What you need to do to be lucky with your job. A spell for a good job: for yourself, your husband, your son or daughter

We devote a lot of time to work. Most often this is done simply so that there is something to live for. No one gives money just like that. I just want to do more than just “ramble”, performing tedious actions (even if the payment is satisfactory). Work should also bring pleasure, because creativity lurks in the soul of every person, wanting to break free. How to combine such different things? Have you tried to use The consequences are so incredible that it is sometimes difficult to foresee them. Get in touch if interested.

Preparing for Magic

You know that we shape events with our thoughts, colored by feelings? Almost no one argues with this anymore, because it is useless. It is necessary to take advantage of such an unusual discovery. This is what you are recommended to do when you start reading the conspiracy to work. The consequences of such actions will be satisfying if you understand everything correctly. In fact, it is quite simple, even when you don’t know where you would like to work. Imagine coming home from work, experiencing an unprecedented elation from everything that happened that day. Surely everyone has had this feeling at least once in their life. Remember. Do not begin magical actions without fully experiencing this incredible pleasure - satisfaction. Otherwise, the conspiracy to work will not help you in any way. The consequences will either disappoint or upset him. Is this what you are striving for?

What else do you need to know to avoid mistakes?

Those who are seriously interested in the topic have probably heard a lot of unflattering reviews about magician-advisers who give out recipes online and in real life. It’s just easier to blame other people’s mistakes than to admit your own. The fact is that conspiracies and prayers for work are effective in certain, sharply defined cases. One of the frameworks is faith. If you don’t get rid of every last bit of doubt, then don’t get down to business. Nothing will happen. A person who skeptically reads a conspiracy to work, then scoops up the consequences in handfuls, and with tears. A negative attitude towards magic can cause revenge from those forces to which you appeal. Therefore, it is better to treat everything that happens with humor, but not with criticism or skepticism. Although, you are the master of your life. You don't have to listen to the recommendations. Yes, you will also have to get rid of envy of more successful colleagues, anger at competitors and similar nonsense. Don't clutter the mental space around you with such things. Otherwise, the forces may mistake your thoughts for wishes. Can you imagine what will happen?

Conspiracy to “find a good job”

Let's start with magic for young people and those who are still enduring boring service. Naturally, it’s not worth quitting right now. But you can conjure up a more suitable activity for yourself. Of course, an effective conspiracy will help with this. You can find a good job if you learn the following words. They are said every time you leave the house (even if you do it ten times a day). The words are as follows: “Mikhailo the Archangel drives a pitchfork, catches my words. He pinches my deeds, seals my desires, blesses me with his hand. He considers my talents and puts them into action. Michael the Archangel will stand before the Lord. His good will will attract me. I have the Lord's servant (name), a powerful magician. Everything I wish will be so. Amen!"

Consequences of the conspiracy

Of course, everyone is interested in how long such strange words will need to be muttered and what, in fact, to expect. People who have verified this conspiracy say a variety of things. Some came across a very suitable recruitment advertisement right on the street. Others were told this by friends. Some received information almost from heaven. They say that there were also those who were told by random people in transport where they urgently needed to get a job. There were cases when the future boss made the wrong phone number. You understand that in favor of the one who used a strong conspiracy to work. You need to be careful here. Information will literally attack you. Only the methods she usually chooses are not the most “official”. Have time to understand and realize this, reacting as necessary. Otherwise, you will have to read conspiracies for a long time.

To get a job in a specific place

You need to cast a spell differently if you know exactly where you want to go to work. Although you also need to set your thoughts positively, without any “what if...”. We learn the plot “Get a job.” Then we act according to plan, without retreating one iota. You need to go to the store and buy something that characterizes this place and is associated with it. The cook gets an apron or ladle, the employee gets a pen, the accountant gets a calculator or abacus, and so on. You'll figure it out yourself. Moreover, the effectiveness of the ritual depends on your associations. Here it is better not to take advice, but to rely on yourself. We place the selected item near the front door. There he must “rest” for three days. Then a conspiracy is read against him. It goes like this: “I harness a golden mare, I sit in a golden chariot. I am going to where they are always waiting for me (name the place of future service). They love me there, respect me, and don’t offend me with refusals or bans. There will be no turning back for me when I enter their gates. Neither today nor any other day they are too lazy to accept me. No one says a bad word. They are waiting for my appearance, they will never let you down. I am baptized, I pray, I will not be deceived in my faith. Amen!" And now the main thing! Take the enchanted thing to where you want to work and “forget” there.

Vanga's conspiracies for work

It is believed that the seer helped many ordinary people. Times were difficult then, not like now. Without income, you could die of hunger. So she taught the unfortunate people a small conspiracy. He helped people find a place where they could not only feed themselves, but also have enough for their family. This does not mean that even now he will only allow you to find money for food. If you consider that times are different these days, you will definitely attract good luck into your life. Moreover, the one that is assigned to you from the Higher Powers. That is, it helps to remove obstacles that people create for themselves with wrong thoughts and attitudes. And also protect yourself from enemies and envious people. They talk about a new thing that you should carry with you. It could be some kind of nonsense like a handkerchief or a cheap bracelet. And the words are: “Lord my God. I stand before You! I pray that you save me and protect me from enemies. I pray to the Holy One to help and protect all the army. Ivan the Theologian and John the Long-Sufferer, John the Headless and Ivan the Postilite, Michael the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. And Praskova the Great Martyr, Faith, Love and Nadezhda with their mother Sophia. I, the Lord's servant (name), stand under your holy shield. Let him protect and protect me! Amen!"

May you be lucky in your current service

Not everyone is going to change jobs. Many people are generally satisfied with what they have. Only there is no luck on it. Or the salary brings tears. Sometimes the boss (colleagues) evoke such feelings that it’s time to quit such a service, but there is no other. And, in principle, why should you give up the job that suits you? Don't pay attention to some rough edges. They can be dealt with by magical means. Will help with work. It is recommended to learn and read it at the place of duty. If the troubles are strong enough, then write it in your own hand on a blank piece of paper and hide it there. The text is: “Lord, have mercy. Jesus Christ, be with me, Your son (daughter), now and always, at all times. In Adam's garden, green grass grows under a mighty tree. It blooms once every millennium. I walk closer to her, bend down lower. Overcome the grass, I didn’t plant you, someone else watered you, I only praised you. The earth gave birth to you, the dew filled you with moisture, the sun warmed you and told you to bloom. I glorify you, I ask and beg you. Help the Lord servant (name) cope with everything. Let everything go well around me. It will not be destroyed by the enemy, nor will it be strangled by the evil eye. Overcome the grass, take away evil people, bring me to success! Amen!"

Only from enemies and competitors

If the troubles you encounter at work are caused by certain people, then do not hesitate to use magic. They say that the image of a dome that a person mentally builds around himself helps. It's rational. And it is recommended to add to this mental image the following simple conspiracy: “Lord Almighty, the ruler of fate protects me, protects me from evil. I am not afraid of an evil eye, a bad word, black anger, or a vile envious person. I'm protected! Luck is open to me! Amen!" You can repeat it when you feel threatened. Remember to imagine yourself surrounded by a golden dome. Then nothing bad will happen.

Consequences of a protective plot

Critics of magical methods sometimes simply do not understand what to pay attention to. This is where their dissatisfaction comes from. Conspiracies and rituals do not at all transport you to the “other world”. They act in different directions. Firstly, they change the attitude of all actors to the situation. You become calmer, and the enemies are distracted and look for another target. Grumps are magically cured of grumbling, bosses of anger, colleagues of envy. As a last resort, they leave for another duty station. That's all the magic. When you cast a spell, don’t wish anything bad on anyone, and everything will definitely calm down and get better.

So that the salary grows

There are situations when you are happy with everything in the service except your income. In this case, it is recommended to use work. Their action is twofold. Either they will pay you what they should, or you will receive an offer “that is difficult to refuse.” The goal will be achieved. Should be read on the waxing moon. Take a regular coin. Speak to her like this: “Lord, thank you. I catch the fish that You send me! Dexterous and quick, there will be an ear soon. Send me, Lord, a rich catch for me, so that I don’t know grief, don’t count the money. Amen!" Place the charmed coin in a secret place right at the service. Wait. The results will appear very soon.

Work conspiracies work for almost everyone. If you are in the minority for whom improvements are problematic, then re-analyze your aspirations. Most likely, your thoughts have gone down the wrong path. You strive to go where it will be bad. Sometimes they protect us from big trouble. Think carefully and try again.

Work is an important part of any person's life. Effective conspiracies will help you find a job that will bring not only material well-being, but also mental satisfaction.

Good work brings not only material benefits, but also complete satisfaction from its implementation. By doing what you love, you get closer. Conspiracies will help when looking for a high-paying job, since their power can drag you into a whirlpool of successful opportunities and lucrative offers.

Spell to attract a good job

It often takes too much time to find a prestigious job. Lack of funds forces people to grab the first available options. To prevent this from happening, you should start your search for a position with the most powerful ritual. A 100 ruble banknote must be spoken seven times:

“May luck smile on me from now on on my path in life and in my search for work. Money will be attracted to money, and a new positionto me (name). I’ll get whatever job I want. As I said/said, so it will happen.”

The charmed bill should be put in your wallet and not spent until a prestigious job appears in your life. If you perform the ritual during the growth of the Moon, the effectiveness of the plot will increase. However, this does not mean that a vacant position will come to you like manna from heaven. Magical actions expand your capabilities, but finding a job rests only with you.

Strong conspiracy to find a job

This conspiracy includes ritual actions that enhance the positive effect. At the beginning of the week you need to collect 23 ten-kopeck coins. On the night from Sunday to Monday, you should put coins in a red bag or wrap them in satin fabric, tightly tied with gold thread. After this, the package should be placed on the left palm, covered with the right palm on top and the text should be read three times:

“23 coins, 23 of my money amulets, find me a job and give me good luck. May I (name) not know unemployment, lack of money and defeat. May new opportunities and great choice appear on my path. I will choose whatever I want for myself. My word is strong."

As soon as you have read the plot three times, you need to take 13 coins out of the bag and hide them in different places.

Spell for success when looking for a job

This ritual will help you find the high-paying and decent job you dream of. You need to go to a park or forest where you can easily find two stumps standing next to each other. Sitting down on the one that is closest to you, say the words:

“I (name) found/found two stumps hereI can find a job just as easily. As soon as I get up and sit on another(you should change seats on these words) , so I’ll immediately find a good position for myself. Let everything happen as I want."

On the way home you should not communicate with anyone. All your thoughts should be occupied with faith in the power of the conspiracy, and the anticipation of new work should prevail in your heart.

Plot for a successful interview and employment

If your dream job has already found you, then it is practically yours. All that remains is to consolidate the successful outcome with strong and powerful words. This ritual will help you get rid of doubts, uncertainty and troubles when getting a new position. When going for an interview, clench your fists tightly, cross the threshold of the house with your left foot and read the following text:

“Guardian Angel, You have always protected me from misfortune, so protect me now. Save my soul from the bad influence of evil people, envious people and ill-wishers. Take away the trouble and help me get what I dream of. Let the work be mine. Amen".

When looking for a job, it would also be useful to read spells for luck and money. With the help of the power that these words have, you can easily achieve everything you strive for. We wish you good work and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.07.2017 06:35

Fortune will always be on your side if you use powerful spells to attract good luck. WITH...

With a certain attitude and following the rules, reading a plot can really help you get a good job. By choosing the right spell for your situation, even a convinced skeptic can get the desired effect.

Someone is lucky, and an interesting position that brings good money is found from the first look at the job board. Others, even with a higher education behind them, cannot simply find a job in their specialty.

This is due to the combination of many factors. A good specialist may simply get nervous during an interview or, while looking through advertisements, not notice a vacancy that suits him.

Fortunately, there are also plenty of ways to achieve your goal and overcome a streak of failure. One of them is conducting such magical rituals as conspiracies.

This type of conspiracy causes employers to make decisions in your favor. Let's consider several of its variations, which have proven their effectiveness through the experience of many healers. But before we begin, keep in mind: like other magical rituals, it requires certain preparation and adherence to certain rules.

  1. It is important to choose the right moment to read the plot. The waxing phase of the moon is best suited, and the most favorable day is Wednesday.
  2. You must sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the ritual. Supported by your faith, a magical ritual will definitely help. Otherwise there will be little benefit from it.
  3. Keep the plot a secret. In order for the ritual to produce results, the sacrament must be preserved.

By observing the above conditions, you will certainly achieve results and achieve your goal.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Conducting a ceremony is not the only thing you need to do. After reading the plot, go looking for vacancies and calling potential employers. The ritual will not show results without your actions.

Strong conspiracies to get a job

People united by a job search are distinguished from each other by their search motivation. Someone is still only at the stage of searching for an activity that suits them. Others already know what they want, but are unable to interview for the position they want. Still others, having returned from an interview, are waiting for the employer’s decision.

For each situation there is a conspiracy that is most suitable for it. Let's look at them in order.

Find a suitable vacancy

These rituals are carried out at the very beginning of the search, when you do not yet know exactly what you want from your work. Or when you have the opportunity to get a job somewhere, but you are not sure whether this is your destiny.

Coin plot. The next time you go to the store or just take a walk, leaving the entrance, throw a coin on the road, while whispering the following words: “I don’t ask for mercy, but I’m on my way and on my way. So that my legs didn’t get tangled, I got help everywhere. Lead my path to success. Amen"

Excitement at an interview

This ritual will come in handy when the desired vacancy has already been found and all that remains for you is to successfully pass the interview, appearing to the employer in a favorable light. Anxiety is your enemy, as employers may be put off by your lack of confidence. This spell will help you cope with excess stress and give you a positive attitude.

In the doorway. Before entering the office where the interview will take place, pause in the doorway. With your right hand you need to lean on the doorframe and read the following words to yourself: “David’s meekness will help me!”

To the waxing moon. The ritual is carried out precisely during this lunar phase. Read the sacred words several times, which sound like this: “I conjure, yes I conjure, in the name of the Father and Mother. Let the boyars sit in pairs, but not look at me with warmth. They want to attach him to the business, but keep him closer to the body. I’ll go right or left, step out the door, and find my business. The paths lead to where luck always awaits. My talents are noticed and will not be exchanged for anyone. Let it be so"

After the interview

When the search for a vacancy is over, you have found a place that is attractive to you, have overcome your anxiety and passed the interview; a conspiracy after the interview can influence the employer’s positive decision. The magic words of this ritual should be memorized or written down on paper, because you need to read it immediately after leaving the interview.

Immediately after the interview. When you leave the office where the interview took place, find the south and face it. The following words must be said out loud: “Wherever I go, the sun illuminates me and drives away trouble. The breeze blows me, brings good luck from the east. Waves come to the shores, work comes to me. Let it be so"

At home, after the interview. Another strong conspiracy for the same purpose. It must be carried out at home, on the day after the interview. First, get a thin church candle. Light it, and until it burns out, say the following words: “I rush on a journey not on a stormy day, on a golden-haired mare. I rush to where they respect me, but they don’t offend me in any way. No refusal. I will never be refused. They won’t say a word about me anywhere, neither bad nor evil. Only glory and honor await me everywhere. Open doors, and behind them everyone believes me. Everyone believes me as themselves - it will be so in my destiny. With a cross is a cross, with a good ending. Amen"

A very strong conspiracy to get hired

Let's consider another, very powerful conspiracy for successfully getting a job, which should be taken very seriously. Its power cannot be doubted, and one must prepare for it in a certain way. It should also be carried out during the waxing moon phase, and preferably on Wednesday - this will directly affect wage growth. The very fact of the ritual should be kept secret - this will significantly increase its effectiveness.

You will need regular dairy cream, which can be obtained from milk. The higher their fat percentage, the higher the salary awaits you. Pour the cream into a white mug and say several times:

“I, the servant of God (name), will go out to seek my destiny, in a damp forest, with a good ending, in a clean field, under the radiant sun. The cream flows, the cream is drunk, the pockets are filled with gold. Amen"

After reading the plot, drink the cream three times and treat it to a loved one. The second part of the ritual is performed at night, before falling asleep. Fluff your pillow thoroughly, while saying: “Cow, our mother. You gave me cream, give me a new job. Good and profitable” After this, cross yourself three times and read the Our Father nine times.

Supported by your faith and actions, conspiracies will definitely bear fruit. Even convinced skeptics can resort to their help, because this will at least give a positive attitude and self-confidence, which is already important. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.

One of the main aspects that determine a person's life is work. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many, their cherished desire is to find employment in a job that would provide for a person and bring him moral satisfaction. Special spells for a good job, which will delight you with a high salary and comfortable working conditions, will help you achieve what you want.

How does the power of a conspiracy to work manifest itself?

When you read a spell for a good job, you call on higher powers to help you, so circumstances will be favorable. Prayers said immediately before leaving for an interview are especially effective. Their strength will ensure a favorable situation, and communication with a potential boss will go well; you simply won’t meet people who don’t like you.

Perhaps on this day they will be busy with other things and will not be able to attend the interview. Then a person who is more inclined to approve your candidacy will communicate with you. Sometimes the conspiracy works in such a way that a desired vacancy suddenly becomes available or a recruitment occurs for another position that is preferable to you.

Conspiracy to get a job

You can make a successful career only if you manage to find a job you like, and small magical rituals will help with this. Start your search for a suitable vacancy with such a ritual. On the new moon, make a purchase - buy a handkerchief and say to it 7 times:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will have prosperity and good luck along the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and won’t get a refusal.”

The enchanted nosepiece should always be carried with you. But, performing this simple ritual does not mean that a job will be found by itself. A spell text to get a job as soon as possible is a kind of help. The contractor does the main steps to find the desired vacancy himself.

A powerful spell for success during an interview

When going looking for a job or interviewing for a profitable position, use a simple conspiracy. Say three times:

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile tenderly, feed me well, pay me well, and not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The effect of this text is such that the future boss will be inclined, after the first minute of the interview, to accept the person for the position for which the applicant came to apply.

Conspiracy for money work

In the morning, or at most until the end of the first half of the day, make a spell for bread, then cut it lengthwise: feed one part to the birds, eat the other at lunch. So, say out loud over a loaf of bread:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows to the waist, greets you joyfully. So wherever I go, they greet me joyfully, greet me, welcome me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, say thank you, and even tell me to come.”

Conspiracies for the desired job

Having a suitable money job in mind, but at the same time doubting the likelihood of getting hired for it, perform a magical spell. To make sure you get hired, light a candle around noon and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say the following text out loud without stopping, repeating it until the candle burns out.

“I’m riding, riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they do not offend me with refusal. There is no refusal for me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse me anything, open doors will greet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen."

Another ritual can be performed just before leaving home for an interview. Touching the bread with your lips like a kiss, say:

“Just as from year to year the bread of God is revered, served and accepted with a low bow, so I, the servant of God (my name), are accepted everywhere with great joy and contracted for honorable work. Amen."

When entering the office of your superiors, clench your thumb into a fist and cross the threshold of your left foot, say to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me away from me in all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

Strong spell on icons

Purchase an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as Christ the Savior, from the church dungeons, a couple of thick candles and collect holy water there. When going to bed, place icons on the table, place candles in front of them, and light the wicks. Between the candles, place a cup (clay or ceramic) with prepared holy water. Crossing the water three times, say:

“Breadwinner-father, mother gave birth,

Bless us for good work.”

Now take three sips of the holy liquid and wash your face with the rest. This ritual must be carried out for three days in a row.

A powerful spell for a piece of incense and a candle

Bring home from church a small piece of incense and a candle. At night, closer to midnight, place the incense on a white piece of paper, light candle. Read the plot:

“There is a church in an open field. In that church, the Most Holy Mother of God stands behind the throne of the Lord, embroidering a church chasuble. I’ll come closer to (name) of the slave, bend down lower: “Most Holy Mother of God, bless me on this Lord’s day, and for honest work, cover me with the shroud of the church, servant of God (name).” Lord, I am following your path, Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, angels on the sides, the Holy Spirit above my head, heavenly powers are with me. Help, Lord."

After reading the text of the conspiracy, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days. Then burn them in such a way that the smoke goes out the window.

The simplest and most effective spells for a good job

The following texts read at dawn have great power:

“Work, work, let me, the servant of God (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Amen."

“O Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede, for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job I want, so that I don’t regret it - don’t grieve. Forever and ever. Amen."

“Lord Jesus Christ, who transformed water into wine, transform my, servants of God (name), empty troubles into golden troubles. Let me find a good job. Amen."

Also, at any time of the day you can perform such a ritual with a conspiracy. Place a pebble on the table (usually crushed stone with sharp edges). Having crossed yourself, throw it over your left shoulder towards the corner of the room and say:

“A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and for me, the servant of God (name), - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen."

Do not touch the stone for a month. Let him lie in the place where he found himself.

A conspiracy to avoid being refused the desired job

While at home, on the day the interview is scheduled, tie a knot in the thread, saying:

“Just as this knot was tied very tightly, so for the servant of God (his name) the matter quickly and firmly developed and he was accepted for the desired job. Amen."

Like any conspiracy, this text must be repeated three times, while tying a new knot (there will be 3 in total). A thread with knots is placed on the threshold of the house and the door is closed. When you go to find a job, cross the threshold. Now luck will go with you, which will help you quickly find a good job.

There is even more information about rituals and conspiracies to get a good job in this video

A good job that brings pleasure and at the same time a decent profit is the dream of every job seeker. When we are faced with an acute issue of employment, all available methods are used. Often, in addition to knowledge, education and skills, luck and luck are also needed.

One of the methods to gain them is attraction in conjunction with specific actions. Since a person who reads a plot and does nothing has little chance of a positive result. Therefore, an integrated approach is most effective in this situation.

How to find a suitable job using white magic?

Viewing vacancies on employer websites, sending resumes to various organizations, searching for a job through friends and other steps can be supplemented with magical rituals and conspiracies.

Basic rules that must be followed when conducting rituals:

  1. All actions to obtain the fastest possible results are performed on the waxing moon. During this period, it is recommended to change your place of work; the choice will be successful.
  2. To find a more profitable position with a better salary ceremonies are held on Saturday.
  3. A conspiracy to attract money is pronounced on Wednesday.
  4. Unconditional faith in the result is required. Conspiracies pronounced “just in case” are doomed to failure.
  5. Keep your witchcraft secret, otherwise it will not only not be beneficial, but the opposite effect is possible.

Proven conspiracies and rituals

On a handkerchief

You will need a snow-white handkerchief, which can be read three times at home:

“I whisper and whisper, God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in his work. Wherever I go, I will find work. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen."

Carry a scarf with you and in about a month you will get what you want.

While searching for a job

When going to a potential employer, throw a coin on the road, accompanying the action with the words:

“I don’t ask for mercy! I'm on my way! So that your legs don't get tangled! Wherever I go, there I will get help! Be my way to luck! Amen!"

Before and after the interview

Reading this conspiracy will create a suitable situation so that personnel officers do not find fault, and competitors do not interfere, and people who do not like you do not meet.

“Lord God, I’m going to work to get hired, I want to dress up in your swaddling clothes, I’ll protect myself with the prayer of the saint, I’ll help you with your help. Help, cheer up with your words and blessings. So that I would not be afraid of any bosses and would be accepted for a good job. My right foot, my right hand, my body is solid, my cause is right. I will go in front of the authorities boldly. I go with Holy Easter, and they come to me with affection. I have a charmed poppy in my bosom, whatever I say and wish, everything will be so. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

If you like the job and would like to get a job, then read the following magic words.

You need to take it with you take a chocolate candy and, leaving the employer, speak over it three times:

“Sweet is the candy, sweet is my life. Just as I eat candy, I’ll work here, they’ll accept me, they’ll be happy, and they’ll give me a big salary. And I will live sweeter than sweets. Amen."

It is advisable that there are no curious people around. After that, eat the candy and wait for a call from the personnel officer.

To get hired

At midnight, light a church candle and say the following:

“In the name of the Father I conjure, in the name of the Mother I speak: Let the boyars sit in pairs. They look at me with tender eyes. They want to put me in the business. As soon as I step out the door, I will find my business. Whether I go left or right, the roads lead to where successful work always awaits. The boyars will meet me, greet me kindly, and appreciate my talents. Will not be replaced by anyone! Amen."

This powerful ritual is performed three nights in a row. Then write the words down on a piece of paper and carry them with you everywhere. It will definitely work if all the rules are followed.

Magic ritual for water from Vanga

Reading three times for a glass of holy water:

“The power of water, help me! So that the gold merchants would take me to work, so that they wouldn’t offend me with gold or deprive me of attention. I will show myself as the best master of all masters, the best expert of all experts. Everyone will rejoice and marvel at me, bestow gold and honors on me! Amen!"

Afterwards the water is drunk. The result will not be long in coming.

To be offered a good position

It will increase your chances and help you show off your talents more clearly during an interview. Read after waking up.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I got up early in the morning after praying. Crossing herself, she began to work. She praised the Lord with her work, knitted, weaved, spun, sewed, embroidered, and performed a wonderful miracle. Just as the Lord commanded me to live by my work, to apply my talents to life, so I would live by my talent and take a decent salary for my work. The world is my talent, and I am a golden talent. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Talisman for finding money work

With the help of the following plot you will create for yourself, helping to get rid of negativity and also find a decent job.

You will need a small item that is convenient to carry with you. Perhaps it will be a decoration, a scarf, any trinket. Say over him:

"Oh my God. I stand before You! I pray that you save me and protect me from enemies. I pray to the Holy One to help and protect all the army. Ivan the Theologian and John the Long-Sufferer, John the Headless and Ivan the Postilite, Michael the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. And Praskova the Great Martyr, Faith, Love and Nadezhda with their mother Sophia. I, the Lord's servant (name), stand under your holy shield. Let him protect and protect me! Amen!"

Consequences of conspiracies

Conspiracies to find a job are aimed exclusively at oneself and are environmentally friendly. Therefore, they often do not have a negative impact. The exception is when you are filled with anger or resentment towards rivals or former colleagues.

Such an emotional charge will not bring anything good to you or those around you; according to the boomerang law, you will receive the same answer.

At best, you won’t get the desired position; at worst, the job will endlessly slip away, something like a “crown of celibacy,” only in relation to work.

It is recommended to postpone magical actions until the storm in you subsides and the desire to think creatively appears. It is recommended to perform the ritual in a state of joyful anticipation and emotional uplift; this greatly increases your chances.