Putin explained Sobchak, why not let Navalnye on the polls. Why Navalny can not run for president

Alexey Navalnaya in registration as a presidential candidate due to an outstanding criminal record. Thus, politician and blogger will not be able to take part in the presidential race 2018. The refusal received and submitted documents in the CEC journalist Oleg Lurie. Everything for the same reason is an outstanding conviction. I did not register some other candidates for presidential candidates. In fact, the unacceptable for elections is a completely natural phenomenon, because Russian laws clearly describe the requirements for possible candidates. It remembers why Navalny received a time limit and reminds which requirements exist for the future of the President of the Russian Federation.

What happened?

Of the 13 members of CEC 12 voted for Navalny's inappropriate to elections. The representative of the CEC reported that Navalny was convicted in early 2017. In turn, the Chairman of the Commission Ella Pamfilova added that there are no complaints to the civial documents submitted by the CEC: they are all issued competently and correctly.

In the course of communicating with the commission, Navalny said that his unacceptable for elections "would exclude millions of people from these elections, will exclude millions of people at all of the political system." He also announced the appeal to the Constitutional Court. Politician and blogger intends to appeal the decision of the CEC of the Russian Federation "Wherever you can only in the world." Navalny called for boycott Elections 2018, calling their parody of democracy.

Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC

And for what was judged by Navalny?

On February 8, 2017, the Leninsky Court of Kirov recognized the blogger of the Navalny guilty of part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Assignment and Destructure") in the case of the embezzlement of the company Kirovles. This crime refers to the discharge of grave. The Leninsky Court of Kirov endured an accusatory verdict in the Kirovles case in relation to Navalny back in July 2013. Then the court found that the Navalnye and the other defendant of the case, Peter Officers, made the embezzlement from the enterprise 10 thousand cubic meters of forest products with a total value of 16 million rubles. The defendants were taken into custody, but they were released on the next day under a subscription of the unseen prior to the sentence taken into force. Later, the sentence was changed on a suspended period and a fine of 500 thousand rubles.

In February 2016, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) satisfied the complaint of the lawyers of Navalny and Officer, who objected to violation of the right to a fair trial. Then the ECHR ruled that the Russian court declared accused of guilty of a crime, the composition of which was indistinguishable from legal entrepreneurial activities, which was regarded by the Strasbourg court as an arbitrary interpretation of the law. The appeal of the Russian side for this decision the Strasbourg court did not consider.

In November 2016, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation overturned the verdict in the case of Kirovles on the submission of the court chairman on the resumption of production in this case due to the ECHR decision. Production was resumed in the Lenin Cyrov Cyrov in December 2016. Alexey Navalny was forcibly delivered to the court to the bailies on February 1 due to non-appearance at previous meetings. At the same time, the judge chose Navalny and officers to prevent the preventive measure in the form of a safety subscription to February 10, later resolving them to leave the city of Kirov before the sentence.

Photo: RIA Novosti

Who has the right to become president?

Requirements for the candidate are not so much as it may seem. So, according to the law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights", a citizen can participate in the elections, if he was not sentenced to imprisonment for committing serious and (or) particularly serious crimes and does not have a dismantling and outstanding conviction for these crimes on voting day. Add that has the right to be elected President of the Russian Federation:

- older than 35 years;

- unrecognized court incapable;

- not occupying on the day of appointment of presidential elections Position of the President of the Russian Federation, the second term in a row;

- without dual citizenship, having a residence permit or other document confirming the right to accommodate in a foreign country;

- in relation to which the sentence established by the court on the deprivation of his right to hold public positions;

- not convicted for committing the crime of the extremist orientation provided for by the Criminal Code, and having a dismount to voting or outstanding criminalibility for the specified crime;

- not administratively punished for propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi attributes or symbols or attributes or symbols similar to the Nazi to the degree of mixing if the election voting takes place until the end of the administrative punishment period.

Recall, yesterday the site amounted to the site for its readers who provided documents to the CEC for consideration to nominate their candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation. Approval was already received by the head of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Chairman of the Growth Party Boris Titov and the leader of the Political Party "Apple" Grigory Yavlinsky.

According to polls of sociological services for Navalny, 2% of residents, planning to come to polling stations during the presidential election in March 2018, are ready to vote. It would seem no problem for power. In Russia, crazy more. The more important than the complex of the axis, the clumsier actions of the entire state system of the country, aimed at restraining this policy, and inadvertently sounding argumentation.

Alexey Navalny - federal politician. Let me remind you that in the election of the mayor of Moscow in 2013. He scored weighty 27% - more than representatives of all together combined the opposition parliamentary parties (the communist then scored 10%, candidates from Wed, LDPR, "Apple" by 2-3%). Its registered by sociologists the current 2% is equal to the indicators of Zyuganov or Zhirinovsky, despite the fact that the bulk has 0% airtime. For the largest media, fell on sensational news, for some reason it does not exist.

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe recently acknowledged that Russia did not fulfill the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Kirovles. No TV channel has mentioned this fact, most newspapers said. A number of publications ("VIEP", "REGNUM", "RENTA") led the unilateral opinions of Russian lawyers who declared the politicizes of the European Office, others (RBC, Newsru) were limited to a news message without comment. Perhaps only "Vedomosti" published This occasion is deep analytical material.

Having considered the complaint of Navalny and officeris in the case of "Kirovles" in February 2016, the ECHR established that the Russian courts recognized the applicants guilty of actions that were not distinguishable from ordinary entrepreneurial activities did not provide a fair trial, did not consider the arguments about the political attack of the case, and therefore I demanded a revision. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation insists that the ECHR decision was fulfilled, recalling the paid compensation paid and that the revision of the case took place. Repeated process in winter 2017. In the Leninsky court of Kirov, covered in detail, for example, the magazine "7x7. Horizontal Russia", and caused a lot of inonement of journalists. The court resembled a farce with the same actors and even defective typos in protocols from the first process. He passed quickly and formally, having come to the same conclusions that they were questioned by the ECHR.

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe comes from the fact that with the new consideration of the case similar to the previous violation. Therefore, the sentence is illegal and must be canceled. The Committee announced that Russia should eliminate obstacles to the fact that Alexey Navalny was running on the presidential elections. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is the oldest international legal organization in Europe and monitors the implementation of ECHR solutions. Russia is a member of the Council of Europe since 1996. ECHR and ministerial committees are part of the Russian legal system. Supporters of Navalny believe that from now on there are no legal restrictions for the participation of their candidate in the elections of the President of Russia.

Of course, legal casuistics about the trials of the candidate is used by the authorities and the "pocket opposition" in order to prevent the uncomfortable and dangerous figure for elections. President Yuar Mandel before his election of 27 years spent in prison, the future president of Poland Lech Valens for creating independent trade unions was almost a year under arrest, etc. - Active opposition political activity often leads to problems with "law". Will in the hands of the Navalny television Rouger, and the dogs flying on private aircraft, secret business empires of the Prime Minister or the sons of the Prosecutor General, a tea spoon for 14 thousand rubles. For top management of state corporations and other not attractive things, tens of millions of Russians will learn. Of course, no coup in the consciousness of most of them will happen, we used to be accustomed to strong and rich, but in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sacrality of the current regime, whose leaders are increasingly and longer delayed in the church, the blow will have a tangible blow. Ranking on the yeast struggle for national interests Rating in 86% may begin to be tangible when information on the real goals of the immediate environment of the head of state will be the public domain.

Against the background of real investigations, consistent criticism of the "Party of Zhulikov and thieves", clear and clear proposals of Navalny, pity, the platforms are broken and demoralized by Zyuganovsky Board of the Communist Party, theatrical Escapada Zhirinovsky, the sad existence of "Fair Russia". It becomes obvious how everyone is comfortable for them to do their current position, allowing nothing to do, receive a few percent of the electorate's votes and have budget financing for it. Liberals were sophisticated, calling the Navalny "Kremlin's project" - they themselves spent 20 years in small squabbles, disassembly and split, creating thousands of currents for thousands of people. Zarel "Patriotic Camp", calling the Navalny "West Project". Only a part of the voter, which ignores the elections without a choice, without seeing on the political arena of its representatives, caught up for Navalny, who voiced her thoughts and her aspirations.

The situation with Navalny is curious from the point of view of domestic history, in which neither in the royal, nor in Soviet, nor in the post-Soviet periods did not have a leader arising "outside the system." Heirs, successors, depowders of the court Camaryli or party nomenclature, "near-shifted" during life, but never have a man similar to an ordinary citizen, but of an outstanding determination. Who speaks the normal human language about understandable things that does not hide his family, children who easily communicates in different audiences and with crowds on the street, which in male behaves in difficult situations (when detentions, on the dock, Attacks inadequate with "green").

It seems, after the statement of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Kremlin in a difficult situation. Of course, confident power would give the "green light" candidate Navalny at least in order to look a democratic in the eyes of the international community, and not to allow conversations about their own non-legitimacy within the country after elections. Resources for victory seems to be enough with interest, but in this case the formation of a real powerful opposition will become irreversible. If this does not happen, then, most likely, the ruling elite realizes that its resources are on the outcome, it is possible to keep in power only with the help of limiting civil rights and freedoms. Temporary option. However, in any epochs, the "temporarys".


Alexey Navalny in connection with the conviction is currently not entitled to be elected, declared on Friday in the Russian Central Election Commission, RIA Novosti report.

- The official nomination of candidates will be possible since December 2017 and only after the official publication of the Resolution of the Federation Council, they told in the CEC. - Actions on the organization "Staff" to support the "candidate" of Navalny are beyond the official election campaign for presidential elections and outside the regulation of election legislation.

- According to available information, February 8, 2017 Navalny A.A. Condemned under part 3 of Article 33, part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for five years of imprisonment with a fine of 500 thousand rubles, while the prescribed sentence should be considered conditional with a trial period of 1 year 5 months (the sentence entered into force). Consequently, at present A.A. Navalny does not have a passive electoral right, "the CEC statement published on Friday on the department's website said.

What does this "passive voting law" mean - we asked the expert.

"This means that Navalny has an outstanding" Cutton ", and he has no right to be elected," KP explained the "KP" political analyst Anton Hashchenko. - And the collection of money and the opening of the headquarters is a fiction. It looks like a political MMM. People give the opposition money, not understanding - what they are spending. Yes, and these headquarters will not be useful. After all, he can't go to the election. They, apparently, is going to use only for organizing provocations and street protests.

The Central Election Commission recalled that the prohibition of convicted for grave or especially grave crimes was elected to the subject of consideration of the Constitutional Court in October 2013. According to the position of the COP, the Constitution of the Russian Federation "allows you to make special requirements for the applicants for the substitution of election posts, arising from the constitutional and legal status of persons replacing the respective posts."

On the site of the Navalny this topic, a special page is devoted to which it is explained that any legal obstacles for its nomination are absent.

"Any obstacles that may arise later (for example, after the entry into force of the decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov), directly contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, will be immediately appealed and canceled in the Constitutional Court and (or) ECHR," promise in the headquarters.

This refers to the verdict of the Leninsky District Court of Kirov in the second case "Kirovles" of May 3, 2017, which Navalny was condemned under part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("an embezzle, perfect in particularly large-scale"). In the team of Navalny, they promised that the appeal against the sentence will be filed "immediately", as soon as it enters into force.

Earlier, the Chairman of the CEC Ella Pamfilov has already stated that Navalny "There is no chance of being registered in the elections because of its criminal record", unless "some miracle happens and he will write a cassation appeal." In the headquarters of the oppositionist, they answered that the Navalny had the right to participate in the elections, and the authorities regularly enlist the voters on this issue, "to disorient people."

Alexey Navalny became the first candidate, in December 2016, announced that he would run. The leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the leader of the "Apple" Grigory Yavlinsky also said about their intention to participate in the presidential campaign. The surname of the Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganova is included in the list of five candidates, one of which will take part in the presidential campaign. The current Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet declared the desire to go on

Video screenshot from the official website of Alexei Navalny

Ksenia Sobchak reiterated that he was ready to take off his candidacy from the presidential election, if Alexey Navalny would be allowed to participate in them. Navalny, in turn, offers its supporters and potential voters to ignore the elections if it is not registered. The head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilov has repeatedly made it clear that the founder of the Foundation for the Fight of Anti-Corruption should not expect. The fate of the Navalny can change, apparently, only due to a sudden political decision taken at the top under the influence of as supremely changed conjuncture.

Why does the authority still do not want to let Navalny on the polls? The official response to this question is about known. For the authorities, he has "criminal", a convicted criminal. If you proceed from this, the registration of Navalny as a candidate for the presidency prevents the non-ruling political elite, which he opposes, and Russian legislation standing above any elite.

Meanwhile, there is reason to believe that under the conditions of dominance in the country of one political force, legislative and even more so law-proof practitioners are subordinated to its current interests, the main of which is the preservation of power. If Navalny threatens with these interests, he becomes a "criminal" - in accordance with the current standards, by the court decision.

In 2012, the approach of power to elections, the participation of opposition in them, the fight against her, as it seemed, began to change. Until then, everything was understandable and routine: there is a candidate favorite or a favorite party (they are the same winners), there are a circle of system rivals that are noisy fight with each other, creating the impression of legitimacy, there is a non-systemic opposition, and there is more or less significant The group of dissent, which seek the power to hear them.

The protest movement, which rose in major cities after the Duma elections of 2011, of course, threatened the interests of the ruling elite. However, it was decided that the political context and conditions of legitimacy are changing. If the opposition does not just want to be heard power, but seeks to pick up power yourself, then not a dialogue and a compromise search, but the fight to the victorious end. The involvement of the "working class" opposing the "gloomy" urnets, in Vladimir Putin's presidential campaign, turned out to be a winning move. Power agreed to the liberalization of electoral legislation to defeat the opposition on its field, and later to use the completeness of the mandate, including to twist the nuts.

In that new paradigm, the participation of Navalny in the elections was possible. Moreover, he was allowed to the Mayor campaign in Moscow in 2013. He was helped to overcome the municipal filter, because the election of Sergey Sobyanin was to meet the new norms of legitimacy. But now the accents changed. The old paradigm of the referendum election regards returned, where the dissenters have a chance to file power a signal about their existence.

The authority is hardly afraid to lose the naval. But he is unpleasant what is capable of having access to TV, influence the election agenda, to arrange an accents uncomfortable for power, to form public opinion. Such an uncomfortable oppositionist will not allow the authorities to play clean balls. Competitive elections, a rigid campaign can become the norm, and the authorities would like to be able to switch regimes.

The opposition in the elections is nevertheless needed because it provides the legitimacy of power. Perhaps, Ksenia Sobchak will become diverse in the absence of a vote. However, the hyperactive coverage of the Sobchak Campaign by federal media in the most rating prime-taime inevitably gives rise to doubts about its real opposition.

The network has information about the preparation of blogger Alexei Navalny provocations on the occasion of the presidential election in Russia. For these purposes, supporters of Navalny are planning to intimidate potential voters and "packs" to throw the votes for the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

Details in the material.

On social networks, reports began to appear that in the headquarters of Navalny, the instructions are common, where citizens are invited to do "queues", which will consist of relatives and loved ones, as well as challenge voices for Vladimir Putin. Do not be bent at the headquarters of the Navalny and intimidation of voters.

Instructions with action

"I wanted to become an observer in the elections. Came at the headquarters of Navalny, and there such garbage: T-shirts with Putin, some instructions for elections and a pack of bulletins. Normally, the guys are having fun, "they write on social networks.

Alexey Navalny, taking exposure, "gave rear move":

It is known that a blogger and previously called not only to discredit elections, but also to boycott them.

Director of the Center for Strategic Analysis Institute of Innovative Development Andrei Ivanov in the commentary Fan spoke about possible provocations in the presidential elections.

"By itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe boycott is absurd and provocative. In my opinion, it is completely obvious. First, let's not forget that our ancestors shed a lot of blood, defending the right to vote. For an equal, the secret will, the people were walking on the flour, sat on the Kathers of the classics, fought workers on the barricades of the Presnya in Moscow, lay on the bridge under the bullets in bloody Sunday of 1905. Today we vote on the principle of "one person - one voice." Men and women, poor and rich have equal voting rights. It costs a lot.

Someone says that the current elections are not democratic. Well, theoretically, people have the right to such a point of view. But if you look essentially, the elections are maximally open. Look, today we have eight candidates. They represent the widest range of economic programs, political and ideological programs. Among the candidates there are even those who question the territorial integrity of the country, arguing about the fate of the Crimea. And nothing, they are all admitted to elections, participate in debates, can spread their agitation products. The barrier "entrance" was now also surprisingly low. Move from a small party - collect only 100 thousand signatures, "Andrei Ivanov explained.

In addition, the expert was asked by the question, "what elections would Navalny himself call legitimate"?

"Only those in which the Navalny won will be guaranteed? Imagine that the bulk would be allowed to elections. He would collect a maximum of a few percent of the votes. And what would he do next? He would say that legally elected president of the impostor. Like, go to the streets, arrange the Maidan. It should be understood that there are destructive forces in the country, aimed initially on chaos, destabilization. Navalny even glad that he was not involved. So his activity acquires in the eyes of supporters at least some meaning. They say, as if the election did not pass, we will arrange a "buzz."

Therefore, it is worth expecting that the Navalny and the company will shout about falsifications, "carousels" and other things. It is possible that they themselves will provoke such actions or openly lie that there were violations. This does not mean that there will be no violations at all in these elections. I would like, of course, so that there was no. But it is necessary to understand the purpose of certain political forces. Navalny target - destabilization, provocation. You can argue for a long time about what opportunities in our country have now opposition. But agree, it is not the cause of power to support it. The opposition will collect as much as it is worth collecting. It is exclusively the problems of its mobilization, brightness of its ideas, candidates, "Andrei Ivanov added.

The expert noted that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the electoral process, and if the opposition wants to participate in this, he can send their observers to trace the legitimacy of these elections.

"If there is such a desire from opposition candidates, then it is very good. I believe that on March 18, everyone should come to the elections and make their responsible choice. And let him win the most worthy, "Andrei Ivanov concluded.

Earlier, the Zepper CEC Nikolai Bulaev reported that no provocations would be able to affect the work of polling stations.

"Members of electoral district commissions, in my opinion, prepared in good faith, and they are very professional. I do not think that we are alone are concerned with this situation. There is a system of interaction, including law enforcement agencies. Attempting for anyone to experience the selective systemic ability is a criminal offense in itself. If a person has a desire to risk his own destiny, then this is his choice. As for us, I am sure that we are ready for work and in such situations, "said the Deputy CEC by the Federal News Agency.

In fact, the presence of such instructions and bulletins for chasing in the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region have not yet given any comments, since it is likely to check.

Source Photo IA REGNUM