Drawing autumn birch senior group. Autumn birch with gouache in stages



Summary of educational activities

in senior

speech therapy group

Theme: "Autumn birch"

educational area

"Artistic Creativity"





Yelets 2015


  • To form the ability to display in the figure the characteristic features of a birch.


  • continue to learn to depict trees and its parts.
  • be able to add additional elements to the drawing, enriching its content (grass, sun, etc.)
  • Strengthen your watercolor skills.
  • develop imagination, artistic taste.
  • To fix the dictionary on the topic “Autumn. Trees"
  • Strengthen the ability of children to answer questions in full sentences.
  • Learn to use plural nouns in the dative case in speech.
  • Cultivate love for the native land
  • Cultivate respect for trees
  • Consolidate children's knowledge about autumn, trees
  • Develop fine motor skills.
  • Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger gymnastics.

Equipment and materials:

The course of directly educational activities

1. Organizational moment:

Educator: - Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children: -Did you all walk in the autumn forest?

Educator: Have you seen many trees? Now I will find out how well you know trees. (everyone is given envelopes with different pictures of leaves).

Educator: - You need to collect a split picture, then find this sheet in a basket with different leaves and attach the leaflet to the corresponding tree that stands in the clearing.

Educator: Well done! All managed. Now imagine that we are walking through the autumn forest, walking between the trees, I suggest you play in the forest

Educator: - Birch-birch

mountain ash



2.Main part:

Educator: - Well done! Guys, have any of you noticed that there is no tree in our forest?

(in case of difficulty, a riddle). Russian beauty Stands in a clearing In a green blouse, In a white sundress.

When the children name the answer, the teacher asks

Educator: - “What is the name of the birch in this riddle?

Educator: - Why is she called a Russian beauty?

Educator: - What is called a white sundress on a birch?

Educator: -Now listen to another riddle: Alena is standing: Green scarf Thin camp, White sundress.

Educator: - - In this riddle, another sign of birch is indicated - “thin camp”. What do you think is meant by these words: (thin, tall trunk)

The teacher shows an illustration depicting a birch: “what kind of birch did the artist depict?”

Together with the children, he lists all the signs that they will have to reflect in their drawings: a white tall trunk with black spots, thin, curved branches, a translucent crown with yellowed leaves.

3. Analysis and sample showing:

Educator: - And today we will draw an autumn birch.

See how it turned out, you must first learn how to depict some of its parts on a white piece of paper.

Let's start by drawing thin, flexible, curved branches, tilted in different directions.

The teacher shows and says: “Like other trees, the branches from the trunk grow upwards, but then they gradually round off and fall down. Draw with the tip of the brush.

And we will draw birch foliage with the help of stamps. After you
draw a trunk, spots on the trunk and branches, you can draw a birch crown.
Dip your finger in water, then in paint (yellow) and gently apply to
foam rubber stamp, then we make an imprint. And so on. The leaves are drawn like this
so that the gaps between the leaves are visible.

4. Working with watercolor:

Before work, finger gymnastics is performed. Friends in our group

Girls and boys,(Make a castle)

We will make friends with you

little fingers(Bend and unbend fingers)

One two three four five.
start counting again(Bending each finger)

Repeat the drawing sequence.

In the process of drawing, the teacher, if necessary, recalls techniques

Draw a birch trunk. If the child is of a younger age group, then put a dot at the top of the sheet and 2 dots - the width of the trunk at the bottom of the sheet of paper. We connect the top point with the two bottom ones. Let us draw the child's attention to the fact that the twigs near the birch first rush up, then fall down, like trickles of water from a fountain. At the top of the crown, we make a small fountain of 3-4 twigs, then a larger one. And the lower branches should be the longest. Then we add smaller ones to these large branches, and even less to smaller ones. It is best to show step by step on the board with chalk how to draw it. If you draw at home with your baby, then sit next to him and show on your sheet of paper how to do it right. It will be difficult for small children to draw thin birch twigs, so give him a black marker or felt-tip pen. When the birch has become bright and expressive, then we take watercolor. With black color, draw the trunk of the birch and wash the brush well. Watercolor loves water, then it is clean, transparent and fresh. We make with a brush (3rd size) puddles in yellow, orange and red. And we leave spots - traces in turn: first in yellow, etc. These are autumn birch leaves. Be sure to make a multi-colored spot under the birch - its fallen leaves. You can also depict leaf fall. I did not guess, but the children drew. I'll ask them for work for hire and then I'll show you. Have a nice creative pastime!

Municipal state preschool educational institution -

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 1 "Brook"

Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region

Summary of GCD for children of the senior group on the topic: "Russian beauty!"

Educator of the 1st qualification category MKDOU No. 1 "Brook" Usoltseva L.V.

Cognitive development:

To expand children's ideas about the image of a birch in poetry, music, art, children's fine arts.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Improve brush techniques. To consolidate the ability to draw the image of a birch in spring (a white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, spring foliage coloring) using non-traditional drawing techniques.

Speech development:

Replenish vocabulary with new words: mirror surface, process, penny

Social and communicative development:

Cultivate a sense of love for the birch and careful handling.

Preliminary work: observation of a birch on a walk; reading poetry, proverbs, sayings about birch; learning the round dance “We are around the birch”; viewing reproductions of paintings.

Individual work:

Monitor the speech of children, assist children during the practical part.

Educator: Guys, today we have guests. Let's say hello to them and warm them with our smiles. And what else warms us and improves our mood? (Sun.)

Educator: Let's imagine that our hands are the sun's rays, touch each other and give warmth to our friends.

Music plays, slides are projected on the screen


Like a Russian girl, silent, stands,

Above the river, the birch leaves move.

Only the wind plays in the braids of long foliage,

Only the stars blink at her from above at night.

Early in the morning she gets up to meet the sun,

Smiling, he looks into the mirror.

And, probably, there is no birch relative in the world,

After all, birch is a particle of my Russia.

Educator: Today we will talk about the Russian birch and depict it using non-traditional drawing techniques.

Birch is a symbol of the beauty of Russian nature, a symbol of Russia. They love birch very much and call it the “Russian Beauty”, although birch grows not only in Russia. It grows in North America and China, and in Japan there is a birch with red bark.

What kind of birch do you prefer?

(The most beautiful birch is our white Russian beauty.)

Educator: Russia has long been called the birch land. Therefore, many poets praise the Russian birch in their poems. She can be admired at any time of the year. Let's remember the verses about the birch.


Sleepy birches smiled,

Tousled silk braids,

Rustling green earrings,

And silver dews are burning (S. Yesenin) (in summer)

Educator: What is birch in summer?


It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

(E. Trutneva)

Educator: What is birch in autumn?


White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe…

Educator: What is birch in winter? (children's answers)

Educator: Look how beautiful the birch is at different times of the year.

Educator: Not only poets dedicate their poems to the birch, artists also like to depict the birch in their paintings. Guys, let's see how they portray her at different times of the year.

Here is a reproduction of the painting I. Levitan "Birch Grove"

At what time of the year did the artist depict birch trees? (children's answers)

The place where a lot of birch trees grow is called a birch grove, the artist named his painting that way. What else can you call it?

Children: Bereznyak.

Educator: Now look at the following reproduction. N. Baksheeva "Blue Spring".

And here, at what time of the year is the birch depicted?

How easy is it to distinguish a birch from other trees? (children's answers)

Educator: And on this reproduction of the picture I.E Grabar "Winter Landscape" what season is shown?

Children: Winter.

Educator: What other trees did you recognize?

What are birch branches covered with in winter? (Birch branches are covered with frost in winter.)

Educator: Would you like to be with me now in the spring birch grove?

(musical accompaniment sounds).

Educator: Guys, let's sit down with you in the clearing. Close your eyes and imagine that a light spring breeze swirled and brought us to the spring forest. (Assistants bring in "birches") The sun is shining gently, birds are chirping, the spring air is clean and transparent. Let's take a deep slow breath through the nose. Do you feel how your lungs are filled with the fragrant air of the spring forest? Now fold your lips into a tube and exhale slowly. Now you can open your eyes. Look, we ended up in a birch grove.

Educator: For whom is the forest a home?

(The forest is home to trees, birds, animals, insects.)

Teacher: Look, someone is coming towards us.


Hello! I am so glad

To be with you on this day!

Thank you for not forgetting me

And on this spring day they visited.

Educator: The people come up with proverbs and sayings, riddles, because they love you - our Russian beauty.

Birch: Guys, let's remember proverbs and sayings about us.


  • You will warm yourself with a birch tree, but you won’t get dressed.
  • Birch is not a threat, where it stands, it makes noise there.
  • What is a birch, such is the process.
  • Birch trees for a penny, and you will exhaust the forest for a ruble.

Birch: Did you know that birches can predict the weather. And what folk signs do you know:

Children: a) If a lot of juice flows from a birch - by a rainy summer;

b) If in autumn the leaves of birches begin to turn yellow from the top, the spring will be early, and if they begin to turn yellow from below, it will be late.

c) The birch will dissolve the leaf in front of the alder - the summer will be dry, and the alder in front of the birch will be wet.

Educator: In Rus', they have always loved the white-trunked beauty birch. It was called the tree of happiness. Considered a symbol of girlish tenderness and beauty. On Trinity, houses and temples were decorated with birch branches.


Birch: Well, honest people,

Get into the round dance!

(Hand out handkerchiefs.)

Round dance "We are around the birch"

Look at the birch

We are going to you

Bright handkerchiefs

We bring you

golden leaves

They burn with gold.

Circling with handkerchiefs

Round dance guys.

Girls to the birch

Come closer,

Bright handkerchiefs

merrily waved

(They go to the center of the circle, back, the boys stand in a circle, dancing).

The guys broke up

And go for a walk

About the birch song

Humming softly

Educator: Guys, do you know what they make from birch and how it is useful to a person?

Children: 1 From birch people weaved bast shoes, baskets and tueskas for berries and mushrooms, made birch bark spoons.

2 Brooms and brooms are made from branches, plywood, furniture, durable skis are made from wood.

3 Medical activated carbon and tar are obtained from birch wood. They also use birch fungus - chaga.

4 Birch brooms energize, add strength and health.

Educator: Russian people use it in baths: they whip themselves in order to expel all ailments from the body and please the soul.

5 In the birch forest, boletus grows during the mushroom season, and if there are also pines, you can meet entire families of chanterelles.

6 Tea is brewed from young leaves, it is medicinal.

Dynamic pause "Birch".

We planted a birch

And poured water on it

And the birch has grown

Raise the branches to the sun.

And then tilted them

And thank you guys.

Educator: Today we learned a lot about our Russian beauty, which poets sing in verse, artists in paintings, songwriters in songs and dances. And now let's draw our birch.

Explanation and simultaneous display:

Educator: Let's remember how we start drawing a tree?

Children: We start drawing from the trunk.

Educator: How do we draw a tree trunk?

Children: We begin to draw a tree trunk from top to bottom.

Educator: Tell me, how is a birch different from other trees?

Children: The trunk is white with black spots.

Educator: Look, the birch trunk is thin. The trunk is drawn from top to bottom with two lines, it is not connected at the top. Draw black spots with the tip of the brush. And what kind of birch branches are straight or curved?

Children: The branches of a birch are curved.

Educator: The birch branches are thin, weeping ... See how we will draw curved branches. From the trunk up, round and down. We draw with the tip of the brush.

Now we draw the crown. To do this, I change the soft brush to bristles to depict the crown of the tree more expressively. At the top of the tree, the crown is always a little brighter, lighter, and darker, thicker below. For the lower part of the crown, I will add some dark paint (draw with the poke method).

Educator: - What brush will you paint the crown with? (bristle).

Educator: - Pick up the brushes and show in the air how you will draw the trunk and branches. (Show children). Have you forgotten that we will draw a birch tree in the spring? And what decorations appear on the birch in spring?

Children: Earrings appear in spring.

Educator: Earrings are flowers gathered together on a soft dangling stem.

Before we get started, let's warm up our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Sun"

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river. (wiggle fingers of both hands)

Sunshine, sunshine

Scatter the rings. (Quickly clench and unclench fists)

We will collect the rings

Let's take the gilded ones, (Grasping movements with a pinch)

Let's roll, roll (rub palm on palm)

And we'll give you back. (Raise hands up with fingers apart)

Table work.

(Children complete the task to the music. During independent work, I provide individual assistance to musical accompaniment)

Educator: Just look how beautiful! We have got a real birch grove in which you want to take a walk, listen to the birds singing, snuggle up to the cool tree trunk in order to gain strength and health from it.

Birch: Thank you. I liked all your work. In response, I want to treat you to healthy birch sap, which is useful in spring for people and animals.

Educator: Guys, but do not forget that if you collect birch sap, you need to close up the wounds with earth.


Birch is a very beautiful valuable tree, so we must protect and take care of it.

White birch -

Dear sister.

Don't be afraid to grow

Evil axe.

White birch,

Birds on the branches.

I offend you

I won't give it to anyone.

Birch: Everything people need to know about me

How to love me and take care -

Everything you said today.

Goodbye. See you soon!

Educator: Well, it's time for us to return home to kindergarten. Sit down in the clearing, hold hands, close your eyes, and a light spring breeze will take us back.

Reflection. Did you like walking through the birch grove? Who would you like to show your work to? (Parents, children from younger groups)

Olga Tsygankova

prepared by the teacher of the 17th group Tsygankova Olga Igorevna

"Drawing a birch with a wax candle"

Target: through riddles, music, poems, paintings to form the image of a white-trunk beauty-birch; learn to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of a birch.

Program tasks:


Learn to draw a birch in spring with wax candles (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, spring foliage coloring);

Continue to learn how to draw using a semi-dry hard brush when depicting foliage.


Develop aesthetic perception;

Continue to develop children's visual arts.


Cultivate love for nature, for the native land.

Lesson material:

Watercolor paints;

Brushes bristle and soft;

wax candles;

Glasses with water

Presentation of reproductions of paintings: I. Levitan "Birch Grove", V. N. Baksheev "Blue Spring", I. E Grabar "Winter Landscape", I. Levitan "October";

Reference drawing-scheme;

Audio recording of r. n. n. "There was a birch in the field."

Organizing time:

Children sit in a semicircle.

Someone threw to us in the window

Look at the letter

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face

Maybe it's a sparrow

Dropped flying?

Do you guys want to know who wrote the letter to us?

"Hello guys!

An exhibition of drawings will soon be held at our Academy of Arts. We invite you to take part in our exhibition.

Sincerely, the artist Kistochkin"

Do you guys want to take part in the exhibition?

Then watch and listen carefully!

Here on the screen is a tree that is especially revered in Rus' and which we will draw today, but before I show it to you, guess the riddle. Here listen:


Russian beauty

Standing in the meadow

In a green blouse

White sundress.

(show picture)

What is the name of the birch in the riddle?

What is a birch called a green blouse?

What is a white sundress?

Birch is a symbol of Russia. Russia has long been called the birch land. Birch is a generous and kind tree. People have long known the value of this tree, loved the birch for its beauty, and for the benefits it brings.

Birch is still very much loved in Russia and is called the "Russian Beauty". Although this fragile outwardly tree grows in North America, and in Japan, and in China, and in many other countries. Birch is of different types, even with red bark (grows in Japan). But the most beautiful birch is our white Russian beauty. Therefore, many poets dedicated their works to the Russian birch - a symbol of beauty and purity.


I love Russian birch

Either bright or sad

In a white sarafan

With handkerchiefs in pockets

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

I love her elegant

Native, invisible,

That clear, seething.

I love Russian birch.

How does the poet describe the birch?

Not only poets dedicate their poems to the birch, artists also like to depict the birch in their paintings. Guys, let's see how they depict a birch at different times of the year.

Before you is a reproduction of I. Levitan "October"

How did you guess?

And on this reproduction of I. E Grabar "Winter Landscape" what time of year?

What trees do you recognize?

What are birch branches covered with in winter?

And now look at the following reproduction of V. N. Baksheev "Blue Spring".

And here, at what time of the year is the birch depicted?

How easy is it to distinguish a birch from other trees?

Before you is a reproduction of I. Levitan "Birch Grove"

At what time of the year did the artist depict birch trees?

How did you guess?

The place where a lot of birch trees grow is called a birch grove, the artist named his painting that way.

Let's draw a portrait of a birch in a spring outfit. Do you want to learn? But first, let's get some rest.

Fizminutka to the song "There was a birch in the field"

Guys, let's see if we have everything for drawing? No sheets!

Ouch! We've received a voice mail! Let's listen guys?


Hello guys, I'm an artist Kistochkin. YES, yes, exactly the one who invited you to take part in the exhibition. My assistants saw how well you listened and answered the teacher's questions, and for this we left a box for you outside the door. I think you will need it! Goodbye!

Practical part:

Showing the educator with an explanation of the methods of work (We take a wax candle and draw stripes from bottom to top to the end - these are the trunks. Then we draw the horizon line with blue watercolor paint. We begin to paint over the sky to the horizon line, and after the brown line, the earth. With a soft brush we take dark green watercolor paint , and on the horizon line, by dipping, draw a forest in the background. A little bit blow on the work to dry it. Next, take a hard brush and poke (green gouache) draw a crown near the birch.) The work is ready!


We have got a real birch grove in which we want to take a walk, listen to the birds singing, lean against a cool tree trunk in order to gain strength and health from it, admire the miracle created by mother - nature.

GCD abstract for drawing: "Autumn birch", in the senior group for children with visual impairments.

Description and purpose. The abstract will undoubtedly be interesting and useful to kindergarten teachers, parents and all creative people. In this lesson, children get acquainted with the sequence of drawing a birch. Children's work can be presented at the exhibition, and decorate the interior.
Target: introduce children to a birch and the ability to draw it.
Correctional and educational:
Introduce children to the structure of a birch.
Clarify with the children the stages of drawing with paints.
Develop visual control over the actions of the hands. Teach children to draw with the tip of a brush.
Cultivate a sense of pride and admiration for the nature of the native land. Develop creativity and initiative
Integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive Development": examining a birch, searching for answers to questions in the process of disputes and discussions about the benefits and beauty of a birch. To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn, trees. Develop fine motor skills.
"Social and communicative development": children's reasoning about birch. Cultivate respect for trees. Develop creativity and initiative
"Speech development": enrichment of children's vocabulary on the topic “Autumn. Trees"
"Artistic and aesthetic development": Introduction to the birch drawing sequence.
"Physical Culture": to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, using gymnastics for fingers and eyes.
preliminary work. Invite parents to visit an art museum with their children, to consider a birch during a walk.
Materials: watercolor paints, drawing paper, brushes, coasters, napkins, water in jars, music by Chopin "Autumn" and P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".
Children, tell me, please, what season is it? (Autumn). Do you like this time of year? What can you tell about it? (Children's reasoning).
Yes, you are right, autumn is an amazingly beautiful time of the year. Trees begin to change the color of their foliage, from green to yellow, orange and red, also called crimson, and autumn - gold.
Look out the window, what a beauty. Remember what trees you saw while walking. (children's answers)

What tree do you think I want to tell you a riddle about.
Russian beauty
Standing in the meadow
In a green blouse
In a white dress.

What is the name of the birch in this riddle? Why is she called the Russian beauty? What is called a white sundress in a birch? (children's answers)
Children, you are absolutely right. A birch is called a white-bark for its bark. The white bark is called birch bark. Birch bark is a protective layer of wood, it protects against water and harmful human influences. But there are black lines in the white bark - vents, like vents in our windows. Why do you think birch trees need them? (reasoning of children) (Chopin's music "Autumn"
Listen to the poem:
E. Trutneva "Autumn"
It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard as in the sun -
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders.
Spider webs are flying
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
Cranes are flying.
Everything flies... It must be -
Our summer is flying by.

Step by step show:
Today we will learn how to draw an autumn birch.
We have a white sheet of paper, and the birch has a white trunk. What to do? Take the black paint gently with a brush. With the tip of the brush, from bottom to top, draw a thin line in black in the middle of the sheet. We draw the second same line next to the first, stepping back a little from it. These lines should meet at the top. Did we get a trunk? (Yes.) And on the trunk we draw black spots.
Fizkultpauza. "Trees"
Stand up, show how the branches of the poplar grow, right up. And how spruce branches grow, right down. Now show me how the branches of a birch grow? Correctly first up, and then smoothly down. Wonderful birches appeared in our group.
We continue to draw a birch.
We begin to draw branches, first up, and then smoothly down.
To large branches, at the very tip of the brush, we add smaller branches. We wash the brushes.
Exercise for the eyes "Relaxation".
Children, close your eyes, rest your head in your hands, and rest.
Have a rest? We continue to draw. We take green paint on the brush, and begin to “dance” with the brush. With quick light movements we touch the birch branches.
Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves".
One, two, three, four, five (Bend fingers, starting with the big one).
Let's collect the leaves. (Clench and unclench fists.)
Birch leaves (Fingers are bent, starting with the big one)
rowan leaves
poplar leaves
aspen leaves
We will collect oak leaves
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom! (“They walk” on the table with medium and
index fingers).

What else can be drawn in green? Correctly draw the grass under the tree, priming the entire bristle of the brush. Have drawn. We wash the brush from the green color and pick up the yellow color on it. Since autumn has just come and you see, there are very few yellow leaves on the birch outside the window.
Exercise for the eyes "Far - close"
Did you see? We draw with light, jerky movements, yellow leaves.
Great, look what beauties of birch we got! But, is something missing? (sky) Yes, you are right, you can draw a blue sky. We draw.
Well done boys! You are real artists, what autumn pictures you have painted. What wonderful birches. Some are young and slender, while others are solid. You know, the thicker the trunk, the older the tree, that is, it is very old.
(The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" sounds).
Outcome. Bring your work, we will admire them.

You did a great job with the task, we got a whole birch grove. What have you learned about birch? Who will you teach to draw a birch?
And what can we do good for trees? Did you like to draw a birch?
(Answers of children.) Thank you, you did a very good job, you were very attentive, accurate, and therefore everything worked out for you!