White teaware with flowers, as they call it. What tableware should be like: review

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 26"

Lesson summary for 1st grade

"Dishes. Classification of tableware: tableware, tea, kitchen"

prepared by the teacher

Levashova Elena Alexandrovna



Goal: Expanding the knowledge and understanding of dishes in older preschool children with SLD.


1. Develop children’s ability to distinguish and name items of tea, table, and kitchen utensils.

2. Continue to develop the ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes, adjectives from nouns, coordinate a numeral with a noun, and compose sentences with prepositions; activate vocabulary on the topic.

3. Develop fine and gross motor skills, attention, logical thinking.

4. Cultivate a caring attitude towards dishes.

Equipment: Pictures of utensils. Task cards.

Educator: Hello. Today we will talk about dishes. Please name the utensils that you know.

Children: Cup, spoon, plate, saucepan, frying pan.

Educator: How can these objects be called in one word?

Children: It is fashionable to call these items in one word - dishes.

Game “What object did I have in mind?”

Educator: Made of glass, you can drink from it. What's this?

Children: This is a glass.

Educator: Glass glass, what kind?

Children: Glass glass.

Educator: Made of porcelain, do you pour borscht and soup into it? What's this?

Children: This is a tureen.

Educator: What kind of porcelain tureen?

Children: Porcelain tureen.

Educator: Made of plastic, they don’t put napkins in them. What's this?

Children: This is a napkin holder.

Educator: What kind of plastic napkin holder is it?

Children: Plastic napkin holder.

Educator: Made of aluminum, fish, potatoes, and meat are fried on it. What's this?

Children: This is a frying pan.

Educator: What kind of aluminum frying pan is it?

Children: Aluminum frying pan.

Educator: Name the cutlery?

Children: Fork, spoon, knife.

Educator: What kind of dishes are food prepared in?

Children: Food is prepared in a frying pan, pan, baking tray.

Educator: These are kitchen utensils. What utensils do we use when drinking tea?

Children: We use a cup, tea saucer, teaspoon, sugar bowl, candy bowl.

Educator: This utensil is called tea utensils. What is the name of the dishes from which we eat?

Children: Plate, salad bowl, tureen.

Educator: This is tableware.

Physical education and training “Dishes”

Here is a large glass teapot, “inflate” your belly, one hand on your belt,

Very important, like a boss. the other is curved like a nose

Here are the porcelain cups, squat

Very fragile, poor things. hands on the belt

Here are the porcelain saucers, spinning,

Just knock and they will break. drawing a circle with your hands

Here are the silver spoons, stretch, clasp your hands above your head

Here's a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes. make a big circle

Educator: Now we will play the game “Name it affectionately.” I will throw a ball to you, and you will call any piece of utensils affectionately.

Game "One-Many".

Finger gymnastics “Dishes”.

One two three four,

(alternating clapping hands and hitting fists against each other)

We washed the dishes:

(one palm slides over the other in a circle)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken.

We broke the spoon a little.

(extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

This is how we helped mom!

(bump your fists together, clap your hands)

Educator: Well done.

A task for children on attention, logical thinking “Find a pair” (classification of tea, table, kitchen utensils).

Educator: Children, what did we talk about in class today?

Children: We talked about dishes.

Educator: Name tea, table, kitchen utensils.

(Children's answers).

Educator: Yes, today in class we talked about dishes, found out which dishes belong to the tea room, kitchen, and dining room. You were active and attentive, well done.


    Kuznetsova E.V. “Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old.” Lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 96 p.

    Morozova I.A., Pushkareva M.A. Familiarization with the surrounding world. Lesson notes. For working with children 5-6 years old. – 2nd ed., corrections and additions. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007. – 160 p.

Tableware - dishes used to set the table and in which hot dishes are served. The history of the appearance and transformation of tableware has evolved over the centuries, as it is inextricably linked with the culture of eating.

The roots of the art of table setting should probably be sought during the Italian Renaissance, when merchants organized sumptuous feasts. Catherine de Medici took these Italian dinner traditions with her to France when she married the French king Henry II. But it was only under Louis XIV, that is, in the second half of the 17th century, that the first rules for table setting and gala dinners were established in France. But this was precisely the impetus for the development of the production of tableware, and by the middle of the 18th century no one was surprised by the abundance of factories producing porcelain and glassware.

This fashion was picked up by England, and in the Victorian era (1837-1901) it was destined to become a legislator and zealous champion of table setting traditions. The types of tableware have reached their peak - from chocolate forks to 8 types of salad forks. It is not surprising that it was at this time that the highest level of tableware production in history was observed.

The present time dictates its own conditions; the modern pace of life does not allow us to devote as much time to eating as during the reign of Victoria. Table setting has become simpler, and as a result, the number of tableware has also decreased. In ordinary life, we make do with a small set consisting of two or three plates, a salad bowl, a cup, a fork, a couple of spoons and a knife.

And yet, sometimes, when we celebrate some event at home, we want to set the table truly, beautifully and luxuriously, like in the good old days, when delicious dishes placed on an exquisitely served table were an indicator of culture and inspired guests and hosts to high conversations. Table setting is an entire art, which we will definitely talk about in another article, but for now let’s return to our topic and see what types of tableware are used now.

Dining room deep Plates with a diameter of 20-24 cm and a capacity of 250-500 cm 3. Used to serve first courses, both hot and cold.
The dining room is small Plates with a diameter of 27-32 cm. Used for serving second courses (side dishes and dishes with side dishes).
The snack bar is big Plates with a diameter of 26-31 cm. Used for serving hot and cold appetizers, cold meat dishes, sweet hot dishes with sauce.
Small snack bar Plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used for serving cold appetizers.
Dessert deep A plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used for serving desserts with sauces.
Dessert small A plate with a diameter of 20 cm, usually with a wavy edge or a pattern along the rim. Used for serving fruits and sweet desserts.
Pirozhkovaya A plate with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Used for serving bread, croutons, pies.
Fish plate A plate 33-37 cm long and 23-26 cm wide. Used for serving fish dishes.
Chill plate Used for snack dishes such as oysters, stews, salads.
Menagerie plate Used for serving several types of side dishes and salads, as well as for serving fondue.
Dish Round and oval, square and rectangular plates with a diameter (long) of 40-45 cm. Used for serving cold dishes from fish, meat, poultry and game. You can also put canapés on them.
Salad bowl Deep plates of various shapes with a volume of 120 cm 3. Used for serving salads, fresh vegetables, pickles, marinades, etc.
Herring girl An oblong plate for serving herring and canned fish.
Caviar plate Plate with a diameter of 15 cm. Designed for serving pressed caviar.
Egg plate Designed for serving scrambled eggs.
Saucer Plates on which cups or glasses are placed.
Socket Saucer with a diameter of 9-10 cm. Used for serving jam, preserves or honey.
Kremanka Deep plate with a diameter of 9 cm (can be on a leg). Used for serving jelly, fruit salads, fresh berries.
Broth cups Cups with a capacity of 350-400 cm 3 with one or two handles. Used for serving broths and puree soups.
Tea cups Cups with a capacity of 200-250 cm 3. Used to serve tea, cocoa and hot chocolate.
Coffee cups Cups with a capacity of 75-150 cm 3. The smallest ones are used for serving oriental coffee, the largest ones are used for cappuccino.
Mug Large volume cup with handle. The purpose is the same as that of a cup, but they are used for everyday life and are not suitable for serving.
Bowl Cups with a capacity of 220-400 cm 3. Used to serve green tea and kumiss.
Kese (kise) Cups with a capacity of up to 900 cm 3 . Used to serve lagman, pilaf and similar national dishes.

Special dishes

Rams Dishes with a lid for serving: round - for hot dishes of meat, poultry and pancakes; oval - for hot fish dishes.
Round vase A vase with a diameter of 20-24 cm with a recess, can be one-, two- or three-tiered. Used for serving fruit. It can be either with or without a leg.
Vase flat Vase with a flat surface. Used for serving cakes and pastries.
Caviar Granular caviar is served in such elegant little things.
Chill maker A sink on a stand is usually metal. Used for preparing and serving fish and seafood.
Cocotte Device with a volume of up to 90 cm 3 . It prepares and serves special hot snacks, such as crabs or mushrooms in sour cream.
Coffee pot A device with a volume of 200-1000 cm 3 for serving black coffee.
Jug with lid A device with a capacity of up to 2 liters for supplying water, kvass and similar drinks.
Milkman A device with a volume of 100-400 cm 3 for serving milk for coffee or tea.
Poshatnitsa Stand for serving peeled eggs, boiled in a bag, to the broth. Also called a saucepan, shaped like a ladle, in which these eggs are boiled.
Spice utensils Small containers for salt, mustard, pepper, etc. Oil and vinegar are served in special bottles.
Glass Stand for serving soft-boiled eggs with a diameter of 5 cm.
Napkin holder Napkin holder.
Sugar bowl A device with a volume of 100-400 cm 3 for supplying sugar.
Creamer A device with a volume of 50-200 cm 3 for supplying cream.
Gravy boat A device with a volume of 10-400 cm 3 with a handle and an extended toe. Used to serve sour cream and various cold sauces.
Krennitsa A device with a volume of 100-200 cm 3 for serving horseradish sauce.
Teapot for brewing A device with a volume of 100-600 cm 3 for serving brewed tea.

All this tableware is made mainly from porcelain and earthenware. Dishes in which dishes are not only served, but also baked, are often made from stainless steel and cupronickel. Also often metal are utensils for spices and small special dishes (for example, cupronickel or silver caviar with a crystal insert). Ceramic dishes are more appropriate if you are serving the corresponding dishes of national cuisine.

A separate topic for conversation are such types of tableware as

Inna Gonchenko

Summary of GCD on the topic « Teaware»

Age group: younger.

Educational area: Communication.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Music", "Health".

Program content:

Introduce children to table setting and the purpose of objects teaware. Cultivate a desire to help Katya doll set the festive table and prepare food for guests. Develop attention, perseverance, memory, imagination.

Teach children to combine objects according to similar essential characteristics into one generic concept « teaware» . Strengthen the ability to roll a circle from plasticine. Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions by matching the words in a sentence.

Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, cognitive, motor, productive.

Teaching methods: visual, verbal, playful.

Preliminary work: Reading fiction "Fedorino grief", "Tskatuha fly", drawing a cup and saucer, making a kolobok, s\r game "Family"

GCD move

Educator: Guys, today we will meet you teaware and learn how to set the table.

Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table on which there is a set covered with a napkin. There is a knock on the door.

Educator: Children, someone is knocking on our door. I'll go and have a look. Who is this? Katya doll.

Katya doll: Hello guys. I had a free day today. Guests will come to see me. Please help me set the table, I want to treat them to tea.

Educator: Shall we help, guys? Sit down, Katya, on a chair, we will help you set the table.

Guys, to make it festive and beautiful, we will cover the table with a tablecloth. Polina, go set the table with a tablecloth. What have you done?

Guys, what will the guests sit on? (on chairs). Go, Richat, please set up chairs for the guests. Sit down. Thank you.

Educator: Look here (Opens a napkin). This teaware, what is it needed for, what do you think? (that's right, we will put it on the table for guests to drink tea with Katya).

The teacher posts a description diagram dishes, shows dishes and asks the children. Children respond from their seats when called by the teacher, pronouncing new words in chorus and one at a time.

Educator:- Guys, what is this? (Cup).

What color is the cup? (Blue)

What shape is the bottom of the cup? (Round).

What does the cup have? (Pen).

What is the cup for? (To drink tea)

After viewing. The teacher briefly talks about the subject.

Educator: This is a cup. She is blue. The cup has a round bottom. She has a handle to hold. They drink tea from a cup.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the diagram and invites them to compose a descriptive story about the subject together with it.

Educator: Guys, what is this, who knows? (Saucer)

What color is the saucer? (blue)

What shape is it, what does it look like? (Round, on a wheel)

What is the saucer for?

Educator: This is a saucer. It is blue in color and round in shape. The saucer is needed to place a cup on it and put a spoon so that the tablecloth does not get dirty.

Educator: Elina, tell us what saucer it is. Please put the cup and saucer on the table for Katya.

Roma, put out a cup and saucer for the guests.

Educator: Guys, what are we going to pour into the cup? (Tea). What will we pour tea from? (From teapot) .

Guys, what is this? (Kettle)

What color is our kettle? (blue)

What shape kettle? (Round).

What do you have teapot? (Spout, handle, cap)

Guys, what is it for? kettle? (To drink tea)

Educator: This kettle. It is blue. It's round. U the teapot has a spout, handle, lid.

Vladik, go put it on the table kettle.

Educator: Guys, for the tea to be sweet, what else should we add? (Sugar).

Who knows what it's called dishes where is sugar stored? (Sugar Bowl). Let's all say it together "Sugar Bowl". Ind. repetition.

What color is the sugar bowl? (blue)

What shape is the sugar bowl? (Round).

What else does the sugar bowl have? (lid)

Educator: This is a sugar bowl. She is blue. The sugar bowl is round. It has a lid.

Varya, go put the sugar bowl in the middle of the table. Where did you put the sugar bowl?

Guys, something is missing from our table. How are we going to pour sugar into the cup? (teaspoons) . Ind. repetition

What colour teaspoon? (blue)

What are they for? teaspoons? (Stir sugar in tea).

Go, Artemy, lay it out teaspoons. What are you laying out? Where did you put teaspoon? (Next to the saucer).

Katya doll. Thank you guys for your help. I have now learned to set the table. Let us repeat once again what is on the table.

That's right, cup, saucer, spoon, kettle, sugar bowl. All these items can be called in one word - teaware. Ind. repetitions.

Who knows what this item is called? (Pot). The saucepan belongs to teaware? Do they drink tea from it? What is the saucepan for?

Guys, here we are, setting the festive table. Until the guests arrive, let's dance.

Musical physical exercise (stomp-clap)

Children are sitting at tables. On the tables are oilcloths and pieces of plasticine of different colors.

Guys, when guests come, we try to treat them to something tasty. What can you treat your guests to? (Cookies, candy, cake). That's right, let's treat our guests to sweets today. And we will have unusual sweets. We mold them from plasticine.

Guys, let's remember how to roll a circle. I tear off a piece of plasticine, put it on my palm, cover it with my other palm and roll it into a circle using circular movements. So I got a round candy.

How else can you roll a circle? That's right, you can put a piece of plasticine on oilcloth, cover it with your palm and roll it into a circle using circular movements.

Guys, to make the candies beautiful, we will wrap them in these candy wrappers. Watch me do it.

(Children's independent work).

Place your candies on a plate. These are the beautiful candies you have made, now we will have something to treat our guests to.

Katya doll. Thank you guys for the treat, let's go and set up his festive table.

Guys, did you enjoy today's lesson? What do you remember most? What did you learn today?

The doll Katya also liked to play with you, she now knows how to properly set the table for guests, what is needed for teaware and what you can treat your guests to.

Come on guys, let's wash our hands and serve tea to Katya and her guests.

“Setting the festive table” - The art of table setting. Using napkins. History of the culture of feasts. Lots of dishes. Dinnerware. Instrument placement options. Festive feast. Refectory bed. Table setting options. Napkins. Cutlery. Beeswax candles. Options for folding napkins.

“Decoration of the New Year's table” - Attention. We decorate the dish. New Year's table decoration. Candles. Fish. Floating candles. Master class on carving. Cancer. Capricorn. Master class on decorative decoration from napkins. Cut the second tube into rings. New Year's table decoration. A slice of boiled sausage. We make a recess for the neck. What to wear on New Year's Eve.

“Serving rules” - Fold the napkin in four. Upper layer. Cutlery. Table. Silver spoon. The glass is being placed. Mug. Table linen. Napkins. Serving items. Plate. Introduce the concept of table setting. Flowers. Know how to use cutlery. Fold the napkin in half vertically. Place the napkin with the wrong side up.

“The World of Dishes” - What groups are the dishes divided into? Journey into the world of dishes. Target. Dinnerware. Dishes. Which country will we go to? Help mom set the table. For some reason our friends started arguing. Fedorino's grief. Tasks. Puzzles. What did Fedora do to return the dishes home? Dishes vary. Tea utensils include a teapot, cups, and saucers.

“Setting the home table” - The bell rings - the first guest has arrived. The door is open. Hospitality lesson. Conversations with friends. Table culture. Napkin. Feast. Cover the table with a tablecloth. The Science of Hospitality. You invite guests to your place. Table setting.

“Table setting for breakfast” - Bouquets for the table. Table setting for breakfast. 1. Place the cup on the saucer on the right, near the tip of the knife. Do not place a dirty knife and fork on the tablecloth. 10. Options for folding napkins. 3. Porridge is served in a half-portioned plate. Serving utensils. Bon appetit. Tablespoon. 2. Eggs “soft-boiled” or “in a bag” are served in a special stand with a teaspoon.

There are 10 presentations in total

Dishes play a big role in creating the image of an establishment and create a certain style in the room. The dishes in the hall meet all the requirements for serving.

In the kitchen, utensils should be convenient and functional.


Utensils are classified according to their purpose. Accordingly, it is divided into types:

  • for serving dishes and setting the table: butter dishes, gravy boats, milk jugs, sugar bowls, salt shakers, pepper shakers, trays, napkin holders, vases, bowls, salad bowls and so on;
  • for serving dishes and food: plates, portioned salad bowls, tea pairs, sockets;
  • kitchen utensils: baking dishes, roasting pans, pots, pans;
  • household utensils: jars, containers, caps, gastronorm containers;
  • drinkware: jugs, decanters, glasses, goblets, shot glasses, wine glasses, damasks.

Types of dishes and serving items

Must meet several requirements:

  • be universal;
  • available in a large assortment;
  • be practical;
  • meet sanitary standards.

Bar equipment

The equipment used in bars is divided into dishes and equipment. The bar has a lot of various devices, the purpose of which is to help the bartender, who usually works alone, in his work. Strict requirements are imposed not only in terms of reliability, functionality and practicality, but also appearance and design, since the entire process of preparing drinks takes place in front of visitors. And most dishes are also stored in plain sight.

The barware is intended mainly for drinks:

  • wineglass;
  • Collins - a cylindrical glass with straight walls;
  • beer mugs - they come in glass, ceramic, porcelain;
  • glasses;
  • glasses;
  • stacks;
  • wine glasses;
  • Highball – a tall glass for alcoholic cocktails.

Some bars serve sandwiches and salads, so they use plates and salad bowls. Nowadays, many bars buy disposable tableware for such dishes. Any bar serves coffee and tea, so there is appropriate tableware. Tea and coffee utensils in the bar are usually white.

  • jiggers;
  • measuring utensils;
  • ice crushing equipment;
  • juicers;
  • slicers.

The main purpose of such equipment is the preparation and presentation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Professional tableware for restaurants

Why is it important to buy quality cookware?

Utensils used in restaurants, bars and other catering establishments must meet the following requirements:

  • be intact, without cracks or chips;
  • the material from which it is made must not have harmful impurities;
  • easy to wash and not damaged by detergents;
  • be strong enough not to break or deform in the washing machine;
  • be comfortable and have the ability to conserve heat;
  • cutlery should not turn black or oxidize;
  • upon impact, do not break into too small pieces and it is advisable not to leave thin chips that can easily injure you;
  • have an original modern design;
  • be available in the required quantity and assortment.

In order for the cookware to meet all the requirements, you need to choose it responsibly and, when purchasing, give preference to trusted companies and check the relevant certificates.

The quality of service and the quality of the dishes served directly depend on the quality of the dishes selected.

For a visitor to any catering establishment, there are three things by which he judges the establishment: cleanliness, politeness and dishes.