Summoning a demon in a dream. How to summon a wish-granting crossroads demon

Any rituals must be taken very seriously. How to summon a demon to make a deal: Before you begin the ritual, think carefully about the consequences. Ask yourself whether you are ready to take responsibility for your actions. Be clear about why you needed to summon the demon. If you don't have a specific reason and are doing it for fun, then you run the risk of greatly angering the summoned creature, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

How to summon a demon at home to make a deal and fulfill wishes.

Demons are different from each other, they all have different powers and functions. Some help attract wealth and success, others are able to attract love. Usually demons can fulfill any human desire. How to summon a demon of desires - in order to appease the summoned creature and convince it to fulfill your request, it is important to prepare the victim before the ritual begins. It is recommended to use a living creature as a sacrifice; it has the best effect on demons.

Choice of victim

The victim can be selected depending on the degree of significance of your request. If you're asking for something small, regular chicken will do. In case of a big request, prepare a sheep or goat. Take your choice of victim seriously; it is better to choose a healthy, clean, strong animal. Occultists believe that the demon will be delighted with the right victim and will gladly fulfill your request. She must be killed during a ritual on a special altar in the initial or middle phase of the ritual.

There were terrible rituals during which black magicians made human sacrifices. Fortunately, this is already in the distant past and such sacrifices are not made now.

Preparation of paraphernalia

How to summon a demon at home - there are a number of other rules that should be followed during the ritual. An important role is played by the five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. Mages believe that the pentagram will protect all participants in the ritual, and the demon will be inside it and will not be able to get out. In addition, each participant in the ritual has his own specific place in the circle.

The circle is created from salt and chalk. Since the pentagram has five rays, it is better to use only five people in the ritual. There is an option that the demon may ask you for something in return for fulfilling the request. Do not exclude the possibility that the demon may demand an expensive item. Before you start the ritual, you need to understand that you are ready to sacrifice everything you have.

Is it possible to perform the ritual at home?

It is better to discard this idea immediately for various reasons. First, you will have to turn your house into an altar with the murder of the victim. Secondly, there is a high probability that the demon may be a frequent guest in your house after the ritual, since he will remember the way to it.

Carrying out the ritual

If you still decide to summon demons at home, then adhere to the following rules. Start with a drawing of an inverted pentagram and arrange the five candles so that there is one candle on each ray of the pentagram. Draw a circle around yourself with chalk and say the following words in a very confident and authoritative voice:

Demon of desire, I call upon you. Hear my call. I’m not calling you for fun, I want you to fulfill my command. Come to me and fulfill my request.

Words are pronounced clearly and confidently 9 times in a row. If everything is done correctly, then you will see a figure in the circle. This is when you will need to make a sacrifice in order to approve of the demon and give yourself energy. Under no circumstances leave the boundaries of the magic circle. After killing the victim, throw him into the center of the drawn pentagram.

After all the above steps have been completed, you can ask the demon to fulfill your request. Remain calm and alert. The demon may try to deceive you, to attract you to himself, but you should not succumb to his spell.

How to send a demon back

After fulfilling your request, it is important to send the demon back using the following spell:

Go in peace to where you came from! I let you do my will. Wait behind the barrier for a new call. Amen!

Once traces of the demon are gone, destroy everything associated with the ritual.

Summoning a demon with a spell in Latin

How to summon a demon, spell in Latin

Summoning a demon in Latin is best done in a cemetery, but it is much more difficult. To carry it out, you need to prepare very carefully, gather fortitude and courage. You will be able to get answers to three questions that are important to you, which should be written down on a piece of paper in advance. Remember that you should not hesitate in front of the demon, you need to speak confidently.

Before performing this ritual, you must cleanse your body and soul. Usually, for this purpose, magicians fast for nine days. Consumption of meat and dairy products, as well as alcoholic beverages, is not allowed. Fasting must be maintained on all days without exception. If even one day is violated, then you need to start all over again.

Carrying out the ceremony

After completing your fast, you should have enough spiritual strength to carry out this difficult ritual. You need to go to the cemetery at midnight, on the full moon. The road to the cemetery should also be chosen depending on the questions you are going to ask.

  • You need to choose the straight road if your questions concern relationships;
  • If you ask questions on a financial topic, the road to the cemetery should be located on the left;
  • If you want to know when you will die, then choose the right road;

When you arrive at the cemetery, first of all you need to mentally apologize to the owner of the cemetery for disturbing the peace. Next, go through 13 graves in a row, the last one will be your altar.

Then the procedure is already familiar to you: draw a pentagram in a circle. Place yourself in a protective circle and sacrifice an animal. In order to summon a demon you need to say the phrase in Latin three times:

Euphas Meta him, frugativi et apellavi.

Below is a transcription of this spell:

Eufas Meta him, frugativi et appellavi.

You will immediately recognize the presence of a demon, usually accompanied by a sudden fear. Your knees will begin to tremble, your heart will be pounding. Nevertheless, try to remain calm, such a reaction in this case is very natural, because your bright side begins to resist the surrounding evil.

How to communicate with a demon

Under no circumstances should you show your fear to a demon. Once the demon feels that you are not strong enough in spirit, he will try to pull you out of the protective circle, which can lead to dire consequences. Leaving this circle can result in loss of sanity or death.

When you are convinced of the presence of a demon, then clearly and boldly ask him your questions. Some advanced magicians can hear the demons' responses, in which case communication is much easier. If you cannot hear the demon's words, then ask him to answer you in another way: for example, show the answer in a dream or using signs. There is no need to behave stupidly or frivolously, this can make the demon very angry, which is very undesirable.

Completion of the ritual

After receiving the answers, be sure to send the demon back.

Leave in peace where you came from. May peace be with you and be ready to come to me the next time I call. In the name of all existing gods. Amen.

If after saying the phrase the first time the demon still retains its presence, then repeat it twice. Do not leave the circle until the demon disappears. After completing the ceremony, you must destroy all traces of your visit to the cemetery and leave it. On the way home, do not stop, do not turn around, and do not talk to passers-by. Take a bath or shower at home to clear away all negative energy.

How to Summon a Guardian Demon

There are guardian demons who can protect you from adverse effects. Any confident, strong magician knows how to summon a guardian demon. This is a very difficult ritual that requires strong energy and the ability to stand up for yourself.

To summon a guardian demon, a special cup is prepared into which the blood of the victim is poured. A pentagram is drawn on the floor (necessarily in a circle), the bowl must be placed in the center of the drawing. In this case, only a black chicken should be used as a victim, which is killed with the words:

Accept my sacrifice, my keeper. Do not be angry because I trust in you.

The chicken's blood is poured into the bowl, the magician dips his finger into the bowl and traces the outline of the pentagram with it. After this procedure, the magician himself stands in a circle and pronounces the following spell:

Demon, my protector, patron! I trust in you, I call on you. For there is no one more powerful than you in this world. Because there is no one else to turn to. Hear me and come to my call.

Only after the above spell has been recited 5 times in a row will the demon appear in front of you. Then you can ask him to become your guardian. Again, be sure to send the demon back after your interaction is complete. To exorcise a demon, say the following words:

In the names of all the gods I conjure, hide from the human evil eye, from the magic of my enemies, but follow on my heels. Protect me from everything bad.

If the demon did not demand anything in return, then it means he agrees to become your protector.


Remember that all the described rituals on how to summon a demon are dangerous, so you need to understand the purpose of summoning demons, and also evaluate your strength. If you feel that your energy is not enough to carry out such rituals, then you should not try. The consequences may be irreversible. An incorrect assessment of your capabilities can lead to death for you, as well as harm to your family and friends.

Video “Summoning the Demon Astaroth”

Summoning a demon is a serious ritual that cannot be performed simply out of curiosity. Before you take on the ritual, think carefully about whether you are ready for the consequences and whether you can take responsibility for your own actions.

In the article:

Summoning a Demon - How to Prepare

Before summoning a creature from the underworld, you need to determine why you need it. Having a target and a demon is especially important.

If you bother him for fun or start to hesitate, cannot explain the request or confuse the words of the conspiracy, then the summoned entity will become very angry, which is fraught with consequences.

There are many demons in hell who are responsible for different things. Some are able to attract love into the heart of the desired person, others - unlimited power, wealth and success.

In general, they are capable of fulfilling almost any human desire. Before you start summoning a demon, you need to prepare a victim. Remember, the inhabitant of hell needs to be appeased, and if you sacrifice a living creature to him, he will be more loyal and more willing to fulfill the request.

Depending on what kind of demon you are going to summon (higher or lower rank), this should be the sacrifice. If you want to ask for something small, chicken will do. She must be killed during the ritual.

To ask for something more significant, cattle are given as a gift to the demons. Preferably it should be a goat.

The animal must be killed at the very beginning or in the middle of the ritual. Occultists believe that at the moment of murder, energy is released and helps to carry out the ritual correctly (adds strength). The animal is killed on a special altar, which stands in the center of the inscribed pentagram.

You need to take a responsible approach to choosing an animal. It should symbolize purity, to be healthy, strong, young, innocent. The sorcerers are confident that the demon will receive real pleasure from a good sacrifice and will happily fulfill the magician’s request.

In the most complex and terrible rituals, where black sorcerers turn to Satan and his minions for help, they also make human sacrifices. These terrible rituals go back a long way. Nowadays such rituals are not practiced.

There are other rules for successfully summoning a demon. Draw a pentagram around the altar - a star with five rays inscribed in a circle. This will protect those present, and the demon will not be able to escape. Each participant in the ritual must be in his own special circle.

This magical shield will protect the sorcerer in the event that the demon manages to break out. It is created from salt and chalk. It is advisable for someone to take part in the ritual five man - how many rays does a pentagram have? Remember that the entity may ask for something in return for your request.

Satan's minions do not always limit themselves to one victim. Think in advance about what you will give to get what you want. Perhaps the demon will ask for something expensive. If you are not ready to sacrifice everything, do not undertake the ritual.

How to summon the demon of desires at home

It is not advisable to do this at home. If only because you will have to make a sacrifice, and turning your home into an altar is not the best option. In addition, the demon will definitely remember the path to you and may become a frequent guest.

But if you want it at home, use the following ritual. Draw an inverted pentagram in the circle. There should be a candle on each of its rays. Draw a protective circle around yourself with chalk and pick up a candle. Then say in a loud, authoritative voice:

Demon of desire, I call upon you. Hear my call. I’m not calling you for fun, I want you to fulfill my command. Come to me and fulfill my request.

You need to say the words exactly 9 times. A transparent body will appear in the center of the magic circle. At this moment, in order to charge yourself with energy and feed the demon, you need to make a sacrifice. At home it could be chicken. Do not leave the circle, cut the bird's throat and throw it into the center of the pentagram.

Next, contact the demon of desires with a request and ask him to fulfill your dream. Be careful, an evil spirit can deceive and attract you to itself. Ignore the demon's charms. After the wish has been voiced, send Satan's minion back:

Go in peace to where you came from! I let you do my will. Wait behind the barrier for a new call. Amen!

As soon as the demon leaves, destroy all traces of the ritual.

Latin spell to summon a demon

You can summon Satan’s minion in a cemetery; to do this you need to gather all your inner strength and courage, since it is not easy to carry out this ritual. From the demon you can find out the answers to the three most important questions. Decide in advance what you will ask. It is better to write down the questions on a piece of paper, since you cannot hesitate in front of an evil spirit.

To conduct the ceremony, prepare your body and soul in advance. For 9 days, adhere to strict fasting - avoid alcohol, meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. If you miss even one day of cleansing, you will have to start all over again. Only after a nine-day fast can one begin the ritual.

By this point, you should have accumulated enough spiritual strength and energy to perform this complex ritual. When you are clean, go to the cemetery. Choose the right day - full moon. At exactly midnight, report to the ceremony site.

Choose the right path to the cemetery.

  • To ask questions regarding relations, you need to go along the most direct road.
  • If your goal is to know the future material position, take the road to the left of the cemetery.
  • If you want to know when you will die, take the right road.

At the designated place, bow to the owner of the cemetery and apologize for disturbing his peace. Walk past 13 graves in a row and stop at the last one. This will be your altar.

Draw a pentagram around it and enclose it in a circle. Stand in a protective circle yourself. Sacrifice your chosen animal. And only then summon the demon. Say three times:

Euphas Meta him, frugativi et apellavi.

This is the transcription of this spell:

Eufas Meta him, frugativi et appellavi.

When the demon appears, you will feel it immediately. Usually a person experiences a strong attack of fear. Everything inside shrinks, and the heart begins to beat. Such a reaction is justified, because everything good, pure and bright that is in a person begins to resist the evil that surrounds him.

Remember, you cannot show your fear to a demon. If he feels that you are weak in spirit, he will try to lure you out of the protective circle in any way, and then something terrible can happen. Usually such close contact with evil forces ends in clouding of reason or death.

When the demon appears, you can see it in any form or simply feel its presence. Ask him three questions clearly in turn. If you have a highly developed sense and have extraordinary magical abilities, you will hear what the demon is saying, and it will be much easier to communicate with him.

If you don’t hear his words, ask him to show you the answers to your questions in a dream, or let fate send signs. Questions must be clear and serious. Behaving stupidly and irresponsibly will only anger the demon. When you get the answers, tell the evil spirit to go back. To do this say:

Leave in peace where you came from. May peace be with you and be ready to come to me the next time I call. In the name of all existing gods. Amen.

If the demon does not leave after you say these lines the first time, repeat them two more times. Remember that the ritual is not completed until the demon is in front of you. Until it disappears, you cannot go beyond the magic circle.

After the ceremony is over, hide all signs of being in the cemetery and go home. On the way, do not talk to anyone, do not stop or turn around. Take a shower at home and wash away the negative energy.

Method of summoning a guardian demon

Every magician is able to ask for protection from a demon - custodian. To do this, you need to have strong energy, stand up for yourself and go a long way.

To summon your guardian demon, who will protect you from outside influences, prepare a special bowl into which you will pour the blood of a sacrificial animal.

On the floor of the room, draw a pentagram (enclosed in a circle), and place a bowl in the center of the drawing. Only black chicken is used as a sacrifice. Kill the animal with the words:

Accept my sacrifice, my keeper. Do not be angry because I trust in you.

Now pour the blood of the killed animal into the bowl and, dipping your finger into the liquid, trace all the outlines of the pentagram with it. After this, stand in a circle and say:

Demon, my protector, patron! I trust in you, I call on you. For there is no one more powerful than you in this world. Because there is no one else to turn to. Hear me and come to my call.

Read the words exactly 5 times, without hesitation. After this, the demon will come to the meeting. Ask him to be your protector and ally. Then send him to the underworld. To do this say:

In the names of all the gods I conjure, hide from the human evil eye, from the magic of my enemies, but follow on my heels. Protect me from everything bad.

You will learn the real ritual, find proven information on how to summon a demon.

Many people who want to achieve material wealth and fulfill their dreams sooner or later begin to look for a way to summon a demon. According to statistics, everyone in their life has thought about resorting to the help of Dark Forces. You didn't end up here by accident. The demons themselves showed you the way here. On this page you can find a description of the real method of how to summon a demon.

How to Summon a Desire Demon

In order to sell your soul to the Devil and get what you want with the help of a demon, you must contact only professional black magicians. We recommend contacting only the black sorcerer Dmitry, verified by our website. You can leave a request to sell your soul to a demon using email: dusha@site

Summon a demon to fulfill your request

In order for the Dark Forces to fulfill your request, you must contact the demon directly.

Each demon is responsible for one or another area of ​​human life. For wealth, you need to turn to the patron demon of wealth.

Before summoning any demon from Hell, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of his call, especially when it comes to summoning the Devil himself. If you performed the summoning ritual for fun or acted unprofessionally, you may anger the one who came into this world. The consequences of this can be catastrophic.
There are a huge number of demons. Each of them is responsible for one or another area of ​​the material world. Some demons, patrons of feelings, can attract love to you in a person’s heart, other demons are able to bestow you with limitless wealth, success, prosperity, and give you power. Demons can fulfill absolutely any desire of a mortal. You can get advice from a demonologist about getting what you want with the help of demons by email: dusha@site

Preparing for the Demon Summoning Ritual

Before following the recipe for how to summon a demon or the Devil, you need to prepare the victim. Remember, the creature from hell must be appeased, and if you sacrifice energy to him, he will be more loyal and more willing to fulfill the request.

How to summon a demon to make a contract

To conclude a deal to sell the soul, you need to contact a trusted black magician who will act as an intermediary between the worlds. He will open the gates to Hell, ensure your safety, help you negotiate with the Devil, then safely close the gates. You will find more information about this, contacts of the black sorcerer in the section.

Difficult and dangerous demon summoning ritual Not everyone can do it. These are not toys, but very serious forces, with which it is dangerous to joke.

If you have thought everything through very well and are determined to accomplish what you have planned, you first need to prepare.

First you need to clearly define the purpose of summoning the creature. If at the main moment you get confused and hesitate, this will anger the guest from the underworld. Who knows what awaits the unlucky caller then?

In addition, there are many inhabitants of the underworld, each with their own sphere of activity, be it personal life, wealth and success, etc.

A sacrifice is definitely needed as payment to the demon. A living victim will be more pleasing to the entity, so there is a greater chance that the demon will grant the wish.

If called upon, an ordinary chicken will also be suitable for the ritual; if you want something more global, you will have to work hard.

The creature will have to sacrifice cattle. The victim will have to be killed during the ritual.

It is important to choose a healthy, strong and young animal in order to surely appease the demon. The murder of the victim will take place in the middle of a specially drawn pentagram, in the altar.

It is believed that during a ritual murder, energy is released that helps to perform the ritual correctly.

About the pentagram itself - it will also need to be drawn in advance. Around the special sacrificial altar it is necessary to draw a five-pointed star outlined in a circle.

This will hold the demon in place; he will not be able to cross the border. For the safety of everyone involved in the demon summoning ritual, it is very important to do everything correctly.

Also, a separate circle should be drawn for everyone who will be present during the ritual.

Such protection is needed in the event that a demonic entity is still able to get out of the pentagram and get out of control. You need to draw a circle using salt and chalk. As a rule, five people participate in the call, according to the number of rays of the star.

Do not forget that nothing is done for nothing, especially by the inhabitants of the underworld. The entity may not like the gift brought to the demon, then he will try to exchange it for something else.

Who knows, maybe it will be something too expensive. Not in monetary terms, of course. If you are not ready to make serious sacrifices, it is better not to even start such a dangerous business.

Carrying out the ritual itself

Conduct demon summoning ritual It’s better outside the walls of your home so that the demonic entity does not come to visit you in the future.

We offer the following ritual for summoning a demon:

  • Take five candles;
  • On a circle with a pentagram prepared in advance, place candles on each ray;
  • Prepare protective circles for ritual participants;
  • Take a candle in your hand;
  • Confidently, clearly and loudly say the words of the call, repeating several times.
  • The spell can be recited either in Latin or in the native language;

After reading the spell, you will see a vague silhouette in the center of the star. This means that it’s time to start the sacrifice; this will give additional energy to all participants in the action.

You need to take a chicken, cut its throat and, remaining within the boundaries of your circle, move it to the middle of the pentagram.

After the demon receives the sacrifice, tell your request to the summoned guest. You must not let your guard down, because demons are very cunning. Under no circumstances should you leave the circle. The demon will most likely try to deceive and attract you to himself. You need to act very carefully and carefully.

Having said your wish, the guest must be escorted out. To do this, you need to utter words that banish the essence.

After the creature leaves, it is imperative to destroy all the consequences of the ritual, no matter where it took place, at home or on neutral territory.

Demons are powerful entities that represent evil forces. They were once kind, but they sinned and were punished. Since ancient times, people have tried to find a way to make contact with demons. Several have survived to this day, making it possible to summon dark forces. There is a special direction that deals with the study of evil forces - demonology.

Initially, it is worth making a reservation that only those who really believe in their power can cope with the rituals. It is also important, before using magic, to decide for what purpose you want to summon a demon, since if you do this for fun, everything can end quite disastrously. Beginners in black magic are not recommended to perform such rituals, as negative consequences may arise. You cannot start summoning a demon if you are experiencing even the slightest fear, as the dark forces will feel superior and take over your soul.

An important part of such rituals is sacrifice, this is a kind of appeasement of evil spirits. In essence, the animal is a vessel for concentrating energy. Demons may not fulfill wishes unless you give them something in return. Payment can be completely different, both a banal thing and a human soul.

How to summon a demon at home?

To make contact with dark forces, it is recommended to carry out the ritual in an abandoned church or, as a last resort, in any other building that is not in use. Take a piece of coal and draw a 5-pointed star. Stand so that it is upside down. To make a sacrifice, you need to take a black chicken and cut off its head, and collect the secreted blood in a bowl. Then, walking counterclockwise around the star, sprinkle it with blood and say:

“Per Adonai Eloym, Adonai Yeshova, Adonai Soboch, Matraton On Agla Adonai Mashon, verbut pushhonikum, mysterium Salamander, sonventus sulhorum, antra gnomorum, demonia Coeli Gad Almousun Gibor, Ishoy, Evam Zarianatmik, veni, veni, veni.”

Return to the place where you made the sacrifice and cast the spell to summon the demon:

“Hemen-Etan! Hemen-Yetavun! Hemen-Etan! El Ati Titep Asia Hun Ten Minosel Ashadon Wau Waa Eue Aaa Eee A El El El A Hu! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Shvazhoch. E Sara Supervenius Abokor Super Aber Shvazhoch! Shvazhoch! Shvazhoch! Impero tibi per clavem. Solotonus et nomen magnum Gemshamhoras.”

After the words have been spoken, you can see a demon in the center of the pictogram.

How to summon the demon of desires?

To fulfill your cherished desire, you can summon crossroads demons. Only in return for the service rendered will it be necessary to give them your soul. A person who calls upon dark forces receives a certain life span, after which he falls into the underworld. Crossroads demons are excellent manipulators and are adept at preying on people's weaknesses.

To perform the ritual, you need to come to a crossroads after sunset and dig a hole in the center. Place a box there with your own photo, soil from the cemetery and a black cat bone. Once the hole is buried, a demon should appear. Most often they appear in the form of a young girl.

You can summon a demon, both at home and on the street, using such a ritual. To make his wish come true, you can read the following plot:

“Creator of evil, demons of hell - water demon, stone demon, marsh demon, big Uruku, terrible whirlwind, evil demon, promise with an oath. Demon, capturing a person, Gigim, committing atrocities, promise with an oath. (Own wish)".

How to summon a demon without sacrifice?

Before starting the rituals, it is recommended to fast for 40 days. This is necessary to cleanse the body and soul. On the day of the ritual, draw a pictogram on the floor. It is a regular pentagon with Isosceles triangles of the same height are constructed on each side. Then proceed to preparing a potion based on toad skin, mandrake and essential oils. Place a quartz stone in each corner of the pictogram to restrain evil forces. Light black or red candles. Diffuse bergamot or rosewood essential oil into the air. Set fire to the sulfur in the crystals and from 11:30 pm to 2:00 am you must read the following words:

"Great Satan! The one who was imprisoned in darkness! Let’s go here…(name of the demon you want to summon and why).”

After this, a demon should appear in the center of the pictogram, if everything is done correctly. After this, you can ask for help in making your desire come true.