What consequences will a love spell on blood bring to the customer? Ways to bewitch a man with monthly blood Blood plot

Those who are passionate about magic dream of rituals that will give one hundred percent results. The most powerful ritual is the blood ritual, the result of which is immediately visible. However, the fee for fulfilling a wish can be high, since such conspiracies greatly influence a person’s fate.

What you need to know about blood rituals

Before you begin performing blood rituals, you should know that such spells are powerful. Some sorcerers are sure that it is almost impossible to overcome them. If they are used in love magic, then the power of such a conspiracy is tripled compared to the usual one.

But it should be remembered that in this case one cannot talk about such a bright feeling as love, since a person will only experience an irresistible attraction, and even then not always. Such a love spell does not last long. In addition, it has many negative consequences, which we will talk about later.

Blood has always been identified with the human soul. The person who sold his soul to the devil had to sign this contract with blood. Since ancient times, the most powerful rituals of black magic have been performed using the blood of sacrificial animals. Once upon a time, blood contracts were considered the most powerful. Herodotus wrote about an interesting custom practiced by the Scythians.

“They concluded agreements as follows. They poured wine into a large clay bowl and mixed it with the blood of the negotiaters, which they obtained by cutting themselves with knives. In this mixture they dip swords and arrows, spears and axes; then it is drunk by both the contracting parties themselves and the nobility who were around them at the time of the conclusion of the contract. From now on, the agreement is inviolable."

Blood oaths and fraternization

Now few people remember about these blood rituals, but once upon a time our ancestors confirmed oaths with its help. Thus the man made an unbreakable promise. If he did not keep his word, then he was to be haunted by an eternal curse, which could influence not only during life, but also after death.

Fraternization was also quite common. Two good friends, who would like to call themselves brothers, made cuts on the arm and applied the wounds to each other. It is after the contact of blood that people become brothers. As blood relatives, they now have a common fate and must share the family curse, if there is one in the family history.

Damage to blood

Blood is also suitable for causing severe damage. With the help of such blood rituals, sorcerers can lime both a specific person and his loved ones, and even pets. They can take away the victim's health and make him suffer from serious illnesses. There are many similar rituals. But before you begin to carry them out, it is important to remember that the victim may understand that he has been damaged. It is impossible to get rid of the consequences of such a conspiracy.

Sorcerers simply transfer it to another person, most often to the one who sent it. Therefore, it is possible that after some time your damage will return to you, or will affect the lives of your loved ones. If you are ready to risk your health and the well-being of your closest people, you can harass the enemy in several ways.

  • Damage that takes away health Animal meat or blood is placed on the enemy’s doorstep.
  • Damage to death A handkerchief is placed in the house, on which there should be dried blood. After some time, the owner of the house will either die or suffer from illness

There are other types of damage that act almost instantly, because a person dies within 1 or two months.

Many crazy things are done precisely for the sake of love. When it is mutual, there is no need for a conspiracy. However, if the other half does not reciprocate, the lover can do anything to achieve the love of the chosen one. It is then that he can think about using blood rituals as the most powerful and effective magic. These are radical measures.

A person does not just read a conspiracy, he goes against all the laws of nature. As soon as it enters the body of another person, a given program is activated, and the person’s fate completely changes. Yes, such rituals work immediately, but they do not last long, so the love spell will have to be repeated. Do you need this kind of “love”? Love spells can last from 6 months to several years; some experts claim that within a month the attitude towards the girl will change.

Love spells on blood are dangerous

As you know, there are dirty rituals, when menstruation is used, and clean ones. Menstrual blood contains negative energy of rejection and death, so we can say that the woman did not bewitch, but cast a spell on her loved one. As a result, they will be together, but you need to be prepared for the young man to change.

A man may become aggressive, jealous, addicted to drinking, he will begin to have problems with money, he may reach complete bankruptcy, and later a serious incurable illness may appear. The woman who performed the love spell may also get sick and face loneliness and infertility. Therefore, those who want to tie a guy to themselves using magic need to understand what they are getting into.

  • Stomach problems A man may feel ill and feel sick. If a young man suffers from chronic diseases of the digestive system, such a ritual cannot be performed.
  • Impotence If a love spell is done not once, but several times (its effect is short-lived, so you will have to repeat the ritual several times if you want a long-term relationship), then the man can become impotent.
  • Alcoholism If a girl decides to bewitch a young man with a strong-willed and strong character, then from the influence of magic he can become an alcoholic.
  • Changes in character Women often fall in love with strong and courageous guys, because they want a defender nearby who solves all their problems. The man was like that, but after reading the plot he may become insecure, a weakling, and the woman herself will have to make all the important decisions and implement them. Sometimes after reading the ritual, a person becomes aggressive, rude, and may even resort to assault.
  • The impact of the ritual on the woman herself The love spell also strikes back. A woman can quickly grow old, suffer from severe illnesses, and be unable to give birth to a child.

Therefore, sorcerers and magicians advise resorting to such rituals only in cases of extreme necessity, because there are other ways to attract a young man.

Pure love spells on blood

It is advisable to carry them out on the waxing moon.

Love spell on wine

We need to take red wine. The ring finger is pierced, and, imagining that you are together, drop a few drops of blood (an odd amount) into the wine, repeating:

“When you (name) drink wine, you will strive for me with all passion, and all your thoughts will be occupied only with me.”

A drop of blood must be dropped into the wine, before saying the words:

“As this blood is in me, so are you (name) to me.”

Love spell on a sugar cube

To carry out this ritual you need to take a candle (red) and a piece of sugar. The candle is lit, it is important to sit next to it and think about your boyfriend, remember all the good things. Then you need to squeeze out a drop of blood from your ring finger, saying:

“As my drop of blood is dear to me, so let the slave (name) be dear to the slave (name). Let it be so."

Then you need to drop it on the sugar. You need to repeat this 3 times until 3 drops appear on a piece of sugar. We must wait for the candle to burn out. After this, add the charmed sugar to food or drink and serve it to the man.

Dirty love spells

For these love spells, menstrual blood collected on the 2nd or 3rd day is used.

Love spell with cake

The soiled item is rinsed in water, and then a cake is baked from it. It must be given to the man. He must eat it all.

Ritual with food

Menstrual blood is placed in the young man’s favorite dish (it should not be stored longer than three days after collection) with the words:

“My blood, enter into the servant of God (name). Let him burn with love and passion for me, servant of God (name), and only dream about me. My word is law! Amen!"

Love spell with coffee

This ritual will help to completely subjugate a man. It is important to do it three days in a row, otherwise there will be no effect. You need to add menstrual blood to a man’s tea or coffee, saying:

“As soon as you drink my blood, you will immediately give me your will. Now I’m the only one that matters to you.”

The most complete description in all details is a blood love spell with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Love magic includes many spells, love spells, conspiracies, and rituals related to white and black magic. Different situations are solved by different methods of influence. Our grandmothers themselves did not go to fortune tellers, but read love spells at home. We'll look at how they did it in this article.

For magical energy, there is only a small difference in whether a woman bewitches a single man or a married man. What to do if you fall in love with a married man, he no longer loves his wife, but does not dare to leave her? Before bewitching him, first weaken his connection with another woman (if there is one). The word “I want” is not enough in magic - you need to cast a strong love spell on a man that will definitely work.

Love spell on blood

This love spell combines the feminine and masculine principles, making it very effective. Blood is a powerful source of energy. A substance containing human genetic memory. This ritual affects the victim at the level of the gene code. The blood of the woman who bewitched him changes the man’s life programs, his priorities and behavior, and ties him to this bewitcher for a long time. The moral side is important if a woman takes away from the family and does it consciously, knowing the consequences.

Features of a love spell

Any spells involving blood are usually done during the waxing phase of the moon. After a love spell, a woman will receive a strong self-love spell and her attraction to a man will increase many times over. Blood is quietly added to food, cigarettes, and drinks (wine, juice). It is better not to add cognac, brandy, or whiskey - the blood will become noticeable and it will coagulate.

On the blood of menstruation

Women use it to return their husbands, to keep a man. During menstruation, a woman should collect a few drops of blood and add it to her husband's food or drink. The ideal option is red wine, pomegranate, cherry juice. Hot tea and coffee are not suitable for this ritual, as boiling water erases the information contained. Do not drink strong alcoholic drinks when casting a love spell, as the blood clots there.

Blood from a finger

Technically no different from the first method. The goal is achieved - reciprocity from the man you love. To bind your chosen one to you, prepare a love potion:

  1. Place a piece of sugar on a saucer.
  2. Disinfect the knife.
  3. Make an incision on the ring finger.
  4. Squeeze 1, 3 or 5 drops of blood onto the sugar. Odd number only!
  5. Dissolve this processed sugar in red wine and cast a spell on a man’s love. repeatedly:

“As this sugar is sweet, so I will be sweet to you, just as you get drunk from drinking wine, so from me you will become drunk. White body, scarlet blood, eternal love. Amen! "

Say it quietly, the main thing is to concentrate on the desire. Your loved one should drink the wine to the bottom.

On a man with a cigarette and blood

The love spell is performed in 2 options:

  • whoever casts the love spell smokes a cigarette himself,
  • the object of the love spell smokes a charmed cigarette

A slander is made about a cigarette, smoking tobacco or cigar. A charmed cigarette will implement information like a program. The effect of the ritual occurs very quickly due to the presence of smoke, which has a strong magical effect. Even ancient shamans used fire smoke and herbs. Blood, smoke and fire, as 3 components, are a powerful magical mixture.

  1. Open a new pack of cigarettes.
  2. Take one cigarette.
  3. Be in silence and complete solitude during the ceremony.
  4. Write the name of your loved one on it with your finger blood.
  5. When the blood dries, smoke the cigarette in person. At the same time, mentally be close to your loved one.
  6. Shake the ashes into the left palm of your hand.
  7. When the cigarette is smoked completely, blow the ash off your palm three times and say 3 times :

“Like ashes on your hand, bewitch yourself to me.”

On blood from a photo at home

Necessary for the ritual:

Boil water, add salt, stir with a silver spoon for 7 minutes. Pour water into a basin and let it cool. Drop 7 drops of blood into it. Place a photograph of your loved one face up into the basin.

Place your hands in the basin and say with love, peering at the photo:

“You will be with me forever and you will never think about others, you will only desire me, and you will always miss me. My image is always with you, and your heart is always with me. It will be so!”

Imagine the image of your loved one and your relationship with him. Take the photo of the man out of the basin. Attach with your photo. Put it in a book with a good ending to a romance novel. Leave until the magic takes effect.

There are many love spells based on blood. And it’s easy to make them yourself at home.

A man's powerful way to distance

A love spell for a loved one at a distance has become one of the most popular in our turbulent age. For magic there are no state borders, language barriers, or distances. Strength does not depend on this, but on the desire of the customer, the correctness of the ritual.

Types of love rituals at a distance:

Performing love spells from photos is available to men and women. The main thing is to have a more recent photo, taken no more than a year ago. There should be no strangers or animals in the photo. The person's face (eyes) must be clearly visible.

The best time is when the moon is in the 1st-2nd quarter. A week in magic is divided into days:

  • men's: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,
  • women's: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Rituals that affect a man are best performed on his days. Magic aimed at women works better on women's days.

Love spell using mirrors

Place 2 mirrors (small) opposite each other, like a mirror corridor.

  • Carry out with an open window. Sit opposite the window sill on a wooden chair.
  • Sit barefoot, with your hair down.
  • Hold a lit candle in front of you. You can't look in the mirror!
  • Watch the candle flame.
  • Place wax on your left palm.
  • While it’s dripping, think about your loved one.
  • When all the wax has collected on your palm, smear it on the mirror. with words:

“I will wash the naughty one. No need for soap, eat my tears. No need for a towel, there's my hair. My love is not needed, there is another. The other one will go on four sides. You will be left alone by the window. Just as silently the candle dripped, so silently love will return. Once you arrive, you will stay. When you leave, you will return. The eyes of strangers do not see, the lips of strangers do not speak. Only you listen to me, only you want to come to me!<имя мужчины>hears<имя>knows<имя>will remember. I sentence you to love, I sentence you to myself. You'll be back soon and you'll call me. You will keep my name in your heart, you will hide my image in your blood! This may happen<такого-то числа, такого-то времени>».

  • Place 2 mirrors right sides together.
  • Wrap in a nightgown.
  • Place the bundle on the floor and stand with your bare feet on it.
  • Say: “I conjure without blood, I indicate without words.<имя>will come back to me or will he be left alone.”.
  • Use a chair to break the mirrors into many pieces without unwrapping them.
  • Place it on the windowsill until the morning.
  • Go to bed.
  • In the morning, take the package to the forest. Bury it under a pine tree.
  • You cannot turn around and talk while walking out of the forest.

Love spell on a man's personal belongings

The oldest type of love spell using personal items of a loved one. Reading a spell that charges an object with energy. The thing is arbitrary:

There are only 3 ways to cast a strong love spell on things (your choice):

  1. A new item is bought, a ritual is performed with it, the enchanted item is then given or thrown to the person being bewitched. At the same time, it is important that this item is not thrown away and is constantly used.
  2. The necessary thing is chosen so that your loved one will use it more often. After the love spell is cast, the item is returned to the owner (openly or hidden).
  3. An item that belongs to a loved one is not returned to him after the ceremony; it is stored in a special place.

Features: has a short validity period - up to 3 months. The ritual must be repeated periodically. The ritual remained a secret. Perform without errors, with utmost precision. Perform on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Apply a name to the new candle with a sharp tool. Place the candle opposite the mirror. You face the mirror and light a candle. Read three times:

“Fire of fate, hear me. Let ... (the name of the bewitched) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.”

Turn your back to the candle and repeat three times:

“If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (name of the one being bewitched) to me.”

Turn your face to the candle again and say three times:

“Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I’m leaving.”

A personal item of a loved one is burned on fire.

For another way to read a candle ritual on your own to attract a man, watch this video:

Bewitch an unmarried man (or to return a loved one)

It acts quickly, almost instantly. Perform 7 times in absolute silence until sunset. Biting our tongue, we read the plot:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order to bewitch a man with the greatest probability, the text of the plot must be recited within one day.

Love spell on blood: the most powerful love spell

A love spell on blood is one of the most powerful effects in love magic. In fact, this is not so much a love affair as a rite of complete submission. Blood is a source of energy and a carrier of information. But the consequences of a love spell can be disastrous, since the subordinating binding works very roughly and does not take into account all the circumstances. It literally turns a person into a dumb and uncomplaining servant.

What could be the consequences of such a love spell?

  • The binding is valid only until the woman’s first birth, then it is washed off with the baby’s blood. This means that after the birth of the baby, a woman may be left alone.
  • By changing a person's fate, a blood love spell often affects his character - a man can become aggressive and hot-tempered.
  • Such attachments significantly shorten a man’s life and negatively affect his potency.

So, before deciding on such a powerful energetic impact, it is better to think everything over carefully, clearly understanding the responsibility of this step.

Like any other love spell, this ritual is performed on the waxing moon. By bewitching a man with blood, a woman can undergo a strong self-love spell, that is, her love for a man will intensify.

How to perform a love spell on blood?

A love spell is cast on red wine. Pierce the ring finger of your right hand with a needle. While drops of blood fall into the wine, imagine the desired development of events and read the plot:

“As soon as you (name) take a sip of this magical wine, you will strive for me with insane passion, only all your thoughts will be about me, only I am now desired by you.”

Please note that the number of blood drops falling into the wine must be odd!

For this love spell you will need: a needle, a piece of sugar and a red candle. Light a candle. Think about the most pleasant moments you spent next to the man you love. Prick your ring finger with a needle, squeeze out one drop of blood and say over it:

“As this drop of blood is dear to me, so let the servant of God (name) be dear to the servant of God (name). Let it be so".

Drip the blood onto the sugar, thinking of it as a piece of your love. Repeat 3 times. As a result, 3 drops of your blood should fall on a piece of sugar. Let the candle burn out completely. This sugar should be added to a man's food or drink.

Love spell on blood is one of the most powerful and effective

What kind of blood is needed for a love spell?

A love spell implies the unification of two principles - feminine and masculine, which is why a love spell on blood is considered one of the most powerful and effective in love magic. The essence is clear, combining together two substances, without which human life is impossible, the magical ritual acts at the most important level. A love spell on blood is divided into two types - a love spell on monthly blood and a love spell on blood from a finger. What are these rituals? How should they be carried out correctly? What should be the “safety precautions”? And what can such rituals lead to?

First of all, you need to understand that a blood love spell performed independently at home will not be as strong as one performed by an experienced sorcerer. And the point here is not in strength, but in the knowledge of certain conspiracies that are pronounced during its implementation. However, faith in what you are doing, strong conviction will help you achieve the desired results when performing a love spell on blood, even if you do it yourself.

How to perform a love spell yourself?

Make a love spell yourself using blood

There are no special requirements for the phases of the Moon in order to perform a love spell on female blood, however, given how strongly this celestial satellite of the Earth influences women and how it is connected with the basic physiological rhythms of the female body, it is worth scheduling the ritual specifically for the waxing Moon, except for the days of Hecate. A love spell using menstrual blood is performed as follows. Menstrual blood is collected on a white cloth, dried, the rag is burned and this ash is added to the beloved man’s coffee or food.

Sorcerers do not recommend performing a love spell on blood during menstruation precisely during the period when a woman’s menstrual period began. At this point in time, she can quickly lose her feminine strength and attractiveness, because according to legend, by giving her blood to a man, she is trying to change his fate, to subjugate him to herself, and this requires special energy. Therefore, menstrual blood is collected and rituals begin immediately after the period ends. Menstrual blood can be added to red wine and given to a man to drink. Before giving a man such wine, he needs to be spoken to. The plot is quite simple:

“My blood has drained, I don’t need it, my dear servant of God (name) needs it.”

It is repeated three times, and then the wine is given to the man.

In the old days, in the southern provinces of Russia, women charmed both food and drink, performed very complex rituals, mixed their blood with the blood of their husband, thus performing a love spell on menstrual blood on their own, added it to the wort and baked special bread. Half of which was to be eaten by the wife, and the other half by the husband, and such rituals were carried out regularly to strengthen the relationship. If you consider how long a husband and wife lived together just a hundred years ago, you begin to believe that love magic was involved.

Another type of “blood” or “blood” love spells, as they were called before, is a love spell using blood from a finger. It is done as follows. If a woman is trying to bind a man with whom she is not married, she needs to pierce the little finger on her left hand; for a married woman, blood is taken from the ring finger of her left hand. Take 9 drops and add them to the wine with the words

“As the blood is in me, so are you to me forever and ever, amen”

The wine is infused for 28 days, and then given to the man for whom the ritual is being performed.

Removing love spells on blood and its signs

Removing a “blood” love spell

Often married women believe that their husbands are being taken away from their rival’s family by using blood love spells. How to reliably determine the signs of a love spell in a man’s blood? Most often, a man changes his behavior; if before he was restrained and calm, now his character becomes uncontrollable. About such people they say “he doesn’t look like himself,” he doesn’t like what previously always evoked positive emotions in him, he becomes cold towards children, he may even get sick or start abusing alcoholic beverages. Interest in his ex-wife completely disappears; on the contrary, he begins to experience bouts of unmotivated aggression towards her.

If your spouse is going to leave the family, try removing the love spell using blood. It is performed exclusively in the church. A magpie is ordered for such a man, as for a seriously ill person, as well as akathists for the Saint, whose name he is named. These services are done regularly for 6 months, or even a year. After all, the other party can also make a fake.

If the love spell was done using a photo, then the wife can also soap the photo of her husband with ordinary laundry soap and put it under the mirror. Among the southern peoples, this ritual removed damage caused by photographs. After 40 days, the mirror must be buried in a place where no one walks. Sometimes the reason for a spouse’s cooling is not his mistress at all, but his mother, who actively does not like her son’s wife. In this case, try casting a love spell on your mother-in-law to appease her. Invite her to visit and serve her the charmed food:

“As you love your son, so love me, as you take care of your son, so take care of me, amen”

To make the effect even stronger, give her a shawl or handkerchief, which you first rinse in the water in which you washed yourself.

It is clear that any ritual, including a love spell on a guy using blood for a young girl, can result in even bigger problems in the future. Therefore, before deciding on such a thing, you should weigh the pros and cons many times, and not only listen to reviews of a love spell for menstrual blood from friends or acquaintances. Since a strong love spell on blood, according to sorcerers and magicians, is inherited, and subsequent generations can be very unhappy in marriage.

Love spell on blood

Blood and other biological materials serve as a link between the magician creating the magical influence and the person upon whom it is directed. That is why blood, hair, nails and other biological components are so widely used in black magic, which make the influence of a love spell especially strong and inevitable.

A love spell on blood is known in many types and methods of practice. Such love spells are done using a Volta doll, as well as using a simple but powerful love spell based on a photograph with blood. There are also cemetery love spell rituals for blood, and the prevalence of love spell rituals for menstrual blood in general has already become legendary.

The attractiveness of a love spell on blood is rivaled only by its danger, because strong black magic can cause not only positive results, but also negative consequences.

Negative consequences of a blood love spell

Negative- this is the harm that magic can cause to one or more people, situations, relationships, health, and so on. The stronger the impact of magic, the stronger the reaction and consequences can be. If everything goes well, and the work is carried out by an experienced specialist, then there are almost never negative consequences. The magician provides for everything, makes sacrifices and payoffs, diverts negativity and takes special protective measures. And if an unprepared person takes up magical practice, then the consequences can be very different, along with some good achievements, evil and harm can be completely obvious and greatly exceed the successes achieved.

The range of negative consequences of a love spell on blood is varied, but, as a rule, concerns disorders in the area of ​​feelings and emotions. Very strong feelings that turn from love to hatred, aggressive behavior, uncontrollable quarrels... all this harms not only relationships, but also health, causes deep psychological trauma, breaks personality and consciousness, and forces people to commit unforgivable acts that a person later regrets for the rest of his life.

Such homemade or homemade blood love spells often put an end to relationships that, in fact, should save. So that even a professional magician is then unable to correct the situation, remove the consequences of an unsuccessful love spell and eliminate the evil attracted.

Love spells on menstrual blood are especially harmful., which in 90% of cases, according to the observations and reviews of my clients, did not help them, but became a real source of damage to relationships. So don’t rush to use magic and make a love spell yourself. Reasonable fears and concerns can keep you out of trouble.

Another question is when a good specialist provides magical assistance. Then the situation becomes different, because the magician knows how to make a love spell correctly, without losing the power of influence, and to do it without negative consequences.

I want to offer one such simple option to make a love spell on blood. I take it not from somewhere on the Internet or from books, but from my own practice and magical work. It is suitable only if the customer and the performer are the same person, because the love spell is done on the blood of the person to whom the object of influence will be bewitched.

Love spell on blood from a finger

You can do this ritual yourself at any time: during the day, at night, on the full moon or during its waning - these parameters have absolutely no meaning, because the connecting factor and link that creates the special power of the love spell will be your blood, the most valuable and active body fluid.

A love spell on blood affects human instincts, therefore it manifests itself very well and primarily at the level of sexual impulses, helps to develop intimate relationships and irresistible sexual desire.

But in the manifestation of a love spell on blood, this is only the first step, followed by the strengthening of the feeling of love, which becomes more and more significant as the connection between people develops.

Due to its specific influence and action, a blood love spell has a stronger effect on men than on women.

Love spell method

To perform a love spell, you must light a red candle, take a mug and pour red wine into it.

Add a little cloves and thyme to the wine, then take a photo of your loved one. Looking into his eyes, imagine that in front of you is the person himself, and not his static image.

Prick the ring finger of your left hand with a needle, which you have previously dipped in wine, until it bleeds. Place a drop of blood on the photograph, in the genital area of ​​the person being bewitched (the photograph should be full-length and with a clearly visible face and eyes).

After this, drop three drops of blood into the wine.

Do this not silently, but by pronouncing a special love spell.

“My blood flows through my veins, nourishes my body and my heart, my soul and my love.

Serve me, take the power of my feeling, absorb it into yourself, and pass it on to my beloved (name of the beloved man).

Go to him through mountains and plains, across seas and oceans, through storms and hurricanes.

Become a part of his body and soul, be the source of his attraction to me, his violent temperament, love for me, tamed.

As soon as my blood passes to him, my beloved will not leave me anywhere.

You prepared a love potion, and, at the same time, already at the moment of this simple love spell ritual, you fueled his feelings for you through your blood.

The wine should be poured from the mug into a bottle and added to your loved one’s drink or food. As a last resort, you can spray it on the door of the house or apartment where he lives.

As soon as you complete the ritual, burn the photograph in a candle flame and scatter the ashes out the window or outside in the wind.

For this love spell you need to have a strong feeling. It’s better if your feeling is so strong that it haunts you and drives you crazy, it’s like an obsession. Then after the ritual you will immediately feel great relief, your attachment will weaken a little, but your loved one will feel what you feel.

During the ritual, be emotional, don’t be tense, worry about everything you do.

The warning will be this: the ritual is strong, so responsibility for the bewitched person falls on you. Help him express his feelings, do not torment him or ignore him, otherwise unrequited attraction and love will cause him great suffering.

There are other options for blood love spells. In my work I use more complex rituals, in which my blood, the blood of the customer, or even the blood of the victim can be used. There are varieties of love spells where the blood is shed not of someone associated with the influence, but, for example, the blood of an animal. Which ritual to use depends on the characteristics of a particular problem, so I choose the method individually from those that I have used for years and have been thoroughly tested many times.

What consequences will a love spell on blood bring to the customer?

A love spell on blood and consequences refers to dark rituals because it is violent in nature. Blood connected with magic is a very serious object for magical manipulation. You need to work with it carefully. Blood love spells are especially powerful.

Love spell on blood

What are the types of love spells on blood?

Blood connects body and soul and stores the genetic history of generations and has the most powerful energy. Magical manipulations with biological fluid, that is, a love spell using your own blood, is effective and complex.

A love spell using scarlet liquid has been known since ancient times. The enchanted living liquid is correctly combined with magic and dripped into the food or drink of the desired man or woman. The manipulation uses the blood of a magician or customer. The most common practice is to cast a love spell using the blood of the person who ordered the ritual. You can also use vital energy collected from the prey animal and add it before eating. But this method is used only as a last resort.

What kind of love spells are there:

  • clean (blood taken from a finger or vein can be used);
  • dirty (using menstrual flow).

Menstruation rituals provide a strong physical connection. In love created by magical intervention, sexual attraction will dominate.

A pure blood love spell binds and subjugates the victim to the person who committed the witchcraft. A bewitched man begins to idolize the woman, fulfill the most absurd desires, and serve without complaint. Blood magic for love, such a love spell has the most unpredictable consequences. It’s easy to drip blood, but you can ruin the life of yourself and your loved one, this is the reason and the warning. Therefore, rituals must be carried out thoughtfully.

It is quite difficult to do a strong love spell using blood on your own. Therefore, it is better to take the help of a practicing magician. The result of the magic program working on a guy depends on the skills of the person performing the ritual.

How to bewitch your loved one

There are several methods suggested by the healer Stepanova in which you can cast a love spell on your beloved guy using blood. The rituals are very similar; blood collected from a magician and a drink are used. Blood is best added to red wine, but remember, if you choose this route, there is no turning back. Droplets will be noticeable in water, and if you add it to a drink with a high degree of alcohol, the protein will curdle. Red candles, needles, and scraps of fabric are used as magical accessories.

All love spells cast through blood belong to black witchcraft; a variety of factors play a role here. A small number of rituals can be done at home. In order not to harm anyone, it is better to trust an experienced magician.

Ritual with a needle

A simple blood love spell works flawlessly and effectively. With its help, you can return your husband's passion and attract the attention of a new person. The ceremony is performed completely alone on the waxing moon.

What is required for the ritual

A love spell on a man for menstrual flow can be done using magical paraphernalia, prepare:

How to perform a ritual

You can do a love spell using blood yourself, without resorting to the help of sorcerers. Women's menstruation is a special fluid; it enslaves men's willpower. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Using the point of a needle, pierce your finger so that life energy can drip freely, but does not flow in a stream.
  2. Add an odd number of drops into the wine. Read the spell:

“When you (name) drink wine, you will strive for me with all passion, and all your thoughts will be occupied only with me.”

Give your loved one a glass of wine and make sure he drains the glass.

While the liquid is dripping into the drink, you need to imagine your loved one, sharing happiness with him, think about how much happiness the one who will be bewitched will bring you. You need to read the spell quickly and quietly, but confidently and clearly, then the love spell with blood will be done correctly.

Ritual with a red candle

A blood love spell using a red candle will be strong, if you perform the ritual according to all the rules, the one who drinks the potion will always be there. A red candle is a popular attribute of love magic. The color is a symbol of passionate love and desire.

What is needed for the ritual

A simple love spell on blood can be done using witchcraft paraphernalia:

The candle must be new; candles that have already been lit cannot be used for the ritual. It is important to know where to get the material.

How to perform a ritual

The blood love spell ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Relive in your head happy memories of your loved one, his facial features, think about your feelings. Light the candle wick.
  2. Pierce your finger with the point of a needle. Squeeze out a drop, this is the main rule, do not cut the skin, pierce it, cast a spell on it:

“As my drop of blood is dear to me, so let the slave (name) be dear to the slave (name). Let it be so."

  1. Release the charmed drop onto the sugar.
  2. Repeat the steps three times so that the sugar has three drops of your strength.
  3. Let the candle burn out.

Sugar must be added to food, coffee or tea for a man. Only cool drinks are used to prevent the whites from curdling.

Ritual with coffee

There is a way to cast a love spell on your beloved guy using blood without spells. The ritual is simple to perform and does not require outside help.

What is needed for the ceremony

To make a black love spell on blood yourself, you need to prepare the following items:

  • a piece of fabric (you can cut a piece from your old dress that you really like);
  • matches;
  • coffee.

Any coffee will do. You can use instant or whole coffee beans.

How to perform the ritual

It’s not difficult to make a coffee love spell on a man:

  1. Drip blood onto the tissue flap. The number of drops must be odd.
  2. Dry the fabric and burn it in the fire.
  3. Pour the ashes into a cup of coffee and treat them to your loved one.

Blood can be obtained from a finger using a clean knife or needle. While the fabric is burning, you need to think about your lover.

The result of the love spell will be noticeable immediately. The duration of love magic lasts from one to six years, depending on the strength of the ritual. Therefore, the blood ritual must be repeated over time. You can cast a love spell on one man no more than three times, then any magic loses its power and everything goes to harm.

Effective black love spell

Black love spells on blood differ in strength. You can also do a strong love spell yourself at home. But before that, it’s better to ask for the help of a magician to prepare yourself and do everything right.

You need to carry out the dark ritual at night, completely alone. You cannot tell anyone that such a ritual is being prepared, otherwise it will be impossible to predict the consequences.

Trace – Love spell on blood (new series): Federal Ek�

Magic video portal: http://www.privoroty.su. Famous magician

Love spells on blood.

Love spells on blood.

What is needed for the ritual

To bewitch the man of your dreams, you need to prepare magical attributes for the ritual:

  1. Indoor plant.
  2. Red candle.
  3. Round plate.
  4. Full length photo of your loved one.
  5. Wooden stick.
  6. Sterile needle.
  7. Conspiracy text.

The indoor flower acts as a sacrifice in the ritual. If something goes wrong, the negative of the love spell will go into the plant.

How to perform the ritual

How to make a black love spell on blood yourself? It is correct to cast magic on the new moon after sunset, completely alone, so that no one at home sees it. Place a table in front of the window, a candle and a flower on it. Perform the following manipulations:

  1. Light the candle flame. Tear off a shoot from the plant, burn it in the fire, saying the words:

“I’m giving you up to be sacrificed, to be slaughtered, to receive retribution for the black love spell. Let it be so".

  1. Recite the words until the twig becomes ashes. Place the ashes in a round plate.
  2. Take a photo of your loved one with your right hand, look him in the eyes, wish him to change his attitude. Love must fill thoughts. At this time, release a drop from the index finger of your second hand.
  3. Using your pierced finger, trace the image of the man from the area below the waist to the head.
  4. Read the plot to cast a strong love spell on a guy for blood:

“The blood leaves my body, my love transfers to you (name). Just as blood nourishes me, so the power of love ignites passion in you. Let you strive for me - You cannot distance yourself from attraction and thoughts. Now you have to think, to suffer with love, to have feelings for me, but not to know peace. You only think about me - you dream, In dreams and in reality you call me to you. Both now and forever. Let it be so".

  1. Take your finger away from the photo, look the person in the eyes again with faith that the ritual will work. Then burn the image in a candle flame. Place the ashes on a plate.
  2. Stir the ashes in a plate with a wooden stick until smooth.

Some of the ashes are buried in the soil in which the sacrificial flower grows. The liquid will pass through the ashes and go straight into the root system. The rest of the ashes should be poured under the threshold of the beloved.

Consequences of black love spells on blood

Love spells with blood have been performed frequently at all times. This is due to their strength and effectiveness. But some magicians compare a blood love spell with damage, and the bewitched man is called a victim.

A love spell with blood has serious consequences. Very often, a woman, having received the attention of the desired man, loses interest in him. His interest only irritates him, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet.

A love spell on the right man does not work forever. If a woman starts a family with a bewitched man, she risks being left alone after a while. Many magicians claim that the effect of a love spell will disappear after the birth of a joint child. Drops of blood connecting the couple will be washed away with the baby's blood. When the program ends, the man’s attitude may become even worse than it was before the witchcraft. He can take it out on both the woman and the unwanted child. Happy outcomes in love spell stories are rare.

For the victim, the consequences of a love spell using blood are the most serious:

  1. Alcohol addiction.
  2. Impotence, complete lack of libido.
  3. Premature aging.
  4. Unmotivated aggression.
  5. Various health problems.
  6. Career collapse.

Signs of a love spell appear clearly. A man can also become pathologically jealous. The woman suffers from his constant control, sometimes even from beatings.

A woman who bewitches a married man and takes him away from her family risks becoming infertile or receiving the crown of celibacy. This is retribution for someone else's grief. The crown of celibacy can easily be obtained if the ritual with menstrual blood is performed incorrectly. It is difficult to get rid of the consequences of the ritual.

Considering the consequences of a blood love spell, you need to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. It is also important to adequately assess your feelings for a man, test them with separation and time, and consult a psychotherapist. Maybe the need for a love spell using blood will disappear by itself.

Love rituals allow you to attract a guy, a girl, return the attention of your husband or wife, but can your blood as a sacrifice make you happier in love. A love spell on blood has a powerful effect on a person’s energy and his destiny. Sorcerers advise resorting to blood magic only when other types have not worked. A love spell can have the most serious consequences for both the customer and the victim.

And again, from my sinful and heavy hand, I offer to your attention a strong blood plot, which a familiar village healer shared with me.

To be honest, she only did this because people are interested in these methods for solving heart problems. With the help of this conspiracy, you will be able to carry out plans related to the occult love spell of a specific person. This effect is often called dryness.

Once again I want to remind you that any conspiracies, like pills, have a side effect, so we kindly ask you not to use them in practice, but simply read them out of “terrible” curiosity.

I will burn your heart with my blood,
You will be mine and I will be yours.
I appeal to the archangels of hell to help,
You are very strong - after all, it’s night outside.

Let my beloved come to me,
Otherwise he will burn in a terrible fire.
I take control of all his thoughts,
I can cut my little finger without feeling pain.

As soon as three drops fall on the photo,
The archangels of evil will create a love spell.
No one will dare to break the spell,
It is impossible to take you away now.

Hot blood will forever bind us,
You will soon feel love in your heart.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

1). You obtain seven black ritual candles in your region. They cannot be replaced by church ones. Look for black ones in online stores.

2). Take out a recent photograph of your loved one, preferably a close-up. If it is not possible to photograph his image, try to find a photograph on social networks. Without it, there is no point in performing an occult ritual.

3). Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light the candles so that a vicious circle is formed. Inside it should be a close-up photograph with the face up.

4). Concentrate all the power of your energy on the burning flame, mentally drawing pictures of your future with the desired man. Don't forget that a high-quality mental message often works better than a magical spell.

5). You begin to read the occult sheet seven times in a row. blood plot, lightly injuring the left little finger with a sterile sharp object and dripping onto the photograph of the person being bewitched. Three drops will be enough.

6). Wait until the candles go out completely.

7). You wrap their cinders in a sheet with a spell and bury them in a deserted place.

8). The photograph is securely hidden from prying eyes. Don’t even think about burying him - you’ll invite disaster and the man will dry up.

9). After some time, the ritual can be repeated.

I repeat once again that I am opposed to interference in a person’s destiny for any reason, believing that suppression of the will is a kind of zombification of the individual!

Let this entry become an encyclopedia of your curiosity, and let you meet love when you patiently hobble towards your cherished goal.

Previously, it was believed that blood conspiracies had great power, which could not be awakened unless absolutely necessary, so as not to cause trouble. Tear off a young plantain leaf, remove the thin skin, apply the pulp of the leaf to the wound or cut, secure the leaf, leave on the wound for a while. If the wound begins to fester, then after the plantain it is good to apply a thin film of birch bark. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a flammable stone Alatyr. A girl sits on it, and next to her sister. One holds a golden butcher's broom, the other a silk thread, both the wound is sewn up, the blood of the servant of God (name) is stopped. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Stop bleeding from a cut

Fedora walked along the hill and up the mountain; carried, a bast shoe by the collar. The collar tore, the blood subsided. Stand on the stone, the blood won’t drip, stand on the brick, blood, calm down. Amen.
Place your index finger above the wound and say: On Friday morning, a monk and a nun were walking up the mountain, the nun tripped and fell, God’s ore, she stopped walking.
The Mother of God spun in the morning, and the blood of the servant of God (name) subsided. The thread broke, the blood rose and subsided. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
How to stop bleeding when injured
Place your index finger above the wound and say: On Friday morning, a monk and a nun were walking up the mountain, the nun tripped and fell, God’s ore stopped flowing
Having made a cross with your fingers, move the blood around and read: Stand on the stone, the blood won’t drip, stand on your forehead, nothing will happen. Amen.


With your left hand, tear up any grass without looking at it, saying: Grass that was not planted or sown, fulfill God’s command, for healing. Amen.
Apply the herb to your nose and the blood will stop flowing.

Bleeding is normal

From hemoptysis

When the sun sets, spit the phlegm into a hollowed out place in the elder tree. Cover this place with bark and tie it, saying: The bark will grow over - the pus will go away. The bark will grow over - the blood will go away. The bark becomes overgrown - consumption will end.

Conspiracy for the purity and power of blood

Holy Fathers, have you seen ore? Did they throw her through her veins? How was she walking? How did she run? Didn't the human soul suffer? You, mother ore, veiny, bodily, subcutaneous, warm, warm, do not let me grow old. Be strong in my words and tenacious to the mother ore. And for centuries and centuries, from the damp earth to the gravestone, so that the mother ore would play, she would not allow the servant of God (name) to grow old. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Speak Varicose veins

They read it on Wednesday mornings and evenings. At the same time, circle the varicose bumps with your little finger counterclockwise. The conspiracy is read like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I speak to God’s servant (name) of the dormant, stagnant blood in his veins. Let the blood flow, take a walk, don’t get into clumps, as God intended and as the road was paved for you with blood, run along your own channels, don’t stand in clumps. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From dislocation and stretching of veins

Make the patient face east. Use the blunt end of a knife to circle the sore spot and read the spell. In three days everything will heal.
The skeleton, the skeleton, where is your home? Stand up in your place, as the Lord placed you. Don’t procrastinate, don’t whine, don’t pain, in the name of Jesus Christ, heal in three days. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy for thrombophlebitis

They say, looking at the waning month: Month Mesyatsovich, you grow and then decrease. As soon as the month begins to decrease, I pray you to take away my illness from me. Take the blue bumps from my feet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.
The shells of horse chestnut fruits also help very well. There is no need to dry them. Brew like tea and drink for your health.

A conspiracy to prevent blood clots

Bury two chicken paws in a field, cross this place, saying: My legs don’t hurt in the ground and my legs don’t hurt. Until my feet in the ground hurt, my feet won’t hurt either. I walk with the cross, I walk with the cross, I will live by the cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy to improve blood clotting

The conspiracy is done in the morning from 6 to 12 o'clock. During the conspiracy, the patient should sit at the table facing the window. To carry out the conspiracy you will need a church candle, a sharp pin, a white saucer and 5-10 g of alcohol or vodka. The candle must be lit, the pin should be heated in the fire, then the pin should be wiped with alcohol or vodka. After which the ring finger on the right hand of the person being charmed is pierced with a pin, a drop of blood is squeezed out onto a white saucer. For a drop of blood, the following spell words are spoken:

I speak to the ore of the servant of God (name). I conjure you, ore. Never ooze out, be in seclusion every day and hour, guard yourself, don’t open up, don’t splash out. You'll end up with a scab. And so it always is. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for anemia, anemia

The conspiracy is done on oneself or on another person being spoken in the evening, as soon as the moon appears in the sky. During the conspiracy, the patient should sit at a table facing the window. To carry out the conspiracy, you will need a cup of silent or undrawn water, a church candle, and a saucer. The candle must be lit, the water crossed, and the “Our Father” read. After which you need to sprinkle water on the patient’s face and read the spell words:

Water, you are water, the water of God, become healing from this hour, renew and rejuvenate my servant of God (name). No sooner said than done. Amen.

Similar actions must be carried out three times.

The conspiracy is done at noon or 12 o'clock at night. During the conspiracy, the patient should sit at the table facing the window. To carry out the conspiracy you will need a church candle, a sharp pin and 5-10 g of alcohol or vodka. The candle must be lit, the pin should be heated in the fire, then the pin should be wiped with alcohol or vodka. After which the ring finger on the right hand of the person being charmed is pierced with a pin, a drop of blood is squeezed out onto a white saucer. For a drop of blood, the following spell words are spoken:

Ever-Virgin Mary embroidered robes, straightened ore for the servant of God (name). You, ore of the servant of God (name), be scarlet and strong, hot and abundant. From now on and forever and ever the ore of the servant of God (name) is like the thread of the Mother of God. Amen.

A spell to stop bleeding from a wound

If the cut is severe, then the person being charmed must take any position that is comfortable for himself. Afterwards, the speaker bends down to the wound, blows on it seven times, and then baptizes it seven times with the icon of Jesus Christ, after which he says the following conspiracy words three times:

Jesus Christ, Son of God, blow and spit on the wound of the servant of God (name), so that it does not ooze, it does not itch, it does not begin to rot, it will soon heal. Amen, amen, amen.

A spell to stop bleeding from a wound. If the cut is severe, then the person being charmed must take any position that is comfortable for him. Afterwards, the speaker bends down to the wound, baptizes it three times with the icon of the saint in whose honor the person being spoken to is named (baptized), and says the following charming words three times:

Agnevo-archagnevo, seraphim-cherubim, heavenly helpers, hurry to the servant of God (name), stop his ore, heal his wound. According to my word, heal the wound, stop the ore! Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy-appeal to Paraskeva-Friday to get rid of scrofula, anemia and weakness

The conspiracy is done on Friday evening for oneself or for another person being charmed. During the conspiracy, the patient should sit at the table facing the window. To carry out the conspiracy, you will need a yellow, or even better, golden thread. A thread is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy: “I pulled and pulled out that golden thread from the ear of the servant of God (name). And now a servant of God. (name) got rid of his scrofula.” The speaker wraps a thread around the sore ear of the person being spoken to, pulls the end of the thread, pulls it out and immediately throws it under the table. The words of the conspiracy are:

Paraskeva-Friday walked across the field, soaked the hem, dried it on the stove, and hemmed it with gold thread. She pulled and pulled that golden thread from the ear of the servant of God (name). And now God’s servant (name) has overcome his scrofula. He will never return to his house. Amen.

After the spell, the thread is burned, the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree, do not forget to ask forgiveness from the tree:

Little tree, don’t hold a grudge against me, forgive me, take away my pain and sorrow. Forgive me, tree, forgive me, a sinner (wow). Amen.
Conspiracy for scrofula, anemia and general weakness

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day on oneself or on another person being charmed. During the conspiracy, the patient should sit at the table facing the window. To carry out the conspiracy you will need a church candle. Light a candle, cross the patient, read “Our Father”, and then move the lit candle in a circle above the patient’s head and say the following words:

On the Okiyan sea, on the island of Buyan, there is a golden throne. The yushka does not run from it, does not ooze, does not drip. So the servant of God (name)’s scrofula would subside every day and hour. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.
Conspiracy-appeal to Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa for nosebleeds

When bleeding from the nose, the person being spoken to should lie face up. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker presses the turnip to the bridge of the person’s nose with his left hand and pronounces the following spell words three times:

Paraskeva-Friday went to the field, planted turnips. The turnips were not accepted, but the servant of God (name)’s ore subsided. I baptize with the cross, I speak with the word of God. Amen.

The spell for menstruation is one of the most powerful rituals of love magic. Menstrual blood is an energetically strong biological fluid that allows you to attract a man to you for a long time. How to bewitch a man using blood and what consequences does such love magic have?

A blood plot can only have a strong effect on males. If a girl of non-traditional sexual orientation needs to cast a love spell on another girl, then in this case love magic will be useless.

A love spell on menstrual blood awakens great sexual desire in a man. A bewitched person cannot think about anyone else except the woman who performed the magical ritual. Such an influence can have a variety of consequences both for the bewitched man and for the lady who took such measures.


  1. The ritual is easy to perform, because it is performed at home during menstruation.
  2. The effect of the ritual is observed already on the second day.
  3. A man who has been magically influenced becomes forever attached to a woman.
  4. The lady herself will not feel the effects of the love spell in any way, since the spell for menstruation has a one-sided effect.
  5. A man experiences permanent sexual desire towards the girl who cast the love spell.

The negative consequences of the ritual should not be ignored, because they are quite serious:

We can conclude that the ritual of love magic using menstrual flow has many serious disadvantages that need to be carefully considered when deciding on such actions.

General rules for the ceremony

  • Rituals for menstrual blood are best done on the third or fourth day of the cycle. It is better to do rituals exactly at midnight or for three hours after midnight.
  • The woman must be absolutely healthy and full of strength, and she must not tell anyone about the use of the conspiracy.
  • The blood for a love spell must be fresh. If you collect it by squeezing out a pad or tampon, then the love spell will not result.

Spell for periods at a distance

To perform a magical ritual and bewitch a man who is far away, you will need a photo of the object of desire. For the ritual, collect 3 or 9 drops of blood and at sunset apply the blood to a photo of the guy, reading the following plot:

“I conjure the sun so that the soul of (boyfriend’s name) strives for my soul. Just as the rays of the luminary direct the light of the world, so your thoughts (his name) are directed towards me. Just as nothing living can exist without the sun, so you (his name) cannot now live without me.”

Blood is smeared onto the photograph with the index finger of the left hand. When the blood dries on the paper, the photograph should be hidden away from the eyes of strangers. The result of the ritual occurs within the first few days - the man begins to write, call the woman and dream of meeting. This is followed by declarations of love, expressions of desire to be together and intense sexual interest. However, to consolidate the result of the discharge, you need to add it to the man’s food or drink.

Love spell for monthly blood and wine

This ritual is often used by women who want to return former passion to a relationship or to discourage another lady from their lover. To perform the magical ritual, they take 3 drops of menstrual blood and the same number of drops of blood taken from the pierced ring finger. The liquids are mixed and the following plot is read over the blood:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My living blood, enter into God's servant.
How no one can live without blood.
So the servant of God (name) cannot live without me,
Servant of God (name), to be.
My blood, enter you.
Love, servant of God (name), me more than yourself,
Throw yourself at the walls out of sadness,
Be embarrassed when I appear,
Redder, stupider, don’t you dare take your eyes off me.
My blood, play in the servant of God (name),
Don't let him forget me.
My first word.
My word is second, but other sorcerers have no word.
I'll lock myself up, I'll shut myself up.
I am the eldest and am not afraid of anyone.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Blood is added to wine and the man is given it. If the object of love has started a relationship with another lady, the ritual is performed once a month 3 times.

Bread baking spell

During her period, a woman should bake bread or cake. Add 5 drops of blood to the dough, bake the bread, take it out of the oven or oven, reading the following text 9 times:

“(Name) drink, finish, eat, finish,
Consume my blood.
Absorb my blood
Change your life.
My blood is strong
Your weakness is visible.
(Name), you are my slave by blood,
I am your mistress.
You don't have the strength
(Name), your life is for me.
You have no others
You are mine forever".

The man must be treated to the enchanted pie. It is very important that only the object of desire tastes the dish, and no one else.

You can make another food plot. To do this, take a white cloth, drip a drop of menstrual blood onto it, and dry the stain. This cloth must be burned and the ashes added to the drink or food that the man consumes.

Period ritual with photo and wine

For a magical ritual, you will need a photo of your beloved man, in which he is depicted alone. The photo is burned and blood is added to the ashes. The following plot is read over the mixture:

“How can I call you for help,
how I ask you to give me superhuman strength,
unearthly spells, so that I, the servant of God (name),
thus tie the servant of God (name) with your bonds,
so that he cannot tear them forever,
neither at night, nor during the day, nor in the quiet evening,
not on a bright morning.
And how will this drink spill into all the vessels?
will heat up all his blood,
so that it spreads throughout all the veins and vessels
servant of God (name)
his passion for the servant of God (name),
so that his love for me flares up
Every day it gets stronger, it gets hotter,
so that he gets drunk with his passion,
How drunk you get from this wine.

All this is added to the alcoholic drink that the man drinks. After 3-5 days you can notice the effect of a love spell.

Strong love spells with a candle

Before you begin a magical ritual, you need to take into account that its effect will be very strong. If a lady does not see in a man a person with whom she is ready to build a serious relationship for life, then the ritual is not worth performing, since its consequences can be the most disastrous.

What you will need:

  • 3 candles bought at church;
  • scratch your name and the man’s name on the candles;
  • the wicks of the candles are lit;
  • take 5 drops of menstrual fluid, pour them into a glass of water and put in gold jewelry.

You need to make a spell on the candles:

“Spread and disperse, my little blood,
a quarter of the intoxicating one.
And how the rabina (lover’s name) drinks this hops,
so my blood will flow through his veins,
His mind will be driven into the ram's horn.
For me, (name) is the only one who will start thinking,
his chest will burn with heat,
For me alone, he will begin to dry up and dry up.
Once upon a time there lived a peasant whose oblique fathom would glare at me,
He will begin to desire me alone.
My word says so, and so it will be done!”

Water is poured into a ladle and boiled over a candle flame. At midnight, water is poured over the left shoulder at any intersection.

Magic ritual for a man's love forever

There is another powerful magical ritual that allows you to tie a man to a woman once and for all. For the ritual, they take a photograph of the beloved, 7 drops of menstrual blood, 7 teaspoons of salt, a three-liter saucepan, 14 candles and a wooden spoon.

  • Seven candles are lit in the bathroom, and the remaining 7 in the kitchen.
  • In the bathroom they hang a photograph of a man, so that it is at eye level. In the kitchen, boil 3 liters of water, remove the pan and add salt.
  • Stir the salt with a wooden spoon and clearly visualize a picture of an ideal relationship with a man.
  • After this, you need to close the clean sink with a stopper and pour water into it, into which you then need to add 7 drops of monthly blood. Place your hands above the water, close your eyes and imagine your lover.

In a few minutes, the woman will feel completely relaxed and immersed in dreams. Immediately after the onset of these sensations, you need to remove the plug and release the water. After the ritual, you need to wash your face with cold water and immediately go to bed.

Food spell during menstruation

If it is possible to treat a man to food, you can add enchanted blood to the food. Above the discharge you need to read the following plot:

“My blood, enter (NAME), awaken passion for me in him! Spread over his body, flare up with the heat of passion. Let my hot body feel, Only one yearns for me, So that no force will ever separate Us from (NAME)!”

Blood should be added to the food a man eats as soon as possible.