Daughter's wishes from mom just like that. Poems about my daughter

Sometimes there comes a moment when a parent wants to make a gift for his child, but this gift should not be ordinary, but memorable, leaving a mark on the soul of his own child. Of course, material values ​​in modern world It is impossible to cancel, but it is not a secret for anyone that only a word can convey all love and the brightest feelings.

Most often, mothers want to write poems about their daughter, in which one could express gratitude to fate for her birth, for the warmth that she gave over the years, but not everyone succeeds in mastering the beauty of the word. The fact is that when writing poetry, difficulties arise associated with a personal opinion about what gradually appears on paper: one's own thoughts seem stupid - while it is not at all necessary to admit the reality of these thoughts, and the form of the poem is ugly.

Often, the flow of thoughts makes it difficult to follow the rhyme and those lines that should flow, determining the entire tempo poetry, simply get confused by inappropriate words, which are very difficult to replace. In general, human emotionality interferes with writing poetry for my daughter: it is easier for any person to speak in dry prose than in rhymed lines, to which much more outside attention is drawn. As you know, increased attention from the outside causes a feeling of embarrassment, so getting together and putting everything on a piece of paper is an act akin to a heroic one.

However, having exhausted yourself with repeated attempts to write a poem for your child, you shouldn't give up this wonderful idea at all: now you can find poems about your daughter by exploring the Internet, which are filled with sites of specialized poetry. However, no matter how wonderful the praises described in the work are, not everyone will enjoy them.

The reason for this may be a certain situation: if, for example, a daughter is only a few months old or years old, then she will just like the gentle sounds and the corresponding tonality of the mother. In addition, it is not necessary to read rhymes in front of someone, this passion for poetry will consider it to be a secret for two.

If you need poems for your daughter, which you plan to read by her majority, inviting a fair number of friends of your child, then the use of a work taken from the Internet can turn into an incident. The fact is that, for sure, these lines have already been read once by some of the guests, who will surely hint about this hero of the occasion. Undoubtedly, this kind of ridicule will lead to a ruined holiday, and a gift that was supposed to bring good emotions will only add gray colors to the mood that will remain after an important event.

Of course, individual poems about her daughter, displayed on a specially ordered postcard, will remain in her memory for life, because in each line of the work, love and admiration for the child from the parents will burn with bright fire. Undoubtedly, this plan can be realized not only on its own - every person simply cannot become a poet, but everyone is able to find the one who made the rhyme his girlfriend and profession.

When ordering a dedication to your child, you need to describe in detail what exactly you want to see in the work. It is equally important to indicate to the poet on what occasion the verse is being written: even a birthday and an anniversary, having almost the same meaning, differ significantly for a professional poet when writing an order. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the character of the daughter - for example, a cheerful and perky person, the lyrical styles of poetry are unlikely to please. At the same time, a deep nature, able, loving and willing to think, will be pleased with the gentle lines, affectionately penetrating into her mind.

Undoubtedly, one should pay attention to what time of the year the event takes place - the verses about the daughter, read in spring, should preserve the beauty of the awakened nature: allegorical comparisons always give pleasure to those who are honored with flattering words. Winter requires contrast - more warmth in words will undoubtedly warm the heart of your beloved daughter even in the most very coldy painting beautiful patterns on the windows.

Happy birthday, my little star, my dear girl. Daughter, the day when you appeared in my life will forever remain in my memory as the most joyful holiday. My dear, today I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams. May you succeed in achieving your goal, may your perseverance and your perseverance always lead you to victory, to the pinnacle of success. And I will always help you, I will always listen to you and support you. Know that I am happy to be your mother, know that I love you very, very much. My joy, be healthy, beautiful, loved and irresistible.

I wish my daughter
Only clear, good days.
Not to know sorrow, tears, troubles,
So that all dreams come true.

To be beautiful and not to grow old
And every year prettier!
Always be successful in life,
Beloved, affectionate and tender.

Merry meetings, bouquets of flowers,
Travel the world.
Live for a very long time, do not get sick,
And do not regret anything.

So that happiness was over the edge.
And you, my dear, know
How grateful I am to God
For giving me you!

Daughter, for mom this holiday is the most important and wonderful, because I will always remember the first time I took you in my arms, how I kissed your little palms. Happy birthday, my sunshine. I wish you that there will always be a good "yesterday", a happy "today" and a promising "tomorrow" in your life. Daughter, be happy, loved and pretty. May my love and faith in you help you overcome any fears, may luck and luck help you to fulfill any of your dreams.

Happy birthday daughter
I congratulate you
With a mother's heart
I wish you happiness.

Your female share
Good to be
So that love gives you
Strong two wings.

The house was a full bowl
Children's laughter rang
To offend nobody
I did not dare my daughter.

Troubles and sorrows
I'll take it for myself
And God has happiness
I'll ask you.

Dear daughter, dear sun,
Thank you very much for being there!
You brought joy and happiness to our house,
May your birthday be bestowed in full:
Health, luck, love everywhere,
And I will always take care of you!

Beloved daughter,
Sweetheart, dear,
Happy Birthday to You
Mom congratulates
I wish to be you
Bright, beautiful,
So that adversity goes by,
You were happy!
Always be healthy
Loving, beloved
And for all the people around
Be unique!
To keep the sun warm
Summer and winter
You are in my heart, daughter,
I am always with you!

My daughter, my dear girl,
Happy birthday, honey, you!
You, already so matured,
For me - still a child.

Always be cheerful, dear,
All you want, be able to conquer,
Do not be sad, live not discouraged,
Just beware of evil people.

I wish you a lot of happiness
Do not hurt and take care of yourself.
May all bad weather bypass you
There will be a bright, joyful fate.

My clever girl, my beauty,
May your ways be easy
Every dream always comes true
Be loved and love yourself!

My swallow, daughter,
A golden ray of the sun
Happy Birthday,
My dear angel.

May you succeed
May dreams come true
Well, and most importantly for mom,
So that you are happy.

Daughter, sun, dear cat,
My golden ray of joy.
On this wonderful, best of days
Accept congratulations from your mom.

To all loving heart I wish you:
Let life be bright - from edge to edge.
May life be kind, cheerful, happy,
And you stay just as beautiful.

And you stay healthy and strong
Then all misfortunes will be powerless.
And you stay sweet, simple.
Just as good. The same dear ...

You are my bead and dewdrop
You are my drop and a blade of grass
My happiness is incomparable
My daughter, beloved sun,

Happy birthday, you, my joy,
My life is joy and sweetness,
I love you hard and forever
Always be happy forever!

The most beloved thing I have is
This is my daughter, my girl!

You are my ray of sunshine, a spark of fire,
A resounding stream in the desert for me.

My slender poplar tree, with gentle foliage.
I always admire you, daughter.

Let sorrows, sorrows pass by
You are my blood, my petal.

Peace, let it be sunny on your way
Black paths - try to get around.

May life be bright, daughter, with you.
Give people kindness, joy from yourself.

And then a lot of friends will appear
If you are happy, grow up soon!

I just thought: "I have a daughter" ...
I am surprised every day, as if anew:
I have a girl, how and where?
A lot or a little, a little or a lot ...
It's just that this is happiness given to me by God.
I will kiss the hands, I will stroke the heels.
The rest, it seems, is not so important.
Long eyelashes, not mine ... but still
The look of my baby is dearest to me.
How can one not see her in those eyes of tears.
How not to quarrel with her, how not to offend.
How can I help her smile more often
How to tell her what happiness is.
I'll try, honey, I'll try, honestly
Be your guardian, heavenly angel,
Be a dad and a grandfather, a magician too,
Cinderella from a fairy tale, although it does not look like.
In the meantime, you believe and look openly,
I'll be at least an old trough from Rybka ...
Kiss the nose, kiss the eye.
Happiness to you, dear, for God's sake.
I froze with happiness tonight ...
I just thought ... "I have a daughter."

The sun is golden in the sky
The star is shiny mine.
You are my dear heart
And on the branch is a singing bird.
A cloud floats across the sky
Flowers bloom in the field
The bud dissolves petals,
My dear daughter is you.
You are my sweet pink lump
The closest, the dearest,
You are my delicate scarlet flower
The kindest, smartest and most dear.
You are my love, my hope
Heavenly swallow in the distance.
You are my soul and my tenderness
God bless you!

Each flower is good in its own way,
Two are unlikely to be found
Lily, rose, daffodil and tulip,
Each has its own beauty and charm.

The same can be said about girls
You can call any princess
There is uniqueness in you,
Such as you will not find on earth,

The stars are clear - these are the eyes
A ray of sunshine is your smile
I can't take my eyes off you
I want to wish you great happiness!

I'm walking with my daughter,
I hold her palm.
I'm walking with my daughter,
And I see a cat next to me
I will see puddles and bushes
I will see different flowers
Beetles, bumblebees, chamomile
And various pieces of paper.
Everything is unusual for her.
And the world is not clear yet.
And next to her
My world came to life -
Huge and beautiful!

It is such happiness that I have a daughter ...
Beautiful eyes and plump cheeks ...
Cheerful smile and sonorous laughter of children ...
And this little man is the most precious in the world of all!
What happiness it is when she laughs
And how nice it is to hear how she sniffs
How it reaches out with its little hands, hugging its neck,
Both affectionately and gently "mom" speaks.
What a happiness it is to always be with her,
Help when it's hard for her, hug when she's sad,
And laugh together, and somewhere cry,
She will light up a rainy day with a smile.
What a joy to wake up in the morning
And enjoy life, and the day lived ...
“My treasure, my angel, my flower,
You are crazy, I love life more! "

May every day
Meets you with the sun
You are my firefly
My dear daughter!
Let the smiles splash
Shine, dance.
You are mother's fish
I kiss you!
How bright flower,
Every day you bloom
You are my beacon
I adore you!

Time flew by quickly
It seems that she just gave birth ...
My daughter has matured
I went early with my legs.
Like I just wore
Her in her belly,
I spoke to her and sang
And dreamed day after day.
And I dreamed that I would see
And how I will take it in my arms.
And I will say: "I am your mother",
And I will press it to my chest.
This is the first moment
I will never forget.
I am the love of our creation
Loved forever.
I fell in love with our little lump,
Our dear child:
These eyes, this nose,
And serious and joking.
You grow up for joy, daughter,
Be smart, be yourself.
And without any problems,
Be happy, naughty!

Being a mother of boys, of course, is not the same ...
Soldiers, guns, coats in puffs,
There is dirt under the nails, a fight with friends ...
Here fate gave me the princess!
Garlands of roses decorate my house
(Not a cyborg killer, what a son would bring!)
Beautiful dresses, hairpins, kapronki -
Everything that every girl should have!
And mom's beads are already with her daughter
Tucked away in a small red box.
And the mascara disappeared like a month
But the daughter says that she has not seen her
And know that there is no happier dad,
Who became the Daughter's dad once!
She kisses him gently when they meet
And the happiest dad walks all evening!
He is so touched in a dress for a girl!
And asks me to pierce her daughter's ears
Only an hour will come and we will be proud
Our beautiful and clever girl!
Then years later, as I went to my mother,
She will come running on her birthday with flowers.
And a secret will tell me quietly in my ear:
“You are the most best mom in the world!"
And I will pray to heaven night from night,
May God give my daughter a daughter!

I will kiss gently soft little hands,
I'll barely touch my nose with my lips
My heart melts with love for my daughter,
For me, there is no better creature in the world!
The little baby sleeps carelessly
Tiny fingers are clenched into a fist.
Will become the first smart girl in the future, of course,
At least while the girl is a button with a fingernail!
Sweet baby, my sunbeam
I admire you, the joy is not melting.
Be healthy, happy, the best of daughters,
After all, my youth will last with you!
Worrying about you, I appeal to the children
(and the words are taken deep down):
“You are dearer to us than all the riches in the world,
I wish you happiness and joy, our kids! "

I look at you my daughter
Blue-eyed, blonde.
I love you very dearly
My sunny and snub-nosed!
I will shelter you from the winds
I will lead you away from any trouble
I'll bring you all the flowers
Whatever you want.
Let the doors open for you
Kindness and love of fire.
And I believe, I desperately believe
That you will be happier than me!

Everyone knows that a man
Passionately awaiting the birth of a son
Only daughter as the days go by
Loves everything more and more.
Warm little lump
Lacy funny bag,
While there is little weight in it,
The daughter is daddy's princess.
Let her grow
And beautiful and smart
So that she was terribly happy
If they give her ... a brother!

What eyes, what cheeks,
Sponges are like roses!
There is no sweeter than our daughters
There is no better place in the whole world!

Be friendly, our fish,
Together you grow, mature
Your wonderful smiles
Will not let us grow old

A girl was crying in the park: “Look, daddy,
A pretty swallow has a broken paw, -
I will take the poor bird and wrap it in a handkerchief ”...
And the father became thoughtful, shocked by the minute,
And forgave all the future and whims and pranks
A sweet little daughter who wept with pity.

My daughter is a wonderful angel,
There is no better crumb in the world
Daughter-little flower-
A ray of sunshine in the window.

Daughter in the sky clouds
Life's solar paint
Daughter the whole world, bye,
Sleeping in a small crib.

My daughter is sleeping, she is tired
It's been a long day today
She played all day
I did not give rest to everyone.

Just let it jump better
Than the evil sickness is sick
I will cover it from above
With a snow-white sheet

Let him sleep ... And tomorrow again
Kindergarten and children
Daughter-Bunny, be healthy
Sleep, my lapulechka ...

Cheerful girl
I'll look into her eyes
Well, such a fidget!
Lights flicker in my eyes
Everyone in the neighborhood is on fire!
Everything is fun to her, funny,
From what? Yes from everything!
Just show your finger
And hold your tummy!
So laughs until you drop,
Even a branch of grapes
It will seem funny to her
My daughter's humor is like this!
That tickles dad with a feather,
Then hides cotton in the pillow,
Then he draws on himself -
It's funny for her, and for you too!
She plays hide and seek with a woman,
Then he asks to wash the floors with a rag,
Even hugs dad
Everyone laughs - until you drop.
Lots of reasons to laugh
Laughter prolongs life for a reason!
Many, many, many laughs
I wish you!

Little girl
Hair in a braid.
I'll take you in my arms
I'll take it to the crib.

I'll put you to bed
Sit on the edge
Quietly in your ear gently
I'll sing a song.

I wish you sweet dreams
I'll kiss you on the cheek.
Sleep my darling
Little daughter.

What eyes, what cheeks,
Sponges are like roses!
There is no sweeter than our daughter
There is no better place in the whole world!

Be healthy, our fish,
Be obedient and humble!
Please us with your smile
Be beautiful and smart!

I wish the best daughter
To make all dreams come true
Always any beginnings
You did a great job!

So that success awaits you everywhere,
Good luck, happiness and luck!
May your life be beautiful
And only a wonderful mood!

I look at you and think.
Itself - and can not believe:
This princess, my star,
Did I wear it under my heart?

I touch you - affectionately.
I lift it up - carefully.
These eyes are in the color of the sky,
Do they laugh at me tenderly?

Am I feeding you - greedy
My chest is furiously wrinkling.
This miracle, I will delight,
Have I given birth to a being?

You that wave your little hands
A piece of my flesh
With blue eyes
Will you slobber on my shoulder?

Seems to me and can't believe
Only here she is, next to -
A piece of my heart
Souls love and delight.

I rumble through the thunderstorms
London wicked, stubborn,
The squeak-chirping sounds like a miracle -
Mommy, my mom ...

The night spreads over the city,
It can be seen looking for peace ...
Daughter, everything will change
I will raise you, I will grow you!

I cannot be called sublime
By the heat of the fury
Feelings pierced me -
First motherhood!

Through tears I laugh on this bad day ..
We are so different with her !! We are so alike !!
And the harm in it is just my reflection,
stubborn in me and unhurried in movement.
And just like me, he longs for my mother's affection,
and, greedily swallowing words, believes in fairy tales.
It will always protect and will not leave in trouble,
and proudly pouting, it will instantly melt.
But if you hug and hold her to your heart
she will open the door of her soul -
able to love, will not ask for salvation,
drowning in her eyes, spring laughter ..
I laugh through tears, quietly comforting my daughter ..
Don't cry, my joy! I'm near, dear! ..
Know - your happiness, mine, is dearer to me,
and your tears and my tears too.


I pray for you - prayer is endless
I pray for you, let the sadness not touch.
This strange life is so much like a battle
There are many troubles and misfortunes, a lot of pain, but it's a pity ...
I pray for you - even a cold blizzard
Your window will never touch
So that you do not lose a very close friend,
So that you are not left alone on earth.
I pray for you that black sorrow
Never knocked on a familiar door
And sometimes you can still argue with fate,
And defeat her. Just believe it.
I pray for you and I ask God
-Let holy love not pass by
-You punish me, but don't touch her,
Someday I will be responsible for everything in front of you.
I look at you with a quiet, gentle smile
I pray for you day and dark night.
In this world, sometimes everything is so shaky and unsteady,
Only you can resist, my grown daughter.

It's a great honor to be a friend to daughters
The lightest of all!
Two daughters - there are two gentle friends,
Keep, fate, my reliable friends!
When I walk the earth with them
And I touch my fragile shoulders with my shoulders,
Light are my sleepless sorrows
Only springs are destined for my family.
And my youth does not dry up:
She has no deadlines for her dashing, godless
May it be so! And I repeat:
Fate, keep my friends reliable
Keep it, fate, keep it everywhere, always!


Already quite an adult, daughter, you have become
There is a lot of intelligence and warmth in your heart,
Your smile is lovely and pure
The soul is ruled by your kindness
For us, of course, you are still a child,
We remember you among toys, diapers,
Your first words, your first step,
And it is not easy for us to realize now so,
That you are not a child! And a little days will pass
How you walk your way
We will help you with advice or deed,
We will support your endeavors boldly
You can come to us with any trouble,
Let's share sorrow or joy with you!
So quickly you, daughter, matured for us.
We remember that you did not sit idle,
Always to help mom, with business, with a book!
So let the bad boys in your life
Friends are unfaithful, evil friends
They will not surround your house and you forever!
Let Fortune love and warm with warmth,
Let the heart burn only with a kind fire


I love my daughter so much

And I want to do in life

So that she has happiness

Everything is surrounded by love

I want goodness to my daughter

Health for many years.

To a father's love

Was with my daughter again and again.

I want my daughter beauty

Sincere, clean from the inside.

So that the heart of the daughter and the soul

All full of love for life.

I want a lot for my daughter -

She is my favorite.

I will do everything in life

So that the daughter is happy.

The daughter's wishes express all the endless love and tenderness for the girl, who will forever remain a little princess for her parents. They wish their daughter as for themselves, only even more and even better. But, as you know, no one wishes anything bad to themselves.

In verse

  • My dear flower, daughter,
  • You always bloom with a flower
  • Shine a star from the sky
  • Fulfill all desires.
  • Be beautiful and sweet
  • Necessarily kind
  • Give people affection
  • And live like a fairy tale!
  • I wish you, daughter,
  • Study well,
  • So that your soul soars
  • Firebird in heaven!
  • So that your knowledge
  • You brought to life
  • And so that the home
  • You didn't leave.
  • Daughter, may your life bloom
  • And let there always be honey on the table,
  • Let the money live in your wallet
  • Let the webs weave like spiders.
  • And in the network those, again, money comes across,
  • And may good luck meet you more often!
  • Heavenly beauty to you
  • And fulfillment of any dream!
  • Sweets for you, live chocolate
  • And the mood will always be gratifying!
  • Peace to your house and happiness
  • And let the bad weather disperse the beloved!
  • I love my daughter very much!
  • Let the nights be passionate
  • Let the beloved be kind
  • And you yourself, be happy.
  • Always be the queen
  • In life, be everywhere you are the first
  • Like a gazelle, be slim
  • From a beloved drunk!
  • Be a magical minx
  • Never be you a liar
  • You always help people
  • And from God there will be happiness!
  • Daughter I wish to be
  • Slender like a birch tree
  • To love mom and dad
  • In the eyes so that tears
  • Never showed up
  • Is that from happiness
  • And let them die
  • All sorts of misfortunes.
  • I wish my dear daughter
  • A delicate flower bloom
  • Sweet lilac
  • And say goodbye to laziness!
  • To clean the apartment,
  • So that you wash the floors,
  • So that there is little dust
  • You loved order!
  • I hug my daughter gently!
  • I wish you diligence!
  • Creation and patience
  • All relatives are surprised!
  • So that you always try
  • And in the apartment was cleaned,
  • To work well
  • And it's not bad to study!
  • I smiled when cleaning
  • And let you get tired
  • Always bypasses by the side
  • Let joy come to your heart!
  • I wish my daughter good husband!
  • So that the cold is not terrible with him!
  • So that poverty is not terrible
  • So that for you it was like a wall!
  • To always give flowers
  • I also wish my daughter beauty
  • And great joy, prosperity,
  • So that she knew how to put things in order!
  • Made us happy
  • You are every moment and every hour!
  • Good to you, my dear,
  • I hug you tightly!

In prose

Your tender cheek is on pink pillow... The eyes are closed, the cilia tremble. A little more and my happiness will wake up - my little daughter. He will say: - Mommy, hello, I want to walk! The heart contracts with love and fear. What lies ahead for you, my tender bird? Whether you become a famous actress, pediatrician or singer, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that, like me, you become a mother!

You have been carefully cutting and gluing something all morning. Then she ran up, kissed my cheek and put a small cardboard crown on my head. - Mom, this is for you! You say that I am a princess, then you are a queen! Thank God and Heaven for a priceless gift - this little treasure, my daughter. God! Keep her day and night, and when I am not with her. I wish my princess to meet a worthy prince and give birth to the queen mother a wonderful granddaughter!

I had the most wonderful moment- the birth of a daughter. Together we experienced the holidays, laughter and tears. There were also difficult moments. I don't know how I would have survived them without you, my girl. You gave me hope for the best, supported me in my endeavors and rejoiced at my success. I wish you, dear, good health... And you already have beauty and a slender figure. You are worthy of the throne of a queen and for the world to be at your feet! At least the male half of it!

In my own words

All the girls are very beautiful. But when you run towards me, I see the most beautiful girl on the planet! Probably every mother thinks so about her child. And I tried to look at you impartially. No, I was not mistaken! You really have no equal. Let your wonderful eyes remain naive and trusting as long as possible. Let evil people not meet on your way. Be a good girl! Old people say that your daughter is a cut-off piece and you bring her up for someone else's family, where she will go as soon as she grows up. Having one daughter means not having a single child! Dear girl! My only daughter! For many years you have given me tender love and affection. You were and remain the most important person for me! You are an adult and you have your own children, my beloved grandchildren. I wish your daughter was the same happiness and consolation for you as you are for me! Daughter! You devote a lot of time and attention to cosmetics, outfits and Internet correspondence. Perhaps this is correct, because you are a girl! But I want to remind you that there is also spiritual beauty in the world: theaters with great acting, books about beautiful love(not tabloid novels) of famous classics, music that elevates consciousness and takes you to the sky-high distance. Please don't argue, just put my words in your heart. I love you!