What to write to a guy to meet: the theory of effective start. Nice words to a guy: how to melt a man's heart? What a reason to think of to write a guy

Falling in love, they say, is a disease. Moreover, not the most harmless and sometimes bringing not only joy, but also a lot of suffering, is it a disease or, on the contrary, a normal state of a person (after all, they say so!) - be that as it may, but the period of falling in love happens to everyone, and it is necessary been through. During such a period, a girl in love is looking for any reason to communicate with a guy, and this is completely natural. And often girls ask themselves what reason to find to write to him.

Situations and their solutions

There can be different situations here, and in each of them you need to find your own solution. For instance, the girl is already dating a guy, with him and, feeling his guilt and wrong, wants to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. In this case, it is best not to go into details, not to remember the reason for the quarrel, not to use guilty expressions and emoticons, but to find a neutral reason to contact the guy.

This may be a request to give him information about a mutual friend's birthday or when the next physics lecture will be. In general, this can be any topic common to you, the main thing is to behave as if nothing had happened.

Another thing is if he avoids her or simply forgot about her. Here, perhaps, the only piece of advice can be given - “to lay low”. Calling, writing, looking for meetings with someone you no longer like is not only useless, but can lead to the opposite effect - he will lose the remnants of interest in the girl even faster, and even more so he will not want to reciprocate her past. This is the psychology of people. But if you stubbornly keep silent, then after a while it is quite possible that the guy will remember the girl and think about why she is silent. The hurt pride - was she really carried away by someone else - will make him turn his gaze back to her. And then there will be a chance to renew the relationship, but on his initiative, and not on hers.

If the girl is in love with the guy, but he does not know about it yet, and she wants to somehow hint to him about this, this is the third situation, and here her own approach is needed. First of all, you need to decide on the tone of the message. It can be humorous or businesslike, gentle and outspoken, or mildly teasing but calm and friendly. It all depends on what the girl's chosen one usually "bites" on, on his character. The main thing is to observe the measure, because the girl's task is to interest, and not repel. It is better to write with all your heart, without further ado. If a young man knows how to feel love, is endowed with sincerity and cordiality, you can write simply about yourself and about him, try to convey the feeling of warmth that comes from him. It is important that the letter leaves a good impression. Describe your impression of him, his merits - you can't but like it. But remember: do not curry favor, do not belittle yourself and do not fantasize. You can touch upon those topics that are interesting to the guy. You should not write about your problems, and in general you should not write about problems. A sincere compliment to his merits, abilities and skills, his hobby will always come in handy. It is better not to mention the appearance, so as not to be arrogant at once.

If you just need remind myself in a short SMS message by phone, you can just say hello to him in the morning, wishing him a good day. You can write something funny by connecting humor and imagination - the content depends on the degree of your acquaintance and his character.

In any case, the main rule is a sense of proportion and benevolence.

First meetings and dates, light flirting - what could be more exciting and enjoyable? The beginning of a romantic relationship is always associated with excitement and doubt. Many women are ready if a man does not call for more than a day. Should I call and write first? How to remind a man of yourself and not scare him away?

Interest or obsession?

The days when it was believed that decent girls don't talk to guys first are over. Modern ladies are not shy about taking the initiative. Such an aspiration is commendable, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Any man enjoys interest from the opposite sex. On the other hand, over-focusing can be tiring. The main rule: if you decide to write or call first, limit yourself to one call / message and wait for an answer. Many women, being carried away by a man seriously, literally lose their heads. After writing a message, they do not let go of the phone, waiting for the recipient's reaction. If there is no answer within half an hour, the hands start typing the next message themselves. Of course, this is not the best way to remind a man of yourself. Just imagine how stupid you will look after sending a dozen messages or a hundred calls on the phone that the man of your dreams simply forgot to take with him.

The most unobtrusive way to remind yourself

In our age of high technologies, almost everyone has a personal page on a social network. And it's a great way to communicate. To find a real acquaintance in the virtual space, it is enough to know his name and surname, as well as the city of residence. Modern communication allows you to add new acquaintances to your contact list literally on the day of the first meeting. How to remind a man of himself using social networks, what should he write? The most unobtrusive way is to put "likes" or ratings on the photos. You can comment on a snapshot, video. An alternative option is to have a personal conversation. Start with a neutral question. If possible, avoid completely banal phrases: "How are you?", "What are you doing?" Better ask: "How's your mood?" or "How is the weekend?" In fact, your goal is to directly start the conversation. By its development, you can judge how interested the interlocutor is.

The art of SMS communication

Many people enjoy texting more than speaking out loud. Indeed, there are advantages to messages before calls. You can weigh every word, and you do not risk saying anything superfluous. How to unobtrusively remind a man of yourself: SMS, MMS - what to choose? It is appropriate to send photos only to a man with whom you know each other well. Short SMS messages are a suitable way to communicate with any acquaintance of the opposite sex. What to write? The best option is neutral-positive messages. You can compliment the man or offer to meet. Most importantly, never send repeated messages without waiting for a response. Try to avoid quarrels and showdowns via SMS. If you have any questions or complaints, make an appointment.

Photo postcard - a reminder of yourself to your beloved

In this age of high technology, there are many ways to send an image. Use MMS messages or personal mail. You can send your photo to the man with whom you are in a love relationship with an intriguing or cute postscript. If you want to grab the attention of a friend or member of the opposite sex who's just starting an affair, it's best to choose a more neutral reminder. Share photo news, take a photo and send something unusual, unique or just beautiful. Let it be a picturesque landscape, a new landmark of the city, or a photo from some interesting event. If a man is interested in communicating with you, he will probably lively support the proposed topic or at least give you a couple of compliments.

how by SMS?

Traditionally, a pickup truck is called men's secret tricks for seducing women. But why shouldn't the fair sex acquire their own technique for conquering guys? Most men are curious enough. Want to gain attention? Send an intriguing message to the person you like. Excellent options: "You surprised me!", "They told me this about you ..." or "I didn't expect this from you." Do not be too lazy to come up with a legend in advance of what exactly you were told.

The young man you like doesn't call for several days? How to remind a man of yourself? SMS can be sent to his number, pretending that you were mistaken. You can write something frank and seductive. The alternative is to send something rude. Send a "random" SMS and forget about it. If the addressee is at least somewhat interested in communicating with you, he will definitely want to clarify the situation as soon as possible. Don't forget to act surprised when you hear a call or receive an SMS reply.

Share the news with your loved ones!

Universal reminders and reasons for meetings

Going on a date and are afraid that it will be the last? There is one effective method to help avoid this development of events. Leave a “souvenir for memory” to the man, in other words, forget something with him. The item should be valuable enough so as not to immediately fall into the trash can and give a new reason to meet. You can "forget" something from your clothes - gloves or a scarf, business card holder, jewelry or cosmetics. Try to leave your reminder where it looks most natural and will only show up after breaking up. In a car, theoretically, anything can fall out of a handbag. If you are visiting, cosmetics accidentally left near the mirror is also completely commonplace. You can arrange the next meeting by borrowing something from the man himself. Ask to read a book or drop some files onto a portable storage medium. Having exchanged any things, you will always have an excuse to meet. And you no longer have to think about how to unobtrusively remind a man of yourself.

Take a promise from him

Any man wants to be a real hero in the eyes of the opposite sex. That is why all the guys are ready to instantly fulfill any requests of lovely ladies. Think about what the young person you are interested in can do for you. Maybe it's time to fix the outlet or help carry heavy bags? Choose a task that he will definitely cope with. Is it worth reminding a man of himself if he promised to help you, and then disappeared somewhere? The situation is complex, but it's always best to check why this happened. Do not be lazy to call and delicately ask whether it is worth waiting for the fulfillment of promises. If you get rejected, don't even think of persuading or asking again. Remember that the object of your sympathy could always really just forget about what he promised. And a reminder in this case will be more than appropriate.

Accidental encounters are not accidental

One of the most effective ways to make a man think about himself is to regularly "accidentally" catch his eye. Try to find out as much as possible about him and use the information received. Visit his favorite cafe from time to time, you can unobtrusively appear near the place of work of your chosen one. Women often say to themselves: “I want to remind the man of my dreams about myself,” and in their desire they are reckless. If you decide to use the "casual" meeting method, it is important not to abuse their regularity. In addition, you should always have an answer to the question of what brought you to this place.

How to remind a man of himself: mystical ways

Some ladies claim that they achieved the attention of the gentleman they liked using magical means. Before deciding on any mystical manipulations, try to establish yourself in your desire. Only when you are confident in the depth of your own feelings can you take action. Concentrate your thoughts on your partner every day before bed. Remember all the best moments spent together, and feel free to dream of new meetings. To establish an energy connection, place a photo of your loved one in your room. It is desirable that this is a recently taken portrait. Look at him and imagine a shared future. Remember: the photograph used in this ritual must not be touched with your hands. It is desirable that strangers should not see it. Whether a man needs to remind himself of himself in magical ways is a personal question. In love, as in war, all is fair, so why not give it a try?

Did you like some guy? Try to find it on Vkontakte or other social networks or find a mobile number. Your ideal is in front of your eyes, and what should you write to him so that he does not ignore the message and even less blacklist it? We tried to consider this issue in as much detail as possible, and gave all the necessary answers. You will find out with what content you can send a message to a man who likes it, taking into account different nuances. Our tips will help you get news from him. We will also tell you what is absolutely not worth sending and what can put an end to the relationship.

  • Use different emoticons to make your message feel relaxed, but don't put them every time and everywhere. A young man may think that you are not serious.
  • Be sure to write without mistakes: check punctuation, follow the style of presentation, grammar. Even a not very literate person will appreciate it.
  • Do not rush to reply to the message, wait 1-3 minutes. So he will not think that you are very much interested in him.
  • Do not send long messages, it is better to split them into 1-2 and send them one by one.
  • If we are talking about SMS, it will be very intriguing to send 1-3 messages in a row. Here's an example: in the first, you can say hello, in the second, without waiting for an answer, say that you are his secret fan, and in the third, invite him out on a date.
  • Your SMS or message should be slightly shorter than it.

Stick to all these rules and communication will go like clockwork.

What to send to a young man: examples

When you are going to correspond with a guy, you need to proceed from the situation: whether he is familiar, whether he likes you, whether you are in good relations or have a quarrel.

First of all, look at the user's page for information about his interests and hobbies. After reading your favorite music, movies and communities, write to him, for example, "I also like this book, I wonder what you think about the ending."

A winning move is sharing music, photos, cool posts and videos. Evaluation of posts and photos is appreciated.

Variants of phrases for a stranger

You can send an unknown guy an SMS, which will indicate the place and time of the meeting. If he answers, he asks who is writing to him, it is enough to refer to an error when dialing a number and smoothly continue communication.

The second option for starting a VK correspondence is a regular smiley (no kisses or hugs). If the guy answers, then he is ready for new acquaintances and communication.

Third example: “Hello! A friend of mine said that she has a friend, a nice guy who would like to chat. " In this case, you need to immediately change the topic of the conversation so that the guy does not start asking what kind of girlfriend she is. Such a message can be sent both on Vkontakte and on a mobile phone.

You can use a technique with a compliment: “I want to prove that nice guys, interesting interlocutors. Can you help? :) ".

Nobody canceled the classic: “Hello! How are you?". Simple, but not always effective.

Would you like to receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly meet men on the Internet? We advise you to read free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and translate them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real plane.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to the pdf file.

Looking for words for someone we don't like

In this case, you must act delicately. One of the most effective ways is to find out what his hobbies are, and write a message inviting him to go to an exhibition of his favorite artist, a football match of his favorite team, a horror movie night, a cool party. You can say, for example, that you already have tickets, but your friend (brother, sister) can't go at the last moment.

Another example is to ask for help in something, for example, if the guy is a fan of computer games: “Hi! They gave me (name of the game), but I just can't get through level 8: (Are you a cool gamer? Help out! "

It's good if there is an opportunity to find out what exactly the guy is not happy with. If he thinks the girl is too rude, then write in a soft, feminine manner. If MCH is sure that the girl is boring, you should choose a more playful manner of communication, joke more often.

Before radically changing your character, habits, lifestyle and demeanor, it is advisable to think carefully about whether it is worth it.

If in a quarrel with him

A guy who likes it, but you are at odds with him, it is advisable to write on some holiday. Congratulations, combined with the suggestion “to live together and consolidate reconciliation in a cafe over a cup of coffee (at the cinema, on a walk with the dogs, etc.)” in most cases guarantees success.

If there is no desire to wait for the next major holiday, it is better to use the tactics of simplicity and tenderness. In a calm manner, without sarcasm and irony, you can write: “Hello! I miss you. Let's put up?) ". Despite the simplicity of the phrase, it is one of the most effective.

Men are quite straightforward creatures, in most cases they do not understand hints, and if they are offended, they do not perceive grandiloquent speeches and ornate verbal turns.

What if a man has a girlfriend

Before you write to a guy who likes but is busy, it is advisable to think carefully about whether this is really necessary. Attempts to upset other people's relationships can end in failure. The result is wasted time and nerves of several people at once.

It is advisable to start communication with an unfree young man with a standard phrase: “Hello! How are you?" or from a smiley. If the guy answers, you can ask what he enjoys.

If the correspondence continues and communication will gain momentum, you need to ask if the guy is free and draw conclusions based on his answer. Some men may lie that they are completely free, others may start wagging like a Marquitan boat, telling stories about freedom in relationships. But there are those who speak the truth.

If a guy who has a serious relationship with another girl agrees to continue communicating and dating, it is advisable to think about whether you need such a windy specimen.

Tips on how to charm your interlocutor will help you. You will be able to tidy up your social network page, learn how to behave and what to write.

After all the preparations, read the list of questions you can. They will help you get to know him better.

For everything to work out, it is important to correctly start the correspondence on VK or another social network. Here.

Has the conversation been going on for so long that there are not enough topics for conversation? Here's another .

And this. You will need them if there is a desire to seduce and fall in love with a guy.

What absolutely should not be written

Psychologists advise to refrain from messages from:

  • complaints;
  • aggression;
  • vulgarity;
  • manifestation of jealousy;
  • denial of sympathy.

It is advisable to act according to the principle - one message from you, one - from him. If a person has read a message, but does not answer for a long time, do not bombard him with questions. If he wants to continue communicating, the girl may put herself in an awkward position.

No need to write:

  • i miss;
  • how I miss you;
  • you are so beautiful;
  • when will we meet?;
  • where have you disappeared ?;
  • i want to see you;
  • i can't help thinking about you for a day;
  • do you miss ?;
  • do you miss me too?;
  • i constantly think about you;
  • i go crazy with the thought that I won't see you again;
  • how I would like to hug you now;
  • i kiss you and hug you tight;
  • please don't forget about me.

The vulgarity repels most guys, and if it attracts some of them, then with such a girl they will not dare to start a serious relationship. Therefore, dirty jokes and eloquent hints must be excluded. Do not write:

  • i lack warmth;
  • i really want you to touch me;
  • i dream to hug you tightly;
  • how I want you to kiss me now;
  • i melt at the thought of you, etc.

Men do not like manifestations of jealousy even from those girls with whom they have known for a long time. The need to report on every step to an unfamiliar person will certainly not contribute to rapprochement. Refuse messages with detailed questions about where, with whom and why he met. Let your communication be light and relaxed.

It is wrong to say that the guy is absolutely indifferent to you. This can cause him to give up thoughts of a romantic relationship with you. At the same time, there is no need to bombard the MCH with messages with declarations of love. Such speeches at the stage of correspondence will frighten most guys. Do not write:

  • i know that fate has brought us together;
  • it had to happen;
  • we are together for a reason;
  • i fall in love with you every day more and more;
  • you are the best.

The golden mean is to periodically unobtrusively demonstrate your sympathy in the process of communication, but not write directly about the desire to grow old together. Here are examples: you know how to make compliments, it's nice to know that you understand me, you talk interestingly, somehow it's easy for me to communicate with you, there is no discomfort.

This is how a typical girl looks like who wants to write to a guy she likes, the video is very funny:

Our simple phrases and rules of correspondence will help you find a common language with anyone! You just need to know who to send them to.