Riddle about the school proofreader. Riddles about school

All children, and even adults, are very fond of looking for answers to interesting questions... Riddles for schoolchildren are of particular importance. After all, this is an opportunity to shine in front of your classmates and show your knowledge in the eyes of the teacher.

Why should schoolchildren make riddles

Children who have already gone to school have somewhat greater skills and knowledge than kids from kindergarten. Therefore, people, objects, etc. will be given to them easily. For schoolchildren, riddles are useful for the following factors:

  • This helps to distract from the usual rhythm of study.
  • An opportunity to prove yourself.
  • Is developing logical thinking, which is very important for solving different subjects of the school curriculum.
  • Such events unite the class and make the children friendly, a real team.
  • Riddles help children to express their imagination.
  • Well-written questions will encourage broader thinking that goes beyond the boundaries of everyday life.
  • The teacher will be able to determine the level of intelligence and development of each child in the class.
  • This will amuse and delight.

That is why riddles for schoolchildren are very important and necessary.

How to make it interesting for students to participate in solving

Of course, you can simply invite the children to answer the questions posed. But it will be much more interesting if the teacher comes up with a whole relay race with solving problems.

In such a game, for each correct answer, one should give out a candy wrapper, a badge, and then, at the end of the game round, give prizes to the winners. Then riddles for schoolchildren will become not just an exciting activity, but a real gambling game that arouses interest and zeal. It is worth considering how to properly organize such an event.

Riddles for schoolchildren on different topics

Of course, to make the game more fun, you should think about having a variety of tasks. Fascinating riddles for schoolchildren with answers can be of a wide variety of topics. Therefore, it is worth considering the program so that it is not only useful, but also interesting.

He has four legs

Soft base.

You go to sleep on it,

To go to school in a good mood.

In it you mark the numbers

You know exactly when to go to school.

Sheets change days and months

As if they are moving up the stairs.


The ball flies across the field

Strives at the gate.

Who will drive more

He will win.

Clothes, elastic bands and various toys,

This girl has bows on the top of her head.

Just like alive

You know her for sure.

Warmth comes from her

Warms on a winter evening.

You just need to throw firewood,

Collect them in the forest.

After the rain the bridge in the sky opened

He covered himself with different paints.

At this time, darkness comes

Lights up the stars in the sky.

People are usually already asleep,

And then they meet the dawn.

Sometimes it is yellow, sometimes it is red

Cold, melting

It tastes just fine.

(Ice cream)

There are many products:

Toys, animals,

Food and curls.

At the checkout, everything will be counted -

Everyone buys a lot here.


At this time, the waves are splashing

The golden sand is calling.

Children love him very much,

What time is it? Who will name?

Two wheels and a steering wheel.

On it you rush fast.

As if with a breeze

Ride for a couple.


He stores food, morning, afternoon and night.

In every house and dacha, everyone needs him very much.


Slippery and smooth

The aroma is pleasant.

As soon as you come home

You immediately take it into your hands.

Such riddles will help to develop the thinking of schoolchildren in many ways. After all, not knowing what topic the question will be, it is difficult to look for an answer.

Riddles about animals for schoolchildren

Which child does not like animals? Of course, everyone just adores them! Therefore, riddles about animals should be included in the plan of the event.

Red cheat

I was looking for a bunny.

Fluffed up her tail

And she waited cunningly.

The most faithful friend,

Everyone around him knows him.

She lives in people's houses,

Their peace guards.

Fluffy round ponytail

Two ears stick out side by side.

He runs very fast

We see him off only with a glance.

He changes his fur coat for the winter,

She becomes white.

And if it became gray, then it means that

Spring has knocked on our door.

He has great hearing

Ringingly wakes everyone up ...

He has a huge nose

Ears are like shovels.

Gray large and large

Who are these guys?

They call him a bird,

But he does not fly.

At the North Pole


Loyal friend, very good.

Ears, paws, tail and nose.

He's good for you

For others, it is formidable ...

She is cunning, bushy tail.

Lives in the forest and twists his nose.

It happens home and wild

Pink penny

Crochet tail.

Walking in puddles all around.

Of course, everyone likes her very much,

Quietly purrs

Washes his personal.

From branch to branch

From tree to tree;

He collects cones,

Keeps them in the hollow.

Redhead beauty

The tail is lush,

Like a brush.

A very formidable master

Green long ...


Looks like a worm

But it's better not to meet with her.

She is smooth

But it can also bite.

A crumb is basking on the windowsill

And purrs little by little.

Such riddles for 7 years are suitable for every child of this age. Therefore, you can safely include them in the program.

Riddles about literary heroes

In the first grade and subsequent children read a lot, watch various cartoons. Therefore, they will definitely like riddles in literature.

So that knowledge flows like a river,

You should always take it with you.

Asking us to voice our opinion

And write ...


I love rhymes very much

I will add lines from them.


Round funny face

With big ears, Genin is a friend ...


The teacher read the story to us,

And then, what they heard, she said to write.


Even first-graders can do such riddles.

How to motivate children to participate

The most interesting and significant motivation for children is, of course, a gift. Let it be completely symbolic, but it will attract to action and captivate the game.

Collecting a portfolio using it will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. In developing classes in preparation for school, children will love these school riddles.

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is racing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.
(A pen)

If you hone it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka -
Wooden shirt,
Where the nose will lead
He puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench
You and me sat on it.
The bench leads both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Disciples sit behind her
Textbooks lie on it,
Notebooks, pens, card-
Not just a table, but a (desk)

Talk to her more often
You will become four times smarter

Though not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

Over black white
They write every now and then.
Rub it with a rag -
The page is blank.

Who am I if straightforwardness
My main feature?

Magic wand
I have friends
With this wand
Can i build
Tower, house and plane
And a huge steamer!

He confessed to the knife:
- I’m lying without work.
Shake me my friend
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler.
Manage to write on them!

Her sheets are white and white,
They don't fall off the branches.
I make mistakes on them
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, an elastic band, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can’t come to terms with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
With her good picture do not create!
So he scolded the rubber band in full ...

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Only release it into the wild -
Where there was emptiness
There, you see - beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job -
The pencil worked in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, nibs, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten by six
Smart circles sat down
And they count out loud,
Only audible: knock and knock!

Your pigtail without fear
She dips in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album he leads along the page.

Colorful sisters
We are bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Wears water with a beard.
And the sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paint)

Creep, mischievous
Suddenly she sat down on the page.
Because of this pet
I received a unit.

In a black field, a white hare
He jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? ...

The white stone has melted
I left traces on the board.

Disciples write to them,
Answering at the blackboard.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

You colored pencil
Color all the pictures.
To correct them later,
Very useful ...

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today -
I have ... (Plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my knapsack ...

I'm ready for training starts,
Soon I will sit down for ...

Draw corners and squares
I'm in class ...

And every student understands
What I really need ...

A straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
This is a difficult science!
It will come in handy here ...

I look like a box
You put your pens in me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course, I - ...
(Pencil case)

Glue the ship, soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And help you guys
Multi-colored ...

How boring, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I myself can run. (Satchel)

In strict order -
Forty surnames
In a thick notebook.
To their right
The cells are lined
So that they don't run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)

In which it is said about a specific subject, but it itself is never mentioned there. Be sure to describe the bright features inherent only for this subject. On our site you will find, and on this page we have collected themed riddles for schoolchildren with answers about school and study.

Riddles about school and study help teachers and parents work with children. They allow children to look at classes and school from a different angle, to learn new information about the subjects they are teaching or are going to teach in the future. This curious genre develops the logical thinking of the child and abstractness also does not stand aside. Riddles for schoolchildren will be especially useful for children who are just going to the first grade and they will have to face school life for the first time.

School life is remembered for a long time. If it seems to you that knowledge about the school has long been forgotten, solve several riddles on this topic. Cribs, favorite teachers, who were sometimes strict, will immediately pop up in my memory. The subjects that you liked from the very beginning, you still use the knowledge in these subjects.

There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and believe there
They draw and read.

The school opened the doors
She let the new settlers in.
Who guys know
What are they called?
(First graders.)

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.

There is, friends, such a bird:
If he sits on the page,
I am very glad
And the whole family is with me.

We write homework assignments in it -
They put marks next to us,
If the marks are good
We ask: "Mom, sign!"
Such riddles are appropriate for a holiday at school. Questions for junior schoolchildren help to understand complex information that children have not encountered before. And for graduates and students, these riddles bring a smile on their faces and fond memories of life without obligations.

It is impossible to say on what topic children most enjoy solving riddles. Each child has something different on his mind, and there is simply no point in keeping statistics on this issue. But it is known that elementary animal riddles attract the smallest children. And the elders need to look for riddles about their favorite characters and fairy tales, films, cartoons.

Solving riddles with children do not deviate from the topic that you were talking about, so it will be more interesting for the little person to play with you. In nature, think about birds, plants, mushrooms, animals. Saw a fish in the pond - ask the corresponding riddle. New facts will be more easily perceived by the child, and most importantly - with joy and fun. Below you you will find many interesting puzzles for schoolchildren that kids of all ages will definitely like.

Our site provides a wide selection of riddles, which are conveniently placed under thematic headings. Riddles will allow the child to learn and develop comprehensively playfully. Our resource is constantly updated modern riddles that are invented by people at the present time.

For each riddle is signed answer to make it easier to check the correctness of your option. And when you are going to solve riddles with kids, you need to look at the answer so as not to ask a question about what the child simply did not know. The riddle helps the kid understand that learning can be interesting and fun.

The most popular riddles for schoolchildren with answers.

Coming up with a riddle is a creative task for the development of children in elementary school. Schoolchildren analyze, compare, contrast the properties, features, signs of various objects, phenomena, animals, etc.

Composing riddles on your own is very fascinating process which children adore. They are happy to prepare such homework for the world around them or other subjects in grades 1-3. primary school... Children especially like to come up with riddles about animals, about seasons, about birds and plants. Below are the riddles invented by the students for one of these lessons.

Riddles invented by children

Gray, fluffy, but not a she-wolf.
Striped, but not a tigress.
There is a mustache, but not a grandfather.
Tell me the answer soon!

They tick, they count, the time is counted,
They walk and hurry, although they stand still.

It pours and watering the beds
Gardeners respect

Water is dripping from the sky
What is who where
Children grow up quickly
If they fall under it

There are four horns on one leg.
Pokes, grabs, helps to eat.

Little elephant
Runs across the carpet.
It collects dust with its trunk,
The ponytail sticks out in the outlet.
(Vacuum cleaner)

The master sewed a fur coat,
I forgot to take out the needles.

That he walks all the time without looking back

I have a lot of girlfriends
We are all very good.
If a person needs
We will help you from the bottom of our hearts. (Books)

I'm waiting for you guys!
I am very, very beautiful!
Why don't you take it?
Because it is poisonous!

Who sings so loudly
That the sun is rising?

Smoke lets in and gives warmth.

They beat him, and he flies.

He will tell us everything
In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon.

In the morning they open
They close in the evening.

Mechanical screen
Shows everything to us.
From him we learn
What and where, when, how much?

What a miracle backpack?
There are pens and crayons in it,
And also pencils
And look for felt-tip pens.
(Pencil case)

What kind of berry is this
Appetizing, big?
Full of greenery from above,
And inside is red.

He has four legs
He still jumps along the path.

This house is very smart
We take knowledge from it.

She herself is dumb
But she teaches everyone.

Striped citizen
Quenched our thirst.

Shaggy friend
The house guards.

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat, in felt boots.

Sits on a spoon
Long legs.

Small, colorful,
Fly away, you won't catch it.

You speak softly, audibly loudly.

The snowstorms are cold
The wolves are hungry
The nights are dark
When does this happen?
(In winter)

After winter arrives
Shrovetide meets
Warms everyone with warmth
Birds calls

He will tell you everything
And the whole world will show.

We get up on them in the morning,
And we all go to school.

She has one hand, she is very thin.
Everything works, digs,
He pulls out large holes.

It's warm with him
It's cold without him.

This is a beautiful animal
It loves affection, cleanliness,
Milk and mice.

This is the most favorite thing
Little children.
This thing can be bought
Or you can do it yourself.

And this - everyone loves
Especially in the heat.
(Ice cream)

What is this bright light in the dark?

Small, prickly.

The wires are stretched inside.
Like the sun is shining brightly
He will greet everyone warmly.

A hole was dug, it is full of water.
Who wants to get drunk in full.

Blossoms in the morning
Closes at night.

Round ball
Rolling across the field.

An elephant appeared in our kitchen
He sat down on the stove.
And whistles and puffs,
Water boils in my stomach (kettle)

There's a wedge in the sun
In the rain pancake

If the child is having difficulties, parents can connect and help come up with a puzzle for school with the whole family. Compose with the children, it charges with a positive, and the child gives the desired time of close communication with parents. What could be more important than these minutes?

Almost all the boys and girls of the younger school age, including first-graders, love to guess riddles. This entertainment can take both one child and a whole group of toddlers for a long time, especially if you arrange a fun competition for them. If your child likes riddles, this hobby must be encouraged, because it has incredible beneficial influence on children's intelligence and contributes to the development of many of the skills necessary for successful school education.

In this article, we bring to your attention several interesting riddles for first graders with answers that your child will definitely like and will become for him a kind of simulator of ingenuity and

Riddles for first graders on different topics

Among the students primary grades very popular because long period training for them has just begun and they have yet to get to know him better. Guessing long and short tasks will allow kids to learn some of the subtleties. school life, laugh heartily, and get used to your new role.

In particular, for first graders, the following riddles about school with answers are suitable:

It calls, it calls, it calls

He tells a lot of people:

Then sit down and study

Then get up, disperse. (Call)

In winter he runs to school,

And in the summer it lies in the room.

As soon as autumn comes

He takes me by the hand. (Briefcase)

For praise and criticism

And assessments of school knowledge

In the portfolio among the books

For girls and boys

Someone is not great in appearance.

What's his name? ... (Diary)

There is a cheerful, bright house.

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and believe there

They draw and read. (School)

As you know, all babies love animals. This is very good, because love for our smaller brothers fosters kindness and a sense of responsibility in children, which will surely help boys and girls in later life. Domestic and wild animals are also a favorite topic for kids, which can be found in children's stories, drawings, poetry, and so on. Riddles are no exception. We bring to your attention several riddles about animals with answers that are better than others for first graders:

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

There are lumberjacks on the rivers

In silver-brown fur coats.

From trees, branches, clay

Strong dams are being built. (Beavers)

Not a lamb and not a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare)

There is a lot of strength in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose had been growing for a thousand years. (Elephant)

Smooth, brown, awkward,

He does not like the winter cold.

Until spring in a deep hole

In the middle of the wide steppe

The animal sleeps sweetly!

What's his name? (Marmot)

Math riddles for first graders

We all know that counting and other maths are absolutely essential skills in our life. First-graders have just to get to know them. Learning the basics of math during tedious lessons for toddlers can be quite difficult, so to make the task easier, you can offer them playful riddles, for example:

Take a closer look, buddy, a little

Eight legs of an octopus.

How many individuals, answer,

Will they have forty legs? (5 individuals).

Two prankster hedgehogs

We went to the garden slowly

And from the garden,

How could,

They carried away three pears.

How many pears

You need to find out

Have the hedgehogs taken from the garden? (6 pears)

Of which two different numbers

If you put them down

We are number four

You can get it? (1 and 3)

Riddles for first graders in drawings

For kids, there is nothing better than a riddle, the meaning of which is demonstrated in the picture. It is in this form that first-graders perceive the task received much easier and are happy to find the answer. For training the minds of boys and girls, the following riddles in the pictures are suitable.