Exclusive. Projects of modern houses and cottages Show beautiful houses with average plans

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When building a cottage, every home craftsman or future owner wants the dwelling to look aesthetically pleasing, besides standing out from the general row with something unusual. Designing such structures is not easy, and for some it is completely impossible. However, the idea is worth having. Today we will look at interesting and beautiful houses, interior and exterior design projects based on photo examples. Along the way, we will try to figure out what material the more beautiful buildings are made of, as well as what elements of the facade will add sophistication and aesthetics to the building.

The cottage should be such that it is pleasant to look at it

Before purchasing the necessary materials, starting the construction of a building, a large number of nuances are taken into account, such as the location of the cottage or the size of the site. An important step is the drawing up of a detailed or cottage that would meet certain requirements:

The work of charting is difficult. It requires some knowledge and skills. If the home craftsman does not have the proper education, it is difficult to imagine that he would do this work on his own. There is only one way out - to entrust the design to a specialized firm. However, not all of them are trustworthy. Collect complete information about the designer before paying for the services provided. A good option would be if the company has already made cottages to friends, and they were satisfied.

We invite the reader to see photos of beautiful houses for review:

Looking at these photos of beautiful houses and cottages, you can't even believe that they were built with their own hands by ordinary home craftsmen.

Projects of beautiful one-story brick houses: photos of unusual solutions

Brick is a fairly popular building material. The disadvantage of using it is that in addition to the skills of a bricklayer, the master must have a lot of time, because masonry is not a quick process. The surface requires finishing on the inside and protection on the outside. Most often, external walls are lined with facing bricks or artificial decorative stone is used for decoration.

Below you can see several photos of beautiful houses, the projects for which were not drawn up by professionals, but by ordinary home craftsmen:

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Lightweight residential frameworks

This is a relatively new type of construction that is becoming more and more popular. This is not surprising, because the cost of such a building is quite low. It is not required to create a separate project of a country house (photo below). All work is carried out by the organization-manufacturer of the frame from the metal profile, the result of which is an almost finished structure. All connections of this design are bolted, and when disassembled, it has such a low weight that no heavy equipment is required to transport parts to the assembly site. This provides additional savings.

We invite the dear reader to look at photos of projects of beautiful country houses and cottages in order to understand in general terms how they are being built:

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In this article, we will consider in detail what is the advantage of these structures, types of technologies, average construction prices, original projects, useful tips and much more.

The use of glass structures in construction

Experts call glass cottages with a wooden frame an interesting solution in construction. This type of construction creates a feeling of unity with nature. The oversized ones do not obstruct the view of the landscape from the outside, letting in a lot of natural sunlight inside. Nowadays, glass manufacturing technologies have reached such a level that it is no longer considered a fragile material - it is very difficult to break it.

In addition to appearance, additional energy saving is also called a positive quality - during the daytime, the use of electric lighting devices is reduced, which saves 7-10% of energy.

Below is a small mini-catalog of photos of projects of beautiful one-story houses:

We think the reader will agree that there is plenty to choose from.

Photos of beautiful country houses: projects of various types of buildings

The creation of a beautiful project of a house or cottage does not necessarily require the cost of paying for the services of a designer with a higher specialized education. Sometimes it is enough for the home master himself to imagine what he would like to see on his site. After all, it is not always possible to explain the wishes of the customer to the designer. But for this you need examples before your eyes. Then it is easier to understand how this or that building element looks, what kind of finishing is suitable for the facade of the building, whether it is required, and how it looks visually. And to make it more accessible, it is worth considering examples of buildings, how they look with certain decorative elements.

One-story house projects

We present to your attention a photo of small beautiful cottages. We hope they help someone make the right choice:

Private houses do not always have only one floor. In the case of having financial opportunity and a large family, many try to build, which we also cannot ignore.

Interesting projects of two-story houses

The financial component is, of course, important, but sometimes there is no other way out than building a two-story cottage. This can happen in the case of a large number of residents who simply do not fit in a one-story building. Below are several photos of projects of beautiful cottages and private buildings on two floors:

Houses with an attic floor: a good solution for a summer residence

It should be noted right away that the attic cannot replace a full residential floor, but in the country it will be the most optimal solution due to its low cost. It may well accommodate an adult, using it as a recreation area or sleeping room. A guest house with a similar living space in the attic will help to accommodate relatives or friends who came for the weekend. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with examples of projects for guest houses in the country, the photos of which are presented below:

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Attic buildings are a practical and very attractive idea for a private plot. Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations of experienced builders are in our material.

Residential buildings with adjoining garage

Such buildings are convenient for car owners, first of all, because in the cold season there is no need to go out into the cold to get to the garage. It is accessed directly from the dwelling. Examples can be seen in our photo gallery:

Arrangement of a veranda attached to the cottage

There are a lot of materials for making such as a veranda. It can be brick, wood or glass. You can also pull out the roof of the cottage, thereby combining it with the veranda. In this case, the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe attic will be slightly larger.

Good to know! Do not confuse a veranda with a terrace, which can be erected away from a residential building and has absolutely no protection from weather conditions. The veranda also has a roof that protects it from snow, rain or hail and is an integral part of the entire building.

Examples of cottages with verandas are shown in the photo below:

Architectural elements of the facade and their use in construction

A cottage on the site will compare favorably with neighboring buildings if various architectural elements are used during its construction, for example:

  • Pediments;
  • Bay windows;
  • Spiers;
  • Dome roof structures.

We will figure out what they are and how to fulfill them. But first, it is worth remembering other elements of the facade that are used less often.

IllustrationArchitectural elementWhat does he look likeWhere is located

Castle stoneCenter stone above the window and door with a semicircular topOn arched windows, doors, arches, semi-arches in the center at the top

MoldingA prominent strip, often highlighted in colorOn the walls along the demarcation line of the basement or between floors, as well as below the roof

CorniceShelf under windows or roofOn a decorative sill or molded ledge below the roof line

TympanumIn the form of a semicircular arch above a door or window, usually glazed or overlaid, made of stuccoAbove the door and window, less often over half-columns on the wall
Small capitalThe upper expanded part of the column, decorated with stuccoOn a column or semi-column under the ceiling

ArchOpening in the wall without a door or interconnected columnsAbove the entrance, transition from one room to another, between buildings

FilenkaThin protrusion framing the pattern stands out in colorOn the walls

BalustradeCurly posts that support the railingOn the balcony, porch, terrace, stairs

BracketShaped supports for window sills and cornicesUnder windows, balconies

SocketFlower molding, round, white plasterAbove windows, entrances, arches or in free wall space

Gables: what is it

They are called triangular (less often semicircular) elements. Their border is framed by roof slopes and cornice. This word comes from the Latin "frons", "frontis", which means the forehead or the front of the wall. Nowadays, gables are used everywhere on buildings with gable roofs, but often they are simply painted to match the color of the buildings. An interesting solution would be to decorate the pediment with carvings or stucco molding.

Bay window and its purpose

The bay window is made in the form of a ledge with a window on the facade, which allows not only to decorate the appearance, but also to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is better to glaze the bay window around the perimeter, which will give additional natural light to the room.

The spire as the return of a forgotten architectural element

A spire is a cone-shaped or pyramid-shaped roof extended upwards. Such elements are also called tents, but if you think about it, the spire is more extended upwards, while the tent is squat. In our time, the definition of both has become blurred. This means that both names will be correct.

Construction and design issues of beautiful houses

Modern low-rise buildings in Russia are represented by both typical architectural solutions, popular due to the availability of materials and the speed of construction, and exclusive projects, where individuality, aesthetics and personal comfort are valued above all. A beautiful private house is always a combination of a spectacular facade, attractive interior and ennobled landscape. And, of course, the high quality of implementation.

Characteristics of a beautiful and luxurious country house

For a cottage design to be called great, it must embody the basic principles:

  • The uniqueness of the project. This is a way to stand out against the background of standard, similar buildings in the neighborhood, to emphasize your independence and architectural taste.
  • Comfort. It should be light, cozy and warm inside, whatever the style.
  • Plenty. Today, as much interior space as possible is in trend; panoramic glazing helps to expand the boundaries of the interior.
  • Harmony. The form and content (facade decoration, interior design, site decoration) are sustained in a single stylistic concept.
  • Long service life, reliability, safety. All this is ensured by expensive construction and finishing materials, the quality of preparatory, installation and engineering work.

How to build a beautiful house: site selection

A well-chosen building plot is a guarantee of a reliable foundation, no problems with operation and the ability to implement an architectural project in the desired form.

What are the determining factors here?

  • Groundwater should be located as low as possible, otherwise water will wash away the base of the building. If the land for the construction of a large beautiful house is chosen next to a picturesque lake or river, you will have to spend money on a monolithic slab foundation and abandon the basement and basements.

Common types of foundations and their applications:

  • solid monolithic - a reliable and solid foundation for any home;
  • belt - lightweight concrete construction with minimal consumption of building materials;
  • columnar - suitable for places with wet, sandy, peat, swampy soil when erecting wooden and frame structures;
  • pile - used for elevated groundwater levels on soft soils, for construction on slopes.

If the soil allows, it is better to equip a deep basement. Then it is possible to place technical and auxiliary rooms here, and more free space will remain above. But it should be taken into account that when equipping a high-quality basement, the total cost of construction will increase significantly.

  • Before building a gorgeous private home, it is important to study the wind rose on the site. Strong air currents in bad weather will take away heat from the housing, so the cottage is located with the back side to the windy direction. When choosing a territory, it is worth considering the proximity to industrial and agricultural facilities. The constant presence of extraneous noises and odors will make even the most beautiful mansion uncomfortable.
  • A square section is considered optimal. Here you will be able to embody the most successful architectural solutions and landscape design. In the case of a rectangular section, it is better to prefer a shape that is elongated in width (this is more favorable for designing a building and an entrance to it). You shouldn't give up a place with a difficult terrain - an experienced architect will adequately beat the natural features.

Number of storeys

The choice of the number of floors of future housing is influenced by factors: the composition and size of the family, the size of the land plot, personal planning preferences.

Features of beautiful one-story houses

Landscaping - part of the exterior

The beauty of a private house depends not only on successful architectural solutions, but also on the surrounding landscape. Large windows, transparent partitions, open terraces become a logical link between the interior space and the site.

Yard area arrangement options:

  • plants (lawns, flower beds, ornamental shrubs, hedges, trees);
  • reservoirs (artificial ponds, street fountains, waterfalls);
  • elements of landscape design (stone bowls, steps, paved paths);
  • small buildings (arches, gazebos, patios);
  • garden furniture (benches, dining groups, sun loungers);
  • lamps (garlands along the paths, pendant lights).

A well-groomed courtyard works one hundred percent for a favorable overall impression of the exterior.

The most beautiful houses in the world - photo collection

An architectural project with an individual design, intelligent selection of building and finishing materials, conscientious implementation - this is the secret of the amazing beauty of large and small private houses around the world. Photos of finished exteriors confirm this.

Owning a large house is a desirable dream for many people, and therefore, when an opportunity arises to build it, one wants to create an ideal option. In our review, there are many photographs that are depicted. in different styles and all kinds will help you choose the right option. We will consider interesting ideas for country buildings in one and several floors, as well as from different materials.

Before you start building a house you need to complete it. This stage is necessary in order to correctly calculate the required amount of materials and think over all stages of construction work. In addition to planning, choice is of great importance.

Even the most beautiful cottages must meet certain requirements:

  • strength and reliability;
  • comfortable living conditions;
  • long service life;
  • operational safety;
  • the ability to make corrections in the future.

If you choose a site on a hillock, then such a solution will give many advantages. For example, you don't have to consider the height. In addition, a beautiful view from the windows and a good one will appear. The correct layout will ensure maximum penetration of sunlight into the room.

Experts recommend building a structure in the northeastern part of the site. This will ensure quality in the rooms. If the layout involves a two-story layout, then private rooms should be placed on the second floor, and common and utility rooms in the lower part.

Note! If you are going to use a cottage with a pitched roof, then turn the open part to the south side, and the closed one to the north.

Correct orientation of the house to the cardinal points

When constructing a building, certain factors must be considered. Beautiful and practical projects of houses and cottages depend on the location of the site and buildings in relation to the cardinal points. The type and shape of the building is important.

When drawing up the layout, the nature of the placement of the building to the cardinal points is taken into account:

  • the southeast and west direction can be used to accommodate a common room - or a dining room;
  • in the south or southeast direction is the living room or;
  • in the northern direction it is possible to equip zones for household needs and.

Note! The façade is best directed to the south. In this case, you can choose a project with a veranda, terrace or spacious porch.

Allocation of functional areas in the layout of a country house

Functional areas are an important part of any cottage project. Photos and layouts will help you create a suitable layout for the site and buildings on it.

The layout may include the following zones:

  • the location of the residential building;
  • outbuildings;
  • , parking place or garage;
  • , and a recreation area;
  • garden area and;
  • guest houses.

There are also separate zones inside the house:

  • living room area includes dining room, and common rooms for the whole family;
  • living night area - guest rooms and;
  • walkways and common rooms - an entrance hall, bathrooms, and a corridor;
  • utility blocks, premises
  • additional areas - a gym, swimming pool or cinema.

Important! When choosing a place for a barbecue area or for a summer kitchen, you need to find out in advance the direction of the wind rose. This is necessary so that smoke does not pass by the residential building.

Basic building materials for beautiful homes

Projects of country houses involve the use of different materials, the photo shows different options. The interior layout and architectural features of the building may depend on the material. The material is often chosen based on the style of the building's exterior. It is also worth considering the climatic conditions.

Beautiful wooden one-story houses

Consider what are the advantages of being beautiful. Below you can see different projects and photos.

This material has the following advantages:

  • wood is a breathable and living material that does not allow harmful components to pass through;
  • the air in such a house can be healing;
  • wood allows you to maintain an optimal humidity level in the room;
  • a pleasant smell remains in the rooms;
  • wood perfectly regulates the temperature regime, and retains heat in winter;
  • an economical option, since heating costs are less than in a brick or concrete building.

The choice of building material largely depends on the specific area. Beyond the Urals and in Siberia, conifers are used: cedar, larch and pine. In the European part, oak, pine or spruce is used as a material.

For construction, the following types of material are used: timber or rounded logs. The timber, depending on the type of processing, can be planed, sawn and glued.

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With such materials, you can significantly reduce construction costs. The project uses insulation and wood, which are cheaper than brick. A lighter foundation can also be used.


Thanks to new technologies, you can see it not only in magazines. Cottages are built with or even entirely of glass. A facade, a roof, or can be made of glass. In such a building, you can create a complete feeling of airiness and lightness.

Glasses allow you to fill the room with light and visually expand it. They are especially popular from floor to ceiling. With visual fragility, they retain heat remarkably well and are highly durable. It is possible to integrate blinds into such structures.

Country beautiful houses: projects and photos

You can see how beautiful projects of houses and cottages look on the website. The interior can be decorated in any style, but the classic style is great for suburban buildings and. For the classic style, natural wood parquet is used and.

The Provence style interior can be decorated with stone tiles and pastel shades.

The vintage style is great for a country house. In such an interior, furniture made of wood or its imitation is used.

The use of architectural elements of the facade to add beauty

The facade of a building without decor looks very dull. Architectural elements can be used to give the building an individual appearance. The most common options include an arch, which is a vaulted element. An arcade is already an ensemble of several arches.

Houses can be of the following types:

  • a geodesic dome is made up of triangles that make up a polyhedron. In this case, many beams are connected at one point;
  • the stratodesic dome is made of trapezoidal sections.


Today's houses are significantly different from the ones familiar to many grandmothers' houses, but they were cute in childhood, but an adult sees a lot of flaws in them. In new residential buildings, these disadvantages are taken into account, projects of modern houses and cottages look stylish and at the same time cozy and comfortable in them. Many dream of becoming the owner of individual housing, but only a few decide.

What is a modern cottage like?

Photo of the catalog "Domamo" will help you to imagine where progress has stepped and what changes have occurred in housing construction. A characteristic feature of new buildings is style. Smooth lines and streamlined shapes - the strong point of recent seasons, as in the world of fashion for clothes. Elements of minimalism and hi-tech are taken as a basis, they are present both outside and inside the building. Laconic forms transform the space, making it as comfortable as possible, even without going inside it is pleasant to look at them.

Main features of a modern house project

By ordering such an architectural work, you immediately become the owner of a unique project, which experienced builders can easily translate into reality. Subsequently, there will be no need to worry about the big bills coming for the used natural resources. The entire space is multifunctional and energy efficient.

House designs in a modern style are impeccable from an aesthetic point of view, they also combine interesting and practical innovations:

  • huge windows, glazed verandas, large balconies and loggias;
  • a simple but spacious layout, enclosed in a square or rectangle, the facade does not have large extensions and looks solid;
  • beautiful roofs with an unusual configuration and a slight angle of inclination; according to the project, they are covered with tiles, which looks stylish;
  • most often modern buildings go on two floors, but some options are thought out with an attic or a residential attic, there is an ultra-modern building in the form of a sphere;
  • the use of materials of different texture in the decoration of the building, the organization of lighting along the perimeter of the building with the help of original lamps;
  • in the finishing of the facade, light colors are used; they can be combined with dark inserts on the railings, balcony railing, window openings or a separate part of the wall.

In the project, modern country cottages and houses are equipped with the latest engineering developments, autonomous systems are installed in them:

  • heating;
  • sewerage;
  • power supply;
  • air conditioning;
  • water supply.

Most of them are built on the basement, where it is fashionable to equip a pool, an additional bathroom or bedroom, and a billiard room.

Project selection

Modern buildings are ordered by progressive people who look at life with confidence and will be able to appreciate all its comfortable sides. The main incentive for buying is the desire to stay modern and get a home that will be convenient for everyone.

  • correct zoning of the inside of the house;
  • selection of a project, taking into account their financial capabilities and preferences;
  • building materials are purchased taking into account the climate of the area where the house will be installed;
  • the number of rooms and the possibility of converting one room into another, if there are reasons for that.

Do not want to hesitate and wait for a suitable project, look at one of the typical options offered by Domamo.

21.02.2017 You will read it in 13 minutes.

In the photo: Beautiful two-storey house in the Domodedovo district

Beautiful living rooms in country houses. Photos of interiors

When working on a private house project, an interior designer is not limited to a typical layout, therefore the main advantage of this category of objects is the ability to develop an original planning solution and use bold modern living room design ideas.

1. Neoclassical living room in a one-story house

In the photo: One-story house on the Yaroslavskoe highway

Creamy shades and floral textile décor bring French charm to a neoclassical living room, while LED lighting makes it modern.

2. Panoramic windows

In the photo: Beautiful and modern two-storey house in the village of Glagolevo

Gray shades combined with natural wood create a cozy atmosphere in the living room of a beautiful country house and do not tire the eyes. A sophisticated illuminated ceiling adds depth to the space.

5. Modern style and finishing with natural materials

In the photo: Beautiful living room in eclectic style. House in KP "Deauville"

Natural marble finishes, sofas upholstered in matte leather, an ultramodern ring-shaped chandelier, furniture and light-wood railings - fashionable eclecticism reigns in the interior of the living room of a beautiful house in Deauville.

The interiors of beautiful dining rooms in a private house

6. Charm of eclecticism in dining room design

In the photo: Two-storey house in the KP "South Valley"

Tall mirrors, a wooden dining table, velvet upholstered chairs, an expressive ceramic rug - the design of the eclectic dining room will leave no one indifferent.

7. Modern dining area in the living room

In the photo: The interior of a two-storey house in the KP "Western Valley"

The modern dining room pictured is part of an open public area on the first floor of a two-story building. The designers of the Fundament Group organically fit it into the studio space and emphasized it with a spectacular poster in a silver frame.

8. Dining room with fireplace on the ground floor

The dining group with natural wood elements and a large fireplace create a pleasant atmosphere in the interior of the spacious high-tech dining room.

Kitchen interiors on the first floor of a private house

9. Kitchen-dining room in Provence style

In the photo: Two-storey beautiful house in KP "Europe"

Ornamental tiles, natural wood furniture, forged chandeliers, classic photo frames on the wall - the Provence style in the interior of the kitchen-living room of a country house is manifested even in the smallest details.

10. Kitchen with bar counter and wall for writing

In the photo: A beautiful house with an attic in the village. Ozeretskoe

Photo: Beautiful bedroom in silver metallic in a country house

Furniture with leather upholstery in metallic silver and chrome accessories fit perfectly into the discreet monochrome interior of the bedroom in a country house. This technique helped the designer introduce elements of retro-futurism into the project and make the design of the room original and trendy.

16. Romantic bedroom

In the photo: Two-storey beautiful house in the KP "South Valley"

Blue-gray, cream and milky shades create a romantic atmosphere in the design of the bedroom. Forged accessories and dark wood furniture contrast effectively with the light walls.

17. Fur carpet

In the photo: Two-storey house in KP "Western Valley"

18. Stylish bedroom with a purple ceiling

In the photo: The interior of the house in the KP "Park Avenue"

Purple ceiling, gray walls, designer lamps - the modern bedroom in the photo impresses with its bold decoides and a comfortable atmosphere.

Thematic interiors of children's rooms in a country house

19. Nursery in a marine style

In the photo: Two-storey beautiful house in KP "Europe"

30. Nursery for two children in the attic floor

In the photo: Two-storey beautiful house in the village. Perkhushkovo

A spacious and bright attic is perfect for arranging a children's room for two children. Sleeping places can be placed under the roof slope, and a play area can be organized in the central part.

31. Bedroom under the roof slope

In the photo: Two-storey house in the Kaluga region

Built into a low podium with spotlights, the bed sits directly under the roof window. So it will be possible to admire the stars with maximum comfort.

32. Nursery with a partition

In the photo: Beautiful house with an attic in Balashikha

To expand the functionality of the attic of a private house, the specialists of the Fundament Group of Companies installed a small partition there, separating the sleeping place from the mini-office and the recreation area.

33. Elegant bathroom under the roof

In the photo: A beautiful house with an attic in KP "Europe"

The elegant blue and white bathroom with wood floors and glossy tile base literally exudes freshness and looks very aristocratic.

34. Modern bedroom in eco-style

In the photo: Two-storey beautiful house in the village. Perkhushkovo

Light shades, clean lines, floor and shelving made of natural wood - the design of the eco-style bedroom disposes to meditation and pleasant relaxation.

35. Loft brick and graffiti in the nursery

In the photo: Children's attic in a house in the village. Ozeretskoe

The attic is the best place for a teenager's room. And to create an urban atmosphere in it, the walls can be decorated with a fresco with graffiti.

Beautiful wooden houses. Photo inside

Eco-friendly houses made of round logs and glued beams that do not require additional wall decoration are in high demand today. And the fact that the design of a wooden house can be realized in almost any interior style further fuels interest in such objects. The cost of turnkey repairs in a wooden house may include the development of a design project and professional equipment of the object with finishing materials, furniture and equipment. Having made the right choice of a contractor company for the repair and decoration of the cottage, you will get a truly stylish interior that remains relevant.

36. Living room with a second light

The interior of the living room with a second light and a corner fireplace was designed by the designers of the Fundament Group in the country style that is popular today and equipped with light furniture made specifically for this project.

37. Billiard room made of rounded logs

In the photo: Billiard room made of rounded logs in the village. Nikolskie lakes

In the spacious wood-paneled room under the roof of the house made of rounded logs, there was room for a large billiard table and for rustic sofas.

38. Chalet-style log house

In the photo: A beautiful house from a bar in the village of Aleksino

Walls covered with glaze paint, antler chandeliers, a fireplace decorated with boulders, chairs upholstered in leather - the interior of a log house, decorated in a chalet style, looks noble and respectable.

39. Cabinet in the attic of a wooden house

In the photo: A beautiful wooden house at the station. Eureka

Black and white posters and modern furnishings look good against whitewashed log walls and are perfect for a small office in the attic of a wooden house.

40. Rest area on the ground floor

Light leather sofas, white curtains, an imitation candle chandelier - the seating area on the ground floor of a beautiful log house looks cozy and modern.

Beautiful country houses. Photo outside

What kind of cottage to build: half-timbered, timber or brick? To answer this question, you need to consult with experts and carefully consider the photos of beautiful houses outside.

41. Decorating with decorative stone

In the photo: Beautiful frame house with an attic

The design of a private house with a bright red roof, tall narrow windows and decorative stone trim reminds of fashionable European cottages.

42. Wooden veranda

In the photo: A beautiful house made of rounded logs in the village. Nikolskie lakes

The main decoration of the open veranda of a beautiful wooden house is an elegant silver-colored metal fence, to which you can choose suitable lanterns.

43. Relaxation area on the open balcony

In the photo: A beautiful house made of rounded logs in the village. Nikolskie lakes

The open balcony of the log house is perfect for placing a hammock and seating area with a comfortable corner sofa.

44. Original half-timbered house with a balcony

Photo: Half-timbered beautiful house with a balcony

The elegant facade will immediately distinguish the half-timbered house from a number of other buildings. And for the harmony to be absolute, you need to make a beautiful repair inside the cottage.

45. Frame house with an attic and a terrace

In the photo: Beautiful frame house with a terrace

The frame cottage with an attic and a terrace is suitable for year-round use and looks very attractive. And it won't take long to build it.

The dream of a country house can be easily turned into reality, the main thing is to decide which cottage you need. And it is better to entrust the construction and development of interior design to professionals.

Text: Irina Sedykh