In what clothes do men like women? What dresses do men like

To the eternal question - what to wear to please him? - fit from different sides. You can study scholarly works about the most pleasing to the male eye shades, styles and textures of fabrics. And you can answer the question by contradiction. What to wear so as not to dress incorrectly?

The set of the nastiest items in women’s clothing, compiled from our survey of men, presented several surprises. As you might expect, the black list includes Afghani pants, thongs (especially those that peek out from under jeans), platform shoes, moccasins and ugg boots. Men also don't like capri pants, jeans with a low waist, jeans with a too high waist, or jeans tucked into boots. They disdained bodily tights and lingerie, and surprisingly categorically rejected miniskirts, leggings and cropped sleeves. What thoughts, images and desires are behind their preferences?

The main conclusion is extremely simple: men, whatever one may say, still continue to think in simple and completely traditional cliches, even if they never admit this to anyone. These stamps grew out of images familiar from childhood and starting, like Motherland, from a picture in your primer. The girl is painted there in a dress or skirt, a woman in shoes, a hat for warmth, glasses for sight or from the sun, the sleeves should cover the wrist bone, and the legs should cover the lacing of the shoes. Everything that departs from these canons, in the worst case, men subconsciously did not like it, and in the best case, it caused uncertainty and suspicion.


First of all, in order to elicit a positive reaction from a man, a woman's garment must be understandable. If we are talking about a dress, then it must be a dress.

Like that. A dress worn with pants simply does not count as a dress. Moreover, they do not look like a tunic, worn with leggings (which, in turn, cannot be classified as trousers). Likewise, a dress in the form of a bag and a dress with displaced proportions (batwing sleeve, for example, high waist, etc.) are rejected.

"Clothes of a simple style," they say amicably, "is good." Just a T-shirt, just jeans, just a bell skirt. Simple means familiar. You don't expect a dirty trick from a girl in a T-shirt and jeans, as well as in a classic skirt. Another thing is jumpsuit to the heels. And why did she dress like that? Why does she need three petticoats? Is there something hidden there? What if she is planning something? Or maybe she is only pretending to be a girl, but in fact, a swamp witch?

It's the same with shoes. Shoes are shoes. Shoes must be legible and identifiable. What kind of shoe have we drew from early childhood? That's right, with heels. Without a heel is something else. Platform shoes are nonsense. Why does she need a platform, a shoe? And a completely losing option from this point of view is sandal boots. These are neither boots, nor sandals, and certainly not shoes. Or here are knitted boots. Not socks. And besides, not boots. What should you call them? How to live next to them? So that we are not very sad, based on the same considerations, we can confidently assume that many, many men will fall in love with shoes with bows. A bow is familiar for a long time, feminine and firmly attached to shoes, both in production and in consciousness.


Although the bow is good, however, as it turned out, we should be careful with decorations. An excess of decorative elements is not very welcome.

The next conclusion is based on a long-known psychological cliche: a woman sees the details, and a man sees the whole. Only us girls, the mere presence of adorable and original beads can make us buy a whole T-shirt. And men, meanwhile, cringe: "Such pretentiousness: ruffles, frills ..."

So, are these little things pretentious? Are the frills bad? Not at all. In fact, neither the frill at the hem, nor the shuttlecock on the collar have scared off a single man. But if you suddenly say to him: "Honey, I've seen such a pretty dress with ruffles here," - a kind of Lady Gaga, hung with frills from head to toe, will immediately appear in his mind.

Therefore, in order to convince a young man of the undoubted attractiveness and necessity of this dress, one should not speak like that. It should be like this: "Dear, I saw a beautiful red dress on the figure." At first, the object's attention will be distracted by simple, understandable and pleasant images - beautiful, bright and in shape, and then against their background he will not at all notice any frills.

Or “the decor is the other way around” - they unanimously say that they “don't like torn jeans, clothes with artificial damage”. Doesn't it look like anything? That's right, all girls should be clean and tidy. And without any holes in the clothes. Even if highly artistic.


It's not just about clothes that matter; young people also discuss other details of their appearance - and condemn. Very pleasant for men, as it turns out, "non-obvious makeup and light hairstyle." Not otherwise because of a secret uncertainty. An unpleasant surprise will not hide from him under unobvious makeup. Bright makeup and "Babylon" on his head, sticking out contrary to the laws of physics, knock the soil out from under the feet of a young man who has his eyes on a girl. They fool poor men, make lilac eyes out of blue, how to live on? What if her hair is not her own, or her lips fall off?

Speaking of hair. Here, like nowhere else, the difference between a picture in the head and a real woman is manifested. Anyone will tell you that long hair is good because it is feminine and romantic. If, languidly shaking his curls, ask a man: "Sun, should I get a haircut?" Bob. For him, either there is hair or it is not. At this moment, his imagination drew not a pretty square to the middle of the neck and not even a stylish haircut, like Rihanna's, but immediately Sinead O'Connor, whose bald head he would have to grease with Vaseline before going to bed.

Therefore, despite all his protests, you can safely go to the hairdresser and embody a nice little square on yourself. Everything will be fine. He sees you, exhales noisily, mentally guides the ghost of Sinead O'Connor away and admits that it’s nothing at all, and an open neck, it turns out, is sexy.


Men discovered in themselves a dislike for milky, beige, flesh and other colors of designer tenderness. They like "pretty, bright colors." Have you noticed here the invisible equals sign between beautiful and bright? Yes, it is difficult for him to understand the play of complex shades of the same gray, and even more difficult to perceive the fact that steel gray is good, and aluminum gray has not been worn for two years. For the sake of experiment, you can take a man, bring him to a women's clothing store to the counter with identical blouses of 5-6 colors, and ask him to choose which one is the most beautiful. I put on a blouse, that in most cases they will choose red or blue, and not earthy brown, milky white or dusty beige.

I was also surprised by the dislike of men for bodily tights. “They look like bare legs,” gentlemen say about them. In roughly the same terms, one reader put it about nude nail polish: "Where's the nail polish?"

Here is how one respondent answered the question about dislike for flesh-colored pantyhose: “It's not the pantyhose themselves, but the fact that some wear them all year round - both in summer and winter. And here is a girl walking in the cold, on top of a down jacket or a fur coat, a hat, a scarf, everything is as it should be in the cold, from shoes - boots (often black), and between that and that - go-oh-bare feet! I feel sorry for her, and somehow it looks wildly, something like a mini-skirt or a short jacket in the cold. "

You understand their logic: tights are thin, so they are not for warmth, but for beauty. And if for beauty, then they should be visible. Therefore, they must be black or variegated. And flesh-colored tights fall under the definition of "useless, easily tearing object that can be unpleasant to find on a woman's legs." Like, why are these transparent things needed, if everything looks the same without them? Not otherwise, how to fool the poor man's head. Insidious, insidious women.


Some men noted that they did not accept women's coats and jackets with elbow sleeves and very, very much disliked capri pants. Why? The logic is already familiar to us. A coat with sleeves to the elbow is not a coat at all. Scarce trousers - what kind of trousers are they? Surprisingly, miniskirts are also bad for men - those that are the size of a maxi-belt. Is this a skirt, girls ?! If a thing looks like a belt, you should call it a belt. And to wear over a nice, understandable skirt, somewhere up to the knees.

What can we do? Here's what I suggest. Asking a man what he would like to see on a lady is not necessary at all. Do we dress and paint for ourselves? So let our clothes be pleasant first of all to ourselves.

And if you want to reconcile your beloved with a non-trivial item of your wardrobe, it is enough to come up with a convincing answer to his question “why?”. The more mundane the better. We wear tights so that the shoes do not rub. Trousers tucked into boots save you from the autumn slush. The wide skirt has very comfortable pockets. And in general it is warmer in it. All the same, the men declared in unison that the main thing is not the details (in which they, as it turned out, do not understand much), but "the general harmony of the appearance."

Irina Berlinova

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Today I would like to touch upon an interesting topic: "What kind of clothes do men like on women?" Many people think that this issue should not be given even 5 minutes of free time, but in vain. No wonder a popular proverb says that one is greeted by clothes. Psychologists claim that the wardrobe can influence the relationship between lovers.

A girl should have her own style and taste so that a man would not be ashamed to take her out into society, to acquaint her with friends, family, and work colleagues. As it has long been noted, guys are inherently conquerors, it is important for them to have a beautiful, sexy, but at the same time feminine nature next to them. Even if you are not like that, clothes can help create the desired look. There are taboo things like saggy sweatpants, ripped jeans, macaroni turtlenecks, and more. The leading positions remain for stylish dresses, skirts, trouser suits and, of course, underwear.

What kind of clothes do men wear on women? Admit it honestly, which of you has never thought about this question. If the answer is still not found, or there are doubts about the correctness of the options, carefully study the article. Of course, fashion does not stand still, changes are taking place, some models of skirts are replaced by others, but there are classic sets that are always at the peak of popularity. The main emphasis will be placed on them.

Unwavering rules

Situations often happen when, having chosen a new outfit, you are looking forward to meeting a man, and now bad luck, his reaction is not at all what we would like. There are no enthusiastic oohs and praises. All this happens because the opposite sex has slightly different ideas about female beauty.

The rules noted by famous designers will help you conquer a man once and for all:

  • All clothing should be feminine. You don't have to wear dresses or skirts every time to do this. For example, trousers can be paired with a beautiful lightweight blouse. Fabrics such as chiffon, guipure perfectly accentuate all the lines of the body. Hats, brooches, interesting non-massive jewelry will also be appropriate;
  • Every second man will notice a sexy woman. The conclusion suggests itself. The main thing here is not to go too far. Vulgar ladies are only suitable for pleasures and fleeting hobbies. Remember the main rule: if you open the neckline, then the bottom should be as modest as possible. And vice versa. Skin-tight leather dresses, boots, mini-skirts are not always appropriate. These clothes and shoes must be worn very carefully so as not to cause jealousy and irritation in your other half;
  • Clothes should be well-fitting. You should not buy a dress considering that you will soon lose those extra pounds.
  • Baggy outfits are also out of fashion. Why hide a figure in a canopy? Even if she's not perfect, don't be upset. Recently, many models of outfits have appeared that are able to hide flaws and maximize the advantages;
  • Don't forget smart shoes. Of course, comfortable maccassins, sneakers, sneakers, ballet flats are ideal for you, but not for men. Their attention is attracted by high-heeled shoes, better stiletto heels. The platform is also appropriate, but for a certain style of clothing. The classic version is pumps. For several seasons they have been the main ones at world shows in France and Italy. And this is no coincidence. Thanks to these shoes, the legs look attractive and sexy, the size of the feet is visually reduced;
  • Another important clarification: men are crazy about fur products (of course, if your boyfriend is not obsessed with protecting animals). Statistics show that after underwear, fur outfits are in second place in popularity. If possible, please your man by putting on a beautiful vest or fur coat.
We learned the rules, and now we turn to a more detailed examination of the models of outfits.

Winning outfits

If you want to please a man, choose your clothes carefully. Remember, it's best to have a friend as the advisor, not a friend. Believe me, in this case, the success will be overwhelming. So what clothes will get the guy's attention the most?

  • If you have beautiful breasts, feel free to choose a dress with an open neckline. It is suitable for any kind of event. Pay attention to the Basco model, which is at its peak. "Small skirt" (belly, thighs). Decorate the neck area with medium-sized beads or a thin chain with an original pendant;
  • Classic trouser suit... Why not. If you are the owner of a luxury figure, choose an outfit in light shades. Match with a bright blouse, stylish jewelry and pumps;
  • Mini skirts... It is better to purchase models that are slightly above the knee. Too short, more reminiscent of wide belts, only scare men away, they quickly light up from the beauty of their legs, but just as quickly lose interest in them;
  • Skinny pants... Trust me, even regular jeans can look pretty damn sexy. It is important that your fifth point is in great physical shape, otherwise the effect of the outfit will not be as we would like;
  • Elegant black dress... As Coco Chanel said, such an outfit should be in the wardrobe of every self-respecting woman. Put on shoes or stiletto sandals, apply the right makeup, focus on bright lips, complement the look with accessories and jewelry. Believe me, you are guaranteed success;
  • Classic blouse and pencil skirt with hip cut. Such an outfit excites the imagination of men. Play around with the color palette, don't be afraid to be bright and expressive.
Never go on dates in sporty outfits, men don't like them. Girls should be gentle, feminine, sexy, mysterious. Try to incorporate all of these adjectives into your wardrobe.


Another important detail that not many girls pay attention to is underwear. Remember, high-quality, interesting kits cannot be cheap. Leave comfortable busts made of natural fabrics for your daily shopping trips, meeting with your friends. You need to please your boyfriend with lace. In the old days, it was valued more than gold, only noblewomen could afford such sets. In our time, there is no such problem.

Pay attention to coveralls, interesting peignoirs, corsets. It looks very sexy and beautiful, while properly selected kits will hide many flaws.

Do not be ashamed of your body, show how seductive a girl can look like.

Attention to detail

In addition to the outfit itself, details are important. Pay attention to:

  • Clothes color... Men prefer classic shades: red, black, white. Taboo - gray, beige, orange;
  • Fabric texture... It should be soft, pleasant to the touch;
  • Matching the image... Adult ladies should not choose children's prints with cartoon characters;
  • Availability of accessories and jewelry... Such small details can perfectly complement an outfit, make it stand out.
Girls dream of looking stylish. But the pursuit of fashion trends is not always justified. Not every guy can understand brands and design things. It is important that he is attracted to your wardrobe visually. What kind of clothes do men wear on women? The article described the main points that you should pay attention to when going to the store and creating new images. To determine the tastes of your soul mate, go to the boutique with him, and then you will surely know which outfit suits you best.

Every woman strives to emphasize her beauty in order to more attract the admiring glances of men. Perhaps that is why the girls are so closely following fashionable news, dye their hair in and decorate themselves with all kinds of accessories and even! However, it often happens that men passing by either do not raise their eyes at all, or look with some strange interest.

The thing is that even the most trendy things are not to the liking of men. Their outlook on fashion is very conservative, and therefore finding clothes that really impress the stronger sex is not a very easy task.

So what should you avoid?

1. Shapeless coats, sweaters and ponchos

Oversize is practical and comfortable. You can calmly put on a size or two, no one will notice. However, men are categorically against clothes that hide not only flaws, but in general the whole figure.

Well, they do not like the "bag with legs"!

2. Jeans with a low waist

More precisely, the stronger sex is annoyed not so much by jeans as by the underwear peeking out from under them. There must be a mystery in a woman!

In addition, these jeans treacherously emphasize all the imperfections of the waist. The overhanging folds of skin on the sides don't paint anyone.

3. Jumpsuits

Alas, even the most fashionable silk or satin jumpsuit evokes negative emotions in men. They admit that in such clothes, women look like either little girls or aunts of the 70s. And jumpsuits with a free cut with an open back evoke associations of construction clothing. Moreover, such models are usually sewn from rather rough materials such as denim or canvas.

We admit that everything can be much simpler - the overalls are obviously more difficult to remove, and this subconsciously scares men away.

4. Leggings

And although almost every woman today has this detail, men are very skeptical about leggings. Firstly, they believe that such pants are too tight, leaving no room for imagination. They are devoid of riddles, and men are not interested.

And secondly, because of the convenience and simplicity, leggings began to be worn not only by girls with a slender figure, but also by curvy beauties.

However, there is still a chance to "save" leggings - you need to wear them correctly, namely - with a tunic or blouse of a longer cut. But you will have to forget about short T-shirts.

5. Maxi skirts

If everything is clear with mini skirts, then why the maxi did not please the men. Remains a mystery. Perhaps due to the fact that such skirts completely hide the legs. What if they are a wheel?

6. Empire style dresses

It seems that the chest is emphasized, but the stronger sex does not like everything! It turns out that everything is simple. It seems to men that girls in such dresses look like pregnant women.

7. "Kids" T-shirts

Do you like "Hello kitty"? We'll have to forget, because our second halves do not like silly inscriptions and children's pictures on adult girls. Childhood should remain in childhood.

8. Trousers

No matter how comfortable they are to wear, such pants visually spoil the figure, shortening the legs and increasing the hips.

The girl in the trousers is jokingly called by the men "the girl in diapers." The trousers also have a well-known nickname "pants with a winding".

In addition, bloomers hide the beauty of women's legs and visually shorten them.

9. Pants with a high waist

And all because the stronger sex does not like the rear view in such clothes. High-waisted jeans are especially antisexual. They are also called mom jeanse. The viral video perfectly reflects the perception of this model by men.

Some types of women's shoes also fell out of favor:

  • Summer boots... Well, men do not understand why soar their legs in high boots in summer, when you can wear open sandals.
  • Ugg boots... Hatred for them appeared due to the formlessness and large circulation of these comfortable shoes.
  • Ballet shoes... Undoubtedly, this is convenient, but the visual shortening of the legs gave ballet flats a place in the anti-parade of women's wardrobe.
  • Gladiator Sandals... Boys do not like them, as it takes a long time to take them off, and there are still marks on the skin from the straps. And there is no way to prove to the male half of humanity that traces remain from almost any clothing and footwear! And some of the shoes also got calluses ...

Men also have unloved women's accessories.

  • Too big and too small bags... In the first, it is difficult to find the right thing, and they look very unattractive. The latter, according to the male sex, are absolutely meaningless.
  • Headbands and headbands... Any foreign objects on the girl's head only cause irritation.
  • Huge sunglasses... In the eyes of men, girls with glasses covering half of their faces look suspicious and ugly.

What men's things do girls like, and which ones, on the contrary, repel them? This question is extremely relevant today for strongly sex. After all, clothing for men is like a bright plumage in which they are trying to win the attention of women.

Of course, items of men's wardrobe should cover nudity, protect from the wind and sun, and warm in the cold. But their functions do not end there: nothing prevents men's clothing from being beautiful and having an attractive appearance. Modern fashionistas are perfectly "savvy" in style trends, they learn to experiment in clothes and harmoniously combine men's things. Let's find out what they need to pay attention to in order to please women.

Shirts for men. Many ladies admit that they love looking at men who wear shirts. Free style, unexpected details, original cut are welcomed. A shirt is a versatile item because it is indispensable at work, and also suitable for walking, going to the cinema or going to a nightclub party.

Leather things. Men should also pay attention to outerwear - the combination of a jacket with trousers and shoes plays an important role in the eyes of a girl. Things made of genuine leather are considered especially stylish. In the online store today it is very easy to order men's jackets for every taste: "rocker" leather jackets, jacket jackets, etc. The sexuality and drive that comes from leather things are very attractive to women.

Sporty style. A healthy lifestyle, an athletic physique is the "trump card" of men who take care of themselves. You can dress your muscles in clothes for men, which will emphasize the dignity of the figure. Purely sports items are appropriate only in the gym, but stylized wardrobe items are suitable for the street. For example, nice sweatshirts for men can be worn with jeans to please the female sex. All kinds of T-shirts and expensive sneakers are also appreciated.

Men's jackets. The fair sex most of all appreciates masculinity, grooming and elegance in guys. Not surprisingly, men's blazers are among the top most attractive wardrobe items. But these are not strict office things with a touch of officialdom, but fashionable fitted jackets decorated with original details. This image is close to improvisation and spontaneity, which affects girls like a magnet.

What annoys women in men's clothing

What is it that scares women off about the appearance of men and their way of dressing? Of course, this is a matter of taste: some girls are horrified at the sight of "children's" hats with a pompom, others are alarmed by knee-length ties, shiny or striped gangster-style suits, and still others pay attention to too short or white socks worn under dark shoes ... The list goes on and on, but there are still a few general observations that most girls will agree with.

Most often, women are annoyed not by the presence of any particular detail in the guys' wardrobe, but rather by sloppiness, inability to select things with taste, to correctly combine them with each other. It is unlikely that you will see admiration on the face of your companion if you come to a meeting in a wrinkled, dirty, awkward, even if even a suit assembled from fashionable things.

Men are advised to scrap stretched sweaters and holey socks, and instead buy fresh high-quality new clothes. Women love men in clothes that suit their personality. Bright unusual accessories will help to reveal your personality even more: belts, scarves, gloves, ties.

The answer to the question of what kind of men women like is quite simple - dressed stylishly and tastefully. You don't need to spend a lot of money on your men's wardrobe and hunt for branded items. The main thing is to monitor the neatness, neatness of appearance and skillfully create suitable ensembles. At the same time, it is important to choose the right outerwear and accessories for men.

Women are betting on trends. And they show their rivals their awareness in the fashion world: "I know what, what, what!" Surely she is happy in her stylish look! However, women's fashion is 100% feminine and so often misunderstood by men. This is confirmed by this list of fashion trends that women like, but which men find ... stupid, boring, asexual (underline as appropriate). So, what kind of women's clothing men DO NOT like?

Hats "sweet"

With the onset of autumn, Mickey Mouses, cats, dogs, leopards and even cows appear on the cold streets of cities. Everybody knows muzzles, noses, ears and other decorative elements of "zoo" for women. For men, girls and women in such headdresses seem too infantile. And they seem to be right, don't you think? ...

Extreme platform not like men

Men already have difficulties with the platform: "too clumsy", "yes, you are taller than me!"

Moreover, do not count on the understanding of the guys if you put on a very high platform in the style of Lita Boots from Jeffrey Campbell, i.e. if the wooden mega-platform of the ankle boots is tightened with leather.

Like hooves! - What are these, orthopedic shoes?

Such "compliments" are also possible! Probably mixed with the fear that we will step on their feet - by accident, of course!

Batik is the very last

Clothing in modern batik bows induces a spontaneous gag reflex in many men. "You dressed up like a hippie!" one exclaims. "Walk alone in this form," the other will modestly comment. "We like it!" Often the opinion of men in this matter is so strong that it is almost impossible for them to explain the following: such clothes can look cool, and that this is just a matter of style combination! Now what to bury in the closet all the awesome bloody pullovers?

What clothes don't men like? Chinos!

Everything here is completely sad. Chinos, beloved by many of us, or, even more so, harem pants, in no case can count on the mutual love of men. Already an earlier trend " Boyfriend-Jeans"made the strong half of the planet Earth shake their heads:

"Girls, we want to see your legs! Put on at least a skinny ..."

What can we say about the trends that completely hide the figure from the male gaze?

By the way, we ourselves are not completely sure whether they really suit us like that ...

Open diaphragm - a new style of clothing with an open belly

Gwyneth Paltrow started, with Katy Perry, Selena Gomez and Keira Knightley catching up. The new trend of open abdomens does not expose the navel, but the trained muscles above the diaphragm. "Just bare - sexuality looks different... I don’t like it! ”, - men say. Yes, they definitely don’t like“ bare belly 2.0 ”and, perhaps, even secretly dream of the times when women's skin only occasionally peeped out on the border of jeans and T-shirts. - exactly as long as it is enough to start the proper work of the male imagination.

Plaid shirt for men - oh nooo

This concludes our list of things that men do not like. There is more, but this is a secret - something should remain in your wardrobe after reading this article.