How to connect a bath for sewage and water supply: instructions for choosing materials and installation. Proper bath connection to sewage connection Bath connection without corrugations

After purchasing the bath and install it in the appropriate room, it is necessary to carry out operations on joining sewage communications.

This task is simple, however, so that everything is most effectively, it is necessary to adhere to several uncomplicated rules of which will be said in this article from the site.

  • to carry out this operation, you will have to acquire a special siphon, which has holes for overflow and drain. It is recommended not to use flexible corrugated pipes, since they have a lot of deficiencies, such as fast pollutability and large resistance to water;
  • the most suitable option is a flexible or rigid plastic tube;
  • before connecting the bath to sewage, it will be necessary to clearly equip the high-altitude differential in the drain area and the connection point. The height of the release of the siphon should be clearly chosen, which will allow water to descend much faster. If you do not pay attention to the high-altitude difference, the water will become stagnant in the bathroom bowl;
  • access to the siphon should be free, as you have to repeatedly clean it from contamination in the future;

Connect the bath to sewage

In the event that the sewage is mounted from plastic pipes, the siphon is connected using a special smooth pipe, the diameter of which is 40mm. You can use the cropped plastic pipe with the same diameter. In the case when the pipeline is 50mm, you will have to use an adapter from 40mm to 50mm.

If the sewage pipe is iron, then it is necessary to use a special clutch of rubber 73-40. The remaining operations are similar to plastic pipes.

  • at first, the siphon is going according to the instructions that attached to the product;
  • it is not necessary to skip the sealing gaskets past attention, otherwise the probability of the formation of the shadows in the bathroom occurs;
  • install the siphon;
  • if you need to tighten the elements from plastic, it is necessary to do it exclusively with your hands, without the use of technology, as it can spoil the thread or fastening;
  • after installation, the pipe is joined by one end, while the other is given to the sewer pipe and connects;
  • when installing, it is necessary to clearly monitor the tightness and density of the joints. If a problem has arisen, it is necessary to eliminate it, otherwise it will require more effort to do this;
  • in the case when the bath is installed close to the wall, the joints are tightly close in sealant, otherwise the water will fall under the bath.

What needs to be taken if there was unpleasant odors in the bath

In the case when an unpleasant smell occurs in the bath, this situation does not please, but on the contrary, grieves. Further consider why this happens and how to get rid of it.

One of the reasons is the wrong installation of sewage. It is necessary to check the presence of a water lock under the bathroom, sink and on siphons, because it is he who cuts off all the unpleasant odors. In the case when hydraulic was installed in the toilet, but the smells are still present, it is necessary to make sure that siphons are installed correctly.

If instead of the siphones, corrugated tubes are installed, then they must be replaced, since they do not produce water jams. If there is no such possibility, it is required to bend the tubes so that water is going to be assembled, which forms a water castle.

A water cork may also be absent because of the siphon breakdown, which can be guessing according to characteristic loud crushing sounds. The most common cause of the failure of the siphon is its large pipe, which is why the water pressure drops noticeably. If this is the reason - the siphon is replaced.

Also, the water cork may be absent due to the fact that ventilation is broken in the sewage, or the riser diameter is too small. In this case, it is formed to make a trumpet. Such work on our own is quite difficult, so it is easier to invite a specialist.

Water also evaporates in the pipe if the room has not been used for a long time. In this case, machine oil will help, poured into the hydraulic scam.

If all operations were made, but the smell did not eliminate, it is necessary to check the presence of the ventilation pipe. Such a pipe is connected to the riser on the upper floors and is derived to the roof. She plays the role of drawing and get rid of all unpleasant odors.

If this is not the reason, pay attention to the revision hatches, namely on their tightness.

It happens that when installing, the gum from the hatch falls, because of which it is easily adjacent to the pipe and skips odors.

The same problem may arise due to mechanical damage to the sewer pipe.

The last possible cause of smell in the bathroom is a scored sewerage that is required from time to time.

Installation of sewage (video)

If independently did not get rid of smells, then the last option remains - the invitation of a qualified specialist who will find and eliminate the cause.


When repairing in the bathroom and replacing the old plumbing to a new product, it is necessary not only to purchase it, but also connect the bath to sewage with your own hands by installing the place for it. Make such a job is easy, since there are no special skills for this.

Homemade crappy need to know how to properly connect the bath to sewage. To do this, he needs to comply with the installation instructions and deal with the nuances of repair (read also: "Where to start repairing in the bathroom - the secrets of the right sanuce repair planning").

Tubes for connecting a bath to sewage

According to experts:
  • before connecting the bath to sewage, you should buy a special siphon, which is equipped with fixtures that provide sealed plumbing directly to the plum (read: What a siphon for the bath is better to choose - species, design features ");
  • installation of sewage in the bathroom with the help of corrugated pipes (depicted in the photo) is allowed only as a last resort, since it is impossible to call such a connection ideal for a number of reasons. The fact is that the folds on the pipes contribute to the accumulation of garbage and clean them is almost impossible, and in addition, during operation, they contribute to the increase in hydraulic resistance;
  • connecting the bath to sewage is considered correct when the siphon release is mounted above the sewer pipe. The height difference should contribute to the rapid and unimpeded wastewater allure. Violation of the rules governing how to connect a bath to sewage will result in the exhaust water will be stamped and blocking will appear;
  • the drafting system is required to be removed periodically. To provide access to the siphon, a revision hatch is acquired and put it on a protective screen.
When the sewage is created in the bathroom, the pipes for supplying it to the plumbing are chosen according to the following principles:
  • to mount the system, you should give preference to hard pipes from plastic, even if it is necessary to use the knee elements;
  • if the sewage system in the bathroom has a complex design and it is problematic to docile with the release of the siphon, use the corrugation.

Pipes designed to attach the siphon to sewage are made of plastic rigid or smooth flexible (diameter of products 40 millimeters). When the sewage in the bathroom with their own hands is made using pipes of a 50 mm diameter, you will need to use a rubber adapter 50/40 millimeters. If the sewage system in the bathroom is laid from cast-iron elements, then the adapter is required 73/40 millimeters.

The procedure for connecting the bathroom to sewage

The process How to connect a bath to sewage consists of several stages:
  1. First of all, carefully study the instructions that manufacturers are attached to their products, in this case, to the siphon. According to the manufacturer's recommendations collect the product. All accompanying gaskets must be placed in their places.
  2. Plastic parts of the siphon (see photo) are collected manually. It is not allowed to use gas and horn keys, since with plastic threads should be coachared (read also: "").
  3. After the siphon is assembled, the appropriate end of the product is placed in the sewer pipe, and the other end is attached to the plum hole of the plumbing device, not forgetting to use sealing gaskets. Also, the bathroom is connected to the pipe overflow.
  4. Installation of sewage in the bathroom do it yourself in such a way that all the joints make hermetically. Silicone is not able to replace special gaskets, they can only additionally process the connectivity of individual elements.

How to connect the bath to the plumbing network with your own hands

When the problem is solved, how to assemble the sewage in the bathroom, and the plumbing is connected to the sewer system, proceed to check the tightness of the compounds and the quality of the development of wastewater drain. To do this, plumbing devices are connected to a plumbing network.

The connection process is as follows:
  1. On pipes feeding cold and hot water, the shut-off crane is mounted before connecting fittings so that in the future you can repair or change the mixer.
  2. Eccentrics are connected to fittings. In order to ensure the tightness of the compounds use the paint or fum-tape. Eccentrics are needed for proper bumps of pipes of a plumbing network with connecting nuts.
  3. To hide the non-primary type of eccentric, use decorative nozzles.
  4. Rubber gaskets are inserted into the connecting nuts, which will ensure the tightness of the pipeline (in this case, the fum-tape is not used).
  5. Then screw the mixer, while you need to spin both nuts so that there is no skew. For a wrench, so as not to scratch the chrome surface, you should put a rag. Applications should be avoided.
  6. After completing the connection, the system is checked for tightness, opening both cranes and traceing, there is no leakage. Even after the water is blocked, it is necessary to continue to observe the places of connecting pipes with plumbing, since leaks are possible under pressure.
  7. If a leak is detected, you need to remake a leakage node. Most often, the cause of the malfunction is incorrectly laid or poor-quality gasket.
According to professionals, for water supply should not choose reinforced hoses, since they are very unreliable. A more acceptable option is corrugated pipes made of stainless steel.

Knowledge, how to make sewage in the bathroom and connect the plumbing to the plumbing yourself, will help your homemade crappy to perform such work. With insecurity of their own skills, it is better to turn to experienced specialists.



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Connecting a bath to sewage on your own

Many of us believe that the most difficult process is the installation of the purchased bath. But in fact, the main difficulties cause a bath connection to sewage, because the safety of the placement of leaks depends on the quality of work.

And indeed, the dripping crane will not cause so much harm as the flowing siphon under the bathroom or fistula on the sewer riser. And special trouble gives the residents when the bathroom smells the sewage. Let's deal with these and other problems together.

Operating principle

First, consider how the sewage in the bathroom works:

  • Filled to the edges of the bath drops a part of the water through the drain-overflow system;
  • When opening the drain hole, the water from the bath falls into the siphon;
  • Bypassing the waterproofing, wastewater pass through the sewer nozzle (hose) connected to the tee;
  • Through the sewer tee drain falls in the riser.

Materials of past years

A couple of dozen years ago, when there was no heyday of PVC products, all sewage was going from cast iron. In particular:

  • Siphons and receiving nozzles;
  • Knee washbasin;
  • Tee of the apartment sewer pipe;
  • Audit window on riser;
  • The riser itself in the apartment.

And for the tightness of the connection, in addition to the traditional package, applied:

  • Cement mortar;
  • Liquid glass
  • Epoxy adhesive
  • Rubber, etc.

Modern materials

But with the offensive of the plastic era, everything changed today to collect and connect the sewage siphon almost any adult man.

What threatens the wrong installation and connection

In the bathroom smells the sewer - why is it going? With such a question to plumbers, residents of apartments often appeal, in which the bath or washbasin recently changed. And the answer is simple - errors when installing a siphon.

If the bathroom stinks, it means only one thing:

  • Either the hydraulic shutter does not cope with its duties;
  • Or between the siphon and the receiving tee there is a leakage, through which the sewage smells penetrate into the room.

According to experienced plumbers, often stinks in the bathroom due to the reduction of the radius of the drain pipe from the corrugated hose, from which the siphon is formed.

Reference: The volume of water contained in it is not enough to withstand the atmospheric pressure of the general sewage. And she "pursues" a water plug, and unpleasant smells penetrate the room.

The main stages of work

Consider in detail how the sewage installation is carried out in the bathroom:

  • Preparation of communications for connection;
  • Installation of sanitary devices;
  • Installation of a siphon;
  • Connection of nodes into a single network.

Difficulties can climb housing owners on each of the marked stages. For example, a tubular siphon from brass or chromium implies an open fitting under the washbasin. But the drain nozzle is designed under the horizontal installation, it means that at the repair stage, it should be transferred to the wall under the washbasin.

Connection of the shower pan is also associated with certain difficulties:

  • Small siphon sizes;
  • Cramped conditions for mounting;
  • Almost always horizontal drain;
  • Lack of preventive disassembly.

Bath connection process

Most often, new baths acquire a set consisting of:

  • Siphon and connecting nozzles;
  • Systems drain-overflow.

In most cases, this is a single node that has its own installation features:

  • On acrylic baths through pre-assembly of the power frame, the siphon is installed immediately (on an inverted bath);
  • Cast iron and steel baths siphon connects after their installation

Reference: Installation of steel baths on a brick base narrows the place to work. Therefore, experienced plumbers pre-install individual nodes on the bath.

Tip: Your main task is to make all the connections to hermetic. When installing a bottle siphon, a special gaskets are always coming to use.

Arming the assembly scheme and proceed:

  • Initially, we set a plum-overflow on the bath, because After its installation, it will make it close to the wall it will be problematic;
  • After installing the bath in place and fixation, collect the receiving unit (socket with a nozzle and protective grid). We dress on the edge of the termination, we insert it into the drain hole of the bath and the bottom also with the gasket and the nut we connect the parts into a single node. Depending on the design, the grid can either be screwed to the screw or be removable;
  • Siphon assembly line approached. We collect a glass according to the attached scheme and attach it to the protruding nozzle of the receiving node. Fix using a plastic nut, tightening it with hands;
  • Do not forget to connect the drain hose of the drain plum system - we dress its end to a special chain;
  • From the siphon to the sewer tee insert the corrugated pipe or plastic using rubber adapters.

Tip: Adapters play the role of seal, allowing to reliably sew the entire design.

Conclusions: you are sure that now about the sewage and method of connecting the bath you know almost everything. It remains only in practice to apply the knowledge gained, and the funds saved at work to spend on the purchase of stylish accessories for the bathroom.

After the bath was taken to the place where it is planned to install, the turn of a very important stage comes - connecting the bath to sewage. Connecting to engineering communications is not considered very complex, so they can be performed independently. Understand the intricacies of self-installation will help the instruction presented in our article.

Preparation for mounting

Place and materials

When installing, a number of important points must be taken into account:

  1. Connecting the bath to the sewer pipeline is recommended to be carried out using a siphon for baths - a special device that has nodes that connect to the drain hole and overflow hole.

  1. If the installation is carried out independently, the use of corrugated tubes is not recommended, as they have a number of flaws:
  • they have high hydraulic resistance;
  • they quickly accumulate pollution;
  • such tubes are poorly cleaned.

  1. Before connecting the bath to sewage, it is necessary to ensure that the high-rise drop between the pipe for drain and the connection point was equipped correctly. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the height of the release of the siphon to ensure the better flow of drainwater from the bath.

Advice from a professional:If the high-altitude differential is fulfilled or it will be insufficient, it will lead to stagnation of water in the bath.

  1. It is necessary to provide free access to the siphon to make it convenient to make it dismantling if it is necessary to clean its inner surface from contamination.

Choosing pipes

You can use or rigid, or a smooth flexible plastic tube, guided by the following rule:

  • if you can connect a bath to sewage with a rigid pipe, such as pipes consisting of 2 knees with the necessary turns, it is better to use this option;

  • if the connection of hard pipes causes complexity, you should use the corrugation.

Selection of pipes for connecting to sewage:

  • If the sewage is mounted from plastic pipes, the siphon is attached using a special smooth flexible tube with a diameter of 40 mm or use for this purpose a conventional rigid plate of plastic with the same diameter.
  • In the event that the diameter of the sewer pipeline is 50 mm, then the adapter can be additionally used, which allows the transition from 40 to 50 mm.
  • If cast-iron pipes were used for the sewer system, then before connecting the bath to sewage, it is necessary to purchase a rubber coupling 73/40.

Bath connection technology

Bath connection order to sewer system

Connection order Next:

  1. Colon the siphon in accordance with the instructions attached to it, paying special attention to all the necessary sealing gaskets.
  2. Plastic fasteners are twisted with their hands, acting very carefully. Tools are not used, since when applying, you can break the item.
  3. After the device was mounted, one end of the pipe attach it to it, and the other end is adjusted to the drain hole of the sewage and compound.
  4. The connection of the bath drain must be accompanied by careful control over the density of the collected joints in order to ensure the high degree of their tightness.

Advice from a professional:If you detect the slightest problems, it is necessary to immediately eliminate them, otherwise during operation you will have to replace the defective elements of the system.

  1. With a dense adjustment of the bathing of the bath to the walls of the joints, it is necessary to carefully seal so that the water does not have the ability to penetrate the bath.

Bath connection to water supply

As well as the connection of the bath with your own hands to sewer, it is possible to independently connect to the water supply and the installation of the mixer. For this, it is not necessary to cause plumbing.

Consider this technology:

  1. On the pipe before fittings, the shut-off crane is installed, the presence of which is necessary to overlap the water when replacing the mixer or in the case of its repair.
  2. For fittings on the mixer, the eccentrics are attached (first by hand, and then enhance the key locking). This uses a fum-tape or a specialized thread intended for compounds of the elements of the plumbing system.
  3. Decorative nozzles put on the eccentrics.
  4. Rubber or silicone gaskets are inserted on the mixer inside the thread, and then screw the mixer to the eccentrics (use the fum-tape or thread in this case).

Advice from a professional:The bath connection scheme must include checking the quality of work performed - when leaks are detected in the mixer, the gasket is replaced - it is possible that the leakage occurred due to the defective gasket.

  1. The mixer is screwed at the same time from 2 sides. In this case, there is a uniform sealing of the gaskets.
  2. If you have a mixer when buying in the bath package:
  • the permissible level of pipe height is lower than the bathroom level, since in this case the compound is carried out with the help of reinforced hoses;
  • at the same time, it is not necessary to align the ends of the pipes - such hoses are very plastic;
  • the main rule in such a situation is to trace that the length of the reinforced hose is a bit longer than the distance from the bathroom to the end of the pipe.

After all the operations for connecting the bath to the water supply and sewage include water and are observed, there is no leakage. If there are leaks, it is necessary to make sure how well the gaskets are fixed, as well as to make sure the pads themselves (if poor-quality, then will have to replace them).

The execution of such simple rules will allow you to qualitatively connect the bathroom to sewage and correctly install the mixer. With this approach, the bath will last for many years!

You decided to change the bath, even dismantled the old plumbing and purchased a new one. Installed the bowl on the laid place, and it would seem, the case remains completely behind the small. But you do not know how to connect a bath to sewage. What to do? Is it really to call the plumbing, for a long time to wait for him, tolerate his presence in the apartment and pay for such a simple procedure? It is not so difficult for an ordinary person to call to call it a guru plumbing. All work can be performed with your own hands. The main thing is to have about it at least some idea of \u200b\u200bhow to connect the bath to sewage.

Photo 1. Bath connected to the sewer system.

Connecting a bath to sewage with your own hands: Required tools and equipment

Connecting a bath to sewer with your own hands is made using a siphon - a special device with a flask or curved pipe, through which the drains are freely passing into the sewer pipe. The organization of the drain without this equipment threatens you with unpleasant and constant smells from the sewage. Therefore, if you do not want to "flavory" residential premises of the whole house, set the siphon under the bath. But how to connect a bath with sewage with this device? To begin with, you need to decide on the type of siphon. There are several types of this SUPRIBER, the selection of this or that depends on the model of your bath. If you doubt the correctness of your choice, consult from the seller. But that's not all. The design of the siphon is collapsible, instructions are attached to each product. Strictly follow its recommendations and do not forget to put sealing gaskets in the right places.

Photo 2. Proper bath connection to sewage will help keep the cleanliness and accuracy of the bathroom.

Siphon is ready, what is needed for its installation to the bathroom?

Connecting a bath to sewage is carried out by connecting a siphon with a drain pipe. Included it is not, so you also need it to buy. You will find hard and corrugated models on sale. If you do not want to return to this issue for several years, choose hard models. Since the corrugated is quickly clogged, and their cleaning is ungrateful and very complex.

But if it is not possible to attach a rigid pipe due to the inaccessibility of the place, the corrugation is the only choice. The diameter of the other model is the same and is 40 mm. The diameter of the sewer plum in the bathroom can also be 40 mm or more - 50 mm. If you have the last option, it means you need to still install an adapter.

Photo 3. Connected bath siphon.

How to connect a bath with sewage: plum connection

By installing the siphon, try to make you always have free access to it. After all, in the process of operation, the bath will have to dismantle it more than once. It is necessary for its cleaning from pollution. If the siphon is not to clean periodically, over time, the drain rate will slow down, and even stop.

Photo 4. Siphons for the bathroom are different forms.

So, how to connect the siphon to the bath and the sewer plum:

  • Attach the siphon to the bath, do not forget to lay the gasket at the place of the joint and only then proceed to the tightening of the fasteners. Tighten carefully, without a big effort. Since the fasteners are easy to damage and spoil. This procedure must be performed only manually, without the use of any tool. So you can control the degree of voltage being created, and immediately stop as soon as it has reached its limit. To seal the joint, a gasket is installed, which can be both ordinary rubber and silicone.
  • At the bottom of the other hand the siphon is a hard pipe of the drain, swipe it up to the sewer output and connect with it by easy input. If the diameters of the pipe diameters, install the plastic adapter before.
  • Test the system for tightness. First, check the density of the fitting of all parts, if necessary, correct the situation in advance so that later you do not have to disassemble the system and install it. For reliability, at the stage of assembling design, each joint is recommended to lift the sealant.
  • Test the tightness of the system during the operation of the bath. To do this, type the water in about half into the bowl. Check the density and tightness of the siphon connection with the bathroom. If all is well, complete the bowl with water and open the plum plug. Take the napkin and check all the joints of the joint. We can visually not notice small leaks, and a wet stain will remain on the napkin. If it is not, it means that the connection of the bath to sewage has been successful and qualitatively.

What to do if there are sudden smells in the bathroom?

At the first stage of operation, the bath can not notice some shortcomings of the installation. They will appear literally in a few days a steady and unpleasant sewer aroma indoors.

Photo 5. Scheme of proper bath connection to the sewage system.

The cause of its appearance can be the incorrect functioning of the siphon. This happens, a corrugated bending tube is used to create a hydraulic assembly. Or not comply with the angle of the slope of the installation of the system.

In the first case, it is not necessary to change the siphon, just on a corrugated tube it is necessary to make a bend to create a water cork and consolidate it in an affordable way. In the second case, check if there is a slope in the flow system, if not, then adjust it to an angle of 5 degrees.

One of the options for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the bathroom can be the obstruction of the sewage. That is, if she simply scored, and it has an impassable blockage. Clean it with any available means. If you are not able to get rid of the challenge yourself, contact your professional plumbing so that he gets rid of you from this unpleasant problem.

Video: how to connect a bath to sewage