What you need to say when throwing bread in birds. Folk customs and signs of bread that everyone should know about

One of the common evil spells is damage to bread. It is easy to determine it: an irresistible disgust for bread suddenly appears, a solid black failure is going, and in the morning you torment you. All this classic signs Black damage to bread.

Strong and light damage to bread

The varieties of such a curse are quite a lot, among them there are light damage, which is not difficult to work, but there are those who are able to destroy the human life in a short time with their strength. From a powerful damage to bread yourself, I do not recommend it in any way. This should make an exclusively practicing magician.

But, as for the easy damage to bread, here you can compete for yourself.

How to independently remove damage to bread

Start in the first quarter of the young moon and repeat three days in a row. Do this: At sunrise, take a rigid rusty rusty loaf. Tries to her three times: "Saint Bread! What is not mine, then take it! And what is for me on fate, so I will give me! Amen".

Out up this bread to birds, and in the evening go to the church, put a candle about your health, and the health of the one who brought the damage to the bread, and about the rest of the deceased relatives.

Strong damage to the bread from the cemetery

At the grave take a piece of bread, and in the sputter, they give three coins and say: "both living breads are kilver and the dead. Thirty three spices, and one bread, and the grave is one for (the name of the victim). " Then go to the cemetery intersection, the branch is drawn the circle, in the circle - the cross, the bread is put on it. Three times around the clockwise, three times pronouncing a powerful destructive spell.

Then they take bread, they spit on him three times and say words addressed to the victim: "Trying to you (name), the flour of bodily, death to quickly taste. Dead force, and you - bread. " Conspited bread throw the victim into the house. But if a person is eating this bread, may soon die.

I was helped to cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Washer from the evil eye and damage. He protects a person from the power of evil, energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and evil thoughts of enemies. See and order it can only be on the official website

How to get rid of damage to the bread from the cemetery

It is impossible to remove such a powerful detergent. A man who is not knowledgeable to magic will not cope with such a strong spell, only hurts himself. Time also matters. If a strong black damage is made to bread, it is necessary to neutralize it as soon as possible, otherwise it will devourge his sacrifice, a person either will be fatally sick or died.

Inspired by twitter.
One of the users wrote the following tweet:

I am annoyed by superstition about bread, graft back in the USSR, they say the bread can not be thrown away. What nonsense? The same food product like everything.

He was answered that the bread is the body of the Lord, so "superstition" is much more than yearsthan the USSR "y.
Now I will say what I think personally.
First, why such attitude to bread was in the USSR. This is explained not only by the disappearance of the thesis "Bread - the whole head" (and the thesis of this was used due to the fact that the people usually did not have or money, or the opportunity to buy the main food, so much made a lot of bread), but also large quantity Children of war in the country. Generally speaking, bread is indeed one of the cheapest from the nice types of food (theoretically, it is possible to intact even bread with water, although it is not easy), respectively, during the war, when the country raged in many regions, he was in price. Therefore, children have such a relationship to him (remember the stories about Yuri Nikulina - a balanced and normal man could jump at three o'clock in the morning, check if there is bread, and if not, run to the nearest round-the-clock stall).
Now I will tell you why I consider throwing bread crime. First, not only bread, but any food product, provided that it is edible. IN last times It is fashionable to throw away bread, just because it is a frantic ("I'll buy a new one tomorrow!"); rice or any other porridge / potatoes / similar product, just because his "Halfall remains, nor here"; Milk, just because it is acidified; On the scale of supermarkets - the boxes of yogurts, cheeses and other things, just because the packaging was slightly, from one corner ... the list can be continued further indefinitely.
No one asks you to eat bread with mold, rotten eggs or a dubious look of the sausage (although it is better to simply not bring it). But if the product can be used, you can put into the case, - never, under any circumstances, do not throw it into the garbage: you commit a crime, or if this term is closer to you, a terrible sin. And not because it is even necessary to respect the product itself and the work of those who prepared it (although it is important); And not even because you need to not throw money to the wind (you ourselves bought this food); not! - Driving a hand above the trash bucket, think about it. Think up and remember about millions of hungry people around the world, about children dying from hunger, about mothers and fathers who give them the last crumbs and dying, saving their children. Remember - and remove yourself from what you wanted to make.

Gods do not forgive such things. Someday it will be aware of those countries where poverty flourishes on one side and thoughtless scattering of invaluable wealth and rescue opportunities human lives with another. A very little knowing the gods, I can say that the punishment will come, and it will be scary.
Think about it and ... find a way to use what you have.

Tell me, can you easily get rid of moldy or dried bread? It is safe to say that almost every of us consciously or subconsciously knows that it is impossible to throw out bread. Let's figure it out why.

  • Firstly, this is a legacy of our past: war, hunger, blockade formed a certain attitude towards food and food. In the memory of our grandmothers, the great-grandmothers preserved memories of those days when they were content with 50 gr. Bread per day per person. In this hungry time, bread saved them. And if you ship it even deeper, then the Holodomor is the consequence of crumbling of grain and incorrect political decisions - it is primarily a shortage of bread, because the bread time of the centuries was the main food in Russia. Also remember the February Revolution, which was preceded by a rally of women with the requirement of "Bread!" (During the First World War, bread was also lacking) or France during the Great Bourgeois Revolution: People went out on the square and demanded bread. That is, all these events of our History of generation memory reflected on our perception of such actions as discharge of bread.
  • Secondly, education in the Soviet Union was based on humanistic ideas regarding the labor of people and products of this work. Schoolchildren were indicated that bread is the result of the labor of many people (and this is true), the result of the society's efforts and the gift of the earth (wheat), therefore it is worth it to be careful, and throw it badly. The stories about the starving peoples of our planet were added to this, in relation to which our screaming of bread is wrong.
  • Thirdly, religious background. In Christianity to bread - a special attitude: Jesus said at the secret evening "Here's bread - my body", therefore it is believed that it is believed to throw away bread - it is to throw a particle of the Son of God. Therefore, the church recommends dried or a little moldy bread to give to birds. The same relation to bread is among other religions.

Many people, knowing how inhumanly and sin to throw food, try to eat it all before the expiration date, at the same time they believe that humane is coming. But is it true? This man will eventually suffer from overweightBut at the same time sentenced: "How can I choose it if in Africa children hungry? It is necessary to achieve! ". This is incorrect logic. And in order not to think about whether to throw out or no bread, you need to buy it in required quantityAnd then he will not lie on your shelves. And money saved from the revision of the purchasing behavior can be sent to the fund of assistance to children in Africa, so that the heart is calm for them.

"Bread - everything head", - our ancestors said. Justi people revered bread and considered him the main treat in the house. Where there is bread, there is good. This product was considered to be God's gift, so they showed special respect for him.

For centuries about the bread, there was a lot of acceptance and customs, which dictated the right attitude towards this product and suggested how to attract well-being and good luck to the house.

Signals about bread

  • It is impossible to start a new loaf after sunset - it's to poverty.
  • You can not leave a knife stuck in the bread - from the house luck will leave.
  • It is believed that those who love white bread, wounded and subtle nature, and people who prefer black bread, strong spirit, more decisive and volitional.

  • Leave abdicted bread at the table - leave your happiness. And the one who has reached him, took the good luck and happiness to himself.
  • It is impossible to eat bread behind a person's back - you can steal its strength.
  • If a piece of bread fell to the floor - wait for the guests.
  • It is impossible to throw out abundant, moldy or stale bread - there will be no peace or money in the house.
  • It is believed that a person who eats a stivery and moldy bread will never perish from the water.
  • It is impossible to turn the bread upside down - to trouble and diseases.
  • You can not cut bread on weight - there will be no money.
  • Those who love eat crusts and pumps are considered lucky and happy people.
  • It is impossible to cut a loaf of a different knives during meals - a quarrel in the family will be.

Customs related to bread

A family member going on the road was necessarily given bread with him.Not only for thickening hunger on the road, but also as an overlap. It is believed that loaf of bread from home keeps the heat and energy of the whole family and is able to protect against trouble on the road.

Before the meal, it was necessary to first eat a piece of bread and salt. The same you need and finish my meal.

If someone asks bread, That is necessary to give, even if the last piece remains. It is believed that such an act attracts happiness and abundance into the house. But it is impossible to transmit loaf through the threshold, it can attract the need and hunger.

Respectful attitude towards bread was considered one of the main laws in any family. Observing folk signs "\u003e Signs and customs, our ancestors showed respect for higher powerSince the bread was considered the gift of the Most High. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

12.06.2015 09:08

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays. This event has become swivel for ...

On the day of the holiday, many forget about the signs, and in vain. If we pay due attention to them, then ...

It happens that after the meal remains bread. Some do not throw it away because they believe that it is sin.

Let's figure out today: God will punish us if we throw food or bread ...

What is the role of bread in the Bible?

Bread from a long time was the main food of Israelis (Gen. 3:19; 14:18; 21:14, etc.).

2 sir 9: 7 Under the "bread" means food as a whole, as well as in the prayer "Our Father": "Our urgent bread give us this day" (MF 6:11; Wed Also Lion 26: 5; PS 36:25; 103: 15; Islay 30:20; 58: 7). The uniquely known barley bread (Court 7:13; 4Tear 4:42) later becomes food exclusively poor people, and wheat, available earlier only to wealthy people, gets universal distribution.

Baking bread and households were engaged, who were attracted to the maids or slaves for hard work. Professional bakers were an exception, although they met not only in Egypt (Gen. 40: 1) or in Roman
Empire, but also in Israel during the reign of the kings (1 sir 8:13; OS 7: 4 and next); So, in Ier 37:21, the "Bakery Street" is mentioned.

Bread was used in food, to reinforce the forces.

Sin in man's life

Sin is what divided and continues to share a person with God, his Creator.

It seems to me that in the understanding of sin, the misunderstanding of that, you can either not throw out bread.

An example of an erroneous judgment on ceremonies in food acceptance was dispelled by Jesus:

16 Jesus said: Really and you still do not understand?
17 Do you still do not understand that everything that is in the mouth takes place in the womb and is erupted?
18 And emanating from the mouth - from the heart proceeds - this is defiled by a person,
19 For evil thoughts, murders, adultery, love, theft, perjury, hooling are emanated from the heart.
20 it defines a person; And there are impertured hands - does not defile the person.
(Mattp.15: 16-20)

Jesus focuses not on the subjects of the life or preceding ablution of hands, but on the state of the heart of a person. It is from the heart of evil thoughts that are separated between God and us.

We can not throw out food, honor the importance of bread, and then squander, deceive or steal.

God warns us:

13 And the Lord said: since this people approach me with their mouths, and his tongue honors me, his heart will be far away from me, and their reverence of them is a study of human commandments;
(IS.29: 13)

The rest of the food will be better to give the hungry, fierce animals than throwing out.

With regard to food, Jesus showed us a distinction between ceremonies, ethical standards And the fact that in reality is important to God.

In the culture of the Russian man, the memory of the war years remains when the food lacked. Each crumb was on the weight of gold and it was difficult to imagine that someone could throw bread. This attitude towards food is also found to today.

To rescue the soul, bread or other ordinary food is not related

Jesus - our bread

PS 103: 15 about bread says that he strengthens the heart of a person;

15 and the wine that the human heart fun, and fir, from which his face shines, and bread that strengthens the heart of a person.
(PS.103: 15)

Jesus himself metaphorically calls himself with bread of God or "Life Bread, which comes from heaven" (Ying 6: 33,35,41.50 and next, 58).

33 For the Bread of God is the one that comes from heaven and gives life to the world.
34 They told him: Lord! Make us always such bread.
35 Jesus said to them: I AM Bread Life; A coming to me will not be alkalo, and the believer will never crave in me.
(Ioan.6: 33-35)

41 Treated by Jews for him for said: I am a bread that came down from heaven.
(Ioan.6: 41)

50 Bread, coming from heaven, is that the poisoning will not die.
(Ioan.6: 50)

58 This is, there is a bread that came down from heaven. Not like the fathers your eutrics were manna and died: the pool bread will live forever.
(Ioan.6: 58)

This Jesus says that a decisive condition for finding eternal life is a connection with him, faith in it. Thus, the expression "to eat bread" (LK 14:15) means unity for the common meal in the kingdom of God.

15 Hearing this, someone from the standing with him told him: Blessed, who tastes bread in the kingdom of God!
(Luk.14: 15)

During the evening of the Lord, Jesus called her body a bread taken by the Church (MF 26:26).

26 And when they ate, Jesus took bread and, blessing, prevented and, distributing the disciples, said: Hold, Fly: Sieu is my body.
(Matthew.26: 26)

This bread symbolizes the unity of the Church, achieved by the sacrificial death of Jesus and constantly confirmed and said (1kor 10:16 and next; 11:26).

16 bowl of blessing, which we bless, is there no addition to the blood of Christ? Bread, which is refracted, is there no addition to the body of Christ?
17 one bread, and we are many one body; For everyone communion from one bread.
(1 Cor.10: 16,17)

26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord is annoying, he will come.
(1 Cor.11: 26)

Mention of bread in combination with wine (Gen. 14:18) serves as an indication of the magnificent feast, and in combination with water (parable 25:21; Jes 12:18) means simple, but satisfying food. The words "let go", "Delhi's bread" express a call for generous charity (Eccles 11: 1; IP 58: 7). However, already B. Old Testamentwhere it is emphasized that God cares about human well-being (Exhaust 16: 8; 23:25; Leo 26: 5), it says that

3 He was humbled to you, Tomil you hunger and manned you Manna, who did not know you and did not know your fathers, in order to show you, that a person lives with one bread, but every word [in word], emanating from the mouth of the Lord, man lives;
(RES.8: 3)