How many generations of ancestors are responsible for the sin of a descendant? The sins of parents and the suffering of children: is there a connection? Liked? Share with your friends

Do children at birth inherit guilt and personal responsibility for the sins of their parents? No? Then why are the diseases of ancestors, as a consequence of sins, inherited by innocent descendants? Is it possible to pray for healing from such diseases? And why does God punish “the iniquity of the fathers on the children”? About this for the portal “Orthodox Life” - Ph.D. theology Archimandrite Theognost (Pushkov).

The Gospel, i.e. The Good News of salvation brings to our hearts the joy of the perfect remission of sins, given to every believer in One Baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity. On the other hand, living in a world full of suffering, human thought tries to comprehend the reality around us. Especially when suffering enters our lives - it concerns our neighbors or ourselves. Often, a superficially reflective thought comes to simplified answer options, and life “breaks down” the theories that have arisen in us. In this case, many people talk about the “loss of faith”, in part this is exactly what it is, but it is necessary to clarify that it was faith in our concepts, which is by no means equivalent to genuine religious faith based on the living Revelation of the Word of God.

Religious revelation is based not on theory, but on fact: God entered into a “conversation” with His creation. Any religious dogma represents the reality of life, the reality of spiritual experience (even if it is presented in a schematic way). And to the question “Do children at birth inherit guilt and personal responsibility for the sins of their parents?” The Church firmly answers: “No! And even more so, there can be no talk of any inheritance of guilt by birth after the rebirth of a person in Baptism.” But we have the fact of hereditary diseases, which are sometimes the result of one or another of their personal sins in parents, but are passed on to completely innocent children. How to explain this fact? Also in the Holy Scriptures (in fact, in the Old Testament) clear instructions are given that God punishes “the guilt of the fathers on the children.” How can we explain these biblical sayings? Let's start with the last ones.

Bad example

The language of Holy Scripture is difficult for the modern reader to understand. Not because it is “the language of charades and riddles” (this is not true at all), but because the text is written in the categories of thinking and methods of expression inherent in people who lived in times very distant from us. This is, if you like, a “socio-linguistic gap”. Here is the biblical text most often cited by those who spread unbiblical opinions that God punishes children for the sins of their parents: “The Lord, the Lord, a gracious and merciful God, long-suffering and abounding in mercy and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but not leaving it unpunished, punishing the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the children’s children to the third and fourth kind"(Ex.34:6-7 – see also Ex.20:5-6; Deut. 5:9-10; Jer.32:18).

The meaning of this biblical text cannot be understood without taking into account the patriarchal structure of biblical culture. Under the patriarchal system, children inherited the profession (and all the “secrets of the craft”) of their parents. If the father was a carpenter, then the son will be, and so will his son, and so on. “Uprooting” was very strictly condemned by society, and those who became marginalized, as a rule, became outcasts. So, the father is a carpenter, and his son is the same. Is your mother a weaver? And so does her daughter. Well, if the father is a robber or a pirate, then who will his son be? That's right, a robber or a pirate. And if the mother is a harlot from a brothel, then who will her daughter be, according to the “customs of society”? That's right, he will follow in his mother's footsteps.

That is why this text says that God punishes “the iniquity of the fathers in the children,” i.e. if He sees that children are developing not a good, but an evil inheritance, then He will punish the children for continuing the sins of their parents. God's punishment extends to descendants if they become imitators of the sins of their parents (i.e., parents are the culprits of children sinning, for fathers have given a bad example to their children). The precision of this is emphasized by the words of Ex. 20:5 “I am the Lord, who punishes the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth [generation] of those who hate Me.”, i.e. if enmity towards God extends to the 3rd or 4th generation, God extends his hand for punishment. This is perfectly confirmed by Rev. Ephraim the Syrian comments on Ex. 20:5: “God, in His longsuffering, endures the evil man, and his son and grandson. But if they do not repent, he imposes punishment on the head of the fourth, since in his wickedness he is like his fathers.”. In the literal legal sense “A father will not take away the sin of his son, neither will a son take away the sin of his father, but each one will die in his own sin.” .

Refusal to “atone”

However, the concept of “inheritance of guilt” also has a second meaning – it is the refusal to “atone for the guilt” (if possible) of one’s parents. For example, parents, through forgery and bribery, took away their neighbor’s property and transferred it to their son, who knows about the origin of this inheritance. And although he himself did not rob, he bears the guilt for not returning to his neighbor, who became impoverished with the help of his parents, what he is owed. Probably, it is precisely this degree of guilt that is very relevant for a considerable number of our contemporaries. Not to mention the tragedy of 1917, which turned everything upside down, let us only recall the times of “privatization,” when a lot was acquired by “enterprising people” at the cost of the tears and even the blood of “non-enterprising” people. Of course, in this case, the guilt of the heir who takes advantage of all this is not cleared by the act of Baptism itself, since after Baptism he again returns to what is drenched in the tears and blood of innocent victims.

Even in the Old Testament, God firmly convinces the people that only if the children refuse to correct the guilt of their fathers (that is, if they continue the sin of their parents) will He punish them as guilty. “Why do you use this proverb in the land of Israel, saying: “The fathers ate sour grapes, but the children’s teeth are set on edge”? I live! says the Lord God, they will not speak this proverb in Israel. For behold, all souls are Mine: both the soul of the father and the soul of the son are Mine: the soul that sins shall die.”(Ezek. 18:2-4). And further it is said that if a sinner leaves the path of evil and corrects his evil deeds (returns the loot, forgives debts to debtors, etc.), then God asks him for all his sins. This personal involvement of children in the sins of their parents is well understood by the punished children themselves: “From the days of our fathers we have been in great guilt until this day, and for our iniquities we, our kings, our priests, were delivered into the hands of foreign kings, under the sword, into captivity, and to plunder and to shame, as is the case now.”(Ezra 9:7). “We lie down in our shame, and our shame covers us, because we have sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, from our youth until this day, and we did not obey the voice of the Lord our God.”(Jer. 3:25). If a person sees the deep depravity of the morals of his society (including his parents), he must leave this society - which, incidentally, is what Abraham did, “breaking with his roots.” And since this gap was in the Name of God and for the sake of holiness and fidelity, and not because of pride, God blessed Abraham. Abraham, of course, could not be responsible for the sinful deeds of his parents and his society, since he completely broke with them, i.e. did not participate in their affairs and did not live “according to the system” that instills sin.

People who uproot themselves cease to recognize themselves and feel like a continuation of their parents. He who realizes and feels his continuity from his ancestors, sees in himself the fruits of their deeds (good or bad), willingly or unwillingly, encounters the mentality inherited from his fathers. That is why “our sins” and “the sins of our fathers”, as a rule, are paired, somewhere next to each other.

Genetic moment

Now it remains to consider not the moral, but the genetic (or organic) perspective of this problem. If children are not guilty by the very fact of birth of the sins of their parents, then why do illnesses and suffering often come down the chain to children?

If in the moral sphere a person is an independent person, free to “break with the past” (and therefore, to renounce an inheritance earned dishonestly or received as a result of falling away from faith), then in the physiological, organic sphere a person is part of the common “flesh of the world” " All of God's creation, all of nature, is a single, integral living organism. And just as in our body the suffering of one member (a cut of a finger) leads to the fact that the whole person feels pain, and not just his finger, it is the same in nature, of which man is a part (even if leading it). Our immoral behavior destroys us not only spiritually, but also physically. And is it surprising that sick children are born to people whose bodies have been destroyed since youth by alcohol, nervous stress, “free love,” etc.? It is rather surprising and wonderful if healthy children are born in this situation. And if we also take into account the state of the environment to which we all came through joint efforts in the pursuit of “progress,” it is surprising that we are all still alive. With our sins, our way of life (which destroys the unity of man with lower nature), we ourselves build our own coffin. And here we are not talking about “God’s punishment.” It is not God who punishes us, but we ourselves who collect the poor dowry for future generations. Who is to blame for the fact that children live on what their parents left them? After all, it wouldn’t occur to anyone to say that “God punished with death the one who drank a full glass of potassium cyanide”? Why do we talk about “God’s punishment” when we see that a child of alcoholics is born sick? This is a wrong judgment!

The Christian attitude to this issue can be summarized as follows: parents pass on to their children the consequences of their sins in the form of illnesses and other suffering, but not the sins themselves, and therefore children who suffer not “for guilt,” but “through the fault” of their parents, we do not We consider them sinners, show them compassion and try to make their lives easier.

Of course, God Almighty is able to correct what has been broken in us by sin. He is strong and able to heal children born from the “sick root.” But this is a completely different topic. And believers can lovingly offer up their requests to God for the healing of hereditary diseases, making, among other things, natural efforts to combat them.

St. Basil the Great. Letter No. 223 (according to PG numbering) - in Russian translation No. 215 // Letters (translated by MDA), M., ed. "Soykina", 1911 With. 266.

A person inherits not only facial and character traits from his parents or relatives. Unfortunately, illnesses and sinful tendencies of loved ones are passed on to us. But is it true that children are punished for the sins of their father and mother? Is there a generational curse?

Ancestral sin is an unpleasant “gift” of parents

Each person is born with his own individual appearance and character traits. But nevertheless, he inherits a lot from his parents. Sometimes the influence of distant relatives makes itself felt: for example, the boy received tall height from his great-grandfather, or the gift of drawing from his great-grandmother.

In addition, behavioral skills make us more and more like our fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers. They are formed as a result of upbringing. Whether a child wants it or not, he involuntarily inherits adults.

Unfortunately, some physical diseases can also be passed on from parents to children. But, besides them, a person also receives other, even more unpleasant hereditary “gifts” from his relatives - the virus of spiritual ailments. In Orthodoxy, this “gift” is usually called ancestral sin. What does it mean? Should children be responsible for the vicious lives of their parents? It is not entirely correct to draw such a conclusion, so let’s try to find the correct answer to this question and give relevant examples.

Predisposition ≠ sinful dependence

Surely every reader knows examples of families in which parents suffer from alcoholism. There is a very high probability that children raised in such conditions will also become addicted to this passion.

But this does not mean at all that a newborn baby will necessarily grow up to be an alcoholic.

The same goes for generational sin. He does not at all indicate that for the vices of parents God will punish their offspring with drunkenness. But sons and daughters in such families have a greater predisposition to the sin of alcoholism. However, one should not recognize these children as “hopeless”: it depends on the person himself whether he will overcome the vice or fall for its bait.

But where did the opinion come from that God punishes children for the sin of parents? And what arguments can be used to convince people that this is not so?

For the misdeeds of one, does God punish the family to the sixth generation?

The stumbling block in understanding the consequences of generational sin was the words from the Old Testament books. In the Book of Exodus the following words are given:

I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me (Exodus 20:5).

The same thoughts about generational sin are heard in Deuteronomy, Numbers, and the book of the prophet Isaiah. But already the prophet Ezekiel, famous for his prediction of the birth of the Messiah from a Virgin, points out that children are not responsible for the vices of their parents:

You say: “Why does not the son bear the guilt of his father?” Because the son acts lawfully and righteously, keeps all My statutes and fulfills them; he will be alive. The soul that sins, it will die, the son will not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father will not bear the iniquity of the son, the righteousness of the righteous remains with him, and the iniquity of the wicked remains with him... I will judge... everyone according to his ways, says the Lord God" (Ezek. 18. 19-20, 30).

And another prophet, Jeremiah, brings clarity to the issue of understanding generational sin and the responsibility of children for the actions of their parents:

In those days they will no longer say, “The fathers ate sour grapes, but the teeth of the children are set on edge,” but each will die for his own iniquity; whoever eats sour grapes will have his teeth set on edge (Jer. 31:29-30).

In the New Testament, God is presented not as a Just Judge, but as a Merciful and Loving Lord.

The Calvary sacrifice testifies to the degree of God’s love for man: for the vices of each of us, the immortal God is crucified on the cross.

And how can this loving God punish children for the misdeeds of their parents? No. But what then to do with the consequences of generational sin? After all, there are dynasties where a certain curse seems to hang for several generations? What does it mean?

It’s not at all like what sorcerers and fortune tellers offer you, ready to “lift the generational curse.”

Ancestral sin is a punishment not from God, but from parents

Let's return to our example with the family of alcoholics. The virus of a terrible spiritual illness is transmitted from children to children. But if you already have the virus, then the likelihood of getting sick increases.

If children do not resist the temptation to drink, but succumb to temptation, then they also become addicted. It will be even more difficult for their future sons and daughters to stop this sinful lump, which is rolling in with greater force.

And if, with God’s help, prayer and the Sacraments, they are not cured of ancestral sin, then they will pass on an even greater tendency to spiritual illness to the next generation.

This can continue for many generations until people realize and honestly admit to themselves the sin of alcoholism: “Yes, I succumbed to demonic temptations, fell into the most serious ones. But I want to overcome addiction, not on my own, but with God’s help.” After such recognition, the most difficult stage of spiritual struggle begins. It is very difficult. But with God everything is truly possible.

It is not out of nowhere that stereotypes arose that children left in an orphanage will not grow up to be “normal” people. According to the General Prosecutor's Office, in Russia only 10% of children in orphanages establish a normal life. Others cannot cope with drunkenness and drugs (40%), become criminals (40%) or even commit suicide (10%).

What is this? God's punishment? No, these are the consequences of generational sin. Parents, having sinned, punish themselves and infect their children. But, as you know, one serious vice is associated with many others. If a person drinks, he becomes irritable and in anger can lead to beatings and even murder.

If a child grows up in an environment where a tyrant father allows himself to get drunk and beat his mother, then the son in the future will either follow the same scenario or hate this sin and make every effort to prevent this from happening again in his life.

How to get rid of the consequences of generational sin?

Priests, Orthodox psychologists and theologians highlight the following components in overcoming passions that are firmly entrenched in your family or even clan:

  • desire to change;
  • reading the Gospel and striving to live according to the commandments;
  • prayer and hope in God;
  • regular confession and repentance;
  • communion;
  • Unction.

It is also worth praying for your deceased relatives. After all, if during their lifetime they did not repent of their passions, then in the other world it is especially difficult for them. Here it is worth remembering that the Orthodox Church does not commemorate the unbaptized and suicides.

How to protect children from generational sin?

It is best to answer this question in the words of the theologian Alexei Osipov:

Parents, be afraid to commit sins if you truly love your children. Do not think that your personal life does not concern them: all your sins and crimes will be reflected in the lives of your children. Therefore, to the question “What to do with naughty children?” There is only one answer: think first what you need to do with yourself, then you will know exactly what to do with the child.

Take care of the Orthodox upbringing of your child even before his birth.

Priests and Orthodox psychologists advise parents to spiritually prepare for fatherhood and motherhood before the birth of a baby, to confess during pregnancy (thereby being cleansed of personal and family sins), to receive communion regularly, to attend divine services, and, if possible, to abstain from marital communication. It is useful to read the Gospel and the Psalter, listen to classical music. It is also advisable to avoid noisy companies with excessive fun, alcohol, indiscreet jokes and gossip.

Raise your child by the example of godly life in your family. After all, you can pass on to your son or daughter not only ancestral sin, but also love for virtues.

If parents, instead of quarreling and shouting, prefer to discuss problems and listen to the opinions of others, then their child will strive for the same scenario.

If parents read the Gospel at home, attend church, observe fasts together and approach Communion, then their son or daughter will consider this the norm of Christian life. And no supernatural efforts will have to be made for Orthodox upbringing and overcoming bad inclinations.

Professor Alexey Osipov talks about generational sin as a hereditary disease:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Answering the question whether children get sick because of the sins of their parents, Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) quotes from the Bible and, relying on them, says that spiritual and moral diseases can in fact be transmitted from one generation to another. However, he emphasizes that there is no fatal dependence on the sins of the ancestors. Whatever “curse” weighs on the family, everyone has a chance of salvation, the Lord extends a helping hand to everyone. But it depends on the will of the person whether he will take advantage of this chance.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer for atonement for the sins of one’s ancestors and relatives” with a detailed description and photographs.

Lord, I pray to You for all those who have passed and are living,

For they and we sinners, voluntarily and involuntarily, saddened,

Offended or were tempted by word, deed, thought,

By knowing or not knowing you.

Have mercy, Lord, on everyone who asks for Your help.

God! Make this day a day of your mercy.

Give to everyone according to their request, be a shepherd of the lost, lead the ignorant to the light of God, be a mentor, a doctor for the sick, a comforter for the dying, and lead us all to the light of knowledge, forgiveness, repentance and sincere love for You and blissful peace.

Forgive, Lord, the sins of all those who have previously departed in the faith and hope of the Resurrection. To our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, and create eternal memory for them.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!(3 times)

Merciful Lord, give Your grace to all the peoples of the earth, that they may know You, for without Your Holy Spirit man cannot know You and understand Your love. Lord, send Your Holy Spirit upon us, for You and all Your things are known only by the Holy Spirit, which You first gave to Adam, and then to the Holy Prophets and then to Christians.

Grant, Lord, to all Your peoples to share Your love and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, so that people will forget the grief of the earth, and may they leave all the bad and cling to You with love, and may they live in peace, doing Your will for Your glory.

0 Lord, vouchsafe us the gift of the Holy Spirit, so that we may understand Your glory and live on earth in peace and love, may there be no malice, no wars, no enemies, but may love alone reign, and no army or prison will be needed , and life will be easy for everyone on earth.

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A prayer that removes “karmic” or ancestral problems of several generations

You can clear karma through prayer "For the purification of the race". It removes “karmic” or ancestral problems of several generations, such as intrauterine damage or a generational curse.

This may be a sin that was committed in one generation and imposed on the next “for the sins of the parents.”

This could be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this affects us here and now.

In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors in order to stop being responsible for the wrongdoings they committed according to the law of karma.

Having prayed for the sins of your ancestors and cleared the energy-information field of your family, you can break the karmic connection and begin to live your own life, without being responsible for your ancestors and freed from “ancestral” damage and curses.

Cleansing must take place daily for 40 days.

Cleansing karma with prayers:

Read the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory.

Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


“Lord, I thank You for everything You give me.

I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.” Repeat all prayers three times.


Do the practice of begging the ancestors of your Family three times, this is a very powerful and effective help to the ancestors.

Visit the graves of relatives.

Help old people in need with deeds, either financially or with things. Or products. Give the fruits of this act to your Family.

Are there people in your Family who participated in wars? As a rule, there are such people in every Family. Because there have been wars in every century, and more than one. Participants in wars are special people in our Clans; they have gone through the most difficult trials. Tests of pain, fear, loss of loved ones - husbands, children, parents, tests of hunger, wounds, terrible violent death. Among them there are women and men. Some of them defended life, while others were forced to take the life of someone during the war years. People returned from the war crippled morally and physically. Many of them were never able to return to normal life. Their souls especially need our prayers.

Therefore, pray for those who participated in wars, who survived this. Ask forgiveness on their behalf from those souls whom your ancestors deprived of their lives in war, and calm the souls of the ancestors themselves with prayer. Write a letter of gratitude to those who defended lives and the Motherland. If your military grandparents are alive, contact them, thank them! You can also help war veterans in honor of your Family.

Collect information about the ancestors of your Family and systematize it. For ease of display and storage, it is useful to create a genealogical card for each family member. You can enter the following information into it:

1. Last name (for married women, indicate your maiden name).

2. First name and patronymic (if changed, indicate what they were).

3. Date and place of birth.

4. Date and place of death (if buried elsewhere, also indicate the location of the grave).

8. Place or places of residence (indicating dates).

9. Names and dates of birth of brothers and sisters.

10. Education that I completed.

11. Place(s) of work, service, position.

12. Participation in wars (where, what).

13. Awards, titles.

14. Full name of wife/husband.

15. Full names of children, their dates of birth.

16. Religion, belonging to class (before 1917).

18. Additional information: how the person was described, character, actions, relationships.

19. Sources of information: documents, letters, photographs, memories, interviews.

20. Date of completion.

This card can be constantly updated with new information that appears. In addition to family dates, you can include in the card index a description of the most important world events or events in the country, region, one way or another related to family history.

7. It is useful to create a calendar of memorable family dates. The dates of birth of relatives, the dates of their weddings, and the dates of commemoration of the deceased are recorded in the Calendar. A calendar of family memorable dates is created for the whole year and for each month. The calendar records all the main dates and events for each relative.

Such events include birthdays, weddings, deaths, baptisms, and dates of other important events for a person. But since this Calendar belongs to you personally, it is appropriate to note in it all other memorable dates for you: these are the birthdays of friends and acquaintances, graduation dates from educational institutions, and you never know what other dates, for example: religious holidays and other important events .

The constant remembrance of our relatives for health and repose will have the most positive impact on our lives, on our destiny. We need to look there more often and send wishes for goodness, happiness, health, prosperity, success in good endeavors to all our relatives and friends. And such an exercise will gradually wean us from judging, and even more so from condemning our loved ones. Relationships with loved ones will improve and our whole life will become calm and happy.

8. Cleansing karma with prayers

You can clear karma with the help of the prayer “For the purification of the race.” It removes “karmic” or ancestral problems of several generations, such as intrauterine damage or a generational curse. This may be a sin that was committed in one generation and imposed on the next “for the sins of the parents.” This could be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this affects us here and now. In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors in order to stop being responsible for the wrongdoings they committed according to the law of karma.

Having prayed for the sins of your ancestors and cleared the energy-information field of your family, you can break the karmic connection and begin to live your own life, without being responsible for your ancestors and freed from “ancestral” damage and curses. Cleansing must take place daily for 40 days.

Cleansing karma with prayers:

First read the Lord's Prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen."

Read the prayer “Mother of God, Virgin, Rejoice”:

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen."

Read the prayer “For the cleansing of the race”:

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Read the prayer of thanksgiving:

“Lord, I thank You for everything You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.”

Repeat all prayers three times!

Overcoming generational curse through prayer:

“I surrender myself to the will of God. I have no complaints against anyone, I have no grudges against anyone. Just as I have forgiven all those who have offended me, so You, Heavenly Father, forgive me, a sinner. In the name of the Son of God, I remove from myself all curses placed on me, my parents or ancestors. In the name of the Son of God, I break all ties with Satan and his demons, which, due to the sins of my ancestors, parents or myself, led me into spiritual slavery. I break all the curses of my ancestors and ask for forgiveness from you, Heavenly Father, for all their sins. I renounce any involvement of myself and my ancestors in any kind of witchcraft, dealing with demons, sex outside of marriage, gambling, alcoholism, despair as a result of abandonment by parents, spouse, friend or other close being, not forgiving others and everything that is against God. The curse has been stopped. I declare that any legal right of Satan over me, my children and future generations, in the name of the Son of God, is taken away and destroyed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Please don't waste your time. You only have one week to practice!

Prayer for atonement for the sins of your ancestors and relatives

Lord, I pray to You for all those living who have passed on, for they and we, sinners, voluntarily and involuntarily, grieved, offended you, or were seduced by word, deed, thought, knowledge or ignorance.

Lord God! Forgive us and them our sins, mutual insults; eradicate, Lord, from our hearts all indignation, suspicion, anger, resentment, quarrels and everything that can hinder love and reduce brotherly love.

God! Make this day a day of Thy mercy. Give to everyone according to their request, be a shepherd of the lost, lead the ignorant to the light of God, be a mentor, a doctor for the sick, a comforter for the dying, and lead us all to the light of knowledge, forgiveness, repentance and sincere love for You and blessed peace. Forgive, Lord, the sins of all those who have previously departed in the faith and hope of the Resurrection, our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, and create for them eternal memory.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Lord God! Forgive us and them our sins, mutual insults; eradicate, Lord, from our hearts all indignation, suspicion, anger, resentment, quarrels and everything that can hinder love and reduce brotherly love.

Have mercy, Lord, on everyone who asks for Your help.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us! (3 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Meditation on the family tree.

A person’s life is greatly influenced by his family tree. It consists of 7 generations.

It can be drawn as follows: on a sheet of paper in the center along the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a square (man) or a circle (woman) of yourself - this is the 1st generation. Next, draw two lines up, to which draw a square (on the left) and a circle (on the right).

This is your father and mother - this is the second generation. A square and a circle also extend upward from each of them. These are your grandparents - the third generation. And so on until the seventh generation, in which there will be 64 people. 32 couples, families. There will be a total of 126 people in your family tree.

Your life largely depends on their achievements and mistakes in life.

By drawing your family tree, you have the opportunity to touch each of your 126 ancestors with your thoughts, pray for them, and seek guidance, help and support.

To do this, touch the circle or square of your ancestor with your index finger and lovingly address him, express your respect and gratitude for the gift of life.

The best thing is to sequentially descend or ascend along the family tree from yourself, your parents, starting with your father and onwards, all the time, starting contact in the next generation with an ancestor on the male paternal line.

It would be good if during this ritual a church candle would burn behind the family tree.


It is possible and necessary to atone for the sins of one’s family. In Tsarist Russia, all peasant families had many children, and the youngest son was given to be a monk to atone for the sins of the family. In the old days, people still felt the law of fate in the clan, so they tried to become related only to the clan in which there were no suicides, drunkards, crazy people, fornicators, moral monsters, and childlessness (a bad sign - the doom of the clan). In principle, the redemption of moral laws in the clan is still noticeable: it is clear that women in the clan, for example, always become single mothers, or men in the clan go to prison, and so on. The most obvious sign that a family is doomed due to sins is childlessness. Is it possible to pray out the sins of the race! You can pray for everything, but to do this you need to understand what kind of sins are in your family and how they are corrected. Currently, no one understands this better than Sergei Lazarev. Read his books "Diagnostics of Karma".

If you have discovered a recurring birth problem and have decided to take it seriously, here are some tips for you. Since ancient times, it was believed that the servants of monasteries were best suited to pray for us, the servants of God, and pray for our sinful ancestors. Many cathedrals accept notes for semi-annual and annual remembrance of health or repose.

Therefore, you need to make a list of your relatives, members of your direct family, taking into account everyone from the first to the seventh generation. Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts are not included in this list. You need to write down the following names: you are the first generation, your father and mother are the second generation, your grandparents are the third generation, your great-grandparents are the fourth generation, and so on. Write down those whose names you know, and enter them in two columns: those who are alive and those who are no longer in this world. After all, for some it is necessary to give a memorial of health, and for others - of repose.

But the work of the monks to beg your family does not end there. Your direct participation in this is also great. There are three miraculous prayers; they can be found in any prayer book.

· The first is the 90th Psalm, the semantic and sound vibrations of which will help cleanse the energy structure of a person.

· The second is the 50th Psalm. It is very effective in protecting the biofield and surrounding space of the individual.

· And the third is the Symbol of Faith, in which all centers and channels of the Soul are rapidly filled with high-frequency energy.

These prayers must be read for each member of your family in a certain sequence. You need to start with yourself. Then you read for the mother, then for the father. Moving on to the third generation, you read for the maternal grandmother and grandfather, then for the paternal grandmother and grandfather. When working with the fourth generation, you begin to read for the great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the grandmother's parents, then - for the great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the grandfather's parents (this is work with ancestors on the female line). You work in the same way with male ancestors: first you read prayers for your great-grandmother and great-grandfather - your grandmother’s parents, then for your great-grandmother and great-grandfather - your grandfather’s parents. And so on.

It must be remembered that when moving deeper into the birth canal, the energy of prayers twists clockwise according to the gimlet rule (from left to right). The female part of the birth canal is located on the left, and the male part on the right.

So, you start reading prayers for yourself. After the third prayer, say the words: “I ask forgiveness from everyone to whom I have intentionally and unintentionally brought harm.”

Start working with each of your ancestors, for example, with the following words: “I give my vote for my maternal great-grandfather, the servant of God Terenty.”

Then you read prayers, and at the end ask forgiveness for your ancestor from all those to whom he brought evil during his lifetime. If the name of your ancestor is unknown, then simply state his status according to your family. It is more convenient to draw up a diagram of all relatives up to the seventh generation.

It is clear that such work will take a lot of time and cannot be completed in one approach. For some, it will take several days, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the work you do will bring an invaluable result - your family will be cleansed of hard, low-frequency, destructive structures.

Lord, I pray to You for all those who have passed and are living, for they and we, sinners, voluntarily and involuntarily, have saddened, offended, or were tempted by word, deed, thought, knowledge or ignorance.

Lord God! Forgive us and them our sins, mutual insults; eradicate, Lord, from our hearts all indignation, suspicion, anger, resentment, quarrels and everything that can hinder love and reduce brotherly love.

Have mercy, Lord, on everyone who asks for Your help.

God! Make this day a day of Thy mercy. Give to everyone according to their request, be a shepherd of the lost, lead the ignorant to the light of God, be a mentor, a doctor for the sick, a comforter for the dying, and lead us all to the light of knowledge, forgiveness, repentance and sincere love for You and blissful peace. Forgive, Lord, the sins of all those who have previously departed in the faith and hope of the Resurrection, our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, and create for them eternal memory.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us! (3 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

There is another prayer for atonement for the sins of the family. For these purposes, read it 2 times a year.

This is a very rare prayer, which was written on the porch of the Church of the Archangel Michael of the Miracle Monastery (Kremlin, 1906)

Write on a piece of paper the names of all your loved ones (children, parents, husband, wife) and name them all where (name) is written.

If you atone for the sins of your family, then 2 times a year - from September 18th to 19th (Feast of the Archangel Michael) and from November 20th to 21st (Michael's Day) you need to pray for the dead - calling everyone by name ( and at the same time add the phrase “and all relatives according to the flesh up to the tribe of Adam.” This is done at 12 o’clock at night. In this way, the sins of your family are prayed for.

Sins of the ancestors- a theological concept associated with the doctrine of the spread of the consequences of the sinfulness of ancestors to their descendants.

1) First of all, this idea correlates with our ancestors, as a result of which people began to be born corruptible and mortal, damaged in soul and body, prone to evil. The only exception is one Man - the Lord - conceived and born in a supernatural way, who accepted corruption and mortality, but not.

2) In the process of multiplying the human race, the consequences of the Fall and, transmitted from ancestors to descendants, varied in detail and were aggravated due to additional reasons, among which two can be distinguished: the hereditary factor and tribal traditions.

In ancient times, the connection between older and younger generations, connected by ties of consanguinity, was considered so serious that a special proverb developed about this: “ fathers ate sour grapes, and children's teeth set on edge» ().

Faith in the truth of this idea was facilitated by a peculiarly interpreted Divine revelation: “ I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me.» ().

An auxiliary impulse was the biblical narrative about God's curse on Canaan for its father, Ham, who spoke disrespectfully about his father, Noah (), which was reinforced by the fact that the entire Canaanite people became a symbol of evil and wickedness.

In reality, the Lord Himself is the Purest Good. And therefore, it is unacceptable to attribute the increase of evil in the whole people to His curse. God's curse is not fate, not fate, but one of the forms of manifestation of anger, fair and oriented towards good.

It is obvious that Canaan, fed and raised by a rude father, did not represent the ideal of virtue. This can also be said about his descendants, who inherited the traits of their ancestor and were brought up far from the best pedagogical traditions.

That is why, speaking about the sins of our ancestors and bearing in mind the above proverb, we must not ignore the Divine warning against a false, crudely legal interpretation of His words:

« I live! ... - they will not speak this proverb in Israel... The soul that sins will die. If anyone is righteous and does justice and righteousness, ... walks in My commandments and keeps My statutes sincerely: then he is righteous, he will certainly live, says the Lord God... If anyone has a son born, who, seeing all the sins of his father, which he commits , sees and does not do the like of them: ... fulfills My commandments and walks according to My commandments - then this one will not die for the iniquity of his father; he will be alive» ().

3) It is impossible to say for sure which of the two factors, hereditary or pedagogical, is stronger. Very often they appear together.

Let us note that the influence of clan traditions on an individual can be cut off if the formation of his personal qualities is carried out outside the framework of the clan. But we cannot rule out the factor of heredity; however, the harm from bad inclinations acquired through inheritance can be minimized.

This means that one should not look for too strict a cause-and-effect relationship between the sinfulness of ancestors and the moral state of descendants. Both Scripture and hagiographic literature provide us with many stories about children who had a common origin, but had fundamentally different sets of spiritual and moral traits. In addition, we have before our eyes examples where sinful parents had significantly less sinful or even worthy children.

4) a) So, the parents of Cain and Abel were the same people: Adam and Eve. But Abel was a righteous man, and Cain was a fratricide who dared to defy God Himself ().

b) Brothers Esau and Jacob not only had common parents, but were twins. The first was distinguished by his willful disposition, and the second was a meek man. Even the attitude towards them on the part of their father and mother was different: “ Isaac loved Esau... and Rebekah loved Jacob» ().

c) Jephthah’s mother was a harlot, and he himself traded in robbery and robbery. When Jephthah was made a leader by the Gilead elders and the people, he, leaving for battle, made a vow to God that in case of victory he would sacrifice whatever came out to meet him from the gates of his house. And here's the annoyance: the first, upon Jephthah's return with victory, was his only daughter. It would seem that both due to the hereditary factor (grandmother is a harlot, father is a robber), and due to her upbringing, she should have grown up to be a rude, impudent and immoral girl. Meanwhile, something else is obvious. Having learned about her father’s vow, the daughter replied: “ my father! You have opened your mouth to the Lord, and do to me what your mouth said when the Lord took vengeance through you on your enemies the Ammonites.» ().

How to understand the quote from the Old Testament: “The Lord is long-suffering and abounding in mercy [and truth], forgiving iniquity and trespasses [and sins], and not leaving unpunished, but visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation.”()?
Prot. Peter Andrievsky: This means that the Lord can punish children for the sins of their fathers. Moreover, it is not about a specific father and his descendants, but about an entire people. But it does not follow from it that the sin committed by the parent affects the children. At the same time, it is necessary to consider this saying in the context of previous and subsequent sayings. Chapter 14 tells about the grumbling of the people of Israel against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness after the exodus from Egypt. The above expression belongs to Moses, who speaks of the possible punishment of the grumbling people of Israel and even their descendants. But at the same time, Moses asks God to forgive Israel: “Forgive the sin of this people according to Your great mercy, just as You have forgiven this people from Egypt until now. And the Lord said [to Moses], “I forgive according to your word.” ().
That's all. The Lord heeded Moses’ request and not only did not punish Israel until the 3rd or 4th generation, but even until the first. And he didn’t even punish the fathers themselves, but forgave them. Why did the fathers and teachers of the Church not see anything unusual in this story?

“To God alone belongs the power to justify and condemn, since He knows the spiritual structure of everyone, the strength, the way of upbringing, and the talents, and the physique and abilities; and according to this He judges everyone, as He Himself alone knows. For God judges differently the affairs of a bishop and differently of a worldly ruler, differently He judges the affairs of an abbot and differently of a disciple, differently of an old person and differently of a young person, differently of a sick person and differently from a healthy one. And who can know all these judgments? There is only One, who created everyone, created everything and leads everything."
(. Soulful teachings.).

Have you heard the notorious statement that man is responsible for the sins of his fathers and grandfathers? And this is not just folklore: the Bible says that sin falls not only on living relatives, but also on seven subsequent generations. Now the meaning of the saying “curse to the seventh generation” becomes clear: they wish evil not only for you, but also for your distant descendants.

The son will answer for the father, the grandson will answer for the grandfather.

This information is also confirmed by scientists: gene memory is stored for seven generations. Negativity associated with some kind of stress is stored for the longest time. For example, a person was wounded in the neck, and his descendants suffer from a sore throat, and the disease is clearly atypical, since it cannot be treated with medications.

Only a psychic can cure the disease. To do this, the patient is put into a state of hypnosis, in which he “remembers” the cause of the disease, a wound in the neck. Well, then it’s a matter of technique - you need to isolate this memory in a “block”, separately from the subconscious, and especially the human consciousness. To do this, you need to write down the sins of your ancestors or negative events on a piece of paper.

Another example - you cast a love spell and “took” a woman or man away from the family. Your descendants are guaranteed to complain about “problems in their personal lives.” A driver accidentally hits a pedestrian to death, and his mother curses the culprit to the seventh generation. Because of this, ridiculous deaths from colds, murders, etc. begin in his family. From the point of view of the Universe, everything is fair - death for death.

How to get rid of the sins of your ancestors?

A person has one life, so one must urgently get rid of the influence of the sins of one’s ancestors on one’s destiny (if such an influence is diagnosed by a psychic). The time to perform the ritual is early in the morning, while your mind is not yet filled with the worries of the day. Before performing the ritual, you need to engage in self-hypnosis.

At the same time, you need to repeat the following words to yourself: “ I let go of all my problems. I'm absolutely calm (calm). I am determined that I must get rid of all the sins that my ancestors committed. I will get rid of the diseases that gave rise to these sins. I'll definitely get rid of all this" Don’t be lazy - this affirmation must be said 12 times.

For the next stage of work, you need to stock up on the following things: a sheet of white paper and a ballpoint pen. First, let's write off the negative. Slowly write on paper: “ I attribute the beginning of all illnesses, anger, grief, malice, resentment, envy, hatred, theft, theft, troubles to the birth of my father and mother." A general formulation is needed if you do not know the specific sin that hangs on the family of the mother or father. Otherwise, you need to specifically indicate what exactly you want to get rid of.

Next, this sheet of paper needs to be torn into 8 pieces and burned all of them in a plate specially prepared for this. The ashes need to be flushed down the toilet. Experts recommend removing the sins of your ancestors this way once a week for 3 months, until you achieve lasting results (improved health, getting rid of troubles).

These actions give results, but you must use your imagination. When paper is burned on a plate, you need to imagine how the information written on it becomes completely unattainable for your consciousness. Well, of course, you need to believe that the ritual described in the article will help you start a new life that will not be burdened by the actions of your ancestors. A person’s well-being also depends on his own actions, but this will be the topic of our next conversation.