Differences in manufacturing technology of modern strollers. Differences in manufacturing technology of modern strollers Electric wheelchair

If we consider the market for goods for children, it is very attractive, because there is a large turnover of funds there, but at the same time it is one of the most competitive business options. And if in almost every shopping center you can find stores selling children’s clothing or toys, then the niche for selling strollers is freer, and that’s what we’ll talk about in today’s article. We will try to describe all the main points of opening a baby stroller store and look at what an entrepreneur who has decided to start in this direction needs to take into account.

Market Review

Everyone who starts a business first assesses the level of competition and this is an absolutely correct approach. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a completely new niche that is not yet represented on the market, so you have to discover already proven business ideas and choose from them.

In order to understand whether you can compete with other stores, you need to go through them all and evaluate them according to several basic parameters: wide selection, pricing policy and location of outlets. After analyzing all these areas, you can clearly determine whether it makes sense to open another store selling baby strollers in your city.

Search for premises

The second step is the proper selection of premises. Try to look for options that are located close to already operating children's stores (clothes, toys) or close to a clothing market where there is a large flow of visitors, especially your target audience - young mothers.

If we talk about the size of the room, then you need to look for a room from 40 square meters. m. since strollers, the goods are large, and in order to properly arrange the assortment you need a lot of space.


In this regard, opening a stroller store is a very profitable option, since you will not need to buy a lot of display cases and other expensive things. The only thing is that you will need to organize the seller’s workplace.


Try to look for a seller who could not only sell the product well, but also be able to assemble it, since you will buy most strollers disassembled. This way, you can save your time on assembling and arranging goods. Also, do not forget to purchase all the necessary tools to carry out this work.


Now we come to the most important thing - the range of strollers. Currently on the market we see a large number of different manufacturers of strollers, who produce them using different technologies and give them completely different shapes. To determine a popular product, you will need to work in the store yourself for some time, since none of your competitors will give you this information. The only thing you need to consider is that your assortment should include both cheap and expensive strollers. Try to take the most profitable decisions in terms of price/quality.

The main types of strollers include:

  • Stroller cradle.
  • Universal stroller
  • Transformable stroller
  • Stroller


In order to promote a stroller store, in addition to standard advertising methods, a very profitable solution would be to open an online store for baby strollers, in which you can present a wider range of products, with the possibility of bringing them to order.

Having created a store, you can hire an optimizer to promote it in search engines, but at first you can run contextual advertising and receive clients on the same day. You need to look at the profit and draw conclusions. Try other advertising methods, perhaps advertising in a local newspaper is exactly what you need.

What are the costs of starting a business?

We will try to indicate the main points that you should take into account when calculating a business plan for a baby stroller store. We will indicate the purchase of Chinese strollers, since well-known brands cost completely different money. The calculation will be made for a small budget store and is purely for informational purposes.

  • Room rental – $350 – $400
  • Purchase of equipment and tools – $200
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary – $200
  • Advertising – $150 – $300 (including online advertising)
  • Initial purchase of goods – $10,000 – $14,000
  • Shipping costs – $100

How much can you earn?

It all depends on how much you will work with. So the average markup on strollers is 30% - 40%.

As you can see, the markup is not too large, but the niche is also less competitive than, for example, in the same children's clothing.

A business selling baby strollers is a good solution even in times of crisis.

Do you have anything to add? We look forward to your comments below.

Faced with the question of choosing a baby stroller, more and more families in Russia prefer to purchase domestically produced goods. This decision is both patriotic and justified from the point of view of saving the family budget. Our review will help you choose the best Russian manufacturer.

Who produces Russian-made strollers?

During the Soviet era, the market for foreign companies was largely closed, and almost all goods for children in the country were produced by many factories of the Soviet light industry. The collapse of the Union, the fall of the Iron Curtain and the subsequent economic crisis dramatically changed the situation, and today in Russia there are only a few large manufacturers of strollers for children, namely:

  • "Votkinsk Industrial Company" from Votkinsk, part of the Topol group of companies;
  • JSC PKP Apex, whose facilities are located in Dubna;
  • Yekaterinburg factory "Stack Ural";
  • the Little Treck company from the town of Mytishchi near Moscow.

Products of the Votkinsk Industrial Company

Once upon a time, almost every Soviet family had Votkinsk strollers. Now the situation for the Udmurt company has changed dramatically, and it has to be content with a very modest market share. At the same time, the company has long frozen the development and production of its own models and is now only engaged in “screwdriver” assembly of products from China and Poland.

The company produces products under the brands “Fairy” and “Selby”, and the total range offered on the official website includes 11 types of strollers. All of them are of the walking type, so if you need a transforming model, a cradle or transport for twins, then you should turn your attention to other manufacturers.

If you are looking for a lightweight and safe stroller for your child, then pay attention to the Selby NS-112 model. And for those who are not afraid of 13 kg of weight, we can recommend a real jeep in the world of children's transport - Selby SS-202 with solid 30-centimeter pneumatic wheels.

Apex products

Dubna strollers have been produced since the mid-50s of the 20th century, but in Soviet times they failed to even come close to the popularity of strollers from Udmurtia. But now Apex is the sole leader among Russian manufacturers, accounting for 60% of all sales of Russian strollers. Such a solid result is also surprising because the company produces only three main models - two classics (“Classics” and “Lyra”) and one transforming model “Hummingbird”.

Despite the name, the “Classic” is very unorthodox, because it combines familiar design and innovative technologies such as two interchangeable eco-leather bodies (winter and summer) and powder-coated chassis. In fact, this model is a basic one, which can be transformed at will, for example, changing inflatable wheels to plastic ones and installing a raincoat or mosquito net. “Lyra” is also made according to the “in 1” principle; the cradle in it, if necessary, is replaced by a walking body. Finally, the “Hummingbird” will pass on any ground at any time of the year, while maintaining its smooth ride.

Products from the Stack Ural factory

Of all the Russian manufacturers of children's goods, it was the Stack company that suffered the most from the crisis events of recent years. By focusing on the quality of their goods at the expense of assortment and budget, the Urals eventually lost a large segment of the market. It seems that the company's management has not drawn any conclusions from this. To this day, the basis of the model range of the Yekaterinburg factory are transformable strollers costing from 7 to 8 thousand rubles with purely cosmetic differences.

Reliability for the Stack factory remains a top priority, so the frames of all models are made exclusively from steel, and not from lighter materials. The company's products are assembled from both domestic and imported parts.

The company's official website provides certificates of conformity and quality for all baby strollers offered, so strollers from Stack can be recommended to anyone who wants to be 100% sure of the safety of their baby.

Baby strollers from Little Treck

The Mytishchi company is the youngest among all those presented in this review. Perhaps it was her youth and fresh ideas that helped her squeeze out competitors and win as much as 20% of the market. The main difference between the Little Treck philosophy is the desire for the optimal combination of price and quality. As part of this concept, the Moscow region company has completely abandoned the production of transformers and offers only two basic models - a stroller for newborns with a solid basket and a “2 in 1” with an aluminum frame and inflatable wheels. All products of the company are finished with cotton fabric with synthetic padding.

Another secret of Little Treck’s success is that, in addition to selling vehicles for children, the company actively promotes sales of all kinds of spare parts, accessories and replacement parts for its products.

As a result, from just two models offered by the company, each family can assemble its own optimal design, ideally suited specifically to its needs.

For a review of the Little trek stroller, watch the following video.

1. The business of selling goods for children has always been considered profitable. Parents are ready to save on many things, but not on children. What can we say about such an indispensable tool as a baby stroller? By opening a specialized baby stroller store, you can be sure that there will be a client, the main thing is to present the product correctly...

2. First of all, you need to choose the right assortment. Know that the business card of such a store is the widest and best assortment of baby strollers in your city. Yes, such products are sold in almost every major baby store, but you should even have strollers that you won’t find anywhere else. A specialized store, it is specialized for that reason, to be the best in its narrow segment.

3. The ranking of the most popular strollers for newborns (those most often searched in Yandex) includes Tutis Zippy, Roan Marita, Tako Jumper, Peg-Perego GT3, CAM Cortina, Jane Slalom, JEDO Bartatina, Capella s-901, Inglesina Sofia. The most famous manufacturers of baby strollers are located in Poland and Italy. Due to their high quality, Polish and Italian strollers are considered among the most expensive. Strollers are also imported from China. The price for “China” is lower, but their quality is inferior to European models. It is advisable to have both expensive and cheap strollers in the assortment in order to satisfy the needs of the widest range of customers.

4. In total, purchasing goods for a new store can cost from 500 thousand rubles, depending on the retail space and financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. In most cases, the matter is not limited to strollers alone. Related products also bring in good revenue. Parents come to buy a stroller for their child, and at the same time they also look for a walker, playpen or car seat.

5. Baby strollers are a large product and cannot be placed on racks, hence the need for large retail space. You will need to rent a premises with an area of ​​at least 50 m2, of which half the area is allocated for storage of goods. The location of the store is also important. Shopping centers are certainly good places in terms of high traffic, but they have one significant drawback - the extremely high rental price. The ideal option is a separate room in a residential area of ​​new buildings, where many young families live. Such premises are found on many first floors of modern apartment buildings.

6. Among other costs for starting a business, it is worth highlighting the costs of retail equipment (sales counter, cash register, furniture for visitors, etc.) - from 100 thousand rubles, initial payment for renting premises - from 40 thousand rubles, advertising of a retail outlet (including a sign at the entrance) - from 50 thousand rubles. The markup in the sale of baby strollers is on average 30-40%. For some models the markup can reach up to 100%. The average profit is 15-20% of the store’s turnover.

Today, several young and self-confident enterprises from Russia have appeared on the market, ready to offer products of their own production. What kind of companies are these and will they be able to compete with famous foreign brands?

Reasons for the absence of “promoted” Russian brands on the market

If you have had to buy a baby stroller, then you have probably noticed that there are practically no manufacturers of such products from Russia in stores.

The main part of the market is occupied by models of famous European brands from the UK, France, Italy, Lithuania or Poland. In addition, you can sometimes see strollers from Japan, the USA or Canada.

In general, such models are truly of high quality, combining practicality, convenience and safety for the child, and their only drawback can be considered to be that the cost is too high for the domestic buyer.

Photo courtesy of the site kolyaskin-ek.ru

In addition, in recent years, baby stroller models from China have become especially popular. Despite the fact that they are inferior to products from European and North American brands in terms of quality (although not always), they attract buyers with a more affordable price.

The question arises: why have there been no striking examples of Russian manufacturers of such products all these years?

The point is the lack of production capacity suitable for creating the necessary components. First of all, this concerns fabric materials and plastic parts.

In total, in recent years there have been several large enterprises in Russia specializing in the production of baby strollers, including such as « STECURAL", "Apex" and "Votkinsk Industrial Company » .

Unfortunately, many of them were forced to stop their production for one reason or another (for example, due to the economic crisis), while others began to resell imported models.

Development of Russian production of baby strollers

Today, there are only a few domestic manufacturing companies on the baby stroller market, which are striving to develop their positions and compete with foreign brands. Among such brands are the following:

  • Globex;
  • Little Trek;
  • Mammie (shared with Israel).

And although the products of Russian brands are still significantly inferior to imported analogues, occupying less than ten percent of the market, every year the number of buyers interested in their products is only increasing.

It is important to note that the difficulty for the model of manufacturing companies from Russia also lies in the fact that their models belong mainly to the middle price segment, in which competition with widespread products of Chinese and European brands is the most difficult.