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Valentina Oseeva's story "Why?" begins with a scene of a boy pampering with his four-legged friend Boom. They were alone in the dining room, the boy rocked famously in a chair, and Boom under the table grabbed his bare heels.

For this cheerful company the boy's father was watching from a large wall photograph. In order to stay on the chair during a particularly strong rocking, the boy grabbed the tablecloth. The consequences were not long in coming - a pink cup with a gold border broke, which belonged to the boy's father and was carefully stored after his death.

Mom ran up to the noise and reproached her son for the broken cup. But the trembling and frightened boy put all the blame on Boom, as if he jumped up and threw off the cup with his paws. At the same time, the boy's ears glowed brightly.

Mom, with a darkened face, took the dog by the collar and took it to the booth, saying that Boom would always live there. The woman tried to extract a confession from her son, explained that they were not punished for unintentional actions, but he stubbornly insisted that Boom was to blame. The exile, meanwhile, was trying to break into the house, scratching at the door, squealing, thrashing the porch with his tail, but it was all in vain.

The boy's heart sank and goosebumps ran through his body as he imagined Boom alone at night on a cold street. He left the house and snuggled up to the dog. At that moment, he saw his mother looking out the window, and was afraid that she would read the truth in his face. Then he threatened Boom with his finger.

He went to bed with tears in his eyes. Suddenly it began to rain heavily and the boy rushed to his mother, who fell asleep at the table in tears. The boy shouted that it was he who broke the cup and that Boom should be let in immediately.

All wet, Boom burst into the house, for joy he began to roll on the floor and raise his paws up. He thought to himself why he was kicked out of the house. Mom also thought about why her son did not tell the truth right away. And the boy could not understand why his mother did not scold him.

The story teaches you to always tell the truth, be responsible for your actions and not betray your friends.

The story about Oseeva's Conscience is called Why?

You can use this text for reader's diary

Oseev. All works

  • grandma
  • Why?
  • sons

Why?. Picture for the story

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We were alone in the dining room - me and Boom. I dangled under the table with my feet, and Boom nibbled lightly on my bare heels. I was ticklish and fun. Above the table hung a large daddy's card - my mother and I only recently gave it to be enlarged. On this card, dad had such a cheerful, kind face. But when, playing with Boom, I began to swing in a chair, holding on to the edge of the table, it seemed to me that dad was shaking his head.

Look, Boom, - I said in a whisper and, swaying hard in my chair, grabbed the edge of the tablecloth.

There was a ringing... My heart sank. I slowly slid off my chair and lowered my eyes. Pink shards lay on the floor, and the gold rim glittered in the sun.

Boom crawled out from under the table, carefully sniffed at the potsherds, and sat down with his head tilted to one side and one ear up.

Quick footsteps were heard from the kitchen.

What is it? Who is this? Mom knelt down and covered her face with her hands. "Daddy's cup... daddy's cup..." she repeated bitterly. Then she raised her eyes and reproachfully asked: - Is that you?

Pale pink shards glittered on her palms. My knees trembled, my tongue stuttered.

It's... it's... Boom!

Boom? - Mom got up from her knees and slowly asked again: - Is this Boom?

I nodded my head. Boom, hearing his name, moved his ears and wagged his tail. Mom looked at me, then at him.

How did he break?

My ears were on fire. I threw up my hands.

He jumped a little... and with his paws...

Mom's face darkened. She took Boom by the collar and walked with him to the door. I looked after her with fear. Boom jumped out into the yard barking.

He will live in a booth, - said my mother and, sitting down at the table, thought about something. Her fingers slowly raked the bread crumbs into a pile, rolled them into balls, and her eyes looked somewhere over the table at one point.

I stood there, not daring to approach her. Boom scratched at the door.

Don't let it! - Mom said quickly and, taking my hand, pulled me to her. Pressing her lips to my forehead, she still thought about something, then quietly asked: - Are you very scared?

Of course, I was very frightened: after all, since my father died, my mother and I took care of every thing of his. Dad always drank tea from this cup.

Are you very scared? Mom repeated. I nodded my head and hugged her tightly around the neck.

If you... by accident, she began slowly.

But I interrupted her, hurrying and stammering:

It's not me... It's Boom... He jumped... He jumped a little... Please forgive him!

Mom's face turned pink, even her neck and ears turned pink. She got up.

Boom will not come to the room anymore, he will live in a booth.

I was silent. Dad looked at me over the table from a photographic card ...

Boom was lying on the porch, with his smart muzzle on his paws, his eyes fixed on the locked door, his ears catching every sound coming from the house. He responded to voices with a low screech, his tail thumping on the porch. Then he put his head back on his paws and sighed noisily.

Time passed, and every hour my heart became heavier. I was afraid that it would soon get dark, the lights would go out in the house, all the doors would be closed, and Boom would be left alone all night. He will be cold and scared. Goosebumps ran down my spine. If the cup had not been daddy's and if dad himself had been alive, nothing would have happened ... Mom never punished me for anything unexpected. And I was not afraid of punishment - I would gladly endure the worst punishment. But mom took care of everything daddy! And then, I didn’t confess right away, I deceived her, and now with every hour my guilt became more and more.

I went out onto the porch and sat next to Boom. Pressing my head against his soft fur, I accidentally looked up and saw my mother. She stood at the open window and looked at us. Then, afraid that she would not read all my thoughts on my face , I shook my finger at Boom and said loudly:

There was no need to break the cup.

After dinner, the sky suddenly darkened, clouds floated out from somewhere and stopped over our house.

Mom said:

It will be raining.

I have asked:

Let Boom...

At least in the kitchen ... mommy!

She shook her head. I fell silent, trying to hide my tears and fingering the fringe of the tablecloth under the table.

Go to bed," Mom said with a sigh. I undressed and lay down, burying my head in the pillow. Mom left. Through the half-open door from her room, a yellow streak of light penetrated to me. It was black outside the window. The wind shook the trees. All the most terrible, dreary and frightening has gathered for me outside this night window. And in that darkness, through the sound of the wind, I could hear Boom's voice. Once, running up to my window, he barked abruptly. I propped myself up on my elbow and listened. Boom... Boom... He's dad's too. Together with him, we saw off dad to the ship for the last time. And when dad left, Boom didn’t want to eat anything, and mom persuaded him with tears. She promised him that dad would come back. But dad didn't come back...

Now closer, then farther, a frustrated barking could be heard. Boom ran from the door to the windows, he yawned, begged, scratched his paws and squealed plaintively. A narrow streak of light still seeped through from under my mother's door. I bit my nails, buried my face in the pillow and could not decide on anything. And suddenly the wind hit my window with force, large drops of rain drummed on the glass. I jumped up. Barefoot, in just a shirt, I rushed to the door and flung it wide.

She slept sitting at the table with her head resting on her bent elbow. With both hands I lifted her face, a crumpled wet handkerchief lay under her cheek.

She opened her eyes, hugged me warm hands. The dreary barking of dogs reached us through the sound of the rain.

Mum! Mum! I broke the cup! It's me, me! Let Boom...

Her face trembled, she grabbed my hand, and we ran to the door. In the dark, I bumped into chairs and sobbed loudly. The boom dried my tears with a cold, rough tongue, it smelled of rain and wet fur. Mom and I used to dry him with a dry towel, and he raised all four paws and rolled on the floor in wild delight. Then he calmed down, lay down in his place and, without blinking, looked at us. He thought: “Why did they kick me out into the yard, why did they let me in and caress me now?”

Mom didn't sleep for a long time. She also thought:

“Why didn’t my son tell me the truth right away, but woke me up at night?”

And I also thought, lying in my bed: “Why didn’t my mother scold me at all, why was she even glad that I broke the cup, and not Boom?”

That night we did not sleep for a long time, and each of the three of us had our own “why”.

Brief retelling of Oseev Why? (Conscience)

The story is told from the perspective of a boy. He, sitting at the table, played on a chair, swinging on it. There was a dog Boom nearby - he caught the playful mood of the boy and tried to lick him, then kindly bite his heels. The boy looked at the photograph of his father, who was already dead. This photo was so kind, but it seemed to warn "Don't play around." Then the chair leaned sharply, the boy grabbed the tablecloth, and the cup that his father constantly used flew off the table.

The boy was frightened, and his mother came into the room, and was so upset that she covered her face with her hands, and then asked the boy if he had done it. But that the boy, stuttering, replied that Boom did it. Mom kicked the dog out of the house and was even more upset because she realized that her son was lying to her. The boy suffered, seeing how the furry friend suffers on the street and asks to come into the house. The main character was tormented by conscience, he could not find a place for himself, constantly asking his mother to let the dog go home. It began to rain at night, the boy's guilt became so strong that he ran to his mother and confessed everything. Mom gladly launched the dog home, but the boy did not understand why his mother did not scold him.

The story teaches the reader truthfulness - no matter how scary it is, and no matter what consequences the truth brings, it must be said. This is how an honest man should act, and his conscience will never torment him.

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Oseeva Valentina

Stories, fairy tales, poems

Valentina Alexandrovna OSEEVA





Ginger cat

Volka's day off

Father's jacket

Tatyana Petrovna




blue leaves


Magic word

Just an old lady

Girl with a doll



Rex and Cupcake



Three comrades


torn leaf

A simple matter

Labor warms

"Divide as you divided the work..."

Papa is a tractor driver

What is impossible, what is impossible

Grandmother and granddaughter

Tannin Achievement



New toy


Who punished him?


Who is the owner?

Squirrel antics

What is easier?

Before the first rain


Merry Christmas tree

hare hat

kind hostess


What day?

Who is the dumbest?

magic needle

First snow

fun days

Little chick on the big land

poor hedgehog

On a visit to the berries

good goose

chicken talk

In a golden ring


Tili-bom! (song)

mischievous rain

amazing house


For builders

important cows

spring rain







There was a short whistle outside the window. Leaping over three steps, Seryozha jumped out into a dark garden.

Levka, are you?

Something stirred in the lilac bushes.

Serezha ran up to his friend.

What? he asked in a whisper.

Levka was pressing something large, wrapped in a coat, to the ground with both hands.

Healthy as hell! I won't hold back!

A fluffy red tail stuck out from under the coat.

Got it? Seryozha gasped.

Right behind the tail! He's like screaming! I thought everyone would run out.

Head, wrap his head better!

The boys squatted down.

Where are we going to put him? Serezha was worried.

What - where? Let's give it to someone, and that's it! He is beautiful, everyone will take him.

The cat meowed miserably.

Let's run! And then they will see us with him ...

Lyovka pressed the bundle to his chest and, bending down to the ground, rushed to the gate.

Serezha rushed after him.

Both of them stopped in the lighted street.

Let's tie it somewhere, and that's it, - said Seryozha.

No. It's close here. She will find it quickly. Wait!

Levka opened his coat and freed his yellow mustachioed muzzle. The cat snorted and shook its head.

Aunty! Take the kitty! Mice will be caught...

The woman with the basket gave the boys a quick glance.

Where is it! Your cat is tired to death!

Well, okay! Levka said rudely. - There is an old woman walking on the other side, let's go to her!

Grandma, grandma! Seryozha screamed. - Wait!

The old woman stopped.

Take our cat! Pretty redhead! Catches mice!

Where do you have him? This one, right?

Well, yes! We have nowhere to go... Mom and dad don't want to keep... Take it, grandma!

But where can I take him, my dears! I suppose he won’t even live with me ... The cat is getting used to his house ...

Nothing, it will, - the boys assured, - he loves the old ones ...

Look, you love...

The old woman stroked the soft fur. The cat arched its back, grabbed the coat with its claws and thrashed in its arms.

Oh you fathers! He is tired of you! Well, let's, perhaps, perhaps take root.

The old woman opened her shawl.

Come here baby, don't be afraid...

The cat fought back furiously.

I don't know, will I?

Bring it on! the boys shouted merrily. - Goodbye, grandma.

The boys sat on the porch, listening warily to every rustle. From the windows of the first floor, a yellow light fell on the path, strewn with sand, and on the lilac bushes.

Looking for home. In all corners, it’s true, he fumbles, ”Levka pushed comrade.

The door creaked.

Kitty Kitty Kitty! - came from somewhere in the corridor.

Serezha snorted and covered his mouth with his hand. Levka leaned into his shoulder.

Purr! Purr!

The lower vein in an old shawl with a long fringe, limping on one leg, appeared on the path.

Purr, that nasty one! Purr!

She looked around the garden, parted the bushes.

Kitty Kitty!

The gate slammed. The sand crunched underfoot.

Good evening, Maria Pavlovna! Are you looking for a favorite?

Your father, - Levka whispered and quickly darted into the bushes.

"Dad!" Seryozha wanted to shout, but Marya Pavlovna's excited voice reached him:

No and no. How to sink into the water! He always came on time. He scratches the window with his sweetheart and waits for me to open it for him. Maybe he hid in the barn, there is a hole there ...

Let's see, - offered Serezhin's father. - Now we will find your fugitive!

Serezha shrugged.

Weird dad. It is very necessary to look for someone else's cat at night!

In the yard, near the sheds, a round peephole of an electric torch peeped in.

Purr, go home, kitty!

Look for the wind in the field! - giggled Levka from the bushes. - That's fun! I made you look for your father!

Well, let him look! Seryozha suddenly got angry. - Go to sleep.

And I'll go, - said Levka.

When Seryozha and Levka were still going to Kindergarten, tenants arrived in the lower apartment - a mother and son. A hammock was hung under the window. Every morning, the mother, a short, limping old woman, brought out a pillow and a blanket, spread a blanket in a hammock, and then her son would come out of the house, hunched over. Early wrinkles lay on his pale young face, long, thin arms hung from wide sleeves, and a ginger kitten sat on his shoulder. The kitten had three lines on its forehead, and they gave its feline face a comically preoccupied expression. And when he played, his right ear turned inside out. The patient laughed softly, abruptly. The kitten climbed onto his pillow and, curled up in a ball, fell asleep. The patient lowered thin, transparent eyelids. His mother moved inaudibly, preparing his medicine. Neighbors said:

What a pity! So young!

In autumn the hammock is empty. Yellow leaves circled above him, stuck in the net, rustled on the paths. Marya Pavlovna, hunched over and heavily dragging her injured leg, walked behind her son's coffin... A ginger kitten was screaming in the empty room...

Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.

Sit down, grandma! Tanya said. - I'll read you a story.

Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:

That's how smart you are!

Three magpies sat on a bough and chatted so that the oak cracked and brushed off the chatterers with green branches.

Suddenly, a hare jumped out of the forest.

Chatterbox girlfriends, hold your tongues. Don't tell the hunter where I am.

The hare sat down behind a bush. The magpies were silent.

Here comes the hunter. Unbearable for the first magpie. She twirled and flapped her wings.

Once upon a time there lived a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a dog Barbos, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska in the same house.

One day they all went out into the yard and sat on a bench: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the dog Barbos, the duck Ustinya and the chicken Boska.

Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, lifted his head up. Boring! He took it and pulled Tanya's pigtail.

Tanya got angry, wanted to hit Vanya back, but she sees that the boy is big and strong.

She kicked Barbos. Barbos squealed, offended, bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can’t touch her.

Barbos grabbed the duck Ustinya by the tail. The duck was alarmed, smoothed its feathers. She wanted to hit the chicken Boska with her beak, but changed her mind.

I woke up, I hear - barked Druzhok.

I look - who is he? For the first snow!

Of course, he did not live in the world in winter

And he has not yet ridden down the hill with me.

I didn't take out the horses. Well, barks, weirdo.

But look at adult dogs!

They are rushing for the first snow...

Let's run and we will hurry, my friend!

And if frost came with the snow,

Your cold nose will burn with fire,

Once upon a time there was Masha the needlewoman, and she had a magic needle. Masha sews a dress - the dress itself washes and irons. He will sew the tablecloth with gingerbread and sweets, lay it on the table, lo and behold - and indeed sweets appear on the table. Masha loved her needle, cherished it more than her eyes, and yet she did not save it. Once I went into the forest for berries and lost it. I searched, I searched, I went around all the bushes, I searched all the grass - no, as there is no needle. Mashenka sat down under a tree and started crying.

The Hedgehog took pity on the girl, got out of the mink and gave her his needle.

- Take it, Mashenka, maybe it will come in handy for you!

Masha thanked him, took the needle, and she herself thought: “I wasn’t like that.” And let's cry again. The tall old Pine saw her tears - she threw her needle to her.

Works are divided into pages

Fairy tales and stories by Valentina Oseeva are imbued with an unbearable desire to show our children how to distinguish between evil and good intentions, how to correctly analyze their actions. Each of her small works remains forever in the souls of children, makes you think about life around. V. Oseeva worked a lot with children and understood how important it is to give firm moral guidelines, as well as to instill goodness in their hearts. Her tiny poems and stories are given to children correct models human behavior, teach respect for adults and love for all people, sensitivity to loved ones. In an exciting form, on Oseev’s templates available to children, to realize to readers true friendship and fidelity, as only possible with the help good word help the person. In his fairy tales, the author tells young readers how to communicate with other children, how to solve life situations that seem trifling to parents.

Reading poems, stories and fairy tales by V. Oseeva is very important, as they will reveal to children that such vices as harmfulness, betrayal, selfishness and greed make life even worse than external problems. Written in a clear and engaging style, they will give readers much useful tips and enrich his soul.

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and drawing something in the sand with an umbrella.

Move over, - Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

The old man moved aside and, looking at the red, angry face of the boy, said:

Has something happened to you?

Tanya and mom were decorating the Christmas tree. The guests came to the tree. Tanya's friend brought a violin. Tanya's brother came - a student of a vocational school. Two Suvorovites and Tanya's uncle came.

Yura and Tolya walked not far from the river bank.

I wonder, - said Tolya, - how these feats are accomplished? I always dream of a feat!

And I don’t even think about it, - Yura answered and suddenly stopped ...

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to kindergarten together. That Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya for Masha. One time, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

I have friends: Misha, Vova and their mother. When my mother is at work, I go to visit the boys.

Hello! they both shout at me. - What did you bring us?

The pioneers went to the forest for nuts.

Two girlfriends climbed into a dense hazel grove, picked a full basket of nuts. They walk through the forest, and the blue bells nod their heads at them.

Katya had a lot of decals. During the break, Nyura sat down next to Katya and said with a sigh:

Happy you, Katya, everyone loves you! Both at school and at home...

I offended a friend. I pushed a passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone left me. I was left alone and wept bitterly.

Who punished him? the neighbor asked.

He punished himself, - answered my mother.

The little girl's mother got sick. The doctor came and sees - with one hand mother holds her head, and cleans up toys with the other. And the girl sits on her chair and commands:

Bring me cubes!

Mom picked up the cubes from the floor, put them in a box, and handed them to her daughter.

And the doll? Where is my doll? the girl screams again.

The doctor looked at it and said:

Until the daughter learns to clean up her toys herself, the mother will not recover!

Tolya often ran from the yard and complained that the guys offended him.

Do not complain, - mother once said, - you yourself should treat your comrades better, then your comrades will not offend you!

Tanya's button came off. Tanya sewed it to her bra for a long time.

And what, grandmother, - she asked, - do all boys and girls know how to sew on their buttons?

I really don't know, Tanyusha; both boys and girls know how to tear off buttons, but grandmothers get more and more to sew on.

That's how! Tanya said offended. - And you made me, as if you yourself were not a grandmother!

The mother had three sons - three pioneers. Years have passed. The war broke out. Mother accompanied three sons to the war - three fighters. One son beat the enemy in the sky. Another son beat the enemy on the ground. The third son beat the enemy in the sea. Three heroes returned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!

Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.

Sit down, grandma! Tanya said. - I'll read you a story.

Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:

That's how smart you are!

Vitin's dad is a tractor driver. Every evening, when Vitya goes to bed, dad gathers in the field.

Dad, take me with you! - asks Vitya.

If you grow up, I'll take it, - dad answers calmly.

In the evening, Natasha and Musya decided to run to the river after breakfast.

What a place I know! - Leaning over the headboard, Natasha whispered. - The water is clean, cool ... Small-fine! You won't drown! Just right for those who can't swim.

The old teacher lived alone. His pupils and pupils have long grown up, but they did not forget their former teacher.

One day two boys came to him and said:

Our mothers have sent us to help you with the household.

Out for the holidays hard frost. Moscow stood white, elegant; in the squares, frozen trees curled up with frost. Yura and Sasha ran from the rink. Frost prickled their cheeks, making its way through mittens to stiff fingers.

The teacher told the children what a wonderful life will be under communism, what flying satellite cities will be built, and how people will learn to change the climate at will, and southern trees will begin to grow in the north ...

There was a mound of red clay in the yard. Sitting on their haunches, the boys dug intricate passages in it and built a fortress. And suddenly they noticed another boy on the sidelines, who was also digging in the clay, dipping his red hands into a tin of water and diligently plastering the walls of the clay house.

Slava and Vitya sat on the same desk.

The boys were very friendly and helped each other as much as they could. Vitya helped Slava solve problems, and Slava made sure that Vitya wrote the words correctly and did not stain his notebooks with blots. One day they had a big argument:

Misha had a new pen, and Fedya had an old one. When Misha went to the blackboard, Fedya exchanged his pen for Mishino and began to write with a new one. Misha noticed this and asked during the break:

Why did you take my feather?

Valya did not come to class. Her friends sent Musya to her.

Go and find out what's wrong with Valya: maybe she's sick, maybe she needs something?

Musya found her friend in bed. Valya was lying with her cheek tied.

Two boys were standing outside under the clock and talking.

I did not solve the example, because it was with brackets, - Yura justified himself.

And I because there were very big numbers- said Oleg.

Vanya brought a collection of stamps to class.

Nice collection! - Petya approved and immediately said: - You know what, you have a lot of identical brands here, give them to me. I will ask my father for money, I will buy other brands and return it to you.

People were returning. At a small blue station that had survived the bombing, women and children with bundles and shopping bags were unloading randomly and fussily from the cars. On both sides of the road, boarded-up houses, buried deep in snowdrifts, were waiting for their owners.

I was sick and spent whole days on the balcony. Above, the sky was blue with soft broken clouds; sparrows were crying in the faded autumn green of the trees. And below, children were jumping, laughing and playing... I did not listen to their voices, did not remember their faces and names.