Forgotten ships of the Revolution. Cruiser "Faithful" and destroyer "Nathan James" Akatsuki ship

Comrade! This review is dedicated to the difficult fate of the sailors of the missile cruiser "Verny", which was voluntarily and maliciously invented and inserted into the serial bourgeois film "The Last Ship". Progressive cranberry communityMother Russiamust know everything about the insidious fabrications of artisans from capitalist cinema!
UPD Tov. voencomuezd rightly pointed out the fact that this review is somewhat secondary. T-shchi amagnum and tov_boluta have already had a hand in collecting cranberries in this plot and. And as you know, comraid, aged cranberries are better than fresh ones!

A little about the plot. The arctic fox came and everyone died. An epidemic is raging on the planet - an unknown disease has spread across all continents and the threat of extinction looms over humanity. The US government sends the destroyer Nathan James to the Arctic, carrying virologist Rachel Scott (played by Rhona Mitra), to collect samples of uninfected tissue. Using these samples, it is hoped to develop a vaccine.

The destroyer, Genossen, is the most real thing in this film. The North American Navy ship Helsea was used for filming.USSHalseyDDG-97, also read as “Halsey”, well, it’s like Huxley-Huxley - a matter of taste), Orly-Burke class guided missile destroyer. Interestingly, at the very beginning of the first episode there is an episode of the arrival on the ship of a group of selected Pentagon thugs - the so-called “Navy Seals”, equipped, among other things, with a German Shepherd dog. So, the dog’s name is also Halsey, as evidenced by the corresponding inscription on the collar. Admiral Halsey, after whom the ship was named, would no doubt be delighted with the filmmakers' witty joke.

Having taken on board people, a dog, laboratory equipment and strategic reserves of pathos, the destroyer left her native Norfolk and after some time found herself almost at the North Pole. Life on the ship went according to the watch schedule - the crew practiced firing rockets at training targets, Dr. Scott chased Arctic terns, and mountain divers walked around on patrol and played snowballs.

Did you, tovaristch, know that naval mountain warfare units serve in the US Navy?

The naval idyll was shattered by the appearance of mysterious black helicopters™, which were immediately identified by Lieutenant Green as Russian. Where did the insidious Russians manage to get their hands on a few MH-53s? Sea DragonAndBell407 (perhaps I was wrong here with the helicopter model, if so, correct me), and even with externally mounted missiles - history is silent.

Russian Helicopters Attack!

In full accordance with the canons of the genre, red star “dragons” attack everything that moves. Not for thattovaristch, the great Russian navigators Lazarev and Bellingshausen discovered Antarctica so that all sorts of Americans could catch Arctic terns at the North Pole! The helicopters hit the destroyer's superstructure several times with missiles, inadvertently shorten the distance and naturally lose to the ship's Phalanx and the tank's five-inch gun. Their smaller brothers land a small landing force, dressed in a special uniform for operations in the Arctic - practical black. Despite the fire support of helicopters and the presence of beautiful uniforms, the landing operations were also unsuccessful.

For Bellingshausen!

For Lazarev!

For the Arctic Tern!

Suspecting something was wrong, Commander Chandler ordered to immediately set up steam, raise the sails, weigh anchor and urgently row towards France, on the northwestern coast of which there was a fuel station with the required grade of fuel oil. However, he underestimated the powerRussian Fleet, which immediately backfired not only on him, but also on France. The insidious Russians, harboring a grudge against the commander for five lost helicopters and several sets of practical black uniforms (along with the contents), decided to annoy everyone at once - and launched a nuclear missile at France.

Genosse, you are certainly familiar with the song about rockets that slowly float into the distance. So, everything is relative. To some, on the contrary, it may seem that they are moving too fast.

Your girlfriend, tovaristch, wants to go to Paris? Get her on a missile cruiser!

Commander Chandler immediately realized that he would have to refuel elsewhere and ordered the steering wheel to Cuba, which the Russians would definitely not attack for sentimental reasons.

In Cuba, however, a surprise of a different kind awaited him. As soon as the Nathan James stood at the pier in Guantanamo Bay, a certain British ship got in touch and requested permission to enter the same bay. Upon closer examination, the British craft turned out to be the Russian cruiser Verny under the command of Vice Admiral Konstantin Nikolaevich Ruskov! The soldier's ingenuity did not let the sailors down!

- An old Kirov class missile cruiser, nuclear powered, possibly armed with warheads.
- I thought they were written off back in the nineties!
- They're old and ugly, but still dangerous.

-Konstantin Ruskov is a brilliant commander...

...he himself wrote a whole book about the tactics of naval warfare.

The content of the annotation (where it was possible to make out the text) is as follows: Konstantin Nikolaevich Ruskov was born in a former vice admiral from the Red Banner Northern...Russia...Previously he was the chief of Staff...Baltic Fleet chief of Staff.. .Pacific Fleet since 1993...Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy...graduated from the Pacific...N.G. Kuznetsov...headquarters. Ruskov joined the fleet in 1962...Pacific Higher Naval School...served aboard a frigate in the Pacific Fleet...Grechko (now Ruskov)...From 1979 to 1987 he served in the Pacific...division minesweepers. The following is illegible.

Having locked the American destroyer in the bay, Konstantin Nikolaevich kindly invited Tom Chandler to meet on the shore in an informal, friendly atmosphere.

The meeting took place in a coastal bar. At the meeting, in addition to the ship commanders and accompanying persons, there was a bottle of Dozhd vodka and a portrait of Che Guevara, who looked condemningly at both the bottle and the Americans.

The requirements put forward by Konstantin Nikolaevich were extremely unburdensome - to give a sample of the original virus and virologist Rachel Scott to the load. After this, the Americans were asked to get away from the island of freedom and not smoke the Cuban sky with the stinking exhaust of their general-electric turbines. Tom Chandler, however, balked and arrogantly rejected the vice admiral's moderate demands, which greatly upset the latter. Konstantin Nikolaevich was so upset that he didn’t even finish his drink vodka. Instead, he killed one of his officers and, in upset feelings, left for the ship entrusted to him.

Arriving on the Verny, Vice Admiral Ruskov compensated for what he had not drunk on shore and summoned Quincy Tophet’s wife, Dr. Scott’s assistant. However,tovaristch, he called her for something completely different from what you might be thinking about right now! Shame on you! Konstantin Nikolaevich simply told the woman that her husband was about to kidnap the virologist and take her to Verny, after which he would be safely reunited with his family.

-We have a combat alert, and these Russians are having fun there. They probably have vodka on their ships too!

Unfortunately, Quincy Tophet turned out to be a wimp and an amateur. As soon as he took out a revolver, they immediately put him face down on the table, and then handcuffed him to a chair and began to interrogate him. Based on the results of the interrogation, Lieutenants Green and Foster, accompanied by three five-inch shells and four briquettes of explosives, went to Verny instead.

At this time, the Nathan James, under the command of the resourceful Tom Chandler, was preparing to elude the Faithful by passing through a narrow, unnavigable strait, overgrown with corals like taiga moss. The corals were supposed to be torpedoed simultaneously with the detonation of the fireship sent to the Verny, and in order to fool the Russian radar and hide the departure of the destroyer, an unwound roll of aluminum foil was left on the pier! Suck it, Homer! Your Odysseus is just a brat!

In this illustration, tovaristch, you can see the explosion of a torpedo fired by a destroyer (in the center) and the stem of the destroyer (on the right). You may ask, how can you fire a torpedo while being so close to the target? And how did the destroyer stay on the narrow fairway, being so close at the moment of detonation? Alas, I myself am asking this question and therefore I will answer - let's drink, comrade!

Alas,tovaristch! Once again, communist humanism prevented the triumph of grandiose plans! What prevented Konstantin Nikolaevich from storming the destroyer or threatening Chandler to fire the remaining missiles at arbitrary targets in the USA? Only communist humanism and nobility of soul, probably inherited from noble ancestors.

Comrade, drink vodka “Rain” in honor of the main weapons of real communists - humanism and nuclear missiles!

The longer you defend your rights, the more unpleasant the aftertaste.

In certain circles, this Japanese destroyer-chan gained fame as "Loyal". In this regard, I decided to google and collect at least some complete information about her. So...

On March 31, 1933, the newest of the series of “special” destroyers, the destroyer Hibiki, which in Russian translation means “Thunder,” left the Kosakubu shipyard.
Despite a number of design miscalculations, which tried to cram maximum weapons into a limited displacement, it turned out to be a very good ship for its time. In terms of weapon power, it was comparable to a light cruiser. Hibiki was the first Japanese destroyer whose hull was assembled only by welding, without riveting.

Standard displacement 1680 tons, full displacement 2100 tons. Maximum length 118.4 m, beam 10.36 m, draft 3.28 m. Power of twin-shaft turbine unit 50,000 hp, 6 Kampon boilers and two two turbines of the same company, design speed 38 knots, cruising range 5000 miles, economical speed 14 knots. Armament: six 127-mm universal guns, two 13.2-mm machine guns, three three-tube 610-mm torpedo tubes. Team of 197 people.

Belonged to the second series of “special” destroyers. In 1932-33, four units were built: Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi and Inazuma. In 1942-1943 they were modernized (the elevated turret was removed and up to 28 25-mm machine guns were installed.

It was a lucky ship. Despite its active participation in the war from the beginning until the surrender of Japan, it was one of 9 Japanese destroyers that survived the war out of more than 150 built.

Repeatedly received heavy damage from bombs, was torpedoed, and was blown up by mines, but the destroyer's crew lost only 2 people during the war years. The ship took part in the invasion of the Philippines and the Aleutian Islands, in the Battle of Kruk Atoll, escorted tankers and transports, and escorted aircraft carriers.

In April 1945, he accompanied the battleship Yamato on her last voyage. The use of the battleship was provided for in the plan to protect the immediate approaches to the Japanese islands.

He was supposed to take part in Operation Ten-ichigo (Heaven-1) - the defense of Fr. Ryukyu from invasion. The task of the formation, which included the Yamato, the cruiser Yahagi and eight destroyers, including the Hibiki, was to repel attacks by American aircraft and reach the landing site of the American troops on the island. Okinawa (US troops invaded on April 1).

The command was able to allocate only 2,500 tons of fuel for this operation. Therefore, if the return was considered difficult, the battleship was ordered to throw ashore on the island and support the troops with the fire of its guns.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Admiral Toeda, believed that the operation did not have even a 50% chance of success, but believed that if it was not carried out, the ships would no longer be able to be used at all. The fact was that the most powerful ship in the Japanese fleet was chosen as bait.

To prolong his “last journey” as much as possible, he was given an escort of nine ships. All of them were supposed to serve as cover for Operation Kikusui - a massive attack by kamikaze aircraft on American ships at the landing site.

It was with this operation that the hopes of the Japanese command were pinned. On April 4, the composition of the future Yamato escort decreased by one ship. The destroyer Hibiki came across a floating mine near the base and was disabled (the boilers were damaged). He was towed by the destroyer Hatyushimo, but could no longer participate in the operation.

On August 6, 1945 he moved to Maizuru, where on August 21 he fell into the hands of the American occupation authorities. In September 1945, the ship was completely disarmed.

On October 5, 1945, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet. For some time he transported Japanese returning home. On July 5, 1947, she moved to Ominato, where she was handed over to the Soviet crew.
In 1962, under the name “Verny”, he found his grave near Father Karamzin as a floating target. “Hibiki” lies on the starboard side, with its bow moving away from the shore, to a depth of 21 meters.


Yes, everyone has a favorite waifu (2D girl). I often ask people why they like their favorite character. But they either cannot answer, or say that they like the appearance. And often this is sad, because a favorite character can have an interesting story, character, and not just appearance.

And I believe that a favorite character should have not only a beautiful appearance, but also a character or a story. Your favorite character should be interesting.

For example, a beautiful 2D girl with big breasts cannot be interesting. After all, such a character will be loved not because of the story, not because of his character, but only for his appearance.

So, what am I getting at? Attentive and smart readers will understand that I wrote this for a reason. They will also understand that it has something to do with my waifu.

Okay, I think that the preface did not turn out to be too long and does not carry much semantic load (and so everything is clear).


1. Appearance.

1.1 Clothes:

So, well, everything is quite simple here. Hibiki (Faithful) is wearing a sailor suit aka "sailor suit". This uniform is usually worn by Japanese schoolgirls. Sailor white blouse. In the neck area there is a blue collar with white stripes. The collar features a white anchor. The sailor's sleeves are long. The cuffs are blue with white stripes. Hibiki (Loyal) also wears a red tie around her neck. Also, along with the sailor suit, Hibiki (Faithful) wears a short blue skirt with white stripes. Hibiki always wears long black stockings (according to all the canons of zettai ryouiki. She is wearing Japanese school shoes. On her head she wears a blue cap , with white stripes. Also on the cap is a white anchor. A metal badge with the Roman numeral "three" is attached to the cap.

1.2. Appearance:

Hibiki has blue-white hair, while "Loyal" has pure white hair. Both have blue-blue eyes.

2. Character.

But here it’s already difficult to say. I thought about this for a long time and did not come to any conclusion. After all, first of all, this is a character in a game, not an anime/manga.

3. History.

Hibiki (Faithful) is a World War II destroyer. This is an Akatsuki-class destroyer. This is a development of Fubuki-class destroyers. There were 4 Akatsuki-class destroyers in total. These are Hibiki (Japanese: 響 - echo), Akatsuki (Japanese: 暁 - dawn), Inazuma (Japanese: 電 - lightning), Ikazuchi (Japanese: 雷 - thunder)

3.2. Those. characteristics:

Displacement: standard 1680 tons (predecessor Fubuki - 1750 tons), normal 1980 tons.

Length - 118.4 m, along the waterline - 113.3 m. Width 10.36 m. Draft 3.28 m. Akatsuki-class ships were equipped with 3 Kampon boilers, 2 Kampon TPAs ​​with a power of 50,000 hp ., which allowed a speed of 38 knots (70 km/h). The fuel capacity was 475 tons, the cruising range was 5,000 miles at an economical speed of 14 knots. Crew: 197 people.

3.3. Weapons:

Artillery: six 127-mm guns in three two-gun turrets, two 13-mm machine guns, after modernization the ships received up to twenty-eight 25-mm machine guns. Torpedo and mine armament: nine 610 mm torpedo tubes, 18 min. Anti-submarine weapons: 14 depth charges.

3.4. Service history:

All Akatsuki-class destroyers took part in the invasion of Malaya and the Dutch East Indies. In the Battle of the Java Sea in 1942, the British cruiser Exeter was finished off by the destroyer Inazuma.

Participated in the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Guadalcanal.

On November 30, 1942, Akatsuki, Ikazuchi and Inazuma took part in the battle in the Iron Bottom Strait. During the battle, the American cruiser Atlanta and four destroyers were sunk by Japanese ships. The Japanese squadron lost two destroyers, including the Akatsuki.

The destroyer Hibiki was transferred to the Soviet Union as reparations on April 5, 1947 and was named Verny. He had no weapons, since the ones he had had been completely cut down with gas burners a couple of years before. For a year, it stood at the pier awaiting approval for rearmament with Soviet weapons. Due to lack of space at the shipyards, the complexity of the alterations and the upcoming replenishment of the fleet with new destroyers, approval for the restructuring was not received from Moscow, and on July 5, 1948, the destroyer was transferred to the category of ships of the fleet, becoming a floating barracks and receiving a new name: "Decembrist". Weapon: 1 machine gun. Was in reserve. It was withdrawn from service on February 20, 1953 and transferred to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for disposal. After which it was pulled out to sea to Cape Karamzin and destroyed as a target during exercises in the 70s. The wreck of the destroyer Hibiki is available for inspection with scuba diving, and there are plenty of photographs of them on the Internet.

Well? This is the end of my first article. I hope you read everything and liked it. I did my best.

November 23rd, 2017

Hello dear
We recently recalled the symbols of the Revolution (or the October Revolution, if you prefer), the most important and main among which is still the cruiser Aurora. And this is not entirely fair. More precisely, it’s completely unfair. For the cruiser’s gunners did not fire any salvo (let me remind you, this term refers to the simultaneous firing of 2 or more guns), and the fired blank shot did not have much influence on the course of the uprising.

But the main thing, somehow lost and forgotten, is that in addition to the Aurora, there were 10 (!) more warships in the Neva waters that day. By 19:00 on October 25, 1917, according to a pre-arranged disposition between the Nikolaevsky Bridge and the Sea Canal, the destroyers took their places "Bully", "Samson", patrol ship "Hawk", minelayers "Amur" And "Hopper", minesweepers No. 14 and No. 15, training ship "Loyal", yacht "Zarnitsa", battleship "Dawn of Freedom".
Why did this happen? Probably because the Aurora was lucky, but the other ships were not so lucky.

The largest and most powerful ship of this revolutionary squadron was the battleship " Dawn of Freedom" It was renamed that way only in May 1917, and before that it bore the proud name “Emperor Alexander II”. It was launched on July 14, 1887, officially completed in December 1889, and actually in the summer of 1891. It was a squadron battleship of the Alexander II type.

A fairly powerful ship - the main caliber was represented by two 305-mm guns from the Obukhov plant with a barrel length of 30 calibers and a mass of 51.43 tons, installed in a barbette installation in the bow of the ship. The medium caliber was represented by four 229 mm and eight 152 mm guns.

He became famous for his longest 61-month overseas campaign, but was never in real combat. On October 25, the ship moved to Petrograd so that, if necessary, its fire would not allow troops loyal to the provisional government to enter the city. For the winter, the ship returned to Kronstadt, where it remained for the next few years, being damaged in 1921 by shelling during the Kronstadt mutiny. The following year, the battleship was scrapped. Bad luck....

Destroyer " Bully"lived a long and glorious life. In fact, it is an Orpheus-class destroyer. Launched on October 23, 1914, entered service on November 9, 1915 and became part of the 1st Mine Division.

He fought in the First World War (participated in the battle with German destroyers and the Kaiser LC at Kassarsky Reach), the Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars (led the Northern convoys. During the war, he made 139 military campaigns and shot down 3 aircraft).

In 1950, she was reclassified as a training ship. Died as a result of a nuclear weapons test on Novaya Zemlya. The destroyer was located closest to the epicenter (300 m). He drowned in an underwater explosion of an atomic charge on September 21, 1955.
Changed the name twice. From December 31, 1922 it was called "Uritsky", from March 6, 1951 - "Reut".

Twin brother "Zabiyak" by name " Samson"was launched on May 23, 1916, and entered service on November 21, 1916. During the First World War, Samson carried out patrol and escort services, carried out minelaying on enemy communications, provided and covered minelaying of other naval forces in the Baltic Sea , took part in the Moonsund operation.

In 1936, he traveled along the Northern Sea Route to Vladivostok, where he was enlisted in the Pacific Fleet. In August 1938, he participated in supporting combat operations near Lake Khasan and the combat activities of the fleet's submarine forces during the Great Patriotic War.

In 1951 it was converted into a floating barracks, and in 1956 it was transferred for cutting into metal.
From December 31, 1922 it was called “Stalin”, from December 17, 1946 it became “Samson” again, and from June 16, 1951 PKZ-37

Training ship "Loyal" launched November 28, 1895. Length - 68, width - 12, draft - 4 m. Displacement - 1287 tons. The ship had one steam engine with a capacity of 612 hp. s., four boilers. Speed ​​- 11 knots. Coal reserves are 132 tons. Cruising range at full speed is 1300 miles, economical (8 knots with three operating boilers) - 1900 miles.

Armament: eight 75 mm guns, two 47 mm and two 37 mm guns, a machine gun. Radio station. Crew - 191 people.
The ship was used for practical training of sailors and non-commissioned officers of the artillery specialty.

After 1918 and until 1928, it served as a floating base for submarines. During this time it was renamed twice. In 1923, it became the “Petrograd Soviet” due to the fact that the Petrograd Soviet took patronage over it. And when Petrograd was renamed Leningrad, then from January 1, 1925 the ship began to be called “Leningradsovet”.

Then it was used for navigational practice by students of parallel classes and cadets of the M. V. Frunze Naval School. There were also foreign trips.
Survived the war, actively working for defense, and in 1949 the ship was cut up for scrap metal

Yacht "Zarnitsa" was launched in 1914. Length - 39, width - 6, draft - 3 m. Displacement - 245 tons. Steam engine with a capacity of 375 hp. s., one boiler. Speed ​​- 10 knots. Coal reserve - 25 tons. Cruising range is about 500 miles. Armament: one 45 mm gun. The crew is about 30 people. It's funny that this ship is often confused with the Yacht of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign Heir and Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. But this is a completely different ship, even if the name is the same.

In the spring of 1918, she participated in a very important operation - the destruction of Fort Eno.
In 1921, she was converted into a minesweeper and renamed "Snake".
The “Snake” worked honestly throughout the pre-war period and died heroically in the area of ​​the Soela-Väin Strait in the Baltic Sea at the end of July 1941 when it was blown up by a mine.

Patrol ship" Hawk"went into operation in 1900. Essentially it is a steamship, and its first name is “Bore-II”. Displacement - 1150 tons, length - 57.9 m, width - 8.8 m, depth - 4.9 m. Machine power - 1222 hp Speed ​​- 12 knots Cruising range - 1000 miles Armament: 2 - 105 mm guns Crew - 60 people

Initially it served the tourist and excursion line between the Finnish ports of Abo and Hanko and the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. With the beginning of World War I, he was mobilized into the Baltic Fleet.
At the end of the summer of 1919, "Yastreb" was enlisted in the Icebreaker Rescue Squad. During the winter of 1919/20, she stood in Petrograd under steam, heating several other ships. In the 1920 campaign it was used as a detachment base. Then he worked as a minesweeper.
For some time it was part of the Baltic Shipping Company, and then was transferred to the Black Sea-Azov Shipping Company for commercial use. Thus, the passage of the Yastreb from the Baltic to the Black Sea was the first voyage of a Soviet ship around Europe.

After the border service, work in the Second World War, and then again demobilization and assignment to the Murmansk State Shipping Company. The veteran steamship worked for another decade and a half on the difficult sea routes of the North. This is such a glorious path.
Renamed several times. Accordingly, “Yastreb” - “October 16” - “Yastreb” - “PS-49” - “Hawk”.

Minelayer "Amur" was launched in 1907. Length - 98, width - 14, draft - 5 m. Displacement - 3600 tons. Two steam engines with a total power of 5306 hp. s., twelve boilers. Speed ​​- 17 knots. Coal reserves are 670 tons. Cruising range at full speed is 1600 miles, economical (12 knots with eight operating boilers) - 3200 miles. Armament: nine 120 mm guns, four machine guns, 323 mines. Radio station. Crew 322 people.

This ship was built specifically as a minelayer, and not converted from a civilian one, which is why it received its name in memory of another warship, the minelayer Amur, which accomplished many glorious deeds during the defense of Port Arthur and died there in 1904 .
During the First World War, Amur took part in a large number of mine-laying operations. The operation in the area of ​​Bornholm Island is especially memorable. As a result of mining, the German steamships Konigsberg and Bavaria, minesweepers T-47 and T-51, were killed here by mines.

In 1923, he was almost written off - he was in very poor condition, unattended for almost 3 years. But enthusiasts and lovers of the ship were able to defend and restore it. She rejoined the fleet and became a warship.
It was sunk in Tallinn in 1931, considering returning to Kronstadt impractical.

Minelayer " Hopper" The ship's original name was "Constantine". It was launched in 1866. On August 25, 1915, she was mobilized into the Baltic Fleet as a messenger ship. Length - 65, width - 9, draft - 3 m. Displacement - 1100 tons. Two steam engines with a total power of 710 hp. With. Speed ​​- 10.5 knots. Coal reserves are 57 tons. Cruising range at full speed is 1100 miles, economical (9.5 knots) - 1300 miles. Armament: two 47 mm guns, two 37 mm guns. Radio station. Crew - 75 people.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the ship belonged to the Baltic office of the East Asian Shipping Company and was assigned to the port of Riga. It served cargo and passenger lines between the ports of Latvia and Estonia. Before the outbreak of the First World War, "Konstantin" mainly sailed between Riga and Arensburg (Kingisepp), but sometimes made voyages to foreign ports.
In 1920 it was renamed "Triangulator" and finally decommissioned in 1924

Minesweeper No. 14 originally known as the Lebedyan tugboat. It was launched in 1895. On June 3, 1915, she was mobilized into the Baltic Fleet, renamed minesweeper No. 14. Length - 38, width - 6, draft - 2 m. Displacement - 140 tons. Two steam engines with a total power of 477 hp. s., two boilers. Speed ​​- 10 knots. Oil reserves - 40 tons. The cruising range at full speed is 1680 miles. Armament: one 45-mm gun, two machine guns. Crew - 34 people.

The tugboat Lebedyan was built in Helsingfors by order of private individuals. Then he was taken to the Volga along the Mariinsky river system. He worked in its lower reaches, sometimes reaching the Caspian Sea. During the First World War, the tug was mobilized and included in the lists of the Baltic Fleet as minesweeper No. 14. In 1915-1917. he took part in hostilities: he trawled mines and laid them. In May 1916, for example, he laid mines at a forward mine and artillery position.

After the revolution it was renamed "Fugas", and in 1924 it was written off.

It was very similar to the previous ship and Minesweeper No. 15, which was originally called the tug "Volsk". It was launched in 1895. On June 3, 1915, she was mobilized into the Baltic Fleet, renamed minesweeper No. 15. Length - 39, width - 6, draft - 2 m. Displacement - 135 tons. Three cars with a total power of 450 hp. s., two boilers. Speed ​​- 13 knots. Oil reserves - 60 tons. Cruising range - 1800 miles. Armament: one 47 mm gun, one machine gun. Crew - 35 people.

"Volsk" was built in Vyborg by order of the Eastern Society of Commodity Warehouses. Just like “Lebedyan” was transferred via the Mariinsky system to the Volga. Just like Lebedyan, it worked in the lower reaches of the river.
It was finally written off in 1928.

That's how things are.
Have a nice time of day.


Main caliber artillery

  • 6 x 127 mm/-50 cal. (3x2).


  • 2 x 7.7 mm machine guns.

Anti-submarine weapons

  • Chapter 14 Type 88 and 91 bombs.

Mine and torpedo weapons

  • 3 x 3 610 mm TA.

Same type ships

IJN Hibiki (1932) (Japanese 響 Russian “Echo”) - Destroyer Imperial Japanese Navy. Was built on March 31, 1933 at the Navy shipyard Kosakubu to Maizuru. The ship actively participated in the Second World War and was seriously damaged twice. During the entire service on the ship, 2 people from the crew died. It was subsequently transferred to the USSR on July 5, 1947, after the end of the war. Dismantled for scrap on February 20, 1953.

Prerequisites for creation

The ships were built in three series (10 in the 1st 2nd series and 4 in the 3rd series) by six shipbuilding companies. The construction period ranged from one and a half to two years. In 1928, all destroyers known as numbered ones received their own names, inheriting them from participating destroyers Russo-Japanese War

Name of destroyer type Akatsuki can be translated as: IJN Akatsuki- morning dawn. IJN Hibiki- echo. IJN Inazuma- lightning. IJN Ikazuchi- thunder. In the broad sense of these words, destroyers were compared to natural phenomena.

Despite the fact that the desired 36 ships could be built special type failed, with the completion of construction of even 24 destroyers, the Japanese gained an undeniable advantage in ships of this class. There were no rivals among the British colleagues located in the East Asian colonies.

Japanese destroyers special type were quite comparable to the Italian and French leaders (in the Japanese fleet at that time light cruisers played the role of leaders), although they were significantly inferior to the Mediterranean ships in speed and armament. Japanese designers did not want to stop there at all. The idea of ​​​​creating a fast and heavily armed destroyer was completely consistent with their views during the Second World War.

Four type destroyers Akatsuki, which became part of the fleet in 1931-1933, in their basic design they repeated the type Fubuki, only they were somewhat shorter in body. IJN Hibiki, which belonged to this series, became the first Japanese destroyer whose hull was assembled only by welding, without the use of riveting.

History of creation

Japanese destroyer IJN Hibiki laid down on February 21, 1930 at the Navy shipyard Kosakubu to Maizuru. Launched June 16, 1932. On March 31, 1933, the newest of the series left the Kosakubu shipyard. special destroyer IJN Hibiki. Despite a number of design miscalculations, which tried to cram maximum weapons into a limited displacement, it turned out to be a very good ship for its time. In terms of weapon power, it was comparable to a light cruiser.


Entered service on March 31, 1933. In May 1933, she was assigned to the 6th Destroyer Division. Tested at Yokosuka Naval Base in 1935.

Description of design


Destroyer IJN Hibiki, built at Maizuru Naval Base in Osaka was the third in an improved series of the type Fubuki destroyers. The hull of the destroyer was assembled from high-tension steel and divided by bulkheads into 16 waterproof compartments. Architecturally, it was completely different from earlier destroyers of the type Fubuki. The stem had a characteristic curved shape, first used on a light cruiser IJN Yubari" The long forecastle reached the first chimney; in order to improve seaworthiness, it had collapsed sides and rose noticeably towards the bow. It housed the bow superstructure, which for the first time among Japanese destroyers carried a closed navigation bridge. In order to save weight, the destroyers were not equipped with a double bottom, but this was partially compensated by the presence of on-board tank compartments.

Power plant and driving performance

Propulsion on type destroyers Akatsuki was located in a linear pattern. Three steam boilers Kampon were located in three boiler rooms, the chimneys from them were reduced into two wide inclined chimneys. Following them were two engine rooms separated by a longitudinal bulkhead, where two turbo-gear units were located. Kampon with a capacity of 25,000 l. With. (18.4 MW) each, driving two propellers.

Crew and habitability

Destroyer crew IJN Hibiki numbered 197 people.


Main caliber

two-gun 127 mm/50 caliber artillery mounts

The main armament of destroyers of the type Akatsuki there were 3 two-gun 127 mm/50 artillery mounts Type 3 in the towers Type A, located at the ends and on the aft superstructure. Like the tower-like 140 mm twin installation with IJN Yūbari(which served as a prototype for it), adopted for service in 1928 Type A had anti-fragmentation armor and hydraulic guidance and supply of projectiles.

The main disadvantage of this installation was the lack of separate guidance of the guns. Later, in subsequent series, towers of a new design were installed. Model "B" with separate guidance, 127-mm guns had an elevation angle of 75° and a firing range of 18.1 km. The rate of fire reached 10 rounds per minute per barrel, the firing range of a 23-kg high-explosive fragmentation projectile was 18,269 meters at a maximum elevation angle of 40°. Their fire control system included a director Type 14 and two 2-meter rangefinders Type 14.

In addition, the third series also initially had an analog computer Type 92 and 3-meter rangefinders. Japanese engineers could be proud of their weapons; the perfect weapon system they created, capable of firing at sea, air and coastal targets, had no similar analogues in the world.

To be fair, it should be noted that this advantage did not last long with the appearance in 1934 in the USA of the famous 127-mm (barrel length 38 calibers) universal single-gun, and after a two-gun installation the capabilities of which were not inferior to their Japanese counterparts.


7.7 mm machine gun

Anti-aircraft armament was limited to a 7.7 mm machine gun, on the second and third series 13.2 mm, which, however, in those years was not considered a critical drawback.

Mine and torpedo weapons

610mm Type 93 steam-gas torpedo tube

The torpedo armament consisted of three built 610-mm torpedo tubes with an automated reloading system (in the third series, initially with anti-fragmentation armor, the remaining destroyers received it in 1932-1933). 610-mm steam-gas torpedoes launched from torpedo tubes Type 8 were put into service in 1920. With a length of 8.42 m and a launch weight of 2.362 tons, they carried 346 kg of trinitrophenol and could travel 10 km at 38 knots or 15 km at 32 knots or 20 km at 27 knots. Since the mid-1930s, they began to be replaced with higher-speed steam-gas engines. Type 90, in addition, from 1943 to 1945, six ships IJN Akebono , IJN Hibiki , IJN Uranami , IJN Ushio ,IJN Usugumo And IJN Yugiri managed to get oxygen Type 93.

Anti-submarine and anti-mine weapons

depth charge type 91

The stern of the destroyers could accommodate up to 18 mines or 36 depth charges Type 88 and Type 91. A depth charge is one of the types of naval ammunition designed. for the destruction of submerged submarines, anchor and bottom mines, as well as other underwater objects. Depth charges can have conventional and nuclear charges.

Service history

The ship took part in the invasion of the Philippines and the Aleutian Islands, in the Battle of Trak Atoll, escorted tankers and transports, and escorted aircraft carriers. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, destroyer IJN Hibiki was supposed to provide cover for Admiral Nobutage Kondo of the Imperial Southern Fleet and accompany Japanese ships for landing operations for the invasion of Malaya Island, as well as for the invasion of the Philippines, and was in the Philippine Islands until the end of March 1942, where it was damaged. During the Battle of the Philippine Sea, a destroyer IJN Hibiki was assigned to escort cover, where he received minor damage and lost two crew members while covering allied ships from attack by enemy aircraft.

After repairs at Yokosuka Naval Base, she returned to service in April 1942, the destroyer IJN Hibiki provided support in the operation Kisko for the invasion of the Aleutian Islands and stayed there until May-June 1942. On June 12, the ship was again damaged by an attack by the United States Navy and was forced to return to Ominato at the end of June. The damage was severe and the ship remained docked in Yokosuka until October.

From November 1942 to the end of April 1943, the destroyer IJN Hibiki served as an escort for aircraft carriers. IJN Unyō And IJN Taiyo in various missions between Yokosuka and Truck Island.

Since May 1943, destroyer IJN Hibiki was in northern waters, and was assigned to patrol off the coast of Hokkaido and Chishima Island. Destroyer IJN Hibiki subsequently assisted in the evacuation of surviving Japanese troops from the Aleutian Islands until August.

After undergoing maintenance at Yokosuka in September 1943, the destroyer IJN Hibiki was sent to Shanghai, from where he accompanied the convoy to Trak Island. Until the end of November, destroyer IJN Hibiki was assigned to escort duty to escort tanker ships to Singapore and Ponape.

From late December to April 1944, destroyer IJN Hibiki served as an escort for IJN Hiyō , IJN Ryūhō And IJN Chiyoda in various missions in the Western Pacific and the Dutch East Indies. The ship returned to Yokosuka Naval Base for modernization at the end of April, after which it received additional anti-aircraft guns, which were installed in place of one of her main gun turrets.

In August 1944, the destroyer IJN Hibiki escorted two convoys to Okinawa. In September, after leaving Okinawa with a convoy bound for Manila, IJN Hibiki was damaged by a torpedo from an American submarine USS Hake(SS-256); The explosion tore apart part of the hull, and the heavily damaged ship was transported to Yokosuka for major repairs. The ship returned to service in January 1945 and was damaged again in March.

The ship actively participated in the Second World War and was seriously damaged twice. Despite its active participation in the war from the beginning until the surrender of Japan, it was one of 9 Japanese destroyers that survived the war out of more than 150 built. Repeatedly received heavy damage from bombs, was torpedoed, and was blown up by mines, but the destroyer's crew lost only 2 people during the war years.

Torpedo tubes.

The ship was in service with the Soviet Pacific Fleet, based in Vladivostok. The destroyer Verny arrived in Vladivostok on July 7, 1947, where it became part of the 5th Naval Division of the Navy. Later, on July 5, 1948, the ship was again renamed "Decembrist". Decommissioned from the USSR Navy on February 20, 1953 and scrapped.

Note: === All Japanese ships and vessels after the war were, at the insistence of the occupying forces, aggressively demilitarized at the shipyards, with the cutting off of towers, supports and fastenings with an autogen gun, as well as the partial removal of existing armor plates. The ships received by the Soviet and Taiwanese fleets were no exception.

"Verny" stood at the pier for more than a year while the issue of its rearmament was discussed, but this never happened. As a result, it served as a barracks until the age of 53, and was later transferred to the fund for disposal. The destruction of the destroyer took place in the form of service as a target, and its wreckage still rests for days at Cape Karamzin.