New Year for the smallest. New Year for Children: Preparing and Organization of the New Year holiday for children

New Year for the smallest: New Year's games for young children, puppet theater, home New Year's holiday for kids from 1 year to 3 years.

New Year for the smallest: games. Poems, home holiday

New Year for the smallest

In this article I shared with you ideas, games and useful advice on home New Year's holidays for the littleest babies:

- Children under the year,

- Children from the year to three years.

Section first. New Year for the smallest: first year of life

If your baby is soon a year, then the filament in his life is waiting for him.

Does the baby need a Christmas tree?

Undoubtedly need. This is a new experience, and vivid impressions, and the joyful mood of mom (and children "read" emotions of mom on the fly). The only question is how to acquaint the baby with the Christmas tree and ensure its safety.

First. The Christmas tree in the family, in which there is a kid of the first year of life, you need to put on the floor and on the table, high - so that crawling or making the first steps of Kroch could not touch her, pull it, reach the branch and, having clinging for her, pull the Christmas tree down.

Therefore, toys on the Christmas tree and the christmas tree itself will be viewed, sitting at mom on his hands.

Second. With the Christmas tree, the baby must necessarily introduce. How best to do it?

How to dress up a Christmas tree for a child of the first year of life and introduce a kid with her?

Each or conversation with the baby about the Christmas tree takes no more than 3 to 5 minutes while the interest of the baby is preserved.

First step. Show the baby, the unknown Christmas tree - such as it is. (If you can consider the natural Christmas tree on a walk - then consider it with her baby). When viewed, talk with the baby, using those brass syllables and small words that can already repeat the kid: "Ah! It smells! Ah - ah! Let's sniff the Christmas tree! (Keep a twig in your hand and give her to sniff a child, bringing her hand closer to him). Oh, as it smells! "," Oh, the needles spiny, oh, oh (to pour your finger and lightly a child's finger - oh, barbed - say jokingly). Ah, what a beautiful tree - ah! "

Read the baby's poem about the Christmas tree:

"Chose Dad Christmas tree
The most fluffy,
The most fluffy,
The most fragrant.
The Christmas tree so smells -
Mom immediately faces! " Oh! What a beautiful Christmas tree. Oh! (A. Usachev).

The second step. Play with a toy that has not yet been decorated with a Christmas tree and familiar toys, for example, we will use such toys - a bird and a bunny. We will introduce a kid with the names of these toys, their actions, we will encourage to repeat simple brave words.

Show how toy bunny runs to the Christmas tree: top top top-top, as he jumps - Jump - Jump - Jumping. Buck! Fell bunny. Get up! Jump jump, jump again bunny. Started a bunny under our Christmas tree, sits and stamps ears:

"Bunny white sits
And ears mechanics.
That's how, that's how
And shelit's ears. "

Give a hare in the kid's hands, let him stroke the toy, feed the bunny, will tell how the bunny jumps, where the bunny ears. "Where is the bunny?" (hide toy) - "No bunny!" (surprised). Looking through a bunny along with the child and find: "Here is a bunny (get toy)."

Remove the bunny in the box so that the baby does not see this toy and not distracted on it. And show the toy bird.

Put the bird on a spruce twig:

"Bird flew -
The bird is small.
Sit down, do not fly away!
Flew away. Ai! "

"Where is the bird? (Put an opaque bright handkerchief on the bird). Here is a bird! (Open the handkerchief).

On another day, other little animals are "to come running" to the Christmas Eve.

Third step. Make a kid with Christmas toys and their names. (Even if you dressed up a Christmas tree without the presence of a baby, then you can do it now).

Give the baby to touch safe toys safe for him: textile balls, wooden toys. Name what kind of toy, as it is called ("This is a horse's horse. The horse jumps and shouts: Igni-Igogo!"). Show like a horse jumps, let the baby play with this toy.

Useful advice: now produce very beautiful and safe wooden christmas toys that can be bought on New Year's fairs at the masters of folk art fisys. This is Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, cracker, sweetie, teddy bear, a nesting, grandpa, grandfather, a bright ball, icicle and many others. And the toys of the fabric and felt are easy to do or use ready-made, sewing a loop to them for hanging on the Christmas tree. Use them for the little ones.

Machine first with 2- 3 safe for the child with christmas toys and their names. Where is the bear? Here is a bear. What a beautiful. Teddy bear walks slowly: TOOOP-TOOOP-TOOOP TOOOOP. Who's that? Bunny When the kid will remember them, then introduce it with other toys.

Teach the baby to find a toy, calling the "adult" first of her name, and then lightweight children: Where are we a bear? Where is the bunny? And where is Lyal's doll? Where is the dog AV-AB? And where is the horse Igo? Where is the machine BBB? "

When you dress up a Christmas tree, then ask the baby to show you a toy: "Where do we have a watch tick? Here is the watch tick so. Hang them on the Christmas tree. Like this! Oh, what beautiful watch! "

Dressing Christmas tree, read the baby is a poem:

"Mom Christmas tree decorates
Anya (child name) mom helps
She serves toys,
Stars, balls, flappers.
We are visiting guests,
Completely drank and sing. "

Turn on cheerful dance music and let the baby boils under it with you.

Fourth step.

If your baby knows the name of the toys on the Christmas tree well and easily finds toys on it, you can change them in places on the Christmas tree - to outweigh. Does the kid of the watch find in a new place on the Christmas tree?

Also add new toys to the Christmas tree. Especially good bubakers or bells. Give the baby to produce the bell and hang on the Christmas tree. If the baby wants to give the bell, already attached to the Christmas tree branch - do not deny it in this. Run the bell right on the branch to the kid's handle and gently welcome the "child's hand in the hand of an adult", let's get together.

Useful advice: Bubakers can be bought in the store of goods for the hobby, and beautiful and comfortable children's handles small bells - in fishing stores. To the bell and the bubber, tie beautiful bows and a shell-hanging for hanging them on the Christmas tree.

Machine the baby with the lights of the garland on the Christmas tree. This spectacle always fascinates the child. Lights! So beautiful! Give the baby a few minutes just look at this amazing spectacle for him: the lights are burning!

"Tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Green needle!
Burn in lights different -
Green and red! "

What beautiful lights! Thoroughly! No lights. Where are the lights? (The lights went out on the flashing garland) here are the lights!

How to decorate an apartment for the new year, if the baby has no year in the house?

Decorate your apartment to the arrival of guests by the decorations in which your baby can play. Especially this concerns the babies of 8-12 months.

Play with multicolored flags

How to make a garland with flags for the first year of life. Cut from a bright colored cardboard of different colors of the rhombus, fold them in half so that triangles come out - check boxes. Put your "triangular checkbox" to the rope and glue it downstairs so that the checkbox keeps on the rope, did not open it and at the same time it could be moved along the rope. Make such a multicolored garland. The baby will be able to consider checkboxes and move them with a handle on the rope to the right - left when you take it on the handles and bring to your homemade garland.

You can take two check box with garlands, one to give a child, one to take mom in your hands. And to dance under the song Dress with the checkbox: the kid "Dances" on the hands of mom: waves the flag, mom spins with the baby in his arms.

In the hands of the checkbox take
And in a circle we will go.
And in a circle we will go.
Your check box will show
Up raise and fad
(Show how to do it, take the handle of the baby with your hand and put the flag, then let go of my hand, toddler waving myself).
Up raise and felt.
Look at your checkbox
Blooming with him a friend.
Ai-yes, Ai-yes!
Two friendship with him (mom slowly spins, baby in her arms)

Repeat this dance on different days - the baby will begin to recognize her melody and will be pleased to imitate your movements.

Play with bells or New Year's bubrels

For a child, decorations will also be interesting in the form of metal bells with bows suspended on the ropes as garlands or simply groups in different places of the room. The kid will gladly pull over the rope and call the bell.

Take the bell in your hands and spoil the song about him:

"Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
Bell ring!
Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
The bell is thin!
Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
Fun playing.
Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
Masha (child name) amuse! "

Play with rattles

Rattles can also be included in the New Year's garland and spend them with groups for bright ribbons. It can be done for a child a whole bunch of rattles, while engaged in their festive bright satin ribbon. Playing with a rattle, you can sing the kid adapted for the smallest dance option with rattles:

Oh how fun today
Having fun kids
Ane (child name) gave rattles
Rattles are good!
Ah-yes, get,
Walking toy
Ah yes, get
Our prayer
Where, where, rattage?
Hid their kids
Show rattles,
Rattles are good.
Ah-yes, get,
Walking toy
Ah yes, get
Our rattle.

Take the rattles and "hide" them, covering the scarf so that one part of them is visible. Where is the rattles? The child needs to pull the handkerchiefs and find rattles, after that he plays themselves with them.

Another garland for the littleest children. You can bind rattles and bells in one big garland. Make a box in two side holes of about 15 x 15 cm. Throw through the holes tape with toys and tie it into a single ring. It turns out a peculiar "carousel" in the box. The kid will pull behind the ribbon and get the next toy from the box.

Play with painted wooden spoons

Spoons can also decorate the room to the new year. Show the baby first, as you can knock the spoon on the floor, on the table. Later teach him to knock on spoons about each other.

Tuki, spoons!
Write palms!
Tuki Tuk, Tukyuk!
Sound spoons are heard a knock!

Play with bunnies

You can sew for a child small felt white caps on their finger. To the base - the cap of the trick is two long ear and draw a scales with a marker. It turned out "finger dolls - bunks."

Show the baby mini-performance with bunks:

Fingers - fingers,
Little bunnies,
Bunks danced (moving fingers),
Bunks played (we continue to move your fingers).
And ... (pause), ran away!

After displaying the toddler's caps on his fingers - let him move his fingers and play bunnies.

How can the baby participate in the home celebration home?

Useful advice 1. If you go to visit the New Year's holiday with your baby of the first year of life, then find out if you have the opportunity to remove from time to time with your child in a separate quiet room?

The fact is that the kid, and even after the road, will be tired of a constant presence in a noisy new group for him. Therefore, after 20-30 minutes of the baby's stay in a common room with guests, it is better to go with a child in a separate room. In addition, in a separate room there will be an opportunity to a child and sleep if it gets tired.

If there are no such conditions, it is better not to risk to visit the new year with such a small child. Because The baby may crack, and you will not enjoy the holiday. And he too.

You should not go right on the New Year's Eve, it is better to go with a child on a day holiday to friends with children or relatives.

Useful advice 2. Put on yourself and on the child "Weekend Festive Clothing" - She creates a mood! And your holiday mood is very important for the baby too! And also gives you strength!

Useful advice 3. With the baby on the festival, naturally, people who are unfamiliar to him will meet. You do not need to be afraid, but do not need and transfer the child from the hands to the hands of unfamiliar people, he can be afraid. But new contacts will be useful to a child who is soon a year. therefore let new people play with the baby when he sits at mom in his arms - They will tell him the fun, praise, will show him "ladies" or dance action. Kid in safety, he smiles, everything is fine!

Useful advice 4. Ask the owners and guests so that the baby is present in the common room in it there were no sharp loud sounds (clappering, for example), which can be frightened heavily so that the music does not sound loud. The kid of the first year of life cannot carry large emotional overloads, in the case of overload, it begins to capricious, cry and express this his unpleasant voice to in every way. If one guests need to slap clap, then at this time leave the common room in your quiet place outside it. And then go back.

Useful advice 5. With the baby on the festival, you will need to do, communicate, play. He will not be able to passively sit or lie during the holiday. Think out what toys you take with me so that the baby can be played with them. Teach guests to your favorite kid fun (forty - crow, ladies, ah-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and others). Let the guests with the baby play - they are punished with him.

Useful advice 6. If you take guests at home, then problems with a separate lounge, most likely will not arise. But another question will rise - if you need to retire with a child for a while to relax in a separate room, who will be able to fulfill the role of the owner or hostess with guests at this time? Well, if someone from girlfriends or relatives can take on this role so that you do not need to leave the baby one in another room in emergency cases.

Section 2. New Year for the smallest: children of the second and third year of life

For children from one and a half years old and older you can already arrange a small day in January children's home holiday. Invite 3 more 3 - 4 kids of the same age or a little older. It is important that the children's holiday is or at your home, or next to your home, because During the road, the baby gets tired and will not be able to actively take part in it.

Recommendation 1. Duration of the holiday. So that children are not tired, the active part of the holiday for such little guys should be no more than 30 minutes, and all the time stay of the guests is about an hour. These extra 30 minutes includes changing children, and juice with treats after the holiday, but it does not include the preparation of the premises to the arrival of children - the room for the holiday is preparing in advance, even before the arrival of children .

Recommendation 2. Participants in the holiday. Invite for the holiday of children and adults already familiar to the child. If there is someone new for the child, it is better to acquaint the baby with these people before the holiday - let them come to visit you even before the holiday on a separate day. The fact is that early children always support each other in everything, especially in the crying! Therefore, if one kid will be afraid of someone unfamiliar and pay, then the friendly roar will be provided. So that there are no such moments, you need to take care in advance that all guests of each other knew well.

Recommendation 3. One important nuance. The holiday will bring the joy to children of this age and adults only in one case - if the kids are not the spectacles of the play, carefully prepared by adults, and its active participants! They will answer questions, call characters, play, dance. And for an early age it is very important that all children simultaneously make the same action: for example, everyone threw cotton snowballs in the fox, running it. Or everyone portrayed a bunny sitting under the Christmas tree - and at the same time.

Adults should also not be passive spectators: if you drive a dance, then children and adults are dancing. Also adults are also involved in games, showing a sample of actions to their kids.

A) or give everyone absolutely the same so that it does not happen: two kids grabbed over one toy and do not give it to each other (to give way and restrain themselves the children at this age still do not know how)

B) either have a big stock. And if someone from the kids suddenly grabbed the bell with a yellow ribbon, and the second immediately grabbed himself, then give the second one more such a bell tower so that everyone was happy and satisfied :).

Be sure to give the dancing kids with children. Beautiful props - the same for all snowflakes or ribbons or lanterns or rattles, as the bright festive props helps the kid feel the atmosphere of the holiday and is very attractive and interesting for small.

If you go to visit the family New Year's holiday with a child of 1 - 2 years old, and in the family of the owners, it is customary to bring individual gifts for the new year, then in no case ask the child 1 -2 years to give a gift to other children. There will be tears and spoiled mood. Just wrap a gift and give it yourself - and again it's not a child in hand, and in his hands!

Recommendation 6. About Santa Claus. It is desirable for a home tree for children under 2 years old not to invite Santa Claus, kids can be frightened. Santa Claus for many of them is an unknown uncle in strange clothes, and by no means a fabulous hero with gifts. Let Santa Claus be drawn on their gifts that they will find under the Christmas tree. And the "Living Santa Claus" will see a little later when they grow up.

What can take children of 1-2 years at home New Year's Eve:

- Dance (danced and adults and children under any fun music with the simplest movements: slamming, we make semi-trades - the springs, show the lanterns, twist, silent by foot),

- dance around the Christmas tree (under any song about Christmas tree),

view puppet theater (about it in more detail below),

game with lights on the Christmas tree: When we blow, then the lights on the Christmas tree are extinguished (you need to agree with someone in advance so that it was provided). When we slam in your hands, then the lights are lit up again! Delight children! But if we do it not together (for example, Vanya did not slam), it does not work, you need to repeat!

musication on children's musical instruments. Give the kids of the same bubrels, rattles and let them be played for funny music, and the toy bunny will drive them under their accompaniment!

- Movable game.

How to dress up a Christmas tree if there are children in the family 1- 2 years

At this age, the child can already be put on the floor, but to trace it to be stable and could not fall. On the bottom tier of the Christmas tree (At the height, an affordable child) toys unbreakable - from paper, cardboard, wool, fabric, wood. On the top tiers of the Christmas tree We post fighting toys. Mishuur also hang on the top tiers of the Christmas tree, so that the child could not pull for her and inadvertently did not drop the Christmas tree to the floor.

A child of one and a half - two years can already be taught to dress up the Christmas tree itself - to hang several toys on it. It is very useful for the development of shallow motorcy and sensor coordination. Make a thick loop of the cord for unbreakable toys and teach the baby to hang the toy on the twig and shoot it. Do not expect that the baby will decorate the whole tree - it hangs only 2- 3 toys, and maybe only one. Leave the rest for the next time. This is a difficult task for a child, and it is not necessary to overload it, forcing you to hang a few toys at a time.

Congratulations to relatives Happy New Year Together with a child of 1-2 years

Now it is often accepted that all adults focus on the child. In the traditional folk pedagogy, thousands of years from early childhood, a child was taught to take care of loved ones. It was then that he will absorb the ability to be merciful, sympathizing, helping adults.

On the other hand, how much can such a kid? One - no, but with mom - a lot.

When we do with a baby of 1- 2 years, festive crafts - gifts grandpa, grandfather and other relatives are two extremes.

First: for the child everything makes mom. It turns out beautiful, but whose is a snaps?

Second: everything makes a child himself. But ... it turns out ugly and clearly that this gift is not a fact that you will like it. Perhaps it will be accepted, but just like proper.

How to make and the gift was beautiful, and the child actively participated in its manufacture. Exit is the joint creativity of the adult and the child.

Examples of joint creativity in the manufacture of New Year's gifts with a child of 1-2 years:

- In the New Year's postcard adult draws background: Sky, at home, snow on Earth. And the baby "Tychka" paints only the snow circling in the air (we take a pencil and a reverse "urgent" end of a pencil draw points, immersing a pencil in a white gouache),

- A child on the background of winter forest made by adults, can draw the adjustment of the traces of animals: jump-jump jump, there is a bunny,

- A child can, together with adults, blind candy, apples on the Christmas tree made of salt dough,

- You can charge the baby in the background, plasticine waillee, and then on this background an adult lay out a picture of small parts of clay.

Opportunities and options - a lot! And there is a distribution of work - which makes an adult, and as a child. And in the "Children's" part of the adult does not interfere. If you need to show something to the baby, then we show on our separate sheet of paper, and not on a shared postcard.

We consider the New Year pictures

With children 1- 2 years old can already be viewed by New Year pictures in books and postcards. Where is the Christmas tree, where a star, where a flashlight, a ball, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden in the picture? And on our christmas tree where is the star?

Horics for children 1-2 years

Children 1- 2 years old are very necessary dance. It is in the dance of the kid receives the first experience of interaction with peers. In the first rounds, all the kids make the same actions.

For example, the traditional New Year's dance "Zainka" for the smallest.

Zainka, come out,
Serious, come out!
So, so come out!
So, so come out!

Zainka, take a walk,
Serious, take a walk!
That's the way, so, take a walk,
So, like this, take a walk.
Zainka, groans.
Serious, groans.
So, like that, groans.
So, like that, groans.
Zainka, Topney with a leg,
Serious, Topney with a leg.
That's the way, so, drove the leg.
Zainka, babies,
Serious, babies,
That's the way, so, baptize!
That's the way, so, baptize!
Zainka, worship,
Serious, worship.
So, like this, worship.
That's the way, so worship.

All children in dance and adults make movements in the text. On the New Year holiday, a toy bunny can ask the kids to dance with him. Then we take a bunny to our hands, put in the dance (a bunny will dance between the two moms) and with him wept.

If children know this dance well and easily perform his movements, then you can complicate the task. Then one bunny is chosen from the children, it depicts all actions in the center of the dance, and all the players repeat everything. At the end, another verse is added:

Zainka, choose!
Serious, choose!
So, like this, choose!
So, like this, choose!

For a child to be in the center of the city - this is a very important experience! After all, he needs to behave freely when everyone is looking at him and attention is focused on it. Not every child will immediately go to the center of the dance. If the baby is not ready - let it just look at the dance or just likes it with you. When it gradually gets comfortable - it will be released in the center of the circle (it can be in a week or two).

New Year for the smallest: how to show a puppet theater for children 1-2 years

For a puppet play, it is absolutely optionally to buy special toys. It is suitable and ordinary your toys for the children's games.

Tip 1. Before the start, give kids in the hands of toys - characters. Let him examine them, will face them. Let them become new familiar to the child. Otherwise, during the performance, the kid will reach new toys and demand them to take them in hand.

Tip 2. Instead of shirma, you can use:

- Large box,

- suitcase, decoring it bottom as "scene with decorations", and the upper cover as "the sky",

- normal table

- Fabric, stretched between two chairs,

- Fabric, stretched in the doorway.

The scenery can be done using the clothespin: paste the figure on the clothespin, and attach the clothespin on the tissue - screen.

Tip 3. How to move dolls during the performance:

- When the toy says, she moves (for example, leans - swinging towards that hero to whom she says). When the character is silent, it must be immobile.

- When the toy goes on stage, it moves either from the depth of the scene to children (if it is a box), or to the right - left or left (if the scene serves as a normal table),

- If you need to move something to a toy on the plot of the performance or take into your hands, then you keep the doll with one hand, and the other hand you need the necessary actions,

- If you show a performance with dolls of bobbo (dolls wear on the hand), you can express different gestures with the help of the hands. For example, hands on the parties are surprise, the doll rejoices - these are jumping, the doll brings the handles to the cheeks "Oh!".

- If you used the toy and you don't need it anymore, then put it in an opaque box so that it does not distract the attention of children.

Tip 4. At the end of the performance, let all heroes first, the dolls will make a bow to the audience, and all the audience paint the artists and heroes - dolls. Moms - viewers show a sample of actions and send them.

New Year's dances for young children

Below you will find the choir options for the home children's holiday. To play kids to play, you must first at home until the holiday, sing a dance with the baby, make movements on the text. Only then the baby will be able to act with his peers at the festival with pleasure and quickly, and will be glad that he heard a familiar melody and familiar words. Early children love repeat and all recognizable and predictable. And you can not immediately get comfortable with a new beach for them.

It is enough to learn one dance or one dance with the movements in the text. And the ordinary dance around the Christmas tree kid can drive with other mothers and children and without preparation.

Dance with snowballs

For dance, snowballs are sewn from wool. We take wool lump and white threads with a needle. And we cross Wat so that it becomes a dense white lump - snowball. You can also make snowballs along with a white paper child, leaning her in lumps - balls. All movements perform children to music in accordance with the text.

We took snowballs in the hands, ran along the path.
Run kids, everyone is good! (2 r.)
We raise snowballs and rub it over your head.
Shake my snowy mischievous me. (2 r.)
Dance-ka you snowball, snowy little friend
Dance, do not yaw and repeat. (2 r.)
We will turn the foot with the snow in the palm
We will bring Snow Maiden and return to the basket. (2 r.)


Our kids have fun
And circled, and danced,
As if the bunnies are jumping.
Jump-skok, jump-skok,
Run the shoe.
All the guys on the floor sat down,
At the shoes looked.
So that shoes fix
It is necessary to nail cloves.
It is necessary to nail cloves.
Oh, our legs are tired,
We praise in the palm,
Claw-clap clas
We praise in the palm.
We knocked in the palm,
Our handles are tired,
I will put them, shake
Bai-Bai Bayu-Bay.
We rested a little bit
Again our legs are dancing,
La la la la.

Shine on the Christmas tree beads

Shine on the Christmas tree beads,
Flap and star.
We love our Christmas tree.
Yes Yes Yes! (The words of the purchase sings adult and older children, and the kids negotiate the last line of the song by the choir: Da-yes yes).
And grandfather cheerful -
Gray beard -
Bring us gifts.
Yes Yes Yes!
Snow Maiden in white fur coat
It always comes to us.
We sing her and dance.
Yes Yes Yes! (N. Founded)

Dance with handkerchiefs

Who in the hands of handkerchiefs,
He will go to me in a circle.
He will show his handkerchiefs,
Fun hurt.

Chorus: That's it, that's what

We take in the corner
Our bright handkerchiefs.
And raise above, above
Above our children!

Chorus: That's it, that's what
That's how my scribes! (2 times).

Sit quietly everything in the circle,
I hide behind your handkerchief.
And then, and then -
We will find all the guys!

Chorus: That's it, that's what
That's how my scribes! (2 times).

How like flowers,
Our bright handkerchiefs.
And our guys too
On the flowers are all similar!

Chorus: That's it, that's what
That's how my scribes! (2 times).

Horovoode "Mishenka"

Come out - ka, Misha, babes, baptize.
Pet, paw, Misha, Mast, Mast.
And we go around the target round
Song cheerful roping, roping!
We will, we will hit the ladies, hit!
Will, there will be a target to dance, we dance!

Dance "Legs and Palms"

Like our guys
The legs are having fun!
Our people are remote
Although very small!

Only set legs,
Clap in the palm,
In palm cooked
Cheerful Clamps!

And how to let go,
Nobody catch up with anyone!
We are a delete people,
Although very small!

And now if you want
With my mother's side
Book, up, times and two -
Here's how the bastard is dancing!

"Dance kids" (on the motive "Ah you, Songi ...")

Here is our Misha (child name) gets up
He will start to dance.
There will be a target to dance
All guys amuse!
Misha, Misha, Bunch,
Our kids are pets.
Choose others dance
And fun to amaze!

Everyone slammed in his palm (on the motive "Lee in the garden, in the garden ...")

Everyone slammed in the palm
Frequently, more fun.
They caught our legs
Louder and faster.

I will hit the knees,
Quieter, quieter, quieter ...
Pens, handles raise
Above, above, above ...

Completed our handles,
Reduced again.
Became, concerned
And stopped.

Dance with rattles

They ran with a rattle, ran apartments.
All the guys with a rattle immediately became more fun.

Rattle, rattle louder,
Louder, louder Bay.
Dolls, Torchie, all animals
Immediately became more fun.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, twigs waved.
Fun having fun, all the guys are fun.
Became with a rattle,
Became fun.
All guys with a rattle immediately became more fun.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, twigs waved.
Fun having fun, all the guys are fun.

I wish you fun New Year holidays and interesting family winter holidays!

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New Year is a unique time of miracles, magic and desires. And since the children, because of their age, are still sacred in all of the above, it is easier to organize a good holiday for them easier. From parents will only need a desire, a bit of time spent and a little bit of fantasy. And then, instead of the latter, you can arm the ideas of this article!

Preparation for the new year together with children

Waiting for the holiday is often better than the holiday. In Russian, this phrase has almost acquired the status of a winged. And, despite the fact that in our case the feast itself will be no less magical and bright, it is not worth preparing for the new year. Let the child look forward to the celebration, and under the Christmas tree will begin to look back in the twenties! And achieve this easy!

Look inside New Year's film

Even adult New Year's holiday invariably causes an association of one of the traditional movies. For some, this is the old kind "ring of fate, or with a light steam!", And someone's souls do not get in the tricks of Cavin from the movie "One House". Who knows what will have to do with your child!

Suggest the baby for some time before the new year to watch one famous filmmaker daily. It may be fairy tales like a "Nutcracker", "Snow Queen", "Snow Maiden", "Sorcerees" or "Three Nuts for Cinderella", and may be films by type of two above. In short, anything, if only it was associated with a snowy holiday.

You can even start the game with the child, offering after viewing for each new film to make a card on which to set it an assessment. For several years, the baby gather a whole deck!

Poem for grandpa frost

Which of us did not memorize the New Year's poems for the memory, so that by climbing onto the chair, to tell their grandfather frost or simply recharge under the approving applause of relatives.

A few days before the new year, select along with the baby verse, which will have to do it, and then travel, necessarily in the gaming manner.

Letter to Santa Claus

This lesson is the most memorable and magical of all possible. We reserve pencils, felt-powder, colored handles, sparkles, ribbons ... in a word, to all that only your soul!

Even if the child is not yet trained in writing, there is no big problem in this - take a small handle in your own and write under the dictation. And let it even come out closer. The kid will probably be delighted with the process, and Santa Claus read out and so.

Finding out that the child would like to be found under the Christmas tree, tell him that Grandfather Frost, even despite all his employment, does not leave letters without an answer. Let the kid regularly looks under the Christmas tree and is looking forward to the letter.

Decorate the house for the new year together with children

What new year without relevant attributes? The smell of ate, overflowing fires garlands, the charm of the Christmas balls, blinding the rain's shine ... Let the kid take part in the process and decorate the dwelling with you!

It is pleasant to decorate the house that is done with your own hands. Here it is time to talk about homemade foil or colored paper garlands, and about multi-colored cotton balls, for string suspended to the ceiling, and about snowflakes on the windows. Ideas are many, not all list! The main thing is to do handicraft hand in hand with baby.

And finally, where without a forest beauty, an integral attribute of each new year. It doesn't matter whether the tree is alive or artificial - its main presence, the present feeling of the holiday. What to dress? Yes, anything! Go with a child to the store and buy those toys to which he will point out his little finger.

You can do more original and decorate the Christmas tree, just as they did it the heroes of the Soviet cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". The guys dressed up with what they found in the attic. So why not hang on the Christmas tree those funny little things that inevitably accumulate in the house if there is a child in it?

Since each kid is an ardent lover of sweets, the Christmas tree can also be decorated with his favorite candies, carefully joining the string.

New ideas for home decoration and Christmas tree for the new year you can learn from our heading.

Advent calendar

This tradition, who came to us from abroad, is to monitor the last days remaining before the new year, with the help of a canvas created by their own hands, containing a mini-gift and a task for a child. Thanks to the Advent, the expectation of the New Year passes where more fun.

New Year: with children and for children!


So, the moment of truth is the eve of the long-awaited New Year. The time that in most families is always the same. The child, recreation in front of the TV, lazily switches the channels until the dad is engaged in their affairs, and the mother sings over dishes in the kitchen. Some weather, when the baby's eyes are already sticking out, or from late time on the clock, or just boredom, he is finally allowed to look under the Christmas tree, unpack his gift and go to bed. Boring, isn't it?

Well, throw a challenge of everyday life and make New Year's Eve to truly festive! If your family belongs to the number of those who adhere to traditions and considers the new year with an exceptionally family holiday, the child will have to entertain themselves. But if you celebrate a holiday with friends and with families where there are children, the New Year's program can be even more fun!

We offer you games and contests for New Year's night:

Little Christmas tree cold in winter ...

If the tree is planning so that there is an opportunity to drive around her dances, make it necessary! However, traditional occupation can and need to be somewhat diversified.

Let everything, with the exception of the lead, will become around the dressing Christmas tree in the circle, holding hands. Further from the participants you need to perform the guidelines. For example, by one cotton, everyone should go to the left and sing a "little Christmas tree cold in winter", in two - to measure in the original pose. If the leading head of the foot, it should be silenced by everything and stop, and if it jumps on the spot, it turns out and go in the opposite direction.


On the eve of the new year, you actively engaged in watching movies to the appropriate topics. Well, it's time to remember this again.

Prepare cards in advance, each of which will be written the name of the character of one of the viewed pictures. The task of players is to show a character with facial expressions and gestures without using the gift of speech.

Who guess - shows the next word.

Mysterious gift

Despite the fact that the main gift for the child has long been bought, packed and reliably planted in anticipation of his starry hour, it is not worth stopping at this. Until midnight came, the baby can be given to another gift, let it be insignificant and small (it may be, for example, a sweet present), but interesting!

Wrap a gift in monophonic wrapping paper, on top of which the New Year's mystery will be written, then make another layer, also with a mystery, and then a few more.

Let the child unfolds a layer behind the layer, overcoming the "obstacles", and receives a well-deserved award!

Where without Mandarin?

This competition is worth spending if everything is already a little dressed in place and bored. Participants are divided into two teams, and each task is to transfer a certain amount of mandarin from one place to another without help.

Naturally, the team wins that will cope with the first.

Skillful cooks

For this competition from those present it is required to choose three volunteers: New Year's Eve, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

For a certain time (for example, five minutes) each of the participants should write on the list of New Year's dishes, which begin with the letters "H", "C" and "D", respectively.

Wins one whose list is the longest.

Chance to become a wizard: New Year's tricks for children

New Year - time wonders. How to make your child sincerely believed in it? Everything is simple - to part a couple of focus and as if you are not enough to demonstrate them under admiring Ahi and Ohhi! And the child is joy, and you will be pleased to feel like a charger!

Annoying thread

For this focus you will need a little acting ability, the most ordinary pencil and approximately fifty centimeters of the thread, the color of which will contrast with the color of your apparel.

Put in my pocket of your jacket pencil, pre-wound on it a thread, and then with the needle, stretch the tip of the thread through the jacket outward. Ready!

At an easy moment, ask the baby to remove the thread from your clothes, motivating it by the fact that your hands are busy, and enjoy his surprise. In this case, of course, it will be surprised to be and yourself - everything should be natural!

Sly trick

Where without focus with maps? Offer the baby to choose from the deck any card, remember it, and then put back on top. After this deck is knocked down, and its lower part is put up.

Looking through the cards, the mandated can be calculated unmistakably, if you remember what kind of cards was at the bottom. Nothing complicated!

Reading thoughts

A simple and funny focus that will make the baby truly amaze! By fulfilling the role of the host, you ask the child to make one of the five numbers: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. Then he tells you in your ear, and you ask the hall, what a baby came out, and get the right answer.

How to do it? Very simple! Agree in advance with everyone (except for the child, of course), that the number of words in the question you will specify will be equal to the number of dozens, including the kid gave way. So, if you ask "What is the number?" The hall will understand that it should be answered "thirty", and so on.

Having finished with focus, their secrets, of course, can be revealed if the child wants it. However, it is still better to leave everything in secret - let the New Year's Eve will be amazing from "A" to "I"!

How to give a child a gift for the new year?

Already almost midnight, and the child is increasingly looking under the Christmas tree in search of his gift. What to do parents? Wait for the battle of the Kraist and solemnly give a crumb of his present? No no and one more time no! You need to give gifts too. Consider several original options.


Who's there?

The most common and logical output is to leave a gift under the Christmas tree. But since the baby walks around and about, to distract it all the time, so that it is imperceptible to put a bright bundle - the case is difficult.

Excellent alternative - leave a gift for the entrance door, and then call it. For permissions, the cherished box can be sprinkled with a handful of snow, and to leave wet traces from shoes on the stroke steps. The most important thing is to distract the baby, so that he does not notice that one of the relatives for a minute he left another.

If the evidence is needed

You still managed to distract the child's attention for a few minutes and put a gift under the Christmas tree? In this case, be sure to leave something that the baby is not doubted that the gift brought Santa Claus.

It can be an unusual button of a button, lying next to the box, a few red woolen threads or again a small handful of snow. When the baby deploys a gift, explain to him that Grandfather Frost lost an intention and threads, clinging to the Christmas tree, and the snow could accidentally steal from his collar.

Fleeing by

If you tell the child that Santa Claus moves on a deer sledding, the following option is suitable.

While someone from adults distracts the baby, open the window to the window, truth the windowsill in the snow and leave a gift on it. Let the child think that flew past your window, Santa Claus left a gift on the windowsill, and then flew to other children.

In hot countries!

In case the family celebrates the new year at the resort and coniferous beauty, as well as a handful of snow, find it pretty problematic, do the following. Pack the gift well, wrap in a beautiful package and hide in the freezer. It should be reached immediately before handing - so the baby will rejoice that even far from home you can get a real northern gift from Santa Claus!

Funny games and contests, magical tricks, original ways to prevent the baby's long-awaited present and other ideas of the article - no more than advice, and it is not worth limned to them. Give the will of fantasy, and hurry to incarnate everything she will tell you! Fabulous New Year to you and your children!

The new year for children is primarily a fairy tale, which means how in a real fairy tale at the New Year's evening should sound a wonderful and pleasant music. MUZ'VORTAL "Zaitsev. Note" is glad to offer its little friends the best New Year's gift - the collection of brightest music for the new 2015 for children. Parents can be calm - the evening will succeed in glory, because under favorite songs from children's cartoon and movies, your kids will meet the coming year with fun and cheerful. Under the clockwork it is convenient to organize moving contests and different games, so the collection will suit not only for the home holiday, but also for the matinee in kindergarten and school.

How to download the collection "Music for the New Year 2015 for Children"?

By the way, if you do not have time to download a collection on a personal computer, you can listen to familiar baby ringtones online. Absolutely all compositions on the portal - in a convenient and easy-to-read MP3 format. Well, if you decide to download the collection, you can do it at any time and completely free. From the songs presented in it you can quickly and easily create your own festive selection for children.

What I gathered today is suitable for a situation where several families with children are going to celebrate the New Year in one apartment. Some part of the evening must be devoted to small guests, agree.

If adults are involved, everything will be more fun! Real family holiday!

What we have?

All children of different ages, but with the same desire to have fun. The invited Santa Claus will not (or it is a 5-minute formality), and you failed to raise your team in the team.

There is no place in the apartment for very moving games, the complex props for the games you did not have time.

Well? Suitable? We read on!

New Year competitions for children I will give thematic blocks. Choose suitable options, make a program taking into account the alternation of mobile and packaging contests.

Here are from these scenarios and a selection you can add contests to your program:

And further!


Watch interesting ideas in other scenarios :, this is my favorite selection),
Add a few contests to the script for kids and get a full-fledged program!

We continue !!

Lottery and fortune telling

According to the experience, it always likes both children and adults. Apparently, everyone is interesting to look into the future and test your luck.

Choice of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

In the capsules from the kinders lay the notes (you can simply paper batch in the bag). Tent all participants in the feast! On one note "Santa Claus", on the other - "Snow Maiden". All others can be empty, but it is best to distribute New Year's roles: Snowflakes (there may be 20), Grandma Winter, Snow Queen, Snowman, and so on. If Santa Claus is 2 years old, and the Snow Maiden - 55, you all happened :-)!

Now we declare the first New Year's dance of lucky! Do not forget to put on them the necessary attributes and take a picture from the Christmas tree.

Prediction of success

Everyone is nice to know that only success awaits in the future. Therefore, we put the name of all those present in the paper, written on sheets of paper, and voicate the questions like this:

- Who will learn all in the new year? (pull a piece of paper ...)

- Katya! (Well, or grandmother Tanya ...)

  • Who will make a great opening?
  • Who will find a treasure?
  • Who will win the lottery?
  • Who will get all the gifts?
  • Who in the new year will be the most good news?
  • Who will travel a lot?
  • Who is waiting for the biggest surprise in 2015?
  • Who will have the greatest successes at work (at school)?
  • Who will become the most sporty in the new year?
  • Who will be the most healthy?
  • Who will be famous?
  • Who will come true the biggest dream?

What in the black box ...

Now we will all be extrasens. Put on the chair in the center of the room box (you can from under the shoes), propose to guess what lies there. Allow guests to approach the box, make movements with hands, copying magicians.

We start taking one time an answer from each present. Children, of course, assume toys, adults - anything.

You can put a valuable thing in the box that will suit any sex and age (a cup with a symbol of the year, for example), and can cracker. Let everyone get confetti for their works :-). By the way, now there are crackers from which 100 dollar bills fly out.

New Year's word ...

Prepare a bunch of small prizes (candy, chocolate medals, chewing, calendars).

You can spend at the table: Look at your plates! Each of you lies with one letter! " (Let the letters write in advance on the cards)

So here. Now ask to call "New Year's" words for each of these letters. For each word - the prize!

But to someone who will put out the word "Snow Maiden" letters, give something normally.

  • FROM - Snow, icicles, snowflakes, snowballs, candles
  • N. - New Year, outfit
  • E. - spruce
  • G. - Guests, Garland
  • W. - Good luck, treat, decoration,
  • R - practical jokes,
  • ABOUT - Russian salad
  • C. - clock
  • TO - confetti, calendar, clown, karaoke, costume
  • BUT - applause, fragrance, angel, actor

You can call dishes that are on the New Year's table, fabulous heroes, in which guests are dressed, drinks, games, water phenomena, and so on.

Who quickly?

Chiming clock

Share children and adults for 2 teams. We give all the decorations for the Christmas tree and clothespins. Toys, snowflakes and garlands need to raise on ... one of the team members. Let him grow fingers and shines like a Christmas tree!

Yes! In the teeth you can also keep the garland.

Turn on the recording with the battle of the chimes (there is available on YouTube)! Who in 1 minute while there is a record, it turns out the funny tree, wins!

Take a gift

Two participants. Two boxes (can be from shoes) with prizes wrapped in beautiful paper. Tie a ribbon (2 - 2.5 m) to each box, the second end is to the pencil.

We put the participants per line, give pencils. 1-2-3! We begin to turn the tape on the pencil. The one who gets faster, takes the prize.

You can joke. Let the child and adult compete. In the "Children's" box put something very light, and in the "adult" - dumbbell... let wind up! 🙂

We sculpt the snowman ... together!

We need softened plasticine. Two participants are sitting nearby at the table, you can hug. The left hand of one participant and the right hand of another should act as if it are the hands of one person.

How hard it is ... Try to pinch a piece of plasticine, roll three balls between the palms (I remind you, two people are involved), then stick carrots and eyes.

Let each pair be adults and children, so more fun.


Something looks like a game with chairs, when someone from the walking there is no place to sit down. Only no chairs needed - only a small table or a tray stool, on which carnival accessories are located - nose, glasses, wheels, caps. It drops out the one who did not get the decoration by the end of the sound of music. Naturally, the accessory needs not just to catch to grab, but also put on. For the second round, we all put on the stool again, we continue until 1 winner is revealed.

Contests with balls

I will not repeat, because already writing an article. They can generally take the basis and spend all the children's New Year competitions only with balls.

Throwing, whips, hits 🙂

Here the intellect does not need, and entertaining guests from 3 to 103 people.

According to the experience, such competitions are sometimes very gambling. It is difficult to guess what you will like it with your guests, just list options, and you decide on the available props and remove the place to play.

  • if there is any option of darts (magnetic, balls with velcro), boldly appoint a prize to the most interested thing, interest in the competition will be required
  • keheli or plastic bottles filled with beans, peas or water, having fun to knock down the rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
  • throwing "Snezhkov" from the newspaper to the basket (and suddenly someone will have a result of 10 out of 10?). Distance - 2 meters!

Tie my eyes!

A standard set of comic competitions, but in the New Year is always successful.

Here are 3 options:

  • cut the prize from the ribbon (more fun, if the rope is not tied to the cabinets, and in hand two guests - let them change the height after the player stopped seeing the goal. A man with blindfolded eyes will need to work more, and the observers will be laundered!)
  • put the plasticine nose drawn the snowman is also not so simple (tie the eyes, we spin, let me let the participant to the poster with the pattern)
  • build a pyramid from plastic cups. Before tie the eyes, show the "drawing" of the towers - 4 inverted cups at the base, then from above three, two, one. Wins the fastest and neat builder

Comic concert!

We collect all the musical, circus and dance contests here.

Noise orchestra

Excellent entertainment for the mixed company of adults and children from 2 to 12 years. .

Poetic horoscope!

We remember what symbols of the year there is in the horoscope, let the guests call their own. If there are 2 dogs or 3 snakes, a joint execution is allowed.

The task: Read the poem Mikhalkov

Say under the New Year
None wishes -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true

as… rat, pig, dragon, snake, cat, dog, bull, tiger, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster!

Neon Show

Honestly, it was unexpectedly effectively for me, although I came up with this idea and embodied. For seven children who, together with adults, have met a new year, I bought neon glowing accessories. Previously, it was only bracelets, now there are glasses, beads, decorations on the head, ears and wands. By the way, I bought earrings.

So ... I gathered children in a separate room dressed up everyone, from kids to teenagers, in these decorations (bracelets in arms and legs can be):

Then I turned on Jingle Bells in the fatal version, put the light in the room and launched all the glowing children. It was very cool, since the children began to jump and turn, neon decorations filled, seemed to be all the space. I will tell you, the light show was not worse than those who pay huge money for corporate parties :-). All these accessories are sold in almost all stores with a festive Mishur.

Dance "Varosovik" + family disco

This is a reason to distract all guests from eating salads. We invite adults and children, we build an increase and ask to put hands on the waist of the previous dancer. This picture goes me. A long-long teenager can stand ahead, behind him all grandparents, "the last trailer" is a two-year-old baby. The video is excellent, do not forget to remove.

I must say, the train is quickly crumpled enough, but for us it is also good, since guests are ready to dance a little. One long song at a family party is bored, so we turn on alternately such cuts from hits (copy the link):

Christmas karaoke (Battle of choirs)

As a rule, on the karaoke sites there is a selection of winter songs. If not, back in advance in the folder "Favorites" so that these songs in the New Year's Eve:

  • "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest ..."
  • "Ice ceiling, creaking door"
  • "Three white horse"
  • "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter"
  • "Blue frost"
  • "Snow is falling"
  • "Five minutes":
  • "Song about bears"

On sites with online karaoke there are sections of Christmas songs, it is not necessary to search separately each.

Not everyone love to sing sololy, so you will have four nomination : Children's choir, female choir, male, mixed.

Dancing with obstacles

All guests are becoming on the right side of the room. We need plastic cups again. We build from them a low fence (2 floors), which guests easily overcome, dancing, moving to the left side of the room.

We extend another "floor". Everyone is moving again, making dance movements, through the wall. So we build as long as the participants need to jump. The most agile gets a prize!

If there are no packs, stretch the rope (hold two people) at an altitude of 20, 30, 40, 50 cm from the floor, and so on.


Laugh will be twice. During the process itself and after a while, when you get ready pictures.

We use New Year's accessories, do not miss the facial expressions and gestures!

Each guest invent casting with photographs for the role:

  • good Santa Claus
  • greedy Santa Claus
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden
  • sleepy Snow Maiden
  • the most coming guest
  • merry guest
  • the herself of baba yagi itself
  • evil's very evil
  • the strongest heroist
  • the most capricious princess
  • the most huge snowflakes
  • etc…

Trivia from Santa Claus

In Europe, this entertainment is called "Secret Santa", but we are with you patriots, we have our own beautiful grandfath. I came up with such a legend ... Santa Claus walked with gifts through the forest, caught off for the bitches, and a slightly bag broke. Large gifts remained in the bag, but small - fell. We picked them up and now give all guests!

We purchase small and pleasant little things in advance and wrap them in an opaque packaging paper. Personally, for accelerating the process, simply put the souvenir in a square piece of paper, I give the shape of the bag and tie the ribbon. I am engaged in procurement for the whole December - 2-3 things with each shopping cart in the store. By the end of the month, I have a whole bag of kinders, liquid soap in the form of animal figures, candles, frames, calendars, chocolate hares, key chains and lanterns.

Ask "Who is this gift?" You can pull the papers out of a hat, but my son loves to appoint a lucky man himself: "Uncle Wife!" We give a gift, we wait until he demonstrates a lost trifle from Santa Claus, then the next question "to whom this gift." I am surprised every time, with what a thrill guests are waiting for these gifts ... Even adults :-).

Let's laugh and think

If you have a lot of adults on the holiday, buy ready-made selections with jobs on cards.

Honestly, I accidentally opened these wonderful cards with tasks at a ridiculous price. We entertained the most real lead, but I remembered a box with the tasks ... Laugh to Icotes, some words from kindred languages \u200b\u200bare funny for the Russian ear. Actually, they had to guess (options are offered).

"Scrapbook" - 120 bilateral cards. Well, for example, "T-shirt" translated from Bulgarian who is who? Mom, cousin or grandmother? Or what should I imagine if the word in Czech sounds "hammer"? And there are still all sorts of inspections, bars and blood paintings (these are all decent words).

What else happens?

  • "Erunchopel" - Collection of rare words of the Russian language (so rare that, even from the proposed options, it is difficult to choose the right one to explain the value)
  • "SOMETTER" - 120 questions with answers, such as "Why a camel is depicted on the flag of the Chelyabinsk region?"
  • "Cytatomer" - 120 cards where you will be offered to finish the quotation of a great person
  • "Personnel" - 120 cards with names. Just need to remember and choose the right answer: Rabindranat Tagore is who?

Sets are in bookstores in the "Entertainment" section

Whenever with the onset of winter in the soul of each of us, the feeling of expectations of the most fabulous and bright holiday is unbounded - the new year. At the end of December, a carefree festive mood with an incredible speed is distributed literally everywhere: beautifully decorated shop windows are beginning to face shiny lights. New Year Christmas trees, richly covered with multi-colored sparkling toys, cause indescribable delights from the kids and adults; From houses and street cafes, the appetizing aromas of spicy New Year's baking with cinnamon and almonds are coming. But the greatest joy of kids deliver, of course, magical gifts from Santa Claus. In order for this wonderful winter holiday even more joy and fun children, adults come up with a variety of contests for the new year 2015 for children. We offer you several options for holding festive children's games and contests.

Farming snowflakes

This contest is perhaps the most popular.

Note! It is not difficult to organize it.

To do you, you will need only an ordinary medical wool and the desire and activity of kids.

Make out of cotton small fluffy white lumps, remotely resembling snowflakes. The resulting cotton lumps distribute all the children who wish to take part in the competition. At the command of the leading every child starts blowing from below to his snow-white lump. Pre-explain to children the basic condition of the competition: you need to try to get cotton snowflake as long as possible in the air (as if real). A child who can longer hold wadded lumps soaring in the air, and becomes the winner. He is given a prize!

"Lepim" snowballs

Distribute to children thin sheets of white paper. Alternatively, you can distribute to each participant of this competition for three leafs. On the team, the guys must quickly surf sheets, trying to give them a round shape, like a real snow. The winner becomes the most sourse participant, "blind" three lumps-snow faster than others. The winner is awarded the prize, and all paper snowballs are going to a bunch for the next competition.

Snow basketball

What Christmas trees are

Kids are invited to get up in a circle, holding each other by hand. Lead (Santa Claus or Snow Maiden) At this time is in the center and reminds children that the Christmas trees in the forest grow different: high, low, wide, thin. As soon as the lead will be uttered the word "high", the guys should raise a friendly handle. If the "low" will say - they should squat, lowering their hands down. Hearing the word "wide" - kids follows, holding hands, to make a circle wide, and if the word "thin", kids need to be most likely to narrow.

Note! To be more fun, the lead tries to confuse children a little.

Magic hoops

Competition is simple, but entertaining enough. Several participants are distributed on the hoop (plastic or metallic). Before the start of the competition, the lead must explain to children the rules. Competition options are several:

  1. Rotation of hoop around the waist or on hand. A child whose hoop will spin longer than others (not falling and not crashing) will be the winner.
  2. Competitive guys are offered by team to push the hoop forward in a straight line. Whose hoop will ride further until it falls, the winner.
  3. For this option of the competition, it will be necessary for the fingers of one hand to rotate the hoop around its axis in such a way that it began to rotate, like the "top". The winner is announced a participant whose hoop will rotate longer.

Baste air balloon

For the competition you need to inflate multicolored balloons in advance. According to the number of cooked balls, the number of participants is determined. Before each child who wished to participate in the competition, a balloon is placed at a distance of approximately five steps. The guys with special bandages (scarves, handkerchings) are pre-tied eyes. As soon as the signal sounds, they, with bandages in their eyes, must approach their ball to then crush it with the leg. Wins the one who managed to do it.

Note! It will be more fun, if after you get the eye bandages to children, you will remove balloons.

Take a gift

Two active participants are selected. In advance prepared two boxes of preferably of the same size (from under shoes), symbolic prizes are put. Each of these boxes wrapped in a beautiful gift paper is tied on a ribbon of two and a half meters long. The second end of the ribbon must be attached to the pencil. Competition participants must stand on one line. They are given in the hands of a pencil with a ribbon tied to it. According to the departure of the leading guys, the participants begin to wind up ribbons on pencils. One who will quickly attract his box deservedly takes the prize.

Note! To be more interesting, you can choose for a child's competition and adult, dressed, for example, in the costume of Barmaley.

Put the prize in the children's box (something light), and in an adult - heavy gadet. Such competition will be more fun and interesting for children! You can participate in it can guys in turn - in this case, each kid will leave home not only with a good mood, and also with the prize.

Note! Take care that the New Year competitions are not too tightened and boring.

Remember that the kids are still not able to focus their attention for a long time on something.