How to summon a demon on the street during the day. How to summon a wish-granting crossroads demon

Magic rituals to summon otherworldly creatures are complex and dangerous. It is necessary to thoroughly prepare for them so as not to become a victim of the summoned entity. Each ritual has its own characteristics and rules that must be followed. In order to find out how to summon a demon, you need to understand what kind of creatures they are.

Basic characteristics of demons

Demon is a collective name for spirits, supernatural entities or pagan gods in the cultures of different nations.

Like other mystical creatures, they have a number of features:

  1. Incorporeality - the ability to penetrate closed doors, seep into cracks, pass through corporeal objects.
  2. By devouring the souls of sinners. They hunt mortal creatures and, tempting them with mythical riches, enter into contracts for human souls.
  3. Fear of holy places and objects. Without a corporeal shell, demons cannot penetrate into shelters protected by God's grace. Holy water, crucifixes and prayers can also cause great harm to them.
  4. The concentration of all vices. These monsters are endowed with all the disgusting traits inherent in people. This includes the main 7 deadly sins and the rest of the dark inclinations of human souls.
  5. Most of the demons have a certain appearance, but some of them can adapt to the desires of people. Basically, this feature is found in creatures that are responsible for seducing and seducing the righteous.


In order to summon a demon, you need to have as much information as possible about it. Their classification can help with this. She will tell you what demons exist, how they differ from each other, what power they have and what precautions need to be taken to safely call.

Over the course of a long time, many demonologists, monks and occultists have developed their own classifications.

The most common of them:

  1. By location.
  2. By occupation.
  3. Division according to sins according to the Christian religion.

Despite the fact that each demon has its own area of ​​responsibility, it is impossible to clearly systematize them. Each subordinate has several creatures of lower rank, which can simultaneously serve as servants of several higher beings.

By location

According to the theory of the monk Michael Psellus, demons live in certain areas that they cannot leave. Only on Judgment Day, when the gates of Hell open wide, will all the dark power pour onto the earth. At that very moment they will be able to leave their shelters and fall upon the mortal world.

Based on their habitat they are classified as:

  1. Fire demons. They live between heaven and earth in the upper layers of the air. The only type of elemental demons that cannot be summoned. They will come down to earth only during the Apocalypse.
  2. Air. The largest group of elemental demons. They live in close proximity to the human world and can have destructive influences on it, even without direct participation. They serve as causes of natural disasters and disasters. They can descend to Hell at will.
  3. Earthly ones. They live in stones, rocks, and soil. Unlike others, they do not always bring trouble to people. They love to pretend to be mortals and live among them.
  4. Vodyanykh. They live in all places where there is water. They appear in the form of women. Extremely aggressive. They love to harm sailors and destroy underwater life. They are the cause of sudden mass suicides of marine animals.
  5. Underground demons. They hate light and never leave their underground shelters. They live in deep cracks, abandoned mines and caves. Responsible for sudden destruction of buildings and earthquakes.

By occupation

Alphonse de Spina suggested classifying demons according to their occupation in the 15th century. He was sure that demons could determine a person's weaknesses. Depending on them, a creature was chosen that had more opportunities to influence a mortal.

  1. Parks. They interfere in a person’s fate, cutting off the thread of his life before the time has come.
  2. Minor spirits that cannot cause serious harm. They break things and create disturbances. It’s easy to call and get rid of them.
  3. Demons of lust and depravity. They seduce men and women, feeding on their energy. There are legends according to which, after a night with such a creature, a person could not desire someone else. All his feelings were directed towards them. Also, succubi and incubi used people to give birth to new demons.
  4. Marching Ethereal Spirits that appeared in a large crowd and made a lot of noise. History knows of cases where entire battles were won by concluding a contract with them.
  5. Witch spirits. Minor demons who were once human but sold their souls in exchange for power.
  6. Nightmares. Small evil spirits that feed on feelings of fear, horror and doom. She sends nightmares to sleeping people.
  7. Pure demons. They attacked and seduced true believers, mainly monks and those who were preparing to take monastic vows.

This classification is subject to great doubt due to the limited description of the capabilities of demonic creatures.

Division according to sins according to Christian religion

In accordance with the idea that the fiends of hell push a person to sinful deeds, this classification was developed. According to it, each of the 7 deadly sins corresponds to one or more major demons.

The connection between higher demons and vices:

  1. Pride - .
  2. Greed - Mammon.
  3. Lust - Asmodeus.
  4. Wrath - Abaddon, Belial.
  5. Gluttony - Beelzebub.
  6. Envy - Leviathan, .
  7. Sloth - Belphigor.

Summoning Demons

After all the necessary information has been collected, you can begin initial preparation for the call.

You can't summon a demon just out of curiosity. You need to be aware of all the risks of such an event and prepare to bear responsibility for the decisions made.

Preparing for the ritual

If the desire to summon a demon is based on sober reflection, then it is necessary to decide on some details.

Summoning different entities requires specific elements and conditions, so you need to clearly imagine the desired result.

It is necessary to determine:

  • what is the summoned entity for?
  • what type of demons she belongs to;
  • what is needed for the ritual;
  • How can one pay off the evil force?

Summoning a demon on the street

For all entities that belong to elemental demons and live in strictly defined places, you need to select the appropriate environment. They cannot simply be summoned at home or in the middle of the street.


For a successful call, you need to prepare the appropriate tools and area:

  1. The location of the call must correspond to the elemental essence of the spirit. If a water demon is summoned, you need to position yourself in close proximity to water.
  2. The area should be deserted.
  3. A pentagram is drawn on the ground using a special stake. The stake must first be soaked in wormwood tincture.
  4. Candles made of natural fat are placed in the corners. It is better to carry out the ceremony in calm weather to prevent untimely extinction of the flame.
  5. An altar cloth is placed in front of the caller.
  6. A silver bowl and a small knife are displayed on it.
  7. It is necessary to prepare a gift in advance. Usually this is a small living creature.

The stronger the demon, the greater the gratitude should be. If he decides that his services have not been fully paid for, he may require something special.


The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon. After all preparations are completed, you need to clear your mind and clearly formulate questions or requests. Doubts, uncertainty about what is happening, or improper preparation for the draft can be costly.

The action itself begins with the making of a sacrifice. The animal’s blood is collected in a bowl, and the demon’s personal pentacle is lowered into it. The person who calls the hellish entity into the world walks around the pentagram clockwise, sprinkling each corner with sacrificial blood. During this the words are spoken:

“Demon, I call upon you. Hear my call. Follow my orders. Answer my question. And in gratitude for this you will receive what you crave most!”

It is necessary to constantly sprinkle the drawn pentagram in order to maintain the communication channel.

After all questions have been asked, you must send it back.

To do this you need to say the phrase:

“Go back to where you came from. I'm letting you go. And as a reward for your service, I will call you into this world again. Wait for my call behind the barrier. Amen!

After the end of the ceremony, all traces must be destroyed. The pentagram on the ground is covered with salt and watered with holy water.

Calling the demon at home

Most demons, especially small ones, can be summoned at home. The preparation steps and tools will vary. A challenge in such conditions has its own characteristics.


To summon evil spirits at home, it is necessary to take enhanced protective measures so that the spirit does not appear later on its own.

Should do:

  1. Decide on a location. The best option would be a basement or attic.
  2. Take out all personal belongings. There should be no hints of the person's identity left in the room.
  3. To draw a pentagram you need chalk. First, it must be charged with strong energy. To do this, it must be buried in a place where dark power is concentrated for the entire lunar cycle.
  4. The room is treated with wormwood tincture. Dried branches of the plant are placed in the corners of the room.
  5. In addition to chalk, you will need a ritual knife, a large tray, a mirror, 5 candles and incense.

Demons that can be summoned at home are at the lower levels of the hierarchy. They do not require large gifts. Cattle heart or liver, which can be purchased at any butcher shop, will do.

It is dangerous to summon stronger entities indoors.


The ritual itself must begin in the afternoon. This will weaken the summoned spirit and make it easier to deal with. If the room has windows, they must be covered with thick fabric. The pentagram is drawn clearly in the center in compliance with all proportions. Candles are placed at the corners of the star.

There is a common misconception that their color plays a role in the ceremony. This is wrong. It is only important to use a natural product, and not ordinary household candles.

The caller himself sits opposite one of the rays.

Incense is placed on both sides of the person. The offering is placed on the tray.

After all the preparations, you need to clear your mind and begin the ceremony itself.

The gift is pierced with a ritual knife and the words are spoken along with it:

“Hear me, (demon name). Submit to my will and come into this world to fulfill my command!

Questions must be asked clearly and specifically. You can't joke with a demon. Stupidity and frivolity can anger him.

After all your questions have been answered, you must say:

“Go back to where you came from. May peace be with you. You have served me well. So be ready for a new challenge. Amen!".

If the demon does not want to leave, you need to place a mirror in front of you in such a way as to catch its reflection and say the words:

“Get out of my sight immediately, otherwise you will be an eternal prisoner of the mirror world. You will forever be my servant. And when my time comes, you will die with me.”

After the ceremony, all items used should be burned if possible. Metal elements and the mirror must be filled with saline solution and left for a month in the darkest place.

The room is washed with wormwood tincture and sealed for 40 days. Be sure to make sure that no one enters there during this time.

Summoning the Crossroads Demon

One of the most common rituals is to summon the crossroads demon. This category includes small demons who specialize in concluding contracts. Fulfilling a person's various desires, they demand his soul in return. But if you prepare for it wisely, you can avoid fatal consequences.


When preparing for the ceremony, the most important thing is to choose the right place. It must meet the following conditions:

  • An intersection of two four-lane roads that face strictly the four cardinal directions is definitely necessary;
  • there should be no human habitation within a radius of 100 m;
  • roads should not be used frequently.

For the ritual itself you will need:

  1. An aspen stake, which is infused for a month in tincture of wormwood with the addition of a few drops of the caller’s blood.
  2. A bottle of any alcohol.
  3. Five candles and candlesticks, a box of new matches, a compass.
  4. An unopened Tarot deck that has been sprinkled with a mixture of holy water and innocent blood.


After preparing all the relevant elements, the ceremony itself begins.

With the help of a compass, the cardinal directions are clearly determined. A stake is used to draw a pentagram of challenge in the center of the intersection. The top ray of the star should point north. The rest are arranged as bisectors of right angles, which are formed by two roads. Candles are placed on the top beam.

Before the challenge itself, all unnecessary thoughts must be thrown out of your head. Crossroads demons always grant only one wish. It is necessary to compose it clearly and specifically to avoid double interpretation.

The time of calling does not matter, nor does the phase of the moon. You just need to make sure that interference from foreign elements is excluded.

When everything is ready, you need to stand in front of the pentagram, facing south. The Tarot deck needs to be unpacked and shuffled. Along with this the words are spoken:

“Demon of the crossroads, I call you to my world. Come and complete the task assigned to you. I will generously repay you for your faithful service.”

You definitely need to remember which map the demon appeared on. When the time comes to let him go, it must be burned and the ashes scattered on all four sides, the following words are spoken:

“Now fulfill your obligation. If you are stubborn, you will never see a reward. You will be my servant forever and ever. Amen!

If the demon is stubborn and does not want to go back, you need to pour a bottle of alcohol on the ground, drawing a circle around the pentagram, and set it on fire with the words:

“Since you decided to resist my will, then you will no longer see freedom. And there is no reward in sight. Now you will be a little demon and help me in everything. As the flames play brightly, so faithfully will you serve me. Amen!

After performing the ritual, you must turn around to face north and leave without looking back. Only after 100-150 m can you turn off the path.

Turning to light entities does not always help a person achieve what he wants. If you are willing to risk your health and soul to achieve your goal, you will be interested in how to summon a demon. The ritual will require serious preparation and compliance with all conditions. It is important to protect yourself and those you care about from the aggression of the demon in time.

Features of communication with a dark entity

Even powerful magicians do not summon demons out of idle curiosity. The creature from the Underworld has an insidious and vengeful disposition. If you bother him over trifles, the demon may attack you.

Situations that prompt a person to seek contact with a demon:

  • serious illness of a relative;
  • problems with law;
  • acute lack of finances;
  • painful unrequited love.

Before summoning a demonic entity, determine the goal that matters most to you. You can handle small life problems on your own.

When deciding to challenge a demon, you need to know some aspects.

  1. Creatures from the Dark World never help people for free. Most rituals for summoning demons involve the killing of a sacrificial animal. The more serious your request, the more substantial the sacrifice should be. If you are going to ask the demon for something minor, choose chicken or duck. If you want a demon to fulfill your deepest desire, sacrifice a goat or ram to him.
  2. Satan's servants sense your fear and weakness. You should not have any doubts when calling a demonic entity.
  3. If you want to become lucky in a certain area of ​​life, contact the demon whose activities are related to it. To achieve wealth, knowledgeable people turn to the demon Mamon. Astaroth helps you quickly reach the top of your career. If you dream that your departed spouse will inflame with a new passion for you, it is advisable to turn to Asmodeus or the demoness Lilith.

Requirements for performing rituals

To prevent the calling of a demon from turning into a series of problems and illnesses for you, observe the following conditions:

  • all rituals for calling dark spirits are read on the waxing moon: on church holidays and on Sunday the ritual may not work;
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not call on otherworldly entities;
  • before performing the ritual, a seven-day fast is required - during this time, refrain from sexual contact, refuse to eat meat and alcohol, similar restrictions must also be adhered to on the day of the ritual;
  • rituals with the summoning of demons are best carried out in a cemetery, in the forest or at a crossroads;
  • girls do not practice witchcraft on menstrual periods;
  • if you plan to summon one of Satan’s servants, remove icons and church candles from the room: the inhabitants of the Underworld hate church paraphernalia;
  • decide on the choice of a sacrificial animal - if you do not take care of making a sacrifice, the demon may charge you a more terrible payment for help - take away a loved one or arrange for you an accident in which you will be injured;
  • It is unacceptable to summon a demonic entity when you are sick;
  • there should be no pets in the room where the ritual will take place;
  • do not tell friends and relatives about your communication with the demon.

Witchcraft at the crossroads

For a demon to fulfill your wish, you need to call him at a crossroads. The ceremony can be performed at any time of the day. Choose a pedestrian intersection where people rarely walk. The day before the ritual, buy a black chicken (the bird is used as a sacrifice).

What else do you need to summon a demonic entity:

  • new knife;
  • a bottle of expensive wine;
  • aspen stick with a sharp end.

Under normal conditions, practice drawing a pentagram: a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. On the waxing moon, go to the crossroads. Take a knife, wine, aspen stake and tied chicken with you. Algorithm of your actions:

  • Once at the crossroads, draw a large pentagram on the ground with a stake, make sure that the upper ray of the star points to the north;
  • throw the aspen stick aside and take the bird out of the bag;
  • stand in the center of the pentagram and cut the chicken's throat;
  • throw the killed bird next to you;
  • open a bottle of wine;
  • wash your hands and the sacrificial knife with wine;
  • pour out the remaining wine;
  • stick the knife into the ground and don’t take it out again.

Then repeat the challenge text in Latin three times:

"Euphas meta him, frugativi et apellavi."

"Eufas Meta him, frugativi et appellavi"- transcription of witchcraft words. You must know the magic formula by heart. During the ceremony you should not look at the notebook.

Your otherworldly assistant should appear soon. Signs of the appearance of a demon: heat in the body, numbness of the limbs, unaccountable fear. The demon may appear before you in the form of a translucent creature. Sometimes demons appear to people in the form of girls with dark hair and fiery red eyes.

If you don't see a demonic guest, don't let your guard down. He stands nearby, not giving away his presence. Whatever happens, do not leave the circle. Otherwise, the demon may take your sanity or life.

Tell me what kind of help you expect from your demonic ally. Then cast a spell that will send him back to the underworld:

“Go away in peace from where you came. May peace be with you and be ready to come to me the next time I call. In the name of all existing gods. Amen".

You will feel the disappearance of the demon on an energetic level: your soul will become calmer, and weakness will spread throughout your body. These signs indicate that you have given up some of your personal power to make a wish come true. While the demon is near you, do not leave the lifeline.

When the fear and tension subside, leave the circle and go home. Until you cross the threshold of your home, do not say a word. Take a shower and go to bed. Within 1–3 months, your wish will come true.

The nuances of summoning guardian demons

Sometimes a person faces such difficulties that he is ready to ask for help from the forces of evil, just to get out of the “dark streak”. If enemies or competitors threaten you with violence, try calling on a guardian demon.

Demons are not always satisfied with the blood of a sacrificial animal. The otherworldly assistant may ask you for something more valuable in exchange for saving your life. The ritual will greatly change your destiny. Perhaps the main danger will retreat from you, but it will become more difficult for you to communicate with people. Conflicts at work, cooling in a relationship with a loved one - this is what can await you after meeting a demon.

Summon a demon on the street. Otherwise, he may remember the way to your house and become a frequent visitor there. The ritual is not difficult to perform:

  • on the morning of the ceremony, buy a black chicken;
  • wear dark-colored clothes;
  • after waiting until noon, cut the bird’s throat and pour its blood into a jug;
  • go to a place where there are trees and few people (it could be a quiet square), take the container with you;
  • find a male tree (oak, ash), go up to it and draw a pentagram surrounded by a circle on the ground: the magic sign is drawn in the blood of a chicken - no matter how clear the drawing is.

Pour the remaining blood under the tree and stand in the center of the protective circle. To summon Satan's servant, repeat the following verbal formula three times:

“Accept my sacrifice, my keeper. Do not be angry because I trust in you.”

Then you need to whisper the spell 5 times:

“Demon, my protector, patron! I trust in you, I call on you. For there is no one more powerful than you in this world. Because there is no one else to turn to. Hear me and come to my call."

Soon you will see: a translucent or black figure has appeared next to the circle. It is possible that the demon will appear to you in one of its terrible guises. Don't show that you're afraid of him. Ask the demon to protect you from enemies and dangers.

Having stated your request, release the demon. To do this, say the spell:

“In the names of all the gods I conjure, hide from the human eye, from the magic of my enemies, but you follow on my heels. Protect me from all bad things."

After your new ally returns to the underworld, exit the circle. Don't say hello to anyone on your way home. When you arrive at your apartment, take a shower. The clothes in which you summoned the demonic entity must be burned.

The first sign that the ritual worked: unfamiliar people treat you with respect and caution, and competitors do not risk conflict with you. Once a month you need to leave an apple or some small coins at a pedestrian intersection. This will be payment to the demon for his service. If you forget to appease the demon, he will remind you of himself with the help of minor household troubles: broken plumbing, broken dishes.

Summoning a demon in the apartment

You don't have to go to a park or cemetery to summon a demonic entity. You can perform a simple ritual within the walls of your home.

Remember: at home you can summon lower-ranking demons. A person summons the most dangerous and powerful entities on neutral territory.

How to prepare for the sacrament:

  • take out a piece of chalk;
  • buy a knife with a black handle;
  • prepare 5 black wax candles;
  • buy a bull's heart at the market;
  • prepare dried wormwood branches and tincture of this herb.

For the ritual you will also need a tray and several dry laurel leaves. A couple of days before the ceremony, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment. Before performing witchcraft, remove photos of yourself and all family members from the room.

On the morning of the ritual, cover the windows with thick fabric. Sprinkle wormwood tincture in all corners of the room. During the day, take chalk and draw a pentagram on the floor. Place the ox heart on a tray. Place candles at the corners of the five-pointed star. After waiting until the clock shows 13 hours 13 minutes, light the candles.

Burn 1 bay leaf in the flame of each candle. Then stand in the center of the magic circle, pierce the “treat” with a knife, and say:

“To the dark spirit, to the strong demon - my offering. Come and listen to my request."

What signs will indicate to you that you were able to summon a demon:

  • chills;
  • air vibrations;
  • the crackle of burning candles;
  • whispers in the room;
  • the touch of an invisible hand.

When you sense that a guest is nearby, make your request. Demons often use tricks to lure a person out of the magic circle. The demon can take the form of a beautiful girl or a baby. Don't fall for these tricks. If you get close to a demon, it can kill you. For the entity to return to the satanic abode, say this:

“Whoever was here has left. And if he hesitates, I will drive him out with the cross and fire.”

When the candles burn out, leave the circle. Wipe the pentagram off the floor. Wash the floor and sprinkle the room with blessed water. In the place where you drew the five-pointed star, leave a few branches of wormwood. Take the tray and the bull's heart pierced with a knife to the nearest cemetery. This should be left on an unmarked grave. Leave the cemetery without looking back. For 5 days no one should sleep in the room where magical actions were performed.

So that the entity does not return

If you dare to call on a demon in an apartment, the demon may suddenly appear to you without an invitation. Signs of visit:

  • frequent nightmares;
  • ailments;
  • oppressive atmosphere in the room.

It is not difficult to drive away a demonic entity. You will need a square mirror, salt and water blessed in the church. Sprinkle the mirror with water, then rub it with salt. Walk around the corners of the room, holding the object in your right hand. Barely audible whisper the phrase:

“Whoever came unexpectedly became a prisoner of the Looking Glass.”

Then wrap the mirror in a piece of cotton cloth and take it to the intersection. The satanic entity that has entered the world through the looking glass will no longer be able to annoy you.

Rituals to summon a demon carry danger. If you are determined to enlist the support of the dark forces, take time to prepare. Strict adherence to the conditions of the ritual, composure and vigilance when communicating with a demon will help you avoid trouble.

Since ancient times, people of many different cultures and religions have feared demons. Even if we don’t take Christian mythology, but let’s consider Vedic or Buddhist teachings, we can still see that demons have always been characters that bother people.

In monotheistic religions, such as Christianity and Islam, demons are considered the main enemies of God, who tempt people, moving us away from heaven and a righteous life.

However, despite the negative nature, people have always sought to summon a demon to fulfill their desires and, speaking in advance, they often regretted it.

Who are demons?

Half-animal, half-human with red skin and horns. Human folklore from various legends and teachings gave this image to demons.

But let's not get stuck on the external image, but try to consider the demonic essence from the depths.

The mythology of all the peoples of the world speaks of the confrontation between demons and gods (or god). In some legends, demons were opposed by demiurges, in others by angels. Somewhere the demons had a human appearance, somewhere the appearance of monsters. The myths were united in one thing, the unprecedented strength and power of these creatures.

Of course, there will be those who will say that the existence of demons is all nonsense. What nonsense are we all doing, because scientific progress has reached unprecedented heights and everything seems to have become clear. But is it possible to say with absolute certainty that there is no other world? A world where other energies reign, that world which is called the otherworldly. A world that is not subject to experiments and evidence, but which has a great influence on us.

Demons are an irrational force, alien and incompatible with human energy. A power capable of taking on any form, like the form of a devil, a person or a monster.

Having met a demon, a Christian will see the devil, a genie will appear to a Muslim, and a rakshasa will stand before a Hindu.

Also, when doing a ritual to summon a demon, it is not at all a fact that you will see with your own eyes a creature of a different order. It is quite possible that at the visual level, practically nothing will happen. After all, not everything can be seen with the eyes. But at the same time, your wish will suddenly begin to come true, you will begin to have strange dreams, or you will begin to perceive the world around you differently.

Is it dangerous to summon a demon?

Yes. Demonic energy is very dangerous and it can both drive you crazy and give you power.

First of all, think about why you need this, because there will be no turning back!

Religions do not just try to fence people off from black magic, by opening the door to a powerful, black force in your life, there will be no way back for you and the divine, light force is no longer a fact that it can cleanse you.

To put it simply, don’t ruin your soul, we don’t advise you to.

If you are simply interested in practicing magical rituals, try to summon an entity that is not as dark as a demon, for example, or a brownie.

How to summon a demon to make a wish come true.

This method was described in the ancient manuscript “The Secret of the Worm”

This ritual could be performed anywhere, at home or on the street, it makes no difference. The main thing is that it is night, and strangers do not disturb the course of the ritual.

A circle was drawn and inside it a five-pointed star, the upper corner of which was directed exactly to the north. The sacrificial blood of a killed animal dripped into each corner of the star. Seals were drawn in the corners, opening the door to another world. The black magician stood in the center of the circle and cast spells in Latin Euphas Metahim, frugativi et apellavi.

After this action, the demon could appear in material form or make its presence known in other ways.

When it was clear that the demon had appeared, he was asked for help, and in return the magician swore allegiance to the demon and promised him his soul.

After that there was no turning back. Even if the magician decided to leave the demon, death awaited him. It is important to meet the arrival of a demon without fear, otherwise he could sense weakness and take over the will of a person.

Let us repeat, it is better not to joke with demonic energies and not to destroy yourself. Even if you need outside help, there are many other, safer ways, but the best thing to remember is that everything depends on you.

Any rituals must be taken very seriously. How to summon a demon to make a deal: Before you begin the ritual, think carefully about the consequences. Ask yourself whether you are ready to take responsibility for your actions. Be clear about why you needed to summon the demon. If you don't have a specific reason and are doing it for fun, then you run the risk of greatly angering the summoned creature, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

How to summon a demon at home to make a deal and fulfill wishes.

Demons are different from each other, they all have different powers and functions. Some help attract wealth and success, others are able to attract love. Usually demons can fulfill any human desire. How to summon a demon of desires - in order to appease the summoned creature and convince it to fulfill your request, it is important to prepare the victim before the ritual begins. It is recommended to use a living creature as a sacrifice; it has the best effect on demons.

Choice of victim

The victim can be selected depending on the degree of significance of your request. If you're asking for something small, regular chicken will do. In case of a big request, prepare a sheep or goat. Take your choice of victim seriously; it is better to choose a healthy, clean, strong animal. Occultists believe that the demon will be delighted with the right victim and will gladly fulfill your request. She must be killed during a ritual on a special altar in the initial or middle phase of the ritual.

There were terrible rituals during which black magicians made human sacrifices. Fortunately, this is already in the distant past and such sacrifices are not made now.

Preparation of paraphernalia

How to summon a demon at home - there are a number of other rules that should be followed during the ritual. An important role is played by the five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. Mages believe that the pentagram will protect all participants in the ritual, and the demon will be inside it and will not be able to get out. In addition, each participant in the ritual has his own specific place in the circle.

The circle is created from salt and chalk. Since the pentagram has five rays, it is better to use only five people in the ritual. There is an option that the demon may ask you for something in return for fulfilling the request. Do not exclude the possibility that the demon may demand an expensive item. Before you start the ritual, you need to understand that you are ready to sacrifice everything you have.

Is it possible to perform the ritual at home?

It is better to discard this idea immediately for various reasons. First, you will have to turn your house into an altar with the murder of the victim. Secondly, there is a high probability that the demon may be a frequent guest in your house after the ritual, since he will remember the way to it.

Carrying out the ritual

If you still decide to summon demons at home, then adhere to the following rules. Start with a drawing of an inverted pentagram and arrange the five candles so that there is one candle on each ray of the pentagram. Draw a circle around yourself with chalk and say the following words in a very confident and authoritative voice:

Demon of desire, I call upon you. Hear my call. I’m not calling you for fun, I want you to fulfill my command. Come to me and fulfill my request.

The words are pronounced clearly and confidently 9 times in a row. If everything is done correctly, then you will see a figure in the circle. This is when you will need to make a sacrifice in order to approve of the demon and give yourself energy. Under no circumstances leave the boundaries of the magic circle. After killing the victim, throw him into the center of the drawn pentagram.

After all the above steps have been completed, you can ask the demon to fulfill your request. Remain calm and alert. The demon may try to deceive you, to attract you to himself, but you should not succumb to his spell.

How to send a demon back

After fulfilling your request, it is important to send the demon back using the following spell:

Go in peace to where you came from! I let you do my will. Wait behind the barrier for a new call. Amen!

Once traces of the demon are gone, destroy everything associated with the ritual.

Summoning a demon with a spell in Latin

How to summon a demon, spell in Latin

Summoning a demon in Latin is best done in a cemetery, but it is much more difficult. To carry it out, you need to prepare very carefully, gather fortitude and courage. You will be able to get answers to three questions that are important to you, which should be written down on a piece of paper in advance. Remember that you should not hesitate in front of the demon, you need to speak confidently.

Before performing this ritual, you must cleanse your body and soul. Usually, for this purpose, magicians fast for nine days. Consumption of meat and dairy products, as well as alcoholic beverages, is not allowed. Fasting must be maintained on all days without exception. If even one day is violated, then you need to start all over again.

Carrying out the ritual

After completing your fast, you should have enough spiritual strength to carry out this difficult ritual. You need to go to the cemetery at midnight, on the full moon. The road to the cemetery should also be chosen depending on the questions you are going to ask.

  • You need to choose the straight road if your questions concern relationships;
  • If you ask questions on a financial topic, the road to the cemetery should be located on the left;
  • If you want to know when you will die, then choose the right road;

When you arrive at the cemetery, first of all you need to mentally apologize to the owner of the cemetery for disturbing the peace. Next, go through 13 graves in a row, the last one will be your altar.

Then the procedure is already familiar to you: draw a pentagram in a circle. Place yourself in a protective circle and sacrifice the animal. In order to summon a demon you need to say the phrase in Latin three times:

Euphas Meta him, frugativi et apellavi.

Below is a transcription of this spell:

Eufas Meta him, frugativi et appellavi.

You will immediately recognize the presence of a demon, usually accompanied by a sudden fear. Your knees will begin to tremble, your heart will be pounding. Nevertheless, try to remain calm, such a reaction in this case is very natural, because your bright side begins to resist the surrounding evil.

How to communicate with a demon

Under no circumstances should you show your fear to a demon. Once the demon feels that you are not strong enough in spirit, he will try to pull you out of the protective circle, which can lead to dire consequences. Leaving this circle can result in loss of sanity or death.

When you are convinced of the presence of a demon, then clearly and boldly ask him your questions. Some advanced magicians can hear the demons' responses, in which case communication is much easier. If you cannot hear the demon's words, then ask him to answer you in another way: for example, show the answer in a dream or using signs. There is no need to behave stupidly or frivolously, this can make the demon very angry, which is very undesirable.

Completion of the ritual

After receiving the answers, be sure to send the demon back.

Leave in peace where you came from. May peace be with you and be ready to come to me the next time I call. In the name of all existing gods. Amen.

If after saying the phrase the first time the demon still retains its presence, then repeat it twice. Do not leave the circle until the demon disappears. After completing the ceremony, you must destroy all traces of your visit to the cemetery and leave it. On the way home, do not stop, do not turn around, and do not talk to passers-by. Take a bath or shower at home to clear away all negative energy.

How to Summon a Guardian Demon

There are guardian demons who can protect you from adverse effects. Any confident, strong magician knows how to summon a guardian demon. This is a very difficult ritual that requires strong energy and the ability to stand up for yourself.

To summon a guardian demon, a special cup is prepared into which the blood of the victim is poured. A pentagram is drawn on the floor (necessarily in a circle), the bowl must be placed in the center of the drawing. In this case, only a black chicken should be used as a victim, which is killed with the words:

Accept my sacrifice, my keeper. Do not be angry because I trust in you.

The chicken's blood is poured into the bowl, the magician dips his finger into the bowl and traces the outline of the pentagram with it. After this procedure, the magician himself stands in a circle and pronounces the following spell:

Demon, my protector, patron! I trust in you, I call on you. For there is no one more powerful than you in this world. Because there is no one else to turn to. Hear me and come to my call.

Only after the above spell has been recited 5 times in a row will the demon appear in front of you. Then you can ask him to become your guardian. Again, be sure to send the demon back after your interaction is complete. To exorcise a demon, say the following words:

In the names of all the gods I conjure, hide from the human evil eye, from the magic of my enemies, but follow on my heels. Protect me from everything bad.

If the demon did not demand anything in return, then it means he agrees to become your protector.


Remember that all the described rituals on how to summon a demon are dangerous, so you need to understand the purpose of summoning demons, and also evaluate your strength. If you feel that your energy is not enough to carry out such rituals, then you should not try. The consequences may be irreversible. An incorrect assessment of your capabilities can lead to death for you, as well as harm to your family and friends.

Video “Summoning the Demon Astaroth”

Over the past 2 thousand years, humanity has not changed at all, but, on the contrary, has become even more greedy, selfish, envious, vindictive and cruel. People have little interest in spiritual development; most have forgotten what compassion is. Modern people are only concerned with being richer and more successful than others, spending money without thinking about the amounts.

The demands of the majority do not correspond to their talents and capabilities. Therefore, more and more often people, especially young people, are thinking about how to get all the possible benefits of the world without making any effort. It seems to them that a contract with the devil is a very easy and attractive opportunity to fulfill all their dreams.

Make a deal

At first glance, it seems that a contract with the devil is a great opportunity to fulfill all your dreams and gain wealth. Man gets it all, about which one can only dream, and for the fulfillment of the dream he gives something that he has never even seen - his soul. The payment seems meager: who cares about what happens after death, it is important to get pleasure here and now.

In fact, the contract with Satan is only disadvantageous for man. After all, material benefits are given only for a certain, very short, especially in comparison with eternity, period. But the torments of hell will be guaranteed to the soul forever. The prospect is terrible, and the benefits for humans are very dubious.

We must also remember that the devil will try to deceive a person and break the terms of the contract. For example, a person will want wealth, but will not specify the amount and period of receipt. Satan will give money, but not millions, but several tens of thousands. And then, for example, someone will steal this money. But the person will not be able to make a claim, because he did not indicate in the contract that his money should be inviolable for thieves. That's why, if the decision to sell the soul is finally made, you need to carefully think through all the points in advance.

The very first agreement with Lucifer, information about which has survived to this day, is a document signed by the French priest Urbain Grandier in the 17th century. The priest gave his soul to the prince of darkness in exchange for wealth, power and the love of beauties. The treaty was concluded in 1621 and, exactly 13 years later, was discovered by the Inquisition.

Despite numerous tortures, Grandier never admitted to his crime. Although a document was presented at the trial, which fully specified the terms of the deal, it bore the bloody signature of Urbain Grandier and, as the Inquisition believed, Satan. The document was written from right to left. The priest was sentenced to be burned at the stake.

Most historians believe that Grandier was an opponent of the policies of Cardinal Richelieu and very subtly ridiculed him in his satires. The powerful politician was tired of all this, as a result of which charges were fabricated. The second version seems more plausible, but perhaps with her help Lucifer covers his tracks.

There is also information that a fragment of Hitler’s agreement with Satan was found. The Fuhrer's signature was checked and confirmed by graphologists. Lucifer's signature is also there. The contract was signed for exactly 13 years and expired on April 30, 1945.

Important points in the contract

Anyone who decides to contact the devil must realize that there is no turning back. It will not be possible to pay off or deceive Satan. And if the prospect of eternal torment does not frighten you, you can begin preparing to sell your soul.

First of all, it is necessary to completely believe in the reality of Lucifer's existence. Then tune in to negative thoughts and feelings, they are the ones that attract evil spirits. Then you can start thinking through the contract.

A contract for the sale of a soul is no different from other most ordinary contracts for the sale of something. Only it is concluded only once; it will not be possible to rewrite it or challenge it in court. Therefore, it is important to clearly state all the points, to think through every little detail, because the prince of darkness is the biggest sinner and he will definitely try to deceive a person.

If you need money, you need to clearly indicate the amounts and dates of receipt. List point by point all the real estate you want to have, down to a description of the rooms. This is worth doing so as not to end up with a huge but dilapidated house. It is imperative to indicate that the devil must monitor the safety of property and prevent its loss.

In addition, you can try to bargain and get 7, 13 or 21 years of happy life that are not required for a regular contract, but, for example, 40 years. If it doesn’t work out, still indicate in the contract that the demon must protect the life and health of a person during the period allotted to him in the contract. At the end of the contract, write the 21 infernal keys in Latin:

Summon Demon

The question of how to summon the devil at home worries many people. But few people are able to put this into practice. Not every person is ready to decide to face Satan. It's worth saying what a classic way to call Satan quite difficult, but no one promised that it would be easy.

In order to perform the ritual, you should prepare in advance:

At midnight, draw a pentagram on the floor of the room with chalk; a sample of it is in the book “Necronomicon”, which can be downloaded on the Internet. You also need to prepare a contract written in advance. Some magicians claim that it must be written in Latin or Aramaic. It’s just hard to imagine that the devil is an illiterate creature and will not understand any other speech. That's why, if you don’t want to immerse yourself in learning Latin, you can write a contract in your native language.

Light 13 church or ordinary black candles along all edges of the pentagram. Now you need to renounce the church. To do this, just spit on a crucifix prepared in advance, then kiss the devil’s buttocks; this can be easily done by kissing the butt of a goat, which symbolizes evil.

Now you need to place a mirror opposite the pentagram, stand inside it and say out loud: “You, Lord, I conjure you, appear and fulfill my desire.” You need to repeat the phrase 21 times. At the same time, look closely into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror.

If the spell was cast correctly, the fallen angel will emerge from the image in the mirror. If the demon appears to the applicant, then you can talk to him and once again clarify all the nuances of the contract.

It is also possible that the devil will not show himself, but his presence will certainly be felt by the following signs:

  • The candles flicker violently;
  • The temperature in the room will change (it will become warmer or, conversely, colder);
  • There will be a sulfur smell.

If this happens, it's time to take the contract and read it out loud. After reading the contract you need to sign. To do this, you need to make a small incision on your hand with a knife and collect a couple of drops of blood in a prepared container, dip a pen in the blood and sign it. Then light the agreement with a candle and watch how it burns. If the paper burns completely and quickly enough, it means that the appeal to Satan was successful and the contract was concluded.

Thanks to fire, the contract is transferred to another dimension forever and stored there. It is advisable to collect the remaining ashes and store them until the expiration of the contract. That is, until death.

Other Ways to Contact Satan

Those people who find the classic version of summoning the devil too difficult can try other methods. There are several options for making a deal with a demon without drawing pentagrams or cutting yourself with a knife. But it is difficult to say in advance whether they will be as effective - you need to try it yourself.

Here are a few “folk” ways to find a buyer for your soul:

Possible consequences

It is impossible to accurately predict the consequences that await a person after a deal with Satan. One thing is for sure - life will never be the same again. If the person selling the soul is an experienced negotiator, has carefully prepared and provided for all the nuances in the contract, a rich life full of pleasure awaits him within the time specified in the contract. And after death there will be an inevitable and cruel retribution that will never end.

In that case, if the contract was drawn up in such a way that the demon has the opportunity to cheat with the execution of clauses, the following consequences are possible:

Communication with the devil brings exclusively negative consequences for a person; the only winner from such a deal is evil spirits. Once concluded, the contract cannot be terminated. True, there is a story about the priest Theophilus of Antioch, who, in order to become a bishop, sold his soul to Satan. And having become a bishop, he repented and spent 40 days in fasting and prayer. The Mother of God herself acted as his defender, and the contract was terminated. But this is rather an exception to the rule.