General characteristics of the student's attitude to work. Characteristics from the student's practice at the winery

Characteristics of a student from the place of practicedescribes his professional training, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and business qualities that he showed during the period of educational, industrial or undergraduate practice.

On conducting an internship and drawing up a student’s characteristics from the place of its passage

Conducting internships for students is regulated by the Regulations on the practice of students mastering the basic professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383. about undergraduate internship, then obtaining additional factual material for writing a thesis.

2 curators should manage the practice at once: one of the teachers of the educational institution and an employee of the organization that accepted the student for an internship. Together they create a practice schedule.

The functions of the representative of the educational institution are listed in paragraph 12 of the Regulations:

  • drawing up a practice plan;
  • development of individual practical tasks;
  • distribution of students by jobs;
  • control over observance of terms of practice;
  • control of the practice content;
  • methodological assistance to students;
  • evaluation of practice results.

Clause 13 of the Regulations describes the functions of the head of practice on the part of the enterprise. Organization employee:

  • coordinates the individual practical tasks of students, the content and results of the practice;
  • provides students with jobs in the enterprise;
  • introduces trainees to the requirements of labor protection and fire safety rules;
  • explains to students the rules of labor activity;
  • provides safe conditions of practice from the point of view of sanitation and labor safety.

Legislation requires students to complete assignments under the internship program, comply with internal labor regulations, as well as labor protection and fire safety requirements.

The procedure for evaluating results is not established by the Regulations and is regulated by local regulations of the educational organization. At the same time, in most cases, the head of practice on the part of the enterprise is required to write a detailed description of the trainee.

Characteristics of the student's work in the place internship: sample, form

A sample characteristic for a student is not established by law, so the document is written in an arbitrary form. The head of the practice should only remember that the document must be written in an official style, and the following information must be indicated in the description:

  • the name of the organization in which the student had an internship;
  • organization address;
  • the name of the educational institution where the trainee is studying;
  • surname and initials of the student;
  • timing of the internship;
  • type of practice;
  • responsibilities of the student during the internship;
  • professional qualities of the student;
  • features of the student, shown when communicating with the workforce;
  • practical skills mastered by the trainee;
  • grade given to the student based on the results of the internship;

After completing an educational, industrial or pre-diploma practice, the student must receive from his supervisor and submit to the educational institution a reference, on the basis of which the final grade will be set.

The characteristics of the trainee should reflect information about his skills and abilities, the level of his professional training, the volume and quality of his assignments during the period of internship and, of course, the recommended assessment.

Supervisors of interns often shift their responsibility for writing such characteristics to the students themselves. Unfortunately, this is a common practice, but do not despair. The samples below rate the student's internship as excellent. You can use them as an example to write your own characteristics, changing only the underlined data to your own.

Option 1. About passing an introductory practice

Student characteristics

Issued to Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

1. Period and type of practice:
from 05/25/2008 to 07/30/2008 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich passed an introductory practice

2. The organization that provided the place:
OJSC "Gazprom", Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, st. Lenina, d. 65, tel. 56-89-45

3. Responsibilities of the student during practice:
The study of the internal regime and routine, technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, technological schemes, charter and regulations of the organization, analysis and testing of finished products for compliance with GOSTs and other standards, etc.

4. Conclusion and evaluation:
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich showed his ability to work under difficult conditions, to act independently and without prompting, which indicates his high theoretical level of training. Also, during the internship, he mastered the practical skills necessary for work.

Suggested rating is "excellent".

Option 2. On the passage of industrial practice

Student characteristics

Issued to Medvedev Igor Dmitrievich, who had an internship at OAO Gazprom from 06/01/2000 to 12/31/2000.

During the practice, student Medvedev Igor Dmitrievich studied partnership agreements, contracts of sale, lease, employment, as well as other personnel and accounting documents, and internal documents were also studied.

During the internship, the student actively participated in the work of the financial, technical, legal department of the enterprise: he prepared financial documents, legal reporting, entered information into an automated system of financial and economic activities, negotiated, signed contracts with clients, analyzed activities, performed technological operations, etc.

At the end of the internship, the ardor student was rated "excellent"

Student characteristics

Issued to trainee Fedorov Egor Borisovich, who is studying at the Sverdlovsk Railway Academy

Egor Borisovich had an internship from March 23, 2006 to June 21, 2006. in the Rechsky branch of the Sverdlovsk railway

Performed the following duties:
Control of the movement of trains, restoration work, control of the state of railway tracks

Acquired the following skills:
list skills

Job Skills 5
Quality of assignments 5
The desire to master new professional knowledge, skills 5
Friendliness, ability to communicate with customers
Strict observance of the daily routine and labor discipline 5
Sense of responsibility 5
Ability to apply knowledge in practice 5

Option 3. About undergraduate practice

Student characteristics

Issued to Sergey Ivanovich Petrov, born in 1998

Sergey Ivanovich passed undergraduate practice with employment in the period from 01/01/1999 to 12/31/2000 at Zarya LLC as a mentor.

During the internship, the student performed the following duties:

In the functional duties of Petrova S.I. this period included:

- laboratory tests

- fixing and repairing equipment
- laboratory tests
- Setting up equipment and monitoring its operation
- control of the assigned territory
- performance analysis
- high-altitude work related to production control
- scheduling weekends
- performance of technological operations
- accounting and estimate documentation

Internship is a necessary element in the educational program of any educational institution - it must be completed by a student of a college, technical school, university, institute. The characteristics of the student from the place of practice allows you to evaluate the work of the student outside the walls of the educational institution and find out the opinion of a potential employer about the trainee as a future specialist. This document is submitted together with a completed practice report and a diary. But what is it? Let's figure it out.

Characteristics for a student who had an internship: how to write, where to get

In the course of the production, and especially pre-diploma practice, the trainee studies the activities of the organization "from the inside", his goal is to decide whether the volume of his knowledge is sufficient for independent work? He must demonstrate his knowledge and skills to the head of practice from the organization, who, replacing the teacher, will state his opinion about the student in the characteristic, and also evaluate him from the point of view of a potential employer - after all, the student demonstrates, one might even say "advertises" himself as "ready" specialist - will he be valuable as a staff? The characteristic for a trainee student must be written by the head of the practice, which may be the head or an employee appointed by him:

  • Head of Department;
  • team leader;
  • consultant;
  • chief specialist, etc.
But the student can write it himself, and if the head of the organization agrees with the trainee's praises addressed to him, he will sign the finished testimonial. It is desirable that the characteristics be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization (enterprise) indicating the address of the organization, legal form:
  • MBOU, etc.
In the form or in another document confirming the student's internship and containing an assessment of his personal and professional data, contact telephone numbers are indicated.

It does not matter what specialty the student is practicing - accounting, or he is a future lawyer, psychologist - the necessary minimum level of requirements in the characteristic must be met

Student job description

The trainee must complete the tasks of the head of practice from the teaching staff of the educational institution. For completeness, we recommend using scientific literature, being guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations adopted by the organization: the regulation on the department, job description. The following phrases can be written in the description: "the duties of the trainee included conducting contractual work at the enterprise: drawing up contracts for the sale of office furniture, performing work on repairing a warehouse, providing furniture repair services, compiling responses to written requests from citizens, filling out forms."

It should be borne in mind that the practical skills of a lawyer and an accountant will be different.

When evaluating the duties of a physical education teacher, it is advisable to say about the level of his physical fitness and how this helps him when communicating with schoolchildren - after all, he can motivate them by his example. If a student is a future primary school teacher or educator, then a high level of his culture can be noted as a feature - after all, this is important in the educational process of teaching children.

Any organization in which office work is established requires proper paperwork from its employees. If a student took part in the preparation of documents related to the activities of the organization, this should be noted, because employers are waiting for ready-made specialists who can prepare financial statements, write statements of claim, fill out journals and perform other paperwork

Characteristics of the student's theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills

The characteristic of a student gives his characteristics from the point of view of the employer: the ability to apply the available theoretical knowledge in practice, the assessment of the student's qualities as a possible employee.

Example: " In the period from "___" ______ to "___" _______, Ivanova Irina Ivanovna had an internship in her specialty at Romashka LLC. The trainee demonstrated a high level of mastering theoretical training, correctly applied the available knowledge in her work. Advised on legal issues, guided by the current legislation. The student strived to improve her practical skills. I learned how to write statements of claim and responses to them.

In the team she is tactful and polite, she treated all assignments conscientiously. Possesses high working capacity. She did not allow violations of labor discipline. She has established herself as a responsible and disciplined worker, striving to improve her theoretical knowledge, backed up by practical exercises. The production practice plan was fulfilled in full.

Independently gave advice and made legal decisions in strict accordance with the law. The recommended score in case of a positive defense of the practice report is "5 (excellent)".

Evaluation of the student's work

The characteristic that the student will bring from the place of practice must contain an assessment of the quality of the work. You can get an "excellent" grade in the teacher's credit card only if the head of the practice highly appreciated the work.

If it is indicated that the trainee took part in the direct activities of the organization, this will be considered an additional plus

So, it can be indicated that a student studying to be a lawyer took part in a court session or in the preparation of a claim, lawsuit, supported a legal transaction or accepted applicants as an assistant to a lawyer; student - psychologist - in working with people; future specialist in the field of economics, accountant - in the preparation of quarterly reports.

In conclusion, the head of the practice should give a final assessment to the trainee: "The recommended rating is "5" (excellent).

Requirements for the registration of the characteristics of the student

There are no uniform design templates - the main thing is that it reflects real practical activities during the internship.

In order to identify a student who is given a characteristic from the place of internship, you must specify:

Next, you need to specify data that allows you to identify the place of internship (its organizational and legal form, name, department), as well as the head of the practice - position, department, last name, first name, patronymic.

Considering that there are different types of practice, accordingly, it is desirable to indicate a specific type, the date of its start and end.

What did the student do during the internship? It should be noted what exactly the trainee did during the period of internship in accordance with the official duties of the employees of the department.

And now the most interesting thing is that the head of practice from the organization must evaluate the trainee from a professional point of view:

  • his personal qualities;
  • the level of training available;
  • acquired new practical skills;
  • the ability to apply their theoretical experience in practice;
  • communicative qualities of the trainee.

The form of the characteristics of the student from the place of practice is drawn up according to the general rules - in Russian in printed text 14 in Times New Roman font with an interval of 1.5. It is advisable to write no more than 1 page of text.

For example, you can take our samples below by entering your data into them. It is not recommended to download ready-made characteristics from student sites - they are all individual, a sample of a student’s characteristics from the place of practice can be viewed here by entering your data there.

The correctness of the entries must be confirmed by the signature of the head of practice from the organization and certified by a seal.

An example of a characteristic from the place of practice

In the attached files you can see a sample of the characteristics of a student from the place of practice.

Characteristics of a trainee student at primary school

Educational institutions and organizations that, in accordance with the agreements concluded, provide places for internships, periodically have to draw up characteristics for students. In educational institutions, this duty is assigned to the curator or dean, in the company it is the head of practice from the enterprise.

Characteristics per student, depending on the source of the request, are internal and external. The former include documents that are used in the institution itself for transferring from one specialization or faculty to another, for awarding or imposing a penalty.

The external recipients of this characteristic are another educational institution where the student is transferred, the military registration and enlistment office when passing the commission, the future employer, for which the student is registered, etc.
The characteristic for a student is an official document drawn up in an institution, it contains information about his academic performance, personal and business qualities, participation in various circles and sections, as well as his scientific activities.

There is a characteristic for a student, which is filled in at the enterprise, the place of industrial or undergraduate practice. It is necessary to inform the educational institution about the student's knowledge and the success of their application in the economic activities of the organization.

Sample of compiling a general characteristics of a student

This document is drawn up on the letterhead of the educational institution, which must contain the name of the institution, details, address and contact numbers.

This is followed by the name of the beneficiary who submitted the request for characterization.
When filling out, the student's personal data, year of birth, date of admission to the educational institution, name of the faculty, course, group are indicated.

Then information is entered about the student's progress, his abilities in certain subjects, the attitude to the educational process, discipline is characterized. Here you can talk about the student's participation in scientific and social activities, awards and diplomas. It is also recommended to indicate the average grade.

The characteristic should contain data on the student's personal qualities, his attitude towards teachers and other students. At the end of the document, the date of its compilation is filled in, and it is signed by the curator and dean of the faculty, indicating their positions and personal data. The characteristic is certified by the seal of the educational institution.

An example of compiling a general characteristic of a student from the place of internship

According to the curriculum, students at a certain time must consolidate their knowledge while working at the enterprise. These places are provided either by the educational institution itself, or by the student himself.

After completing the internship at the enterprise, a characteristic is compiled, which is then applied by the student to the production report and the diary of its passage.
It is desirable that the characteristic be filled in, which should contain its details.

The introductory part indicates the name of the educational institution where this document is sent. After that, full name is filled in. trainee, faculty, specialty and group.
The characteristic should contain information about the type and duration of the practice. There are several types of them: fact-finding, production, pre-diploma. Information about the duration of the practice can be taken from the referral to the organization or the diary of its passage.

Further, the manager from the enterprise must fully describe the duties of the student and the list of works that he performed. In conclusion, the compiler of the characteristic should draw a conclusion about the acquired skills and abilities. It is also necessary to mention the personal and business qualities of the trainee. After that, the final grade of the student is indicated.

The document is signed by the practice curator from the enterprise and the head of the organization, after which it is certified by the seal of the enterprise. It must be registered in the log of outgoing correspondence and have a number.

As a result of the internship, I acquired the skills of working with documents used by the staff of the department for financial and economic issues, accounting and reporting. The work required accuracy, responsibility, communication skills in this industry. The practice helped to get acquainted with the order of work, taught responsibility, accuracy and sociability.

In conclusion, we can say that the entire period of internship was rich in analytical work on various points of the city administration's activities. These areas of activity included not only the personnel management system, but also economic and financial issues.

Feedback from the head of the enterprise about the student's practice

3rd year student of the GMU group 080504.65

From November 08 to December 18, 2012, Anna Nikolaevna Loginova of the Moscow Psychological and Social University underwent an internship with a degree in State and Municipal Administration in the administration of the city of Zaozerny, Rybinsk District, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Was acquainted with the organizational structure of the administration of the city of Zaozerny, documentation, the procedure for conducting personnel records management, accounting and storage of documents, the activities of the department for financial and economic issues, accounting and reporting. Participated in the preparation of documents. During the period of practice, she performed the duties of an accountant for the budget of the department for financial and economic issues, accounting and reporting. Carefully and responsibly treated the work performed. She coped well with the assigned tasks, namely: working with Word and Excel documents; work with representatives of subordinate institutions; work in the specialized program "Automated Control Center "FINANCE".

She was engaged in the preparation and maintenance of a consolidated budget list, the preparation and maintenance of a cash plan, and participated in various daily work. She performed all the assigned work conscientiously, strove to acquire new knowledge in order to be even more useful. Provided assistance to department staff on numerous occasions. During the internship, she showed herself as a responsible, executive, initiative person.

During the internship, Anna Nikolaevna Loginova showed a fairly high level of theoretical training, the ability to apply and use the knowledge gained in the educational institution to solve the practical problems assigned to her.

The internship program was completed in full.

In general, the work of the trainee Loginova Anna Nikolaevna deserves an “excellent” rating.

Deputy head of the city for social issues S.A. Bouquet

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