What is cheaper: ondulin or corrugated sheeting. Ondulin or corrugated sheeting - which is better, comparison of materials

The roof covering must withstand bad weather, protect from heat in summer and cold in winter. At the same time, I want it to be inexpensive, but durable and reliable material. Based on these parameters, future owners of suburban real estate often have a question: what to choose: corrugated sheeting or ondulin.

Externally, both materials are very similar. They have a ribbed surface and look neat. But external similarity is perhaps the only thing that unites them. In fact, corrugated sheeting is a metal profiled sheet, and ondulin is bitumen. Therefore, to make a choice, we will consider the characteristics of each material separately.

Ondulin (Euroslate)

The main components of Euro slate are cellulose and bitumen. Additionally, this material contains mineral fillers. That is, in essence, ondulin is sheets of durable cardboard impregnated with bitumen. One such sheet weighs no more than 7 kg. The material is soft and rough. It is easy to cut, drill and nail, which undoubtedly speeds up the process of laying Euro slate.

It also has other advantages. For example,:

  • Long service life, which is at least 25 years.
  • The material does not weigh down the roof, unlike classic slate or metal.
  • Suitable for roofs with complex shapes.
  • Withstands snow up to 50 cm deep.
  • Absorbs sounds from the street.
  • Does not rust or oxidize.
  • Environmentally friendly material.

But, there are also several disadvantages. For example, ondulin:

  • It is a fairly flammable material. Bitumen ignites very quickly and is capable of maintaining the combustion process for a long time.
  • Although it comes in several colors, it will still fade after a while.
  • It has a rough surface that cannot be washed properly. And dust and dirt linger on ondulin very well.
  • If it is located on the north side of the roof, it will easily begin to become covered with moss. You will have to clean it periodically.
  • It can soften in the sun, but in winter it is too fragile. Therefore, installation is only possible under certain weather conditions.
  • It is usually laid on lathing, which complicates the work process and increases the cost of the entire roof.

In addition, ondulin is very often counterfeited. Cheaper analogues do not last even half the standard service life.


Metal profiled sheets are made on the basis of cold-rolled, hot-dip galvanized steel. As a rule, a layer of zinc (about 30 microns) is applied to a sheet with a thickness of 0.14-1.5 mm. This is what makes corrugated sheeting such a cheap, but at the same time durable material. In addition to the zinc coating, such sheets are coated with a layer of anti-corrosion coating and a primer. A protective varnish is also applied to the inside, and a polymer coating is applied to the outside.

Corrugated sheeting may differ in profile, thickness, and corrugation height (it can range from 8 to 150 mm). The width of the sheet is usually standard (about a meter), but the length of the sheet is cut to order or by the buyer himself at the construction site. 1 “square” of corrugated sheeting weighs 5-8 kg, which is also not very much.

Other advantages of this material include:

  • Long service life (up to 50 years).
  • Fire resistance. Therefore, corrugated sheeting can be safely used for a home with a stove type of heating, as well as for a bathhouse.
  • Does not require lathing. Corrugated sheeting can be laid on boards in increments of 0.3 meters.
  • Does not change its characteristics in conditions of extreme heat or cold, so installation can be performed in any weather.
  • Thanks to the smooth surface, dirt, dust and snow do not accumulate on the corrugated sheet.
  • The coating does not change its color when exposed to sunlight.
  • Environmental friendliness.

There are also disadvantages. For example, profiled sheets do not suppress noise well. Therefore, on the top floor you will clearly hear hail, rain and crows walking on the roof. Also, the use of corrugated sheeting for buildings with an attic floor requires additional insulation of the roof. Otherwise, there is a risk that condensation will begin to accumulate.

If the sheet is severely damaged, corrosion may form on it.

Cardboard and metal, what to think about?

Most likely, having learned what ondulin is made from, many may think so. But it's not that simple. The fact that it is cardboard does not mean that the material will delaminate after the first rain.

In fact, cellulose, and also in collaboration with bitumen, turns into one of the most durable natural materials. For example, ancient wooden houses have been standing for several centuries. This strength is achieved through very flexible and durable cellulose fibers. Therefore, you should not immediately write off ondulin. Instead, it's worth considering how each material performs in different situations.


If you believe the manufacturers of high-quality ondulin, this material can cope with a load of 960 kg per 1 m2. But nothing concrete can be said about corrugated sheets. The producers themselves are silent. The thing is that there are many brands and varieties of profiled sheets. The greater the height of the corrugation (wave), the greater the strength and resistance to deflection the material will have.

It is on this basis that corrugated sheeting is divided into several categories. If we are talking about arranging a roof, then you need to choose only roofing and load-bearing materials.

Ondulin is sold only in one format, so it is more difficult to make a mistake. But some people even use load-bearing type corrugated sheets as interfloor floors. Therefore, even if we don’t know exactly how much it can withstand, it is clearly not inferior to Euro slate.

Resistant to damage and weathering

In this matter, ondulin clearly loses. For example, in the fall it can even be hollowed out by woodpeckers who like to catch midges on the roof. Moreover, there are reviews in which people say that birds literally pierce right through the material.

And you can’t stay in the heat with Euro slate. If it’s +40 degrees outside and you need to adjust the antenna, then it’s better not to go on the roof. Ondulin softens greatly, so it can bend greatly under the weight of a person.

Also, many live in regions with strong, almost storm-like winds. Technically, both ondulin and corrugated sheeting differ in the so-called windage. But for some reason, it is metal profiled sheets that are torn off the roof more often. This is due to the fastener. The fact is that the Euro slate comes with special nails, which are equipped with a wide head and are distinguished by a special carving. These elements are hammered into the sheathing, so the ondulin sheets sit firmly. Corrugated sheeting is usually attached to ordinary self-tapping screws, which you have to purchase yourself.

If we talk about atmospheric influences, then there will be problems with corrugated sheeting in winter. It is necessary to install special snow guards on it, since its surface is quite slippery. Ondulin has a rough structure, so snow is better retained on it.

Heat preservation

This is one of the fundamental differences between the materials. Although bitumen sheets can become soft under the influence of positive temperatures, this material has low thermal conductivity, so the space under the roof will not heat up. This means that in the attic or attic, even at +40, it will be quite cool and not cold in winter.

In this case, metal is inferior. The corrugated sheet instantly heats up under the sun. Let it not change its characteristics; you should not walk on such a roof in slippers. The attic will also be quite hot. In winter, metal, on the contrary, turns into a piece of ice. But this problem can be solved with the help of insulation, which is placed under the corrugated sheets. True, this will increase the cost of the entire roof.

Condensation Formation

Metal actually collects moisture from the air very well, and since it is cold in winter and hot in summer, this leads to condensation. Some complain that drops of water even roll down the walls. But, this problem is solved again by laying insulation (it is necessary to create a gap for ventilation and provide air flow). Then the moisture will leave.

You can also combat condensation by performing a more complex roof installation. To do this, you will need to organize a lathing on which a layer of waterproofing or a special roofing membrane is laid. Then a small gap is made and the corrugated sheet itself is fixed to the counter-lattice. In this case, moisture will accumulate on the inside of the roofing and flow down the waterproofing.

In fairness, it is worth noting that such a problem existed with the old corrugated sheeting. Today, sheets of roofing material are produced, which are coated on the inside with a special anti-condensation compound. This is not due to the fact that manufacturers suddenly began to care about customers, but because this makes sheet material more convenient to store in a warehouse. This coating itself, upon closer examination, resembles pile. Drops of moisture are retained on it, and when the temperature stabilizes, the fibers simply dry naturally. This option is more expensive, but significantly simplifies roof installation.

Other differences between ondulin and corrugated sheets

Yes, most people prefer metal over “cardboard,” but to complete the picture, it’s worth considering a few more points:

  • Although ondulin fades, many note that if you buy a glossy coating, after a few years it will become matte and a tone lighter. But the burnout occurs evenly, so it’s not very noticeable.
  • Since bitumen material is more flexible, elastic and lightweight, it can be transported in the trunk of your car and at the same time on the roof. Corrugated sheeting is hard, so it can only be transported on the roof of a car. Due to the greater weight, you will be able to bring half as much in one trip.

  • If you scratch the corrugated sheet too much, after some time corrosion will begin to appear in this place. Ondulin is not subject to such shortcomings.
  • But in installation, corrugated sheeting can be called the best option. The fact is that ondulin is only suitable for roofs whose slope is at least 14 degrees. Metal sheets can be placed however you like.

Thus, although two completely different materials, they are considered optimal for roof construction. But which one is better, you should choose based on your specific requirements and climatic conditions.

Choosing a roof is one of the most important parts of construction. The durability of the entire building as a whole will depend on the roof. In addition to the quality of the material, many people pay attention to its price, weight and size. Ondulin or corrugated sheeting, which is better for the roof? This is exactly the question that arises in the minds of most budget-conscious developers. In this article I will analyze not only these types of roofing products, but also introduce you to slate and metal tiles, and as a result I will draw a conclusion.


Ondulin is a modern roofing product that is very similar in appearance to asbestos slate. It is worth noting that their uniformity lies solely in the shape of the sheets. Most roofers call this product Euroslate. Ondulin is made from bituminous materials, and due to its wavy shape, the coating sheet acquires the necessary rigidity. Under the influence of sunlight, euro slate tends to soften, and in the cold it becomes brittle. Most often, such material is laid on a continuous sheathing in order to eliminate the possibility of its deformation.

The advantages of ondulin are as follows:

  • Long service life. Some of the large manufacturers began to provide a guarantee for their products. It says that for 20-25 years the material will not need any repairs. The maximum service life is about 50 years.
  • Cheapness. Reasonable price suitable for covering any type of building, even temporary. It is because of the affordable price tag that many residents with asbestos roofing began to switch to bitumen roofing.
  • The small mass of the material allows you to work independently. In addition, it opens up the possibility of coating over old material, which will reduce the cost of preparatory work.
  • Sufficient strength. Ondulin copes with both constant and snow loads without any problems.
  • Minimum thermal conductivity. A well-laid material can retain the heat of a room for a long time. Thanks to this quality, a minimal amount of ice forms on the surface in winter.
  • Bituminous materials are not harmful to humans if nothing is done with them. In addition, Euro slate contains natural cellulose, which increases its environmental friendliness.

IMPORTANT: Ondulin installation must be carried out under optimal conditions. The outside temperature should not fall below +5 degrees, otherwise you risk damaging the sheets of material.

As you know, there are no ideal materials in construction, so I advise you to carefully study the disadvantages of Euro slate.

  • Highly flammable. This is the main problem of the material when a fire occurs. Not only does it light quickly, but it also burns for a long time.
  • Not resistant to direct sunlight. Under the influence of high temperatures, the elasticity of the material increases, which can simply deform the roofing. In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun discolors bitumen slate and it becomes dull. It is worth noting that this process occurs unevenly, but in pieces, which greatly spoils the appearance of the building.
  • The surface of the material is rough, so all kinds of dirt and snow will always collect on the roof surface. The accumulation of a large snow cover can lead to the destruction of the rafter system. If you live in snowy regions of the country, then you will have a hard time.

Just a couple of decades ago, ondulin was the most popular roofing coating, then in just a couple of years its popularity came to an end. Developers have become less interested in this product, but why? Most likely it is due to the emergence of cheap metal products.

Asbestos slate

Let's start with perhaps the most famous material - asbestos slate. Just a few decades ago, it was actively used by all developers. The most favorite roofing of this material was the gable rafter system. To this day, there are people who use this roofing covering.
What is the reason for such popularity?

The advantages of asbestos slate include:

  • Long service life. With proper and high-quality installation, slate sheets can lie on the surface for 30 years. This period can be extended if the roof is carefully maintained: several inspections are made every year, the surface is cleaned of moss and painted.
  • Sound insulation of the roof plane is acceptable.
  • Due to its shape, slate can withstand long-term loads without problems.
  • Asbestos material is not subject to corrosion.
  • Cheapness.

At first glance, the material is simply perfect, but it is not. It has serious drawbacks, which is why most developers abandon it.

  • First of all, this is a poisonous material, and when it is cut, particles begin to hover in the air that are not excreted from the body.
  • During operation and loading and unloading operations, you need to be careful with slate sheets; they break easily.
  • The heavy weight does not allow one worker to lay this material. Of course it is possible, but it is very difficult.

If we compare the two sides, there cannot be a clear answer. Some may not care that slate is poisonous, because it can be painted, but for others, sound insulation will not be enough.


Corrugated sheeting is a unique material. It occurs quite often in construction. With its help, floors are overlapped, fences and formwork are erected, and roofs are covered. This material is produced in lengths from 0.5 to 12 meters. Experienced roofers advise purchasing long material that covers the entire slope. This way you will create a fairly airtight coating with a minimum number of seams.

The advantages of the profiled sheet are as follows:

  • Quite a long service life. With proper roofing care, it can last up to 50 years. Over its long service life, the material is unlikely to lose its waterproofing qualities.
  • Fire resistance opens up new possibilities for metal sheets. They can often be found on public and residential structures where fire safety is important.
  • Due to its rigidity, the material is able to withstand enormous loads. It doesn't cost him anything to hold off a person or serious snow cover.
  • The smooth surface easily removes precipitation naturally. In the winter season, you won’t have to climb onto the roof often to get rid of the thick cover. That is why the professional sheet suits most villagers.
  • During operation, the profiled sheet of metal does not lose its appearance and always remains in perfect condition. Of course, the opposite situation may arise if there is no roof maintenance at all.
  • Cheapness. Due to its low cost, this product is in great demand. Some types of corrugated sheets have a lower price than slate.

The main disadvantages of a profiled sheet include:

  • High thermal conductivity. In the winter season, such a roof will freeze very much, and heat up in the heat.
  • Natural removal of precipitation is associated with some danger, so snow holders must be mounted on such a surface.
  • A thin sheet of metal does not protect against noise in any way, and when it rains, falling drops can be heard and echo in the attic. For most people this is a minus, but some people love corrugated sheeting for this very reason.

The fastening elements most often are special self-tapping screws. Their structure is practically no different from ordinary ones, but roofing ones contain a rubber lining, which increases the tightness of the roof. During operation, the roof covering may begin to rattle. And if you don’t know what the reason is, then most likely the problem is in the fastenings. Carefully inspect each self-tapping screw for the presence of rubber and, if found, replace it.

There is nothing better than corrugated sheeting for covering outbuildings; of course, only slate can compete with this. So what is better: slate or corrugated roofing? Everything will depend on the functional purpose of the building. If this is a residential building, then it is better to give preference to a more attractive profiled sheet rather than poisonous slate. As for temporary structures, it’s up to you to decide.

Metal tiles

Metal tiles were introduced relatively recently. This product is made from galvanized steel. It has a protective coating that enhances its performance properties. It can be zinc, aluminum, polymer or in the form of varnish. Thanks to the protective layer, the service life of metal tiles is noticeably longer than corrugated sheets. In addition, this product has the following advantages:

  • With proper placement of the building on the site and timely preventive inspections, the metal tile covering will last a very long time.

  • A protective polymer coating eliminates the possibility of corrosion.
  • Metal tiles give the building an elegant appearance and increase the status of the owners in the eyes of passers-by and guests.
  • Large selection of colors that you can choose individually.
  • Due to even a small layer of polymers, sound insulation becomes significantly better.

IMPORTANT: If you want to create a high-quality and durable metal roof, you will have to think through all the layers of the roofing pie. They must have no less service life of the coating itself.

Now let's look at the negative side of this roof.

  • High thermal conductivity. This can be applied to absolutely any metal coating. In winter, when snow falls, the temperature of the roof surface is, as a rule, at a positive level. In this regard, the snow begins to melt and immediately cool down. This creates large ice build-ups, which can later become a threat to someone's health. Therefore, such roofs cannot be installed by those who do not want to maintain them.

  • Resonance. This quality also applies to thin metal materials. The moment a raindrop hits the roofing surface, it creates a much louder noise that echoes in the attic space. In addition, noise can also occur during strong gusts of wind. It is worth noting that for some people this noise becomes so unbearable that the next day they can tear off the coating with their own hands.
  • Moisture cannot pass through the metal coating. Any person in a conscious state knows this. It often happens that a metal roof has deteriorated within 10 years. The problem with this is the lack of natural ventilation. Even if you lay the material perfectly, it will not save you from the destructive effect of moisture on the wood. By equipping the roofing pie with ordinary ventilation ducts, you can forget about the moist air in the attic space.

IMPORTANT: If you purchase metal tiles with polymer protection, do not even think about cutting them with a power tool. The fact is that if you damage the polymer film, you will reduce the service life of this coating many times over. Of course, cutting the material with scissors will also damage it, but only in one place, and flying sparks can damage the protection everywhere.

Corrugated sheeting can be installed on roofs less than 12 degrees, and for metal tiles this is the extreme line. It's all about the shape of the roofing sheet. In the first case, it is smooth and the snow cover on the surface does not linger for a long time. As for the second, there are waves on the metal tile sheet that will interfere with precipitation.

Metal tiles or corrugated sheets, which is better for the roof? There is no definite answer, but professional roofers say this: you can ignore the shortcomings of these materials. They can be easily leveled out with additional materials, laying technology and other construction tricks.


Today, choosing a roofing covering is quite difficult. New roofing materials appear almost every day. If you want to make a high-quality coating, then give preference to those materials that have stood the test of time. Let's combine all the products described above into one list and find common properties.

  • Weight. Metal coatings can definitely be included in the list of leaders in light weight. Then comes ondulin, and everything ends on asbestos slate. Low weight plays an important role during material transportation, loading and unloading operations and installation. The less load the roofing material gives per square meter of sheathing, the thinner the lumber can be used. This point is very important if you want to save money.
  • Fire hazard. The article already mentioned that metal does not burn, therefore, they take first place in safety. But it’s impossible to judge the next two. When heated, asbestos slate increases in volume and causes a kind of explosion. Fragments of material can fly quite a long distance and, if they fall, they can damage something or someone. As for ondulin, it burns very well and maintains its condition for a long time.
  • Soundproofing. If in the first two points the leadership was held by metal coatings, then here everything is different. Thin metal is not able to resist noise; on the contrary, it only enhances it. Slate has acceptable sound insulation, even without additional roofing layers. Ondulin consists of bitumen and other dense materials, which is why its sound insulation is the highest.

  • In terms of ease of installation, the materials in question do not differ much. Metal sheets are lightweight, as is bitumen slate. As for the asbestos product, getting it onto the roof is quite problematic. Most likely, this will be the worst option in terms of ease of installation.
  • If the roofer is not yet experienced, then the most suitable material for training is ondulin. It is lightweight, easy to deliver to the roof, fastening is carried out by simply screwing self-tapping screws into the sheathing. Other options are a little more complicated. Slate is fragile, and when installing a metal coating, all holes must be coated with sealants.

When choosing a roofing covering, it is very important to study all the nuances. For example, the region of your residence, prevailing winds, average annual precipitation, the functional purpose of the building and other data.

Often during construction, home owners are faced with a difficult choice when they need to decide between two materials. For example, between ondulin and corrugated sheeting. Comparing modern roofing materials is a very relevant topic, because everyone wants to find exactly what is ideal for their home.

Advantages and disadvantages


Ondulin was invented about half a century ago and for that time was considered simply an ideal material - both in appearance and in its characteristics. It is made from cellulose fibers, which are carefully compressed and impregnated with bitumen, and then coated with paint and resin. Due to its wavy texture, ondulin can be confused with slate; moreover, it is often called euroslate. Used for roofing and cladding works.

The obvious advantages of this material include the following characteristics.

  • Ease. Ondulin is lightweight, weighs very little - about 6 kg with a thickness of 2.7 mm and standard dimensions of 940x2000 mm.
  • Flexibility. It is also distinguished by its obedience; it is easy to saw and cut, thus changing its shape and size.
  • Durability. Roofs covered with ondulin last about 40-50 years and are not subject to corrosion, rust or rotting.
  • Good noise absorption.

  • Ease of installation. This is one of those materials that can be installed in any season - be it summer or winter. You can even fasten it with nails.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Low cost.
  • No condensation.

As with any other material, there are some drawbacks.

  • Burnout. Ondulin is susceptible to fading in the sun. But areas of the roof that are constantly in the shade will eventually become covered with moss and other similar greenery. If you want to use ondulin, you need to consider whether the house is located in the shade or in bright sun.
  • Low fire safety. Ondulin is flammable and this is one of its main disadvantages. In the event of a fire, it will ignite quickly and easily.

  • Limited color palette. However, even so, it is considered quite nice material.
  • Rough surface. People who use ondulin note that snow does not slide off it, which makes cleaning the roof more difficult.
  • Susceptibility to temperature changes. In humid conditions it gets wet quickly.

In almost every construction hypermarket in a big city or in an online store you can find onduvilla - a soft tile that has recently gained enormous popularity. This is an improved version of the well-known ondulin. One of the most noticeable differences is in appearance - onduvilla is available in three colors (green, red and brown) and, thanks to painting in two layers, looks more voluminous. This contributes to the original design of the roof.

Just like ondulin, onduvilla is easy to install, weighs little, is resistant to temperature changes, corrosion, fungi and mold, and reacts normally to all weather conditions - from the hot July sun to November snow or even hail.


Corrugated sheets are rigid (made of aluminum, copper or chromium-nickel steel) sheets coated with either polymer or zinc. They can be bent, perforated or with textured embossing; according to the fold, two types are distinguished - in the form of a wave and in the form of a trapezoid.

Decking undergoes a procedure such as corrugation, due to which the material acquires both a distinctive appearance and amazing strength. Very often the appearance of corrugated board resembles slate.

There are three types of corrugated sheets depending on the protective coating(it is either absent, or hot-dip galvanized, or hot-dip galvanized with a protective and decorative layer) and three types, depending on the method of application and strength: roofing, which is also called load-bearing (marked as H), wall (C) and load-bearing-wall ( NS). Roofing corrugated board is equipped with special grooves that increase its strength. It is often used for the construction of garages, warehouses, fences, as well as for wall cladding and roofing.

The load-bearing wall type is used for wall finishing and roofing work. Wall metal profile, respectively, is used only for wall cladding. It's the cheapest.

The covering of the corrugated sheet is also of great importance. This is either zinc, or a mixture of zinc with aluminum and silicon, or Teflon and polyester coatings, PVC. Perhaps, the durability and durability of your future roof depends on the coating, how it will withstand the attack of sunlight and moisture, and fight corrosion. In addition to letters, the markings also contain numbers. They show the corrugation height in mm. In the case of roofing, the best option is N-153. We are now interested in this type of material.

Let's look at the features of corrugated roofing sheeting.

  • It has a very affordable price. For a sheet of classic size 1155x1000 mm you will pay from 150 to 250 rubles. Price varies depending on thickness, brand and coating.
  • Durable and stable. Serves about 50 years, steadfastly withstands various mechanical and natural influences.
  • Available in a wide variety of colors.

  • It has high fire safety, is environmentally friendly, resistant to corrosion due to galvanization and polymers in the coating.
  • Easy to install due to the long sheet length. The only caveat: the sheets are overlapped, which reduces the useful width of the sheet by 1-1.5 cm. Suitable even for roofs with a long slope and hides irregularities.
  • Versatile. It must be said that corrugated board can be used not only for roofing, but also for walls, fences and gates.

Among the shortcomings, experts highlight the following characteristics.

  • Regarding ondulin - a large weight and sheet size, which is not always convenient to work with.
  • Poor sound insulation. This becomes noticeable during rain or hail.
  • Warms up quickly in the sun. This is especially bad for those people who live on the top floor and even more so in the attic.
  • Formation of condensation. This means that moisture penetrates into the insulation, thus deteriorating the thermal insulation of the house and detrimentally affecting the finishing of the ceiling.
  • Difficulty loading. In order to load sheets of corrugated sheets, you need special equipment, caution and a couple of people. The metal sheets have sharp edges, they are quite heavy and massive, and it is almost impossible to load them alone.

Often, when purchasing corrugated sheets, you may come across such concepts as corrugated sheets, profiled sheets, and profiled flooring. Don't be confused, remember that these are all names of the same material.


When choosing roofing materials, the manufacturer plays a huge role: the price at which he sells, what his reputation is and customer reviews. It can often be very difficult to figure out which of a company's statements are true and which are empty promises. That is why it is very important to take a sober approach to choosing the company from which you are going to buy ondulin or corrugated sheets.

We would like to draw your attention to some reliable companies represented on our market.

  • Company "Metal Profile" dates back to 1996 and already has more than 17 factories throughout the country. It is famous for its high-quality roofing materials; it produces siding, metal tiles, corrugated sheets, and also deals with the arrangement of drainage systems and the installation of sandwich panels.

  • American company Nuline produces ondulin and its derivatives - ondalux, onduru, also known under other names (Ondulux, Onduline, Onduvilla). This company produces ondulin sheets using its own silicone impregnation, which allows the material to successfully withstand various weather conditions. This company also has a huge variety of colors - from classic gray to bright orange and blue. Ondulin sheets from this company shimmer beautifully in the sun, as they have a glossy finish.

What to choose?

When analyzing the characteristics of these two materials, it is not difficult to identify many common properties and minimal differences. Indeed, ondulin and corrugated sheeting are similar in many ways, but which roofing coating should you choose?

To answer this question, you need to compare the characteristics of each material and decide what you want from it.

  • Perhaps we can say that corrugated sheeting is more suitable for covering large areas, if only because its sheets are produced up to 6 m long. It turns out that it is easier to lay, but more difficult to transport and load, and it has better fire safety and not very good sound insulation. The case with ondulin is actually the opposite - due to the size of the sheet, it is a little (very little) easier to install, it has better sound insulation, but its fire safety leaves much to be desired. The durability of these two materials is virtually the same.

  • For complex structures, it is better to use ondulin - it is more flexible and easier to cover small secluded, hard-to-reach corners.
  • The topic of price requires separate coverage. Both materials are approximately equally inexpensive, but if you measure directly the area of ​​the material, it will become clear that ondulin is still cheaper. Let's get back to the installation: ondulin can be laid even alone, but for corrugated sheeting you will need the help of professionals. All this, of course, increases the final cost of your roof - the workers also need to be paid.

Choosing a roof is one of the most important stages when building a house.

And since building material manufacturers now offer us a huge amount of roofing materials, developers have to decide what material to use for roofing.

After all, all materials are different.

They differ in appearance, characteristics, installation principles and cost.

Here, as they say, who likes what.

However, in most cases, the developer chooses between ondulin and corrugated sheeting.

The characteristics of both materials deserve respect.

And their cost is approximately the same.

However, there are differences that can affect the choice of roofing material.

Characteristics of ondulin

Ondulin (Euro slate) is a building material that is intended for cladding and roofing work.

To produce this material, the method of pressing cardboard under high pressure is used, which is enriched with bitumen.

After pressing, the cardboard is coated with resin and paint.

Therefore, ondulin is not only a very durable material.

He is also very handsome in appearance.

The material is produced in standard sheets with overall dimensions of 940 x 2000 mm. Sheet thickness 2.7 mm.

The weight of an ondulin unit is 6 kg.

Ondulin, due to its characteristics, has become very popular in our country.

The plasticity and single-layer nature of this material make ondulin very resistant to various mechanical damage.

And the special resins that are used in the production of ondulin provide reliable protection for the roof against leaks.

After the fastening nail pierces the ondulin sheet, a microscopic drop of bitumen is released at this point, which seals the gap between the material and the nail.

Ondulin is not subject to corrosion because it contains no metal elements.

It does not rot because it is impregnated with resin.

Ondulin is an environmentally friendly product.

The small thickness of the material makes it possible to cut it with a simple hacksaw in order to use it to cover any, even the most complex roofing elements.

Despite its small size, Euro slate can easily withstand snow cover 50 cm thick.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Yes, this wonderful material has many advantages.

But, unfortunately, it also has disadvantages.

But first, let's look at the advantages:

  • excellent sound insulation. Ondulin does not allow noise to pass through. Therefore, when it rains, it absorbs the noise of falling drops, falling hail, and water that flows down the roof. Euroslate is the quietest roofing material;
  • good resistance to weather conditions. Anyone. In the sun, ondulin practically does not heat up, unlike steel metal tiles or corrugated sheets;
  • ease of installation. Ondulin is a very plastic, flexible material. It is very easy to cut. It is very easy to install on the old coating;
  • ecological cleanliness. Ondulin does not contain asbestos, which is very harmful to the human body. Rainwater that flows down the roof can be used, for example, for irrigation without additional treatment;
  • resistance to corrosion, rot, and the effects of fungi, microorganisms and bacteria;
  • durability. 50 years;
  • affordable price. Today many people can afford ondulin for the roof.

In addition to many advantages, ondulin also has disadvantages.

And you should know about them:

  • low fire safety. Since ondulin is paper and bitumen (resin), the risk of a fire on the roof, for example, due to a lightning strike, is very high;
  • the choice of colors is small;
  • the material is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation. That is, under the sun's rays it simply fades very quickly;
  • under some conditions, ondulin is not resistant to mechanical damage. It is not recommended to walk on it after rain. If the material is wet, then after walking, dents from your feet may remain on it;
  • Since the material is manufactured in the form of sheets, a large number of joints are formed during installation. And if some inaccuracies were made during installation, leaks may occur.

It's time to deal with the corrugated sheets. Also a very interesting building material.

Advantages and disadvantages of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet is a profiled steel sheet that has good lateral rigidity.

For the manufacture of corrugated sheets, the cold stamping method is used.

The depth of the profile depends on the size of the stiffeners and the thickness of the metal.

The thicker the steel sheet, the deeper the stamping and the greater the strength of the product.

The corrugated sheet can have a thickness of 0.5 - 1.2 mm.

To protect the sheet from corrosion, it is coated with a polymer or a layer of zinc.

Or both at the same time.

Today, galvanized corrugated sheeting with a polymer decorative coating is in great demand.

Since steel in rolls is used to produce corrugated sheets, its length can be any.

And the width of the sheet has limitations: 980 - 1850 mm.

Advantages of corrugated sheets:
  • high fire safety. After all, the base of the corrugated sheet is a metal sheet;
  • high resistance to natural and mechanical influences. The material does not lose its original appearance for almost its entire service life;
  • large selection of colors and shapes;
  • easy installation. The weight of the corrugated sheet is small, and it is not difficult to secure it to the roof. Even an amateur can handle this if he has some skill;
  • during installation, the number of joints is minimal, which significantly reduces the likelihood of leakage;
  • despite the fact that corrugated sheeting is a metal product, the plastic coating reliably protects the base of the sheet from corrosion;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability. also 50 years old;
  • affordable price.

Well, about the shortcomings, of course:

  • The sound insulation of the corrugated board is very poor. And when it’s raining or hailing outside, all the impacts on the roof are very audible. But this drawback is mitigated by a sound protection device under the corrugated sheeting;
  • Condensation often forms under the sheets. But this problem can also be easily solved: arrange a ventilated space under the corrugated sheeting;
  • difficulty of use on complex roof structures. The size of a standard sheet of corrugated board is large, and it has to be cut. And this is not easy. The sheets are laid on the roof with an overlap. Which reduces the actual width of the sheet by 50 cm.

Which is cheaper: ondulin or corrugated sheeting

One of the most important issues when choosing a roofing material is cost.

You should know that in addition to the material itself, you also need to purchase components.

Despite the fact that more components are required for corrugated sheeting, the cost of components for ondulin is higher.

As a result, ondulin turns out to be 5% more expensive for the same roof area than corrugated sheeting.

Well, for example, at a company that produces corrugated sheets, it is loaded onto pallets.

But they have loading equipment.

And you will have to hire a loader for an additional fee, or unload the material one sheet at a time.

Believe me, this is very difficult.

A heavy vehicle will be required for delivery.

With ondulin everything is much simpler.

Since its dimensions are smaller than corrugated sheets.

If desired, it can be transported by car.

Or by small minibus.

Now about the installation.

Since ondulin is laid on a solid corrugated sheet, its installation can be easily done by one person.

The installation technology is very simple, and the home owner will do everything quickly and efficiently.

With corrugated sheets everything is more complicated.

Even the manufacturers of this material indicate that at least 2 people should work with corrugated sheeting.

Both during unloading and during installation.

And how can one lay a sheet that is 2 meters long?

It's a sail!

At best, he will fly away and injure someone below.

In the worst case, it will fly away along with the installer.

That is, you will have to hire a team of professional roofers.

And these are additional costs.

Which is better: ondulin or corrugated sheeting

As you can see, both ondulin and corrugated sheets have many advantages and disadvantages.

The fire safety of corrugated sheets is high.

It is a little cheaper, and will certainly pay off if the roof area is large.

Since the length of corrugated sheets can reach 6 meters, the number of joints will be minimal.

This means that the likelihood of leaks is minimized.

But the sound insulation of the corrugated sheets is zero.

Ondulin has excellent sound insulation.

However, its fire safety is very low.

Installation of ondulin should be done very carefully.

Because there will be a large number of joints, and if the sheet is placed unevenly somewhere, a leak may occur.

In terms of price, corrugated sheeting and ondulin practically do not differ from each other.

The service life of the material is approximately the same.

In principle, there should be no problems during installation.

The technology is very simple.

However, if the roof has a complex structure with a large number of bends and valleys, then laying ondulin is easier.

It is flexible and cuts well.

Corrugated sheeting is no different in flexibility.

And there is a big difference in the sheathing: under the ondulin it should be continuous, but under the corrugated sheeting you can lay boards with some spacing.

Saving on material!

Despite the fact that corrugated sheeting has many advantages, it is still better to use it for cladding and making fences.

But it would be better to lay ondulin on the roof of the house.

In any case, everything is decided by the developer.

No matter what a person builds, a toilet in the far corner of a summer cottage or a three-story cottage, one always has to look for the answer to the question of how to cover the roof.

In general, there is something to buy on the construction market, both for the gazebo and for the house. Some people can afford something that is more expensive, others need to find something that is cheaper.

Some are guided by certain criteria of reliability and strength, others are guided by color... Most often, an ordinary resident building his own house faces a choice between ondulin and corrugated sheeting.

What is ondulin? A roofing material that appeared relatively recently on the CIS markets was invented and began to be produced in Europe about 50 years ago. Due to its external similarity to the asbestos slate we are used to, ondulin is sometimes called Euroslate.

This “slate” is made from waste paper. It is crushed, mixed with water and dyes until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is passed on a conveyor through a molding machine, where it takes the form of wavy, slate-like sheets.

Then these sheets are dried and impregnated under pressure and high temperature with distilled bitumen with the addition of synthetic resins and mineral additives.

The positive characteristics of ondulin usually include:

  1. Flexibility and light weight (about 3 kg/m2)
  2. Ease of use - easy to cut
  3. Safety for humans and nature
  4. Quiet material
  5. Durability -40 - 50 years of service
  6. Affordable price

Negative qualities are considered:

  1. Few colors (red, brown, green, lilac)
  2. Burnout
  3. Low fire resistance
  4. Brittleness in cold weather and excessive softness in hot weather

Not all statements are certain. It's easy to cut, but you'll have to throw in a hacksaw. Burnout is also questionable. The author of the article has had a house covered with ondulin since 2010. Brown. No burnout is visible.

Fragility and softness can be tested, but why? The roof is divided to protect from snow, wind and rain, and not to jump on it.

And if the house catches fire, then what difference does it make, in principle, whether the ondulin burns or not?

Corrugated sheets are produced by cold rolling of steel sheets. The result is a wavy profile, but the waves are not round in shape, like those of ondulin, but trapezoidal.

At the same time, the height of the “trapezoid” can be different, so corrugated sheeting is conventionally divided into “low profile”, “medium profile” and “high profile”.

Corrugated sheets are produced galvanized and coated with colored polymers.

Pros of a profiled sheet:

  1. Lightness (from 4 to 8 kg/m2)
  2. Ease of use during installation
  3. Environmental friendliness
  4. Service life up to 50 years
  5. Fire resistance
  6. Affordable price
  1. Increased noise
  2. Gets very hot in the sun
  3. Possibility of condensation
  4. Susceptibility to corrosion

Here, too, one can argue... On the one hand, a sheet of large area eliminates the presence of joints and overlaps, as when using ondulin, on the other hand, it is necessary to “catch” calm, windless weather, which is not always possible.

Otherwise, a gust of wind may simply tear the leaf out of your hands. It's good if it ends with minor bruises. Regarding fire resistance, it also does not play a special role when a house is on fire.

“With all the wealth of choice, is there no other alternative?”

It is clear that the “positive” and “negative” properties of ondulin and corrugated sheets are very conditional things. Burnout of ondulin in the sun is possible if you come across a fake.

Real ondulin is impregnated with paint at the raw material preparation stage, and is not painted on top with regular paint. Some people actually like the sound of rain.

Yes, and sound insulation can be provided at any time, fortunately, there are many materials for this. Metal can be protected from corrosion by properly and promptly processing the cut lines.

On the other hand, there is also the concept of “prestige”. For some, a roof covered with corrugated sheeting with a polymer coating will look “richer” than a roof covered with ondulin.

In general, the obvious conclusion is that the choice is not obvious.

Having familiarized yourself with all the information about a particular roofing material, the technology of its manufacture, its physical, mechanical and technical characteristics, color palette, everyone can take for themselves something that will not cause disappointment after several years of life under the chosen roof.