Zabolotsky N.A. Basic dates of life and creativity

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (1903 - 1958) - Soviet poet, translator. I wrote a lot for children, transfers overseas authors.

Nikolay Zabolotsky was born near Kazan on April 24 (May 7) of 1903. The boy's father was an agronomist, mother - teacher. Impressions from childhood spent in a rustic atmosphere were brightly reflected in verses that Zabolotsky began to write from the first school schools.

In the Uzhumsky school, the boy actively engaged in history, painting, chemical experiments, met the work of A. Blok. After admission to Moscow to the historical and philological and medical department, Nikolai moves to Petrograd and ends there the Faculty of Language and Literature at the Institute. Herzen.

After graduating from the university, the poet for two years serves in the army not far from Leningrad, is one of the journalists of the local wall newspaper. The impressions of the barrage of life, the collision with various characters and situations becomes the starting point in finding your own literary style.

Earlier creativity

After military service, Zabolotsky proceeds to work at the Department of Children's Book of State Publishing Under the leadership of S. Marshak. Then in the children's magazines "Hedgehog", "Chizh". The poet writes a lot for children, adapts for the perception with young readers the translation of "Gargantua and Pantagruel" Rabel.

His first collection of poems is published in 1929, called the "columns" and causes a whole scandal in the literary society. In the poems of the collection, a mockery above everyday life and bosomism was clearly traced. Prepared readers also noticed subtle parodies on the poetic styles of Balmont, Pasternak, the images of Zoshchenko and Dostoevsky.

The next compilation is published in 1937 and is called the "second book".

Arrest and reference

On charges of anti-Soviet propaganda, which was fabricated from the reviews of critics and denunciations, little relating to the true topics of the creation of the poet, in 1938 the poet was arrested. Attempts to hang on him the organization of a conspiratorial association and sentenced to the execution did not give results, despite the torture, the poet did not agree to sign false accusations. The events of this period are told by the poet in the "History of My Conclusion" (memoirs printed in 1981 abroad, in 1988 in the USSR).

5 years old Zabolotsky spent in the camps in the Far East, then two years (1944-46) in Karaganda. There was completed the poetic translation of the word about the regiment of Igor.

The 40s became turning not only in life, but also the work of the poet. From the avant-garde works of the early period, full sarcasm, irony, various allusions, it moves to classical poetry with simple and understandable images and situations.

Moscow period

In 1946, to resolve the authorities, Zabolotsky returned to the capital and he was returned by the status of a member of the Union of Writers. The third collection of "poem" is published in 1948.

After the creative rise of the first years of liberation, the saturation occurs. Zabolotsky almost does not write, fearing the ideological persecution and repetition of history with arrest. In 1955, the poet occurs in the poet in 1955, the first heart attack, which greatly undermined his health. The cause of his K. Chukovsky, a close friend of Zabolotsky, called the temporary departure of the wife of the poet Catherine to another man.

By this time, there are many transfers of the compositions of Georgian poets Rustaveli, Chavchavadze, Pshavelay A. Tsereteli et al. Who helped the poet to support themselves and their family afloat.

A new creative rise begins after the cult of Stalin's cult and started thaw in 1956. This stage in the history of the country was reflected in verses "somewhere in the field near Magadan," Kazbek ". Three years before the death in 1958, Zabolotsky creates most of the works included in the last period of creativity.

In 1957, the last poetic collection is published - the Last Love Cycle. These are the lyrical poems of the poet, including the famous poem "kissed, beyond".

On October 14, 1958, Nikolai Zabolotsky had a second heart attack, which became fatal. The poet was buried in Moscow.

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (1903-1958), poet.

Born on May 7, 1903 in Kazan in the family of agronomist. He studied in a rural school, then in a real school of the city of Uzhum.

Poems began to write in childhood. He graduated from 1925 the Faculty of Russian and Literature of the Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen in Leningrad.

In 1926-1927 He served in the army.

In the late 20s. XX century Zabolotsky joined the group of Obaniutov - young writers who created the unification of real creativity (A. Intr., Yu. Vladimirov, D. Khaars, etc.). Together with Obaruts began to try forces in children's literature, published in the journal "Yozh".

In 1929, the first column of the poet "Columns" was released, which caused, according to his own words, "decent scandal" and brought his popularity.

In 1929-1933 He writes the poems "Celebration of Agriculture", "Mad Wolf", "Trees". The relationship between humans and nature is dedicated to a lot of works, including one of his best poems "Everything that was in the shower ..." (1936).

In 1937, he saw the light "The second book", confirmed the skill and identity of the poet.

At the end of the 50s. Zabolotsky translated the Georgian medieval poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" Sh. Rustaveli (1953-1957). In 1938, Zabolotsky was arrested on a false political charge. Being in conclusion, he continued to write, made a free crossing "Words about the regiment of Igor". After liberation in January 1946 came to Moscow.

Poems of the Zabolotsky end of the 40s-50s. became a classic of Russian lyrics ("Testament", "Thunderstorm", "I still did not get up over the village ...", "I am not looking for harmony in nature ...", "Swallow", "ugly girl", "Cranes", "I will give me Skzorets, corner ... ", Last love cycle, etc.). They are distinguished by philosophical depth; The author opens up in life all new faces and secrets, finds new compliance with his changing inner world.

Zabolotsky also owns numerous translations from German, Hungarian, Italian, Serbian, Tajik, Uzbek, Ukrainian languages.

His translations from Georgian poetry are particularly significant. The result of a long-lasting work was released in Tbilisi in 1958. The two-volume member "Georgian classical poetry" in N. Zabolotsky.

His last poem - "Do not let the soul be lazy ...".

    Very briefly, understandable. Very helped! Many thanks: 3

    Everything is clear and briefly ... Personally, I helped with a homework

Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (1903-1958) is a Russian poet Lirik of the philosophical warehouse, reflecting about the place of man in the universe. The author of collections "Columns" (1929), "Celebration of Agriculture" (1933), Arrangements "Words about the regiment of Igor" (1947), Memoirov "History of My Conclusion" (1981) and others. To explain the principle of bipolarity in ethnogenesis, [Lion] Gumilyov He leads an excerpt from the poem of Zabolotsky "Ladeynika", in which, according to a scientist, a position is expressed by the position of peace. "Ladikov listened. // over the garden // was a vague rustling of thousands of deaths. // Nature that wrapped in hell, // his affairs spinned without a job: // Beetle ate grass, beetle stuck the bird, // Ferret saw the brain from the bird head, // and fear of the walking faces // Night creatures looked from the grass. // So - she, harmony of nature! // So - they, night voices! // On the abnumbs of flour shine our waters, // on the abnumbs of grief falls on the forest! // Nature New Davilnya // united death and being // in one tangle, but the thought was powerless // Connect the two sacraments of her! " In these rows, according to the scientist, as in the focus of the telescope lens, the views of Gnostics are connected, manicheev Albigoans, Karmatov, Mahayanists - all who considered the factory evil, and the world is a field of suffering.

Citizted by ed.: Lev Gumilev. Encyclopedia. / Ch. ed. E.B. Sadykov, Sost. Because Shanba, - M., 2013, p. 259.

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (1903 - 1958), poet, translator. Born on April 24 (May 7, N.S.) in Kazan in the family of agronomist. Children's years have passed in the village of Srneur Vyatka province, not far from the city of Urzhum. At the end of the real school in Urzhum in 1920, it goes to Moscow to continue education.

Enters Moscow University immediately into two faculties - philological and medical. The literary and theatrical life of Moscow captured Zabolotsky: performances Mayakovsky , Yesenin, futurists, IMAZHINISTS. Starting writing poems even at school, now fascinated by the imitation of Block T. Yesenin .

In 1921 he moved to Leningrad and entered the Herzern Pedagogical Institute, joined in the literary circle classes, but I didn't find my own voice. " In 1925 he graduated from the institute.

During these years, it is closer to a group of young poets, who called themselves "OBSERITS" ("Association of Real Art"). They were rare and little printed, but they often performed with reading their poems. Participation in this group helped the poet to find their way.

At the same time, Zabolotsky actively cooperates in children's literature, in magazines for children "Hedgehog" and "Chizh". His children's books are published in verses and prose "Snake Milk", "Rubber Heads" and others. In 1929, a collection of poems "columns" was released, in 1937 - "The Second Book."

In 1938, he was illegally repressed, worked as a builder in the Far East, in the Altai Territory and Karaganda. In 1946 returned to Moscow. In 1930 - the 40s were written: "Metamorphosis", "Forest Lake", "Morning", "I am not looking for harmony in nature" and others. The last decade worked a lot about the translations of Georgian classic poets and contemporaries, visits Georgia.

In the 1950s, such poems of Zabolotsky as the "ugly girl", the "old actress", "opposition to Mars" and others, made his name to a well-known reader. The last two years of life spends in Tarusa on the Oka. He was seriously ill, suffered a heart attack. Many lyrical poems were written here, the poem "Rubruk in Mongolia". In 1957 visited Italy.

Autumn morning

Common speeches of lovers,
The last starway flies.
All day satisfied with maples
Silhouettes of crimson hearts.

What are you, autumn, made with us!
In red gold sweeps the earth.
Flame of grief whistles under the legs,
Temples of the foliage of a mechanical one.

Materials KN: Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky (1903 - 1958) belongs to the first generation of Russian writers who have entered the creative course of life after the revolution. In his biography, the amazing devotion of poetry, stubborn work on the improvement of poetic skill, purposeful development of his own concept of the universe and courageous overcoming barriers, who fate erected on his life and creative path. From the youngest years, he was very demanded of his works and to their selection, considering that it was necessary to write not separate poems, but a whole book. Throughout life several times came up with ideal vaults, over time, he caught with new poems, before writing - edited and in some cases replaced with other options. A few days before the death of Nikolai Alekseevich wrote a literary testament, which accurately pointed out that he should enter his final meeting, structure and title of the book. In Single Tome, he combined bold, grotesque poems of the 20s and classically clear, harmonious works of a later period, thereby recognizing the integrity of their path. The final arch of poems and poems should be concluded by the author's notice:

"This manuscript includes a complete collection of my poems and the poems installed by me in 1958. All other poems, ever written and printed by me, I consider it or random, or unsuccessful. Include them in my book do not need. Texts of a real manuscript Checked, corrected and established finally; formerly published options for many poems should be replaced with the texts given here. "

N. A. Zabolotsky grew up in the family of Zemstvo agronomist who served in agricultural farms near Kazan, then in the village of Srneur (now - the district center of the Mari ASSR). In the first years after the revolution, agronomed was headed by the Farm-State University in the district city of Urzhum, where the future poet received secondary education. From childhood, Zabolotsky issued an unforgettable impression from the Vyatka nature and from the activities of the Father, the love of books and early informed vocation to devote their lives of poetry. In 1920, he left the parent house and headed first to Moscow, and the next year to Petrograd, where he entered the separation of the language and literature of the Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen. Hunger, poor life and sometimes painful searches for their own poetic voice accompanied the student years of Zabolotsky. He read with hobby Blok , Mandelstama , Akhmatov , Gumileva , Yesenin But soon I realized that his path does not coincide with the path of these poets. Closer to his search turned out to be Russian poets of the XVIII century , classics XIX. , from contemporaries - Velimir Khlebnikov .

The period of apprenticeship and imitation ran out in 1926, when Zabolotsky managed to find the original poetic method and determine the circle of its applications. The main theme of his poems of 1926--1928 - sketches of urban life, which made all contrasts and contradictions of that time. The recent rural resident of the city was also an alien and sinister, then an attractive particular bizarre painting. "I know that I'm confused in this city, although I fight against him," he wrote to the future wife E. V. Klyova in 1928. Comprehending his attitude towards the city, Zabolotsky was still in the 20s, tried to associate social problems with ideas about the relationships and interdependence of human and nature. In the poems of 1926 "Horse's face",

"In the housing of our" the naturalophilosophical roots of creativity of those years are clearly visible. The prerequisite of the satirical image of the vulgarity and spiritual limitations of the average man ("Evening Bar", "New Life", "Ivanov", "Wedding" ...) was a conviction in the harm of the care of the city's inhabitants from their natural existence in harmony with nature and from their debt relation to her.

Two circumstances contributed to the statement of the creative position and the peculiar poetic manner of Zabolotsky - his participation in the literary community, called the unification of real art (among the obtorites - D. KHARMS. , A. Intr., K. Vaginov, etc.) and the passion for painting Filonov, Shagal, Bruegel ... Later he recognized the relativeness of his creativity of the 20s by PRIMITIZMUM Henri Rousseau. The ability to see the world through the eyes of the artist remained at the poet for life.

The first book of Zabolotsky "Columns" (1929, 22 poems) was allocated even against the background of the diversity of poetic directions in those years and had noisy success. Prints appeared separate approving reviews, the author noticed and supported V. A. Gofman, V. A. Kaverin , S. Ya. Marshak, N. L. Stepanov, N. S. Tikhonov, Yu. N. Tyanyanov , B. M. Eychenbaum ... But the further literary fate of the poet became complicated by the written, sometimes directly the hostile and slanderous interpretation of his works by the majority of critics. Especially intensified by the injury of Zabolotsky after the publication in 1933 his poem "Celebration of Agriculture". Most recently, entering the literature, he was already with the stigma of the champion of formalism and the apologist of the alien ideology. Compiled by him new, ready-to-print book of poems (1933) could not see the light. Here, the life principle of the poet: "It is necessary to work and fight for yourself. How many failures are still ahead, how many disappointments, doubt! But if at such moments a man shakes - his song Spet. Vera and perseverance. Labor and honesty ..." (1928, Letter to E. V. Klyova). And Nikolai Alekseevich continued to work. The existence of the existence of the work began in 1927 in 1927 - in the 1930s, he collaborated in Journals "Hedgehog" and "Chizh", wrote poems and prose for children. His translation is most famous - processing for the youth of the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" (in the 50s there was a complete translation of the poem), as well as transfer books by Rabl's "Gargantua and Pantagruel" and Roman De Koster "Til Ulynspigel".

In his work, Zabolotsky became increasingly focused on the philosophical lyrics. He was fond of poetry Derzhavina , Pushkin , Baratynsky , Tyutchev , Goethe and, is still Khlebnikov , I was actively interested in philosophical problems of natural science - reading the works of Engels, Vernadsky, Grigory Zeekovori ... In early 1932, I met the works of Tsiolkovsky, who made an indelible impression on him. In a letter to the scientist and the great dreamer, wrote: "... Your thoughts about the future of land, mankind, animals and plants are deeply worried about me, and they are very close to me. In my unprinted poems and verses, I could have allowed them."

At the heart of the natural philosophical concept of Zabolotsky - an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe as a unified system that unites living and non-residential forms of matter, which are in eternal interaction and mutual entertainment. The development of this complex organism of nature comes from primitive chaos to the harmonious orderliness of all its elements. And the main role here is playing inherent in nature, which, according to the expression K. A. Timiryazev, "deafly smashes in the lower beings and only bright sparks flashes in the mind of a person." Therefore, it is a person who is intended to take care of the conversion of nature, but in its activities he must see in nature not only a student, but also a teacher, for this imperfect and suffering "New Davilnya" concludes a wonderful world of the future and those wise laws that It should be guided by a person. The Poem "Celebration of Agriculture" is argued that the mission of the mind begins with the social improvement of human society and then social justice applies to human attitude towards animals and all of nature. Zabolotsky remembered the words well Khlebnikov : "I see Konsky Freedoms I have equality cows."

Gradually, the position of Zabolotsky in literary circles of Leningrad was strengthened. He lived with his wife and children in the "writing superstructure" on the Griboedov Canal, actively participated in the public life of the Leningrad writers. Such poems like a "farewell", "North" and especially "hot symphony" received approving reviews in print. In 1937, his book was published, including seventeen poems ("second book"). On the desktop of Zabolotsky lay the poetic arrangement of the ancient Russian poem " Word about the regiment of Igor "And their own poem" Osada Kozelsk ", poems, translations from Georgian ... But the coming well-being was deceptive ...

On March 19, 1938, N. A. Zabolotsky was arrested and for a long time cut off from the literature, from the family, from free human existence. As an indictment, in his case, the discernis critical articles and a review "review" appeared, a trendy distorting creature and ideological orientation of his work. In 1944, he served undeserved conclusion in correctional labor camps in the Far East and in the Altai Territory. From spring and until the end of 1945, along with his family lived in Karaganda.

In 1946, N. A. Zabolotsky was restored in the Writers' Union and received permission to live in the capital. The new, Moscow period of his work began. Despite all the blows of fate, he managed to preserve the inner integrity and remained the rightful cause of his life - as soon as possible, he returned to unfulfilled literary designs. Back in 1945, in Karaganda, working as a drawer in the construction department, Nikolai Alekseevich basically completed the transformation " Words about the regiment of Igor "And in Moscow resumed work on the transfer of Georgian poetry. His verses from Orbeliani, V. Pshaveli, D. Guraramishvili, S. Chikovani - many classic and modern Georgian poets. He worked on the poetry of other Soviet and foreign peoples. .

In poems written by Zabolotsky after a long break, continuity with its work of the 30s is clearly traced, especially with regard to natural philosophical ideas. These are the poems of the 10th year "Read, trees, verses of geeiode", "I am not looking for harmony in nature", "Testament", "Through the magic device of Lewenguk" ... In the 50s, the naturalophilosophical theme began to go deep into the verse, Being as if his invisible foundation and giving way to reflections on the psychological and moral relations of man and nature, over the inner world of man, over the feelings and problems of the person. In the "Creatures of Roads" and other poems of labor of builders continue to talk about human accomplishments, started before 1938 ("Wedding fruits", "North", "Sedov"). The affairs of contemporaries and their experience in the eastern construction projects poet mercy with the prospect of creating a slender living architecture of nature.

In the poems of the Moscow period there were previously unknown to Zabolotsky, sometimes autobiographicity ("blind", "in this grove of birch", the "Last Love" cycle). The exacerbated attention to the living human soul led him to psychologically rich genre-plot sketches ("wife", "loser", "in the cinema", "ugly girl", "old actress" ...), to observations on how spiritual Warehouse and fate are reflected in human appearance ("On the beauty of human persons", "portrait"). For the poet, the beauty of nature was much greater, its impact on the inner world of man. A number of ideas and works of Zabolotsky was associated with constant interest in history and epic poetry ("Rubruk in Mongolia", etc.). His poetic was constantly improved, the formula of creativity was the triad proclaimed by him: thought - image - music.

Not everything was just in the Moscow life Nikolai Alekseevich. The creative rise, manifested in the early years after return, was replaced by a decline and almost complete switching of creative activity on artistic transfers in 1949-1952. Time was alarming. Fearing that his ideas will be used again against him, Zabolotsky often kept himself and did not allow himself to transfer everything that ripened in consciousness and asked to the poem. The situation changed only after the XX Congress of the Party, condemned perversion associated with the cult of the Personality of Stalin. For new trends in the life of the country, Zabolotsky responded to poems "somewhere in the field near Magadan", "The opposition of Mars", "Kazbek". It became easier to breathe. Suffice it to say that over the past three years of life (1956-1958), Zabolotsky created about half of all the poems of the Moscow period. Some of them appeared in print. In 1957, the fourth, most comprehensive graduate compilation (64 poems and selected translations) came out. After reading this book, the authoritative connoisseur of poetry roots Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote Nikolai Alekseevich enthusiastic words, so important for the inhaled criticism of the poet: "I am writing to you with that respectful timidity, with what I would write Tyutchev or Derzhavin. For me there is no doubt that the author of" cranes " , "Swan", "I dwell to me, starfish, corner," loser "," actresses "," human persons "," morning "," forest lake "," blind "," in the cinema "," walkers "," Ugly girl "," I am not looking for harmony in nature "- a truly great poet whose work is sooner or late Soviet culture (maybe even against the will) will have to be proud of as one of the highest achievements. Some of the current these lines will seem an increasing and rough mistake, but I am responsible for them with all my seventy-year-old readership "(June 5, 1957).

Prediction K. I. Chukovsky comes true. In our time, Poetry N. A. Zabolotsky is widely published, it has been translated into many foreign languages, comprehensively and seriously studied by literary criticism, the dissertation and monographs are written about it. The poet reached the goal to which he strived throughout his life - he created a book worthy of the great tradition of Russian philosophical lyrics, and this book came to the reader.

Material from the site of the library Moshkov

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (24.04.1903-14.10.1958), poet. Born on a farm near Kazan in the family of agronomas and teacher.

All R. 20-Zabolotsky, editor of the Children's Section of the State Grade, the author of the book "Good boots" (1928), meets the participants of the Oberehu group (unification of real art) D. Hams, A. Intrusion, K. Vaginov, and others. And becomes an active supporter, " Theorist "of this flow. True, it existed rather in ardent declarations, theatrical speeches, declared themselves to disputes, on the "posters of the House of Press" in Leningrad. From this value of Obaniutov, or "Chinarians", as D. Harms, A. Vvedensky, were called themselves, - combining the words "Chin" (i.e. spiritual rank) and "Chinarik" (i.e., a small cigarette The poetry of Zabolotsky did not diminish.

The first book of serious poems of Zabolotsky "columns" (1929), which had a great success, carries a traces of Observation programs, including and programs written in person.

Obernuts were looking for meaning in absurdity, the mind - in Zaumi, represented the world in the forms of grotesque, fantastic visions. They "shifted" all their lives and the word in the element of the game, often alogical, "ridiculous." Not in such a plan sounds metaphors and early Zabolotsky: "Straight bald husbands / sit like a shot from a rifle" ("Wedding"); "The baby is growing and husbands / and suddenly, walking through the table, / sits right in Komsomol" ("New Life").

Zabolotsky possessed too strong natural principle to divide the enthusiasm of the fellow on the "zaulny language", "shepherology", "war of all the meaning" in the name of creating absurd reality. But he supported their desire to revive in poetry "a new sense of life and its subjects," to clear a specific subject from the literary and everyday husk, he dreamed of revealing the reader the world, before that "the languages \u200b\u200bof many fools", tangled in the Tina "experiences" and "emotions" , in all cleanliness of its specific courageous forms "(from the Obaruty Declaration. 1928).

Column "Columns" - in the best poems that have made it, - a phantasmagoric picture of Leningrad, filed with an offline, with a deliberate, sorthernye-nonpeal side. It reigns a thick, meshchanism of life, the element of worship, market, beer. This element flattened, squeezed the man, narrowed his horizons. In the "columns" evening bar turns into the "Bottle Warm Waving", where the waitress or singer, "the siren pale beyond the counter, the guests will join the tincture," there lives "pamphs with flowers in half." Here, the "new life" is aware of its novelty in such wedding signs, as the phenomenon of the chairman of the residential (or trade union) instead

And taking red speech,
Sitting on the table Ilyich.

Under the influence of Obaniutov, the collection comes the whole effort of negative, Meshchansky features of Leningrad 20s:

People's House - Joy Chicken,
Barn Magic Living,
trough festive passion,
thick pecked Being.

Of all the designations of the maiden beauty, the charm of the youth of Zabolotsky in the "columns" knows, alas, only one thing: "Here the girl drives his preching dog on Arkana"; "He touches her hand"; "Kisses the girl Ivanov"; "But there is no girls in front of him" ... "Baba", of course, "as if" ...

In the description of the market in Zabolotsky, not all is recreated in the spirit of Obaniutov, their universal irony. The poet is configured to laugh, create a worn, grotesque world, but in his paintings a cheerful, healthy mind of the carnival, the spirit of the French novelist Rabol, maybe even the magnificity of Bazarov B. M. Kustodiev:

Sparkle sabers sheds,
Their eyes are small cakes
But here, cut by a knife,
They are twisted ...
Acne, similar to sausages,
In smoked pomp and laziness
Smoked, bent the knees,
And among them, like yellow fang,
Shone on the dish Tsar-Balyk.

Yes, this is no longer the market, but the feast of the earth, the collection of her gifts, the demonstration of life and the power of nature! This conclusion of the poet in the "columns" has not yet done: it is very primitive, imperceptible or vulgar on his fish markets, weddings inhabitants, hosts and visitors to the markets. Here, "Scales read" Our Father "", here morality will not break down "through the meat of fat trenches", here "Samovar makes a homemade general". The poet with horror looks at this kingdom of painting inanimate matter and does not know where his place in the world of new heroes of life:

Can't find me there
Where my bride is waiting for me
Where chairs lined up in a row
Where is the slide - like Ararat? ..

He only outlines his future place in the "columns", rather hints at him. In the poem "Lunch", he recreates the entire rite of "bloody art of living" - the cutting of meat, vegetables. We see row of bulbs and potatoes in a boiling saucepan. The poet returns memory to Earth, where all these products, and potatoes, and bulbs, still lived, have not yet learned death, this is stained in boiling water:

When we were seen in the radiance
blissful infancy of plants, -
We, right, knelt down on your knees
Before boiling a saucepan of vegetables.

Shortly after the "columns", the poet found and since then did not lose its place in the world of nature, in the kingdom of plants and animals. I found it not at all through the market, not through a glued range and counters with a bat, meat. In 1929-30, he will write the naturophilosophical poem "Celebration of Agriculture", then the poem "Mad Wolf", "Trees", "Wedding Fruits". It was his poetic project to establish the unity of the universe, uniting live and non-living forms of matter, multiplication of the purity and harmonicity of the relationship of a person with nature.

Nature and man in it must come out of the state of "New Davilny" - this is the key image of the entire poetry of Zabolotsky, - when strong devouring weaker, but also themselves become the prey of the strongest.

In 1934, the poet again will create the image of the world, where weak beings are eaten by others, stronger, and these strong become feed for even stronger: this is the process endless, connecting being and death. And where is immortality? His hero of Lodeteynov once heard (realized) in the night garden terrible harmony of devouring, a consistent extermination cycle:

Over garden
There was a vague rustling of thousands of deaths.
Nature that wrapped hell
His deeds spoke without a job.
Beetle ate grass, beetle fucked bird,
ferret saw the brain from the bird head,
and scary peashed persons
Night creatures looked from the grass.
Nature New Davilnya
combined death and being
In a single club.

("Lodeteners in the Garden")

Extremely unpredict such a terrible world order. And this cycle is crowned, alas, the human "robberry" of nature in all its species.

The picture of the "Nature of New Davilny" is not their own opening of Zabolotsky. He created this picture on the basis of the ideas and images of the philosopher N. F. Fedorov, the creator of the grand philosophical utopian "Philosophy of a common cause" and, of course, his follower, Kaluga dreamer K. E. Tsiolkovsky. With the latter, Zabolotsky corresponded in 1932, agreeing and arguing devoting him to the circle of his topics. The poet dreamed of to negotiate the process of devouring some creatures by others in nature, "Nature of New Davilnia" - the embodiment of its market.

In March 1938, Zabolotsky was arrested. In prison and Camps, Zabolotsky stayed from 1938 to 1944. After returning to Moscow, in Tarusa, where he lived for a long time, the most fruitful period of his creative life began. The poet translated the "Word about the regiment of Igor" (already in 1945), the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", created a whole anthology of transfers to Georgian lyrics. But the most important thing - he revealed the potential wealth of the human soul as the highest manifestation of the whole, and spiritual, including the life of nature. This is a very dramatic page of his lyrics. In it, as the scientist V. P. Smirnov noted, the poet not only "sought to comprehend the contradiction, but also took himself as an element of contradiction."

V. Chalmaev

Website materials are used Big Encyclopedia of the Russian People -


He died, squeezing the compass faithful.
The nature is dead, shaped ice
Lying around him and the sun cave
Through the fog heard with difficulty.
Shaggy, with chest belts,
His light cargo of the dog has grieved a little.
Ship, lured in an ice grave,
It was far left behind.
And the whole world remained behind his back!
To the country of silence, where Pole-Giant,
Topped with Tearra Ice
With a meridian, a meridian with a meridian;
Where is the semicircle of polar Sianya
Spear diamond sky crossed;
Where the age-old dead silence
Only a person could disrupt -
There, there! In the country of foggy delirium,
Where is the last life of the thread!
And the hearts of moan and life MiG Last -
Everything, all give, but the pole to win!
He died in the middle of the road,
Diseases and hunger Tom.
In the circling spots of ice legs,
Like logs, the dead lay in front of him.
But strange! In this semi-dimensional body
The Great Soul still lived:
Forceing pain. barely breathe
Brought to the face with a compass barely barely,
He checked the arrow his route
And drove your train funeral ...
About the edge of the earth, sullen and sad!
What people visited here!

And there is a grave in the far north ...
In the world, she rushes.
Only the wind is so sad there,
And the snow smooth shines the paddle.
Two faithful friends, a little alive both,
Among the stones of the hero buried,
And there was no simple coffin,
Chuspers did not have a native land.
And there was no honors of the military,
Nor mourning salutes or wreaths,
Only two sailors, standing on the knees,
As children, we cried alone among the snow.

But people courage, friends, do not die!
Now that over our head
Steel vortices air dissect
And disappear in the blue haze
When, reaching snow zenith,
Our flag over the pole ranges, wing,
And indicated by the angle of theodolite
Sunrise Moon and Sunny Sunset, -
My friends, at the celebration of the People
Mother those who fell in the edge of cold!

Get up, Sedov, Dead Son of the Earth!
Your old compass we changed new,
But your trip in the north harsh
Could not forget in your campaigns.
And live in the world without limit,
Bumping into ice by changing the river beds -
The step rate has brought us into the body
Live soul was blowing forever.
And we will go to the tract of any,
And if death cares for snow,
Only one asks for fate:
So die, as Sedov died.

Give me, starner, corner

Give me, starner, corner,
Saw me and old squawnik.
Give you a soul in a pledge
For your blue snowdrops.

And whistles and mumbles spring,
The knee flooded tops.
Awaken male from sleep,
So that like butterflies, the leaves shumbled.

And such on the fields Kavardak,
And such a stream of Ocolesitsa,
What to try, leaving the attic,
Broken head in the grove do not rush!

Start Serenada, Skzorets!
Through Litavra and Bubnes Stories
You are our first spring singer
From the birch conservatory.

Open presentation, whistle!
Throw on the pink head
Blowing strings
In his throat at the birch grove.

I myself would try much
Yes, I whispered to me the butterfly - a wander
"Who happens in the spring of Gorlast,
That without voice will remain for the summer. "

And spring is good, good!
Covered all souls with sirens.
Raise the same squore, soul,
Over your gardens spring.

Saw on high six,
Hollow in the sky delights
Plove a web to the star
Together with bird patters.

Turn to the Mirozdan face
Blue snowdrops honored,
With lost consciousness star
Traveling on the spring fields.


When life life runs out on the slope of the year
And, extinguishing the candle, I'll go again again
In the unrefined world of foggy transformations,
When Milongs of new generations
Fill this world sparkling miracles
And the structure of nature is completed, -
Let my poor dust cover these waters,
Let the green forest shelter me.

I will not die, my friend. Breathing flowers
I find yourself in this world.
Centuries-old oak my live soul
The roots will drive, segregated and harsh.
In his large sheets, I will give the mind
With the help of the branches my thoughts,
So that they are from the darkness of the forests hung
And you were involved in a conscious of mine.

Over your head, distant great-grandchildren,
I'm in the sky, as a slow bird,
I will flash over you like a pale zarry,
How summer rain is swollen, sparkling over grass
There is no more beautiful in the world.
Silent gloom graves - the tomorrow is empty.
I lived my life, I did not see peace;
There is no rest in the world. Everywhere life and me.

I was not born into the world when from the cradle
My eyes for the first time in the world looked, -
I first thought for the first time
When the life was a lifeless crystal,
When the raindrop is first
Fell on it, in the rays exhausted.
Oh, I no wonder in this world lived!
And sweetly me aim from the dot,
So, taking me in the palm, you, the far descendant,
Complete what I did not trust.


Out of Africa in April
To the shores of the deceic land,
Long triangle flew
Drown in the sky, cranes.

Extending silver wings
Through the whole wide sky
Led the leader in the valley of an outbill
Your small people.

But when the wings flashed
Lake, transparent through,
Black gaping dun.
From the bushes came to meet.

Ray Fire hit the bird's heart
Fast flame flashed and went out,
And particle of wondrous
From the height hit us.

Two wings like two huge grief
Hugged a cold wave,
And, sobbing the sore summon
The cranes rushed into the embroidery.

Only where the shine is moving,
In the sporm of one's own evil
They returned nature again
The fact that death with him took:

Proud spirit, high striving,
Will be adamant to fight -
All that from the past generation
Moves, youth, to you.

A leader in a metal shirt
Immersed slowly to the bottom,
And dawn over it formed
Golden glow stain.

Reading poems

Curious, funny and thin:
Verse, almost not like verse.
Matching Cricket and Child
Perfected writer comprehended.

And in nonsense crumpled speech
The sophistication is known to eat.
But perhaps the dreams of human
Sacrificing this fun to bring?

And is it possible to Russian
Turn into twitter squirrel
To make sense to live
Could not sound through it?

Not! Poetry puts barriers
Our inventions, for she
Not for those who play in charaks
Putting a sorcerer cap.

He who lives a real life
Who is accustomed to poetry from childhood
Eternally believes in the life-giving,
Full Rough Russian.

I am brought up by the nature of harsh,
I am pretty noticed at the feet
Dandelion Pooh ball,
Plantain solid blade.

Than the usual simple plant,
The more lively worries me
First leaves his appearance
At dawn of the spring day.

In the state of daisies, near the edge,
Where the stream, choking, sings,
Walked all night until the morning I
Throwing a face in the sky.

Life with a stream of luminous dust
Everything would flow, flowed through sheets,
And foggy stars shone,
By pouring the rays of the bushes.

And, sitting in spring noise
In the middle of fascinated herbs
I'd lying around and I thought the Duma
Impressional fields and dubbing.



In zipuny domestic cutting,
From distant villages, because of Oci,
They walked, unknown, three -
By worldly walkers.

Russia rushed in hunger and bore,
Everything was mixed, shifted by the enemy.
Gul Station, Creek in the Comfusion,
Human grief without embellishment.

Only these three for some reason
Stand out in the accopriety of people
Did not shout frenzy and luu
Did not break the line of queues.

Peering with old eyes
In the fact that the need has done
Traveled travelers, and themselves
They spoke little, as always.

There is a trait inherent in the people:
He thinks not a mind one, -
All his mental nature
Our people associate with him.

Because our fairy tales are beautiful
Our songs folded in the way.
In them and the mind and heart without fears
On one nashchye they say.

These three talked little.
What words! It was not the essence.
But in the shower they copied
Much for the long way.

Therefore, perhaps, and buried
In their eyes, anxious lights
Late hour when they stopped
At the threshold Smolny, they.

But when the most welcome the owner,
A man in a lagged jacket,
Himself work to the death of Izmayan,
Spoke with them,

Spoke of their scarcely
Talked about that time when
Electrical horses will be released
On the field of folk care,

Said how life will place the wings,
How, when the spirit coming down, all the people
Gold bread plenty
In the country, leaky, will incur, -

Only then heavy anxiety
In three hearts melted like a dream
And suddenly visible became a lot
From what he saw only.

And the cats themselves unleashed,
Gray dust in the dust room,
And in the hands of shy appeared
Related rye pretzel.

With this treasure
To Lenin, the peasants approached.
Spruce all. And bitter was and delicious
Meful gift of the extruded land.


Ugly girl

Among other playing children
She resembles a frog.
Fastened to the panties thinning shirt,
Rods reddish Kudrey
Scattered, mouth long, curve teeth,
The features of the face and ugly.
Two workers, her peers,
Fathers bought on a bike.
Today, boys, not in a hurry to dinner,
Drive around the courtyard, forgetting about it,
She runs behind them along the trail.
Alien joy just like his
Tomit it and swallow from the heart,
And the girl sniffs and laughs
Having covered by the happiness of being.

Neither the shadow of the envy nor the intent
Does not know this creature.
She is all in the world so immensely new,
So alone, everything for others is dead!
And I do not want to think, watching
What will happen the day when she sobbing
Saw with horror that in the middle of friends
She is just a poor dug!
I want to believe that the heart is not a toy,
You can hardly break it!
I want to believe that clean this flame,
Which in the depths of it burns
All the pain of your one down
And will oppress the greatest stone!
And let the features of her bad
And there is nothing to choose imagination, -
Infant Grace Soul
Already swaying in any of its movement.
And if so, what is beauty
And why do people deify it?
The vessel is in which emptiness,
Or fire flickering in a vessel?


On the beauty of human persons

There are persons like lush portals,
Where everywhere the great messenger is in small,
There are faces - similaries of miserable shacks,
Where the liver and the mock of the Sichuch are boiled.
Other cold, dead faces
Closed with lattices, as if the dungeon.
Others - as towers in which for a long time
No one lives and does not look out the window.
But I knew a little hunting once
It was a noncaine she, not,
But from her window on me
The Spring Day's breath flowed.
Truly world and great and wonderful!
There are faces - similar songs.
From these, like the sun shining notes
Composed song of heavenly heights,

Do not let the soul are lazy

Do not let the soul are lazy!
So that the water is not thrilled,
The soul is obliged to work

Drive her home to home,
Turning from stage to stage,
On the wasteland, on Berelo,
Through a snowdrift, through a bump!

Do not allow her to sleep in bed
With the light of the morning stars,
Keep lazy in black body
And do not remove the udes from her!

Kohl give her up to the congestion,
Free from work
She is the last shirt
With you without pity, sill.

And you grab her shoulders,
Teach and teach the dothemna,
To live with you in humans
She studied again.

She is slave and queen,
She is a worker and daughter,
She is obliged to work
And day and night, and day and night!


Cathedral So.: In 3 t. M., 1983-84;

Georgian classical poetry in N. Zabolotsky translations. Tbilisi, 1958. T. 1, 2;

Poem and poems. M.; L., 1965. (B-ka poet. B. Series);

Election Works: 2 t. M., 1972;

Snake apple: poems, stories, fairy tales / kN. Cost. Based on journals. "Chizh" and "Hedgehog" 20-30s. L., 1973;

Columns. Poem. Poems. L., 1990;

The story of my conclusion. M., 1991;

Fire flickering in a vessel ...: poems and poems. Translations. Letters and articles. Life photoering. Memories of contemporaries. Analysis of creativity. M., 1995.

1913–1920 - study in the Urzham real school, the first poems and the poem "Uzhumiada".

1920 - Admission to the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University.

1921–1925 - Moving to Leningrad. Study at the Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen at the language of language and literature.

1925–1927 - Participation in the literary group Observation ("Association of the only realistic art"). Publication of stories for children in the journal "Hedgehog".

1929 - Publication of the first book of poems "columns" (22 poems; two cycles: "City columns" and "mixed columns"). Disagreement of the world of ordinary people and burghers. Work on the poem "Celebration of Agriculture."

1930 - Published adapted for youth version of the translation of the "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", made by Nikolai Zabolotsky (reissue. "Library of world literature for children", Volume 2, 1982).
He married Catherine Vasilyevna Poklyova (1906-1997).

1931 - Corresponds to K.E. Tsiolkovsky, studies his work. Created a poem "Mad Wolf".

1933 - The publication in the magazine "Star" of the poem "Celebration of Agriculture" caused a wave of political criticism (although the poem had to, according to the author's plan, show the victory of the new order over the ancient way of the pre-revolutionary village, where a new life came). The prepared collection of "Poem 1926-1932" does not come out.

1933–1935 - Disappointment and creative decline. Continuing cooperation with the magazines "Yozh" and "Chizh", who supervised Samuel Marshak, writes poems and prose for children (including the children "Gargantua and Pantagruela" Francois Rabl (1936).

1936 - It is written the poem "Everything that was in the shower", which significantly marked the result of the ponday of the poet about nature.

1937 - Comes the collection "The Second Book", which includes seventeen poems. Getting started on the translation of the word about the regiment of Igor.

1939–1943 - serving the term in the system of East in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur region; Then in the Altaylag system in Kulundin steppes. A partial view of his camp life gives them a selection of "One hundred letters of 1938-1944" - excerpts from letters to his wife and children.

1944 March - after liberation from the camp lives in Karaganda. He graduated from the arrangement of "Words about the regiment of Igor" (started in 1937).

1946 - I achieved permission to live in Moscow. Removed housing in the writer Peredelkino in V. P. Ilyenkova. Restored in the Union of Writers.

1948 - the third collection of poems of the poem "poem" is published. A book was published on the basics of the literary translation of the "Notes of the Translator".

1955 - First heart attack.

1956–1957 - The "Last Love" cycle, consisting of ten poems, autobiographical to a greater extent than the others ever written by Zabolotsky.

1957 - the fourth, the most comprehensive collection of "poems" (64 poems and selected translations) is published.
The last revision of the translation of the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkura".

1958 - Poem "Rubruk in Mongolia". The plot is based on the history of the journey of the French monk Rubrukka in Mongolia, the times of the Board of Genghis Khan through the expanses of Siberia.
Order of the Labor Red Banner for outstanding services in the development of Georgian art and literature.
October 14- death of poet. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Addresses in Petrograd-Leningrad
1921-1925 - Residential Cooperative House of the Third Petrograd Association of Owners of Apartments - Street of Red Zor, 73;
1927-1930 - Profitable house -;
1930 - 19.03.1938 - House of the court stable ("Writing superstructure") - the embankment of Griboyedov, 9.