The tale "Turnip" - in a new way. Theatrical ecological fairy tale "Grandfather's Garden" for children of the older group

Theatricalization of the ecological fairy tale "Grandfather's Garden" based on the fairy tale "Turnip" for children senior group

purpose: Development of creativity and communication skills through theatrical play

Leading : Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

By the river where the factory was.

We lived peacefully - did not grieve

Yes, they planted a vegetable garden.

Grandfather sits on a tree stump

And with longing in vegetable garden looks.

Grandfather : So as not to starve in winter,

We need to do something ...

I will plant - ka garden

Will grow cabbage

And carrots, garlic and onions

It will be thick in the garden.

And then I will reap a rich harvest,

Treat my friends

They will be glad!

Leading : For a long time, Grandfather was waiting for the harvest,

I waited and did not wait.

Grandfather : My crop is not growing,

He stayed in the ground.

What to do? How to be?

I need to ask Grandma for me.

Grandma : How to do what? Your garden,

You must water

You, go grandfather for water,

Perhaps it will grow.

Leading : And Grandfather went for water

To the river that is closer.

He scooped up two buckets

And exclaimed:

Grandfather : Well, business!

Leading : Grandfather came to the garden

With dirty water

Grandma showed a bucket:

Grandma : Horror! What is it?

Leading : The water was rainbow

With the smell of gasoline.

The bottom is not visible at the bucket ...

Grandfather and grandma : And pour us garden, so necessary!

What to do? How should we be?

We need to ask our Granddaughter.

Leading : The granddaughter came running.

That's what im said:

Granddaughter : If the water is dirty

That, of course, is the trouble for everyone.

We will filter the water

Garden to water.

I'll take dirty water

Pour through the filter.

Dance with buckets danced

Granddaughter: You can filter the water,

But it's better to type a clean one.

Where did you get water-

The plant stood by the river.

He threw it into the water

Dirty waste.

Grandpa, better go to the forest,

Find a spring behind the hill.

Water always flows in it

She is crystal clear.

Leading : Grandfather came with water again.

He began to water the earth.

The crop still does not grow ...

He will not understand anything.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter : What to do? How to be?

We need to ask the Bug.

Leading : The bug came running.

That's what im said:

Bug : To grow a vegetable garden

We need to loosen the earth.

Leading : The bug took a rake,

She began to loosen.

And weeded and loosened,

Only one garbage dug.

Bug : Oh, I can't do it on my own

I'll call the Cat.

Leading : The Cat with the Mouse came running.

They began to cleanse the earth.

Get jars, bottles.

And collect pieces of paper.

Cat with Mouse : How much garbage has accumulated!

Help, kids!

Leading : The guys came running to them,

They were so happy about them!

They all collected the trash together,

Everyone was waiting for the harvest.

Leading : How much time has passed,

Somehow the sun came up.

After all the friendly work.

Grandfathers grew up garden.

Harvested together

Grandfather : We need to treat our friends!

Leading : And the guys hurried

They brought the signs to the river.

"Do not litter!" ,

“To love nature! Guard her with care! "

All : So that we always have clean water everywhere!

In one distant ecovillage lived a grandfather, a woman and a granddaughter. Actually, they had names, but so intricate (Rogveda, Peremysl and Zdravoslav) that we will try to do without them in our ecological fairy tale. This family also had pets. Initially, after reading the cuneiform works of V. Megrenin, the grandfather wanted to have mammoths, but later agreed to the usual cat, dog and mouse. And since they did not eat animals in the ecovillage and treated them as equals, the animals turned out to be smart, they helped around the house, and sometimes they could even enter into an intimate conversation with people. It is seldom true, what, one wonders, to talk to people about? So, the dramas are alone and the experiences are empty.

My grandfather led agriculture according to the method of permaculture. Well, how could it be otherwise? The granddaughter spends all the time near the magic mirror, the grandmother is busy with yoga for the spine, and the grandfather is sitting in the lotus position in the garden of stones. Who is there to weed, plow and water? So permaculture was perfect for the ecovillage. One trouble - there is enough food, but the king has nothing to pay the rent. The grandfather then decided to look for experimental varieties of root crops through the granddaughter's magic mirror. He sat there for a couple of evenings and was already quite disgusted, but suddenly he came across what he needed. The grandfather ran to the grandmother, unwrapped her from a complex yoga asana and said:

- I, grandma, found a special kind of turnip, called "Pripyat-86"! They say she grows big, big! This, old one, is what we need, shoby, it means that the tsar must pay the rent.

The old man ordered a turnip from overseas merchants, and soon the seeds of a marvelous root crop were brought directly to the ecovillage. The grandfather thought for a long time where to plant this miracle. On the one hand, like a turnip, but what if it doesn't fit into permaculture? Then the old man decided to plant a turnip on the edge of the field, so that if the root crop does not start, then there would be less harm from it.

In the early days, the growth of a new turnip did not stand out in anything special. The tops appeared from the ground, well, perhaps a little earlier than the standard representatives of this root crop. But then the miraculous and diva-wondrous began. When the rest of the turnips were just knitted, "Pripyat-86" was already the size of grandfather's head! The old man was very happy about this fact and began to water new turnip several times a day. And so, two weeks later, the grandfather came to the garden and looked that the turnip was already the size of himself, and all the land around it was plowed up and not a single cucumber, tomato, onion, but what, there was nothing at all! The old man was saddened, he went home, but forgot to close the gate. The grandfather could not fall asleep all night, still thinking what kind of crime was committed and whether to tell the rest of the family about it, and in the morning he decided to go check everything again.

He came and realized that through the open gate, hares crept into the garden. At the time of my life, I should have felt sorry for my grandfather, but only it was necessary to feel sorry for the hares, because judging by the pieces of ears and skins, not one of them left the ecovillage garden alive. The grandfather understood everything, he rushed to the turnip with the drum turned out of the fence, but where there! The turnip has already grown stronger and was able to give change! An unequal battle ensued, and if the grandmother, then the granddaughter, and then the dog, the cat and the mouse had not arrived from the house, the end would have been sad. But all together the ecovillants defeated the overseas monster and chained it in chains.

The grandfather rushed to the city, called the tax collectors and returned with them to. There, in the cart, a turnip rattled in chains, trying to bite into the metal. The grandfather told the publicans that this marvelous root crop is a rent, which is due from the ecovillage in favor of the tsar-father. The tax collectors scratched their heads, and decided that since the good is royal, then let the king decide what to do with such a miracle. They harnessed their horses to the cart and took the turnip to the city.

The rest of the events are covered in mystery. Either the tsar ordered the turnip to be freed from the shackles for fun, or the tax collectors could not resist, but there is no longer either the city, the tsar or the tax collectors. Quiet in those places now, only sometimes large plants rustle with leaves, somewhat vaguely resembling turnips. But it is reliably known that the ecovillage is in good health and even the beginning, freed from the rent, flourishes.


On stage - Turnip. It is huge in size, with gigantic tops. Only the tops are visible, the Turnip itself is hidden from the audience by a cape. Music from the movie "The Godfather" is played.

SECOND VOICE... We did our best ... But they dug under it. They dug like crazy. They used poison, burned out all her surroundings. They had been preparing the ground for a long time ... In the end, they planted it. They huddled it all summer ... and they got it. Now she is a natural vegetable.

Dedka enters the stage. Looks around, then goes to Turnip, pulls off the cape. Surprised, he looks at Repka from all sides.


Those are the times ... And those are the two! ..

What are the palm tops? ( Touches the tops).

It must be dried for the winter

Useful for firewood.

He spits on his hands, rubs them, then grabs onto Repkin's tops. He tries to pull, but fails. Speaks during the action.

But, darling, let's go!

What is STE for business?

Was that glue spilled there,

Either it sprouted with nails!

Shouts backstage:

Grandma, come on, come on!

Replenish my ranks!

What did you water the turnip with

Besides raw water?

Grandma enters the stage. It is of impressive size in width and barely rolls over the stage.


Well, why are you bothering again?

Only to create a scandal.

Speaks to the audience.

Doesn't let you look, at least burst

My favorite serial.

Turns to Dedka.

I watered as best I could

I consumed all the nitrates.

Look, Kaka is healthy,

Straight, like from a church dome.


You there, grandma, don't mumble.

Come on, help me!

Hold on tight to me

And - at full stretch!

Grandma reluctantly grabs Dedka, tries to pull with him, but unsuccessfully, as a result falls to the fifth point.


Wow, thunderstorm break me!

Grandfather, hit the brakes.

I'm not tabe Volochkov,

Shirshe - thirty-three times!


Eating is not a tricky craft!

So you got smashed.

And would be like Nastasya,

Everything is transparent like glass.

You'd better be on a pole

Spun the fute.

And in the middle of the night she stopped

Crack those burgers!


Volochkova always

Was not the least bit thin.

Only in growth does she leave

That overseas food.


Grandma, don't turn on the brake!

And with fast food - stop it.

Vaughn, sitting on a diet:

So that there is only tea on the menu.

Babka(again tries to get up and help Dedka, but only tears his jacket).

Oh, no way to cope!

Grandfather (looking at the torn clothes with chagrin).

In rags - my lapserdak ...

Apparently, we will have to help

Click granddaughter, if so ...


Don't frighten me, child!

The Granddaughter enters the stage - skinny, worn out, dissatisfied.


What, a fight for the harvest?

How my ancestors got me

At least go to the capital!

Here I am definitely out of work.

There are no relatives, no souls, no bodies.

Disco with an accordion -

The most terrible chaos.

Grandfather (again grabs the tops, waves the rest of the hand. Grandma is favored for Grandpa, Granddaughter reluctantly - for Grandma).

Well, girls, the air is in the chest!

Dragged somehow!

They try to pull the Turnip, but Grandma falls again, and Granddaughter begins to cough.


I don't have enough breathing apparatus.

Give me some rest.

Grandfather (speaks reproachfully).

What, smoked again?

GRANDDAUGHTER(with a challenge).


How much harm from you!

Out, and the lungs are suffering,

And the environment.

Women, what kind of people are you?

Enta - hamburgers in your mouth,

That - a cigarette, as soon as he wakes up,

Endlessly sticks into it.


Old, don't poison the air.

Better call Bug.

Only barks idle

With males about love.

The Beetle and the Cat tumble out onto the stage, embracing, staggering, with silly smiles on their faces. They sing: "And we dream of grass, grass near the house! .." The grandmother looks at them in shock, clutching at her heart.

What's with them? I don’t understand.

Doesn't it look like a plague?

Apparently, grandfather, you have to

Manage yourself.

Grandfather (also in shock, approaches the Bug and the Cat, makes them "breathe)

Why such a passion?

Well, you, open your mouth!

The bug and Murka "breathe" on Dedka. He speaks in bewilderment into the hall.

I hid the stash in the booth ...

Is it really spilled ?!

Indeed, they are truly eccentric.

Well, think about it, out of longing

We drank a little with Murka ...

We relished ... from the river.

Murka (nods in agreement, continues to speak to the audience).

There's a chemical plant

Pours waste all year round.

It's a pity, there is a problem with the snack,

Fish do not live in the river.

Dear friends! Those who are interested in this scenario can get it full versionif they write to me by email:
[email protected]
Low price - modest gratitude to the author for his work.
In time, the script is designed for fifteen minutes. Using this script, you can cheer up your viewers with a festive mood!
Sincerely yours, author Evelina Pizhenko

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The scenario of the ecological fairy tale "Turnip"

Leading: Grandfather planted a turnip and is waiting for it to grow big, big. And it doesn't grow. Grandfather called grandmother.

Grandfather: Grandma, grandma, help! The turnip for some reason does not grow.

Grandma: Here, take fertilizers and sprinkle them on the turnip.

Leading: The grandfather listened to the grandmother and began to sprinkle the turnip with fertilizers every day. The turnip grows by leaps and bounds.

But here's another problem - the weeds overcame. Grandfather is calling his granddaughter.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, beauty, help weed the garden. My turnip is completely overgrown.

Granddaughter: I once weed the beds. My friends are calling the disco. You are wearing a weed killer - it's called a herbicide.

Leading: The grandfather sprinkles the turnip with fertilizers, sprinkles with herbicides. The turnip grows by leaps and bounds. But a new misfortune happened - the garden pests overcame. Grandfather calls the Bug and the cat for help.

Grandfather: Bug! Cat! Help! Catch all the pests!

Bug: We have no time to catch insects! We're going to town. To the dog and cat show.

Cat: Here, take an insecticide, it will destroy all pests. My-I-I-oo!

Leading: The grandfather sprinkles the turnip with fertilizers, sprinkles with herbicides, sprinkles with insecticides. The turnip is growing, the sides are pouring.

But then the grandfather noticed that his turnip began to rot. He calls the mouse for help.

Grandfather: Mouse! Oh, mouse! Help get rid of the rot.

Mouse: I have no time, grandfather, to bother with a turnip. I'm running to watch a series about the superhero Mickey Mouse. Here's a fungicide. It helps from rot.

Leading: The grandfather slept on his turnip with fertilizers for growth, sprinkled herbicides for weeds, sprayed them with insecticides against pests, watered them with fungicides against rot. So a big, big, beautiful turnip with shiny sides has grown.

Grandfather: Hey guys, the turnip has grown. Help pull it out. And I'll treat you to a turnip.

Leading: A grandfather for a turnip, a grandmother for a grandfather, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a bug for a granddaughter, a cat for a bug, a mouse for a cat ... .. They pulled a turnip! The grandfather cut off a piece of the turnip. I tried….

Grandfather: Ugh! It doesn't taste good! And empty inside. Thank you for your chemistry. Eat the turnip yourself if you want! I won't!

Leading: But no one began to eat the tasteless turnip. You can't eat such a turnip! So they left her alone in the garden.

The turnip lay, lay, sprinkled it with snow, poured rain on it. And it didn't deteriorate because it was treated with chemicals.

Fly past Goriukha Fly. I saw a turnip and flew inside.

Fly: Who, who lives in the little house?

Leading: But this is a completely different tale.

The music sounds "Oh, you, canopy my canopy"

The end.

It's not bad if the role of the mouse that decides the whole problem belongs to the leader or hero of the occasion. Seven players-characters of the Turnip fairy tale take part. The host assigns roles. The game is suitable for both children and adult company... The responses of the heroes can be chosen - which ones you like best. or come up with your own.

Be careful!
1st player will turnip.When the leader says the word "turnip", the player must say "Oba-na" or "Oba, that's what I am ..."

2nd player will grandfather.When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say "Would kill" or "I would kill, e-May"

3rd player will grandmother.When the host says the word "grandma", the player must say "Oh-oh" or « Where is my 17 years old? "

4th player will granddaughter... When the host says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready yet" or "I'm not ready"

5th player will Bug... When the host says the word "Bug", the player must say "Woof-woof" or "Well, you fucking give, dog work"

6th player will cat... When the host says the word "cat" the player must say "Meow meow" or “Get the dog off the playground! I have an allergy to her coat! I don't work without valerian! "

7th player will with a mouse.When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pee-pee" or "All okay, gore you a mosquito!"

The game begins, the host tells a fairy tale, and the players voice it.

Leading: Dear viewers! Fairy tale on new way see if you want to?

Surprisingly familiar, but with some additions ... in one, well, very rural, area very far from being famous, there was a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: and grandfather planted a turnip.
(Turnip emerges)
Turnip: Both on! Here I am!
Leading:Our turnip has grown big, very big!
(Repka emerges from behind the curtain)
Repka: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
Grandfather: (leaning out from behind the curtain) Would kill, e-may!
Repka: Oba, here I am!
Leading:grandfather called Grandma.
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Grandma (emerging over the curtain): Where are my 17 years ?!
Leading:grandma came ...
Grandma: Where are my 17s?
Leading: Grandma for grandpa ...
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa for a turnip ...
Repka: Oba, here I am!
Leading: They pull, pull - they cannot pull. Calling Grandma ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Granddaughter!
Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!
Leading: Didn't make up your lips? Granddaughter came ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!
Leading: took up Grandma ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for Grandpa ...
Grandpa: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa for a turnip ...
Turnip: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: pull, pull - they can't pull ... Granddaughter calls ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: Bug!
Bug: well, you damn it, give, dog work!
Leading: Bug came running ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work ...
Leading: I took on the Granddaughter ...
Granddaughter:: I'm not ready ...
Leading: Granddaughter for Grandma ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for Grandpa ...
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa for Turnip ...
Turnip: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: pull-pull - they can't pull out ... took the Bug ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading: : Cat!
Cat: Get the dog off the playground! I have an allergy to her coat! I don't work without valerian!
Leading: the cat came running and how it will grab the bug ...
Leading: : The bug screamed ...
Bug: (screeching) Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading: took on the granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...
Leading: granddaughter - for Grandma ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma - for Grandpa ...
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa - for the turnip ...
Turnip: Both on!
Leading: : They pull, pull, cannot pull. Suddenly the Mouse appears from the barn with a wide step ...
Mouse: Okay, gore you Mosquito?
Leading: Out of need she went out and she did it under the Cat.
Cat: Remove the dog. Allergy to my wool, without valerian - I do not work!
Leading: How to scream with indignation ... Mouse ... Mouse: Okay, gore you a mosquito?
Leading: grabbed the Cat, Cat ...
Cat: Take the dog away, I'm allergic to his coat, I don't work without valerian!
Leading: the cat again grabbed the bug ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading: The bug grabbed the granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...
Leading: The granddaughter flies to the grandmother ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma broke into Dedke ...
Grandfather: e-may, would kill!
Leading: then the mouse got angry, pushed the people aside, grabbed the tops and pulled out a root crop! Yes, you see, by all indications this is not a simple mouse!
Mouse: Okay, gore you a mosquito?
Turnip: Oba, that's what I am ...
(The turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping away tears, Turnip hits the floor with a hat.)

You can, as a punishment for those who got lost, come up with a fine, for example, jump 5 times (for children) or drink a glass (for adults).

The tale "Turnip - 2" - in a new way

The second tale is more complicated because, in addition to words, each actor needs to do the corresponding movements. Therefore, before the fairy tale, right in front of the audience, you can rehearse.

Roles and their description:
Turnip - at every mention of it, raises his hands above his head in a ring and says: "Both on".
Grandfather - rubs his hands and says: "So-so".
Grandma - waves his fist to his grandfather and says: "Would kill".
Granddaughter - puts his sides in his hands and says in a languid voice: "I'm ready".
Bug - twirls its tail - "WOF WOF".
Cat - licks himself with his tongue - "Pshsh-meow".
Mouse - hides his ears, covering them with his palms - "Pee-pee-scatter."
The sun - stands on a chair and looks, as the story progresses, moves to the other side of the "stage".

Likewise, you can play fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok" etc.

If you wish, you can make masks. Print on a color printer and cut, enlarging the picture to the right size - depending on whom the masks are needed (for children or adults).