Ruli. Dig

Manual plow "Vyatka plowman" (shovel of father Gennady) with his own hands (drawings and diagrams)

Manual plow "Vyatka plowman" (shovel father Gennady) - a tool for quickly digging up the earth. Increases plowing performance by 4 times compared to a conventional shovel. Due to the rotary method of operation, it does not load the lower back at all. Efforts are applied only to the "steering wheel".

The shovel of the monk Gennady is adjustable in height, which allows you to perfectly fit it to the height of the tiller. Bucket width 30 cm - 1.5 times wider than a conventional shovel. Plowing the land is quick and easy! Suitable for virgin soil, dense soil, soddy soil.

Shovel father Gennady "Vyatka plowman":
Increases the speed of digging up the earth by about 4 times;
Unlike a conventional shovel, it does not require you to bend down and squat;
In one go, it pulls out a volume of earth 2 times more than a shovel;
Makes planting potatoes convenient and fast due to the dumping of the earth to the side.

A few years ago, they showed on television how a priest in the Russian outback was deftly digging a site with a strange shovel, in the upper part of which was ... a bicycle handlebar. I was very interested in this (I myself did not see that program), and according to the words of my wife, who saw that program, I designed a miracle shovel, which can easily dig up the ground twice as fast and without bending at all, thereby not loading the back.

Materials for the manufacture of a shovel used improvised:
1. The steering wheel from an old bicycle, I put pieces of hose on the handles, it’s more convenient to work

2. Stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 22mm.

3. Shovel made of cold-rolled stainless steel 2 mm thick

4 Pin with a spring or steel movable (adjust to the ground).

Abroad, as well as in our country, every year they come up with something new in loosening the soil so that the microflora is not disturbed, and the microorganisms remain at their level: the lower ones are at the bottom, and the upper ones are at the top, which is very important for future crops in home gardens and summer cottages. plots.

When digging with such a shovel, you get a real pleasure: you want to work and work, and you don’t get tired at all. It is very good for older people suffering from sciatica and other diseases of the spine.

It is not suitable for digging grass or cereals, because the earth needs to be turned upside down, and it turns the soil only 180 degrees, and with a sharp movement, 100-120 degrees is enough

You can also use material from a miner's shovel. From the height of a person (namely the arm lever), I derived the formula:

Thus, I determined the height of the miracle shovel - from the steering wheel (upper part) to the cutting part (I sharpened the shovel at the bottom).
The steering wheel is in a straight line. The pin enters the pipe and is locked with a 2.11 M8 bolt and serves to turn the miracle shovel.
You need to start digging from right to left or right to back
I add drawings for making a miracle shovel. Such a tool of labor satisfies me, I work in the hunt and do not particularly strain. I advise everyone to make such a wonderful shovel in order to facilitate their hard work.

Who does not know the feeling of nasty fatigue and discomfort in the back from the autumn or spring plowing of the garden. For centuries, people have been digging in the ground with a bayonet shovel in their hands - an invention that is wonderful and concise in design, but not so universal as to forever grind their beds with a bayonet and a handle.

Garden tools and other goods in this Chinese store.

Characteristics of the manual plow "Vyatka plowman".

Shovel "Vyatka plowman" - an interesting invention Orthodox priest Gennady Khlopov, which at times increases labor productivity and, at the same time, dramatically reduces the gardener's chances of bending over from back pain. At the same time, Gennady Khlopov’s miracle shovel retains a certain continuity: it looks like a bayonet shovel, it is also extremely simple in design, and according to the drawings, a Vyatka plowman should make a shovel for home master easier than many other varieties of miracle shovels.

A monk's shovel is used for manual digging of the soil, but it can also be used for laying trenches. Unlike the bayonet we are used to, it is asymmetrical, it is difficult to change legs when working with it, but this is hardly a big drawback, you can design a tool for the left or right working leg.

In the upper part there are two long horizontal handles, reminiscent of a bicycle steering wheel, and at the very beginning, when the monk-inventor came up with it, just such a steering wheel was used.
The work is based on pressing the working part of the shovel into the ground with the foot and the subsequent turning over of the earth layer with a side plowshare using the upper handles. Maintaining the vertical position of the worker during work reduces the load on the spine.

The Vyatka Plowman shovel was invented by Georgy Kuptsov, rector of the Vyatka Church of the Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia in 2006 for the cultivation of virgin forest land. The scientist-surveyor Viktor Olegovich Kryuchkov also participated in the work on the design. Inventors, creating one of the most convenient garden tools, set the task of maintaining health during the processing of virgin lands, which they succeeded.

How to make the “Vyatka plowman” shovel yourself?

N.M. Mandrigel from the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk proposes to make Father Gennady's shovel according to a drawing that is close to the original, and the model made according to this scheme has been tested and has shown itself well.

In the manufacture of shovels are used the following materials: a handlebar from a bicycle, on which you can put hose cuts for convenience; stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 22 mm; shovel made of cold-rolled stainless steel 2 mm thick; pin with a spring or steel movable (adjust according to the ground). The steering wheel is in a straight line. The pin enters the pipe and is fastened with an M8 bolt and serves to rotate the miracle shovel. the formula in the figure is for determining the height of the shovel from the rudder (upper part) to the cutting part.

In fact, the sapper shovel has a lot of pluses. The first basic plus is the ability to dig your car out of almost any mud, snow and ice. Even if you are buried in the sand, trying to flaunt your incredible coolness, racing along the coastline and catching a dozen or two enthusiastic looks from wheelless but tanned men and women, alone you will be able to dig a rut very quickly for a safe exit to the asphalt or wooden platform.

In addition, a real protective-colored sapper shovel gives its owner a feeling of peace of mind, and all your enemies on the road - burning and itching in the area of ​​the Sauron ring. Just imagine: you calmly get ahead of the frozen stream along the dirt roadside so as not to produce an already extensive traffic jam, then without unnecessary movements wedged in front of the overpass into the right lane and steadily continue to move in your lane. And then suddenly some insolent person cuts you off, sprayed with a sharp braking to the right of your car, jumps into the stream, almost touching the polished bumper of your “swallow”, and violently moves his thin lips, obviously cursing at you.

Of course, any sane person will not tolerate this and decide to teach the road boor a lesson. Moreover, you have a compact but strong sapper shovel in your trunk. So, choosing the moment when the movement has stopped, you break out of the interior of your car with sharp, polished movements, rush headlong to the trunk, grab a spade, and then, with the speed and fury of a desert eagle, rush directly to the unsuspecting offender. I assure you, having noticed in the rearview mirror a daring silhouette with a sparkling something in his hand, your opponent, instantly losing his former pride, will hit the gas and try to dissolve in the aisle, just not to taste the sudden gift.

Of course, many will say: “Why do I need a shovel, if there are other, more brutal means of self-defense and a preventive attack?”, But I will answer why the sapper shovel is out of competition here. Yes, a baseball bat is a kind of classic of the genre, but baseball as a sport is not developed in our country, so the words “food for training” will cause poisonous laughter from any law enforcement officer. In addition, today they can even pack you in a jail for a bat, and, having found a shovel in your hands, even if you hold it right at the wheel, you will only be asked a well-founded question: “Why?”, And you, without a shadow of a doubt, answer importantly that, they say, I’m going to dig the Volga truffle in the morning, sir.

Or maybe they will ask you: “I also want this ... Where did you buy it?”, Then you say, tell, show, make friends with the policeman and be comrades until the end of time.

The next plus of the sapper shovel is, of course, its compactness. Unlike full-sized shovels, a sapper shovel can be easily and naturally placed anywhere in the car: under the mat, in the trunk, in the front seat pocket ... In large SUVs, you can even put it in the glove compartment with a special pronounced desire.

But I warn everyone who reads these lines: choosing a spatula is a serious, painstaking and long business. This is akin to searching for enriched uranium in the clandestine storage facilities of the Middle Eastern Arab states. After all, you can stumble upon a banal Chinese fake. And then you are destined for a series of pain, suffering and cruel earthly disappointments. Chinese folding shoulder blades look great, but break in one or two. Suddenly stuck in the plowed black soil, during a summer thunderstorm, replaced by a colorful rainbow, you will break your folding-multi-tool-shovel after only five minutes of digging in the ground. And then what? A long journey on foot in search of a nearby village and a sober, hungry tractor driver.

Therefore, we need to look for a strictly authentic sapper shovel, from the Soviet military bins, honestly communed by a mercenary ensign. Come to any covered market and start glaring at the ruins of rusty garden and construction tinsel: there are pipes, anvils and locks by weight, here are sledgehammers and saws ... There she is! A good sapper shovel is a matte green metal sheet, impaled on a thick short handle. The shovel kit must be accompanied by a cover made of eternal, non-perishable material with a brown leather strap for attaching the shovel handle. On the bayonet of a shovel, you can find engraved numbers corresponding to the year of manufacture of the tool. It is advisable to look for your peers among the shovels.

When the choice is made, you will realize another important plus of this wonderful tool - its price. Two hundred, two hundred and fifty rubles. At most - three hundred rubles, and you become the proud owner of a real friend who will help you out in almost any situation.

The sapper shovel is a unique tool. She can dig the ground, chop wood, scare enemies ... Yes, you can even fry potatoes on it like in a frying pan! You never know what you need on the road, a spatula will help, come in handy in Hard time, and after use it will peacefully wait for its next hour.

And now let someone try to say that a sapper shovel is not a car accessory? This is the most necessary thing in the fleet after the pump, first aid kit and fire extinguisher.

We forgot about the cons! And the spatula has only one minus: it is difficult to find it, but it is easy to lose it in loose earth or melted snow when you put it aside and try to get out of an awkward situation.

From the editor:

Seriously though, the site frowns on road rage and curbside driving, and let's hope it's humorous. In general, a shovel, sapper or ordinary, is an absolutely necessary thing in the automotive industry, because only it can turn your car from a hatchback into a crossover for 500 rubles. Or a crossover into an SUV. By by and large, a driver with a shovel is not afraid of almost any off-road, except for a swamp, if not too lazy to dig. Out of town on an unfamiliar route without a shovel? Yes, you like risk! Well, if it’s a snowy winter, then a shovel, alas, becomes an indispensable helper even for city dwellers.

Work in the garden and garden is a troublesome and responsible occupation, requiring not only the application of physical effort, but also the use of high-quality, strong tools and equipment with high productivity. For manual digging of the soil, a bayonet shovel is usually used. But with age, such work becomes beyond our strength: the back hurts, fatigue sets in quickly, and the joints ache.

To facilitate the work of gardeners, well-known manufacturers produce different modifications of instruments. Among the wide range of models, there is sure to be a miracle shovel, which will greatly facilitate the work on the site.


The classic version is a device in which metal panel there are "forks" attached to it with the help of swivel joints. Translational-rotational movements are made: pointed rods plunge into the ground, digging it up. When the "forks" are pulled out of the ground, lumps remain, which additionally have to be broken with a rake.

Advanced rippers are models that provide auxiliary element in the form of a crossbar, on which the same pointed pins are welded as on the main part. "Pitchforks" plunge and exit the ground, passing through the gaps between the bars of the crossbar, crushing large lumps into small fractions. Grass roots cling to the pins, they can only be pulled to the surface.

Known modifications - "Plowman" and "Mole". The first has a length of loosening bayonets, reaching 10-15 cm, the second - 25 cm. The latter option is convenient in that it deeply plows the soil, catching a layer of freezing earth in the off-season.

In addition to the "Mole" and "Plowman", the model "Vyatka Plowman" is known, the drawing of which was developed by the monk father Gennady. Due to his state of health, the clergyman found it very difficult to work on personal plot. He came up with a convenient and simple miracle shovel. For its manufacture, a minimum of parts is required, and the performance of the tool exceeds all expectations. An arc-shaped steel plate is attached to the metal pipe on the left or right (depending on whether it is made for left-handed or right-handed people) (in homemade devices you can use the main part instead bayonet shovel).

A pin is located at the end of the pipe, which immerses the plate to the depth of the excavated soil. Then a rotational movement is made, the clod of earth is easily thrown to the side with a shovel. If you dig a plot, taking steps in a straight line back, an even furrow remains. Potato tubers, root seeds are left in it. When the gardener begins to cultivate the next row, the fresh soil will lie flat in the furrow dug earlier. Father Gennady's homemade shovel was taken as the basis for similar models that are now produced by well-known manufacturers. Considering physical features person and his state of health, it is easy to choose suitable option wonder shovels.


The advantages of new designs are that working with them does not require a lot of time and physical effort.

In addition, they are convenient because:

  • labor productivity increases by 3-4 times;
  • no need to bend down to the ground;
  • you don’t have to strain your back muscles when the shovel moves up together with a clod of earth (when the earth is damp, this is even harder to do);
  • due to the rotational movement of the digging or loosening main element, only the hands that press on the handles that are attached to the handle are tensed.

When buying, you need to pay attention to what weight of a person the miracle shovel is designed for. For example, classic options can be used by people no lighter than 80 kg, since the devices are rather bulky, it is difficult to move them over the surface. But the Plowman design is suitable for gardeners weighing 60 kg or more. Father Gennady's shovel is much lighter than complex configurations, so it will not be difficult for a person who freely holds it in his hands to perform garden work regardless of your weight class.


The gardeners did not find any significant "shortcomings" in the miracle designs for digging the earth, but no one will argue with objective facts:

  • The “working” grip of shovels-rippers can reach 40 cm, which means that in the area where seedlings are planted close to each other, it is a useless tool;
  • a loosening or digging device (an invention of Father Gennady) will not be able to dig a deep hole;
  • advanced models are difficult to repair in case of breakdowns, as they are made of a large number details.

The fewer elements, rotating mechanisms, bolted connections are provided in the device, the easier it is in routine maintenance and repair. Therefore, it is better to start making homemade shovels with a careful selection of a drawing, which involves the use of a small amount simple elements. For pointed rods on panels, handles, handles, it is necessary to select durable, corrosion-resistant materials. Perfect option in this case, stainless steel. A metal pipe is suitable for the handle, you can also make a bar and an emphasis from it.

How to make a model of Gennady's father?

N. M. Mandrigel, a resident of Dneprodzerzhinsk, proposed his own modification of the priest’s model. Its main difference is that used parts can be used to make the structure. To make a miracle shovel at home, you will need:

  • bicycle steering wheel - for handles;
  • a pipe made of stainless steel - for the handle;
  • steel shovel - instead of an arcuate plate;
  • a movable steel pin or with a spring - for easy immersion of the main part into the ground (its height is adjusted depending on how deep the ground is being dug).

It is possible to make a shovel in several stages. If desired, it can be made in 1 day.

  • The wheel is leveled. It will be easier to put pressure on him with your hands. Pieces from the old hose can be pulled onto the ends.
  • The pin from below is pushed into the pipe with the sharp end outward. To give it a static position, a 2.11 M8 bolt is used.
  • The steering wheel is welded to the pipe (to the opposite end from the pin).
  • At the bottom left and right, a shovel is welded.

A person exerts light pressure on the handles, the pin plunges into the ground, and behind it is a shovel. The steering wheel makes a rotational movement to the left or right, and a lump of earth rushes along with the shovel to the side.

It is important to correctly select the height of the pipe to which the handles are attached. They should be located approximately at chest level. A resident of Dneprodzerzhinsk has developed a special formula for this, which is presented along with a drawing of a shovel.

Homemade shovel-ripper

When choosing suitable model often there are difficulties with the selection of constituent elements. The way out of this situation is simple: many houses have old sleds, pipes from strollers, fittings dusty in the garage. To make a shovel-ripper you will need:

  • drill and file for metal processing;
  • welder;
  • measuring instruments (corner, tape measure);
  • steel pipes or corners;
  • reinforcement from which the teeth will be made;
  • metal shank.

Details must be precisely adjusted in size and correspond to the height of a person. Therefore, the assembly of parts is carried out by first measuring them and cutting off unnecessary parts with a saw.

  • The base frame is made from metal pipe. It is bent in the form of the letter "P". If the upper crossbar is 35-40 cm, then the length of the legs is 2 times more - 80 cm.
  • A transverse auxiliary bar with teeth is made. They can be pieces of unnecessary reinforcement 20 cm long, sharpened on one side. If the bar is made of a pipe, several holes are drilled in it at a distance of 50 mm, where the teeth will be inserted and welded. If this is a corner, then the pins are welded directly to the metal.
  • An auxiliary bar with pins is welded to the bottom of the legs at such a distance from the crossbar in the support frame that the main forks move freely.
  • With outside the crossbar of the support frame is attached to the stop. The main load will be exerted on it with pressure on the handles. The stop is in the shape of the letter "T".
  • A piece of pipe is selected less than the width of the auxiliary bar by 50 mm. The teeth of the main ripper are welded to it.
  • Swivel joints are made from steel ears and a piece of pipe, on which the main “forks” will “walk”.
  • A handle is inserted into the pipe segment, to the upper part of which a pipe is welded, which acts as handles. For this purpose, you can use a straightened bicycle handlebar.