.
Some people prefer to remove the chain - in this case, before connecting, you should check if it is threaded into the switches.

We check the performance

  1. The pressed-in roller itself. If there are squeaks or problems with mobility on the link, set the plates in place, bending the chain along the plane of the link until the clicks stop, there is enough hand strength, no tool is required.
  2. The whole shortened chain. We try to make a few turns on the smallest stars - if there are problems, it will be noticeable right away.

For a chain of a repeating type (half-link, with one pair of repeating plates), the process is simplified, there is no need to choose a pairing. You can shorten the chain of lightweight models and some sports options only with a specialized tool, and the procedure for shortening is described in the proprietary documentation.

Features of work in the absence of squeeze

Lack of squeeze is not a problem either. Instead of squeezing, a pin is enough - a nail, a drill, a dowel, slightly smaller than a roller in diameter, and a hammer with which this pin will knock out the pin. The main thing is the accuracy of the actions, it is important that the blows do not bend the link plates - for this, a nut or other amplifier is laid under the chain and inside the link.

If shortening without squeezing will be done for the first time, it is recommended to practice on an unused link, since the work will require skill. In addition, without squeezing the chain, in any case, you will have to remove the chain from the bike, since you will need a solid support.

The working resource of the singlespeed chain mechanism is designed for the entire life of the bike. The bicycle chain runs smoothly, without deviating. The situation is somewhat more complicated with the bikes, designed for several speeds. The load on the chain mechanism is greater in relation to parallel gears, since the bike chain is angled with respect to the bike frame. Compared to parallel transmission, the impact on the links is several times greater. To avoid damage to the entire transmission mechanism, the chain must be timely replaced.

Do not think that you cannot remove the bike chain from a single speed bike. It is removed in order to be cleaned or repaired.

When do you need to remove the chain from the bike?

Let's figure out how to know if the chain assembly of a multi-speed bike is faulty. You can estimate the mileage of a two-wheeler, but other factors also affect the health of the cycle.

  • Correct selection of gears;
  • The quality of the roads;
  • Riding speed.

The appearance of suspicious sounds (provided that the lubrication is in order) and difficulty with shifting gears are the first signs of a malfunctioning chain assembly. The simplest way to assess the health of the links is as follows:

  • Peel back the bike chain from the largest sprocket;
  • If it leaves freely from 3 or more teeth, then the bicycle chain must be replaced. Two prongs are a kind of warning. You can still travel for some time, but it will have to be removed soon.

The same method works for single speed bicycles as well.

An informative method is measuring the length of the bike chain.

  • 30.5 cm is the best length;
  • 30.6-30.8 cm - medium wear, high maintainability;
  • More than 30.8 cm - the links and sprockets are badly worn. The entire transmission is damaged.

To correctly measure the relative elongation, the chain must be completely removed from the bike.

Types of bike chains

Consider the 2 main types of bike chains:

  • Lock;
  • Solid.

Its peculiarity is that it has a special clamping device. Removing one from the stars, as well as putting it back on, is not difficult. To do this, you just need to disconnect the lock.

You can locate the detachable link by visual inspection. If the links are clean, finding the connector is easy. As a rule, the manufacturer's brand is stamped on the connector.


It is impossible to completely remove such a cycle. If you remove it completely from the sprockets, it simply hangs on the frame. Of course, compared to the version equipped with a lock, the solid construction is less convenient. However, there are also advantages. The lock can loosen, the connecting plier can be lost. The links are disengaged. There are no such problems with a continuous chain. If it breaks, then this is exclusively a quality cost.

This is not difficult. Follow the algorithm.

  • Pry the clip with a screwdriver or knitting needle. In this case, it is important not to break the clamp, since it will not be possible to connect everything back without it;
  • Disengage the link.

Now you can freely remove the bike chain and perform the necessary manipulations over it: shorten, clean or, if it is hopelessly damaged, throw it away.

To disconnect a solid structure, you will need a special tool called a squeeze. Using this device will allow you to remove the link without damaging it. The algorithm is as follows.

  • Select the link to be disassembled;
  • Place the bicycle chain in the position for pressing out and pressing in the link axle, or pin;
  • Tighten the screw and pull the axle out towards you.

You do not need to completely pull out the pin, as it will not be easy to insert it back into place. Manipulations with squeezing loosen the axis somewhat. Select another link to re-decouple. Press in the axle in reverse order.

  • Connect adjacent links together;
  • Press in the pin with the screw.

Bicycle chain repair

The most common defect in a bicycle chain is sagging due to an increase in length. Of course, you can remove the stretched bike chain and replace it with a new one, but you can try and restore it. Due to the loosening of the axles, the bicycle chain expands in the transverse and longitudinal directions. It is impossible to eliminate the transverse expansion, but with the longitudinal expansion, it is possible that something will work out.

It is necessary to remove excess links in such a way that the bicycle chain passes freely, without excessive tension, along the large sprocket. Also use squeeze when shortening. It is important here not to overdo it by pulling out the extra links.

The installation of the so-called stabilizers on the bicycle, which does not allow the chain to fly off the sprocket when riding, helps. Of course, if you put a pacifier as a temporary measure is a good solution, but you must not forget about replacing the bike chain.

Putting a bike chain on a singlespield is quite simple:

  • Hang the bike chain on both sprockets;
  • Snap the lock (as an option - press in the pin).

With a high-speed bike, you will have to tinker a little longer:

  • Clip the switches to small sprockets;
  • Place the chain on the sprockets, taking into account the location of the tension rollers;
  • Connect the links of the chain knot;
  • Squeeze the bike chain and press in the axle. If the bike chain is equipped with a lock, then a squeeze is not needed.


The work has been completed. As you can see, there is no difficulty in removing the bike chain and putting it back on. It remains to check the correctness of what was done by scrolling the pedals. If the cycle runs freely, but without sagging, then everything is done correctly, and its length is optimal.

Chain shortening tools

In order to open the links, you need to prepare a special tool - a squeeze. It combines a stop that prevents the link plates from sagging in the process of pushing out the connecting pin (pin), and a screw that squeezes it out.

In sporting goods stores you can find professional cycling tools made from durable steel grades. It can be used for a very long time, fingering the transmission at least every day, and it will not break. However, in order to shorten the bike chain at home, a simpler squeeze option, built into cheap multitools, is sufficient. The reliability of this tool is lower than that of professional models, but such a squeeze is quite suitable for personal use.

Step-by-step instruction

Answering the question "how to shorten the chain on a bicycle", it is worth remembering that all actions are performed in the following order.

The most difficult thing in this work is to make sure that the holes coincide, and the pin freely fits into place. In this case, after the work carried out, it will also be necessary to adjust the rear and front derailleurs.

Another difficulty is to determine the required chain length.... To do this, you need to change the gear on the bike in such a way that both the front and the back of the chain rests on the largest sprocket. After that, the links open, and the part is pulled together until it stops. A mark should be made on it by adding a couple of links so that the transmission does not overextend.

How to shorten the chain without squeezing?

If no special tool is available, you can use any sharp object small enough to push out the connecting pin. It can be a nail, an awl, or any other strong steel pin that can withstand a hammer blow. You will also need a stand, such as a brick.

Care must be taken not to bend the chain link plates. To ensure safety, the top plate must be supported by pushing a nut or other sturdy piece of metal into the link. Most likely, the chain will have to be removed from the bike first. And for preventive maintenance, it will be possible to remove the cassette from the rear wheel, clean it, lubricate it and reinstall it.


If there is squeeze, the child will cope with the work; without a tool, it is much more difficult to shorten the chain on a bicycle - a video showing this process in all details will help you figure it out.

Remove the rear wheel of the bike to remove the chain from the bike. Use the correct size wrench or an adjustable wrench to loosen the two nuts that secure the wheel to the frame. You only have to loosen the nuts to be able to pull the wheel out. Once the wheel is removed, separate the chain from the bike. Now put the chain in place to work.

If you are unsure how to shorten your bike chain, follow the instructions strictly. Find the key link on the chain. A key link is one of the links in a chain that has a top and bottom plate. Place the chain on a flat surface to use the tool to split the top and bottom of the link.

Following the method to shorten the bike chain, move the top plate by placing the tip of the screwdriver over the seam to get the clutch engagement. Press down on the handle of the screwdriver, or use a small hammer until the screwdriver breaks the grip and separates the top plate from the bottom. You now have a chain to shorten.

Remove extra links from the chain. Always keep the key link so that you can rebuild the chain. Remove one link and look at the total length. Remove two or three links to make the chain much shorter than you had at the beginning. Keep in mind that there should be a key link on one side of the chain, and a link with an inner plate on the other side.

Further, after applying the method of how to shorten the chain, you need to connect the shortened ends of the chain by inserting the key link into the link with the inner plate. Use a hammer to press down on the top back panel for a secure grip. Replace the chain on the bike frame and secure the rear wheels.

See if the chain is tightly coupled, as its components must rotate. Test your bike by riding it for a bit to make sure the length is correct. Depending on the type of chain, the ways to shorten it may be different.

Malfunction symptoms

First of all, attention should be paid to chain malfunctions on multi-speed bikes. Traditionally, the travel time is determined by the mileage, but these values ​​are too approximate, because it all depends on the conditions of cycling: the quality of the roads, the selection of gears, the speed, the load on the pedals and, accordingly, on the chainrings.

The first signs of a bike chain breakdown are inaccurate gear shifting and suspicious sounds (provided the chain has not lost its lubrication). The following method will probably help to determine the malfunction: bend it away from the largest sprocket and see the number of free teeth. If the chain comes loose from three or more teeth, then replacement is required urgently. Two prongs "warn" that wear is just around the corner, but you can still ride.

Using the same method, you can see the weakening of the chain on a single-speed bike: bend it away from the chainring and look at the number of teeth.

Determination of the degree of attenuation

Another way to measure wear is to measure the length:

  • 304.8 mm is the optimum chain length.
  • 306.5 - 307.5 - average wear, suitability for repair. You can still ride.
  • 308 mm - a high degree of wear on both the chain and the sprockets.
  • More than 308 mm - damage to the entire transmission.

Measuring elongation requires removing the chain completely from the bike.

Lock and solid chain

The locking chain is equipped with a special clamping device. It is not difficult to unhook and put it on - you just need to disconnect the lock. To find it, we carefully examine the chain on both sides and find a detachable link. In principle, it will not be difficult to find it on a clean chain: a tick is put on top, which fixes the link and does not allow it to move apart. Also, the manufacturer's inscription is usually embossed on the key link. If it is not possible to find the lock for a long time, then either the chain is dirty, or it is lockless, or solid.

Bicycle chain with a lock

A bicycle chain without a lock simply cannot be disconnected: all the links on it look the same, however, and are hooked to each other too. This is a big inconvenience when cleaning, for example, it is necessary to carry out a "general cleaning" in a solvent. In the case of the keylock, everything is simple - I stole it and put it in kerosene. A solid bike chain, even when removed from the stars, will remain hanging on the frame.

In terms of removal, a chain with a lock is certainly more convenient than its counterpart. However, for some reason, the fastening may loosen: the tick fly off, and the link itself can be disengaged. There are no such weak points on bicycle chains without locks, and if it is torn, then it is solely a matter of its quality.

Opening the lock and squeezing the link axis

It is quite simple to open the lock: use a screwdriver or other object (for example, a knitting needle) to pry on the pincer clamp. The main thing here is not to damage it, or even better - not to lose it, otherwise it will not be possible to fix the chain later. Next, we decouple the entire link. That's it, you can remove the chain and do whatever you want with it: clean it, throw it away or shorten it. However, we'll talk about this a little later.

Disassembled lock

It is possible to disconnect a continuous chain only with a special tool - a squeeze. With its help, it will be possible to easily disassemble the link without damage. The procedure is simple, but you shouldn't rush:

  • First, select the link for disassembly.
  • We insert the chain into the position of pressing out and pressing in the pin (link axis).
  • Use the handle to tighten the screw and take out the axle. The direction of extrusion is towards the pressing screw, that is, towards itself.

You should not completely remove the pin, since it will not be easy to return it to its place later.

Gall chain release device

The squeeze will loosen the axle slightly, so a different link should be selected when re-disengaging.
Pressing the axle into the link is carried out in the opposite order: connect the adjacent links together and press in the pin with the screw.

Elimination of defects

A common form of wear is chain slack when chain length increases from original length. Previously, the critical values ​​of the length of the bicycle chain were considered, at which it cannot be used. Everything is correct, but the chain does not have to be thrown away immediately, but it can be repaired. Under prolonged loads, the axles loosen, which causes longitudinal and lateral expansion. It is impossible to eliminate the transverse, but it is quite possible to tinker with the longitudinal.

It is necessary to remove unnecessary links in such a way that the chain calmly, without interference, passes over the large star. With the help of a squeeze, excess links are removed, the axial shafts are pulled out completely from the removed elements. The main thing here is not to make a mistake and not pull out too many links.

If you have to ride with a stretched chain, then in order to avoid its falling off, you can install the so-called parts that do not allow the chain to fly off when driving. There are several types of such devices:

  • Roller with two clips.
  • With wide rollers.
  • Frame (or rollerless).

This is what bike pacifiers look like.

Using pacifiers as protection is fine, but it’s better to consider changing the circuit.

Fitting the chain to the bike

To put the chain on the singlespeed, it is enough to hang it on both stars, press in the pin or click the lock. With high-speed bikes it will be a little more difficult:

  • Fix switches to small stars.
  • With regard to the position of the tensioning rollers, slide the chain over the sprockets.
  • Align the links.
  • Clamp the chain and press in the axle. If the bike chain is with a lock, we do without squeezing.

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the course of the chain: turn the pedals several times. If there is no sagging or obstruction during twisting, then the chain is of the optimal length and is installed correctly.

Every owner of a two-wheeled horse will be able to cope with the removal and installation of a bicycle chain. An uncomplicated and simple procedure will not take a lot of time, but it will perfectly help on further trips!

If you ride a bike for many kilometers, then the spare parts, sooner or later, will wear out. After a long ride, the bike chain will “stretch” and need to be replaced.
Technically, the chain doesn't stretch but the pins that connect the links wear out, which increases the length of the chain.

Stretched chain speeds up the wear of the cassette and the sprocket sprockets, so it's a good idea to get a new chain when the stretch is already noticeable. It is recommended to replace the chain every 1000-1500 kilometers. By the way, replacing a chain is much cheaper than replacing cassettes or sprocket sprockets.

The chain repair and shortening information below will be very helpful.

Bicycle chain parts and necessary tools

Chain wear indicator: A typical chain wear indicator engages a pin in the chain while the other end is inserted between two pins or rollers. The numbers on the tool will show how worn out the chain is and whether it is time to change it.

New chain: The type of chain depends on the number of speeds of the bike. So, for example, if your bike is 9-speed, you need to buy a 9-speed chain. Better chains include a special coating to delay the appearance of rust, or they are already made of stainless steel.

Replacing pins or connecting link: New chains come straight away with a new pin or special link called a splicing link that connects the 2 ends of the chain together.

If you are repairing an existing chain, you need to buy replacement pins or connecting links separately - they must be compatible with chain speed and brand.

: If you have a chain with standard links, you will need a compatible squeeze to easily remove the old pin and replace with a new one when disconnecting and connecting the chain.

Pliers: If you have a chain that connects to a connector, you will need pliers to make it easier to disconnect and connect the connector.

How to check a bicycle chain

To test the chain for significant tension, use. Hook one end over a roller or pin in the chain. The other end will either come on the drive wheel by itself, or you can place it in the gap between the two rollers. If it falls out of this gap, then the chain is so stretched that it should be replaced.

The chain wear indicator has numbers to indicate the amount of chain wear. A value between 0.5 and 0.75 indicates the circuit needs to be replaced. A value of 0.75 or more means that it is necessary not only to replace it, but also to check the condition of the cassette and drive sprockets, as stretching the chain could cause significant damage to the cassette and drive sprockets.

You can check the chain in another way - measure the chain with a ruler or tape measure. On a worn or new chain, 12 full links (measured pin to pin) should equal 12 inches (30.48 cm). If the 12 links are 31 cm or more, the chain must be replaced.

Removing the chain from a bike

To remove the chain from the bike, you need to disconnect (break) it. There are several ways to do this, depending on whether the chain has a connecting link or not.

Before you start, slide the chain to the smallest guide sprocket and smallest prong.

It is even better if you remove the chain from the front sprocket or remove the rear wheel from the bike. Both of these methods will release tension from the chain.

If you have a standard chain without a connecting link: Position the squeeze so that the pin of the squeeze is aligned with the pin in the chain. Rotate the wringer handle so that the pin is pulled out far enough to break the chain.

If you have a chain with a connecting link: To find a connecting link, look for a link that is noticeably different from the others.

This is where the chain can be broken.

The link has a pin on one side, which is inserted into a notch on the other side.

Using a pair of pliers, squeeze the connector on both sides so that it opens.

How do I determine the length of a new chain?

Usually the new chain is too long and will have to be shortened by removing the links. There are several ways to do this. The easiest and best way to determine the length of a new chain- attach it to the old chain. Then you just need to shorten it to match the old one (to be sure, you should count the number of links).

Another variant... Pass the chain through the front derailer and drape it over the large sprocket in the front and over the large prong in the back. Do not run the chain through the rear derailer yet. Connect the two ends of the chain tightly. If the chain connects, and there are still 2 whole links on the floor (half of the link still remains at the end - the place where you connect the chain), the length of the chain is selected correctly.

Note: Many full-suspension mountain bikes use a scheme to move the rear axle further away from the bottom bracket while the bike is traveling, through the suspension. it is called " chain growth". To adjust to the chain growth, the rear suspension will need to be compressed a lot using the method above.

Make sure the two ends of the chain will connect before removing unnecessary links. The chain can only connect if the outside of the link connects to the inside of the connecting link. Then detach the remaining links.

Fitting the bike chain

It's time to thread the chain through the rear derailer and connect it. Pay attention and make sure that the chain runs accurately through the drive wheel on the rear derailer.

Using the pins: If the chain does not have a connecting link, use a squeeze to connect the chain to the pin already in the new chain.
If you are repairing an old chain, always use a new pin instead of the old one. The new pin must be compatible with the chain, its speed and brand. A new pin must be inserted halfway using a squeeze, then pull it out on the other side using a pair of pliers.

Using connectors: If you are connecting a chain to a connecting link, put one half on each end of the chain, connect the ends of the chain, assemble the connecting link with a tool to put it in place.

It is also possible to connect the connecting link without tools. Connect it and pull the chain in opposite directions to block the connecting link as tightly as possible. Then loosen the derailer clutch, if equipped, pedal until the link is on top of the drive chain. Using the brakes, step firmly on one pedal, the tension will go to the chain, and it will snap into place.

How to replace a chain on a bicycle - video

It happens that you need to remove the bicycle chain - for example, to clean it, replace it or adjust the length (the latter is done if your new cassette has a different number of teeth, and you need to change the chain length accordingly by adding or removing a certain number of links) ...

How to remove a chain with a lock

Examine the chain: if you find a link that is different from all the others, then you are in luck - you have a chain with a lock. In order to disconnect it, slide the pins (pins, axles) on each half-link (cheek). The circuit will open. The whole operation will take just a minute. You do not need any special equipment: if you suddenly cannot move the pins by hand, use the pliers. The assembly is also done without any tricks, in the reverse order.

How to remove a chain without a lock

If you have a chain without a lock, then you will need a special tool - a squeeze for the chain. It is inexpensive, it takes up little space, so we recommend that you always carry it with you, along with a set of hexagons and a repair kit for cameras. Anything can happen on the road - if the chain suddenly breaks, you can easily remove the damaged links using a squeeze and reconnect the chain.

How to remove a chain without squeezing? And is it worth doing?

How to remove a chain without squeezing is a burning question. But no matter how often it is asked, it is better to remember one life rule. For good repair and maintenance, it is better to use a specialized tool! In this case, it is a chain squeeze.

There are two types of pomace, most with two seats. One of them is for assembling and disassembling the chain, the second is for adjusting the position of the axle in the bushing of the chain link. If your squeeze is exactly this, with two seats, then insert the chain link so that it is on the side closest to the adjusting screw. If you put the chain in the wrong place, you can accidentally break off the partitions between the squeeze seats during operation or crush the link cheeks.

Suppose the chain is laid correctly. Now gently rotate the handle. The effort may have to be significant, so try to work carefully so that the link in the squeeze does not skew, otherwise it can be damaged. Make sure that the tip of the squeeze is pressing exactly on the pin. You do not need to turn the screw quickly, you should stop at the moment when the pin is squeezed out of the entire link, but remains on the far cheek. If you squeeze it out completely, then, believe me, it will be very difficult for you to insert it back. Also, be careful not to accidentally knock the pin out of the cheek, as it can roll away in an unknown direction and get lost.

When assembling, you do not need anything other than the same squeeze. I remind you again: be careful, do not get carried away so as not to squeeze the pin out of the link.

Two important notes:

  • If your chain is equipped with a lock, then you should not disassemble it with a squeeze.
  • If you have to disassemble the same chain many times, then each new time choose a new link: if you squeeze the same pin over and over again, this will worsen the strength of the chain.

After using the bike for a long time without maintenance, the chain often starts to sag. How to shorten your bike chain at home? What is required to determine the correct length? Let's look for answers to these and other questions in the presented material.

What factors affect bike chain lengthening?

A number of factors lead to wear on the axles, the so-called pins, of the bicycle chain. Firstly, deposits in the form of old oil accumulate between the structural elements, on which dust and small impurities adhere. In addition, stretching can cause undue stress on the chain when climbing steep climbs on the bike. Another reason is the end of the chain's service life, the destruction of its elements as a result of impacts, metal corrosion. To avoid discomfort during the operation of the bike, you need to figure out

How to determine the optimal length?

Before figuring out whether it is possible to shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands, you need to find out how long it should have for comfortable movement. To understand this issue, it is enough to throw the chain over the largest sprockets, both in the area of ​​the rear and front chassis of the bike. Next, you need to open one of the links. Finally, tighten the chain as much as possible. It is enough to add a couple of centimeters to the resulting length so that the chain is not overstressed during driving.

Preparation for dismantling

To make it easier to work with the chain, it is worth cleaning it first. The easiest way is to wipe it with a regular piece of material soaked in kerosene. You can also use a special wash, such as AB-80 or WD-40.


How to shorten the chain on a speed bike or mountain bike? Several tools can be used to sever links. First of all, you should pay attention to the special pomace. The latter is a simple device resembling a manual bed with a rod, which exerts pressure on the axles (pins) of the links. You can buy such a tool at any point selling sports equipment. Its purchase will cost from 500 to 1000 rubles.

If it is not possible to buy pomace, then you will have to use the means at hand. We are talking here about a hammer and a metal bar, which will serve as a punch for extracting the axes of the links. You will also need a couple of nuts that will fit under the chain links.

How to shorten a bicycle chain using a squeeze?

To do the work, resorting to the operation of a special tool, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Set the squeeze to a position in which its pin will be in the center of the chain link axis.
  2. Perform rotational movements with the tool until the axle is almost completely out of the link.
  3. Disconnect the chain and, if necessary, carry out similar operations with its remaining sections.
  4. Remove unnecessary links and connect the structure.

Once you've figured out how to shorten your bike chain, you need to figure out how to connect it. A narrow half-link must be inserted between the wide cheeks. Then the axle should fit completely into the bore of the hub. Next, you need to assess the mobility of the links. If it is insufficient at the joint, the hinge can be worked out with pliers.

How to shorten a bicycle chain without squeezing?

The lack of a dedicated tool for separating chain links is not critical. As mentioned above, a metal pin, nail, etc. can serve as an alternative to squeezing. You will also need a hammer here, with which the axles will be knocked out of the links.

With this approach to business, the main thing is to be careful. After all, inaccurate, too strong blows can lead to deformation of the link plates. To prevent this from happening, ordinary nuts must be placed under the chain elements in advance.

For those who are new to shortening a bicycle chain without using a special squeeze, it is recommended to practice first. For these purposes, it is worth using an old chain or separate, unnecessary links. Such work requires a certain skill. Therefore, before acting on a serviceable chain with a hammer and a punch, you need to perform the above steps several times and evaluate the result of your own labors.


So we figured out how to shorten the bike chain. As you can see, it is possible to cope with such a task not only with the help of special squeeze. To get the job done, it is sometimes enough to use the tools at hand that can be found in every home.

What could be better than a day out of town cycling! However, the pleasure can be overshadowed by unexpected circuit breakage. If domestic bicycles for the most part consist of split sections of the chain, the locks between which can be divided without much difficulty, then the chains are often one-piece. Today we will talk about how the chain is removed, and what devices exist for this.

When is the chain removed from the bike?

Seasoned cyclists remove the chain regularly. For example, in the case when the replacement of the system or only the cassette entailed a change in the number of teeth, the chain will have to be shortened by removing the teeth, or lengthened by adding additional ones. In addition, the chain is removed in order to:

  • wash;
  • boil in solid oil;
  • replace (if repair is no longer possible).

Instructions for self-replacement of the squeeze chain

Removing the chain with a squeeze.

Usually, an auxiliary tool is used to remove the chain from the bike - a squeeze. With its help, it is easy to remove even a one-piece chain. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Decide on the section of the chain for parsing. In case of re-disassembly of the chain, it is preferable to take the non-repairable section of the chain.
  2. Insert the chain into the squeeze so that the pin is opposite the clamping axis.
  3. Secure the chain with the knurled screw.
  4. Twist the handle, squeezing the pin out.
  5. Remove unnecessary links using a squeeze, pressing out the entire pin.
  6. Connect the chain links. In this case, the pin located in the cheek should point outward towards you. First you need to run the chain through the rear and front derailleurs. Then place the chain links one on top of the other so that the pin aligns with the bushing.
  7. Unclench the "cheeks" with pliers. Once the ends of the chain are in place, the outward-facing pin will prevent the links from separating.
  8. Insert a squeeze into the link so that the axes of the pin and the stem match perfectly, and rotate the funnels, pressing the pin into the hole.
  9. Check the symmetry of the position of the pin and the "cheeks" of the links. Correct their position if necessary.
  10. Check the links for mobility relative to each other. Increase mobility with pliers if necessary.

Important! On a high-speed bike, the chain is installed along the rollers of the switch at the back in accordance with the feed pattern. It is best to lock the chain in order to be able to change the chain many times in the future.

The sequence of actions for removing the chain from a bicycle without squeezing with your own hands

Pomace is a useful tool. However, it is not always at hand. What then is to be done? The prospect of staying in the middle of pristine nature somewhere many kilometers from the city does not look attractive. You can remove the chain from the bike without squeezing. It will not be easy to do it yourself, but it is quite possible. Let's consider in detail the options for parsing a chain with and without a lock.

Model with a lock

How to check if the chain has a lock? Easy peasy! A quick inspection to see if the chain has a link that is different from its neighbors. This is the castle. You can disconnect it by sliding the pins on each of the links with your hands or pliers. To assemble the chain, you need to do the same in reverse order.

Model without lock

In this case, it will not be easy without squeezing. And the result will be unpredictable. But, if there are no other options, choose the lesser of 2 evils. So, we remove the chain without a lock from the bike with improvised means in this order.

  1. Screw an ordinary vice to the table.
  2. Fix the chain in a vise by placing a nut on one side, the hole of which corresponds to the pin.
  3. Stick on the other side with a small screw with a cap.
  4. While holding the vise, push the pin into the nut hole with a ball.

Important! In order to open the circuit, it is not enough to free one side. You need to move the link and remove the chain, or add another ball and continue trying.

Summing up, we can confidently say that squeezing is an irreplaceable thing on the road for every cyclist. And if a broken chain with a lock can still be removed from a bicycle without this device, then, as for a chain without a lock, it will be difficult to do without it. However, in case of form major circumstances, you can use the instructions above.

The new bike chain must be of a suitable length. Therefore, a person who has bought a new replacement chain often has a question - how to shorten a bicycle chain?

This question comes up because bike chains are sold in boxes and are 114-116 links long. On road bikes or hybrids, almost the entire chain length is used, and on mountain bikes, the chain is shortened to 106-108 links.

A long chain dangles on bumps and strives to collect sand and dust from the ground. In addition, some cyclists will modify their bike in such a way that they only keep a couple of sprockets while shortening the bike chain as much as possible. This is important, for example, for a trial, when every gram of weight counts.

But, even if you do not go in for cycling, and you need your iron two-wheeled friend in order to ride around the city, even in this case, you need to shorten the bicycle chain to the required parameters.

In a normal state, the bike chain should look like this:

Please note - the bike chain is on the largest sprockets, the rear caliper is straightened as much as possible.

The bike chain has now been dropped onto the smallest sprockets. In this case, the caliper practically rested on the limiters and the frame with the rollers cannot rise even higher, and the caliper itself cannot move forward. In this case, a long bicycle chain has a slack.

If your bike uses rear suspension, the bike chain length should be adjusted with the suspension completely relaxed.

Shortening the bike chain

In order to shorten the bicycle chain, it must be disassembled. The best way to do this is to use a special squeeze tool. You can see her in the photo above. Do not try to push out the connecting pin completely, otherwise you will have to suffer for a long time with inserting it back

Attention! Shimano chains are always assembled on a special connection pin. The squeezed pin cannot be reused!

Now we remove the squeeze from the chain and disconnect it, you may have to make some effort. If necessary, you can use narrow-jaw pliers to disengage the bike chain.

Determine the number of links that can be removed. Read how to choose the chain length at the beginning of the article. With one end of the chain on top of the other, count the number of links you need to remove without losing the chain's connectivity.

Removing the extra links from the bike chain. When removing the links, we use the squeeze in the same way as for the first disconnection. In this case, squeeze out the connecting pin completely.

We connect the bicycle chain. When connecting, place the chain so that the connecting pin points in our direction. We pull the chain through the rear and front derailleurs and start connecting the ends of the chain. We insert a narrow half-link between the cheeks of the wide one. At the same time, the connecting pin should coincide with the hole of the bushing and not even enter it a lot, since it protrudes a couple of mm above the inner surface of the cheek.

All that remains is to use a squeeze and push the connector pin back into place.

Cleaning and lubricating your bike chain

The easiest way to clean your bike chain is with a regular cloth, dry or, much better, soaked in kerosene. You can use a degreaser or a special wash-off lubricant: for example, WD-40, AB-80, Weldtite TF-2. The best effect can only be achieved by brushing the chain with special brushes or using an old toothbrush.

New chains are coated with grease. The role of this lubricant is twofold. Firstly, the lubricant preserves the bicycle chain during long-term storage, and secondly, it is used when the chain is operating, in fact it is a working lubricant like graphite. It is recommended to remove the grease from the outside of the chain with a dry cloth, it is not recommended to rinse the chain before using it in solvents, factory grease lasts much longer in the chain than any liquid oils and two-component lubricants that usually feed bicycle chains.

The need for lubrication can be determined by ear. If the chain starts to click or squeak when pedaling under load, then it's time to start lubricating the chain.

You can lubricate the bike chain with any liquid oil. I use the cheapest one from an auto shop. However, in addition to liquid oils, two-component lubricants can also be used, they thicken after application.

The chain must be cleaned before lubrication. Just use a can of WD-40 and rinse off the remains. Lubricate the bike chain along the gap between the side plates and rollers on both sides. The easiest way is to use a disposable medical syringe - it usually takes 0.5 ... 1 cm3 of oil per chain lubricant. After lubrication, it is necessary to rotate the chain for half a minute and wipe it dry, removing all the oil that has appeared on the surface.

More articles for cyclists.

After using the bike for a long time without maintenance, the chain often starts to sag. How to shorten your bike chain at home? What is required to determine the correct length? Let's look for answers to these and other questions in the presented material.

What factors affect bike chain lengthening?

A number of factors lead to wear on the axles, the so-called pins, of the bicycle chain. Firstly, deposits in the form of old oil accumulate between the structural elements, on which dust and small impurities adhere. In addition, stretching can cause the chain to be pulled when climbing steep climbs on the bike. Another reason is the end of the chain's service life, the destruction of its elements as a result of impacts, metal corrosion. To avoid discomfort during the operation of the bike, you need to figure out

It's fantastic for keeping the momentum going as you change. You will remember that in the "old days" it was not only a good shape, but at the time it was absolutely necessary to loosen the pedals if we wanted the darning chain to grip beautifully the best sprocket for this hill that we tackled. All of your motive power is supplied by this basic fence. When you park the chain on the closer secondary fence, you can see the space behind the far side flap: this allows the cymbals to flash off center from the rollers = good loose link.

How to determine the optimal length?

Before figuring out whether it is possible to shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands, you need to find out how long it should have for comfortable movement. To understand this issue, it is enough to throw the chain over the largest sprockets, both in the area of ​​the rear and front chassis of the bike. Next, you need to open one of the links. Finally, tighten the chain as much as possible. It is enough to add a couple of centimeters to the resulting length so that the chain is not overstressed during driving.

Chain components

Preparation for dismantling

To make it easier to work with the chain, it is worth cleaning it first. The easiest way is to wipe it with a regular piece of material soaked in kerosene. You can also use a special wash, such as AB-80 or WD-40.


How to shorten the chain on a speed bike or mountain bike? Several tools can be used to sever links. First of all, you should pay attention to the special pomace. The latter is a simple device resembling a manual bed with a rod, which exerts pressure on the axles (pins) of the links. You can buy such a tool at any point selling sports equipment. Its purchase will cost from 500 to 1000 rubles.

This makes it impossible to release the link when the plates are completely in place. They need to be pressed inward so lightly that the head can be pulled out of the insert. Just in case you haven't, the standard way to get some slack is to put the chain on the smallest sprocket in the back and also on the smallest chain in the front. Then you completely pull the chain out of the front chains so that it hangs from the frame.

If, like many of us, you intend to clean the front chains, this would be a good time to remove them, as this will allow you to pull the chain behind the bottom bracket, becoming even weaker. For this I like to use a penetrating oil. You can also use a degreaser or carburetor cleaner.

If it is not possible to buy pomace, then you will have to use the means at hand. We are talking here about a hammer and a metal bar, which will serve as a punch for extracting the axes of the links. You will also need a couple of nuts that will fit under the chain links.

How to shorten a bicycle chain using a squeeze?

To do the work, resorting to the operation of a special tool, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

An old toothbrush combined with a cleaning solution works really well. Notice the shape with colored arrows. Again, one hand squeezes the cymbals, the other squeezes them to unlock. Note that the fingers of the second hand will only press one plate as shown by the arrows. If you press on the ends of both plates, they cannot move.

The sliding direction will cause the pins to move towards each other. My choice of solvent is a car brake vacuum cleaner. It cleans well, comes out of the can at a fairly high speed to blow up dirt, and it dries quickly and leaves no residue. One complete overhaul of the bike takes about 2 cans. After applying the oil, rub the chain until you rub the chain with your fingers and feel the oil. Many people think that the chain should be bold. The part of the chain that needs oil is inside where the pins rotate the roller bearings.

  1. Set the squeeze to a position in which its pin will be in the center of the chain link axis.
  2. Perform rotational movements with the tool until the axle is almost completely out of the link.
  3. Disconnect the chain and, if necessary, carry out similar operations with its remaining sections.
  4. Remove unnecessary links and connect the structure.

Once you've figured out how to shorten your bike chain, you need to figure out how to connect it. A narrow half-link must be inserted between the wide cheeks. Then the axle should fit completely into the bore of the hub. Next, you need to assess the mobility of the links. If it is insufficient at the joint, the hinge can be worked out with pliers.

If you ever need to do a quick roadside repair and you lose, then get a master link in the weed by the side of the road with a spare headroom to save you a long walk. Replacing your chain when it wears out is good preventative maintenance, just like changing the oil in your car. This extends the life of other, more expensive parts on your bike, so replacing your chain before it gets too worn is a good idea.

Before removing the chain, make sure it is the correct length by moving to the largest front and rear sprockets. The chain should be able to make this shift with two small bends in the chain as it wraps around each shift pulley. Then move on to the smallest screws. There should be no slack in the chain and the derailleur should not move so far back that the chain itself bonds. If your old chain is the correct size, you can use it to define your new chain.

How to shorten a bicycle chain without squeezing?

The lack of a dedicated tool for separating chain links is not critical. As mentioned above, a metal pin, nail, etc. can serve as an alternative to squeezing. You will also need a hammer here, with which the axles will be knocked out of the links.

Slight bend on each shift pulley. The chain does not have to bind itself. The option is to first remove the rear wheel from your bike. This will tighten the chain and make the situation easier. Examine the chain for a master link. The main links have a pair of unique side plates that sometimes differ in color. If you have a chain tool and your chain is worn out, you can simply ignore the master link and break the chain using the chain tool on some of the links from the main link.

To connect riveted chains, find a special connecting rivet in your chain. Connecting rivets will be visually different from other rivets in the chain. When choosing a rivet to break, make sure it is multiple rivets from any connecting rivets already installed in the chain. Bring the chain tool drive pin into contact with the rivet and check that the chain tool pin rotates in a straight line into the rivet. Turn the handle forcibly and pull out the rivet, then remove the chain.

With this approach to business, the main thing is to be careful. After all, inaccurate, too strong blows can lead to deformation of the link plates. To prevent this from happening, ordinary nuts must be placed under the chain elements in advance.

For those who are new to shortening a bicycle chain without using a special squeeze, it is recommended to practice first. For these purposes, it is worth using an old chain or separate, unnecessary links. Such work requires a certain skill. Therefore, before acting on a serviceable chain with a hammer and a punch, you need to perform the above steps several times and evaluate the result of your own labors.

Extend the pin in a straight line. If your original chain was of an acceptable length, we will use it to modify our new chain. One of the following articles. When calibrating the original net, the line always ends with outer plates. Paste the master link to get a true side-by-side comparison. It is also acceptable to line up the ends with the inner plates. The important thing is to always match the inside or outside to the outside for an accurate length comparison. Then line up the chains, observing their rivets with a rivet, noting that the old chains will lengthen as they wear out.


So we figured out how to shorten the bike chain. As you can see, it is possible to cope with such a task not only with the help of special squeeze. To get the job done, it is sometimes enough to use the tools at hand that can be found in every home.

To effectively transfer torque from the pedals to the rear axle of the bike, the chain must be tight without slack or distortion. If, due to wear or a change in the design of the bike, it begins to dangle, twist and fall off the sprockets, even if you constantly looked after it, and when cleaning it, you can achieve good tension by removing a few extra links. To do this, it is not necessary to contact the service, since you can shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands at home.

Once you have them close by, simply cut the new chain to match the length of the old chain. Align the outer plates to the outer plates. Inspect the chain side plates before routing the chain. Some chains are directional and any logos or block letters must be facing the mechanic from the drive end. The chain routing process is the same for both the main line and rivet chains, just make sure they are connected to the outer plates when using the rivet connecting chain.

In order to open the links, you need to prepare a special tool - a squeeze. It combines a stop that prevents the link plates from sagging in the process of pushing out the connecting pin (pin), and a screw that squeezes it out.

In sporting goods stores you can find professional cycling tools made from durable steel grades. It can be used for a very long time, fingering the transmission at least every day, and it will not break. However, in order to shorten the bike at home, a simpler squeeze option, built into cheap multitools, is enough. The reliability of this tool is lower than that of professional models, but such a squeeze is quite suitable for personal use.

Master link chains have internal plates at both ends, so you can lead to either end for chains that use a master link. Feed the chain through the rear derailleur as shown. Be aware of any tabs on the gear shift cage and guide the chain to the correct side of the tab. Take the chain inside the frame through the front derailleur and connect both ends of the chain.

When connecting the circuit using the master link, check your master link for any arrows indicating the direction of travel. Attach the pliers and pull outward to secure the tie. An alternative way to connect the main line is to position the main arm on the top of the chain, apply the rear brake and apply force to the pedals. Make sure the master link is fully engaged.

Important! In addition to the tool, you should prepare rags and kerosene or WD-40 liquid to clean the gearshift system before working.

Step-by-step instruction

Answering the question "how to shorten the chain on a bicycle", it is worth remembering that all actions are performed in the following order.

The most difficult thing in this work is to make sure that the holes coincide, and the pin freely fits into place. In this case, after the work carried out, it will also be necessary to adjust the speed switches.

Now we will connect the chain that uses a special rivet. The connecting rivet has a special firing that is guided by a long, tapered pilot after the rivet is fully installed. Each rivet is specific to the brand and model of the chain, so be sure to use the correct connecting rivet for your chain.

Some chains are removed by hand altogether. How this is done is shown in this video.

Lubricate the connecting rivet and install the connecting rivet from the inside of the bike towards the mechanic. Drive pin from the inside of the bike towards the mechanic. Turn on the chain tool and connect the connecting rivet to the chain. There will be two points of resistance as the rivet goes into the chain. The first will be that the rivet will begin to pass through the first cell of the cell. The resistance will decrease as the rivet continues to move into the chain and then unfolds again when the rivets begin to pass through the second outer plate.

Another difficulty is to determine the required chain length.... To do this, you need to change the gear on the bike in such a way that both the front and the back of the chain rests on the largest sprocket. After that, the links open, and the part is pulled together until it stops. A mark should be made on it by adding a couple of links so that the transmission does not overextend.

Match the depths of adjacent rivets. Once it reaches the same depth, stop and make sure that your post does not protrude too far or needs to move further. If that depth looks good, you can go ahead and smash the pilot tip of the connecting rivet.

Run the driving pin of the chain tool until it contacts so that the rivet is between the anvil and the pin. Press another quarter turn on the chain tool and you're done. Now the pilot's tip has been torn, you can see a nice case for driving the pin from the inside. The debris left over from the pilot's detachment now faces the cassettes or gears and cannot contact any part of the drivetrain, nor can it create additional noise or cause any shifting problems.

How to shorten the chain without squeezing?

If no special tool is available, you can use any sharp object small enough to push out the connecting pin. It can be a nail, an awl, or any other strong steel pin that can withstand a hammer blow. You will also need a stand, such as a brick.

Burrs do not come into contact with transmission components. Re-seat the wheel and rear to inspect any tight contacts. Repair if necessary by bending the chain sideways in a narrow line. Your new chain is now installed. Once your chain is installed, if you run into any problems such as skipping, it could be a sign of a worn cassette or freewheel wheels, so you may need to replace them if you have used the worn out chain for too long without replacing.

This type of master link replaces the two outer chain plates. The manufacturer supplies the product separately and with each of its new chains. Figure 3: Another type of master link. As with other links, it is not clear from the product description if it refers to reuse.

Care must be taken not to bend the chain link plates. To ensure safety, the top plate must be supported by pushing a nut or other sturdy piece of metal into the link. Most likely, the chain will have to be removed from the bike first. And for prophylaxis, it will be possible to clean it from the rear wheel, lubricate it and install it in place.

If the master joint is too tight to remove by hand, these pliers, specially designed for gripping the rounded rollers, easily remove it. Removing or shortening a bicycle chain usually requires a chain tool, a tool that can push the pin out of the chain. Some people prefer to disassemble and reassemble wheel rims with gear shifting rather than cutting the chain, for example when changing a derailleur. Many older bicycles, without a derailleur, have a master link that can be opened with a flat head screwdriver, whereas the chains on modern shifter bikes are more likely to use a master link, such as the ones shown in the images below.


If there is squeeze, the child will cope with the work; without a tool, it is much more difficult to shorten the chain on a bicycle - a video showing this process in all details will help you figure it out.

  1. Question 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules violated in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) while driving, hold on to another vehicle;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Question 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist doesn't break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move along highways and roads for cars, as well as along the carriageway, if there is a bicycle path nearby;

  3. Question 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who should make way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists are obliged to give way to other vehicles moving along the road.

  4. Question 4 of 15

    4 .

    What kind of cargo is allowed to be carried by a cyclist?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Shipping

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. The cyclist can only carry such loads that do not interfere with the operation of the bike and do not create obstacles to other road users.

    22. Shipping

    22.3. The carriage of goods is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not violate the stability of the vehicle and does not complicate its management;

  5. Question 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclist violates the Rules when transporting passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (with the exception of children under 7 years old, carried in an additional seat equipped with securely fixed footrests);

  6. Question 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will vehicles go through the intersection?


    16. Passage of intersections

    Not properly

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At an intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    Tram drivers should also be guided by this rule. At any unregulated intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it on an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be followed by each other and drivers driving on secondary roads.

  7. Question 7 of 15

    7 .

    Cycling on sidewalks and footpaths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move along sidewalks and footpaths (except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under the supervision of adults);

  8. Question 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has priority when crossing a bike path?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists are obliged to give way to other vehicles moving along the road.

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists are obliged to give way to other vehicles moving along the road.

  9. Question 9 of 15

    9 .

    What is the distance between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists moving in groups should ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the carriageway must be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a movement distance between groups of 80-100 m.

  10. Question 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass the intersection in the following order


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    Not properly

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving along an equivalent road in the opposite direction, straight or to the right.

  11. Question 11 of 15

    11 .

    The cyclist will pass the intersection:


    16. Passage of intersections

    Not properly

    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. The signals of the traffic controller have priority over the signals of traffic lights and the requirements of road signs and are mandatory. Traffic light signals, except for the flashing yellow one, take precedence over priority road signs. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with additional requirements of the authorized official, even if they contradict traffic signals, road signs and markings.

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around at the green signal of the main traffic light, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving in the opposite direction straight or turning right. Tram drivers should also be guided by this rule.

  12. Question 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation

    Not properly

    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at level crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-lunar and two red signals are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles across the level crossing;

    b) a blinking white-lunar signal indicates that the alarm is operational and does not prohibit the movement of vehicles.

    At level crossings, simultaneously with the prohibiting traffic light signal, a sound signal can be turned on, additionally informing road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

  13. Question 13 of 15

    13 .

    Which vehicle driver will pass the intersection second?


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed by each other and drivers driving on secondary roads.

    Not properly

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed by each other and drivers driving on secondary roads.

    16 Passing intersections

    Not properly

    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic signals have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow, allowing a left turn, also permits a U-turn, if it is not prohibited by road signs.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow (arrows) in the additional (additional) section (s), included together with a green traffic light signal, informs the driver that he has priority in the direction (directions) of movement indicated by the arrow (arrows) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow (arrows) in an additional (additional) section (sections), together with a yellow or red traffic light signal, informs the driver that movement is allowed in the indicated direction, provided that vehicles moving from other directions are allowed to pass unimpeded.

    A green arrow on a plate installed at the level of a red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on one-way roads), provided that the traffic advantage is given other participants moving from other directions to a traffic signal allowing movement;

    16 Passing intersections

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section simultaneously with the yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    While driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table set at the level of the red traffic light with vertical signals, the driver must take the rightmost (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.