Plescheev A.N. "Poison" a

Alexander Blok in October 1908 in the article "The Evenings of the Arts" wrote: "The other day, one writer (not my generation) told me about the former literary evenings: they were very rarely different and always differed in particular solemnity ... But why shook hearts: Mikes with With his dry and elegant declamation, Polonsky with a solemnly extended and romantically trembling hand in a dirty white glove, Shtcheyev in silver seeds, calling "forward without fear and doubts"? Yes, because the writer told me that they would like reminded About something, walked some asleep strings, caused high and noble feelings to life. Is there anything like this now, can it be? "

The meaning of the writer in the life of its time does not always correspond to the scale of his talent and the importance of its contribution to the development of domestic literature. Often, in the history of poetry, we see how, at least incomplete, the answers to burning issues give the power to the vote of the artist. In no less act on readers, the life and character of the writer, his personal charm, his beliefs and sincerity. That was the poetic appearance of A. N. Plesech.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of a civil beginning in poetry at the block awakened the memory of Plescheyev. And indeed, the pretty figure of the poet revolutionary until the end of his days caused a hot sympathy in the young generation. Plescheyev participation in revolutionary motion determined equally the main motives and features of his works, and his personal destiny. On the day of the Soviet Jubilee, Plescheev received many congratulations, and among them there were letters of participants in the revolutionary movement and revolutionary youth. So, the artist's student enthusiastically noted as amazing for the reaction of the reaction "a glorious malfunctional feat" of the poet under the "one and the same banner".

It is also characteristic that for the reactionary press and the royal government of the Shlecheev, by the end of their days, remained a living embodiment of the revolutionary sentiment of the Russian people. No wonder on the day of his death, the newspapers were forbidden to print any "the paragonic word of the late poet."

The poem A. N. Pleseyev is the poetic biography of the best people of the 40s and 1960s of the last century, for which revolutionary ideals remained unchanged. In this sense, Petrashevtsu Poetry is inseparable from the history of Russian democratic poetry and the history of the liberation struggle of the second half of the XIX century. Plescheev appreciated and understood the importance of new generations of Russian revolutionaries and, during a very long life and creative path, it was sought to respond to the issues set by the progress of social development - that is why his influence on modernity was so great.

Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheev was born on November 22, 1825 in Kostroma. His father, Nikolai Sergeevich, the descendant of an old and famous in the history of Russia of the nobleman, served with Olonetsky, Vologda and Arkhangelian governors. Childhood of the poet passed in Nizhny Novgorod, where his father was translated. Having received an excellent home education, he was in 1839, at the request of the mother, determined to the school of Guards subdorers in St. Petersburg. The future poet happened here to face the bulling and corruption atmosphere of the Nikolaev military, which forever settled in his soul "the most sincere antipathy" (Letter to V. D. Dunseill dated May 24, 1855). After a year and a half he left the school. In 1843, the future poet entered the Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg University, in which he stayed until the summer of 1845. Simultaneously, N. Speshnev, A. Khanykov, D. Ahsharumov, and others were studied with him here. In this circle of comrades, most of whom will later enter the society of Petrashevsky, the literary and political interests of Plescheev. It is significant that at about the same time the poetic activity of many future participants begins the mug of Petrashevsky: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Palma, Durov, etc. It is in this "unprofitable for poets" (according to Nekrasov) The first poems of A. N. appeared Plescheyev. In the February issue of the "contemporary" for 1844, he published the poem "Night Duma". Publisher of the Sovremennik and Rector of St. Petersburg University P. A. Plentnev wrote Ya. K- Grotto 16 March 1844: "Did you see poems in the contemporary with signature A. P-B? I learned that this is our student another 1st year of Plescheev. He is visible talent. I called him to myself and looked at him. He goes along the Eastern Branch, lives with the mother, who has the only son, and the University moved from the Gvardeers School, without feeling the location of the rich life. " Soon, the ideological discrepancy between Plescheyev with the "contemporary", which the Plenev himself explained the influence of Belinsky's ideas or, as he writes, "Karavsky's doctrines". Belinsky belongs to an important role in the formation of political and literary views of Plescheev-Student. In his articles, the poet with a hot feeling remembered the meaning of Belinsky's articles in his time, "when with some feverish impatience, each book of the magazine was expected, where Belinsky wrote. The heart of the younger generation was becoming more in response to his mighty, passionate, energetic voice, who talked about the truth, science and mankind, mercilessly pursued all the low, nasty human dignity - in life, and all the false, pompous, rhetorical - in art. " And then he defined the role of Belinsky in the fate of his generation: "How many people are obliged to him with their development; How many taught it to consciously look at the surrounding validity of them, how many of the vulgarity and the urgent of her phenomena helped, contrary to the upbringing, who escaped the slaves to inclust the head in front of these phenomena ... "

The denial of the vulgarity and ugliness of the then society, democratic and socialist ideas is one of the results of the student period. No wonder in the summer of 1845, he left the university and in a letter to P. A. Pletnev explained his departure to uncomfortable university course and the desire to "devote himself to sciences alive ... close to life and, therefore, to the interests of our time ...". Among these sciences, he calls far from randomly history and political economy. This fracture in the sentiments of Plescheyev led him to refuse to cooperate in a well-mounted (DonEkrasovsky) "contemporary". In the same 1845, he tried to pick up his poems from the Plenev under a faithful pretext, explaining that they could not be printed without "significant amendments".

Apparently, this is explained by his transition from 1845 to other publications - "Repertoire and Pantheon" and "Illustration". In any case, it is characteristic that in 1844 he printed 13 poems in the contemporary, in 1845 - two, and in 1846 only one thing appeared - "for memory", with the date -1844 year. Since the beginning of 1845, Plescheev, essentially, stopped participating in the journal of the Pletnev. It is also explained by the fact that the poems published in the "contemporary" in 1845-1846, he again printed in other bodies, and some appear simultaneously in the "contemporary" and "repertoire and pantheon". The character of his poetic activity itself changes in many ways.

The fact that departing from the "contemporary" and the university coincides with the emergence of the secret society of Petrashevsky. The community of literary and philosophical and political interests bring together Plescheyev with N. V. Khanykov, P. V. Verevkin, I. M. Debu, M. V. Petrashevsky, Miken, Milutin brothers, and others. Of them were in 1845 by the secret society Petrashevsky. Plescheev belonged to the number of the most prominent participants of the "Fridays" (or, as they called participants, "Committees" or "Skhodok") of Petrashevsky. He was a visitor "Fridays" from the moment of their occurrence, that is, from the beginning of 1845. Together with Khanykov, Balasoglo, Durov, Vl. Milyutin, Saltykov, Hushnev, Engelson Plescheev entered the main core of this political society already in 1845-1846. In addition, it was connected with other circles of opposition-minded intelligentsia of St. Petersburg. Among his friends were brothers of the Beketov, in the house of which also "heard an indigrant noble rushing against oppression and injustice." Here he began his friends with the early died critone Valerian Maikov and F. M. Dostoevsky. In the spring of 1846, Plescheev introduced F. Dostoevsky with Petrashevsky. In the autumn of 1848, the special circle of S. F. Durov, A. I. Palma and Plescheyev, originated for Plescheyev and Dostoevsky. At the police report it is said: "Grigoriev responded that they<вечера у Дурова> They had a political character. " According to the testimony of A. N. Baranovsky, in the winter of 1846-1847 in the telling of various anti-government anecdotes "differed mainly Petrashevsky and Plescheev".


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Biography Alexei Nikolayevich Plescheyev work performed Rudikov Olga Alexandrovna

Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheev (1825 - 1893) P OET translator Prosais D Ramaturg critic

Alexey Nikolaevich Plescheev was born on November 22, 1825 in Kostroma in the family of the provincial official. Father and mother belonged to the old born nobility. However, the Family Plescheyev lived is not burning. The poet's childhood was held in Nizhny Novgorod. Especially difficult, the financial situation of the family was after the death of the Father. Nevertheless, the mother managed to give his son a great home education.

In 1839, in St. Petersburg, it becomes a junker of the school of Guards submaroes and cavalry junkers. The situation of the Military School was oppressed and a year later he enters the university, but after two years he leaves the university. In his student years, the circle of acquaintances of Plescheyev significantly expanded and its sphere of interest was determined: literary and theatrical hobbies were combined with history and political economy. He wrote poems, and in the second half of the 40s, Plescheev quite successfully performed as a prose. His translator activity covered his entire creative path. He translated prose and poems.

1849 was arrested and some time later sent to a link, where he spent almost ten years in military service. Upon returning from the link, Plescheev continued literary activities; Having passed through the years of poverty and deprivation, he became an authoritative writer, criticism, publisher, and at the end of life and the story agent.

The favorite poet of Russian youth of the 1840s, after reference turns into an excellent children's poet. Children's poems will be collected by the poet in Moscow in his collection "Snowdrop".

Contemporaries recalled Plescheyev as an exclusively delicate, soft and benevolent person, always ready to come to the help of a writer, especially the beginning. However, and the Svechev himself was not easy for life: after the reference, he was under the police supervision for many years. All his life he fought with the need and to maintain a family (in 1864 his wife died, later he married the second time, and he had children from both marriages), was forced to decide on the service, while not leaving the literary lessons at the same time.

The last three years of the life of Plescheev turned out to be released from worries about earnings. In 1890, he received a huge legacy from the Penza relative Alexei Pavlovich Plescheyev and settled with daughters in Paris. The poet made a significant amount into a literary fund, established the foundations named after Belinsky and Chernyshevsky to encourage talented writers.

In 1893, it was already seriously ill, A. N. Plesev once again headed for treatment in Nice and on the way, on October 8, 1893, died from apoplexic strike. The body was transported to Moscow and buried on the cemetery of the Novodevichy Monastery.

Where did Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheev spent the childhood? NIZHNY NOVGOROD

3. Famous children's compilation poet?

4. Where did Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheyev lived after receiving the inheritance and before the death?

5. Where is the poet buried?

Sources of Wiki / Plescheev, _Alexey_nikolaevich

Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheev (1825 - 1893) - Russian poet, writer, translator, critic. The works of Plescheyev entered the advantages of Russian poetry, prose, children's literature and became the basis of about a hundred romances of Russian composers.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Plescheev came from the noble family, which by the time of the birth of the future poet in 1825 he was depleted. The boy, being the only son of his parents, was born in Kostroma and held his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod. Initial education received at home, knew three languages.

In 1843, Plescheev enters the University of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Eastern Languages. In St. Petersburg, there is a circle of its communication: Dostoevsky, Goncharov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, brothers of Mikikov. By 1845, the acquaintance of Plescheyev to a circle of Petrashevtsev who profess the ideas of socialism.

The first collection of poet poems came out in 1846 and was permeated with revolutionary aspirations. Published in it verse "Forward! Without fear and doubts, "youth perceived as" Russian Marselase ". The poems of the early period of the early period are the first Russian response to the events of the French revolution, some of them were banned by censorship before the beginning of the twentieth century.


A Petrashevsky circle, whose active participant was Plescheyev, was covered by the police in the spring of 1849. Plescheev and other members of the circle were concluded in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The result of the investigation was the death sentence for 21 of 23 prisoners, involving the execution.

On December 22, the execution of execution took place, at the last moment of which the imperial decree was read about the pardon and the reference of the convicts. Plescheyev was sent as an ordinary to South Ural, near Orenburg. The poet's military service lasted 7 years, the first years he didn't write anything.

For courage shown during the Turkestan campaigns and the siege of Ak-Mosque, Plescheev was raised in the rank and resigned. In 1859, he returned to Moscow, and from 1872 he lived in St. Petersburg.

Creativity after reference

The second collection of poet poems was published in 1858 with the words of Heine "I could not sing ...". Upon returning to Moscow, Plescheev actively collaborated with the magazine "Contemporary", published poems in various publications of Moscow. By this time refers to prose. Created a story ("Inheritance", "Father and Daughter", "Pashintsev", "Two Careers", etc.).

In 1859-66 Plescheev joined the group of the leaders of the Moscow Bulletin, sending him towards liberalism. Many critics considered a bold political act of the Publications of Plescheyev and autobiography T. Shevchenko, with whom the poet met in the link. The politicized was both poetic creativity, for example, the poem "Moluba", "honest people, dear thorns ...", "to youth", "false teachers" and others.

In the 1960s, Plescheev flows into a depressive state. Its comrades go, magazines are closed, where he printed. The names of the poems created during this period are eloquently talk about the change of the inner state of the poet: "Without hopes and expectations," "I quietly went on the street deserted."

In 1872, Plescheev returned to Petersburg and headed the Magazine "Public Notes", and then "Northern Bulletin". Return to the circle of like-minded people contributed to a new creative impulse.

In the last years of life, the poet wrote a lot for children: collections "Snowdrop", "Grandfather Songs".

Peru Plescheyev belongs to the translations of poems and prose a number of foreign authors. Significant work of the poet in dramaturgia. His plays "Happy Chet", "No Huda without Good", "Commander" is successfully put in theaters.

Alexey Plescheyev died on September 26, 1893 in Paris, being there passing to Nice for treatment. Buried in Moscow.

"Poison" Alexey Plescheev

Nights pale luminaire
Rough Light Ozarilo
My room is.

I hear again
Above the Malytko hurt
Baiushki bye.

Space yet! To you,
And my soul is sick
Relas of flour.

I remember another time,
It was easier to life burden,
Veleering lived!

They walked so rapid years
Years of happiness and freedoms
Years of light dreams!

How much caused by the sovereign
Persons familiar before me
And acquaintances.

I remember the forest ... the trees whisper,
And the waves of the stembly ropot,
And Merzian stars.

Running and gloomy garden
Over the water pond transparent
Country house.

Speech gentle and affection,
In the corner of a cozy fairy tale
Winter evening ...

The heart believed, loved
All he was so cute,
What is funny now!

But everything is quiet behind the scent ...
Above the Malytko hurt
Small voice for a long time ...

Oh, why have the old years,
Years of fate and freedoms
I remembered you!

In the shower of longing is stronger,
And until the morning, it can be seen, with her
I'm not samba!

Analysis of the poem of Plescheyev "Poison"

Most Russian readers Name Alexei Nikolayevich Plescheyev (1825 - 1893) is known for the socio-political works and translations of Western European authors. However, Peru of this poet also belongs to the wonderful poems of childhood.

One of these good bright works is the "former" 1858. By the mood, it resembles the "childhood" of I. Z. Surikov and has a similar plot. The narrative is leading from the first person. The poem describes how the lyrical hero, hearing the song that the little child is performed, is immersed in memories. With the help of picturesque metaphors and bright epithets, the poet managed to recreate the fascinated world of his childhood so that the reader can feel his sadness on the past years.

The work has an unusual structure. It consists of fourteen three-sided, combined in pairwise last rows in stubborn, thanks to which the poem scheme acquires the Aab CCB, DDE FFE, etc., etc.

"Poison" begins with a story about the present. Here is the lyrical hero of the reader in his humble abode:
Nights pale luminaire
Rough Light Ozarilo
My room is.

We understand that this derogatory attitude is connected with the misfortune, the poverty of the hero. Therefore, he so clearly hears the sounds of the man - the walls of the house are thin, and in the next, the same tiny, the room is a sick child, which mother sings a song. From the text of the work we can only guess that the voice belongs to the young woman, because the poet does not call anything directly, using the language metaphor: "The voice is so clean and the call ..."

Childhood, where the delicate entanglement takes the thoughts of the lyrical hero, the poet also does not mention. Instead, he calls him "years of happiness and freedom", "years of bright dreams." We can understand that it is about the early years it is about the image "in the corner of a cozy fairy tale."

The poet tells about children's impressions using personification, because many children with live imagination give different items and soul phenomena. Therefore, the trees in the memoirs may whisper, and the wave - to dig like a frowning person:
I remember the forest ... the trees whisper,
And the waves of the stembly ropot,
And Merzian stars.

The poem is completed in the same place where it began, forming a ring. The lyrical hero returns today, annoying that he now does not fall asleep. But the reader does not feel offended in lines. Speaking of a song that gave him these alarming memories, and about a child who involuntarily became their reason, the poet uses alliterations with soft sonorny consonants ("L", "R", M ":" Baby "," Smallk "," stronger " , "I hear"). Thanks to this, the reader also penetrates the tenderness of the heroes of the work.

Yaroshenko N.A. Portrait of A.N. Plescheyev. 1887. Canvas, oil. Xm.

Plescheev Alexey Nikolaevich (22.11 / 04.12.1825, Kostroma - 26.09 / 10/08/1893, Paris; buried in Moscow) - Writer, critic; Member Mug M.V. Petrashevsky.

Born in the impoverished noble family. Having received a home education, entered the St. Petersburg School of Guards Underpowers, but, losing interest in military service, left school (formally - quitting "by illness"). In 1843 he entered the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University on the category of Eastern languages. In the circle of communication, Plescheyev at that time included: the rector of the university and the publisher of the magazine "Contemporary" P.A. Plenev, A.A. Kraevsky, Mikikov brothers, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.A. Goncharov, D.V. Grigorovich, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. He sent the first selection of his poems, which in a letter Ya.K. The throat wrote: "Did you see in contemporary Poems with signature A. P-V? I found out that this is our student another 1st year, Plescheev. He is visible talent. I called for him and looked around. " Due to the disease, lack of funds, as well as the dissatisfaction with the teaching system of Plescheev in 1845, left the university, devoting himself exclusively literary activity as a poet, then as a prose.

A.N. Plescheyev began to be printed in magazines since 1843. In 1846, he released a collection of "Poem". In the work of Plescheev 1840s. There is influence M.Yu. Lermontov. In the spirit of social and utopian views, S. Fourier and F. Lamenne developed the topic of the Lermontov "Prophet" in the poems "Love singer" (1845), "Poet" (1846), "Sleep" (1846). Poems "Forward! Without fear and doubt, "" By the feelings of the brothers, we and you "became revolutionary songs. V. N. Maikov in Reviews on the first collection of poems A.N. Plescheyev wrote about the faith of the poet in the "Celebration on the Earth of Truth, Love and Brotherhood."

In 1872-1884. A.N. Plescheev lived in St. Petersburg. At the invitation N.A. Nekrasova consisted of a member of the editorial office of "domestic notes", and after his death he managed the poetic department of this magazine. At the closure of "domestic notes", Plescheev contributed to the creation of the Magazine "Northern Bulletin", which worked until 1890, also leadership of the poetic department. Deep friendship tied him with beginners A.P. Chekhov, which A.N. Plescheev considered the most prominent of young writers.

In 1870-1880s. The poet was predominantly poetic translation from German, French, English and Slavic languages. Important place in the work of A.N. Plescheev of the last decade of his life was occupied by children's poetry and literature (the collection "Snowdrop").

Many works of A.N. Plescheyev laid on music. His poems created more than a hundred romances and songs N.A. Roman-Korsakov ("Night flew over the world"), P.I. Tchaikovsky ("Not a word, about my friend ..."), M.P. Mussorgsky, Ts.A. Kyui, A.T. Grechaninov, S.V. Rachmaninov.

A.N. Plescheev died in Paris on September 26, 1893; He was buried in Moscow at the cemetery of the Novodevichy Monastery., 3.

In St. Petersburg: 1872-1890 - House M.B. Bulatova - Big Spasskaya Street, D.1.

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