Moral and ethical principles. Morality

Moral principles.

The principles of morality play a dominant role in moral consciousness. Expressing the requirements of morality in their most general form, they constitute the essence of moral relations and are a strategy of moral behavior. Moral principles are recognized by moral consciousness as unconditional requirements, the adherence to which is strictly mandatory in all life situations. They express the main
requirements concerning the moral essence of a person, the nature of relationships between people, determine the general direction of human activity and are the basis of private, specific norms of behavior.
The number of moral principles includes such general principles of morality as:

1 .The principle of humanism. The essence of the principle of humanism is the recognition of a person as the highest value. In the ordinary sense, this principle means love for people, protection of human dignity, people's right to happiness and the possibility of self-realization. It is possible to identify three basic meanings of humanism:

Warranties of fundamental human rights as a condition for the preservation of the humane foundations of his being;

Support for weaknesses, going beyond the usual assumptions of the given community about justice;

Formation of social and moral qualities that allow individuals to self-mobilize on the basis of public values.

2. The principle of altruism. This is a moral principle that prescribes selfless actions aimed at the benefit (satisfaction of the interests) of other people. The term was introduced into circulation by the French philosopher O. Comte (1798 - 1857), to fix the concept opposite to the concept selfishness... Altruism as a principle, according to Comte, says: "Live for others."

3. The principle of collectivism. This principle is fundamental in uniting people to achieve common goals and implement joint activities, has a long history and fundamental significance for the existence of mankind. The collective seems to be the only way of social organization of people from primitive tribes to modern states. Its essence lies in the conscious desire of people to contribute to the common good. The opposite principle is principle of individualism... The principle of collectivism includes several particular principles:

Unity of purpose and will;

Cooperation and mutual assistance;



4 principles of justice proposed by the American philosopher John Rawls (1921-2002).

First principle: everyone should have equal rights with regard to fundamental freedoms.

Second principle: social and economic inequalities must be designed so that:

Benefits for all might reasonably be expected from them;

Access to positions and positions would be open to everyone.

In other words, everyone should have equal rights in relation to freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, etc.) and equal access to schools and universities, to official positions, jobs, etc. Where equality is impossible (for example, in an economy where there is not enough wealth for everyone), this inequality should be arranged for the benefit of the poor. One possible example of such a redistribution of benefits could be a progressive income tax, when the rich pay more taxes and the proceeds go to the social needs of the poor.

5. The principle of mercy.Mercy is a compassionate and active love, which is expressed in the readiness to help everyone who is in need and spreads to all people, but in all people living In the concept of mercy, two aspects are connected:

Spiritual-emotive (experiencing someone else's pain like yours);

Concrete-practical (an impulse to real help).

The origins of mercy, as a moral principle, lie in apchaic human cohesion, which strictly obliges at a price to call any victims out of trouble.

Religions such as Buddhism and Christianity were first introduced with the conduct of mercy.

6. The principle of peacefulness. This principle of morality is based on the realization of human life by a higher socially-moral value and confirming the maintenance and reinforcement of the world of life as a human being. Peacefulness presupposes a respect for the personal and nationality of individual citizens and whole peoples, the state of mind of the mind and the right to the right

Peacefulness is capable of maintaining the public order, comprehending the generations, developing historical, cultural traditions, the enjoyment of spirituality, Peacefulness is opposed by aggression, guilt, inclination to violent means of resolving conflicts, suspicion and suspicion in the minds of people, the minds of the mind In the history of morality, peacefulness and aggressiveness against opposition are the main tendencies.

7. The principle of patriotism.This is a moral principle, in a general form, expressing a feeling of love for Poya, caring for her interest and ready to defend her from enemies. Patriotism manifests itself in the city of reaching one country, at least because of its failures and troubles, in respect of its historical past and at the same time.

The human meaning of patriotism is defined by the fact that it is one of the forms of co-ordination of personal and public interests, the unity of a person and a report. Ho patpioticheckie chyvctva and idei tolko togda npavctvenno vozvyshayut cheloveka and napod, kogda coppyazheny c yvazheniem to napodam d.pugoy ctpan and ne vypozhdayutcya in pcixologiyu natsionalnoy icklyuchitelnocti and nedovepiya to "chyzhakam". Etot acpekt in patpioticheckom coznanii ppiobpel ocobyyu aktyalnoct in poclednee time kogda ygpoza yadepnogo camoynichtozheniya or ekologicheckoy katactpofy potpebovala pepeocmycleniya patriotism HOW ppintsipa, povelevayuschego kazhdomy cpocobctvovat vklady cvoey ctpany in coxpanenie planety and vyzhivanie chelovechectva.

8. The principle of tolerance... Tolerance means respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures in our world, our forms of expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and promotes the replacement of a culture of war with a culture of peace.

The manifestation of tolerance, which is consonant with respect for human rights, does not mean a tolerant attitude towards social injustice, rejection of one's own or concession to other people's beliefs. This means that everyone is free to adhere to their convictions and recognizes the same right for others. This means recognizing that people are inherently different in appearance, position, speech, behavior and values \u200b\u200band have the right to live in peace and maintain their individuality. It also means that one person's views cannot be imposed on others.

Morality and law.

Law, like morality, regulates the behavior and attitudes of people. But unlike morality, the implementation of legal norms is controlled by public authorities. If morality is an “internal” regulator of human actions, then law is an “external”, state regulator.

Law is a product of history. Morality (as well as mythology, religion, art) is older than him in its historical age. It has always existed in human society, but law arose when the class stratification of primitive society took place and states began to be created. The sociocultural norms of the primitive stateless society concerning the division of labor, the distribution of material wealth, mutual protection, initiation, marriage, etc. had the force of custom and were fixed by mythology. On the whole, they subordinated the personality to the interests of the collective. Measures of social influence were applied to their violators - from persuasion to coercion.

Both moral and legal norms are social. What they have in common is that both types serve to regulate and evaluate the actions of the individual. Various can be attributed.

Modern society cannot be imagined without ethical standards. Every self-respecting state draws up a set of laws that citizens are obliged to follow. The moral side in any business is a responsible component that cannot be neglected. In our country, there is a concept of moral damage, when the inconvenience caused to a person is measured in material terms in order to at least partially compensate for his experiences.

Morality - accepted in society norms of behavior and ideas about this behavior. Morality also means moral values, foundations, orders and prescriptions. If in society someone commits acts contrary to the designated norms, then they are called immoral.

The concept of morality is very closely related to ethics. Compliance with ethical concepts requires high spiritual development. Sometimes social attitudes run counter to the needs of the individual himself, and then a conflict arises. In this case, an individual person with his own ideology runs the risk of being misunderstood, alone among society.

How is morality formed?

Morality of man largely depends on himself. Only the person himself is responsible for what happens to him. On how much she is ready to follow the established order in society depends on whether a person will be successful, accept others. The development of morality, moral concepts occurs in the parental family. It is those first people with whom the child begins to interact at the first stages of his life, and leave a serious imprint on his future fate. So, the formation of morality is significantly influenced by the immediate environment in which a person grows up. If a child grows up in a dysfunctional family, then from an early age he has a wrong idea of \u200b\u200bhow the world works and a distorted perception of himself in society is formed. As an adult, such a person will begin to experience tremendous difficulties in communicating with other people and will feel discontent on their part. In the case of raising a child in a prosperous average family, he begins to absorb the values \u200b\u200bof his immediate environment, and this process occurs naturally.

Awareness of the need to follow social precepts occurs due to the presence of such a concept as conscience in a person. Conscience is formed from early childhood under the influence of society, as well as individual inner feelings.

Moral functions

Few people really ask why morality is needed? This concept consists of many important components and protects a person's conscience from unwanted actions. For the consequences of his moral choice, a person is responsible not only to society, but also to himself. There are functions of morality to help it fulfill its task.

  • Estimated function is related to how other people or the person himself determines the actions he has committed. In the case when self-assessment takes place, the person is usually inclined to justify his own actions by some circumstances. It is much more difficult to bring actions to a public court, because society is sometimes relentless in evaluating others.
  • Regulatory function helps to establish norms in society that will become laws intended for universal observance. The rules of behavior in society are assimilated by the individual at a subconscious level. That is why, getting to a place where there are a large number of people, most of us after some time begin to unmistakably follow the unspoken laws adopted in this particular society.
  • Control function is directly related to checking how an individual is able to follow the rules established in society. Such control helps to achieve a state of "clear conscience" and social approval. If an individual does not behave in an appropriate way, then he will definitely receive condemnation from other people as a feedback.
  • Integrating function helps to maintain a state of harmony within the person himself. Performing certain actions, a person, one way or another, analyzes his actions, "checks" them for honesty and decency.
  • Educational function is to enable a person to learn to understand and accept the needs of the people around him, to take into account their needs, characteristics and desires. If an individual reaches a state of such an inner breadth of consciousness, then we can say that he is able to take care of others, and not just about himself. Morality is often associated with a sense of duty. A person who has responsibilities to society is disciplined, responsible and decent. Norms, rules and procedures educate the individual, form his social ideals and aspirations.


They are consistent with Christian ideas about good and evil and what a real person should be.

  • Prudence is an essential component of any strong person. It assumes that an individual has the ability to adequately perceive the surrounding reality, build harmonious connections and relationships, make reasonable decisions, and act constructively in difficult situations.
  • Abstinence implies a ban on gazing at persons of the opposite sex who are married. The ability to cope with one's desires and impulses is approved by society, unwillingness to follow spiritual canons is condemned.
  • Justice always implies that for all deeds committed on this earth, sooner or later retribution or some kind of response will come. A fair treatment of other people is, first of all, to recognize their value as significant units of human society. Respect, attention to their needs also belong to this point.
  • Persistence is formed through the ability to endure the blows of fate, endure the necessary experience for oneself and constructively get out of the crisis state. Fortitude as a moral norm implies the desire to fulfill one's destiny and move forward, despite difficulties. Overcoming obstacles, the personality becomes stronger and in the future can help other people go through their individual trials.
  • Hard work appreciated in any society. This concept is understood as a person's passion for some kind of business, the realization by him of his talent or abilities for the benefit of other people. If a person is not ready to share the results of their work, then he cannot be called hardworking. That is, the need for activity should not be associated with personal enrichment, but in order to serve as the consequences of one's work for as many people as possible.
  • Humility achieved through prolonged suffering and repentance. The ability to stop in time, not to resort to revenge in a situation where they have been badly offended is akin to real art. But a truly strong person has colossal freedom of choice: he is able to overcome destructive feelings.
  • Politeness necessary in the process of interaction of people with each other. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to conclude transactions and agreements beneficial to both parties. Politeness characterizes a person from the best side and helps her to move constructively towards a given goal.

Principles of morality

These principles exist, making significant additions to generally accepted social norms. Their significance and necessity lies in contributing to the formation of general formulas and laws adopted in a given society.

  • Talion principle clearly demonstrates the concept of uncivilized countries - "tit for tat". That is, if someone has suffered any loss through the fault of another person, this other is obliged to compensate the first through his own loss. Modern psychological science says that you need to be able to forgive, reconfigure yourself to be positive and look for constructive methods of getting out of a conflict situation.
  • The principle of morality involves following Christian commandments and keeping divine law. A separate individual has no right to harm his neighbor, deliberately try to cause him any damage based on deception or theft. The principle of morality most of all appeals to the conscience of a person, makes him remember his spiritual component. The phrase "Treat your neighbor the way you want him to treat you" is the clearest manifestation of this principle.
  • The principle of the "golden mean" expressed in the ability to see the measure in all matters. This term was first introduced by Aristotle. The desire to avoid extremes and move systematically in the direction of a given goal will certainly lead to success. You cannot use another person as a way to solve your individual problems. In everything you need to feel the measure, be able to compromise on time.
  • The principle of well-being and happiness presented in the form of the following postulate: "Act towards your neighbor in such a way as to bring him the greatest benefit." It does not matter what act will be done, the main thing is that the benefit from it could serve as many people as possible. This moral principle presupposes the ability to predict the situation several steps ahead, to foresee the possible consequences of one's actions.
  • The principle of justice is based on equal treatment among all citizens. It says that each of us must abide by the unspoken rules of dealing with other people and remember that a neighbor who lives with us in the same house has the same rights and freedoms as we do. The principle of justice implies punishment in the event of illegal acts.
  • The principle of humanism is leading among all the above. It assumes that each person has an idea of \u200b\u200ba condescending attitude towards other people. Humanity is expressed in compassion, in the ability to understand one's neighbor, to be as useful to him as possible.

Thus, the importance of morality in human life is of decisive importance. Morality affects all spheres of human interaction: religion, art, law, traditions and customs. In the existence of each individual, sooner or later, questions arise: how to live, what principle to follow, what choice to make, and he turns to his own conscience for an answer.

Morality- one of the types of social regulators, a set of special, spiritual rules governing human behavior, his relationship to other people, to himself, as well as to the environment. The content of morality is a set of principles and norms that can have a special, spiritual impact on the actions of people, serve as a model, an ideal of humane behavior. These include, for example, the principle of humanism (humanity, justice, mercy) or such norms as "do not kill", "do not steal", "do not testify", "keep this promise", "do not lie", etc. ...

Moral principles - the main element in the system of morality is the basic fundamental ideas about the proper behavior of a person, through which the essence of morality is revealed, on which other elements of the system are based. The most important of them: humanism, collectivism, individualism, altruism, selfishness, tolerance.

Moral norms - specific rules of behavior that determine how a person should behave in relation to society, other people, and himself. They clearly show the imperative-evaluative nature of morality.

Moral norms as a variety of social standards, depending on the method of assessment, are divided into two types:

1) requirements - prohibitions (do not lie, do not be lazy; do not be afraid, etc.);

2) requirements - samples (be brave, strong, responsible, etc.).

7. Functions of morality

1. Regulatory function... Regulates people's behavior in accordance with the requirements of morality. It implements its regulatory capabilities with the help of guidelines, norms-requirements, norms-prohibitions, norms-frames, restrictions, as well as norms-samples (etiquette).

2. Value-orienting function... Orientates a person in the world of surrounding cultural values. Develops a system of preference for some moral values \u200b\u200bover others, allows to identify the most moral assessments and lines of behavior.

3. Cognitive (epistemological) function... It presupposes cognition not of objective characteristics, but of the meaning of phenomena as a result of practical assimilation.

4. Educational function... It brings moral norms, habits, customs, morals, generally recognized patterns of behavior into a certain educational system.

5. Estimated function... Evaluates man's mastery of reality from the standpoint of good and evil The subject of assessment is actions, attitudes, intentions, motives, moral views and personal qualities.

6. Motivational function... Allows a person to evaluate and, if possible, justify their behavior with the help of moral motivation.

7. Communicative function... It acts as a form of communication, transmission of information about the values \u200b\u200bof life, moral contacts of people. Provides mutual understanding, communication of people based on the development of common moral values.

Moral properties

Morality contains antinomic properties,which imply the following:

1. Antinomy of the objective and the subjective.

o a) Moral requirements have an objective meaning regardless of subjective tastes.

o b) Moral requirements reflect a subjective position, necessarily someone's position.

o c) The impersonality of the moral requirement. The demand does not come from someone. The moral law appears as an abstract requirement.

2. Antinomy of the universal and the special.

o a) On the one hand, morality acts as a specific moral system.

o b) On the other hand, the moral position is formulated in a universal form. The moral law is characterized by universality and uniqueness.

3. Antinomy of practical expediency and moral value.

o a) Morality is of practical importance (benefit).

o b) Morality does not always contain benefits. Virtue is often punishable.

o c) Selflessness of the moral motive. Moral utility is not pragmatic. Morality speaks volumes.

4. Antinomy of the public and the personal.

o a) Submission to average social norms.

o b) An individual with highly developed moral ideals is in disagreement with society. From the standpoint of morality, it does not act as a representative of the social environment, as a bearer of universal values.

5. Antinomy of causality and freedom.

o a) Moral behavior has its reasons.

o b) A moral person is ready to go against logic, habit (autonomously, freely). The real reason for individual actions is freedom.

Moral structure

1. Moral Consciousness - one of the forms of social consciousness, which, like its other forms, is a reflection of the social being of people. Moral consciousness includes values, norms, ideals. Here morality manifests itself as a striving for perfection. Moral consciousness functions at two levels of regulation in relations between people: emotionally sensual (everyday consciousness) and rational-theoretical (ethics). Emotional level - a person's mental reaction to an event, attitude, phenomenon. It includes emotions, feelings, mood. Emotional-sensory moral consciousness determines the relationship of a person:

a) to other people (feelings of sympathy or antipathy, trust or mistrust, jealousy, hatred, etc.);

b) to oneself (modesty, dignity, vanity, pride, exactingness, etc.);

c) to society as a whole (a sense of public duty, patriotism).

2. Moral behavior, based on the moral consciousness of the individual, realizing his moral relations, are the result of the formation of the individual and his free choice. Moral practice - includes real morals, actions, moral relations. Actions and actions reflect the moral side of human activity. Are positive or negative and imply moral responsibility.

3. Moral relationship - the central element of the structure of morality, which records the properties of any human activity from the point of view of its moral assessment.

Figure: 2

Moral principles- the main element in the system of morality is the basic fundamental ideas about the proper behavior of a person, through which the essence of morality is revealed and on which other elements of the system are based. The most important of them: humanism, collectivism, individualism, altruism, selfishness, tolerance . Unlike norms, they are selective and are determined by a person independently. They characterize the moral orientation of the individual as a whole.

Moral norms- specific rules of behavior that determine how a person should behave in relation to society, other people, and himself. They clearly show the imperative-evaluative nature of morality. Moral norms are the simplest forms of moral statements ("do not kill", "do not lie", "do not steal", etc.) that determine a person's behavior in typical, repetitive situations. They often take on the form of moral habits in a person and are respected by him without much thought.

Moral values- social attitudes and imperatives, expressed in the form of normative ideas about good and evil, just and unjust, about the meaning of life and the purpose of a person from the point of view of their moral significance. They serve as a normative form of a person's moral orientation in the world, offering him specific regulators of actions.

Moral idealis a holistic model of moral behavior that people strive for, considering it the most reasonable, useful, beautiful. The moral ideal allows you to evaluate the behavior of people and is a guideline for self-improvement.

  1. The structure of morality.

Moral norms, principles, ideals are manifested in the moral activity of people, which is the result of the interaction of moral consciousness, moral relations and moral behavior . In their unity and interdependence, they are the way of being of morality, embodied in its structure.

Understanding the essence of morality involves analyzing its structure. From the point of view of content, traditionally (since ancient times) there are three main elements:

♦ moral consciousness;

♦ moral behavior;

♦ moral relations.

Moral Consciousnessis a person's knowledge of the essence of the main categories of ethics, understanding of moral values \u200b\u200band the inclusion of some of them in the system of personal beliefs, as well as moral feelings and experiences.

Moral relationsas one of the types of social relations consist in the realization of moral values \u200b\u200bby a person when communicating with others. They are determined by the level of moral consciousness of the individual.

Moral behavior- these are specific actions of a person, which are an indicator of his moral culture.

Moral consciousness includes two levels: emotional and rational . The structure of moral consciousness can be schematically represented as follows.

Emotional level- mental reaction of a person to an event, attitude, phenomenon. It includes emotions, feelings, mood.

Emotions - special mental states, reflecting the immediate evaluative reactions of a person to situations that are morally significant for a person. A type of emotion is affect - a particularly strong short-term experience that is not controlled by consciousness.

Feelings - these are joy and sorrow experienced by a person, love and hate, suffering and compassion, arising from emotions. Passion is a kind of moral feeling. a strongly expressed feeling leading to the achievement of the goal by any, including immoral means.

Moods - an emotional state that is characterized by duration, stability and is the background against which feelings are manifested and human activity proceeds. Depression - a depressed, depressed state and stress - a state of special mental tension can be considered as varieties of mood.

Rational level - the personality's ability for logical analysis and introspection is the result of the purposeful formation of moral consciousness in the process of training, education and self-education. The result is the moral competence of a person, which includes three main components.

Knowledge principles, norms and categories , included in the moral system. Ethical knowledge - primary, necessary, but insufficient component of moral consciousness.

Understanding the essence of moral norms and principles and the need for their application. To establish moral relations, both the correctness and the similarity of this understanding by different subjects are important.

Adoption moral standards and principles, their inclusion in their own system of views and beliefs, their use as a "guide to action."

Moral relationship- the central element of the structure of morality, which records the properties of any human activity from the point of view of its moral assessment. The most significant in the moral sense are such types of relations as a person's attitude to society as a whole, to other people, to himself.

The attitude of a person to societygoverned by a number of principles, in particular, the principles of collectivism or individualism. Moreover, various combinations of these principles are possible:

v the confluence of collectivism and egoism gives rise to the so-called group egoism, when a person, identifying himself with a certain group (party, class, nation), shares its interests and claims, thoughtlessly justifies all its actions.

v the confluence of individualism and egoism, when, while satisfying his own interests, a person guided by the principle of individualism can harm other people, selfishly realizing himself "at their expense."

Attitude towards anothera person can have a subject-subjective or subject-object character.

Subjective type relationship is characteristic of humanistic ethics and manifests itself in dialogue . This approach is based on the principles of altruism and tolerance.

In this section, we will consider, so to speak, the "working toolbox" of the science of ethics. Since many aspects of ethical concepts have already been considered, now it is necessary to present them in the form of a certain system and give the missing characteristics of those concepts that have not yet received sufficiently clear definitions.

Above we talked about the priority of moral activity. Now our task is to understand what is the active side of morality, what are its "functional duties" or, simply put, functions of morality.

1. Regulatory function. The function of moral regulation of relationships between people is the main and determining one. It covers the sphere of relations that is not regulated by law. and in this sense it complements the law. However, such a definition will be incomplete and inaccurate if one does not take into account the fact that all legal norms also affirm justice, also serve the good or the good of society and citizens, and therefore are of an unconditionally moral character.

The regulatory function is a continuous process of bringing the real behavior of individuals, service collectives and state and public institutions in line with the moral norms in force in society. For this purpose, such "Instruments" for regulating moral relations, such as moral and ethical principles, public opinion, moral authority, traditions, customs, commandments, habits. At the immediate practical level, regulation is carried out through norms (simple norms of morality): guideline norms, norms-requirements, norms-prohibitions, norms-frameworks, restrictions, as well as norms-samples (etiquette norms). The regulatory function is basic in the system of functions: all other functions - each in its own way - to one degree or another "serve" it.

2. Estimated (axiological) function . As already mentioned above, any act of morality (behavioral or spiritual) is determined by one or another system of values. The subject of evaluation at an angle<морально - аморально» или «иравственно - безнравственно» являются поступки, отношения, намерения, мотивы, моральные возэрения, личностные качества и т.д.

Z. Orientation function. Simple standards of morality are "simple" only in theory. In concrete reality, in practice, before making a moral judgment and realizing one or another norm in an act or in behavior, it is sometimes necessary to weigh a rather significant number of circumstances, each of which can prompt us to apply different (sometimes even mutually exclusive) norms. Only a good knowledge of ethics in science, a high level of moral culture, which are the mechanism that can give us an accurate guideline, can choose from a variety of norms the only correct, fair one. It is they who are able to help us develop a system of moral priorities, which is a "compass" that allows us to identify the most moral line of behavior.

4. Motivational function . This function allows you to evaluate actions, goals and means in terms of motivating intention. Motives or motivations can be moral and immoral, moral and immoral, noble and base, selfish and unselfish, etc.

5. Cognitive gel (information) function - is aimed at acquiring ethical knowledge: principles, norms, codes, etc., which are a source of information about public moral pennies and about systems of such values, starting points of moral choice in ordinary and extreme situations, in ordinary and conflict situations, which together help to formulate model of moral behavior.

b. Educational function. Any system of upbringing is, first of all, a system of moral upbringing (a number of scientists believe that upbringing is only moral upbringing, everything else is just communication). Moral education brings moral norms, habits, customs, rights, generally recognized patterns of behavior into a certain conceptually organized system, translates moral knowledge into moral convictions of a person, develops the ability to creatively interpret moral knowledge and beliefs in relation to specific situations.

7. Communicative function. On ships, airplanes and other fast moving objects, a special device is installed, which, upon receiving a corresponding request, responds with a signal, conventionally called "I am mine". Any system of moral values \u200b\u200b(including professional ones) possesses exactly the same ability, and only on the basis of this "signal" is it possible for service and any other interaction, acquisition<чувства локтя», поддержка и взаимовыручка. Конечно, в процессе служебной деятельности осознание сигнала «я свой» и действенная коммуникация на его основе осуществляется не только моральным его компонентом, но тем не менее он играет в этом процессе одну из главных ролей.

8. Ideological function. The purpose of this function is to substantiate the morality of the political and economic goals and interests of a particular class, social stratum, group, social movement, etc. In this sense, it is called upon to morally consolidate a socially heterogeneous society. The morality of the ruling class or social group, as well as their goals and interests, are always represented by ideological means as the goals, interests and morals of the whole society. And while, to a certain extent, this morality meets the general interests, society perceives this circumstance positively. Otherwise, society will consolidate around opposite moral, political and ideological values, where revolutionary morality begins to play a fundamental role, proclaiming the struggle to overthrow the existing political regime as the main moral goal.

9. Worldview function. In this regard, morality is viewed as the moral foundations of the individual, the system of moral pennies developed by her, mediating all her political, religious, aesthetic, philosophical and other views. The worldview function is very close to the axiological function with the only difference that in this case it covers the basic, so to speak, initial concepts and ideas of a person about the reality around him.

The most important moral values for a law enforcement officer are: love for the Motherland, loyalty to the oath and the chosen profession, official duty, moral integrity (unity of word and deed, beliefs and deeds), respect for honor and official dignity, justice, legality, integrity and mutual assistance.

If we turn to moral consciousness, then the leading role is played by moral principles... Expressing the requirements of morality in their most general form, they constitute the essence of moral relations and are a strategy of moral behavior. They are comparatively stable and are concretized in moral standards. Their stability and viability are determined by the specific conditions of a particular social and professional environment of a particular historical era. Moral principles are recognized by moral consciousness as unconditional requirements, the adherence to which is strictly mandatory in all life situations. This is their essential difference from moral norms, the deviation from which in certain life situations is not only permissible, but sometimes necessary. Within the framework of the requirements for service in law enforcement agencies, the basic principles of morality are: humanism, collectivism, justice, patriotism, conscientious attitude to work, critical self-esteem. Some of them should be considered in more detail.

Principle collectivism . This is one of the most important principles of not only professional, but also universal human morality (the opposite principle is individualism). It contains the most important essence of the relationship between the individual and society. As a rule, all social andthe professional interests of individuals are mediated by personal interests, with which they are closely intertwined, and it is usually almost impossible to break this connection. A. Smith developed the theory of "reasonable egoism", where he tried to find a reasonable balance between the public and personal interests of individuals. However, both science and practice have clearly shown that it is impossible to find such a balance once and for all for all situations, and therefore two mutually exclusive, but rather abstract principles were affirmed in ethics: collectivismand individualism, where it was only about the priority of one or another principle.

With regard to the socio-political realities of our time, the principle of collectivism as a leading principle is inherent in socialist society, and the principle of individualism is inherent in bourgeois society. As for the law enforcement service environment, here the principle of collectivism is clearly strictly obligatory for the successful organization of service activities, the only possible one for effective confrontation with the criminal world. And although the interests of the members of the service team are always heterogeneous, the effectiveness of the team's work directly depends on the dedication and unity of its actions, and, therefore, first of all, on the extent to which the interests of the team are perceived by its members as priority in comparison with the personal interests of the people who form it. An English proverb says: "If you cannot do what you like, let you like what you do." In the most literal sense, this also applies to the combination of personal and service interests: if you cannot reconcile personal interests with service interests, let the service interests become your personal interests. Otherwise, you should leave law enforcement and law enforcement.

The principle of collectivism includes several particular principles.

1. Unity of purpose and will.A single goal unites people, organizes and directs their will. The goals of the work of the service collective are determined both by the tasks that the management sets for the collective and by the awareness of the need for the requirements of daily service. And if the first factor is mainly external, strictly imperative, then the second factor is largely determined by the moral and psychological climate of the collective and the moral education of its members. 2. Cooperation and mutual assistance.This is one of the most important conditions for the principle of collectivism. In the collectives of law enforcement agencies, this side of collectivism manifests itself especially effectively. “Die yourself, but help your comrade” is not a simple slogan, but a fundamental principle of service interaction in the authorities, which has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. However, this is combined with adherence to principles and has nothing to do with mutual responsibility, covering up unscrupulous workers, idlers, and truants. Otherwise, there are grounds to talk about the moral deformation of the team, about its "illness" and the need for its urgent "treatment".

3. Democracy.Even in such rigidly regulated structures as law enforcement agencies, there are many aspects of service that are determined by collective decision. And the more united and morally conscious this or that collective,all the more, there are prerequisites for the leadership to delegate authority when making decisions to the members of the service team themselves, to move from command-administrative relations to business cooperation based on common interest and shared responsibility for the successful solution of official tasks.

4. Discipline.In a morally mature team, discipline is not a heavy burden, but a perceived need. Conscientious observance of disciplinary requirements ensures the required effectiveness of official activity, and it is in such a team that any violation of discipline is perceived by its members as a hindrance, as an obstacle to the realization of common service goals and interests, and it is in such a team that the influence of its members on the "education" of the offender is more effective the most severe disciplinary sanctions of the leadership.

The principle of humanism. This moral principle in the ordinary sense means humanity, love for people, protection of human dignity, the right of people to happiness and a full opportunity for self-development. Humanism is a requirement of the modern era, its guiding principle, in particular, permeating all branches of law and determining all moral norms. With regard to law enforcement, humanism underlies the entire system of moral and legal relations between employees and law enforcement agencies and citizens.

The humanism of the content of law enforcement lies in its very essence, which is defined as ensuring social stability, protecting public order in the country, property, rights, freedoms and legalinterests of citizens, enterprises, organizations and institutions from criminal encroachments and other antisocial actions. Requirements of the principle of humanism are not only by the essence of professional morality, but also by an official duty, which obliges law enforcement officers to respond quickly and in a timely manner to all unworthy actions, and especially offenses. Failure to comply with these requirements is condemned both by law and andpublic opinion. Thus, the humanism of the activity of law enforcement agencies is manifested in the fact that it is aimed at combating evil and protecting the interests of the whole society and each individual separately from violations of the norms of law and morality, and thereby provides conditions for happiness and all-round human development as the highest social value.

The humanism of the essence and goals of the activities of law enforcement agencies also determines such an aspect of the service of bodies as the prevention of offenses and crimes. Using various means of warning and persuasion, the employees of the bodies reveal to the population the humanistic, socially necessary content of the norms of our morality and law, the inadmissibility of the immoral, antisocial and even more criminal behavior that causes huge and irreparable damage to society, people and the offender himself, contribute to the awareness of each person of moral and legal responsibility for the immoral and illegal acts committed by him. If the measures of persuasion prove to be insufficient, the state resorts to coercion. However, even here humanism is manifested: on the one hand, the absolute majority of citizens turn out to be socially protected, and on the other hand, this stops those citizens who take the path of criminal acts and are not able to independently leave this path.

Unity of principles of justice and legality. The most important principle of professional morality of law enforcement officials is principle justice. Justice is not only a moral principle. It covers almost all spheres of human activity and human relations, and above all law and politics. As a method of moral regulation, the principle of justice obliges to take into account all aspects of the activity of individuals, i.e. their social status, merits, age and physical capabilities, and to establish a correspondence between the practical activities of individuals and their social (and official) position, between the merits of people and their public recognition, between deeds and retribution, work and remuneration, rights and obligations, crime and punishment, etc. Inconsistency in these relationships is perceived as injustice. Employees of the bodies with sufficient service experience know very well that it is not punishment that is perceived by criminals as painful, but injustice (including direct deception as one of its types).

Justice regulates all spheres of social life, but it gets its most visible embodiment in the legal system, since it is it that regulates the most important links of social life 7. Law has a leading role in suppressing various kinds of violations of justice: criminal enrichment, protectionism, undeserved privileges, etc. The principle of justice provides for the provision of social guarantees: health protection, the right to receive education, housing, a pension in old age and upon receipt of disability, etc. The correspondence between goals and the means necessary to achieve them is one of the most important manifestations of the principle of justice.

The sanctions provided by legal acts act as the realization of the goals of law. Their use is always associated with the infringement of the interests of the individual, with the undergoing of certain hardships, therefore, here the principle of justice must be observed especially clearly. The most important requirements of the principle of fairness for sanctions are as follows:

Sanctions should only be applied to those who actually broke the law;

Sanctions should ensure the restoration of violated rights after serving the sentence in full;

Between the sanctions that establish the measure of responsibility for various unlawful acts, certain proportions must be observed: more dangerous offenses must be punished more severely;

Courts should be able to impose individual sentences on the basis of specific circumstances;

No one should be punished twice for one offense.

All of the above principles for law enforcement officers are their professional requirement, their legal norm. In practice, these principles are concretized, acquiring in each team, in relation to the peculiarities of the service of certain units, a specific character that is of imperative importance for the members of the service team.