DIY garden gazebo. How to make a gazebo with your own hands, photos of different designs How to build a garden gazebo

The gazebo is a great opportunity to spend time in the fresh air with comfort. And it is almost impossible to imagine a personal plot without this small architectural form. Now you can buy a finished standard product and assemble the design yourself or hire specialists. But much more in demand. This trend is understandable, because this is the only way to build the gazebo of your dreams, realize your creative plans and save a lot.

In this article we will analyze the step-by-step construction of a garden gazebo with our own hands, starting from and ending with the arrangement.


Before you begin practical work on, you need to decide on, with and the functionality of the building.

The construction of enclosed gazebos allows you to arrange a comfortable resting place both in summer and in the cold season

Modern arbors can be divided into categories:

  • open: canopies, portable and collapsible structures, classical buildings, rotundas, tents - these are the most common structures, the only difference is in the materials from which they are made.
  • half-closed: usually, more rarely, whose side walls are made of or forged openwork mesh;
  • closed mini pavilions, wooden houses, or, often insulated and, or wooden and metal structures, or tempered glass.

We build a gazebo, the video tells how to create a cozy corner quickly with your own hands.

Shape and size

The problem with corrosion is solved with the help of modern tools for processing, if the parts are coated with a protective compound, soil and painted, then no rust is terrible. But the metal quickly heats up and quickly cools down - and this is perhaps the main drawback of such structures.

The collapsible tent during installation does not require preparation of the base


In practice, most craftsmen prefer wood. Of course, it must be impregnated with antiseptics, and refractory products, and choose the right dried material, a lot of preparatory measures. But the tree is easier to work with and does not require special equipment.

In fairness, I must say that they look somewhat more massive than metal, but at the same time they are not inferior in elegance and aesthetics. You can build any gazebos from wood, starting from a mini, and ending with combined large structures, but more medium-sized log cabins are in demand, and half-open gazebos decorated with carvings and gratings.

We offer you a video on the construction of a gazebo with your own hands, it step by step tells you how to quickly make a gazebo.

We build a gazebo ourselves

Where to begin

Make a drawing of the plan of the site, select a place for the future building. Think about where the entrance will be facing, how the paths will be placed, maybe you will want to build a children's corner nearby. Pay special attention to the analysis of the terrain: will other buildings, large trees interfere with the terrain, will it allow you to organize a flat ground, or will additional land work, etc.

Important:   or for fire safety reasons, it is not recommended to place closer to the house closer than 8 m.

Foundation device

We build a gazebo with our own hands, in our case it will be a wooden structure 2 * 4 m, under, with a soft roof.

Construction begins with marking. We transfer the scheme to the terrain, designate the outline with pegs, pull the rope. We clear the area from debris, remove the upper fertile soil layer. We dig holes in the corners of the pit, divide the long side into equal parts and also dig 2 holes on each side.

DIY construction photo of the gazebo, stages of preparation of the foundation

We fill the bottom with gravel and sand, we tamp each layer, we install a crate of boards and plywood. We lower the reinforcing cage inward, release one rod in the middle outward, fill it with concrete. Complete formation of the solution for 28 days.

Good to know:   Pillars can be made of asbestos, homemade ruberoid, you can lay out red brick, or buy ready-made blocks.

Build the frame

On the finished posts we lay waterproofing, 2 layers of roofing material. Along the perimeter, we lay a beam 150 * 150 mm across, the ends for joining are cut into the floor of the log, we tighten the base with anchors.

Photo how to assemble the frame

In parallel to the small side (on the pillars) we lay logs. Before making the floor, we impregnate the details with antiseptics. Sew the floor, board 40 * 150 mm.

For a floor it is possible to use a dowel board and a decking

We cut the bars of the bar 100 * 100 mm into racks, on one long side they are 600 mm longer, we make recesses for fastening the subsequent parts. We install on each column, check the vertical, fasten with jibs. We fix the intermediate harness along the height of the railing.

Assembly of the frame should be under constant control of the geometry of the structure

We make the upper binding, first we connect the opposite posts on the smaller side, then we attach the large sides and the protruding part, as shown in the photo below.

How to build a gazebo with your own hands, a photo of a wooden frame

Building a roof

On the high side, at the level of the upper harness, perpendicular to the vertical posts, we build up bars of 400 mm in length to support the rafter system.

How to build a rafter system

On the ground we make one rafter farm, try on, it will be a template by which we make all the other rafters. We lift the finished farms up and fix to the frame on special metal corners.

For the crate, you can use the beam in any section, choose a non-behaved tree

From the bars 40 * 20 we make the crate. We sew it with sheets of plywood, necessarily moisture resistant, you can use OSB.

When building a gazebo, it is not necessary to sew up the roof with plywood, but then a hard roof is required

We cover the plywood with a waterproofing membrane, fasten it to the brackets, and a bitumen roof is laid on top, in our case a soft tile.

For a waterproofing roof, choose a breathable membrane.


We strengthen the lower part of the parapet with bars, cross to cross, plywood. Lining and a wooden decorative lattice also look beautiful.

During construction, do not forget about ergonomics, a convenient parapet height of 900-1000 mm

For a comfortable stay, from timber. For convenience, the back is made at an angle. Seat height 450 mm, depth (without back) is the same.

Furniture can be made separately, but it’s more practical to equip it during the main construction, so you will protect it from intruders

Sheathe the frame with a well-polished board, process it with antiseptics and cover it with a finish layer.

In the construction of the gazebo, pine or larch is most often used, this wood has a beautiful texture and is less hygroscopic relative to other inexpensive species

At the entrance, we dig a small pit under the porch, 300 mm deep, fill it with beaten brick, gravel, sand, and a tambourine. We lay metal images or reinforcement, pour concrete.

The porch can be built not only of concrete, but also of wood

We conduct light into the gazebo, always in a special corrugated hose, choose plafonds for outdoor use.

What could be more comfortable than a warm family circle, when after a working day everyone dines at the same table or has a tea on a weekend, and even in the fresh air? What can be a carefree friendly party with a kebab wine in the back of the cottage, under the thick crowns of trees? Where can you be alone with yourself, relax in solitude and enjoy the silence? Nothing will create so many scenarios for relaxation, like a garden gazebo, the very name of which contains the most joyful moments of life - conversations - communication with family and friends, unity with nature. Particularly enjoyable is spending time in a place lovingly built with your own hands.

Stage # 3 - roofing and roofing

The easiest way is to cover the gazebo with bituminous tiles, as shown in this video example:

  The construction technologies for a single-pitched roof - and a pitched roof - are also very well described.

Extraordinary design ideas for garden gazebos

You may be interested in how to build a gazebo from the most simple materials literally lying under your feet. Take a closer look at ordinary plastic bottles, which seemingly cannot be used anywhere, but it’s a pity to throw them away - all the time it seems that they will come in handy somewhere. You can easily use plastic bottles as a building material, and without any difficulty build a structure yourself.

Here, of course, one cannot do without the mandatory stages of arranging the foundation, frame and roof, which will require both financial and labor costs. The walls of such arbors, made of plastic bottles, not only will cost free, but also serve as a good option for protection from the sun and rain.

A contrasting combination of clear and brown plastic bottles accentuates the colorful country arbor.

It will simplify the task of construction by creating a foundation of finished metal screw piles, which you can screw into the ground on your own, equipping the base under the gazebo literally within one day. The frame will most easily be made of a metal profile - a corner, square or pipe, welding structural elements with a welding machine.

Plastic bottles are strung on metal rods, which are then placed between the lower and upper frame of the frame. An important condition for the formation of a harmonious structure is the selection of bottles of the same shape and size, the color can be varied - this will give the arbor a unique flavor.

Also, material on creating ornaments and crafts for the garden from plastic bottles will be useful:

Option # 2 - a gazebo of glass bottles

In addition to plastic bottles, glass containers can also be another unconventional material for construction, which can be purchased for almost nothing at recycling points.

Art Nouveau garden gazebo with flowing forms and plenty of glass, lively echoes the famous Gaudi gardens

So, we are building a gazebo from glass bottles. The principle of building construction is the same as that of brick - bottles are stacked in rows, which are fastened together by cement mortar.

Having spilled out your imagination, combining glass bottles of various shapes and colors, you can build an unusual arbor both outside and inside

Bottles are located bottoms outward, and with necks - inside the structure. Given that the bottles are difficult to dock at the corners of the building, they can be used to lay out individual fragments of walls, giving the structure an unusual sound - iridescent glass surfaces will sparkle in the sun like a crystal.

Option # 3 - the construction of the trunks of old trees

An interesting and fairly economical option for a summerhouse for a summer house can be a building using trunks and twigs of old trees.

In the garden there are always obsolete trees that have already ceased to bear fruit and require sawing. Exporting logs is often fraught with complexity and inevitable costs, but do not rush to get rid of fruit wood - it has beautiful bends of the trunk and texture, which makes it an excellent building material.

The trunk and branches can be cleaned of bark, which is also useful in farming when crushed - it can be covered with winter bushes of plants prone to freezing, the trunk of the tree will be used to create pillars, and large branches for fencing, railings and balusters. Most likely, one tree will not be enough, you will need two, or maybe three trunks to form four columns with a height of 2.5 m.

The crumpled trunks of old trees with knots and a rough surface, used to build a gazebo, give it the appearance of a forest hut

To build this colorful arbor, not only the trunk of the tree, but also the hemp used to create the columnar foundation were used

Wooden columns are fixed at the corner points of the columnar foundation and are fixed with the help of the lower and upper strapping from the timber. It is desirable to treat old wood with moisture-resistant primers, and also to open with varnish to give the desired color and protect against further drying. The logical continuation of the stylistic decision of the forest “hut on chicken legs” will be a roof made of plant materials - shingles or reed mats.

Option # 4 - from cement mortar

An unusual solution for the garden may be the construction of a gazebo using ordinary cement mortar. The most difficult part in this version of the arrangement is the creation of a rigid frame made of reinforcement, netting or finished reinforcing structures that need to be bent and welded. At the stage of preparing the frame, you can turn to specialized specialists, and then give free rein to imagination.

The unusual tent-shaped arbor made of stone and cement mortar resembles a bizarre rock fragment that blends seamlessly into the forest landscape

Having prepared the solution closer to thick, you need to gradually, in small portions, throw it on the reinforcing structure, and after drying, form bizarre shapes of columns and walls of the gazebo. Using the solution, you can simulate the trunks of intertwined trees, vines, fantastic plant forms, creating the image of an exotic plant, as if invented by nature itself.

On hot summer days, a gazebo in the back of the garden near the murmuring waterfall will give the long-awaited coolness and privacy

This design can take on fantastic and unearthly forms, resembling a spaceship, if you use metal parts or fragmentarily expose the reinforcing cage. The roof in this case should be made of metal or plastic - corrugated board or transparent polycarbonate is suitable.

Option # 5 - from reed mats and vines

A beautiful decoration of a pond, pond or artificial swamp on your site will be garden structures made of reeds, reeds, vines.

The perfect solution for the gazebo is the use of natural materials such as reeds and vines.

From these plant materials can be made as a wall in the form of weaving from a rod, and a roof, which is a plane made of ready-made reed or cane mats. Such a building will naturally merge with the natural environment, especially with water, because reeds and reeds are traditional inhabitants of this environment.

Gazebo on the shore of a pond with a reed roof - an example of a harmonious combination of landscape design with the environment

The use of such plants with a hollow stem for construction is the key to a comfortable microclimate in the gazebo - balanced humidity, protection from heat and effective ventilation.

Option # 6 - a “live” gazebo for the garden

Looking around your garden plot, perhaps you will ask yourself how to make a gazebo without introducing any other elements into the landscape of the garden, other than plant ones. The most affordable, but at the same time, the most time-consuming solution will be to create a structure only with the help of plants - trees or shrubs.

Specially shaped and trimmed tree crowns create original roofs for garden arbors

Such an interesting design does not require complex construction preparation in the form of a foundation, frame and roof, as it consists only of specially grown breeds of dwarf, stunted or weeping tree plants. Various species of willow, mountain ash, willow planted, most often, in a circle. The trunks and crowns of such plants are formed and directed, as they grow, in the right direction - towards the center, creating the plant roof of the arbor.

Openwork frames of arbors in combination with climbing plants give garden landscapes completeness and harmony

Such a gazebo will naturally fit into the landscape design of the site and will be a shady place to relax on the sunny open lawn in front of the house. The only thing, the creation of such a plant composition will require a lot of patience and time. Planting of grapes, ivy, roses along the outer perimeter of its frame, formed of a wooden beam, metal profile or trusses, can serve as a simpler version of a “living” design. In this case, it is important to achieve complete concealment of the structure in the thickets, so that the impression of its absence is created.

A bright accent that adorned the garden gazebo on a solemn day can be “clusters” of balloons imitating grapes

Option # 7 - from wooden pallets

An extraordinary solution is the use of euro-pallets made of wood for arranging walls. Such wooden pallets, painted in bright colors, will not only create an original flavor, but will also become a good solution for the walls - environmentally friendly, contributing to good air access to the inside of the gazebo.

If you buy ready-made - how not to make a mistake?

Analysis of 10 popular errors when choosing a finished gazebo can be seen in the video above.

A gazebo on the estate is an integral part of modern landscape design. All the charm lies in the fact that the gazebo with your own hands can be made in absolutely any style. Many people ask the main question, after they decided to build a gazebo with their own hands - where to start? We will give a clear answer to this question in today's material, as well as analyze no less important points regarding the construction of a wooden gazebo with our own hands.

Before starting work, it is necessary to realize that the gazebo is a fairly simple structure that does not require special skills and knowledge in the field of construction. If you understand the simple technology and sequence, which will be discussed below, then the gazebo can be built in a couple of days, with a minimum of effort, because in the end, after all, you are not going to build a suburban house.

Moreover, having studied the detailed manual for building a gazebo with your own hands from wood, you will save not only time and effort, but also money. If the below design of the gazebo is not to your liking, you can choose a slightly different form, because you will now be familiar with the main stages and principles of construction. Who knows, maybe you can do it yourself with such a masterpiece, shown in the photo below. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

Arbor do it yourself. What to do?

We will immediately determine the material for the future design. Most experienced builders assure that the best arbors are made of wood. This choice presents a lot of advantages:

· Natural look;

· Ease of construction;

· Simple wood processing;

· You can perform the design of any style.

In addition, during the construction process, the most ordinary tool that lies in the garage of each owner will come in handy. Materials on the construction will take just as little, which will save significant funds. Do not forget that, if desired, you can build a gazebo out of wood, at the sight of which guests will not want to leave your site. This is of course sarcasm, but there is some truth in it.

What to do with the foundation?

Wooden arbor is quite plastic, elastic and weighs little. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to begin its construction without a previously prepared foundation. It is enough to process the wood with special chemicals to protect it from contact with the ground. This will save her from the effect of decay. Moreover, there are such types of arbors, for example, wicker ones, which to put on the foundation will be simply silly.

Initial stage of work

The first thing to do is to work out a plan for future construction in detail. If you can’t navigate around the design, then today there are many magazines and websites dedicated to construction topics. There you can see examples of the most unusual, and at the same time the most simple arbors for the estate. Planning includes:

· Purpose of construction;

· The shape of the gazebo;

The shape of the structure can be square, round, rectangular, octagonal, hexagonal and so on. The owners of the site with creative thinking and wild imagination can experiment by building a gazebo in the form of a house of Baba Yaga, a fairy-tale palace or a spaceship. Below is a very creative and unusual example of a gazebo.

Or you can give preference to a more classic style, which will look simple and tasteful.

The gazebos also differ in their purpose. It is necessary to decide from the very beginning whether you just want to relax in the shade in the fresh air or a big company will have fun in the gazebo.

If the first option, in this case, you can start building a regular gazebo with your own hands with several benches.

If you plan to build for a fun pastime of the company, give preference to a large site and a canopy.

For those people who can not imagine a vacation without barbecue in nature and field kitchen, the gazebo with a Russian stove or will be an ideal option.

Advice!  Before choosing the form of the future design, it is worth paying attention to the existing buildings on the site, as well as to the landscape design as a whole. The chosen style of the gazebo should be in harmony with the environment.

Determine the place

Once you have made the final design decision, it's time to choose the right place. Regarding the proximity of the location of the gazebo from the house, this question remains at the discretion of the owner. Proceed from the following - whether you want to relax from the hustle and bustle of the house or want to spend time sitting on the street with household members.

Do not place the building in a lowland, this cannot be done for obvious reasons - it is in the lowland that water will accumulate over time, which will lead to rotting of the wood.

Advice!  Place the gazebo near trees, flower beds or other vegetation. So you will achieve the maximum aesthetic effect, because it is nice when you have a view of the wonderful plants from the gazebo.

Arbor do it yourself. Photo, drawings

After the above preparatory measures, we proceed to the design. The drawing will take into account:

· Height;

· the size;

· components;

· Mounting methods and more.

The drawing should also take into account the number of necessary building materials that will need to be pre-purchased.

For example, we settled on the standard square shape of the building with a roof. This design will be discussed in today's practical guide. We remind you, taking into account the following information and examples, you can choose any other design you like arbor.

Necessary tools and materials

To begin construction, the following materials are required:

· Concrete for the installation process of racks;

· Beam 15x15 cm for the implementation of the base and racks;

· 10x10 cm timber for roof elements and upper battens;

· Bars for logs 5x15 cm;

· Board for flooring;

· Plywood or boards for roofing;

· Roofing materials, depending on your choice, it can be metal tile, slate or corrugated board;

· Boards for railings and other decorative structures;

· Lining for side sheathing;

· Frames with glasses (if these elements are provided for in the plan);

· Paint, varnish;

· Self-tapping screws, screws, nails.

It is worth recalling that a change in the project will affect the list of materials, it can both decrease or increase, remember this.

Also take care of the availability of the tool that you will need during the construction process:


· Shovel;

· Hacksaw for wood;

· Electric or chainsaw;

· Hammer with a claw hammer;

· A planer;



· stairs.

Armed with the above tools, you can build on your site almost any arbor made of wood.

How to build a gazebo with your own hands

Once all of the above recommendations are implemented, it's time to start the main thing - the construction of a gazebo with your own hands. To begin with, it is necessary to treat the wood used with moisture protective and antiseptic agents. This must be done to protect the tree from decay.

The next step is to install the supports. Pegs and ropes mark the location of the future building.

Advice!  In order to get a perfectly even rectangle or square, it is necessary to observe the symmetry of the diagonals.

We will focus on the option when the foundation is not poured, but. This option is much easier to execute. Dig holes under the racks about a meter deep.

Tamp the bottom of the pits with gravel, approximately 5 cm, after which, fill it with a 10 cm layer of concrete. Wait for the concrete to harden a bit and place the anchor in it. It is on them that the racks will later be attached.

You can do a little easier. Place the stand upright in the hole and fill it with concrete. It is important to ensure that the stand is installed evenly, strictly upright. Racks should be dug into the ground so that their strapping is an ideal square.

After installing the racks, it's time to start the construction of the frame. This action must be started from the bottom harness. For the floor, you can use a regular beam, which must be laid every 50 cm. This design is guaranteed to support the weight of the flooring.

Next, install the rest of the frame structure - the rack. They are responsible for supporting the roof and the upper trim. The location of the racks should be strictly symmetrical, the number of which depends on the dimensions of the gazebo.

After the construction of the frame, we are engaged in flooring. The floorboard is attached using ordinary screws or nails.

Roof installation is a crucial stage of construction. First of all, the upper strapping of the entire structure of the beams is carried out, which must be attached to the supports with the help of nails. Subsequent construction depends on what shape of the roof you have chosen for your future gazebo. More often a four or gable roof is chosen, due to its practicality, reliability and ease of execution.

The four-pitched roof looks very original, we will stop on it for an example. To make the structure stronger, it is necessary to install additional rafters fixed to the upper and main harnesses. It is necessary to follow the symmetry of the rafters, this is very important.

Important!  It is necessary to fasten the material between each other every 20 cm along the entire length of the rafters.

It is worth paying your attention to the fact that the safety rules for high-altitude work should be observed. Make sure that the ladder does not stagger, and under you are sharp and dangerous tools.

The final stage is a decorative design. It's time to show imagination and decorate the walls, roof and railing of the gazebo. Usually use a standard rail for the railing, then lining the structure with a clapboard.

If you get a little confused, then you can apply thread to the wooden surface of the railing and walls. This adds color and originality to the finished design. However, for woodcarving to really look spectacular, there must be certain skills in this matter.

After, you can open the wooden surfaces with varnish or paint them.

Further actions depend on your preference. You can fill the gazebo with comfortable and roomy sofas, install a chaise lounge in it or give preference to ordinary benches and a table.

By the way, you can also make out tables, benches and chairs for the gazebo yourself. This will complement the overall design. Pass the light, install mosquito nets, take care of the path from the gazebo to the house and enjoy outdoor recreation with close friends and family.

Weaving from rods - simplifying the process

If you love simply, but with taste, then you will certainly enjoy our next idea. Moreover, it will greatly simplify the construction process. The arbor from the rods is very popular today. It not only looks spectacular, but also quite practical.

The process of erecting a gazebo from the rods with your own hands is quite simple. It is necessary to drive rods into the ground to a depth of 35 cm. The main thing is that the rods form a symmetric square or rectangle, although it is possible to make a construction in the form of a hexagon or octagon.

You can also sheathe the installed wooden racks of an ordinary arbor with wattle. It also looks spectacular. If your gazebo is located near the sea or river, you can use ordinary ropes for weaving, this will look quite appropriate.

It is worth emphasizing that weaving is a very painstaking process, although not costly. By the principle of the above weaving patterns, you can choose the most acceptable pattern for your gazebo.

Gazebo do it yourself from a tree step-by-step video

Surely, you have seen from your own experience that it’s not difficult to build a gazebo with your own hands from a tree on your site. How to build a gazebo with our own hands, we figured out. Choose your favorite gazebo design and decide on the place of construction. The main thing is to adhere to the above recommendations and use our methodology. Do not worry, you will surely succeed. We recommend watching the following video of the construction process of the gazebo yourself, for a better understanding of the construction process.

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B a reception is an indispensable attribute of a private house, a country cottage and just a dwelling, in which there is a separate land plot. It will protect from the rays of the sun, rain and other adverse weather conditions. Under the roof of the gazebo it is always comfortable to spend time with friends or sit with your family during evening tea drinking. However, not everyone knows how to make a gazebo with your own hands from a tree step by step. Let's look at the rules for erecting a gazebo: what to make of it, what materials are needed, and, finally, the stages of its installation.

Wooden arbor

Arbor made of wood: what are the advantages?

To date, there are many materials from which you can make a gazebo. The most common ones are metal and wood. In this article we will look at how to make gazebos with your own hands from a tree step by step. Why made of wood? Because this material has many advantages:

  •   easy to install, since wood is a relatively light material;
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so it can not harm the environment;
  • Wood is a fairly durable material: it is immune to ultraviolet rays. So that the tree does not rot from moisture, it should be covered with a transparent varnish for wood;
  • Wood goes well with stone, concrete, metal and other materials. In terms of decor, it is universal;

  • Woodcarving is also popular right now. Refined relief drawings will become a kind of decor for the gazebo.

Despite the fact that wood, as a material for a gazebo, has a number of drawbacks (for example, it rots when exposed to moisture, may not be durable enough, is subject to the negative effects of termites), it is the best material for building a gazebo, which has no alternative.

Related article:

Materials for the construction of arbors made of wood

To build a gazebo, you need to stock up on such materials and tools:

  • Iron or wooden pegs pegs - will be needed to mark the area where the gazebo will be installed. Also, for convenience, a fishing line is used, which is pulled between the pegs installed along the intended edges of the structure;

  • Auxiliary materials: saw, planer, nails of various calibres, etc.

The amount of materials needed depends on the size of the planned gazebo.

Stages of building a gazebo made of wood

Design selection and drawing of the gazebo

Before construction begins, you need to decide which gazebo you want. Here the flight of fantasy is unlimited. Designs can be rectangular, hexagonal, round, square, etc. Having decided on the form, you need to set the dimensions of the future building.

Below is a plan for building an octagonal arbor made of wood. This design is very convenient in that it will be comfortable and convenient inside the gazebo: up to 12 people can easily fit there. Its area may be different depending on the location and your desires. The height of the gazebo is 2.5 meters.

Stages of construction


The site selected for construction is cleared, and in accordance with the above dimensions, iron pegs are installed in the corners. In the corners pull the fishing line. Mark the place where the entrance will be located.

Foundation preparation

According to the marking, he digs holes, at the bottom of each of them we make a sandy base. It is highly advisable to compact the sand before laying the foundation to avoid excessive precipitation. We install concrete blocks or a brick at the bottom, fill it with gravel, ram and fill it with soil. All blocks must be set strictly according to the level.

Instead of blocks in each pit, formwork can be made and cement mortar can be poured.

Base unit

After the foundation is ready, install the wooden base in accordance with the drawing. There are two ways to do this. The first method: we expose the base from wooden blocks using internal jumpers, we sew up the floor and only after that we expose the wooden racks, fastening them to the floor with nails and metal plates.

The second method involves placing wooden racks directly on each pillar of the foundation between the jumpers of the base.

The bars are fixed using metal corners.

For the reliability of the structure, at the stage of foundation construction, a metal rod can be laid in each pillar onto which the base of the wooden stand is inserted.

Harness installation

Further along the edges of the gazebo (except for the place where the entrance to the structure is planned), we install a wooden timber strapping made in the form of some kind of pattern. We fix the bars with nails and screws. Leave the entry area open.

Roof device

Now we equip the roof of the gazebo. If you want to make a roof with an oblique slope, install 8 rafters on the supporting poles, connect them with a horizontal cross member. The result is a design in the form of the letter "A". If you prefer a single-pitched gazebo made of wood with your own hands step by step, then we equip one continuous rafter on the posts.

We lay the roof, and only after that we lay the tile on its surface.

To understand how a gazebo is made of wood with your own hands, a step-by-step drawing is simply necessary. Having considered and planned the entire structure from the very beginning, the installation process will be an easy and exciting task.