How to make a house out of bottles with your own hands? House made of plastic bottles House made of glass bottles with your own hands.

These bottle houses were built in Colombia, Argentina and Bolivia as part of a low-income housing project. The Bolivian lawyer Ingrid Vaka Diez took an active part in the construction. And not only as a lawyer, but also as a building architect. She studied the experience of building such houses around the world, and chose the simplest and most economical option. In the article you will see photos of the main stages of work.

When you see the walls of a residential building made of bottles instead of bricks, then doubts involuntarily arise about their strength and durability. As for durability, I think everything is clear here, glass can last for thousands of years. The fragility of glass is known, but if the bottles are stacked in the wall, it is unlikely that they will be broken by accident, purposeful tough actions are needed here.

The photo shows a finished house with walls made of bottles.

For the construction of the walls, 1 liter bottles were used, laid in one row. In order to strengthen the walls and prevent freezing in our climate, the walls can also be folded from the spirit of the rows of bottles, in much the same way as the walls in two bricks.

The solutions here are chosen on the basis of clay, in a dry climate they are quite durable. Although I have encountered clay solutions here too. Once upon a time, a huge number of houses, sheds, outbuildings were built using adobe. The simplest option, which I also used, is 3 parts clay, 1 part sand, straw and water.

Of course, under such walls, as well as under any others, it will be necessary to make a foundation, in this case a tape under the entire wall will do. The foundation must be well reinforced, in addition, a reinforcement grid is laid under the base of the wall. For walls, not only clay is used, but also ordinary sand-cement mortars. The standard thickness of the layer between the bottles varies from one to two fingers, in any case not less than 2 centimeters.

You can think over the design and color scheme in advance, and select bottles by color like a mosaic. There is another feature of this design, thin walls in one bottle can be made permeable to sunlight, while opening up wide opportunities for interior decor. By using bottles of different shapes, sizes and colors, a rich interior color palette can be created.

Brick pillars are laid under the load-bearing beams.

In addition to solving lighting issues, bottle walls can be used as heat accumulators. But in this option, the bottles are filled with water, which is unacceptable in our winter conditions; the walls will simply collapse. The only option is to use non-freezing mixtures, then the wall will heat up in the sun during the day and give off heat at night.

This photo shows a small, more like a guest house, although they also live in it.

Bottles were also used to arrange the site.

As for the amount of material, 36,000 bottles were required to build a large house, photo above. The total area of ​​the walls was 170 square meters. meters.

I myself had to use bottles to insulate the walls inside the house. There was a common case: to speed up construction and save money, the walls were built one brick thick. It is clear that in winter they began to freeze, and the owner decided to insulate the extension using bottles.

To do this, formwork was assembled inside the house along the walls, but not to the full height at once, but with the gradual addition of one board at a time. The distance to the wall was 120-150 mm. . A metal mesh was punched onto the wall, and then the bottles were gradually laid along the wall and bound with sandy clay mortar, but with some addition of cement. When the row was closed, the next board was placed and the process was repeated. This method of insulation was chosen only for economic reasons; there were a lot of empty bottles and clay and sand.

And this is an example of what designers can do using recycled materials for construction. A palace made from the same bottles.

It took a Ukrainian 8,000 bottles of champagne and 20 years of his life to build a dacha!
Many people believe that a house made of bottles can only be found in a science fiction story. In fact, however, some enthusiasts have long been promoting glass bottles as a building material.

And some craftsmen, including the main character of our article, have been living in a “bottle house” they built with their own hands for many years. Vladimir Sysa, a resident of a holiday village near Zaporozhye, nurtured this idea for two decades, but finally fulfilled his old dream!

The first house made of glass bottles was built in the USA at the beginning of the last century. According to legend, William Peck, its creator, was very fond of beer. Therefore, the man chose containers from his favorite drink as building material for his home.
Peck's house, by the way, stood for a very long time and was demolished only in 1980. And some time ago, the famous brewing company Heineken even produced special bottles in the shape of bricks!

In the 80s of the last century, Vladimir Kirillovich Sysa, the main character of our article, learned about the existence of unusual houses from a German magazine. Since then, the man was literally fired up with the idea of ​​​​building such housing for himself and his family.
Sysa began construction when he acquired a plot of land in the late 80s. By that time, four thousand champagne bottles were already stored in Vladimir’s family’s apartment!

The man spent a long time collecting building materials. Among the sources, he names parks and glass container collection points. In addition, Sysa’s friends gave her a decent number of bottles.
For every feast, Vladimir’s acquaintances bought champagne for him, knowing what a man needed. Having learned what the neighbor was doing, other summer residents also began to bring glass containers to him under the gate.

Of course, it wasn't just bottles. In his free time, Sysa worked a lot on his project, drew hundreds of sketches, and developed construction technology. Later, I purchased other building materials.
In addition, not every glass container was suitable for building a house. For example, modern champagne bottles have begun to be made thinner than Soviet ones. That is why Vladimir did not mix them during construction, erecting one wall entirely from old glass containers, and the other from new ones.

Sysa’s main assistant in working on the unusual project was his wife Lyudmila. She, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter washed the bottles and checked them for chips and cracks. And later, directly during the construction of the house, the wife did all the auxiliary work for her husband - the man did not let her near the main one.
Lyudmila can rightfully be called Vladimir’s main muse. In the end, when the work was finished, her husband gave her a long-term construction for her golden wedding!

Today the couple cannot get enough of the miracle home. Bottles rolled into concrete are as strong as bricks and will not break even if you hit them with a hammer. This building material creates a special air cushion, thanks to which the house is warm in winter and cool in summer.
In addition, Lyudmila really praises the “bottle” tower: flowers and cucumbers grow well there, they say. In the future, the woman plans to equip a full-fledged greenhouse upstairs.

The Sys spouses were offered fabulous sums for their unusual housing, but Vladimir and Lyudmila flatly refuse to sell the magical house. In addition to the main building, a sauna has been built on five acres and a swimming pool is being built. And on the territory of the site, the man built an alley, the building material for which is also bottles!

Vladimir spent twenty years of hard work, tons of cement and about eight thousand bottles to turn his old dream into reality. Nevertheless, the man believes that the result is definitely worth all the effort.

But initially, colleagues at the plant only made fun of our hero, thinking that he was doing stupid things. But now the miracle house of Vladimir Sysa is known throughout the world!

At the moment, finding an alternative to modern building materials is not so easy. But craftsmen do not give up, and the latest new trend in construction is a house made of plastic bottles. This non-standard solution can be a profitable and versatile option for those who want to save money and at the same time get a normal, durable house that will last for many years.

Benefits of a bottle house

This may not just be an outbuilding or a small cottage; from plastic containers you can build a full-fledged house in which you can live.

Attention ! Not only plastic containers can be used for construction; a glass bottle house is also an excellent material option for walls.

A building made of such material has many advantages:

The disadvantages of this design include a certain difficulty in finding a large amount of material, as well as the duration of installation work for construction.

Construction methods

The material for a bottle house can be:

  • Plastic containers;
  • Glass container.

Depending on the material, the technology for installing such a building will be slightly different. Building a bottle house with your own hands is not so difficult, the main thing is to have the desire, time and a large number of bottles.


When it is decided to build a house from plastic bottles, then first you need to get them somewhere.

Attention! The construction takes an average of about 20-25 thousand bottles, provided that the house itself is one-story with two or three rooms.

Due to the fact that plastic decomposes for a long time, a house made of such material will last several hundred years. This is what ensures the choice in favor of plastic bottles, providing the building with strength and reliability. Although it will look inferior to a house made of glass bottles.

All bottles are pre-filled with sand or earth. Moreover, this must be done quite tightly, and the closed necks must be wrapped with mesh or other material.

To begin with, columns are erected, of which at least 3-4 pieces are needed, or even more, depending on the area of ​​​​the future house. For each column, a hole is dug, about 0.5-1 meters deep, round in shape.

The thickness of the foundation for each column should be about 0.5-0.8 meters. A fitting is installed in the center, around which bottles are placed with their necks inward. The necks of the bottles are wrapped with twine. The bottles are placed on an even layer of concrete.

Attention! If the necks of the bottles touch, then the installation is done correctly.

The bottles are filled with concrete and left to dry for a day. The next layer is laid offset according to the checkerboard principle. And so on until the required height of the building. The interior space of the column can be filled with broken bricks or other construction-type debris. After complete drying and shrinkage of the concrete, the columns are plastered.

To complete the foundation of the building, trenches are dug, into which a base is made like a column, and walls are erected. In places where window blocks are installed, bottle necks are rewound with twine. Afterwards, communications work is carried out, the roof is installed, and interior and exterior decorative finishing of the walls is performed.


When choosing a material such as glass containers, construction is possible using two technologies - monolithic (bottles are placed in the formwork and filled with concrete mixture) or masonry (like brickwork, in which you can choose bottles by color and size, creating a variety of designs).

It is safer and more practical to use light solutions, such as vermiculite.

Glass bottles must be stored sealed. This is a very durable and plastic material that can be given a variety of shapes during construction.

Sometimes there is a need and desire to build something on your site: a gazebo, a garage, a shed, a playhouse for children or something else. But the material for construction, as they say, comes at a price... Maybe someone will like the advice - to construct a structure out of trash. After all, you can even build an entire house... out of bottles!

A strange home that the whole world is gossiping about these days

The first bottle house was built in Rhyolite, in southern Nevada, by Tom Kelly back in 1906. Since there was a problem with wood in this corner of the planet, the saloon owner came up with an original solution.

Containers from whiskey, soda and beer, and apothecary bottles were used. In total, almost 50,000 bottles and vials were used.

He lived there for 6 whole years. Then, from 1936 to 1969, two other owners lived in it. The bottle house has even become extremely famous in the world. He was filmed in several Hollywood films. Then this place became uninhabited, the house made of bottles, the photos of which have become unique today, was abandoned.

2 years ago the house was restored. And a miniature town was even built around it. True, no one lives in it today - it is a fairly popular museum among tourists.

Reporting on bottle houses - a ticket to world fame

Philippines resident Jonathan Devante became famous for making a video about amazing homes built, as he says, from “eco-bricks.” Otherwise, such a structure can be simply called a house made of bottles.

Jonathan attached a description to his film, where he said that the idea of ​​​​building buildings from “eco-bricks” is being implemented perfectly both in the Philippines and in Guatemala. He claims that such structures have great advantages. This:

  • seismic resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • soundproof;
  • bulletproof;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • huge service life;
  • low cost.

It is not worth talking about the fact that by using unnecessary plastic or glass bottles instead of wood or stone, a huge amount of natural material is saved.

Nowadays, similar projects are being implemented in the countries of Asia, South America and Africa. For example, in Nigeria, the first residential building of 60,000 square meters was recently commissioned. Its construction took 14,000 plastic bottles.

Now activists are developing a plan to build buildings for schools. Moreover, in Guatemala there are already 14 schools built from bottles. Teenagers are actively involved in the construction of such buildings. They themselves collect building material - used eggplants, thereby clearing the area of ​​rubbish. Their help is also very noticeable in the process of building walls.

You and I will build a glass house with our own hands!

In fact, today many are racking their brains over how to build something original in an unconventional style on their site. It is for them that there are instructions describing how to build a house from bottles.

It is economical to build houses from plastic bottles and it is pleasant to live in them!

Of course, collecting so many used containers is quite difficult. After all, to build a one-story house you will need from five to eight thousand bottles. But if someone succeeded, then there is no need to hesitate. Indeed, it’s time to build a house out of bottles with your own hands!

How to build columns from plastic bottles

  • Prepare a round-shaped pit. Its diameter can be from 60 cm to a meter.
  • It is filled with cement.
  • Reinforcement is installed in the middle of the pit.
  • 10-11 bottles filled with sand are placed around the rod. This should be done so that the necks of the dishes are directed towards the center of the fittings. The caps of adjacent bottles must touch! As the “eco-bricks” are laid, the necks are tied with twine, additionally fastening them together.
  • It is better to fill the gaps with solution.
  • After the cement “sits”, the second layer of the column is laid. You can use broken bricks, broken glass or other construction solid waste when pouring.
  • After the columns are erected, they begin laying out the walls.

You can also use empty plastic bottles in construction, only then there will be no need to talk about super strength and thermal insulation.

What's the best way to use an empty plastic bottle? Some will remember scoops, vases, holders for mobile phones. But few people think that they can build houses from plastic bottles.

The author of this incredible project was a German engineer who has developed about fifty projects in several countries using ECO-TEC technology. He built a house from bottles, using them instead of bricks. It turned out that if you fill a bottle with earth, it will be as strong as a brick. By building a house from, we not only save on construction costs, but also help maintain the environment at the proper level.

Are there any benefits to using bottles? How does their use compare favorably with other building materials?
Firstly, the bottles are low cost. Secondly, a house made of bottles is characterized by increased strength. These improvised "bricks" can withstand very strong impacts and loads.

Plastic bottles can be used several times. They are easy to use and significantly reduce the cost of construction materials (their low cost was mentioned above). A home built from bottles can last about 300 years. What other material can boast such durability?

How to build a house out of bottles?

To begin with, we collect our building material in huge quantities. Not all bottles have to be the same, it will be better to use different sizes and shapes. Stock up on plenty of sand! Now we fill all the bottles, pour dry compacted sand into them, and close them with a cork. To make the structure more durable, mix a little cement, add clay, sawdust and earth to it, then glue the bottles to each other.

Construction should always begin with columns, of which there must be at least three. We dig a hole about 100 cm in diameter so that the radius is larger than the diameter of the support (at least 20 cm). Next, we insert reinforcement under the columns and place bottles around the reinforcement with the corks facing inward. Use twine to tighten the knot on the neck of the bottles so that adjacent caps touch each other. The gaps that have formed between the bottles must be filled with a mixture of cement and left to settle. You can use construction waste or pieces of bricks to fill the space between the bottles.

As soon as the column is erected, we leave it until it shrinks completely and plaster it. Then we start building walls. The tactics are the same: the bottles are placed on the solution and the necks are tied with twine. Then the walls are plastered.

The roof of such a house is live (made of turf). This is not just a matter of aesthetics. Such a roof provides better warmth in winter and coolness in summer, and also helps conserve energy and save money.

The last stage in the construction of this unusual house is its interior decoration.

The essence of this concept is that the bottles will not have to be buried or burned, thereby polluting the environment. Instead, they will be used to build environmentally friendly housing. Thus, you, so to speak, combine business and pleasure. And this is quite interesting and reasonable!