What to say when throwing bread to the birds. Folk customs and signs about bread, which everyone should know

One of the most common evil spells is spoilage on bread. It is not difficult to define it: suddenly there is an irresistible aversion to bread, there is a continuous black streak of failures, and in the morning it torments you. All this classic signs black spoilage on bread.

Strong and light spoilage on bread

There are many varieties of such a curse, among them there are also light damage, which is not difficult to work out, but there are also those that are capable of destroying a person's life in a short time with their power. In no case do I recommend getting rid of powerful spoilage on bread on your own. This should be done exclusively by the practicing magician.

But, as for light spoilage on bread, here you yourself can fight for yourself.

How to remove spoilage on bread yourself

Start on the first quarter of the new moon and repeat for three days in a row. Do this: at sunrise, take a hump from a round rye loaf. Whisper to her three times: “Holy bread! What is not mine, then take it! And what is my fate, so give me back! Amen".

Crumble this bread to the birds, and in the evening go to church, light a candle about your health, and the health of the one who corrupted the bread, and about the repose of deceased relatives.

Strong spoilage on bread from the cemetery

At the grave they take a piece of bread, and in return they give three coins and say: “As the living is fed with bread, so is the dead. Thirty-three ears, but one bread, and one grave for (name of the victim). " Then they go to the cemetery intersection, draw a circle with a branch, in a circle - a cross, put bread on it. They go around three times clockwise, three times casting a powerful destructive spell.

Then they take bread, spit on it three times and say the words addressed to the victim: “Taste for you (name), bodily torments, soon to taste death. Power to the dead, and bread to you. " The conspiracy bread is thrown into the victim's house. But if a person eats this bread, he may soon die.

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How to get rid of spoilage on bread from a cemetery for free

You cannot remove such a powerful damage yourself. A person who is not versed in magic cannot cope with such a strong spell, only harm himself. Time also matters. If a strong black spoilage has been made on bread, it must be neutralized as soon as possible, otherwise it will devour its victim, the person will either become mortally ill or die.

Inspired by the Twitter conversation.
One user wrote the following tweet:

I am annoyed by the superstitions about bread, instilled in the USSR, they say bread cannot be thrown away. What is this nonsense? The same food product as everyone else.

He was told that bread is the body of the Lord, therefore "superstition" is much more years than the USSR "y.
Now I will say what I personally think about it.
First, about why such an attitude to bread was in the USSR. This is explained not only by the propaganda of the thesis "bread is the head of everything" (and this thesis was applied due to the fact that the people, as a rule, did not have either money or the opportunity to buy basic food, so they got a lot with bread), but also big amount children of war in the country. Generally speaking, bread is indeed one of the cheapest of the hearty types of food (theoretically, you can even gorge on bread and water, although this is not easy), respectively, during the war, when hunger raged in many regions of the country, it was in price. Therefore, the children of the war have such an attitude towards him (remember the stories about Yuri Nikulin - a balanced and normal person in general could jump up at three o'clock in the morning, check if there is bread, and if not, run to the nearest round-the-clock stall).
Now I will talk about why I consider throwing away the bread a crime. First, not only bread, but any food product, provided that it is edible. V last times it is fashionable to throw away bread just because it is stale ("we will buy a new one tomorrow anyway!"); rice or any other porridge / potatoes / similar product, just because “half a plate is left, neither here nor there”; milk, just because it is sour; on the scale of supermarkets - boxes of yoghurts, cheeses and other things, just because the packaging has slightly crumpled from one corner ... the list goes on and on.
No one asks you to eat moldy bread, rotten eggs, or dubious sausages (although it's best not to let it go). But if the product can be eaten, it can be put into action - never, under any circumstances, throw it into the trash: you are committing a crime, or, if this term is closer to you, a terrible sin. And not even because you need to respect the product itself and the work of those who prepared it (although this is also important); and not even because you need not to throw money down the drain (you yourself bought this food); No! - raising your hand over the trash can, think about it. Think and remember the millions of hungry people around the world, children dying of hunger, mothers and fathers giving them their last crumbs and dying to save their children. Remember - and save yourself from what you wanted to do.

The gods do not forgive such things. Someday this will come back to haunt those countries where poverty flourishes on the one hand and the thoughtless scattering of priceless wealth and opportunities for salvation human lives with another. Knowing quite a bit of the gods, I can say that the punishment will come, and it will be terrible.
Think about it and ... find a way to use what you have.

Tell me, is it easy for you to get rid of moldy or dried bread? It is safe to say that almost every one of us consciously or subconsciously knows that it is impossible to throw out bread. Let's see why.

  • Firstly, this is the legacy of our past: war, famine, blockade have formed a certain attitude towards food and foodstuffs. Our grandmothers-great-grandmothers retained memories of the days when they were content with 50 grams. bread per day per person. In this time of famine, bread saved their lives. And if you dig even deeper, then the Holodomor - a consequence of poor grain harvests and incorrect political decisions - is, first of all, a shortage of bread, because bread has been the main food in Russia from time immemorial. Remember also the February revolution, which was preceded by a rally of women demanding "Bread!" (during the First World War, there was also a lack of bread) or France in the days before the Great Bourgeois Revolution: people went out to the squares and demanded bread. That is, all these events in our history, in the memory of generations, were reflected in our perception of such an action as throwing away bread.
  • Secondly, education in the Soviet Union was based on humanistic ideas regarding the labor of people and the products of this labor. The schoolchildren were pointed out that bread is the result of the labor of many people (and this is really so), the result of the efforts of society and the gift of the earth (wheat), therefore, it is worth treating it with care, and throwing it away is bad. To this were added stories about the starving peoples of our planet, in relation to which our throwing out of bread is wrong.
  • Third, there is a religious background. In Christianity, bread has a special attitude: Jesus said at the Last Supper “Here is bread - my body,” therefore it is believed that throwing away the bread is throwing away a particle of the Son of God. Therefore, the church recommends giving dried or slightly moldy bread to the birds. Other religions have the same attitude to bread.

Many people, knowing how inhumane and sinful to throw away food, try to eat it all before the expiration date, while they believe that they are acting humanely. But is it really so? This person will eventually suffer from overweight, but at the same time say: “How can I throw it out if children in Africa are starving? I have to finish it! " This is the wrong logic. And in order not to think about whether to throw away bread or not, you need to buy it in the required amount, and then it will not lie on your shelves. And the money saved from rethinking buying behavior can be sent to a fund to help children in Africa, so that the heart can be calm for them too.

"Bread is the head of everything", - said our ancestors. From time immemorial, people revered bread and considered it the main treat in the house. Where there is bread, there is goodness. This product was considered a gift from God, therefore, special respect was shown to it.

For many centuries, there have been many signs and customs about bread that dictated the correct attitude to this product and suggested how to bring prosperity and good luck into the house with the help of it.

Signs about bread

  • You cannot start a new loaf after sunset - this is poverty.
  • You can't leave the knife stuck in the bread - luck will leave the house.
  • It is believed that those who love White bread, vulnerable and subtle natures, and people who prefer black bread are strong in spirit, more decisive and strong-willed.

  • Leaving uneaten bread at the table means leaving your happiness. And the one who finished it, took the luck and happiness for himself.
  • You cannot eat bread behind a person's back - you can steal his strength.
  • If a piece of bread falls on the floor, wait for guests.
  • You cannot throw away half-eaten, moldy or stale bread - there will be no peace, no health, no money in the house.
  • It is believed that a person who eats stale and moldy bread will never die from water.
  • You can not turn the bread upside down - to trouble and disease.
  • You cannot cut bread by weight - there will be no money.
  • Those who like to eat peels and peels are considered lucky and happy people.
  • You cannot cut a loaf with different knives during a meal - there will be a quarrel in the family.

Bread customs

A family member getting ready for the trip was always given bread with them. Not only to satisfy hunger on the way, but also as a talisman. It is believed that a loaf of bread from home stores the warmth and energy of the whole family and is able to protect against troubles on the road.

Before a meal, one had to first eat a piece of bread and salt. This is how you need to end the meal.

If someone asks for bread, then be sure to give, even if the last piece remains. It is believed that such an act attracts happiness and abundance to the house. But you cannot pass a loaf across the threshold, this can attract need and hunger.

Respect for bread was considered one of the main laws in any family. Observing folk signs "> signs and customs, our ancestors showed respect for higher powers, since bread was considered a gift from the Almighty. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.06.2015 09:08

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays... This event was a turning point for ...

On the day of the holiday, many forget about the signs, but in vain. If you give them due attention, then ...

It happens that after a meal, bread remains. Some do not throw it away because they think it is sinful.

Let's figure it out today: God will punish us if we throw away food or bread ...

What is the role of bread in the Bible?

Bread has long been the staple food of the Israelites (Gen. 3:19; 14:18; 21:14, and others).

In 2 Samuel 9: 7, “Bread” refers to food in general, just as in the prayer “Our Father”: “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matt 6:11; cf. also Lev 26: 5; Ps. 36:25; 103: 15; Is 30:20; 58: 7). The only known at the beginning barley Bread (Judges 7:13; 4 Kings 4:42) later becomes food exclusively for the poor, and wheat bread, previously available only to wealthy people, becomes widespread.

Housewives were engaged in baking bread, who attracted maids or slaves for hard work. Professional bakers were an exception, although they were found not only in Egypt (Gen. 40: 1) or in Roman
empire, but also in Israel during the reign of kings (1 Samuel 8:13; Hos 7: 4 et seq.); thus Jer 37:21 mentions "the street of the bakers."

Bread was used for food, to strengthen strength.

Sin in a person's life

Sin is what has divided and continues to separate a person from God, his Creator.

It seems to me that it is in the understanding of sin that there is a misunderstanding of whether or not it is possible to throw out the bread.

An example of erroneous judgment about eating ceremonies was dispelled by Jesus:

16 Jesus said, Do you not yet understand too?
17 Do you not yet understand that everything that enters the mouth goes into the belly and is thrown out?
18 but that which proceeds from the mouth - comes from the heart - this defiles a person,
19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, perjury, blasphemy -
20 it defiles a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile a person.
(Matthew 15: 16-20)

Jesus focuses not on everyday objects or the previous washing of hands, but on the state of a person's heart. It is from the heart that evil thoughts come, which are the division between God and us.

We may not throw away food, honor the importance of bread, and then swear, cheat, or steal.

God warns us:

13 And the Lord said, As this people draws near to Me with their mouths, and honors Me with their tongues, their heart is far from Me, and their reverence for Me is the study of the commandments of men.
(Is.29: 13)

It will be better to give the rest of the food to the starving, feed it to the animals, rather than throw it away.

With regard to food, Jesus showed us the difference between ceremonies, ethical standards and what really matters to God.

In the culture of the Russian people, there is still a memory of the war years, when there was not enough food. Each crumb was worth its weight in gold and it was difficult to imagine that someone could throw out the bread. This attitude towards food is still found today.

Bread or other everyday food has nothing to do with the salvation of the soul.

Jesus is our bread

Psalm 103: 15 says about bread that it strengthens the heart of a person;

15 and wine, which gladdens the heart of a man, and oil, which makes his face shine, and bread that strengthens the human heart.
(Psalm 103: 15)

Jesus Himself metaphorically calls Himself the Bread of God or “the bread of life that comes down from heaven” (John 6: 33,35,41,50 et seq., 58).

33 For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.
34 To this they said to him: Lord! always give us such bread.
35 Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life; He who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.
(John 6: 33-35)

41 The Jews grumbled at him because he said: I am the bread that came down from heaven.
(John 6:41)

50 But the bread that comes down from heaven is such that he who eats it will not die.
(John 6:50)

58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate manna and died: he who eats this bread will live forever.
(John 6:58)

By this, Jesus says that the decisive condition for gaining eternal life is a connection with Him, faith in Him. Thus, the expression “to eat bread” (Luke 14:15) means unity at a common meal in the Kingdom of God.

15 Hearing this, one of those reclining with him said to him: Blessed is he who tastes bread in the kingdom of God!
(Luke 14:15)

During the Lord's Supper, Jesus named the bread accepted by the Church as His body (Matt 26:26).

26 And while they were eating, Jesus took the bread and, having blessed it, broke it and, distributing it to the disciples, said: take, eat: this is my body.
(Matthew 26:26)

This bread symbolizes the unity of the Church, achieved by the sacrificial death of Jesus and constantly confirmed and witnessed (1 Cor. 10:16 et seq .; 11:26).

16 The cup of blessing that we bless, isn't it a communion of the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a communion of the Body of Christ?
17 There is one bread, and we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.
(1 Cor. 10: 16,17)

26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.
(1 Cor. 11:26)

The mention of bread combined with wine (Gen. 14:18) indicates a lavish feast, and when combined with water (Proverbs 25:21; Eze 12:18) means simple but satisfying food. The words “let go,” “share your bread,” express a call to generous charity (Eccl. 11: 1; Isa. 58: 7). However, already in Old Testament emphasizing that God is concerned about human welfare (Ex 16: 8; 23:25; Lev 26: 5), it says that

3 He humbled you, tormented you with hunger, and nourished you with manna, which you did not know, and your fathers did not know, to show you that man does not live by bread alone, but by every [word] that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord, the person lives;
(Deut. 8: 3)