What dreams of the broken watches are shot. What does the sleep sound? What does it mean to find a clock in a dream

Numerological dream book

See in a dream Large wall clocks on which the figure "1" - Means that in one month you will win the attention of a person who you really like.

If there are no numbers on the dial in addition to the unit, it says that you are too self-confident - die your ambitions, otherwise you will quarrel with good friends.

If you have both clock clock arrows in your sleep - This is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people with whom you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and will help earn good money. True, if the arrows on the clock curves or broken, then you should not dedicate the first victory, perhaps the failure band will follow it, which will last a whole year.

See wall-mounted electronic watches on which - Means that in real life you will enter into a dispute with your nearest environment and make an important discovery.

If you are shooting hourglass - It suggests that you will be drawn in someone else in public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will start 26 days after you will dream of this dream, and at first you will not feel stiffness or inconvenience, as you will be asked about a trifle service. But gradually you will find how you simply dragged on Arkan into this case and dumped on you all the organizational part, which, of course, do not like you. But try to look at everything from the outside: you respect and want you to be in the thick of events.

Parents of schoolchildren's children - Sulit of experiences about his children and their school events. After 17 or 26 days, they are scheduled for some holiday, and you will have to be actively involved in it, you want or not.

Sonniest Medea

Clock - A symbol of inexorably time, reminder that life passes. Conditional designation of the period of life to which the marked time corresponds.

See stopped hours - Sign of stagnation in life.

Clock without arrows, broken watches - Be rejected family, society.

Make a clock in a dream - change for the better.

Dream of Freud.

In a dream to bring the clock on hand - Such a dream suggests that you are waiting for a reward for your work done, only this remuneration may not be material.

If you dreamed of big wall or outdoor hours "So you will surprise sex with a person about which you always thought as a very discreet and dry." It turns out that in an informal setting, this man very brightly expresses his feelings, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.

If you dreamed of a tower watch "So you have to find out some very important news, and the long-awaited."

Broken hours - Symbol of poor sex. You may be too straightforward and do not want to reconcile with some, in your opinion, our partner, and he, in turn, does not want to abandon these quiet. Someone should still take the first step, right?

Hours, like any complex mechanism - are a symbol of penis.

Eastern female dream book

Wrist Watch - The head of the fact that there is quite a bit of time for an important event in your life.

Hear ticking hours - The sign that your life will not work for a long time.

Stopped hours - To death.

Dream Nostradamusa

Consider in a dream vintage watches - The sign that in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes performed in the past. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be ashamed for errors committed by your ancestors.

See in a dream wall clock - Means that in the future you have something to do something that will fundamentally change your life.

If you dreamed wristwatches - Such a dream says that you do not have enough time to accomplish the conceived. Maybe this dream says that the ruler, which now stands in power in your state, will not have time to implement all its reforms and projects.

Determine in a dream time on the clock that has no dial - Bad ignition. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will very much will upset you.

Hear in a dream knock clock - Certificate that someone from your loved ones very much needs your help. And the faster this help will be provided, the better.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Quartz watch - Late to an important event.

Chess watches - You need to hurry.

Children's dream book

Clock in a snow - Counting with vital forces.

If you hear clock ticking - So you have to survive some extreme situation, or your body warns you about developing internal illnesses.

Full dream of a new era

Clock - The need for accuracy. Reflection of time perception.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Wipe cloth clock - So you will live your life in a foreign land.


Clock - To get rid of terrible danger.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Clock - You are squaring life on trifles; if you see broken watches - then this dream to the end of your life.

Dream Khasse

Watch pockets - settlement family relationships; to find - must be punctual; golden. - beat you close familiar; not walking - in vain losing time; give - deceive your heart; large clock with battle - Remember that time is money; smash - Wait for the unkind; untered - The case of death of a distant friend.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Watch - means a prosperous resolution of a crowded case.

Hear hours - foreshadow that you will be suspicious in your wrong misconduct, which largely can undermine your prestige and authority.

Ringing alarm - To positive change in affairs.

Wrist Watch - Mean a successful career.

Clock on a chain - Sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Wall Clock - It is suggested that they suffer from false novels of slanders.

Gold watch - They are prompted by the championship in a unklassous competition with stronger, but less lucky rivals and competitors.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Watch - Boring, monotonous work.

If you have dreamed that the clock is running forward - Sleep says about your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.

If behind - You have a long and raw love romance, full sexy harmony with a new partner.

See the mechanism of working hours - With your health everything is in perfect order. In the same case, if you dreamed of broken, stopped hours, it can be assumed that there were also some malfunctions in your sex life.

Esoteric dream book

Hand watches wear, see serviceable, going - to coordinated work; You use your time correctly.

Broken, stopped - Problems with time, you do not fit into its move. In this regard, you will be forever to be late not only in everyday life, but also with the "distribution of benefits."

Lose, drop - You have missed the time, and your place both in personal and public life will be occupied by others.

Wall mounted - Football for you and your family time. Be careful, do not miss the opportunity, do not neglect the hazards.

Tower chimes beat, call - To important events in the state that will affect both your life.

Hourglass - Useless outgoing time, waste of energy by back.

Ukrainian dream book

The watch that cost - this is death; if the clock is going - The change of life for the best.

The clock is shot - acquaintance will be; nice meeting.

Dream of flowers

Clock - change in life; remember hour and minutes - year and month or month and day of change.

Collection of Sonnikov

Clock - time flow. Time runs.

If in a dream you hear the battle of the tower hours - It is necessary to seriously treat the current situation

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in an open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

According to psychics, dreams are precursors predicting events, the incident of the future. Therefore, they should be treated with special attention, to be able to properly interpret to be able to prevent bad events.

Psychologists and esoterics argue that dreams are the display of the emotional mood. They reflect thoughts, desires, character and aspirations.

The clock is an accessory with whom a person does not part. They get most often in the field of view of a person, so quite often people can see them in dreams, as a display of their livelihoods.

What does it mean to see in a dream

But before understanding what it means to see in a dream this accessory is worth remembering the details: Male it was a watch or female, broken or entire, gold or simple. After all, it is precisely for these details to interpret the dream seen.


1. What does it mean if the man had to see the men's clock on his hand.

In this situation, it is worth remembering the status and actions that came with the accessory:

  • Dial stopped. It means that in a short time, a man awaits difficulties at work, in personal life.
  • Broke. Expect trouble at work, dismissal, lowering in office, spontaneous.
  • Wire a dial to the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • Time to take time - a man will achieve the goal.
  • The strap was broken - expect other grants for their address, slanders and flames.

If you have dreamed of whole and working hours - expect a new acquaintance, change in life.

If the male wristwatches have dreamed of a girl, then she should expect dating a young man with whom a serious relationship will be tuned.

2. Woman saw a dream with a female accessory.

Interpret a dream follows from actions:

  • Accessory was presented - expect suggestions of the hands and hearts.
  • Gave the expensive hours - soon the girl awaits marriage.
  • I broke down - the girl will forget about his dream, goals (will throw work, hobby).
  • A female accessory dreamed of a man on his hand - expect the occurrence of a difficult situation. The girl will have to spend a lot of strength to solve the problem.

If the women's accessory dreams of a guy, then his chosen is repudiated.

Other interpretations

A seen accessory in a dream can be expanded and differently based on the events and its external look:

  1. See in a dream Golden accessory to improving well-being. The financial position of the dream will improve, will increase his authority.

    But the Golden Accessory means not only well-being. The dream will have envious people who want evil to him.

    It is worth carefully to treat all families, not talking about their plans, hide the true intentions. After all, the envious can be hidden under mask friends.

  2. Dreams gives accessory. Get ready for committing a frivolous act that may entail unpleasant consequences.

    The consequences may make dismissal, quarrels and discords in the family, misunderstanding with friends, loss of money.

  3. The dream presented a hand watch. Expect good news, improve in life, lifting the salary, raising the career ladder.

    A presented accessory with engraving - wait for your work and remuneration for the spent forces.

  4. The dreams found a watch. Expect the improvement of financial condition, success at work and wealth.

    If a person has found a working subject in dirt or water - all its expectations are justified, the conceived will happen.

    If the dreams found non-working watch - it is worth expecting damages in the material situation, a loss of work or position.

    If the find is broken by or without a shooter, it is worth preparing for the fact that the efforts have not justified.

  5. The dreams bought an accessory. This action means the frivolity of a person, committing a rapid act.
  6. If a person in a dream buys hours, prepare for a significant meeting capable of cooling your life. An influential personality will appear on your life path, providing assistance and support.

  7. The dreams choose the accessory in the store, on the market or in the shop. This selection symbolizes good luck, making a dream.

    If the choice is made by the girl, it will become in demand among men. She will have fans and recycling.

    If the place where the woman chooses the thing is beautiful and rich, then the girl should expect the appearance of a rich fan.

    Dreaming, where the man chooses, predicts his wife or lover.

    Choose and break the thing to quarrels, troubles in the family.

  8. Theft of accessory. To interpret sleep is necessary on the basis of the floor of the dream:

    Sleep saw the girl - expect betrayal, treason husband.
    Sleep saw a man - a quarrel at work will be held in his life, able to lead to dismissal.
    Golden watch stolen from a woman - expect the impairment of health, the appearance of ailments.
    The dreams caught the thief. This situation indicates the exposure of all the ill-wishers of man.
    The dreams himself acted as a thief - we wonder the appearance of a false and hypocritical friend.
    Theft from the store suggests that a person with ease says goodbye to money, buying unnecessary things and objects.

  9. Loss of accessory. Pay attention to the place where the thing was lost:

    Street. Sleep warns of frivolousness and carelessness.
    Clean water is the emergence of small troubles, troubles that will play a dream.
    Dirty water symbolizes the loss of trust.

    If the thing is lost at night - expect trouble at work, in study.

    Initially losing, and then find a subject to good events.

    Lost gold watches to the loss of welfare, authority, wealth, highly paid work.

    Lost silver watch symbolizes the appearance of tears, change, offend, parting with beloved.

  10. See on hand:

    At home. This is to reflections.
    On someone else's wrist. This is to missed opportunities.

    See an expensive accessory to change for the better.

    See an inexpensive thing to the emergence of financial difficulties in life.

    See someone else's thing on wrist to trouble.

    See beautiful, elegant hours is a sign, symbolizing that a person will fall under someone else's influence.

  11. Stop dial. To see an awesome clock - a warning sign. It is worth rethinking your life.

    If the arrows stopped going on the Swiss accessory, get ready to become bankrupt.

    All dreamed hours can be indirectly divided into:

    1. Beautiful.
    2. Dear. We are foreshadowed, welfare, wage increase, improving housing conditions.
    3. New. The new attribute foreshadows fast changes in life.
    4. Other people.

Interpretation by different dreams

Dream book Interpretation
Miller See:
Predicting success.
The upcoming gain on the stock exchange, in the lottery, casino.
Expect the Obid.
You contracted you, they will take away, put in the unprofitable light.
Smash to losses.
Wire a dial to change.
Autumn Foreboding.
Summer Wipe accessory - get ready for moving to another country.
Childish Expect an emergency situation.
Explanatory Smash - expect death in your home.
See health broken to health problems.
See beautiful to strong health and good well-being.
Modern Expect good luck.
The broken thing foreshadows failures.
Wall clock warn of death.
Gypsy Sign of long life.
Flower Expect changes in life.
Freud. Foreshadows remuneration for the work done.
Ukrainian Clock:
Go to change.
Stand - to death.

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Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Funeral is a familiar friend.

Interpretation of sleep Wall clock

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Funeral of a loved one.

Clock (wall) - interpretation in the dream

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Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Large wall or tower clock will shoot at a meeting with a loved one or the long-awaited guest. To see a wrist watch with a golden bracelet - to great profits. To see the wristwatches that stopped - to the loss. In a dream, you look ...

If in a dream to see "clock"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw in a dream an ancient clock, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on his past: whether you lived, good or bad actions committed, what a trace leave after yourself on earth. If you dreamed of wall ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 9 (nine)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see well in a dream, ordinary wall clocks, on which the nine is distinguished brightly, this means that in reality you will take a risky step and make something that no one expects from you. If both arrows are shown on the nine, then nine weeks to ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 8 (eight)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you look at the wristwatch in a dream and notice on them only the figure "8", then it is a symptom of an approaching unhealthy. If, in addition to eight on the dial there is nothing, neither numbers nor arrows, then you will be sick, you will be hard and long, perhaps you ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 5 (five)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watch in a dream on the wristwatch and see clearly only the digit "5" on the dial means that you are trying to appear to look not the person who are actually. If you look at the wall clock and see the top five on them, ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 4 (four)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you look at the wristwatches and see that both arrows indicate the number "4", then this means that you have become too important and solid, and it prevents you from perceiving new information. If in a dream you are experiencing at least ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 3 (three)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, look at the wall clock and see that they are brightly indicated by the figure "3", means that you have been driving about some kind of problem for 3 weeks or engaged in a boring business that the end and edges are not visible. If in the dream besides the triple ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 1 (one)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see in a dream the big wall clocks on which the figure "1" is vividly distinguished, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person who you really like. If on the dial in addition to the unit there are no more numbers, then this suggests that ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 2 (two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watch in a dream on a wall clock and see that the number "2" stands out brightly means that you are going to invite to some important event. If it takes place two weeks after you see a dream, then as a result you ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Consider in a dream an ancient clock - a sign that in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes perfect in the past. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be ashamed for errors committed by your ancestors. See in a dream wall ...

Why dream dreams in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watching means a safe permission of a crowded case. You foreshadow to hear the hours of battle that you will be suspicious about your misdemeanor you, which can largely undermine your prestige and authority. The ringing of the alarm is to positive change in affairs. Wrist ...

Dream Interpretation Online - Watches

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the clock, you can succeed in the game on the stock exchange. If you have twisted on them, in real life, all your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals. Broke the clock or gave them to someone - prepare for trouble. Broke the glass ...

Clock in a snow - Large wall-mounted or tower clock dreams of a meeting with a loved one or the long-awaited guest.
See in a dream Wristwatches with a gold bracelet - To big profits.
To see the wristwatches that stopped - to the loss.
In a dream, you look at the clock and do not notice the shooter, then this is a faithful sign that your time has already walked, your success will come to no.
Throw out broken or old hours - To change for the better, to get rid of bad habits.
To give a clock to someone in a dream promises trouble, suffer from its own scattering, bad habits and dubious hobbies in real life.
If in his dream you heard the hours of hours, wait for unpleasant news.
If you have dreamed of wristwatches, it means that a grand event will happen in your life very soon.
If you have dreamed of faulty clock or hours that do not have arrows, this is a sign that soon you can be brutally deceived.
If you dreamed clock, then this dream can be a reminder that your life passes. Such a dream denotes a certain period of life.
If you dreamed that you give someone's wristwatches, then you cannot cope with the current situation and are trying to stick your burden on someone else.
If you dreamed that you drive your wrist watch, then you are afraid of falling out of time, you are afraid of something.
If you have dreamed that you are listening to the hours of hours and count up how many shots broke through the watches until noon - you are awaiting great happiness in life.
If you dreamed that someone left your wristwatch with you, it means that this someone may be your good friend.
If you dream, how do you bring the wristwatch - Expect a remuneration for your work done, although it is possible that you will be rewarded not by the material method.
If you dream that you throw old hours - In life you will be more free to all, and life will go to the right direction.
If you dream that you are somewhere late and always look at the clock, whatever if you have to fall in life, which you can not miss. A good sleep value with a clock is that this moment will come in the near future, when you will all go away, and everything will be obtained.
If you dream. That the clock "went ahead" means in reality you are too tumbdering events.
If you see in a dream, how the clock beat, it means that it's time to analyze yourself, check your work.
If in a dream you see the hourglass and see how sand decreases in them - in life you spend the time for some business or per person who will not thank you.
If in a dream you start the clock - Your life will change for the better.
If in a dream you admire your wrist hours, then I will have enough time to have time to make a conceived.
If in a dream you are in a hurry and look at the wristwatches - soon you will have a new period of life, in which events will develop slowly, but confident. If you carefully think over your actions, then do what you have dreamed about so long.
If in a dream you saw that the clock is worth, it means that you have done something wrong, and your development will suspend. Sometimes such a dream dreams of illness and even to death.
If in a dream you stolen or found a watch - Be on guard, someone will really harm your kind name, gossiping about you.
If in a dream you heard the hours of hours, it is to change for the better. Watch the clock in a dream - to the correct step in life.
If in a dream you heard monotonous clockwise ticking, it means that everything in your life will also occur monotonously, and you are not expected to be successful.
If you see in a dream, the clocks that broke or those on which there are no arrows - in real life you can be rejected by your family or society.
If you see in a dream that the clock stopped - In your real life is now stagnation.
If you found wristwatches in a dream - This means that you should stop and breathe, since you are too torfering events - it can turn into serious problems. Hurry never led to good, so try to be more judicious.
If you hear how the clock beat in the afternoon - such a dream to trouble.
If you saw how the clock stopped and do not come true, then, alas, you will have to accept the loss of a very close person.
If the girl dreamed that she was presented with wristwatches, it means that she will soon meet the future husband.
If the clock is behind, it means that on the contrary, you with something very slow.
As a rule, wrist watches in a dream symbolize fast routine worries and obligations. Perhaps against your will you will have to deal daily with new concerns and affairs, which takes you a lot of time and strength. However, it is not necessary to be nervous and try to avoid responsibility - it can lead to a quarrel with relatives and loved ones, and as a result you will have to suffer.
When a sick or older man starries a clock - This is a bad sign. Means the dream that it remains to live a long time for a long time.
Faulty wristwatches will be filmed to problems in relationships with loved ones or disease.
Sand or sundial dreams of the fact that in reality you do not have time to do something. For you, this will make others.
The bad lies in the fact that you spend empty time for some things. And only you know how to get out of this position. In addition, the clock in a dream predicts you small losses that you will not even notice. During sleep, you should pay attention to the watch readings. Remember this time, it is possible that it indicates very important events for you, which will soon happen.
Losing wristwatches in a dream - To an empty time of time.
Lose hours in a dream - To loss or separation with a faithful companion, to a quarrel with a loved one or the wrongness of the spouse.
They dreamed of pocket watch- wait for small trouble.
Split your own hours - Odor in the family, fights, ruin, large trouble in the service. After this dream, fleeting acquaintances are likely that will not lead to anything good.
Split hours in a dream - To trouble.
Donate wrist watches in repair - To the positive outcome of some confusing history.
Listen in a dream, how tick wristwatches - To promotion.
Look at the clock in a dream - To the tricks of unfriendliers in reality. Pay attention to the numbers specified on the dial that you will be able to remember - it is likely that this is the date of a very important event in your life.
Steal wristwatches in a dream - To problems with colleagues. Perhaps someone accuse you in the laziness and failure to fulfill their duties.
The clock as a symbol of time is usually taken out to the upcoming change.

What do clocks on the wall are associated with? Interpretation of dream books are ambiguous. The clock may indicate both the coming changes and the fact that the sleeping does not let go of the past. And what else can you dream like? Remember as many sleep details as possible, and then look into the interpreter.

Interpretation of Miller

According to Gustav Miller, the wall clock predict the situation, to solve which the sleeping will have to use everything inherent patience and skill. If such a dream sees a woman, she should devote more time to solving personal problems.

The clock, slowly running mean a long life life. Right-running - on the contrary.

Broken or stopped watches in a dream mean that in real life a hazard or stop in matters lies in real life.

Prepare for change

See the wall, hung by running seconds per second for hours? According to the dreams of a wanderer, you have a unique chance to change something in your life. The main thing is not to be mistaken in the choice. Think several times before you select one or another.

And what dreams of deafening climbing chimes? To significant changes in life, explains the dream book. It may also happen that these changes will be a consequence of changes occurring with the country.

Look at life in a new way

As the dream book, seeing the wall clock in the dream it is time to think over his own life. What is your life position? What do you want to achieve? What do you think the most valuable?

Wall clocks in your dream was a great set? So you float me downstream without having goals and desires.

And the dream dream of Medea dismissed hours interprets a continuous flow of time. And with each minute it goes. Think about - do you have time? What about what was intended, did you already behave? Or maybe what wanted before - already irrelevant?

For your affairs

If you saw many vintage watches in a dream, in reality you will have to be responsible for the deed. Esoteric dream book foreshadows repentance, explaining what it means to look at the time of the clock and minute shooter.

Give the wall clock to the deceased person? This dream, albeit alarming, but, that me less, it is important. According to the modern dream book, then what dreams like this, talks about the crash of the planned affairs, and the unceasing preferences will be.

Ups and downs

Watching wall clock in a dream? This means that in reality you appreciate the time, and it will soon serve good service. Wailed to start them? The likely probability is that you change for the better. Did you dream electronic clock? In hot disputes, open something surprisingly valuable for you.

If there was a watch in night gold, it means that in difficult situations you most often retreat, providing the problem to solve yourself. Such a dream saw a young girl? She should be less frivolous.

And why are the watch that stopped? They say that the path for which you now go, will not lead to anything. Think where you made a mistake, analyze your actions and try starting again. Only then will be able to achieve success.

Dreamed the battle of the chimes, which in reality stopped a long time ago? Anxiety events are coming, which will affect the financial component of the sleeping and its relative environment.

Detailed interpretations

The overall dream interpretation proposes to understand the details of the donent.

  • Watch in a dream stopped? In your life now it's time for stagnation.
  • Did you dream clock with cuckoo? Live a long life.
  • Watches in your dream were broken? You hold on to the side, fearing rejection by society.

  • Broken clocks foreshadow troubles and fast losses.
  • Woman lost a dream? It will come to her life, affected by family life.

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday is overflowing with activity and abundance of a variety of plots. It is almost unrealistic to find the only correct semantic thread in this chaos. ...