Shchiritsa is a herbaceous plant. Shchiritsa (Amaranth)

Amaranth is also known as amaranth. There are 17 species of this plant found in Russia. Amaranth has truly miraculous healing properties that promote recovery from many diseases.


An annual plant of the amaranth family. The plant can reach a height of 3 meters, with a stem thickness of about 10 cm. The leaves of the amaranth plant are quite large, oblong in shape, with long petioles, wedge-shaped at the base, sharp towards the apex. The inflorescence is like a lush panicle. Its length can reach 1.5 meters, and they can be of different densities and shapes. Amaranth has small seeds. Seed color: pink, white, brown, black. One inflorescence contains about 0.5 kg of seeds. The plant has a very large number of leaves, about 1000.


The plant is native to South and Central America. Today, amaranth is cultivated not only in America, but also in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Russia. Breeders develop plant varieties in such a way that they are adapted to certain climatic conditions.

Collection and preparation

Amaranth blooms in June, which is when the plants are collected. Amaranth should be cut carefully without damaging the inflorescences and leaves.
Amaranth can be stored for no more than 2 years. A plant that has reached a height of 20 cm is suitable for drying. The leaves are dried in the open air, in the shade.


Amaranth is used as a seasoning, since its seeds contain a large amount of amino acids and protein beneficial to humans. The leaves of the plant are also used for food, since they contain no less useful elements. They are added to salads, soups, and side dishes. The leaves are also used to obtain protein mass used as protein nutrition.

In folk medicine, amaranth is used in the following forms:

  • decoction;
  • cold infusion;
  • hot infusion;
  • Fresh Juice;
  • chopped, softened leaves;
  • infusion for bathing;
  • extract and oil.


Decoction of amaranth herb: crushed leaves, flowers or roots of the herb - 2 tbsp, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes in a steam bath. Cool, express. Take 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals.

A cold infusion is drunk for gastrointestinal diseases: dried amaranth (flowers or leaves) is poured with cold (not ice) water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Infuse for 15 - 20 minutes. Express. Take 0.5 cups before meals.

A hot infusion of amaranth herb is prepared as follows: 4 tbsp. l fresh leaves are cut, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 30 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Take 0.5 cups several times a day, before meals.

An infusion for bathing will be effective for various skin inflammations. It is prepared according to the following recipe: 300 grams of leaves and flowers are poured with 2 liters of boiling water. Cook for 15 – 20 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. The decoction is added to the bath water, which is taken for 30 minutes.

Fresh juice is used to rinse the mouth: for sore throats, inflammation of the mucous membranes, tonsillitis. The juice is diluted with water in the ratio: 1 to 5.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth oil (oil extract) is used in the treatment of:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis.

You can prepare oil from the amaranth plant yourself as follows: thoroughly grind the seeds in a mortar. Mix with olive oil, 1 to 1, pour into a glass container, leave in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally. After 1.5 months, the extract is ready and can be used and stored in the refrigerator. The container should always be closed so that amaranth oil does not lose its properties.

Application in cosmetics

The juice of the amaranth plant is used to make homemade cosmetics:

  • lotions;
  • masks;
  • compresses;
  • rinse aids.

The lotion is prepared according to the following recipe: pour 2-3 leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 - 2 hours. Express. Wipe problem areas of the skin 2 times a day.

Masks are prepared depending on skin type.
For oily skin: grind the greens and mix with oatmeal. The resulting mixture is applied in a thin layer to the face. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The mask has the only contraindication that you can determine yourself. If any discomfort is felt during the procedure, the mask must be washed off ahead of time.
For dry skin, use amaranth as a mask according to the following recipe: amaranth herb juice in the amount of 2 tbsp. l mixed with raw egg yolk and 1 tsp sour cream. You can also add amaranth oil - a couple of drops. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thin layer for 15 minutes. The properties of the mask are as follows: vitamins and other beneficial substances penetrate the pores of the skin, moisturizing and softening it.
Compresses are used to relieve swelling. Prepare a compress according to this recipe: grind the greens and mix with a small amount of warm milk. The paste is applied to swollen areas of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off.
A rinse from the amaranth plant is used after washing your hair. A decoction of amaranth herb has a wonderful conditioning effect on the scalp. Decoction recipe: 5 – 6 leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Dilute with water: 1 to 1. Use several times a week.
To actively stimulate hair growth, use amaranth oil by rubbing it into the scalp.

Restrictions on use

Amaranth is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gluten enteropathy;
  • cholecystitis;
  • individual intolerance.

Amaranth or amaranth is one of the medicinal annual plants. It can reach a height of one meter, the leaves are ovoid - rhombic in shape, the fruits are black, at first glance they resemble lentils. Many people remember this plant as a weed; it grows along the road, in parks, vegetable gardens, and gardens in crops. The agarica blooms for a long period, from June to September, then it is advisable to collect the seeds. If you want to learn in detail about what the common acorn is, its beneficial properties and contraindications - how to use it, our article will help you collect as much information as possible.

Medicinal properties of agaric. Each part of the plant is rich in its own way, the roots are collected only in the autumn, the seeds are collected as they ripen, and the leaves are collected before the acorn leaves the inflorescences; the flower “brooms” are collected during flowering. The plant contains a lot of vitamins, microelements, betanin, organic acids, amaranthine and nitrogen-containing substances.

The seeds are also rich in many amino acids and pectin. A decoction prepared from the roots can treat jaundice and guinea worm; the oil extracted from the seeds has a hemostatic, healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Plus, the oil contains a large amount of unsaturated amino acids. The juice from the leaves of the plant and the tincture prepared at home have an antitumor effect.

Even in ancient times, amaranth was used as a folk remedy for all types of diseases. It is used for problems with the cardiovascular system, eczema, psoriasis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, erosions and fungal diseases. Problems with the liver and kidneys can be cured with the help of tincture; it is also drunk as a preventative against colds and flu. To cleanse the body of waste and toxins, a herbal mixture is prepared from amaranth, chamomile, birch buds and St. John's wort. Another important point is that amaranth is a powerful natural antioxidant; it slows down the aging process of the body.

Contraindications to the use of amaranth. As practice shows, the plant has no special contraindications or side effects, but it should not be used in case of individual intolerance, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, especially in moments of exacerbation.

Application of amaranth. To rinse the mouth and throat, you can prepare a decoction of the leaves. Take a tablespoon of dry amaranth leaves and pour water over them, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Shchiritsa is widely used in cooking and industry. It is used to make sauces and confectionery products to prepare porridges.

You can prepare oil from acorn seeds; to do this, you need to take a small amount of grains and grind them in a mortar. Then mix the resulting oil with any vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio and pour into a black glass container. After a few days, you should filter the oil from the seeds. The oil can be used to season salads, make hair care masks, and treat cracks and wounds.

At first glance, it may seem difficult to use agaric. But in fact, everything is not only very simple, but also useful, your body will only thank you.

Shchiritsa is a herbaceous plant, has small red flowers that can be collected in an inflorescence - long, dense, spicate-paniculate. Flowers last for several months. There are other names for this plant - velvet, amaranth, cockscombs, axamite. This type of plant is considered ancient; it began to be grown a long time ago; at first it was distributed in the South of America as a grain crop, it was considered corn. In Spain, they said that this plant was of evil spirits, which is why it was prohibited there. In Europe, shiritsa appeared only in the 16th century, in Russia in the 19th century. In Sweden, a special order appeared for this plant.

Description of shiritsa

Many species of this plant can be found in Pakistan, India, China and the South of America. The wild species of the plant is distributed almost everywhere, it is only absent in Antarctica and areas where the area is warm and dry.

Experts predict that soon this type of plant will occupy an important place in human nutrition, because it is rich in yield and nutritional value.

Application of shiritsa

Some countries in Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia classify ashiritsa as a cereal crop, a fodder plant, a vegetable, and a medicinal product. The grains are used to make confectionery, flour products and drinks. Because it is rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and has a pleasant nutty taste and aroma.

Traditional medicine uses sprouted grains as medicine and a means to strengthen the body. The leaves, when dry and fresh, can be fried, steamed and canned. They should also be used in Asian cuisine as a vitamin and flavor additive in salads, meat, and fish.

Greek cuisine adds olive oil and lemon juice to shiritsa shoots and consumes them with fish.

Chinese medicine oil with the help of acorn seeds fights tumors, thus you can slow down the aging process. Shchiritsa oil is rich in squalene, which is a unique substance, has wound-healing properties, with its help you can restore the skin and rejuvenate internal organs. It is very good to use this type of oil after radiotherapy, this way you can recover faster after radiation.

Russia grows plants as decoration and animal feed. When it gets into a field or garden, it is considered a malicious weed.

Useful properties of shiritsa

The seeds from this plant are valued because they contain a higher amount of protein, more than soybeans or wheat. They are also rich in amino acids, which is why they are most often used by vegetarians. The leaves and shoots of amaranth contain vitamins B6, C, A, as well as valuable minerals - zinc, manganese, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium. Shchiritsa contains many biologically active substances and fiber.

The plant is healthier than corn and rice, because their composition includes lysine, amino acids and methionine. With its help you can protect yourself from cancer, diabetes, pancreatitis, and hemorrhoids. Shchiritsa is rich in fiber; this type of plant, unlike other cereals, never causes allergies.

But those who are individually intolerant to gluten should not eat ashiritsa, because it contains a lot of this substance.

With the help of agaric, you can get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood, because its composition is similar to oatmeal and pectin. The plant is rich in protein, so it is useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for children. To ensure that the seeds are well preserved, they must be placed in a dry container.

They produce healthy flour from shiritsa, which contains a huge amount of flour; it makes a tasty flour product.

In Belarus, agaricum is one of the most common plants that grows in gardens and vegetable gardens, which is why it is classified as a weed.

The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamin C, zinc, tannin, carotene, manganese, potassium,.

Medicinal recipes based on shiritsa

1. If you are worried about strong symptoms, you need to brew an infusion from fresh leaves of the herb. To make it, you need to take one tablespoon of acorn grass, a glass of boiling water, and leave for 30 minutes. Drink up to 4 times a day.

2. Juice squeezed from acorn leaves helps with gastritis, liver diseases, and diabetes. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly wash the leaves, chop them well and squeeze the juice out of them. Add cream to it, consume one tablespoon 3 times a day.

3. Ashiritsa oil is rich in squalene; it is extracted from the seeds of the plant. It contains vitamin D, which must be consumed for the full synthesis of the hormone. It is also very beneficial for human skin and has many medicinal properties. Amaranth seeds are rich in vitamin E - this is the best antioxidant. They contain phospholipids, lecithin, phytosterols.

4. Alcohol tincture based on agarica is used for enuresis, hypotension, if the human body is exhausted, also in cases of underweight, weakness in old age, and also after a person has been sick for a long time.

5. An infusion based on acorn leaves should be used for anemia; it can also be used to treat cystitis and pyelonephritis. The course must last at least 10 days.

Thus, shiritsa is a healthy plant, rich in mineral salts, vitamins and balanced protein. The seeds are most valued because they contain many microelements and vitamins, which is why they are the best vitamin-containing plant. Shchiritsa greens also have beneficial properties, which is why leaves from the herb are added to salads and first courses for a reason. Amaranth sprouts are used for preventive purposes; with their help you can protect yourself from cardiovascular disease, oncology, establish lipid metabolism, and prevent the development of endocrinological diseases. When using ashiritsa oil, it is very important to take into account contraindications so as not to cause even greater harm to the body.

Among the many weeds, we can mention acorn grass, which is quite common in our area. How does she look? What do you need to get rid of weeds in your garden? Despite its medicinal properties, it has no place in the garden.

Description of the weed

Shchiritsa, its other name is amaranth. Compared to pulling out other weeds such as dandelions and quinoa, upturned acorn grass is quite difficult to remove. This herb was brought to China, India, and Europe from South America more than a century ago. Under natural conditions, the grass was torn and eaten by the aborigines. The grass is also called “Inca bread” because its small seeds were ground and used as flour. In Spain, the flower was associated with evil spirits, so the plants were not planted in this country.

In Asia, agaricum is placed in salads, and the herb is used as a seasoning for meat. In Greece, olive oil and lemon juice are poured onto the grass and agaricula is added as a side dish to fish.

The note! Young acorn leaves can be added to salads; they contain a lot of iron, ascorbic acid and carotene.

Infusions from the acorn herb are drunk for diarrhea, constipation, and diseases of the stomach and intestines. To prepare, collect the grass and chop it finely. Add 1-3 tbsp. spoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then filter. The drink intake is divided into 3 parts, the infusion is drunk three times a day before meals.

For skin diseases, the prepared dried acorn is finely chopped, 400 g of herb is poured into 2 liters of boiling water in a saucepan. Then cook for 15 minutes. Then leave it for half an hour and pour it into the bath. Baths are taken three times a week. Shchiritsa upturned grows for only 1 year, the stems can be up to 1 m in height. Shchiritsa, in the photo, the plant has a straight stem, it has slight pubescence, and also a long red rhizome in the form of a rod, going to a depth of more than 2 m.

The acorn weed tolerates drought well, since the root can absorb moisture from great depths. As the photo shows, acorn grass has large diamond-shaped leaves. In the photo, the acorn leaves have greyish-green leaves on the outside, and are reddish on the bottom. The grass has petioles and veins with reddish stripes. It has black shiny seeds up to 1 mm in diameter; they germinate in early spring at a temperature of 5 degrees.

The note! The buds bloom in June and until October. One plant can have both female and male red small flowers. They are collected in long inflorescences in the form of panicles.

The fruits are in the form of an egg-shaped capsule. They are grayish-green and contain black seeds. One plant can produce up to 1.7 million seeds. The number of seeds depends on the light; without sunlight, the plant produces much fewer seeds.

Control measures

With a favorable summer, up to 1 thousand acorn stems grow per 1 m². The culture withstands frost and drought well. Grass grows on any land.

Shchiritsa, how to get rid of weed? Control measures can be:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Biological.

Mechanical tearing

This is the most commonly used method of grass removal. First, in the fall and spring, they dig deep into the ground, and then pull out the stems along with the rhizomes.

The grass cannot be allowed to bloom, so it is pulled out as often as possible during the season. You can dig the soil not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork, then you will remove the acorn roots intact, do not cut them into small pieces, otherwise new shoots will sprout on those pieces of roots that remain in the soil. Or you can use a cultivator, walk-behind tractor, or tractor.

Biological method

In order for the common acorn to grow, it needs good lighting. Therefore, if it is dark for a long time, it can destroy the shoots and roots.

To darken, you can add mulch, for example, cardboard, roofing felt, boards, black film. If you mulch the space where the acorn grew with a material that does not allow sunlight to pass through, the seeds will not germinate. In addition, it will be quite hot under such material, so the acorn sprouts will begin to burn out. But this method will require a fair amount of patience, since the plants may not die in one growing season. Another disadvantage of this method is that if soil accumulates on the surface of the covering material, acorn seeds may fall into it.

But the covering material should be chosen carefully, since under a dark film the soil will become very hot, and roofing material can release harmful resins.

Note! Instead of these materials, you can use organic mulch, spreading it in a layer of 5-10 cm. This is tree bark, pine and spruce branches, sawdust.

But you need to remember that fresh sawdust oxidizes the soil. And they also do not saturate the earth with nutrients, but draw them out. Therefore, sawdust is mixed with fertilizers or added to a compost heap for 1-2 years, and only then used. During this time, bacteria appear on the sawdust, saturating them with useful substances.

It is highly recommended to mulch the beds with needles from pine trees or fir trees in the spring. If you place it near strawberries, it will protect the berries from gray rot, and they will remain clean after rainstorms. But pine needles also acidify the soil, so ash is added to the soil, which, on the contrary, reduces acidity.

If you decide to add bark, it should be chopped into pieces 1-5 cm in size. The bark is perfect as a mulching material for trees and shrubs.

Benefits of mulch:

  • with it the area becomes more beautiful and tidy;
  • it suppresses the growth of acorn grass, its seeds do not spread throughout the area;
  • the soil is protected from compaction, erosion and erosion by rainfall;
  • it protects the soil from excessive water loss and moisture evaporation;
  • In winter, mulch retains heat in the ground, so plants planted in spring grow faster;
  • berries and vegetables do not fall directly to the ground, so they do not rot;
  • it protects the soil from the appearance of slugs and snails;
  • Organic mulch rots and then enriches the soil; it activates the activity of worms.

Depletion of ashes

This can be done if you have a small area. Constantly cut off the upturned acorn weed, that is, the stems that rise above the ground. Since the stems and roots of a crop are interdependent, if the stems die, the roots may also die. If you do this very often, the agaric will die.

Sowing green manure and herbs

This method is used near tree trunks and between bushes. Grass is sown in these spaces. You can sow the area around the vegetable plantings with marigolds and marigolds, as they not only prevent the acorn grass from growing, but also repel pests from vegetable crops.

And it is better to sow the perennial aquilegia in the flower bed. You can sow green manure - rye, mustard. When the plants sprout, they are covered with a dark film and left until spring. Then the grass will rot under the film and serve as fertilizer, and besides, the agaric will not be able to sprout.

Chemical method

Siberian weed, how to fight it with chemicals? Herbicides can only be used on acorn grass growing near fences, on paths in the garden, and also where there are no plantings.

Herbicides used:

  • Tornado;
  • Hurricane;
  • Roundup;
  • Glyphos;
  • Lapis lazuli and others.

But when using, remember that herbicides are toxic; they cause poison to accumulate in the soil and plants.

Prevention measures

Don't forget about preventive measures. When placing mulch under plants, do not use dry grass with seeds. Do not add fresh manure when fertilizing the soil, as acorn seeds can sprout even after a cow’s stomach, and fresh manure can also be affected by helminths.

When you want to make a compost pile, do not put mature grass with seeds there, but put grass that has not yet begun to bloom. After collecting fruits and vegetables, sow the free spaces with green manure. Cut small acorn plants with flat cutters.

The amaranth plant is a very valuable food crop in the world. In the USA, there is even an amaranth institute and research centers that study and introduce amaranth into the food industry.

Beneficial properties of agaric herb

The herb has a large amount of useful substances, especially in the seeds, but all parts of the plant can be used as raw materials for medicines. They contain betacyanidins, nitrogen-containing compounds, amaranthine, organic acids, betanin, vitamins and microelements, as well as coloring agents. And the seeds additionally contain essential amino acids and protein, which is equated to breast milk. The main component of seeds, squalene, is also present in human skin and is involved in oxygen exchange, radiation protection, and ensuring the body's resistance to disease.

Medicinal properties of shiritsa:

  • bactericidal and protistocidal;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • antifungal;
  • antitumor.

Depending on the method of preparation of the medicinal product, the benefits of acorn grass are obvious for inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat, diseases of the skin, heart, liver, malignant tumors, fungal infections, endometriosis, metrorrhagia, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Methods of using agaric herb

Young leaves and seeds of amaranth are used for cooking as a seasoning.

Acorn seed oil is used to treat burns, insect bites and bedsores.

Gargle with diluted juice of the plant in a ratio of 1:5 to treat diseases of the mucous membranes in this area. If you take the juice during the flowering period, it will have rejuvenating and cosmetic properties, as well as promote the roots and their growth. Baths with amaranth, chamomile and string help fight eczema, psoriasis, diathesis and other skin diseases. To treat diseases of internal organs, decoctions and infusions from this plant are used.

Decoction recipe


  • crushed roots or aerial parts of agarica – 15 g;
  • boiling water – 200 ml.

Preparation and use

Pour boiling water over the prepared plant material and simmer for half an hour in a water bath. Then cool for 10 minutes, strain and divide the resulting portion into three doses during the day before meals, i.e. it turns out 1/3 tbsp. for one appointment.

Infusion recipe No. 1


  • agarica leaves – 20 g;
  • boiling water – 200 ml.

Preparation and use

Pour boiling water over the prepared plant material and simmer for half an hour in a boiling water bath. Let cool for 10 minutes, strain. The resulting portion is intended for three doses during the day before meals, i.e. it turns out 1/3 tbsp. for one appointment.

Infusion recipe No. 2


  • agarica leaves – 20 g;
  • boiling water – 200 ml.

Preparation and use

Pour boiling water over the leaves and simmer for 15 minutes. in a boiling water bath, then the broth is infused for 45 minutes, only after which it can be strained. The infusion should be taken before meals two to three times a day, 1/3 cup.

Bath recipe