The best metal stoves for a bath. What designs of stoves for a bath are, which are better suited

Advantages of wood burning stoves:

  • savings on the supply of gas pipes or;
  • firewood can be easily purchased or prepared independently;
  • wood fills the room with a pleasant aroma;
  • wide range of models.

Cons of wood stoves:

  • erection and periodic cleaning;
  • the steam room will warm up for a long time compared to stoves operating on another;
  • systematic cleaning of the ash pan;
  • firewood will have to be constantly thrown up so that the warming process does not freeze.

Gas sauna stoves

This type of oven is characterized by the presence of a thermostat and a gas fuse. And, of course, the source of gas is either a main gas pipeline or bottled gas.

In favor of gas stoves they say the following pluses:

  • compactness (no ash pan and firebox) - accordingly, such a stove can be installed even in a small steam room;
  • no need to constantly monitor the availability of fuel (for example, you do not have to regularly throw firewood);
  • you can independently regulate the temperature (set it to a comfortable one, and it will be maintained in the steam room);
  • fast heating with low gas consumption.
cons few, but they are:
  • the need to connect to a gas pipeline or purchase a cylinder;
  • in the case of the operation of the furnace from bottled gas, you will have to take care of the fire safety not only of the bath itself, but also of the place where the cylinders are stored. Where and how to store them, you will learn from the article.
  1. When buying a gas oven, be sure check all documents for it(technical certificate). The device must comply with generally accepted quality standards for gas equipment. If there are no documents, alas, you have come across an unscrupulous seller. And no one is responsible for the reliability of the product.
  2. buy gas ovens well-known manufacturers in branded stores. By no means "private".
  3. Devices that are past their useful life or simply "junk" can be sold on used item websites. You should not tempt fate with such a furnace, even if you are seduced by a small price.

Electric sauna stoves

Finally, the most popular type of sauna stoves today are electric stoves. They differ in shape, size and power. They work, of course, on electricity.

Advantages of electric ovens:

  • compactness;
  • reliability and durability;
  • quick heating of the steam room in a short time;
  • uniform heating;
  • affordable cost;
  • no need to build and clean a chimney, supply gas pipes and so on.
  • high level of fire safety.
By cons, perhaps, it is possible to attribute the type of fuel itself. If the area where your site is located is famous for power outages, then the stove will have nothing to “eat”. Alternatively, you can adapt, but it's still not very convenient.

Combined models operate on two types of fuel. For example, there are gas-wood stoves. They use firewood and liquefied gas. Their design provides for the presence of a firebox for firewood and gas burner equipment.

2. Firebox location

On this basis, furnaces are divided into ordinary and with extended firebox. Elongated allows you to heat the steam room from an adjacent room. This improves the level of fire safety and makes the microclimate of the bath more comfortable.

3. Steam source

This additional parameter divides the range of ovens into, again, ordinary and with separate steam generator. Traditional bath steam should be dry and light. Not every oven is capable of producing a sufficient amount of such steam. Then the steam generator is used.

4. Features of heating the room

Sauna stoves can be cold and hot. At the first, the walls will not heat up above + 45 ° C. The second can warm up to + 100 ° C. Heat is given off through the walls.

5. Shape

There are 3 main types of sauna stoves: rectangular, figured, cylindrical.

Rectangular is the classic version. They are stable, the shape supports uniform heating of all parts of the furnace. What can not be said about cylindrical. Their upper and lower parts may heat up unevenly. Such a furnace can deform over time.

Sauna wood stove attracts attention with its compact, aesthetic appearance and inexpensive price.

Heating speed on the positive side characterizes the technological component of the design, and ease of maintenance allows you to keep the heater in good condition.

Which one to choose? Requirements for wood-fired sauna stoves

The construction of wood-burning bath products provides for:

  • installation of the furnace and screens made of metal;
  • presence around the structure chimney, isolated from heating;
  • arrangement in the adjacent room furnaces consuming oxygen;
  • access and air circulation;
  • air circulation at lining the casing with bricks;
  • furnace firewood predominantly hardwood;
  • timely removal of combustion products;
  • regular chimney cleaning from soot.

Important! Fire safety during the construction and operation of bath stoves, it requires strict adherence to established rules.

Criteria for choosing the most suitable stove for a bath

Depending on the features of the installed design will depend heating efficiency and quality premises. Wood-burning bath structures are built mainly brick, they rarely require cladding and have a well-balanced thermal output.

metal wood products can be purchased at specialized retail outlets. Industrial enterprises have mastered the production of these products and offer the consumer different models with technical specifications.

When buying an oven be guided by certain criteria, among which:

  • power ratio designs to volume bath room ( for 1 cu. m - 1 kW power);
  • thermal output steel or cast iron structure (air temperature at the bottom of the steam room should be 40-50 degrees);
  • duration of burning of one bookmark firewood (determined by the consumer individually);
  • Availability furnace tunnel providing unhindered air flow;
  • presence in the furnace door heat resistant glass, through which the flame of fire can be seen.

Reference. The choice of heating design is significantly influenced by square steam room, and material properties and characteristics from which the stove is made.

Room area

The power of the heating structure must correspond to the area and volume of the steam room. During construction ovens takes into account:

  • type, power and volume future heating device;
  • location;
  • volume designs together with lining;
  • ceiling height in the premises.

Important! Often, consumers mistakenly believe that the power of the structure should be greater than necessary. Exceeding power ratings leads to temperature imbalance and reduce the effect from staying in the steam room.

High-quality and uniform heating is achieved only when it is found correct ratio power to the steam room area.

Furnace size

The power of any heating device directly depends on furnace dimensions. When building a wood-burning stove yourself, you should correctly calculate all the necessary parameters that will correspond to the size of the room.

Based on the total volume of the steam room, the power is calculated according to the scheme: 1 cu. m = 1 kW power. If power divide by a factor of 0.5, learn furnace volume in liters, a extracting from the amount received cube rootlinear quantities wood firebox.

From the established dimensions, the parameters of the structure constructed from bricks will be determined. Standard size of one brick(long 250 , width 120 and height 65 mm) will allow you to calculate the dimensions of the heating installation. Wherein 5 mm is added to each seam.

Produced metal structures have fixed dimensions and specifications. Thus, the device is selected taking into account the volume of the steam room.

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The manufacture of sauna stoves involves the construction of structures from the appropriate brands refractory heat-resistant brick or its production metal.

The brick structure is characterized by a long warm-up period, but retains and evenly distributes heat for a long time. The brick sauna stove is safe by accidental contact.

Metal structures heat up quickly and also cool down quickly. If handled carelessly, high the likelihood of getting burned.

To solve the problem of heat loss and safety, the owners of most bath rooms are trying impose metal constructions natural stones, artificial stone or brick.

Efficiency from cladding with these materials significantly increases, the design begins to save thermal energy and rationally spend it.

Description of the best stoves: how to make a personal rating

The choice of design largely depends from the goals, purpose and characteristics of the premises. A bathhouse and a sauna are completely different areas with opposite temperature conditions, dry or humid air, and the absence or presence of steam.

Interior decoration of such premises is different and provides for a special approach in the choice of heating devices.

For a wooden bath

Wooden baths are different increased fire hazard. Walls, ceiling - almost all elements of the steam room are made of wood. In wooden rooms, stoves are built mostly brick. Purchased in a distribution network, metal structures are lined with natural stones, bricks or artificial stone.

When choosing a heating device, the main attention is paid to structures with remote firebox, which, for security reasons, is taken to a room adjacent to the steam room.

Photo 1. A brick oven for a wooden bath with a remote firebox, you can lay firewood from the dressing room.

The choice of furnace depends on its manufacturing technology and is characterized by a volumetric firebox, as well as the presence of a place for a certain number of stones above the heating structure.

Special attention when buying a design, pay on the chimney, which is made of metal and for safety reasons must be insulated from the ceiling with non-combustible materials.

Reference. The choice of furnace largely depends on criteria that take into account features and characteristics of the structure, as well as the existing finishing of the steam room.

For a traditional Russian bath

The Russian bath is distinguished by a heavy stove high power, which retains heat for a long time and gives wet steam. The requirements for choosing a design for a Russian bath are much higher and it can be difficult to choose a heating device to constantly maintain high humidity.

To reach in the steam room 100% humidity air and temperature 50-70 degrees, the oven should be checked for compliance with the instructions.

Photo 2. A brick oven with a closed heater and a boiler for heating water is great for a Russian bath.

The design for the Russian bath is made in such a way that stones are located behind a permanently closed door inside the heater. Access to the stones is opened only when there is a need to throw water. This feature allows you to increase the heating of stones several times more than with their surface placement.

The choice of a stove for a Russian bath is also carried out according to a criterion that provides for the possibility heat water in a boiler.

Important! Unlike a sauna, a person staying in a steam room of a Russian bath is constantly on the move throwing water on the rocks. Rest comes after leaving the steam room. This fact also influences the choice of a suitable heating device.

For sauna

Saunas are characterized by dry hot air, temperature which reaches 120 degrees, a humidity does not exceed 25%.

In saunas, as well as in wooden baths, periodic overturning of water on stones is also provided. But the process of obtaining steam in the sauna is not the main one and the steam effect quickly disappears due to good ventilation of the room.

Photo 3. A compact metal stove with an open heater will provide the sauna with heat and dry steam.

The choice of heaters for a sauna is stopped at structures that, according to the features and characteristics of the room, can provide dry hot air.

Important! When choosing a stove for a sauna, attention is paid to little human activity resting in the steam room. Thanks to dry steam, perspiration is achieved naturally, after which the person calmly leaves the steam room.

The choice can fall on any wood-burning stove with an open stone arrangement. The design power is selected according to room size.

Useful video

A video that talks about some of the intricacies of choosing a stove for a bath: when to start planning the installation, how to heat it and what heating modes are distinguished.

Safety measures: it is necessary to heat the stove with wood correctly!

Any oven where fuel is used to heat the room, considered a fire hazard. Fundamental rules safe use of wood-burning sauna stoves:

  • forbidden leave burning stove unattended; Odnoklassniki

The most important stage in the arrangement of a modern bath is the choice of a stove.

The type, shape and functional features of the firebox affect the safety of staying in the steam room, the rate of heat generated and the saturation of the steam produced.

We will figure out what equipment should be chosen for a Russian bath or sauna, so that bath procedures bring maximum benefit to the human body.


The choice of a stove for a bath begins with determining the key characteristics of such equipment.

The main purpose of the stove is to maintain heat in the bath during wellness procedures.

Important characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing heating equipment are:

  1. Convection;
  2. Steam volume;
  3. Firebox shape (elongated or standard);
  4. fuel power.


The main indicator of any steam room is the quantity and quality of steam. The best option is light and saturated steam, which is obtained by heating the air to 86 degrees.

It is possible to achieve a similar result in practice using modern wood-burning furnaces with a built-in steam generator, which contributes to the rapid heating of stones. Such models of furnaces ensure the maintenance of optimal air temperature and the formation of saturated steam.


The next important characteristic is air convection, which provides for the formation of air flows between the heater and the protective casing. In the process of heating the stove, the cold air mass slowly moves down, and as it heats up, it moves up. Convection ensures equalization of air heating temperatures and contributes to the rapid heating of the steam room.

Models of stoves without a convection component also allow you to create the necessary microclimate in the room, but much longer.

Extended firebox

For convenient use of the stove in the bath, it is recommended to install models equipped with an elongated firebox. A similar design is mounted in a wall or a special opening between the dressing room and the steam room, allowing you to add fuel at any time, as well as heat several working rooms in the bath at the same time.

Fuel power

Fuel power determines the speed of heating the steam room. When choosing a stove, first you need to calculate the volume of the steam room and the required fuel power.

To do this, 1 cubic meter is added to the internal volume of the room. for every 1 sq.m. door and window openings. The heat output of the heating equipment is calculated based on the internal volume of the stove.

Furnace power = 0.5×V,

where V - (internal volume of the furnace in liters).

For example, a furnace with a furnace volume of 25 liters has a heat output of 12 kW.


How to choose a stove for a bath to ensure quick space heating and comfortable rest at any time of the year? High-quality equipment should be compact, durable, convenient and safe to use.

Meanwhile, it is better to choose models of stoves for the Russian bath, which have sufficient heat output and the ability to form thick and saturated steam.

There are three types of sauna stoves on the market today:

  1. Wood;
  2. Electrical;
  3. Gas.

wood burning

Wood-burning stoves can create a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort in baths and saunas. Such fire chambers differ in a practicality, convenience and durability.

Wellness procedures can be started 40 minutes after the start of the heating process. Among other things, a wood-fired sauna stove contributes to efficient heat accumulation over a long period of operation.

To choose a wood-burning stove, it is important to know some of its distinctive characteristics:

  • The firebox in such a heater can be of a remote or built-in type of different volume;
  • In some models, the doors are made of refractory glass, additionally equipped with an expansion and a grate.
  • For the manufacture of the case, brick or metal is used.




The easiest and most affordable option for heating any bath is, which are distinguished by high power, compact size and high speed of air heating. Electric heating equipment is installed without a chimney, so it completely eliminates the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The electric heater is convenient and practical in operation, equipped with an automatic control system. Lightweight metal housing eliminates injury and burns.

The main disadvantage of such equipment is high power consumption.


According to the heating temperature of the outer walls, the furnaces are cold and hot.

  • In hot heaters, the air temperature reaches 100 degrees, for this reason it is recommended to install such equipment in any steam room, as well as in rooms where there are no other heating options.
  • The heating temperature of the walls in cold fireboxes does not exceed 50 degrees, and the air in the room is heated through special channels through which cold air enters the heater and returns hot. Channels allow you to correctly adjust the temperature.

According to the design features, fireboxes are of constant and direct heating.

  • Direct heating units (intermittent) are designed in such a way that heated stones can accumulate heat for a long time. The heating process takes up to 10 hours, and the bath procedures begin after it is completed.
  • Constant heating devices (continuous) require fewer stones to fire and heat the air to medium temperatures.

There are also combined options - brick fireboxes using liquid fuel. It is good to heat such a stove before and during the main health procedures.

Which stones to choose

Properly selected firebox contributes to the accumulation and transfer of heat indoors. And for this it is necessary to prepare one of the key attributes of the furnace -.

Experts recommend choosing stones of volcanic origin that are resistant to high temperatures, cracking and damage. For heaters, it is better to use round stones of different sizes with a smooth polished surface.

The basis of the masonry is large cobblestones, the middle is medium stones, and the top is small pebbles.

For modern heaters, granite, andesite, basalt, quartz, pebbles will be the best option. They can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can assemble them yourself.

To enhance the convection of heated air and better heat accumulation, you can additionally use special products made of refractory ceramics or porcelain, which are laid out with the topmost layer.

To understand which stove to choose for a bath, first of all, you should focus on personal preferences and financial capabilities, as well as take into account the technical features of the steam room and the performance characteristics of the heater.

If the site is connected to a gas main, a gas-fired brick heater can be provided. In the absence of gasification, it is better to opt for a finished stove using solid fuel. If wellness procedures are rarely carried out, then you can purchase a compact electric heater - the safest and fastest heating of the premises.

The stove in a real Russian bath should be economical and produce healthy heat. According to these criteria, wood heaters outperform electric and gas heat generators. But there is a third, no less important plus: you can make a metal stove for a bath with your own hands, provided that you are good at electric welding. The brick version of the heater is also good, but not available to everyone due to the price of materials and the complexity of laying in the finished steam room. So choose a home-made unit from the models proposed in our publication and start manufacturing using step-by-step instructions and drawings.

The choice of the design of the sauna stove

Ideally, a heat source made of metal should meet the following requirements:

  1. Quickly warm up and raise the temperature in the steam room. With this, iron stoves do an excellent job.
  2. Keep warm as long as possible. Since steel heats up and cools quickly, you will need a heater that stores heat, or an increase in the burning time of the firebox. The third option is to overlay the sauna stove with bricks after installation.
  3. Occupy a minimum of usable space in the steam room. If the volume of this room is too small, then it is better to choose a vertical design with a loading door placed in the dressing room.
  4. The heater must be safe for people washing in the bath. To protect yourself from burns, you can install a convection casing made of sheet iron on the case or, again, build a brick wall around the case.

Note. The duration of burning increases with the volume of the fuel chamber of the unit. Here you need to find a reasonable balance between the size of the stove and the duration of its operation. A small firebox will have to be constantly loaded with firewood, instead of calmly washing, and a large stove will take up half the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe steam room.

Do-it-yourself iron stoves for a bath are of the following designs:

  • with a body oriented in space vertically or horizontally;
  • melted directly from the steam room or from the next room (a remote firebox door is made);
  • with and without a water tank;
  • with outdoor or indoor heater.

Vertical heater

The vertical body of the stove shown in the photo gives 1 advantage - saving space in the bath. There are more disadvantages: a short burning time (due to the fact that the flame covers the entire laying of firewood) and not too high heat transfer. According to these important parameters, a horizontal bath heater outperforms a vertical one, but at the same time it occupies a large area.

Horizontal stove with heater and tank

If there is no electric water heater in the bath, it costs nothing to put a tank for heating water intended for washing on the stove or chimney. It can be welded from ordinary metal, and preferably from stainless steel. There is a more convenient way to heat water: a tank located in the washing room is connected by pipes to a samovar-type steel heat exchanger installed on the chimney.

Steel heat exchanger for chimney

The open heater, inherited from the Finnish sauna, heats up to a maximum of 400 ° C, but it can be poured with water in order to "succumb to the park." Kamenka, closed inside the body of the stove, accumulate more heat, warming up to 700-800 ° C, but at the same time they are polluted by passing flue gases and therefore require periodic cleaning.

Reference. Some craftsmen assemble metal stoves with internal brickwork, whose diagram is shown above. They serve for a long time without burning out the walls, but they are difficult to manufacture, and fireclay bricks cost money. You can learn more about various bath heaters by watching the video:

Preparation of materials

It is best to make a stove in a bath from a steel pipe with a diameter of 300-500 mm or a gas cylinder. There are several reasons:

  • the pipe is a ready-made body of the unit, which simplifies things;
  • a cylindrical shape is preferable to a rectangular one for reasons of aerodynamics (air flow) and heat transfer;
  • vaulted walls without seams will last longer than flat ones;
  • a round firebox is easier to clean from ash and soot.

Advice. It is more convenient to make an ash pan from sheet metal 2 mm thick, and 3 mm iron will go to the doors. Try not to use high-carbon steel grades higher than St35, which can harden from exposure to high temperatures, deform and burst at the seams. The correct furnace is welded from the St3 brand.

Door manufacturing steps

The grate can be made from corners or fittings of a periodic profile. The budget option is a sheet of thick iron with longitudinal slots, purchased - cast iron grates. It is desirable to make the doors double-layered with a basalt fiber gasket (pictured) so as not to get burned if accidentally touched.

Kamenka stove - manufacturing guide

We bring to your attention 3 common designs of metal stoves for a bath:

  • a simple horizontal stove from a cylinder, melted inside a steam room;
  • a heater from a 530 mm pipe with an external firebox;
  • vertical sauna boiler "three in one".

The first option is attractive due to its ease of manufacture, small size and mobility. For homemade, you will need an old propane cylinder with a diameter of 300 or 500 mm and scrap metal. The second heater is distinguished by an additional section with a door built into the opening of the steam room wall and an open heater. The third model is a whole boiler, consisting of three compartments - a firebox, a closed heater and a tank for heating water.

Advice. If you can’t find a good pipe or cylinder, cook the stove according to the drawing from sheet steel with a thickness of at least 3 mm (preferably 5 mm). First, you will have to perform a series of operations to assemble the firebox - cutting blanks and welding them together with strict observance of 90 ° angles.

On the drawings - variants of heating units made of sheet iron

We weld a simple stove

The first thing to do is to properly cut off the cylinder cap along the factory seam. To do this, unscrew the gas valve with an open-end wrench and fill the container with water, after which you can work as a grinder.

Reference. Propane is heavier than air, and therefore reluctant to leave closed vessels. In order not to get an explosion when cutting metal, it is customary to displace it from there with the help of water.

Assemble the heater according to the presented drawing, observing the following order:

  1. Cut openings at the end of the cover for mounting the doors and in the housing for the chimney pipe. From strips of metal, make frames for the loading and ash doors, weld them to the openings.
  2. Assemble the grate for welding and place it on the corners fixed inside the cylinder. Weld the cut cover in place.
  3. Make the sashes as shown in the photo. Install them on hinges and attach constipation.
  4. Attach legs and a chimney to the body.

After assembly, the stove for a bath from a gas cylinder is melted on the street in order to burn out all the old paint. Then it can be degreased and repainted using a heat-resistant composition of the KO series.

Production of a unit with a remote firebox

To make such a furnace, you need to prepare metal parts and cut the pipe to size, guided by the drawing:

Advice. When preparing metal for an additional section of the heater, measure the thickness of the wall between the steam room and the dressing room. So you will know the width of the stackable part that will fit into the opening of the partition.

Follow the instructions below for further work:

  1. Cut a hole in the upper part of the pipe, weld the chimney pipe to it, and the legs from the bottom of the firebox. Install the grates as described in the previous section.
  2. Make the front section and weld it to the firebox. Weld a blank metal disk to the rear end of the housing.
  3. Make doors with handles insulated with basalt wool and install them in place.

An important point. The lower plane of the remote firebox should be flush with the pipe wall for easy cleaning of the ash pan.

From above, to the finished stove, it remains to weld the frame for the heater from the corners, sheathed with a large-mesh metal mesh. After firing, staining and installation in the bath in place, fill the grid with special stones from the list:

  • basalt;
  • river pebbles;
  • gabbro diabase;
  • soapstone.

How a similar sauna stove is made in practice is described in detail in the video:

Making a vertical boiler

A feature of the round unit shown in the drawing is the presence of 3 chambers - fuel, heater and water tank. Their value can vary according to your desire, for example, the larger the size of the firebox you make, the longer 1 bookmark of firewood will burn. Increasing the heater will allow to accumulate more heat, which is released for a long time after the fuel burns out.

Advice. Do not greatly increase the volume of the tank with water, otherwise it will not have time to warm up by the time of washing.

The assembly order of the boiler looks like this:

  1. Cut blanks of partitions, bottom and cover from metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm. Prepare the ends of the pipe and weld round grates.
  2. In the case, make openings for doors and a hatch for loading stones.
  3. Make holes in the partitions for the chimney and install them inside the pipe. Attach the tank lid to the hinges.
  4. Make doors from semi-circular cut-out pieces and place them on awnings.
  5. Install a chimney channel and a water drain valve at the bottom of the tank.

If desired, even in this furnace, you can make a remote firebox. To do this, you need to build up the loading and ash channel, welding blanks of metal of the required width to the side of the pipe, as shown in the photo above. The correct assembly of such a heat generator is shown in detail in the following video:

Installing a stove in a bath

Since the right steam room is always built of wood, the main requirement when installing a wood-burning heater is fire safety. To endure it, follow simple rules:

  • the stove cannot be placed directly on a wooden floor, but only on a sheet of iron protruding 70 cm in front of the firebox;
  • wall cladding made of combustible materials must also be protected from fire with sheets of roofing iron or mineralite;
  • when installing a heater with the removal of the firebox, the opening in the wooden partition is also sheathed with non-combustible materials, as is done in the photo;
  • the distance from the insulated chimney pipe to wooden building structures is 38 cm.

The channel for the removal of combustion products to the street is recommended to be made of a double-walled sandwich filled with basalt wool. Often, the same square-shaped water tank is used to isolate the chimney, built right into the ceiling. How to properly install the stove in the bath is shown in the diagram:

Important. Do not use sheet or cord asbestos for thermal insulation inside the bathhouse, it emits dust that is harmful to health.


When a homeowner is faced with a choice - to lay down a stone sauna stove or put a metal one, then the majority tends to the second option as more economical. A homemade iron stove will come out even cheaper, in addition, it is ideal in all respects, because you yourself will think over its design. Don't know how to weld? Save money otherwise by ordering the assembly of the unit in a specialized workshop.

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