Interesting creative ideas for the home. Home interior - photo ideas for designing your home (500 photos) interior design Cheap do-it-yourself interior

When decorating a home, it’s hard to find the right balance between functionality, comfort and style. No matter how much money we spend on decent furniture, the rooms are always missing something, and as a result they are not at all like the ideal apartments that we see in magazines.

Sometimes a situation can be solved with the help of small tricks that take only a few minutes of your time and do not require any cash costs. Read the following tips to find out how you can make your home more stylish and comfortable with minimal effort.

1. Take care of the front door

Do not forget about the front door, even if you live in an apartment building, as it is she who creates the first impression of your home. Take care of it the same way you do about interior doors. Place some flower pots, hang seasonal wreaths or decorations, upgrade your license plate or paint the door bright.

2. Arrange objects according to the rule of “three”

As in many areas and disciplines, the rule "three" are actively used in decorating and styling. A trio of objects looks visually more attractive and more balanced, especially when it comes to sizes, heights and materials.

Start small and decorate a small corner in your living room or table. For example, put a vase of flowers, a basket with books and a clock. You will see how cute and cozy this composition looks. But do not oversaturate the room with such decorative trifles, otherwise the effect will be read incorrectly.

3. Lay out the carpets in several layers

Lay a small thick rug on top of a large, more neutral rug. This is also a great way to check how you feel about bold experiments in the interior, and such a design move will make the room more comfortable and stylish. Thanks to this advice, you can divide the space into zones or emphasize the necessary places.

4. Arrange books in alternative ways

A vertical or slightly tilted stack of books is the canon for a classic interior. Alternative accommodation speaks of a bold and modern style. Try alternating shelves, arranging books vertically or horizontally. Horizontal lines will disrupt the pattern of vertical lines and attract attention. You can put extra items on bookshelves. Just make sure that the arrangement is random, as the rigid layout is very striking.

5. Expose things that you have a story to show

This advice is a little more complicated than it sounds, because not everyone wants to demonstrate objects dear to their hearts and realize that no one else, except themselves, is impressed with them.

In order to attract people's attention, your favorite things should stand out from the environment and immediately catch the eye. Remember, you don’t have to cross the ocean to find an item that is worth telling others. As long as you have an expensive memory associated with a thing, you can captivate your guest with this topic.

6. Make a cute thing out of an old bottle

The next time you have a beautiful bottle of alcohol, milk or perfume left over, don’t tell me to throw it away. Save it and use as a vessel for liquid soap or a vase. Alternatively, fill it with beads and tie a bow out of twine. But first, soak the bottle in warm, soapy water until all labels are easily washed off. A transparent vessel looks very stylish and futuristic.

7. Wipe off dust frequently

Nothing kills style like dust. Maybe you cleaned only yesterday, but the dust will quickly find its way back. Take a closer look and find the surfaces on which it is most noticeable in daylight, and be sure to wipe these places between the "general cleaning". Thus, you can enjoy clean air and not worry when guests suddenly arrive.

8. Arrange the flowers randomly.

When you receive the bouquets, place them somewhere in the corner of the room, and never in a central place. Bonus points if it is wildflowers or garden flowers. Accidental placement creates the feeling that flowers are an integral part of your home, and you are not trying to show off or impress others.

9. Move furniture between rooms

We are used to moving things within one confined space, and it is not natural to move furniture from room to room. In fact, things can look much better in a new space, or they can serve more functionally. When you don’t have the time or budget to buy new home furnishings, the fastest way to refresh any room in your home is to rearrange the furniture.

10. Store white towels in the bathroom

This is a personal choice for everyone, but the white color of the towel gives a feeling of freshness and purity. In addition, if you have more than one towel in your bathtub, this adds a touch of hospitality to the interior and attention to detail.

11. Always store several books on the coffee table

Books instantly add style and provide entertainment for guests. Be sure to put your favorite book and several works of different genres. You can only put books or mix them with magazines and photos. This is an ideal place to apply the rule of "three" and combine books with decorative elements and small objects.

12. Serve water in a jug

It doesn’t matter if you drink tap water or bottles, store it in a jug. There is nothing nicer than putting it on the table during lunch with the family or dinner with the guests. If it is a transparent jug, you can add slices of cucumber or lemon to the water.

Leave the jug on the bedside table to humidify the air at the same time and add a few points for the style.

13. Paint some things in the color of the walls or finishes.

Most often, things in an apartment do not fit together well due to different styles, colors and finishes. Paint some pieces of furniture the same color as the walls, or match the curtains / carpet / pillows to the exact tone. This will create a certain unity of space. Such items need to be scattered throughout the room, not too close to each other. There is no need to repaint everything - even a small dose will help create a harmonious composition.

14. Keep napkins on the table, even if you don’t eat anything

This may seem counterintuitive, but in reality it creates the illusion of cleanliness in the house and order in the family (especially if you have children). Napkins are also a great way to add color and pattern to your kitchen interior. They can be inexpensive, plastic, rubber or paper. You can also make your own napkins by cutting the fabric into small squares. The main thing is to consider the color scheme.

15. Decorate the house with variations of one of the same element

Choose one type of product that you have enough. For example, fruits, and the brighter the color, the better. You can also use some kind of vegetable or simple elements that are found in nature, such as stones or a tree.

Put them in a vase or bowl and place them in a conspicuous place, but not in the center. The goal is to attract attention, so that the vase should be of simple shape and ordinary material.

16. Group candles

Collect all the candles that you have and arrange them in small groups throughout the apartment. The living room is the first place. It is much more efficient to light candles in groups than individually, because they give more light, which is ideal for an evening in the company of guests.

When buying candles, avoid elaborate designs and smells. Best of all are white classic candles that are perfect for grouping.

17. Add houseplants

Plants not only bring freshness and color to the room, but are also an important decorative element. Place them near large pieces of furniture or use to fill empty corners. Small plants can be mixed in the composition, guided by the rule of "three".

18. Remove some accessories

If you are a fan of small trinkets, decorative objects, works of art, carpets, pillows, your home will most likely resemble a folk art museum. Minimalism in a home interior looks much better than an abundance of unnecessary things. Try to remove some accessories, replace them, add something else until you are happy with the result. It is best to decorate the house with one kind of decorative objects. It looks stylish and comfortable.

19. Keep a small plaid on the sofa

A light blanket not only creates coziness, but also allows you to add textures and colors to a fairly flat or neutral room. If you want to add only one bright stroke, make sure that the plaid is not neatly folded, but casually thrown over the back.

20. House baskets

The basket is a life buoy when you need to clean up the mess before guests arrive or move things from room to room. They seem much more expensive and exotic than they really are. Baskets can be of different sizes and shapes, but they must be made of the same material or have a common color so as not to create too much chaos. They can become a completely unique and loud spot in the neutral space of your room. If the interior of your house is made in bright colors, pick up baskets of darker shades, and vice versa.

21. Store food in containers

This is the best way to organize the space in your kitchen and add a stylish touch to the interior. Store cereals, spices, cookies, and other food in containers. Glass containers look beautiful, but they can be expensive. Use inexpensive options. The point is not to have the whole set. The main thing is that the containers are made of the same material and the same color in order to create a clean and orderly look in your kitchen or pantry.

22. Hang things on the walls

Many people avoid decorating walls because they do not have enough money for expensive works of art. But you do not need fanciful pictures, because everything can be art, as long as it arouses feelings in you. Hang up magazine pages, photos, your own drawings in a chaotic manner to add speakers to the wall. From time to time, change images to slightly update the interior.

23. Display your hobby

Feel free to openly demonstrate your hobby. Firstly, this will be the topic of interesting discussions. Secondly, you can hang the results of your labor on the walls, or randomly place them on shelves or just leave them on the floor. This is guaranteed to add uniqueness to your home.

24. Use unnecessary things in an unexpected way.

Whether it’s a fireplace, an old piano, large furniture, appliances, empty corners ... Put books, vases, plants, and unnecessary objects there instantly turn into stylish interior elements.

25. Let your home reflect your personality

Most stylish homes are decorated with photographs of their residents. But houses from real life, in which interesting personalities live, are filled with things that the owners like. Musical instruments, books, old tapes ... After all, the easiest and most reliable way to make your home more stylish is to add more information about who you are and what you like.

Take the time and turn your home into not only a stylish, but also the most favorite place on Earth!

Rooms with a boring standard design often resemble hotel rooms, are faceless and uncomfortable. To make the living space truly cozy, it is worth introducing individual elements of decor into it, equipping the space for personal needs and surround yourself with things that you like. Interior design is now developing very rapidly, and among them you can find a lot of interesting solutions for any apartment. It can be an interesting finish, unusual furniture or even small bright accents - all this will create a unique and comfortable living space.


Not at all any original idea will fit well into any interior option. When planning the creative design of your apartment or house, you should consider many different factors. For example, this is the size of the room, its layout, the number of residents and pets, your own hobbies and hobbies. All ideas for the home should be carefully thought out - then they will turn out to be not only beautiful, but also convenient and practical.

It is very important that the interior of the entire apartment or house looks like a whole ensemble.If you plan to repair from scratch, you need to think in advance of a single concept and clearly follow it. If you want to only slightly decorate an already existing interior, it is worth taking into account the features of decoration and the style of furniture. In any case, before you begin to implement any unusual design idea, you need to consider the following some features of the living space.

The size of your apartment is of utmost importance. If the room is too small, you should avoid exclusively decorative elements - it is better if every detail is functional and useful. In general, small accents in a small-sized room must be placed very carefully - there should not be too many accessories, otherwise the room will visually seem even smaller. If you have a spacious apartment at your disposal, your imagination is practically unlimited: the main thing is that all the details harmonize well with each other.

When designing an apartment, it is also important to consider the number of family members.It is good when everyone has a separate room. The design of these rooms can be very individual, but at the same time they should fit into a single concept.

If it is not possible to allocate each room in a small room, you can distinguish the space of one room. This can be done in different ways - with the help of an arch or a column, a screen, with the help of different lighting or different color schemes.

Keep in mind that many design details in the interior require very careful maintenance and daily cleaning. For example, such things include almost any glossy glass furniture, carpets with a long light pile and textile wallpaper. If you do not care for such decorative elements properly, they will quickly become worthless and will cease to please you with their appearance. Therefore, think in advance how much time you are willing to spend on household chores. Maybe you should choose more practical things - for example, wooden or plastic furniture, now fashionable mats, vinyl or paper wallpapers.

In choosing the right interior design, your interests should be considered. If you like to cook, you should allocate a lot of space for the kitchen and arrange it as conveniently as possible, and if you are doing needlework, you can make a table and shelves specifically for this. Decorative elements in the interior are very important and help to make the apartment beautiful and cozy, but they should not interfere with practical convenience and comfort.

When creating decor in the interior, you need to consider the budget - often many modern and fashionable novelties are unreasonably expensive. This may apply to decoration, and furniture, and accessories.

At the same time, many interesting things for the home can be easily done with your own hands. Many modern designers give a lot of cool tips on this.

Festive decoration

One of the interesting directions in interior design is the decoration of homes for the holidays. Unlike everyday decor, in holiday decorations you can think less about the functionality of objects and realize the most creative and original ideas. It may seem to many that the festive decoration of an apartment or house is an easy thing, however, in order for the design to look organic, you need to carefully approach the matter.

Very often, a house is decorated for a birthday - it is possible to organize a surprise party or just a celebration in the circle of relatives.

If you want to arrange an apartment for the birthday of a loved one, consider the following original ideas:

  • Recently, unusual balls have been popular. The balloon must be covered with tulle and bandaged in the place where the balloon itself is bandaged, using a beautiful ribbon. You can decorate such a ball with a bow or flowers. If you make a lot of such balls, they will look very unusual and will create a festive atmosphere. Especially this option is suitable for women's parties.

  • Popular now is home decoration with fresh flowers. You can place them in the most unusual places - you can arrange the vases in the corners, fix the bouquet on the chandelier, braid the chairs with plants or make an arch from them in the doorway. Simple ideas can be implemented independently, and to perform complex design, you should resort to the help of a florist.

  • Now it’s fashionable to decorate apartments with unusual lighting. You can buy garlands, unusual modern lamps or even just candles. It is better to place them evenly around the perimeter of the whole house. It is necessary that all light sources fit into a single style, and if you use colored lamps, do not combine more than three colors. Proper lighting will help to create a unique holiday atmosphere in the house.

New Year and Christmas home decor - this is what people pay special attention to. If there are children in the house, decorating the space becomes an integral part of preparing for the holiday. However, even if only adults live in the apartment, a holiday is an excellent occasion to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale.

Consider the following life hacks and popular ideas for New Year's home decoration:

  • Plain New Year's decorations in the house are now in fashion - you can choose white, blue, gold or any other. Such plain home decorations can be purchased in stores or made independently - for example, you can paint candlesticks, tree branches and garlands in the desired color. Balls on a Christmas tree of the same color can also look very stylish.

  • The living tree gives a special atmosphere to the holiday. If you put an artificial tree, you can purchase several fir branches and make interesting compositions with them, combining them with candles and toys.

Also now you can inexpensively purchase miniature fir or potted spruce - this can be a wonderful New Year decoration for the home.

  • In shops you can find unusual garlands and lanterns - they can be in the form of stars, angels or animals. Such unusual decorations will perfectly fit into any interior.

Fashion News

Interior design of a house is a direction that is booming. New items appear regularly: unusual fashionable solutions will allow you to make your home truly cozy and beautiful.

Attic living space is one of the trendswho gained popularity recently. Owners of small houses will especially like this idea: of course, a low ceiling may not be very comfortable, but it will be an ideal option for a bedroom or a children's attic. The triangular roof gives the room a special atmosphere and refers to the country style. You can design the attic from the inside in different ways, but most often the design is made as concise as possible.

For comfort, you should take care of lighting, since the windows in the attic are often not large enough.

A space with a minimal number of walls and partitions is another fashionable novelty of recent years. This layout is not always comfortable for large families, but if only a few people live in the house, this stylish idea may work. Most often combine the kitchen with the dining room or living room. Sometimes the nursery is separated by symbolic partitions - for example, fashionable arches or columns. Bedrooms with this layout are usually made small and closed.

Wooden furniture, decoration and accessories are classic solutions for a country house, but in the modern interpretation they can sparkle in a new way. Now abstract shapes are in fashion - wood is a soft and comfortable material for creating the most unusual chairs, tables, cabinets and shelves. Also in fashion is the combination of wood with epoxy - mainly tables do this. These are practical translucent products that can have a very different color and base from any wood.

The unusual design of the stairs in the house is in fashion. For example, its sides and backs can be supplemented with open shelves or built-in closed cabinets. This method can be very functional, especially if you have a small house. The choice of such a design should also depend on the location of your stairs. For example, if its side is facing the center of the room, you can place a fireplace there, and if you make good lighting next to it, you can place indoor plants there.

If you have a lot of open shelves on which there is a constant mess, there is a simple and ingenious solution - baskets and storage boxes.

They came into fashion recently and have already gained great popularity. If you put all the things in different departments, this will make it easier to keep clean. In addition, some boxes and baskets are very cool and stylish. They can be purchased at home goods stores or even made independently.

Now many are looking for budget and practical options for covering the floor - fashionable mats can come up. If before their choice was relatively small and limited to models of natural colors, now you can find mats with the most unusual prints and ornaments. If a few years ago, mats were considered an attribute of the oriental style in the interior, modern models will fit into the decor of any home. Among the advantages of lint-free carpets, their environmental friendliness, durability and ease of care are noted.

As for the various accessories and decorative elements in the house, the fashion for them is now quite concise. If you like colorful colors and an abundance of small details, the rules for selecting such things are simple: it is important that they all be in the same style, and the furniture and decoration are restrained. But even if you prefer minimalism, you can’t do without accessories at all: they give the house coziness and originality. At the same time, you can restrict yourself to purely functional details: baskets and folders for storage, flowerpots and vases, watches or photo frames.

Unusual design decisions

For the decor of a cozy country house, the most unexpected and creative ideas may come up. If you are tired of boring traditional interiors and appreciate creativity, in a private house you can implement almost any project. The main thing is to think it through carefully so that all the details are combined and are not only beautiful, but also practical.

Hanging chairs can look very interesting in a private house.Most often they are installed on the site or on the veranda, but they can look great inside the house. The most common wicker versions of such chairs, but now you can find models trimmed with textiles - such products will fit into any interior and will look very original. In addition, due to the fact that the chairs do not stand on the floor, the space of the room will seem more spacious and bright.

Often in country houses, fireplaces are installed. Portals can be of various shapes and colors, they are now made from different materials, so the fireplace will fit even into an unconventional interior. Moreover, if you do not have the desire or ability to put a real fireplace in the house, you can quite place its imitation, which will work from electricity. You can purchase a similar fireplace heater or model without heating. Models are very different: some look extremely decorative, while others really look like real fireplaces.

If you have a large spacious house, you can place a fountain in it.

In stores you can buy very small fountains that can easily fit on a table, or medium-sized fountains for placement on the floor. By design, they can be extremely diverse, and they will work on electricity. Often these fountains are placed in the living room - even if your house is located away from water, you can always relax and relieve stress under the murmur of water.

Many private houses make windows and window sills of an unusual shape. Windows can be round, oval or even have abstract contours. The window sill can be made wide enough and used as a table or couch. This is especially a good solution for owners of houses with a beautiful view of the site - you will probably be pleased to work at such an impromptu table, drink coffee or just read while sitting on a comfortable wide windowsill.

Decorate the walls

Wall decor is an interesting process. Now there are many options for their design - interesting designer wallpapers, murals, smooth painting of walls or painting with texture. In order for the design to turn out original, but harmonious, some rules must be observed.

Do not paint all the walls in the house with one paint or glue the same wallpaper. At the same time, try to ensure that all rooms have something in common in the decoration of the walls.

For example, decide what color scheme you want: cold or warm. Also think about creative finishes: don't mix different unusual decor options together. For example, if you have painted with a texture, it is better to refuse textile wallpaper.

The walls of a small room should be light, but not white.The pure white color in the interior often looks faceless and uncomfortable, besides, on the white you can see all the flaws of the finish and it can get dirty quickly. If you want the walls as light as possible, you can consider gray-white, ivory and a milky shade. Various pastel colors are also suitable.

Decorating men's rooms is always difficult - this also applies to wall decoration in the room. However, if you do not want to make a boring monophonic finish in dark colors, now fashionable wallpapers with abstract prints will come to the rescue. Also popular are metallic wallpapers resembling thick foil.

If you chose coloring instead of wallpaper, you can combine several shades and make an interesting texture.

Often now the walls in private homes are tiled. This is especially true for the hallway, corridors, kitchen and living room, although sometimes the same decoration is done in the bedrooms. The most popular version of the tile remains, imitating masonry or brick: now you can find different options that will fit into any interior. A mosaic made of tiles or composed ornaments with tiles can also look great.

If you do not have perfectly smooth walls and there are minor flaws in the rough finish, it is recommended to choose not too light colors, since on dark shades the defects will be practically not noticeable. In addition, if you decide to paint the walls in the house and see the imperfections of the rough finish, you should abandon the smooth painting and try options with a texture: spraying paint or applying it with strokes.


Accessories are an important part of any interior - it is small accents that give the room a zest and originality. If you have a small house, the best accessories for you are useful things, but if there is a lot of space, you can decorate the house with different decorative elements.

Frames with your favorite photos can look great in any room.Sometimes in houses they make special photo zones with frames and photo albums. Such a solution will allow you to refresh every day the most important moments of your life and the faces of loved ones.

Since a large house often has high ceilings and there are various cabinets located too high, many use small folding stairs. Almost any small wooden staircase can perfectly fit into the country-style interior, which is often done in country houses. Even if you have a modern interior in the style of minimalism or hi-tech, you can find very unusual and stylish models made of metal and plastic.

Wall or table clocks help create a special atmosphere in classic traditional interiors. However, many models can be suitable for a modern environment. Now there is a watch made of wood, stone, metal or plastic. If you have a large house, it will be convenient for you to have a clock in each room.

Living plants in the house are very important. They will not only purify the air, but also give the room a cozy and fresh look. In addition, modern flowerpots and vases can be very unusual and original. For example, transparent glass containers lined with wood bark and stones inside are popular with orchids. For other plants, you can consider wicker, ceramic, wooden planters, as well as frosted or colored glass planters - it all depends on the interior of your apartment.

Bold do-it-yourself design - ideas for your home can be easy to execute! Sometimes only a few bright spots are required to revive a boring interior. We present you a selection of the 20 most original design solutions. Their authors found an unexpected use for improvised materials.

1. Graphics and lyrics

Chris and Saule Smariga from Maryland hanged such a homemade miracle in their living room. The text of the song Stereo Heart by Gym Class Heroes is black and white on the canvas. Saule admits that the scale of the picture and at the same time its stylish conciseness do not cease to impress. And the son’s participation in the work on this masterpiece added pleasant memories!

2. Alphabetical floor

Katie Lo from Canada laid out the bathroom floor with Chips from Scrabble. Not everyone immediately accepted the originality of the idea, but in the end they appreciated its creativity. It took 2 days and 7,000 parts to make the floor. Among the character set, these words are hidden: about 60 names of cities, names of family members and iconic phrases. The letters are fastened to plywood with polyurethane glue, and on top are covered with 5 layers of water-based sealant.

3. From rags to riches

Australians Will Onus and Simone Viljoen originally flourished the laundry room. Viljoen, as a model and artist, took some pictures of garbage from the urn and retouched them in Photoshop’s. The photo was printed and removed under the glass.

4. Direct beauty

Abby Taylor from Washington admits that the mosaic and triangles inspired her to create two huge geometric paintings in the living room. By combining patterns in different ways, you can achieve an unexpected effect.

5. 50 shades of blue

The bright color spot in the kitchen of this designer home contrasts well with the monochrome, industrial style. Timothy Mitanidis took the help of his brother to create this bewitching picture: shades of blue, white and green are applied to Lexan polycarbonate.

6. World map

Portland's Bryan and Jen Danger have decorated the walls with a map of the world. Travelers marked with orange dots the places they had already visited. The long winding line recalls the annual wagon tour.

7. Big plans

At Jason Kays from Austin, the world map does occupy a central place in the office. It marks the places in which the owner of the house would like to visit. Commemorative trinkets are stored in cinder block crates, wood, and Ikea boxes.

8. Light as a feather

Katie Lo from Canada adorned her home office with original cork boards painted white and decorated with Ikea kitchen coasters. Not a single important document or reminder sticker is now lost. The designer plans to have original sliding doors.

9. If the walls spoke

Camille Dickson from Texas decorated the walls with pages of books: French textbooks and a couple of cheap novels. Sheets are fixed using a stapler. Complementing the interior of grandfather's piano.

10. Artist's bedroom

Cody Derrick, a resident of Salt Lake City, has installed two large planks at the head of his bed and now draws pictures with easily washable markers in the mood. Initially, the bedroom was very small, painted in different colors and cluttered with wardrobes. Cody remade everything in monochrome and added drama to the entire wall with curtains.

The bed is installed on the podium of a larger perimeter, and the shelves are hidden under the ceiling, along with ventilation: for convenience and to hide the wiring. Headlights can be used for reading at the head of the bed. They are controlled remotely.

11. Cross-stitch

Cross stitch inspired Jennifer Kinder from Texas to create a cozy wall masterpiece. To decorate the sketch, the designer was helped by her 10-year-old daughter.

12. Artist's workshop

The Oregon artist workshop houses high ceilings and an extensive workspace. The living area is separated by original walls from used palettes. “They are amazingly beautiful in their own right,” admits Richard. He also thought about upholstering the walls of the dining room, but in the end he preferred the railing.

13. Wine collections

Canadian Jessica Schmid decorated the kitchen with wooden dice from wine drawers. Some planks are over 25 years old.

14. Aladdin's lamp

Artists Buffy Cribbs and Bruce Morrow from Washington turned oil lamps into readings. Lamps are brightly painted - to match the color headboard.

15. “Wallpaper” from the stands

Inspired by a trip to Ireland, Caroline and David Denis built a minibar in their home. The countertop is redone from old furniture, and the wall is decorated with a collection of beer coasters collected on trips. Homemade shelves, photographs and souvenirs complement the bar.

16. The bench is not for sitting

Landscape designer Chris Kukula from Northern California turned an old shop with a rusted steel frame into a flower bed for daisies and echeveries.

17. Waste-free production

Jen and Bryan Danger from Oregon, using nails and a tool kit, originally indicated the number of their studio home.

18. With a signature

The Texans Harper and Jimmy Quill achieved comfort in the house in an unusual way. Jimmy, a musician and producer, equipped him with a recording studio and a place to shoot video clips. Artists staying with a couple leave their autograph on a chalk board in the bathroom.

19. Green alphabet

Jeran McConnel from California not only collected a herbarium from photographs of tropical plants from the family garden, but also designed it in a makeshift frame.

20. Everything is yours

Los Angeles-based designer Kristin Korven used Mexican woven fabrics and slivers caught from the ocean to decorate her daughter's children's room. The tinted bed from Ikea also fits perfectly into the interior.

What original materials do you use?

What is hidden in infant formula? WHO recommendations are unequivocal - breastfeeding is the best thing that can happen to a baby in terms of nutrition. Indeed, immunity, the formation of intelligence, harmonious development are directly related to nutrition, this is proved. Everything for the growth of a smart and healthy person is in mom’s milk (unless, of course, mom eats herself properly). If natural feeding is not possible, a mixture comes to the rescue. And here the parent's most important task will be to choose the one in which there are sufficient substances necessary for the development of the substance. We will understand the composition of the mixture and find out exactly which elements affect the intellect and immunity: ✅ Prebiotic and prebiotic fibers. On the box can be written as galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides (GOS and FOS). They affect digestion, normalize it, and help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. And therefore, they work on the immunity of the baby, help him form. ✅ Probiotics. (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) These are living microbes that affect immunity and digestion. The choice of probiotics is carried out by a pediatrician based on the appropriateness of prescribing a mixture with specific bacteria to a specific child. ✅ Polyunsaturated fatty acids (docosahexaenoic, arachidonic, linoleic and ἀ-linolenic). The most important component of the infant formula affecting the intelligence of the crumbs, as well as the organs of vision. On the box, pay attention to the designations DHA (omega-3) and ARA (omega-6). A qualitative composition with fatty acids is responsible for neurological development, is a building material for nerve cells, and affects the establishment of the most important neural connections. The more these fatty acids in the diet - the better! But with a lack of these components, the overall development of the child slows down. ✅Vitamins and minerals. There is no doubt in their benefit. The complex should be formed in such a way as to ensure the daily needs of the baby. It is worth remembering that the vitamin-mineral complex is absorbed from the mixture worse than from breast milk, and it is important that their content is 15% higher than normal. ✅ Palm oil. The source of palmitic fatty acid, which, along with linoleic acid, is the building material for the development of the infant's nervous system. If there is no palm oil in the composition, then milk fat must also be present in the mixture - also a source of palmitic fatty acid. ✅Kholin. Regulates metabolic processes, stimulates the intestines. ✅ Taurine. It is necessary for the development of the central nervous system and vision. Helps to improve energy processes improves metabolism. The procedure for registering baby food in Russia is one. We have one of the most stringent quality criteria, therefore milk formulas are the same in terms of ingredient safety. And here it is important to choose the product that will not only saturate your baby, but will provide “building material” for the intelligence of your baby from food.

Post for the most creative decor lovers

You caught yourself thinking while standing in the apartment, what’s the time? It's time to refresh the repair, or not so globally, to add a couple of expressive details to the interior. Surrender to an impulsive feeling, and boldly proceed!Do not be afraid that it is expensive, interior design ideas and ideas in order not to cost you almost anything would be a desire. And do not think that the interior with your own hands can only be spoiled, and not done. Everything is simpler than it seems. You will understand as soon as you try!Do not like wallpaper on the wall - hang it with paintings or create a wish board. A case from chipboard is an eyesore, and it is a pity to throw it away - paint is to help. And if there is a lot of desire and energy, and the fantasy has left, here are six ideas for transformation.Get inspired. It will be easy, even if you are not a carpenter in the third generation.

Flower pots

We will reveal the main secret of a cozy interior - home flowers. They were given a responsible role - the oxygen saturation of our city life. And one more, no less important - to be beautiful.Greens can refresh even a dreary apartment and fits most interior styles: from classic to art deco. But the last thing we pay attention to is pots, that is where all beauty takes root.But in vain! Irresponsibly selected parts can ruin the impression. Try to paint all the pots in one color, distribute them across the rooms, grouping by style, stick stickers of the same shape on them, as in the photo above. The idea is quite simple. Anything is suitable for decoration: pieces of fabric, paper, marker, even sandpaper.P.S. so that the flowers fulfill their functions longer: they purify the air and please the eye, do not forget to look after them.

Hanging shelves from boards

If there are a lot of flowers, and there is not enough space, there is a way out. To begin with, carefully inspect every corner of the apartment - it is possible that boards were lying on the balcony after repair. Or conduct an audit in the country - even the neighbors may find a couple of unnecessary pieces of wood.
Using a saw, level the surface, varnish it. Using a drill that you can borrow from your neighbors, drill two holes around the edges. After that, use a rope matching in color. Play on the contrast of colors: combine incongruous. It remains to drive a nail into the wall or screw a hook into the ceiling so that there is something to hang on - and the shelf is ready.

Organizer out of the box and rope

Often little things accumulate on shelves and only the organizer can save. For example, as in the photo of the materials you will need a minimum: an ordinary cardboard box, a couple of meters of thin rope and glue. The most inventive ropes can color.

Kitchen stand made of stones and cutting board

Who did not bring stones of various shapes, from small to large, from vacation? Didn’t bring it? Now there will be a reason! Select the smoothest and flatter ones. Use an existing cork or wood cutting board. It remains to add glue and surprise the guests.
P.S. The same scheme creates massage mats for the legs in the bathroom.

Shelf on the wall made of ice cream sticks

In the summer season, ice cream is our lifebuoy. Try not to throw sticks away from it. Make a hobby of gathering. And if patience is not enough - take a pack of wooden spoons from the seller of ice cream. On the way home, wrap up with paint and a brush, and go create!

Indoor bonfire made of garland

And finally, we propose to build a room fire. If the weather is not happy, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of admiring a cozy twinkle, albeit artificial. After the New Year, for sure, there were garlands. It is better, of course, that they be monophonic, but there is already what will be found.
This art is to make out something special in a simple subject. Talent - turn a trifle into an interior item. Each house has its own zest, and what it will be up to you.