Accident and illness insurance. Personal accident and illness insurance Accident insurance for a child

Accident insurance is the main means of supporting the insured person and / or his close people in the event of certain circumstances. It is issued on a voluntary basis, taking into account the level of income and exposure to professional risks. Types of policies - collective, individual, family, children's, sports and travel. About accident insurance will be discussed in the article.


Individual insurance

Individual policies can be issued in the following forms:

  1. Full insurance- it applies to all periods of the professional and private life of a person during the validity of the contract.
  2. Partial Insurance– the guarantee of compensation is given only for a certain period (for example, during a tourist trip abroad).
  3. - issued as an addition to package and combined policies if they do not provide protection for the necessary risks.

Personal accident insurance is the most popular type of voluntary package in the UK.

Group (collective) - insurance of employees against industrial accidents

Corporate or collective insurance of employees is in the area of ​​social responsibility of the organization. It is usually issued only by large companies that provide their employees and are interested in maintaining a certain level of prestige. Also, the presence of such policies is necessary if the professional field of activity of employees is associated with significant risks.

Almost all modern hazardous industries issue collective accident protection policies for their employees.

Group insurance guarantees financial support to the employee and his family in case of temporary or complete disability. Tariffs for collective policies are always lower than for individual ones.


This type of policy applies immediately to all family members. Its presence guarantees you and your loved ones the maximum level of security, the payment of monetary compensation in the event of an insured event in full. The main ones are death, serious injuries and mutilations. Under one policy, an unlimited number of relatives aged 1-70 years can be insured.

Family accident insurance is one policy for the whole family.

Children's - life and health insurance of the child

Child insurance is needed by your children, regardless of their age, and by you personally. It guarantees full compensation for the costs of restoring the health of a child who has suffered as a result of an accident. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, he must be from 1 to 17 years old.

Insurance protection under the children's policy is valid 24 hours a day or during your stay in a preschool, school.

Child protection includes dislocations, fractures, damage to internal organs and soft tissues, poisoning, burns and other consequences of an accident, up to and including death. The policy can be issued for any period - for a year for permanent protection or for 10 days for a trip to the camp.

Sports - how to insure a person against accidents in sports

A voluntary accident insurance policy is also necessary for every professional athlete, since it will save time, money and effort in the event of an insured event (and since this area belongs to areas of increased injury risk, it will definitely come sooner or later). It covers all types of injury, disability, and sports-related death. Validity - from 1 day to a year.

Issuing a policy for one year is the most economical offer for athletes. Also, insurance can be done for any other period - for example, the time of sports camps.

Personal travel insurance in case of death

Most package tours abroad already include insurance, but it would be better to clarify this point.

Features of voluntary accident insurance contracts

To apply for accident insurance, you will need to apply to the UK with a passport and write an application. Be sure to clarify information about the restrictions on the policy - it may apply to the age, state of health of the applicant, the list of insured events. Expiration dates can also be different:

  • while at work;
  • around the clock;
  • while staying at school or children's sections.

The duration of the policy is from one day. Most often, insurance is issued for one year, but this does not mean that you cannot choose any other option.

Insurers who plan to conclude a contract for a million dollars may be required by the UK to present additional documents, except for a passport. This mainly applies to corporate clients.

The date of entry into force of the policy is indicated in the contract, usually the insurance takes effect the next day after payment of the premiums. The fee for a voluntary policy is 0.12-10% and is determined individually, taking into account a set of risks. E

If, as a result of an accident, several events specified in the contract occur at once, payments will be made for each separately.

All insured events covered by the contract must be clearly stated. The main options, as we wrote above, are temporary disability, disability and death. Compensation can take the following forms:

  • in cash or by bank transfer as the full insurance amount, part of it (the amount is prescribed in the contract);
  • insurance benefit;
  • pension;
  • daily reward.

The form of payments is also prescribed in the contract and takes into account the nature of the consequences of the injury. So in the event of death, compensation is provided one-time, and in the event of disability, it is also provided.



From accidents - the main way of protection in case of complete or temporary loss of working capacity, death. Insurance is issued in the UK, it can be individual, group, children, sports, travel, family. The cost of the policy depends on the width of the coverage.

Children are very active at any age. Parents are not able to control the movements of their child around the clock, therefore, under certain circumstances, the child may be prone to injury. In order to protect your baby as much as possible, in some cases it is advisable to resort to an insurance procedure.

Why insure your child against an accident?

Accident insurance for children is primarily necessary for the child. The presence of the policy allows you to partially or fully compensate for the costs of restoring the health of the baby in the event of an insured event.

Compensation payments can be used to pay off the costs of medical treatment or for the psycho-emotional recovery of a child after an accident. The person acting as the recipient of this benefit does not have to report to the insurer.

Children who at the time of signing the contract have not reached the age of majority (18 years old) can participate in insurance programs.

However, special cases can be considered on an individual basis.

The list of situations in which payments can be provided to the insured depends on the program under which the cooperation between the parties is carried out. The basic insurance package is able to cover the following risks:

  • acute diseases;
  • burns resulting from a lightning strike, explosion or any other natural disaster;
  • animal attack;
  • attack by intruders;
  • food poisoning of poor quality;
  • injuries, fractures, bruises, sprains.

Accidental disability and death due to injury, drowning or anaphylactic shock are also covered by this insurance.

If necessary, the list of insurance risks can be expanded. This moment is discussed between the parties at the initial stage of cooperation.

What payments are due?

Payments can be one-time or transferred in installments several times. The mechanism for receiving funds upon the occurrence of an insured event may vary depending on which policy was chosen by the insured - a round-the-clock or temporary insurance policy. In the first case, the program guarantees the accrual of payments when a child receives injuries at any time of the day.

The term insurance policy has some time limits. In this case, a strict time regime is set for receiving payments. An example of such insurance can be the protection of children during sports activities, walking on the street or additional activities associated with increased risk.

The insurance procedure is carried out in several stages. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to collect a package of required documents and deliver them to a company that will provide the relevant services. Insurance is issued in the following sequence:

  • choice of an insurer;
  • study of various options for the provision of insurance services;
  • choosing the right program;
  • preparation of documentation;
  • conclusion of an agreement;
  • payment for services.

Where to apply?

The direct signing of the contract between the insurer and the insured is carried out at the office of the selected company that provides the relevant services. Parents can take out insurance for their child attending school, camp or sports clubs.

For school

For schoolchildren, insurance companies have developed a huge number of programs that apply to students in grades 1-11. Such insurance is valid throughout the entire academic year and covers 9 months (from September to May). If you need insurance for the summer months, the package of services is paid separately.

For the camp

Insurance during the summer holidays is most justified, because it is in the camp that the child is exposed to a large number of potential dangers. In this case, the baby is insured against animal and insect bites, traffic accidents and various unforeseen situations on the water. It is these lending programs that affect all the summer months.

For Sport

Children who engage in active sports activities are most susceptible to various injuries. Insurance programs allow you to compensate for the costs of restoring a child's health in the event of an insured event.

The package of necessary documents should be specified in the company that will provide the relevant services. The basic list of papers includes a passport of one of the parents, a birth certificate of a child, a document confirming the place of registration.


The pricing policy of a particular company is formed depending on various circumstances. The cost of insurance services depends on the number of insured events that the selected program is able to cover, the duration of insurance, as well as on many other factors.

Below are the offers of various companies that are ready to provide insurance services for your child.

  • Rosgosstrakh. The company offers a wide range of insurance products, the cost of which varies between 200-500 rubles per month. The package price is directly proportional to the number of services - the more of them, the higher the cost. For comprehensive services, you will have to pay about 7,000 rubles a year.
  • Sogaz. The annual cost of the services of this company ranges from 110-5500 rubles. If the policyholder pays for a package worth 110 rubles, then he can receive up to 10,000 rubles. When buying an expensive package, the amount of payments can increase to 500,000 rubles.
  • RESO Guarantee. The minimum cost of the insurance package in this company is 100 rubles. In the event of an insured event, the insured will be paid an amount of 20,000 rubles. The maximum amount of payments that the company is ready to provide to its customers is 100,000 rubles.
  • VSK Insurance. Another insurance company capable of providing relevant services at a high level. The company offers its clients a policy worth 845 rubles a year. Such a program includes all possible risks.

In most cases, the cost of services specified within a particular package is not final. If you correctly study all the conditions put forward, then you can try to reduce the initial price.

To reduce the cost of the policy, you can resort to issuing collective insurance. To do this, you can hold a preventive conversation with other parents and, if they agree to insure the child against an accident, you can get a discount on the provision of services.

Careful reading of the contract with the subsequent exclusion from the list of unnecessary services also helps to reduce the cost of insurance.

In the event of an insured event, the policyholder must perform a certain number of actions, in accordance with the established algorithm:

  1. To write an application.
  2. Prepare the required package of documents.
  3. Contact the nearest branch of the insurance company.

In the submitted application, the policyholder must indicate the most detailed information about the contract that was concluded between the parties. Notification of the company acting as the insured person must be made no later than three days after the occurrence of the insured event.

The transfer of funds in the event that the insurer does not have any questions is made to a special current account. To open such an account, it is enough to write an appropriate application. For the subsequent receipt of payments, the personal premises of the bank are not required.

To receive cash payments, it is enough to provide the insurance company with a minimum package of documents, which includes an agreement with the insurer, an insurance policy and any document confirming the occurrence of an insured event. These documents include:

  • medical report on the assignment of disability;
  • certificate of injury;
  • extracts from medical records;
  • death certificate.

Some companies may request additional documents confirming the occurrence of an accident.

If the insurance company, when studying the documents, does not have any questions for the insured person, then the company makes partial or full payments (depending on the severity of the injury). The maximum compensation is provided in the event of a death or disability.

What is Accident and Health Insurance?

Accident and sickness insurance is a voluntary type of personal insurance.

With temporary disability payment is made in the format "% of the sum insured for each day of incapacity for work". At the same time, the insurance rules of most companies limit the maximum number of days of disability covered by the HC policy. For example, in the company RESO-Garantia this period is limited to 100 days.

In case of disability (permanent disability) The amount of the payment depends on the assigned disability group. Group I - 100%, Group II - 75%, Group III - 50%.

Upon the occurrence of death The insured company pays the full amount of the sum insured. This amount is received by the Beneficiary specified in the insurance contract.

What are the grounds for refusing to pay?

Of course, HC insurance has its own exceptions to insurance coverage when the insurer refuses to pay compensation. Such cases include:

accidents as a result of being in a state of alcoholic and / or drug intoxication,

suicide or attempted suicide,

injuries resulting from illegal actions of the insured person,

intentional bodily injury,

taking medications without a doctor's prescription,


participation in sporting events, competitions, training.

Life is unpredictable - anything can happen to anyone at any moment. It's important to be prepared for this. An accident insurance policy will not help you avoid trouble, but it will provide financial protection if it happens.

Terms of accident insurance

The minimum period of insurance in the company "Absolut Insurance" is 6 months, the maximum - 12 months. The validity of the policy can begin no earlier than 5 days from the date of purchase. That is, you can not make sure that the insurance starts to act immediately. This is done in order to avoid fraudulent schemes.

Sometimes insurance is bought for a short period, for example, to participate in competitions or when traveling to other countries of the world.

After the expiration of the old policy, you can take out a new insurance.

Payments in the event of an insured event

It is important to know that the payment depends on the type of insured event. For example, the maximum payment can only be received upon the occurrence of death, complete loss of vision, or other severe consequences.

To receive a payment you need:

  • inform the insurer about the incident;
  • send supporting documents to the insurance company;
  • wait for the consideration of the application;
  • receive payment.

Where to buy accident insurance?

There are two ways to buy: at the office of the insurance company or on its website. The first method involves a trip to the nearest branch of the insurer. This may take up to several hours. The second method is simpler - you can go to the website of the insurance company from a computer or mobile phone, select the appropriate option, fill out the form and pay for the policy. Insurance will be sent to your email address. The whole procedure will take a little time.

Before buying, it is important to check the presence of an insurance company in the register of the Central Bank of Russia.

What to look for when choosing an accident insurance policy?

First, what you insure. If you are involved in sports, then it is important to include this option in your insurance policy. Without it, you may be denied payment. If you get injured frequently, then insure against bodily injury.

Secondly, before buying a policy, read the Rules of insurance. You must clearly understand what you pay money for and what you need to do in the event of an insured event.

Thirdly, pay attention to the data on the insured person. If you make a mistake by one letter, the insurer may refuse to pay. Read the policy you received carefully. If there is a mistake, ask for it to be corrected. It won't require money.

What determines the cost of the policy?

From these options:

  • age;
  • term of insurance (the shorter, the cheaper the insurance);
  • sum insured (this is the maximum payment in the event of an accident);
  • playing sports or activities;
  • insured risks (death, disability, bodily injury - the fewer risks, the cheaper the insurance).

What documents are needed for registration

You will need to indicate the full name, date of birth, series and number of the passport, subdivision code, date of issue of the document, place of birth, home address, date of commencement of the policy (recall, it cannot be earlier than five days later), email and telephone.

Payment for insurance is made using a bank card. The policy will be sent to the specified email address. It can be printed or simply stored electronically.

When is accident insurance required?

Always. You never know what might happen and where. It's important to be prepared for this. Insurance will not save you from trouble, but it can protect you financially from problems that have arisen. For example, if you inadvertently break your arm, you may have to spend several months at home. During this time, you may lose in salary. For those who have insurance, the insurance company will pay compensation for the damage.

It is better to buy insurance and live a year without incident than not to buy a policy and take risks every day.

How to get an insurance policy?

To purchase an accident policy, go to the Absolut Insurance calculator. Choose who will be insured: an adult or a child. Then indicate the term of insurance (from 6 to 12 months), the sum insured (this is the maximum amount of payment). If you play sports or other activities (for example, you like to go to the water park), then specify these options. Then select the risks you want to insure. Click the "Continue" button.

The next step is to enter information about yourself, address and contacts. Payment for the policy is made using a bank card. The policy will be delivered to your email address.