Phrases of cartoon characters. Catch phrases and expressions from Soviet cartoons

These cartoons are so ingenious that phrases from them have long become winged. Because they made these cartoons for both children and adults - with their own meaning for everyone.

Bright Side chose a few chic phrases that we still remember at every opportunity.

Winnie the Pooh

Owl, open, the bear has come!

This "zh-zh-zh" - for good reason!

It's all because someone is eating too much!

So, if I understand anything in anything, then a hole is a hole. And the hole is a Rabbit. And Rabbit is the right company. A suitable company is a company where they can treat us to something.

Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely!

I thought and thought and finally understood everything. These are the wrong bees!

Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey...

Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life, Pooh!

Bobik visiting Barbos

Where does grandpa sleep?

Yes, over there in the hallway. On the rug. And if he does not obey, then I will be his broom!

It is right.

Once upon a time there was a dog

I'll sing right now!

The child is not rumpled?

What will happen to him!

It's you, come in, if that!

Wings, legs and tails

Remember: it's better to lose a day, then fly in five minutes!

If you don't know how, we'll teach you; if you don't want to, we'll force you!

Legs, wings ... The main thing is the tail!

Come on, ostrich, let's go! We work, we work!

We're late, they'll eat everything tasty!

Return of the Prodigal Parrot

Tahiti-Tahiti! We have not been to any Tahiti! We are well fed here.

Oh, you dullness! It's bubblegum!

I drink juice ... orangeade ... yes, yes, right without leaving the pool.

Freedom for parrots! Svo-bo-du in-po-ga-yam!

magic ring

It's a pity to me, Maha, a jacket with a pocket. Roly in it is so beautiful!

And don’t give me your Ulyanka for nothing, and don’t give it for money. She is not a woman for me anymore - not a woman!

flying ship

Oh, my life, tin can! Well, her into the swamp!

Three from Prostokvashino

Just think, I can also embroider ... and on a typewriter too ...

Maybe I'm just starting to live: I'm moving on to retirement.

To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary, and we have no money.

Interesting: Worst movies and celebrities voiced negative about themselves

Why was I bad? Because I didn't have a bike!

So! Choose: either me or the cat!

Well, I choose you! I have known you for a long time, and this is the first time I see this cat!

You are wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich.

I would unscrew this uncle, with big EARS, his ears ...

I used to be happy, but now I'm twice as happy. Because I have two cows!

In such weather, they sit at home, watch TV. Only strangers roam.

Ant travel

He has a leg, and he's home!

So you are a goat!

I hear from the goat!

Did you fall off the moon?

No, from a caterpillar.

Fuck! Ugh!

Falling last year's snow

She already sent it, so she sent it! .. Go, she says, and don’t come back without a Christmas tree. But with a Christmas tree, he says, come back!

It won't be enough!

Who is the last king here? Nobody? So I'll be the first!

Aunty, let me go! I know the magic word: "Please"!

Become king first thing... so what's the first thing? Ah, the piano! And what is life without a piano?

Oh, how I love and respect this wealth very much!

Pictures with quotes from Soviet cartoons

In 1936, the largest studio of animated films "Soyuzmultfilm" was created. Thanks to her and her masters, the legendary Soviet cartoons "Baby and Carlson", "Umka", "Just you wait", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Winnie the Pooh", "Crocodile Gena" and many others were born. In these cartoons you can find whole deposits of spontaneous wisdom and incredible wit.

Bright Side collected legendary quotes from the good old cartoons. Remember?

Cool phrases from foreign cartoons that we use every day

We have grown up, but still we do not miss a single premiere of new cartoons. And all because the creators never cease to please us not only with stunning graphics and an interesting scenario, but also with witty dialogues.

Bright Side collected the most amazing phrases from foreign cartoons so that you can please yourself and your inner child.






Childhood ... It passes so quickly and leaves only pleasant memories of a carefree past. As much as we would like to, we will never be children again. Of course, we are not magicians, but we have one way that will help us get closer to that wonderful time - to childhood. We have prepared a selection of popular quotes from Soviet cartoons. Let's remember the good old stories and favorite characters together.

The largest animation film studio in the Soviet Union began its work in 1936. She has over 1,500 cartoons to her credit. The most popular paintings include such cartoons: Flower-seven-color, Twelve months, Snow Queen, Winnie the Pooh, Hedgehog in the Fog, There was a dog, Bobik visiting Barbos and many, many others.

And although the Soviet Union is long gone, the Soyuzmultfilm studio still exists. Today, she "lives" at the expense of the rights to the "golden fund" of domestic animation. Today, of course, there are already many other film studios that make children's films and animated films. But the cartoons released by Soyuzmultfilm still have not lost their popularity and can rightly be called eternal. Soviet cartoons are distinguished by an interesting plot, kindness and resourcefulness of their characters.


So, if I understand anything in anything, then a hole is a hole. And the hole is a Rabbit. And Rabbit is the right company. A suitable company is a company where they can treat us to something. (Winnie the Pooh)

And away we go: tea with honey, buns, cheesecakes)

But tell me, do I look like a god? I'm just a little magical man. (The Snow Queen)

Once magical, then similar.

Let's transplant them into one pot. And may they be inseparable, like us. (The Snow Queen)

It is so nice of you.

Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely! (Winnie the Pooh)

Of course, wisely: you don’t have to cook breakfast for yourself!)

It is not very polite to leave the guests as soon as you have eaten. (Winnie the Pooh)

So that's why I had guests until midnight yesterday ...)

At the table, it always seemed to me that someone was eating too much! And I knew for sure that this “someone” was not me! (Winnie the Pooh)

And not really me...)

Well, it's such a thing, it's such a thing, you know, a clock. They are walking.
- How do they go? They don't have paws.
- Well, how can I explain it, it's only said that they walk, but in fact they knock, knock, and then beat.
- Wow, are they still fighting? (Bobik visiting Barbos)

No, they show the time!)

I want - I eat jelly, I want - I play on the transistor! (Bobik visiting Barbos)

Yes, in general, it turns out that you live for your own pleasure ...)

I'll sing right now! (Once upon a time there was a dog)

Wait, I'll close my ears...)

The child is not rumpled?
- What will happen to him! (Once upon a time there was a dog)

That and that is true.

It's you, come in, if that! (Once upon a time there was a dog)

And, if nothing, you can also come in?)

Believe me, happiness is not in pies ...
- Are you crazy? And what else? (Baby and Carlson)

Candy, probably

After all, I am a smart, handsome, moderately well-fed man in the prime of life. (Baby and Carlson)

What is moderately well-fed, I see, but I still can’t understand where your prime of life is.)

Tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la-la, and I went crazy ... What a shame! (Baby and Carlson)

It's embarrassing, annoying, but okay, okay, okay!

Tell me, dear child, which ear is buzzing in me?
- In the left.
- But I didn't guess. I have buzzing in both ears. (Baby and Carlson)

You have some strange ears ...))

A scent like a dog, and an eye like an eagle! (The Bremen Town Musicians)

I don't want to be, sorry, for example. (38 parrots)

Okay, be a model.

- I have a thought, and I think it!
“May I think about it a little too?” (38 parrots)

Think I'm not greedy!

Guys let's be friends! (Cat Leopold)

Just don't eat us, okay?)

Leopold! Come out, you filthy coward! (Cat Leopold)

Well, guys, you asked for it yourself!)

Breath! Do not breath. What are you complaining about?
- For mice...
- Mouse, don't mouse. (Cat Leopold)

You are a strange doctor

Shampoo for fat… cats! (Cat Leopold)

Ooh, this is something new!

Man is a friend to a dog - everyone around knows this! (Bobik visiting Barbos)

Therefore, everyone makes friends for themselves, and then go for a walk with them.

Listen, Gena, let me carry the suitcases, and you carry me...
- It's great you came up with, Cheburashka! (Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

I tried my best and really wanted to help!

He worked at the zoo as a crocodile. (Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

Well, at least not a monkey!

And then, how young are you if you are 50 years old?
- In fact, crocodiles live 300 years, so I'm still very young. (Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

Then I'm sorry, you really are still quite a young man ...)

And I'm as hungry as an iceberg in the ocean! And you are as beautiful as an eskimo in the summer ... (Wait for it!)

It seems it's time to take off your feet, and the sooner the better ...)

We start morning exercises for those who watch us in the evening. (Wait for it!)

Is this a workout for the mentally retarded or what?)

My best present is you! (Wait for it!)

Thank you, of course, but maybe a cake for a gift is better than me ?!)

Don't go there, you're in trouble there.
- Well, why not go there? They are waiting! (Kitten named Woof)

Well, look, I warned you, if anything.

Oh, my life, tin can! Well, her in the swamp! (Flying ship)

What: life or a tin can?)

Eat - now you can sleep! Sleep - now you can eat. (Thumbelina)

Do you ever have a desire to work?

- How did you get tired of it if you never worked?
- And I'm already tired of it! (Thumbelina)

Did you by any chance get paid in advance?

What if you learn something?
- I don't want to study - I want to get married! (Thumbelina)

Isn't it too early?)

Unfortunately, no road in the world leads to childhood. But Soviet cartoons are a great way to feel like a child again and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Share quotes and phrases from Soyuzmultfilm cartoons with your friends, give each other a good mood and a carefree atmosphere of childhood!

Cartoons are liked not only by children, but also by adults. They have a beautiful picture, a good message and interesting characters, and some phrases from cartoons even become winged. They are remembered separately from the work itself. It is these quotes that we will talk about today. Most likely you know them very well, but remembering wonderful cartoons is never superfluous!

From the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot"

“Tahiti, Tahiti ... we were not in any Tahiti! We are well fed here too!”

From the cartoon "38 Parrots"

From the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All"

"I got it! These are completely wrong bees. They make the wrong honey."

“Whoever visits in the morning, he acts wisely. That’s what morning is for!”

“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all. Oh, how nice it is for a cloud to fly across the sky.

From the cartoon "Adventures" brownie Kuzi"

From the cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog"

"You come in, if that ..."

"I'll sing right now!"

From the cartoon "The Kid and Carlson"

“And here we are playing with buns ...”

“I am a man, no matter where. In his prime!"

“But what about me, baby? Baby, am I better… better than a dog?!”

From the cartoon "Leopold the Cat"

From the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"

“My best present is you!”

"Well, rabbit! Wait for it!"

From the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"

“It's me - the postman Pechkin. Brought a note about your boy!”

“You are wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich. You hold him with the sausage up, but you need to put the sausage on the tongue. So much tastier…”

From the cartoon "Kitten named Woof"

Well-aimed phrases from films go to the people and become winged. Often they are pronounced even by those who have not seen the original - they are so popular. We offer to recall the most famous and funny quotes from movies and cartoons.

Funny catchphrases from movies

Surely you all know them. And if not, take it on board.

Here are the funniest movie quotes:

"Well, what will be your positive answer?" ("The Taming of the Shrew", 1980).

The film is full of sparkling humor that comes through in almost every phrase.

The audience memorized many statements by heart and pass them on to children and grandchildren years later.

"What fabulous beastliness!" ("Cinderella", 1947).

More than 70 years have passed, and this phrase is still heard by contemporaries. It has become so firmly established in colloquial speech that, like all catchphrases, it has ceased to be noticed in conversation.

Recall: in the film "Cinderella" iconic words were uttered by the colorful Stepmother performed by the legendary Faina Ranevskaya.

This picture gave the audience another catchphrase - “Crumbs, follow me!”, Which belongs to the same Stepmother in the tape.

- Forrest, have you chosen what you want to be when you grow up?
- Aren't I going to be myself? ("Forrest Gump", 1994).

This phrase perfectly reflects the film's humor and simple philosophy.

The reasonableness and peremptoryness of the phrase fell in love with the audience and made it one of the most famous in world cinema.

“Innocent me, he himself came!” ("Diamond Hand", 1969).

Surely, when reading this quote from the film, the song “Help me” by Aida Vedischeva quietly played in your head. The saying is so popular that it is used by everyone from young to old.

Another expression from the tape is also known - the capacious “Idiot!”, Pronounced with the signature intonation of Anatoly Papanov, has also been heard by the people for almost half a century.

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" (The Wizard of Oz, 1939).

Initially, this phrase from the film was not so comical. A playful shade was given to it by the people themselves, pronouncing the expression in incomprehensible and strange situations or in an unfamiliar place.

Also, in a modified form, this phrase has repeatedly appeared in the movie.

Frame from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession"

“I am an artist of large and small academic theaters. And my last name ... my last name is too famous for me to call it ”(“ Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession ”, 1973).

The famous phrase that the adventurous hero Leonid Kuravlev said in the picture.

Almost the entire tape was disassembled into the best quotes, among which is another well-known expression - “What a beauty! Lepota!

"Houston, we have a problem!" ("Apollo 13", 1995).

Another case when a phrase from a by no means comedy tape became winged in a humorous context and is used to this day.

Many have no idea where it came from. If you are one of them, then this is a great reason to watch a worthwhile sci-fi tape.

Photo:, Mosfilm, Vtoroe Tvorcheskoe Obedinenie

“Don’t teach me how to live, better help financially!” (“Moscow does not believe in tears”, 1979).

The expression does not lose its relevance and is popular with both sexes, although in the picture it is spoken by the lively Lyudmila - the heroine of Irina Muravyova.

Her statements have become a real legend and make up the lion's share of the worldly humor of the Oscar-winning picture.

“Well, everyone has their own shortcomings” (“Only Girls in Jazz”, 1959).

An ironic remark is one of the most famous popular expressions of American and world cinema.

Recall that with this phrase the character of the film reacted to the recognition of the protagonist that he is not a woman, but a man in disguise.

"If you want to do well - do it yourself!" ("The Fifth Element", 1997).

A phrase that is impossible to argue with.

Most likely, everyone said it in his life more than a dozen times. Now you know that the quote comes from the legendary fantasy film by Luc Besson.

Famous phrases from foreign cartoons

Cartoons have given the world a lot of funny sayings. We offer you to remember the coolest phrases:

“Smile and wave, guys, smile and wave…” (“Madagascar”, 2005).

This cartoon has long been stolen into quotes.

Other famous sayings from Madagascar include: "Crazy friends - that's what's important to have in life!"

“I couldn’t help but notice that you noticed that I noticed that you noticed me” (“Rango”, 2011).

This phrase can confuse anyone and confuse yourself, but it still sounds great.

“Rango” will be of interest not so much to children as to adults who understand a lot about sarcasm and irony: “This is from my private collection. Vintage rain water of the global flood. But not where Noah was, I'm not that old yet."

Photo:, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Feature Animation

"You feel bad? You know, just say 'hakuna matata'." And that's it, no problem!" ("The Lion King", 1994).

Disney cartoons are always full of funny and catchy phrases, but "hakuna matata" became a symbol of a generation and continues to be heard more than 20 years later.

The funniest and most memorable lines belong to Timon and Pumbaa. As an example, another of their original dialogues:

I ate like a pig...
- Pumbaa, you are a pig!

There are many memorable dialogues in the animated film about the troll Shrek:

So where is this damn thing?
- Inside. Waiting for us to rescue her.
- No, I'm talking about the dragon ("Shrek", 2001).

And what is the mere repetition of the question “Have we arrived yet?” by Oslo, which also became known, and most importantly, an effective way to piss someone off.

“In my world, only ponies live ... They eat rainbows and poop butterflies” (“Horton”, 2008).

The phrase has become so famous that now few people will remember that it came into colloquial speech from the cartoon.

Most often, the statement is used as sarcasm or describes the naivety of a person with a whole phrase.

Photo:, DreamWorks Animation

- Pets are animals that are not eaten.
- Ah ... We call them children ("The Croods", 2013).

A bit of wisdom from prehistoric people.

This dialogue makes adults and children laugh and, who knows, maybe even pets.

The animated film also included such a most amusing dialogue:

- I thought it was a warthog, but then it turned into a guy.
It's strange, it's usually the other way around.

Photo:, DreamWorks Animation, Dragon Warrior Media

“I don’t take money for my flying. And for beauty - even more so "(" Kung Fu Panda ", 2008).

There are so many memorable phrases in this animated film that it's impossible to list them all.

Along with the above quote, the phrase “Perhaps the crap that I showed today has not been seen in the entire history of kung fu is widely known to the viewing public! Throughout the history of China! For the entire history of the sludge!

"Tail in your beak!" (“Angry Birds in Cinema”, 2016).

The popular game made its way to the big screen and did so with great success.

The cartoon has a bunch of bright quotes and jokes that will appeal to adults and children.

Here is an example of another sparkling statement from Angry Birds Movie:

“I'm not evil. I'm honest. So teach me to manage honesty!”

Photo:, Twentieth Century Fox, Blue Sky Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Animation

“Never say: “I made a mistake.” Better say: “Wow, how interesting it turned out” (Ice Age, 2002).

The cartoon has become so popular for a reason: this project is a storehouse of funny phrases that instantly settle in a piggy bank of cool sayings.

Another example of excellent humor in "Ice Age" is the quote "I'm too lazy to be angry at you", uttered, of course, by Sloth.

“We have an emergency exit there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there - everywhere! When sitting on the carpet, do not stick your hands out” (“Aladdin”, 1992).

The sparkling cartoon from Disney, thanks to Gene, gave cartoon fans a lot of funny jokes for all occasions.

You'll love the humor of the colorful character, inspired and voiced by comedian Robin Williams: "I'm gone down in history! No - in mythology! And, I don’t care where he went - he went there! ”

Movies and cartoons are a treasure trove of catchphrases. We are sure: you have learned familiar words from your own vocabulary, or maybe you have stocked up with new phrases for everyday communication.

What iconic phrases from movies and cartoons do you remember?

I haven't quite arrived yet. I expect my tail any minute. (Grandma boa constrictor" and "38 parrots)

- Bunny, can you hear me? - I hear, I hear ... (Well, wait a minute!)

Oh, you have not seen life! And I - a whole summer! .. In the morning - mowing! In the evening - come on! And then the cherry has risen, the beets have begun to sprout! (Return of the Prodigal Parrot)

- You used to walk on your own ... - And now we will walk around the grandmother. (Grandma boa constrictor" and "38 parrots)

  • - Four sons and a sweet daughter! - Interesting interesting. Four sons and a light bulb? (A bag of apples)
  • Hey, birdie, fly with me, there are so many delicious things! (Wings, legs and tails)
  • I have an idea and I think it. (Grandma boa constrictor" and "38 parrots)
  • And in three hundred years I will marry you to my daughter! (In the blue sea, in the white foam)
  • Aunty, let me go! I know the magic word - "please"! (Last year's snow was falling)
  • Akela missed! (Mowgli)
  • Wake up, dress, wash and feed, and take out for a walk. (Octopussy)
  • Your sizes were not imported. Never. (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • Look what I'm wearing In tatters, in rags! (Return of the Prodigal Parrot)
  • Everything you don't need will be scrapped! (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • Lifesaver, come here! (Last year's snow was falling)
  • Thumbelina, if you do not agree to become my wife, I will die! Ah, I'm dying! (Thumbelina)
  • Come on, let's try! You have some small apples! Oooh, and sour! Give me one more, I haven’t tasted it ... (Bag of apples)
  • And when you are two steps away From a pile of fabulous wealth, Chance tells you God will give ... A SMART CHANCE! (Treasure Island)
  • Well, why did you, why did you climb there? What do you have nothing to do? (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • What a good rug! .. There was ... (Last year's snow was falling)
  • Nothing scares the world like the well-known fish oil. (Octopussy)
  • Whoever knows how wet the water is, how terrible the fierce cold is, he will never leave passers-by without shelter. (Cat house)
  • No, we won't do anything here. (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • It won't be enough! (Last year's snow was falling)
  • Don't worry, this scary pirate won't do anything to Jim. Because Jim does exercises every day! (Treasure Island)
  • We built, built and finally built. Hooray! (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • You have to do a lot of good things to become a pioneer. Clear? (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • We don't want a living corner. We want to be pioneers. (Cheburashka and crocodile Gena)
  • I don't want to study - I want to get married! (Thumbelina)
  • It is better to lose one day, then to fly in five minutes! (Wings, legs and tails)
  • Nothing-nothing! They don't die of happiness! (Thumbelina)
  • Wings, legs ... The main thing is the tail! (Wings, legs and tails)
  • But if you want, stay a fish. He loves fish. Hehe, fried ... (In the blue sea, in white foam)
  • How did they not tear me into a hundred little bear cubs?! (Mowgli)
  • Well, chumadan, wait! (Wait for it!)
  • If you want to be rich, if you want to be happy, stay with us boy, be our king! (In the blue sea, in the white foam)
  • Stick, stick, cucumber, so the little man came out. (Octopussy)
  • Come on, ostrich, let's go! (Wings, legs and tails)
  • Eat - now you can sleep! Sleep - now you can eat. (Thumbelina)
  • So the cat's house collapsed. Burned with all the good. (Cat house)
  • Farewell forever, our meeting was a mistake! Goodbye, my love, goodbye! (Return of the Prodigal Parrot)
  • Grandmothers are not divisible by four! (Grandma boa constrictor" and "38 parrots)
  • Thank you for your attention! now they must be killed. (Treasure Island)
  • What am I? I don't... He can't hear it! (Return of the Prodigal Parrot)
  • You try it, how delicious it is, like chewing a cabbage leaf. (Cat house)
  • And let him run... The sun will burn him anyway! Where is the bull, Bagheera? (Mowgli)
  • Hey, there was a house here! (Last year's snow was falling)
  • “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?” Tell me, honey, how are you? - I ran after you, Santa Claus! I shed many bitter tears. (Wait for it!)
  • This is my prey! (Mowgli)
  • “Still, I’m much longer in parrots. (Grandma boa constrictor" and "38 parrots)
  • Oh, you dullness! It's Bubble Gum! (Return of the Prodigal Parrot)
  • - All clear. You have two halves, or four halves of a half. “You can’t measure me in halves, because I am whole. (Grandma boa constrictor" and "38 parrots)

Winged famous phrases from Soviet cartoons.

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