Lyanka Panteleev. "Lyanka Panteleev

It often happens that writers come up with their heroes - give them fictional names and are sent to search for incredible adventures, which in fact never had. But in this book everything is different. Lenka Panteleev is a pseudonym author, Alexey Ivanovich Eremeeva (1908-1987). And all that is written in this story is true.

The hero and the author of this book, Lenka Panteleev, was born in St. Petersburg. He would like to live like an ordinary person - to love parents, go to school, be friends with good children. But he was not lucky - he grew up in a difficult time for the country. The First World War began (1914-1918), then two revolutions happened in the Russian Empire in one 1917 year, after which the bloody civil war broke out (1918-1922).

A new life has come in Russia. The city of St. Petersburg was renamed, turned into Petrograd, and then to Leningrad. That's just it was impossible to live there. Hunger raged, rear unemployment. People died from the cold, because there was nothing to trample, dying from infectious diseases, because there were not enough doctors and medicines. Many children stayed without parental care and found themselves on the street. The army of the torn, hungry, the poor children produced with small thefts and was a constant headache of urban inhabitants.

From this book you will learn how Lenka Panteleev became a unworker. He met a lot of wonderful people who helped him survive and remain man. He was lucky to get into the number of pupils of the Dostoevsky school commune (Skid).

As the further fate of Lenka and his friends, tells the story of Leonid Panteleeva and Grigory White "Republic of the Skid", on which the famous artistic film of the same name was shot.

All this winter day, the boys were not very lucky. Wandering around the city and already returning home, they wandered into the courtyard of a large, multi-storey house on a joiner's alley. The yard was similar to all Petrogradsky yards of that time - it was not covered, looked in snow, littered with firewood ... In a few windows, the electric light burned dimly, from the submarines here, then there were stuck with a knee pipe, from the pipes in the dark, boring a boring gray haze, whisening red Sparks. It was quiet and empty.

"We will pass on the staircase," suggested Lenka, Kartuv in the letter "P".

"And, quit," wolves shook angrily. - What are you not seeing? Dark, like Arap for the sinus.

- And nevertheless? ..

- Well, all the same. Let's watch.

They rose to the very top of the black staircase.

The wolves were not mistaken: there was nothing to begin.

They descended slowly, looking for cold railing in the dark, stumbled on the walls covered with a thick layer of Inea, chirkali matches.

- Devil! - Ground wolves. - Hamye! Live as ... I do not know ... as self-named some. If only one light bulb on the entire staircase hung.

- Looking! - interrupted his lamentage. - And for some reason it burns! ..

When they rose upstairs, downstairs, as on the entire staircase, it was dark, now there is dim, like a bloated corner, frightened the tight carbon light.

- Stop, wait! - whispered wolves, grabbing her hand and peeping through the railing down.

Behind a simple single door, which does not happen in residential apartments, heard the noise of water flowing from the tap. On the latch of the door hung, slightly swaying, a big shiny castle with a keys stuck in a well. The boys stood the platform above and, having frowning through the iron railing, looked down.

- Leshka! By God! Five hundred "lemons", no less! - Wolves whispered feverishly. And he did not have time to figure out what was the matter, as a friend, having broken down from his place, rearranged a dozen steps, threw the castle on the go with a crash and ran into the courtyard. Lenka wanted to follow his example, but at that time a single door with noise swung open and a thick red-skinned woman jumped out from there in a tied triangle. Catching your hands for a place where a few seconds have hung a castle in a few seconds, and seeing that there is no castle, a woman has shone a wild piercing voice:

- Batyushki! Cute my! Guard!

Later, Lenka mercilessly scolded himself for the error he did. The woman ran into the courtyard, and he, instead of climbing up and trunks on the stairs, rushed after her next.

Jumping into the courtyard and almost faced with a woman, he made a calm and indifferent face and asked a kind voice:

- Blame, Madame. What happened?

- Lock? - Lenka was surprised. - Stole? What are you talking about? I saw ... Honestly, I saw. He was removed some kind of boy. I thought it was your boy. True thought that yours. Allow, I will catch it, "he suggested him, trying to push the woman and whisk to the goal. The woman was already ready to skip him, but suddenly she said, blew him over the sleeve and shouted:

- No, brother, stand, wait! Who are you? BUT? Where are you from? Together I stole! .. eh? Speak! Together?!

And, thumping his head, the same strong, thick, like a fire pipe, she screamed voice:

- Car Raul!

Lenka made an attempt to escape.

- Let me! He shouted. - How dare you? Release! But already clapped around the window and doors, people already fled from the street and from the courtyard. And someone's unfortunate voice already shouted:

- The thief caught!

Lenka realized that he would not be able to escape. The crowd surrounded it.

- Who? Where? - noisy around.

- This?

- The castle broke.

- I got into the laundry ...

- Many burned? BUT?

- What? Show.

- Is this Schake? Snub?

- ha ha! Here they are - please, please - the children of the revolution!

- beat him!

- Bay thief!

Lenka absorbed his head in the shoulders, squeezed. But no one hit him. A fat woman, the owner of the castle, tightly held the boy for the collar of the fur coil and buzzed over his ear:

- You know this, which castle burned? Do you know? BUT? Is this a comrade? Right?

- What do you invent! Nothing like this! - shouted Lenka.

- lying! - noisy the crowd.

- in the eyes you can see - lying!

- By the police!

- in the plot!

- In the commandant's office!

- Please please. Very chokhosho. Come to the police, "Lenka was delighted. - What are you? Please go. There will find out, I or not VOG.

He did not have anything else to do. In bitter experience, he knew that no matter how bad in the police, but still there is better, more reliable than in the hands of an angry crowd.

"You're better than an accomplice of your mend," said some kind of woman. - Then we let you go.

- What more! - Lenka grinned. - accomplice! I go, okay ...

And although a fat woman still held him for a tear, he first stepped towards the goal.

In the police, his crowd was led by ten.

Lenka walked calmly, the face did not give it out - on his face, frozen Mina froze on his face, and in addition, in his fourteen years he experienced so many different differences that he did not see any reason to worry and worry.

"Okay. Spit. Somehow gets out, "he thought and, having missed, carelessly put his hands in the pockets of torn shubey.

In his pocket, he groped something solid.

"Knife," he remembered.

It was a long and thin, like stiletto, a sausage knife, which they enjoyed the wolf instead of a screwdriver when they had to twist the chandeliers and caps on the top stairs of rich houses.

Lenka Panteleev

Head from Tale

There was no electricity yet. True, on the streets, in stores and in luxury apartments already sparkled in the evenings, white pear-shaped "economic" light bulbs, but where Lenka was born and smashed, for a long time, almost to the most imperialist war, hung vintage kerosene lamps under the ceilings. These lamps were some clumsy and heavy, they rose and lowered in blocks using large cast iron balls filled with a fraction. Once, all the lamps in the apartment suddenly ceased to descend and rise ... There were holes in the cast-iron balls, through which the whole fraction moved into the pockets of Lenka pants. And without framed, the balls dangled like children's balloons. And then the father in the first and for the last time the lamentage. He was stealing with his suspicious suspenses and with every silence of his hands more and more rapidly.

- Will you? He shouted. - Will you still? Speak: Will you?

The tears of the streams flowed along the Lenican face, it seemed that they were flowing from the eyes, and from the nose, and from the mouth. Lenka spoiled by the belly, clamped by her father's knees, he chuckled, he shouted:

- Daddy! Oh, daddy! Oh, nice!

- Will you?

- Will! - Lazhka answered.

- Will you?

- Will! - Lazhka answered. - Oh, daddy! Pretty! .. I will! Will!..

In the next room, Nyanka disappeared with water Leniculus Mom, Ohala, was baptized and said that "in Lessia, the demon sits, not otherwise." But this very nurse assured that the father sits on the father. And, it means, two Besa faced - this time, when the Father Lynaka's Father. Nevertheless, Lenicin demon is overworked. After making sure the stubbornness and stubbornness of the Son, the father never touched his belt. He is often the junior son, Vasya, even glanced, sometimes "monkey" Lyalya, "everyone got everyone, his father had a hard one, and the temper was also hard. But he no longer touched.

... he did otherwise. For dinner, winter evening, children give cold milk soup. This is a nasty soup, he does not climb into the throat. (Even now he can't remember him without disgust.)

Vasi had an appetite better. They have overwhelmed their plates, and the langets have a plate - almost to the edges.

Father breaks away from the newspaper:

- Why are you digging?

- I can not. I do not want…

Tolstipid Vasya jumps up like a little clockwork soldier.

- Well, in prophesion to him two tablespoons - for memory.

Vasya licks his greater melchior spoon, waving and hit his brother twice on the forehead. Probably, he is not very sorry for Lenka. He knows that Lenka is loved not only mother, but also the Father. He is the firstborn. And then - after all, he never takes it. And what is a spoon on the forehead - compared to the suede suspenders ...

There was no friendship between the brothers. Rather, there was a host.

It happened, Sunday morning father causes them to his office.

- Well, believe.

- French or footboard?

- Not. Gypsy.

The boys begin to fight - first in the clamp, joking, then, to climb on the floor, clogging somewhere under the table or under the cover of the chairs, they begin to be beast. Already started in the course of the fists. Scratches already appear. Already someone crying.

Vasya was two years younger, but a lot more lamentage. He rarely turned out to be defeated in these Sunday martial arts. Lenka saved rage. If he gets angry, if blood appears on his hand, if the pain will blind him, - then hold on. Then his eyes are made by wolf, Vasya is frightened, retreats, runs, crying ...

Father developed courage in sons. Also very small, he sled them on a large wardrobe, standing in the hallway. The boys cried, oral, mother crying too. Father sat in the office and looked at the clock. These "brave lessons" lasted fifteen minutes.

All this is nothing. It was worse when my father began to drink. And he drank a lot - the farther, the more. The rusters lasted for months, his father threw out, disappeared, appeared, led strangers ...

Nights Lenka woke up - from the roar, from drunk songs, from the screams of the mother, from the ringing of the dishes.

Drunk father soldered the wildest things. "Ivan Adrianovich Drinkom - the Sea of \u200b\u200bKnee," the nannik spoke about him. Lenka did not see everything, not everyone knew and did not understand everything, but often in the morning he looked at his father with horror, who sat, bolding in the newspaper, and somehow especially, greedily and hastily, not raising her eyes, killya tea from a glass in Silver cup holder. Lenka himself did not know why, but at these moments he was sad by his father. He understood that his father suffers, it was passed to him with some sown little. He wanted to jump, stroke the father's hedgehog, cuddled to him, shake. But it was impossible to do it, it was impossible, Lenka drank coffee, chewed a French boulder or sepik and was silent, like all at the table.

... Once in winter, Uncle Seryozha arrived in Maslenitsa. It was a fleet brother of the Father. The nurse called him another one-utilized brother (one-utility - this means from one mother). The expression it was terribly liked, although he didn't quite understand what it means. It seemed to him that this should mean - a man with one belly, with one wicker. But why these words only apply only to Uncle Sergei, and not to all the rest of the people, he could not understand. Especially since the uncle Serge has a belly was not so small. It was a fat, cheerful and good-natured man, a drive engineer, big favorite children.

From Moscow, he brought gifts to children: He gave his doll to his liars, the fire helmet, and Lenka, as the oldest, the book - "Magic Almanac".

In the afternoon, he walked with nephews to walk, routing them on Waik, treated patties in the confectionery filipov at Voznesensky. After lunch, when a kerosene lamp was already lit in the nursery, he showed the children of the focuses that he had no choice for some reason, although he did them on a scientific basis - according to the book "Magic Almanac."

There were pancakes for dinner, and his father treated Brother Shustovsky Ryabinovka. Probably, after dinner, something drank. Children have long laid to sleep, and when they fell asleep, the sounds of the piano and the singing of the mother came from the living room. Mother sang "When I served in the mail". It was a favorite song of the Father, and the fact that her mother sang now, meant that his father was drunk. Sober, he never asked and did not listen to the songs.

And again, as it often happened, Lenka woke up among the night - from the roar, from the loud laughter, from drunk shouts and mother's tears. Then suddenly shook the doors. Something with the ringing fell and crumbled. In the next room, the nannik in the field persuaded someone to go somewhere. Then suddenly again began screams. Slammed the front door. Someone fled down the stairs. Someone disgusting, in piggy, squeezed in the yard. A horse rushed in the stable. Lenka could not fall asleep for a long time ...

And in the morning neither mother nor father went into the dining room to tea. In the kitchen, the nannika shusked with a kitchen. Lenka tried to find out what's the matter. He was told: "Go play, Leshenka."

In the living room, a cheerful maid was wiping parquet with a wet gender rag. Lenka saw blood on a rag.

- Is this why blood? He asked the steha.

"And you will talk about it with the dad," the stesh advised him.

Lazhka went to the father did not dare. He broke it several times to do this, approached the door of the office, but lacked courage.

And suddenly suddenly the father himself called him to his office.

He lay on the couch - in a bathrobe and in night shoes - and smoked a cigar. A decanter - with water or with vodka - stood at his headboard on the chair.

Lenka greeted and stopped in the doorway.

- Well? Said Father. - Slept?

"Yes, thank you," Lenka replied. The father was silent, Silay Sigar and said:

- Well, come here, we kiss.

He took out the mouth of the cigar, put an unshaven cheek, and Lenka kissed him. At the same time, he noticed that from his father smells not only tobacco and not only the venerable, which he watched his hair every morning. She smelled something else, and Lenka guessed that in a decanter on a chair, no water was nanite.

- You called me, dad? - He said when his father was silent again.

"Yes, called," the father replied. - Look out the box.

- What is the box? ..

- This one is left, in a writing desk. Lenka with difficulty put forward a heavy oak box. Elash reigned in the box. There were some folders, accounts, savings books. Under the books lay a revolver in leather holster, green boxes with cartridges, copper and silver coins, wrapped in newsprint, cigarette, wooden cigar box, switches, suede suspenders ...

"Yes, I opened," Lenka said.

- We look for a box from under cigars.

"Yes," Lenka said. - Found. There are envelopes and brands.

- Well, look, if there is no clean postcard there. There is, it seems.

Lenka found a postcard. It was a fashionable English card, depicting some embarrassing eyes with stacked eyes and on thin legs, shown in huge shoes.

"Sit, write," the father ordered.

- What to write?

- And here I am now a predictory ...

Lenka sat down for a written table and opened the inkwell. On the blackened silver ink lid sat the same black silver boy with small wings on his back. Ink in the inkwell was dry and thickened, - father did not often wrote.

"Well, write, brother," he said. - "Dear Uncle Seryozha!" Do you know where to write? Left. And to the right we will write the address.

"Dear Uncle Seryozha," Lenka's father wrote under the dictation, "our dad knew to sleep, wander and sends you his heart apologies. In the morning he hurts his head and do not want to live. And in general - he spits in the fireplace. Bye. Calym you and wait for the visit. Baby bow. Loving you nephew Alexey. "

By writing the address, Lenka put a small, but not very beautiful klyaksu in the words "His Welfare". He frightened himself; Father did not look at him. Throwing the head, he looked into the ceiling - with such a sour and dull expression, which one could think that the cigar cigarette cigarette, which he at that time was lazily suiced, smeared mustard.

Lenka attached a blotpapir, lied by the language of the blots and rose.

- Well - wrote? - Father was fixed.

- Yes, wrote.

- Will you go with a nanny to walk - put it in the box. Do not show anyone only. Go.

Lenka headed for the door. Already opening the door, he suddenly gained courage, coughed and said:

- What happened? Why do you apologize in front of Uncle Serie?

Father with surprise and even looked at him with curiosity. He brought himself, shook, threw the butcher of the cigarette, poured out of a decanter to a glass and drank a volley. Wastered mustache, squinted and said:

- What happened? And I, brother, yesterday the fool sank. I almost sent your uncle to Adam.

He said it is so scary and so bad laughed at the same time that Lenka involuntarily backed up. He did not understand what it means "to Adam sent", but I realized that last night my father shed the blood of a single brother ...

Several times a year, before the holidays and before leaving for the cottage, the mother disassembled in the chests. The fur coats were smunched, unnecessary things were selected for sale by Tatarin or for distribution by the poor, and some things, those who were not suitable and poor, were simply thrown out or burned. Lenka loved at this time to spin around his mother. True, most chests were packed with completely stupid, boring and ordinary things. Here they lay some faded dresses, semi-silant artificial flowers, fringe, sequins, pharmacy bubbles, ladies' shoes with semi-friendly heels, broken flower vases, plates, dishes ... But almost always among these stupid and unnecessary things there was some employee or even useful thing Then the penny knife with a blurred cutter, then a broken machine for piercing holes on business papers, then some old-fashioned leather wallet with an intricate secret lock, then something else ...

But the most important pleasure began when it came to the "Cossack Chest". Thus, it was called on the Lenkane language of the chest, in which for many years in a row was kept under prior, filled with naphtalin, the military ammunition of the father. It was a whole Tseykhgauz - this big oblong chest, upholstered brass, and on brass more iron brackets and heavy forged nails. What was not here! And bright green, lonely cloths, uniforms, and the same bright green bekeshes, and snow-white lush dads, and Cossack saddle, and spurs, and strive, and currices Cossack checkers, and felt poppons, and Siberian Bolsheki, and round baratic hats With striped cockarks, and finally, small lacquered peasons, shabby, cracked, mad powder and horsepower.

In these old, long-time things that have already come out of consumption and already touched, some unusual charm, something that caused it for one form of the Cossack chest to inflate the nostrils and listen to the tick of the heart. It seemed to give him will, and he was able to learn all his life on squatting near this chest, like some savage near his wooden idol. He was ready to play for hours with sweatpad spurs or with a leather peason, stinging it, instead of cartridges, stages of pencils, or standing in front of a mirror in a round barathop hat or in a fluffy dad, while having caught the curve of the Cossack saber and heavy tessel in wide raw sheaths. These old things told him about the times he no longer found, and about the events that happened when he was also not in the world, but about which he heard so much from the mother, and from the grandmother, and from the nurse and about which only one father never said anything. The same events foggy told the photograph for which Lenka once accidentally stumbled upon the magazine "Nature and People".

Young, smiling, unfamiliar father looked at him with magazine pages. On his shoulders, he had epaulets, on the head - Barashkin "Siberian".

Beltiness belts dragged his slender junior chest.

Lenka managed to read only the signature under the photo: "The heroic feat of a young Cossack officer." At this time, the father entered the room. He was without a pursuit and without a bother - in a bathrobe and in Stopanted homemade shoes. Seeing Lenka in his hands the magazine, he rushed to him with such a violent look that the boy had a fear of fear.

- Canal! - shouted father. - Who allowed you to dig in my things?!

He pulled out the magazine and hit the slope so much with this magazine that Lenka squatted.

"I just wanted to see pictures," he mumbled, he mumbled.

- Fool! - Father laughed. - Go to the nursery and never dare to go to the office in my absence. These pictures are not for you.

- Why? Lazhka asked.

"Because it is debauchery," said Father. Lenka did not understand, but he did not dare to ask. Going out of the office, he heard the door of a bookcase slap behind his back and turned the key in the well several times.

... Lenkin Father, Ivan Adrianovich, was born in the Old Believer Petersburg trading family. And grandfather and father traded him to firewood. Stepfather, that is, the second father, traded brick and panel tiles.

Among the relatives of Ivan Adrianovich did not have no nobles nor officials, nor the military: they were all the Old Believers, that is, held the faith for which their grandfathers and great-grandfather, while Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, burned to the fires. Three hundred years in a row was configured and pursued by their royal government, and the Orthodox government church clerk, called heretics and splitters.

Therefore, the Old Believers, even the richest, lived a special, closed byulates, extinguishing himself off the high wall from the rest of Russian society. Even in their home everyday, they until recently kept customs and rites of antiquity. In the church, I was not different in the church as in the long-foligable old cafts, and women in the sundresses and in white handkerchiefs in the dissolution. They married and married only in their, old-supplied medium. Teach children in their, old-supplied schools. Nothing new, ingenic and "adorable" was not recognized. The theaters did not go. Tobacco did not smoke. Tea, coffee did not drink. Even potatoes did not eat ...

True, by the end of the XIX century, when Ivan Adrianovich was adjusted, all this was no longer so strict. Many wealthy old supplies began to give children to government gymnasiums. Some of the Moscow and St. Petersburg Raskolnikov have already traveled slowly to the theater, and there for a bottle of wine, you look, and I smoked the cigar ...

But after all, it was very boring, dark and harsh life, the interests of which were limited to the church and progress.

Ivan Adrianovich studied in a real school. Monotonous domestic life and fate that expected him ahead, did not satisfy it. He did not want to trade. He understood that the life that his fathers and grandfathers lived, not a real life. It seemed to him that could live better.

Having not needed, he left the real and entered the Elisavetradigs Military School. He did it against the will of his parents, "he seemed to him that he would run away from the plower, whipped crypt to wide, bright expanses. Career Martial experienced to him as something very beautiful, bright, noble, able to glorify and inspire.

He studied well. The school graduated one of the first. And just as well, almost brilliantly began service in the Vladimir Dragoon shelf.

But soon there was disappointment. The officer's environment turned out to be not much better merchant. Without listens to the first officer, Ivan Adrianovich was already thinking about retired care.

Implement this temporarily prevented one event: the war batted. And again, against the will of the parents, the young man makes a decision: to the front, on the position, on the Manchurian fields, where the Japanese guns rose and pour Russian blood. Who knows, perhaps, here he will find that life sense, the goal, to which he sought and whom he could not even find.

The part in which Ivan Adrianovich served, did not go to war. With great works, it was possible to translate the young Cornet to the Amur Cossack Regiment. He received the title of Horugego, died to the Siberian Cossack shape and with the first echelon went to the Far East.

And here, on the fields of the battle, he also showed himself as a capable and brave officer. Estimated by a small Cossack train, he was supposed to deliver important operational reports to the headquarters of the Russian command. On the way to the Cossacks, the Japanese cavalry detachment was attacked. The shootout started. Having lost half of the people and himself wounded in the chest, Ivan Adrianovich fell off the enemy and delivered a valuable package to the location of the Russian headquarters. On the first day of Easter, when Ivan Adrianovich lay in the field Lazarut, the adjutant General Kuropatkina brought him a combat order "Vladimir with swords." Getting this order, which was given only for very serious military merit, made it nobleman. It seemed that in front of Ivan Adrianovich, a wide, tempting path was opened: Glory, career, ranks, money, rewards ... But he did not go through this path. He did not return to the regiment. War, which costs Russia so much blood was lost. And Ivan Adrianovich, like any honest Russian man, could not not understand why it happened. The Russian army fought under the entry of the radical and selling royal generals. And in the rear, and on the front flourished theft, bribery, soldiers were poorly trained, poorly supplied with food, and ammunition. It was not only meaningless to serve in such an army, but also suffer. Young Khorunzhiy Forever Cool to the military profession. Somehow hearing his wound, he donated to the civil suit and took up the work that his father was engaged in, and his grandfather and from whom he could not run away: he began to trade firewood and baroque forest. The consciousness that his life is divided, that she turned out not as he shoulded and I would like, no longer left him. He began to drink. His character began to deteriorate. And although he was previously considered an eccentric and originally, now he mounded and smoleed already openly and at every step. From this wild watery life did not save him and marriage. He married, as he did everything, quickly, speakingly, without hesitation for a long time. I saw the girl, fell in love, I met, and in five days, I quit spurs, I was already going to make a sentence. He married him without the blessing of the mother, besides, on the Orthodox, on Nikonianka, "he finally restored against himself and was already quite angry at him, an objected birth.

And immediately started discord. Maybe already on the second day after the wedding Lenkin, the mother understood what a terrible mistake she made. She had a lot of grooms, the choice was big, and there was no need for her to go for this dark-level Cossack officer.

Alexandra Sergeevna also brought up a merchant family. But how not these families were similar! As if not in one city and did not live in one country. As if they spoke in different languages.

The houses were always fun, noisy, lively. Even stepmother, evil, like all stepmothers, could not poison this eternal holiday.

Even with a stepmother Ladylah Ladylah ladied: she had an angel, - the grooms who woven it for her almost every month, did not pick up and were caught and did not beautify, but the character of Shurochkin. In the gymnasium, Shurachochi adored, the cuzzles in the store fell in love with her, gave her bouquets into the folder; Flowers did not have time to wither in a small rugged spoolroom.

From here, it looked at the world, and it seemed to her that this world is simple and transparent and that it is very easy and pleasant to step along his direct roads.

And life did not contradict her. Life gave her more than she was supposed to her, and dismissed her fellow times, according to which it really feared easily, gently and silently.

Talents Shurokhok did not shine, but finished the gymnasium with a silver medal. The beauty was not famous and the coquets did not differ, but I conquered my hearts not for a joke, so in one summer in the country in Shuvalov two students and one Kommersant-Petrovalets shot because of her. But here, like everywhere, the fate was shouted by Shurachochka: as purpose, all three missed, without leaving sin on a rugged conscience.

Life was cheerful - you do not invent more fun. Dancing, balls, charitable evenings, country trips, amateur performances, picnics, dance again, again evenings ... No wonder if Shurakah and bored with such fun. And maybe, I liked Ivan Adrianovich, the twentieth in the account of the bridegroom, that he was not like others: I didn't know how to dance, I did not joke, I didn't have a punishment and thoughtful. And in a summer cloudless day and black cloud can please. Alexandra Sergeyevna did not think. Yes, and was no longer able to think, it was time to get married, it was impossible without the end to deny the grooms.

And here she left his father's house and moved to her husband! And - as if the door slammed her back.

There, behind the door, stayed and laughter, and flowers, and French water, and country picnics, and cheerful parties with light wine and student acunts ...

As if in the cellar, she entered into this alien who did not like other apartments, where he smelled of mushrooms and a surgiah, where he hurt the harsh man's nanny, where even on a sunny day was overcast and sadly, where even the icons were some extraordinary - terrible, dark , with yellow, softened faces ...

And the black cloud, which adorn her with his coolness, broke out with such a thunderstorm, so unexpected lead shower, which Alexander Sergeyevna did not read in the books.

The husband, with whom she did not say before the wedding and ten words, did not open her after the wedding. Very soon she decided that he was a bad person: drunkard, Grubian, despot, sometimes - almost a beast.

She could not think differently, because this man taught her crying: For all his virgas, she did not shed so much tears so much as she had to shed in one first month in her husband's house.

With all his angelic character, she could not and adapt to her husband, to find a common language with him. They prevented her youth, inexperience, and most often - just fear. After all, it happened that she could not distort the words in the presence of her husband. Ivan the same Adrianovich who loved his wife in his own way, could not explain to her - from pride, from stubbornness, and also because for some time he really became coarse, and evil, and cruel ...

... But was there always this man with everyone? Is everything good for life in him, medium, adding to vodka? Is it really nothing left in this soul, except for worn and cruelty? For what happened so passionately, so hotly adored his lamentage?

Of course not. It was in this big, strong and unfortunate man a lot of things for which he was forgated by the sins even the enemies of him and ill-wishers.

Ivan Adrianovich was honest. That is why it probably never could learn to trade. Even a little wrong led him to rage. Itself incorruptible - direct, truthful, wasteful-generous, he did not tolerate the slightest manifestation of falsehood, miserism, low-stones.

He had a school comrade balls. For many years they were friends. But somehow, the jaw the balls admitted that two wallets were constantly carrying in his pocket: one for himself - with money, and the other, empty, for buddies - in case he is asked to be borrowed. Ivan Adrianovich listened to him, paused and said:

- You know, brother ... Get out of here.

- Where to? - Surprised balls.

Ivan Adrianovich did not answer, got up and left the room. Embarrassed balls sat, finished a glass and left. Since then, they have never met.

One day, when Lenka was still quite small, they returned with her father from the bath. The case was late in the fall, the snow fell. On the fountain, the Egyptian bridge approached them half-lit, torn, barefoot guy.

"Feed a penny, your Sorodie," by her teeth, he said, for some reason smiling. Ivan Adrianovich looked at the young, swollen and messenger face and angrily said:

- Need to work. Young still Christarads.

"I, Barin, did not run from work," the guy grinned. - You give me a job.

- factory?

- Ka? Tal I ... The thunder's last barge rolled. Out of our work.

Lenka stood next to his father and looked at the completely purple bare feet of this man, who, who, not stopping for a minute, was asked on a pure white snow.

- Cut the boots? Father asked.

"Propil," the guy smiled. - I wanted to warm up.

- What a fool. In Obukhovskaya you will fall, there you will be warm - in Pokoynitsky.

The guy was still standing nearby. Ivan Adrianovich put his hand in his pocket. There was one little thing. He gave her all the guy and went. Then he stopped, looked around. The guy stood in the same place, considered the money on his palm. Naked shoulders were scary twenty.

- Hey you, Dutch cheese! - he called him Ivan Adrianovich.

The guy looked incompeted.

"At, hold," Ivan Adrianovich ordered, stretching his black adhesive sac linake. Then he unbuttoned his new blue bekem, threw it off him and sketched her naked shoulders unemployed.

- Barin ... You are joking! - exclaimed the one.

"Okay, go," Ivan Adrianovich said angrily. - We offer - you will be fool. And however, - your business ...

Ahali's houses and were horrified - mother, maid, nannik. And Lenka walked happy all day. He himself did not understand why he was so good, but all day he fought with the desire to go to his father, rush to him on the neck, tightly kiss him, tell him how he loves him heavily. However, he did not, - could not and did not bold.

... did his father loved? And did he like someone from loved ones to his wife, mother, buddies? Answer the boy could not answer this question. But the fact that his father was capable of big, strong love, he knew.

There was an attachment, deep, touching and gentle in the life of this person.

Ft is Nyanka Lizaveta died two years before the appearance of Lenes on the light. He knew that this woman, about which no one, besides his father, has never said a good word, Lydanich and raised Ivan Adrianovich. The fact that the Father loved and continues to love her, it was possible and not to say, - it felt all over what was done in the house. Buckwheat porridge for dinner was cooked "like a nurse of lichen." Mushrooms Solili and apples urinated "in Niankina". Between the windows for the winter, Moss was laid out, and not cotton - also "like with a nurse Lizaweet."

The portrait of this woman in the house was not, Lenka never saw her and could not see, but for some reason in his memory and still kept her image: High, straight, with proud, like a boait, face, beautiful, more, than grandmother like father ...

He remembered the winter day when his father entered the nursery, stood in the middle of the room, swaying on socks, and asked:

- What are you doing?

"So ... nothing," murmured Lenka. - I look at the pictures ...

- Dress ... We go ...

Lenka was surprised and delighted. Father rarely took him somewhere with him.

- And where to? - he asked.

- At the cemetery.

Lenka was surprised even more. Father never walked to church, never went to the cemetery - on the graves of relatives.

Safding in the cabin sledge, he briefly ordered:

- at Gromovskoye.

- Eh, Barin. Once what! From there and the saddle will not pick up. Put halfnets.

- Okay. Drive! ..

Well remembers this soft, frosty day, painted St. Petersburg streets, factory pipes, beeps of steam locomotives on the Warsaw road.

For a long time they wander with the Father on the snow-covered cemetery paths. On the wide eight-pointed old supplies crosses, black daws are sitting. In the bushes of elds, some tiny birds make some tiny birds. It smells like snow, from silence and deserted a little silent hearts.

Father stops, removes the header. Behind the cast-iron grille is a small black monument.

At the top of his little gilded cross, and under him, on the Labradorite blushing, three words: Three words:

"Nian? From Vanya. "

Lenka also paints his eared hat and schos on his father from his head. He does not recognize him. What is his soft, cute, kind and smoking face! So he saw the Father, perhaps, only once - in the magazine "Nature and People" ... And suddenly he noticing in almost horror that tears ride on this face. The lamentage is very beginning to twitch his lips.

"Well, we go, my son," says Ivan Adrianovich and, finely trimmed his chest, puts his doodle hat.

... This day, saturated with the winter sun, the Siain of the February Snow, which began so nice and serene, remembered Lenka also because he ended, this day, terribly, wildly and ugly.

From the cemeteries went home. Father was cheerful, joked with the cabovka, called him the squeeze (because for some reason "Vanki" in St. Petersburg) ... From halfway, he suddenly thoughtful and ordered me to go to Kolomna, and at the other end of the city Large stable, in the universal store of the Guards Economic Society.

Here, they wandered for a long time in various departments and floors. Father chose a tie and cufflinks, bought the mother of Brocarovsky Spirits, and the children are small, similar to Kegley bottles.

Then with these purchases went to the restaurant, which was located right there, in one of the floors of the store.

Lenka has never been in the restaurant. All his surprised him here and occupied. And the waiters are cut under the typewriter in black, like cinematic beauties, frisms. And the brilliance of Melchioric dishes. And special, sharp odors of restaurant kitchen, mixed with smells of cigars and wine fumes.

Father ordered lunch: sailor borsch and befstrogen. Lenka drank fruit laninskaya water from a small, like a bow, bottles, and father - Shustovsky Ryabinovka. Lenka has already understood in these things, he saw that his father ordered wine too much: a whole bottle - a high, faceted, similar to the bell tower of the Catholic church.

With Claus, the father quickly zamhel; At first he joked and laughed at Lenka, then suddenly he immediately became gloomy. From a soft and good-natured expression on his face, nothing remains. He drank a glass behind a glass, climbed black bread, thought about something silent.

Lenka did not notice how the company officers appeared behind the next table. These were all young people in the beautiful shape of the Guards Guards.

Officers drank champagne, choped, proclaimed toasts.

One of them, quite a young, with blond, twisted up the beggars, rose with a glass in his hand and loudly, on the whole restaurant, announced:

- Lord! For the health of the sovereign of the emperor! ..

Ivan Adrianovich, who, too, at that time he kept a piled wine glass in his hand, turned on a chair, squinted and mockingly looked at the young Kavalearg. At the same time, he somehow overwhelmed loudly coughed or chuckled. Everyone around one after another rose, and he sat. Moreover - he did not drink, but put a glass - and even pushed her to the middle of the table.

- Hey you ... honorable! - shouted an officer. - Do not you hear?

- What? You to me? - Ivan Adrianovich asked, and Lenka was frowning, seeing his wild light, who flashed in his father's eyes.

"Daddy ... dad ... don't, please," he fences.

"I ask you: don't you hear that a toast is proclaimed for whose person?" - Heaven to the cavalugard.

- What kind of person? - Ivan Adrianovich was pretended to be pretended.

Due to the adjacent table, another officer jumped out.

- Burning! Shpak! This is a minute to get up! - He shouted, jumping to Ivan Adrianovich.

Ivan Adrianovich pushed the table with a rumble.

"Ensure ... Now ... Your words are back," he said in some very quiet and terrible voice.

Lenka climbed. He managed to see how the officer swung on his father, as his father caught his hand ... What happened next, he badly remembers. Several people threw on the Father. Lenka saw Ivan Adrianovich grabbed a heavy bag with kegs from the chair and raised him above his head. He heard the ringing, roar, female crying ... in the nose he hit the sharp smell of spirits. For a few seconds, he saw the face of his father. His cheek and his temple were in the blood.

The boy cried, rushing, grab someone for his hands ...

What happened further and how they got home, he did not remember. Vitrably remembers him that they were driving on the cabovka that his father hugged him and cried and that he was sharply stigma, stumbled with vodka and hyacinths. Probably, Brocaric Spirits crushed in the landfill.

At night, Lenka could not fall asleep for a long time. Cutting a nose into the pillow, he cried quietly - from pity to his father and from hatred to those who beat him ...

For many years later, when Lenka grew up, he understood what an outstanding man was his father and how much good was destroyed in it, killed, crushed the oppression of the environment and in order, in which he grew up and lived ...

After this incident, Ivan Adrianovich did not spend several days at home. Where he disappeared this time - Lenka did not know. However, it used to happen. Happened later. Father sawpowders.

Lenka was five years old when his mother fell ill. It was a nervous, almost mental illness. It lasted six and a half years.

Mother had their teeth. And no one could cure her. No doctor managed to even make a diagnosis and say what's the matter. She suffered, suffered, drove from one celebrity to another. It didn't seem to be a professor in St. Petersburg, in the reception of which she would not have visited. She tried and homeopaths, and hypnotists, and psychiatrists. Prayed. Made deposits in monasteries. I went to a manty. Applying to the signs. I idle the nights in the queues at some retired general. Then - by the janitor in Izmailovsky Roths, which he treated all the people who wanted a conspiracy and chicken litter.

No one helped her - neither the janitor nor the general nor Professor Bekhterev, because no one knew that the cause of her disease was an unsuccessful family life, Nalada and her husband.

Only one medicine was slightly quenched - a bitter greenish powder, which smelled to the valley and garlic. This smell pursued Lenka throughout his childhood.

Sad, creamy mother with a black dressing on his cheek - his first childhood memories. She sits at the open piano. And good hands lie on the keys.

Children lived a mansion, in the nursery, but also there through cooks and nannies came rumors and a sense of nonlands at the parent half. Yes, and Lenka himself very early to understand that the mother and father live badly. He saw it. He saw how, clogging into the pillow, cried her mother. He saw the Father, who skewed from the rage face, not getting his hands in the sleeve, put his coat in the hallway and flew, slamming the front door. Late at midnight, he returned. Clapped corks. Ranked dishes. Trembling from the tears voice mother sang: "When I served in the mail ..."

It happened that the mother had to run away from the house. It happened when the father was drinking particularly strongly. Sometimes at night, without sustaining, the mother sent the maid behind the cab, she said goodbye to children and left for her sister or to a stepmother.

It happened that the children had remained alone for several days, with a servant: mother and father drove around, lived on different apartments.

Then they converged again. World consisted. After the storm passed the lull. Sometimes this lull lasted weeks and even months. Then life began like others. Led the farm. Accepted guests. Ourselves went to visit. Engaged in cases. Raised children. Walked to theaters ...

In the fitness of tenderness and repentance, the father took money and bought a mother of some extraordinary gift: a diamond brooch, earrings or sable coupling.

But it almost always turned out that already in a month this diamond brooch or coupling is sent to Lombard, and the money received from the mortgage is moving into the pockets of St. Petersburg restaurants, winegogs and cards and cards.

The truce ended. War begins again.

Father launches business. Enters debts. And still drinks, drinks without wake up ...

Increasingly and more often talk about divorce. It comes to the point that the property is already divided. Make children.

But with Delete, nothing comes out. There would be two children or four - then nothing. But it is impossible to divide three for two without a residue. Someone from them, or mother, or father, should stay with one child.

These conversations occur in the presence of lamentage. He listens with her horror to these compilations, to these endless disputes, during which his fate is solved. He loves the mother and father equally and does not want to lose any other. But, fortunately, it turns out that the Father does not want a divorce. He does not give a mother of money. And she has nothing. Did you live. And she does not know how to do anything. Is that playing on the piano yes to embroider with cross-babes on canvas ...

Mother is flashing, looking for an exit ...

She begins to make savings in the farm, refuses the cook, tries to sew, cook ... With that neither from this - in search of earnings and profession - she suddenly begins to study the shoe craft. In her small cozy bedroom, where beautiful silk furniture, soft baffies, nutty tremors, pink curtains, - strange things appear: hammers, sewn, ticks, wooden nails, a wax duvera ... Then all this as suddenly, as it appeared, suddenly disappears.

Mother goes to courses, learns, reads books.

But the father is protesting. He throws these books outside the window. It wakes up the spirit of his ancestors, splitters. Woman, Baba, did not stick to sciences. Children, the economy, the church - that's the whole world that prepared by her - do not fall further.

Mother tries to humble. In full night, it prays in front of the lit lamps. Long all-in-bed and suitrena is idle in the surrounding churches.

And her teeth still hurt. A black bandage does not come off with her losing weight, looked like. And still when she kisses the night of children, it smells of garlic and lily of her lily ...

And Lenkina life at this time goes to her!

He lives not entirely as the boy is supposed to live at his age and in his position. Therefore, he is not entirely similar to other children.

- Dad, buy me letters!

Father laughed, but promised to buy. On another day, he got somewhere black cut-off letters that are used for posters and alllands. These letters were stuck on the wall in the nursery, the headboard is a lankina bed. The next morning, Lenka knew all the alphabet. And a few days later, during a walk with a nanny, he already read the signs: "beer and crayfish", "green", "bakery", "pharmacy", "plot".

He had little books. The only children's book that came to him, he studied in a month to the holes. She was called "the story about Goshu long arms." Some words in this book, Father stuck in the ink, but since Lenka was curious, he saw the printed letters who had witnessed through ink. The stricken words were "fool" and "fool" - the most delicate words that the father consumed when was drunk.

In the office of the father stood a large bookcase. Because of the glass doors, his appetizing leather roots peered. Lenka has long been looking at this forbidden wealth. Once, when a father left for a few days to Shlisselburg on shopping affairs, he climbed into the office, found the keys and opened the closet. He was comprehended by terrible disappointment. Tolstick books in leather bindings were written in the Slavic language, which Lenka did not know. These were old solo books that were inherited by inheritance, never read them and standing in the office "for furniture."

But in the same place in the closet, he came across a whole bunch of thin little books in bluish-gray paper covers. It was a complete collected Works Mark Twain and Charles Dickens - a free app to the magazine "Nature and People". Nobody read these books - only "Tom Sawyer" was cut to half. Lenka took these books to the nursery and read the furtively in the absence of a father. He was afraid to cut the books - I tried to read without cutting. With the danger to spoil the eyes and dislocate the neck, he thus read the "Tale of two cities" of Dickens. But already at David Copperfield, he waved his hand, brought the knife from the dining room and for half an hour the entire dickens was cut and everything. For a long time, after that he was flutter, waiting for the reprisals. But the father did not notice the disappearance of books. He did not notice the changes that happened to them after returning to the closet. Most likely, he did not even remember their existence.

The first books got a good lamentage. But then he read already without parsing, which will come. Almost all the books that the mother read at this time, re-read the little and lagnure. Thus, when in the eighth year he went to the preparatory classes, he had already met not only with Dostoevsky, Turgenev and Maupassant, but also with such authors, like Merezhkovsky, Pisem, Amphitherators, Leonid Andreev ...

He read a lot, drink. Brother and sister called his eyes - Bookcase.

But lanka's painka has never been. He had such a character that for more than two months no governess did not get along in the house. Wherever he was, wherever he was, there was always some story with him: it will break an expensive fragile thing in the store, for which the mother has to pay from his wallet; it will fall apart in the dacha in a pit with lime; or get lost in the forest; Or breaks at the neighbors a ball above the flower flower club ...

The first son, Mother and Father's favorites, he was still different in diapers, which was called "unsuccessful", "terrible", "despotic," and most often "Father's".

Even father scarecrow his stubbornness. And about the mother and there is nothing to say. When the lamentage "attacked the verse," she flew into the bedroom, stuck on the key and cried, bolding in the pillow.

It became especially difficult to her when the Father finally left the family, leaving all the trinity on her hands: And Lenka, and Vasya, and Lyalya. Severatus with her husband, Alexander Sergeyevna did not feel freedom. Health has not improved. There was never enough money. And then, Leshechnaya smasted - unavaevy, wild, indomitable ... Every day, fatherly character was more and more affected. And more and more often exclaimed exhausted, desperate mother:

- The Lord's second Ivan Adrianovich awarded me! ..


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Chapter 7. Different stories that encourage us to patience and courage 1. St. Avva Anthony, who is once in the wilderness, fell into the despondency and in great overwhelming of thoughts and spoke to God: Lord! I want to escape, and thoughts do not allow me. What should I do in my grief? How to save? - And soon

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Tale?. .. Kurbskogo about Augustine Hippon-published below "Tale about Augustine Hippon" is contained in the collection No. 216 of the Childgy Assembly of the State Historical Museum. The desired miracle collection, P. N. Petrov announced this collection: "Blessed

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Text. Tale?. .. Kurbsky about Augustine Hippon 155 Talking about the phenomena of St. Augustine, the bishop of the Iponianss righteously the mismatches of the Holy Augustine, the Holy Augustine, I heard from God, I heard from many Orthodox words, more than

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The comprehension of the "story" with such a scheme of events all the detailed and picture material, which is deploying internally uncommunicable film "Tale", receives its meaning and other sober-real interpretation. So a whole series of embassies in Kiev - it was not

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§ 1. History of study of the story of Nikola's contrarumous one of the most popular works of old Ryazan literature is the story of Nikola's inflation. Since its first publication (in 1790 - as part of the "Russian Temperator"), she repeatedly attracted attention

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§ 5. Sources of the story of Nikola's threesome now, possessing more accurate information about the editions of A, BC and B2, it is possible to proceed to the definition of the chronicle source, which the compiler used a story about Nikola's infrared. Proximity of text Tale with chronicles of various

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Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Tale to strengthen against the prodigal brains against us 1. Avva Anthony said: I think that the body has a natural movement in innocent; But it does not work when the soul does not want, and there is one movement in the body without lust. There is another movement,

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The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin Ms. Prostakova. That is my father, he still dies to the hunter stories. Cattlein. Mitrofan for me. Lost from the publisher to climb on the publishing of the ART, I. P. Belkin, offered to the public, we wanted to add to it

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From the book of the author

I confess the chapter from the story all my life confessing Christianity, I was a bad Christian. Of course, it would be not difficult to guess this, but maybe for the first time I understood it with all sad eyewitness only that day when he heard from someone or I read the words somewhere

Any new mention of the ill-fated corners causes new joy in the listeners, because these corns occur every time as sedative and even a cheerful contrast with the bloody horrors that are collapsed by one by one at the hero.

The central scene of the story, where it is depicted as Petya Trofimov, striving in captivity, swallows a precious package so that he does not get enemies, and suddenly he has some red lumps out of his mouth.

"- Hey," says the officer, "what does he have from his mouth there?"

He is reported:

"- language, your wellness ..."

"I looked at the floor and see: yes, in fact lies on the floor. Ordinary such, red, wet is lying on the gender gender. And the fly sits on it. "

Spook off your own language! Stay hard for all life!

The reader is ready to upset again. And again the tragedy turns around a cheerful comedy. It turns out that this "red and wet" lump is not at all tongue, but Surguches from the package, chewed by Peter Trofimov.

"So this, I think, is not a language. It is Surguc. Do you understand? This is a surgical seal of Comrade Zavarukhin. Our commissioner ... Fu, how funny it became for me. "

According to such a scheme, the whole story is built according to the adventure fairy tale scheme: a long chain of insurmountable obstacles, which, to the joy of young readers, are overcome by an invincible hero. It would seem that he was about to die, but at the last second the salvation suddenly comes to him, and he, as if nothing had happened, happy again and again laughs. "Fu, how funny me was."

But the scheme of the story would remain as a scheme, if it were not equipped with rich verbal-speech resources that give her accuracy. Thanks to the artistic reconciliation of the typical speech of the ordinary fighter Konarmy, his monologue about the misadventures experienced by him and joy acquires persuasiveness of the historical truth. The monologue of this, as well as the "republic of a shkid", is richly saturated with humor, based on a deeply serious topic again.

It is necessary to be deaf so as not to hear what gentle respect feeds Panteleyev to the hero of the Package - to his spiritual purity, he was deleted, to his immense devotion to the right case. It does not prevent the writer with the most cheerful smile to reproduce a kind of speech of a young fighter, full of funny revolutions and words. "In the gardens, fruits bloomed everywhere," "I stand. Wet. The whole drip, "" I go to the direction of the nose "," You say, Gogol-Mogol, "" give him, or what a package for Allah? "," What got sick in it? " - "And in it, he says, the tooth fell ill," "Let you introduce my friend" and so on.

Of course, it would be significantly easier to force Petya Trofimov to express a freshly tongue, without a raisin. But if Panteleev freed himself from any concerns about the artistic reproduction of genuine speech Trofimov, he would refuse his skill. The image of his hero would lose vitality, and there would be an empty abstraction that it is impossible to love.

This is exactly what the writers and critics also demanded that the writer. They wanted the Soviet man of the first years of revolution to be displayed in our titles and stories to be portrayed as a unfortunate and good-bought young man with academically correct speech.

Meanwhile, Petya Trofimov lives in front of us precisely thanks to its common, picturesque, expressive speech, very far from school grammar. All his phraseology reflects the early stage of the speech development of masses, belonging to the first years of the revolution, when urban culture brought a set of new concepts and words in a backward village, whose development was given to a rustic person not immediately. That is why Trofimova, on the one hand, "bung up" and "Give", and on the other - "heroic moment", "point of view", "Emergency".

This touching speech Nekladitsa has just awakened to the culture of people noted in their works with a friendly humor of Early Sholokhov, Zoshchenko, Babel, Isakovsky, Tvardovsky - and with them at the same time Panteleev. Already one image of Vasily Terkina testifies that the heroic and humor are fully compatible and that there are cases when our admiration for the exploits becomes even thanks to the yumor even sincere.

Package written in the form of the tale. This means that it is impossible to read it with eyes. It is necessary - out loud. And only then it becomes clear how carefully was the work of the author on the sound of the speech of the hero and how fortunately his skill was.

The other famous story of Panteleeva "clock" also shakes its verbal texture. Here is the top of his early creativity. And here the whole force of the narration is in his language. As others own French or Greek, so Panteleyev perfectly owns the picturesque jargon of the twentieth streets. This jargon was spontaneously created by street children and adolescents who passed through thieves, flea markets, at night, departments, police departments, and so on.

Panteleyev took it on service this despised by all the jargon and with a large artistic tact introduced it into a patterned tissue of the narration, slightly painted by the same jargon. And again it turned out a tale, the beauty of which is in expressiveness of living intonations. This story is phonetic. Therefore, "clock", like the "package", you need to read out loud, and not just your eyes. It has a kind of music, a measuring rhythmic system. For this rhythmic system, such, for example, close to dact constructing phrases are typical:

"And the horsepie muzzle crashed into the Petkin of Zatil."

"Petkino happiness - managed to jump off. And I would not distribute it ... "

"What? - He speaks. - Repeat! As you said? Startling?"

For the first time, the poet of Zabolotsky also pointed to the head of Zabolotsky (see the 7th head of the memories of Panteleeva Marshak in Leningrad).

Of course, this dactyl in the "clock" is unobtrusive. In its pure form, it is almost not found here, but it is potentially present throughout the text, and its cadans increases, it is weakening, which is why the prose still does not go into verses.

As in the "package", humor of situations are combined here with the humor of verbal-speech, which brings the Panteleeva with such masters of these two types of humor, like Babel, Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov.

Panteleeva's work is firmly soldered with our era. The revolution is reflected in his autobiographical story "Lenka Panteleev". Civil War - in his Package. NEP period - in the "clock". The domestic war and mainly Leningrad blockade gave him an extensive material for his favorite theme: the beauty and moral majesty of courage. Another major workers will probably seem like Panteleev invented his "stories about the feat" as if he portrayed fantastic, incredible cases, which issues for real facts.

All these cases are really on the verge of fiction, but not to us who survived the National War, doubt their truth, as we were lucky enough to see with our own eyes, how many children were electrified heroic patriotism in those days.

I repeat: only thanks to the skill of Panteleev in recreating the living language of characters, many plots, which themselves, in their shape, seem far from real reality, are perceived by readers as quite reliable.

And this is not only in the cycle of his stories about children, but in many other things, where he depicts episodes that themselves, outside the artistic design, would seem like a fiction.

Such episodes belong to, for example, that generous impulse, which tells Pantheleyev in the autobiographical story. A person who saw a half-legged beggar, trembling on the street from the cold, drops off himself a warm bekeke and gives her thoroughly, and himself remains without any protection against the piercing Petersburg winds. Rare, exceptional case, which is even difficult to imagine on the background of everyday reality.

Under the pen Panteleev, even such a case has gained reliability of a real fact. This happened because the confined dialogue of the beggar and his benefactor sounds convincingly, naturally and vital.

He drove forty eight days. For three weeks of them, he lay in delight, unconscious, in the struggle between life and death. And these were just the great days that shook the world and turned him over how the earthquake turns the mountains.

Lenka lay with a temperature of 39.9 that day, when the cruiser "Aurora" entered the Neva and threw anchors from the Nikolaev bridge.

Lenin arrived in Smolol.

Red Guard held train stations, telegraph, state bank.

The Winter Palace, the citadel of the bourgeois government, deposited revolutionary troops and workers.

And a small boy, squeezing the pillows and sheets, moaning and chuckled in bed, fell apart from the rest of the room and from the entire external world of a silk Japanese screen.

He saw nothing and did not hear. But when the surrounded consciousness briefly returned to him, nonsense began and nightmares. Accountless fear attacked at these moments to the boy. Someone pursued him, from something it was necessary to escape, something terrible, biglast, black, similar to the Volkova-Father, was admired. And one salvation was, one way out of this horror - it was necessary to link a red cross from woolen threads. It seemed to him that it was so simple and so easy - to tie with a crochet, how knitting and stockings, a red cross, making it hollow, in the form of a bag, like those that are spoiled on teapots and coffee pots ...

Sometimes at night he opened his inflamed eyes, saw her mother's lost face over himself and, climbing dry lips, whispered:

Mommy ... nice ... Tie me a Red Cross! ..

By dropping his head on his chest, mother was quietly crying. And he did not understand what she was crying and why he does not want to fulfill his request, such a simple and such important.

... But the body of the boy coped with the disease, came a fracture, and gradually consciousness began to return to Lenka. True, it was returned slowly, blocks, cramps, as if he was silent, chuckled, went to the bottom, and only for a minute the terrible weight of the water released him, and he pulled out to the surface with efforts - to block the air, to see the sunshine, feel alive . But at these moments he did not always understand where the dream and where they were, where nonsense and where the reality ...

He opens his eyes and sees near his bed of obese man with black mustache. He recognizes him: this is Dr. Tuvim from the Maritime Hospital, their old home doctor. But why is he not in the form, why on the shoulders it is not visible silver pursuit with the anchors and gold stripes?

Dr. Tuvim holds a lagnure by his hand, leans to his face and, smiling with a wide friendly smile, says:

Wow! We woke up? Well, how do we feel?

Lazyka and before, I mixed up this manner of Dr. Tuvima to talk about others "We" ... for some reason he will never say: "Drink the Caster" or "Put the mustard", and always - "Let's upset we are Castorp" or "We will put the mustard "Although at the same time, the mustardists do not put himself and the Caster does not drink.

We have no intention to eat? - He asks, stroking his hand.

Lenka wants to answer, tries to smile, but he has enough strength only to move his lips. He is spinning his head, Dr. Tuwym breaks down, and the lamentage falls again, leaves heads into the water. The last thing he hears, this is an unfamiliar male voice that says:

On Lermontovsky again shoot.

One night he woke up from a terrible ring. In a dark room with hurricane strength, a cold street wind blew.

Stesh! Stesh! But where are you? Give something ... pillow or blanket ...

Lady! Yes lady! Get away from the window! - Shouted Stesh.

He wanted to ask: "What? What is the matter? ", I wanted to raise my head, but the voice did not listen to him, and the head fell steadily on the pillow.

... But now he woke up increasingly and more often.

He could not even say, but could listen.

He heard the machine gun knocked on the street. He heard how the bridge armor rushed with a crash, and saw the light of their headlights concern and quickly ran through the White Kafel stove.

He began to understand that something happened.

One time, when Stesha poured him with a cold cranberry mors, he gained strength and asked her whisper:

She understood, laughed and loud, as deaf, said:

Our power, Leshenka! ..

He did not immediately understand what she was talking about. What is "our power"? Why "our power"? But here, as it often happens after the disease, some switch turned in the Lenicine head, the bright beam illuminated his memory, and he remembered everything: remembered the sailors-Bolsheviks from the Guards crew, he remembered how he collapsed behind the sodes and hiking Channel, remembered the chest, and the castle, and the encyclopedic dictionary of the broogueus ... His ears caught fire, and, raising her pillow, he looked at the maid with a pitiful smile and whispered:

Stesh ... forgive me ...

Nothing, nothing ... Full you ... lie! The foolish you, - the girl laughed, and Lenka suddenly it seemed that she was raving and looked over during this time. Such a cheerful and free laugh she never laughed before.

At this time, at the door of the "darkness", someone crashed loudly.

Who is it there? - whispered Lenka.

No one there, Leshenka. Tell, - the girl laughed.

No, really ... someone goes.

Stesh quickly bent and, tickling his her ear, said:

This is my brother, Leshenka!

That is the same.

Lenka remembered a photo with broken corners and a pretty man in a round, similar to the cake of the cap.

Live, Leshenka. For three days came from Smolensk. Today leaves.

Sripped the door.

Wall, you can? - Heard Lenka Soft Male Voice.

Stesha rushed to the door.

Shhch ... sh-sh ... where are you, Kolobrod? Is it possible here?!

Where are you, the goat, my holster from Browning shoved? - quietly asked the same voice.

What other holster? Ah, hobura? ..

Lenka raised his head, wanted to see, but did not see anyone - only heard a light smell of tobacco smoke, leaked into the room.

And in the evening he woke up again. He woke his whisen senile voice, who talked over his headboard:

Poor little Kalmychonok ... What awful time he was born! ..

He opens his eyes and shudders. He sees a terrible, black, puzzled by a soot face. Who is it? Or what is it? It seems to him that he is randing again. But this is Generals Silkova, the old woman widow, living in a filtiel, in the sixth room. He knows her well, he remembers this little clean old woman, her ruddy face, framed by a mourning lace tag, her strict, genuine gait ... Why is she so terrible now? What happened to her? He looked at the old woman, and she leans towards him, often blinks with young leaky eyes and whispering:

Sleep, sleep, baby ... keep you god! ..

And a terrible bony hand rises above the lagnure, and dirty, black, like a carpillary, fingers several times sacrifice it.

He cries and closes his eyes. And after a minute he hears, as the mother, the mother persuades the old woman with a loud whisper:

Augustus Markovna! .. Well, why are you? What are you doing? After all, in the end, it is unhygienically ... In the end, it is possible to get sick ...

No, no, do not say Ma Cher, - whispers in the answer of the old woman. - No, no, honey ... You do not know the story. In the times of the Great Revolution in France, Sanuseloty, Holoshtans, they were recognized by aristocrats. Exactly. It is exactly that you forgot, dove, that's the way.

- "Your pens, lady!" - "Here are my hands." - "Why are your hands white? Why are they so white? BUT?" And - on the lantern! Yes, yes, Ma Cher, on the lantern! Rope on the neck and - on the lantern, and La Liantern! .. On the lantern! ..

General Silkova no longer says, but wants.

And they will come to us, Ma Cher. Here you will see ... And we are not consumed by the bowl of this ... come, come ...

"Who's going to come?" - Lenka thinks. And suddenly guess: Bolsheviks! The old woman is afraid of the Bolsheviks. She does not specify the hands not to know that she is an aristocrat, a widow of the Tsarist General.

It begins to znob again. It is terrible.

"It's good that I am not an aristocrat," he thinks, falling asleep. And for some reason suddenly remembers Volkov.

"And who is wolves? Wolves - Aristocrat? Yes, who is who, and the wolves, of course, the most real aristocrats ... "

... He sleeps long and firmly. And again wakes up from the roar. Someone powerfully knocks iron about the iron gate. On the street, voices are heard. From the mother's bedroom, where Vasya and Lyalya moved to the time, child crying comes.

Stesh! Stesh! - muffled shouts by Alexander Sergeevna. - What happened there? Golubushka, Find out ...

Well, Alexander Sergeyevna ... Now ... I find out, - the stesh is calm, and hear, as in the "dark" chimples with matches ... Sleeping barefoot legs. A minute later in the kitchen slaps the door.

Lenka lies, not moving, listening. On the street and in the courtyard quietly, but the inflamed imagination of the boy won the voices, shots, moans ...

Again slammed the door.

Stesh, are you?

I, lady.

Well, what is there?

Yes, nothing, lady. Sailors and Red Guards go. With the search came. Weapons are looking for.

Where did they go?

In the sixth number, to Silkova.

Oh my God! Self! What she is experiencing, "Alexander Sergeyevna says with a sigh, and Lenka feels like he moves his hair on his head, or rather, what remains of them after the haircut under the zero machine.

"On the lantern! On the lantern! " - I remember the whisper whisper of the generals. He resets the blanket, sits down, looking in the dark his still night shoes. He is scared, he shakes all shakes, but at the same time he is unable to overcome greedy curiosity and desire to see with his own eyes the last minutes of the unfortunate generals. He does not doubt that she is already hanging on the lantern. He clearly represents her - a secondary and strict, hanging with his hands folded on his chest and with a prayerful gaze, as dire in heaven.

Throwing on the shoulders blanket and staggering from weakness, it makes his ways to the tiptoe into the hallway, the only window of which goes to the courtyard. A poplar grows in front of the window, a gas lamp is under the poplar.

Looking around, Lenka is approaching the window. Open your eyes is afraid. For a whole minute, it should be tightly squinting, then the courage is recruited and once opens both eyes.

There is no other on the lamp. It is raining on the street, the lantern glows brightly, and the raindling drops of Kosos run along his trapezoidal glasses.

Somewhere in the depths of the courtyard, in the flaggy, the door slapped down. Lenka is pressed against the glass. He sees how some black figures go through the courtyard. In the dark, something glitters. And again it seems to him that moans, tears, muffled cries come out of the darkness ...

"Go ... hang," he guessed and with such force pressed his forehead to the cold glass, which crepts the glass under his weight, trembling and bends.

"We went to us!" - he concerns. And, throat slipping from the window sill, losing the shoes on the go, he runs to the nursery. Mamina bedroom comes muffled song. Saying Lyal, Alexander Sergeyevna in a low voice sings:

Sleep, my baby is beautiful,

Baiushki bye…

Quietly shines ...

Mum! - shouts Lenka. - Mom! .. Mommy ... go to us ... Search! ..

And he does not have time to pronounce it, as a gusty call is distributed in the kitchen.

With a beating heart, Lenka runs into the nursery. The blanket slides from his shoulders. He pulls him up - and suddenly sees his hands.

They are white, pale, even paler than usual. Thin blue veins appear on them like rivers on a geographic map.

For a few seconds, Lenka thinks, looks in his arms, then throws to the stove, sitting on a squat and, burning, opens a hot copper door.

In the depths of the stove, red coal flashes. The ash did not have time to cool. Without thinking, he tested this warm soft mass and the elbows on his hands. Then the same thing makes face.

Who lives? - hears lamentage sharp rude voice.

The teacher, "says Stesh.

The reunion on the top door, Lenka looks in the kitchen.

The entrance doors costs high, static, similar to Peter the Great Sailor. Black assholes are refrunned back. The chest is crossed by machine-gun ribbons. In the hand rifle, on the belt wooden holster, on the left side - the tessel in the leather sheaths.

A few more people crowded behind the sailor: two or three sailors, one civilian with a red bandage on a sleeve and a woman in high boots. All of them with rifles.

Alexander Sergeyevna appears in the kitchen. With his right hand, she holds the falling on her shoulder in her shoulder, left the hood left and corrects the hairstyle.

Hello, "she says. - What's the matter?

She says calmly, as if a postman or a plumber came to the kitchen, but Lenka sees that the mother still worries, her hands are slightly trembling.

High sailor applies hand to Cooker.

Mistress Apartments Will you?


Yes. Teacher.

Do you live alone?

Yes. With three children and with a servant.

Yes, I am a widow.

The giant looks at the woman with sympathy. In any case, it seems like a lange.

And what are you sorry for curiosity, learn? What?

I am a music teacher.

Yeah. Clear. On pianine or guitar?

Yes ... on the piano.

It is clear - the sailor repeats and, turning to his companions, gives the team:

Stand! Vira ...

Then once again throws his hand to the cap, on the ribbon of which the stunned gold letters "Zarya Freedom" flashes, and says, turning to the owners:

I'm sorry to trouble you. Woke ... But nothing can do revolutionary debt! ..

Lenka as enchanted looking at the handsome sailor. He no longer experiences any fear. On the contrary, he's a pity that this warrior will now leave, will drive, dissolve as a dream ...

In the doorway, the sailor turns out again.

Arms, of course, are not found? - He says with a delicate smile.

No, "Alexander Sergeevna is answered with a smile. - If you do not count the canteen knives and forks ...

Thank you. No twinks required.

And here Lenka bursts into the kitchen.

Mom, he whispers, pulling her mother's sleeve. - You forgot. We also have ...

The sailor who did not have time to leave, turns sharply.

Ugh, "he says, having staring his eyes. - And what is this chimpanzee?

Comrades are squeezed into the kitchen and, too, are surprised to look at a strange black eyelid being wrapped in a green quilted blanket.

Lesha! .. What did you do with them? What happened to your face? And hands! You look at his hands! ..

Mom, we have, - Lenka mumbles, pulling her mother for the hood sleeve. - You forgot. We also have.

What do we have?

Operage ...

And, not hearing the laughter, who stands behind his back, he runs into the corridor.

Upholstered brass chest almost under the very ceiling cluttered things. Whiping at him, Lenka hastily drops onto the floor basket, Baula, knots, hawts ... With the same hasty, it raises heavy chest cover. Poisonous smell of naphthalene hits the nose. Looking at and sneezing, Lenka feverishly rushes in things, pulls out old checkers from the checker, sick, stirrups, spurs ...

Loaded by this Cossack ammunition, he returns to the kitchen. A green blanket is dragging behind him, like a ladies of a ladies dress ...

Again he meets the laughter.

What is it? - says the giant sailor, with a smile looking at the little things brought. - Where did you get this junk?

These are the things of my deceased husband, "says Alexander Sergeevna. - Nine hundred and fourth year, he fought with the Japanese.

Clear. No, the boy, we do not need it. You're better in some museum. And by the way ... wait ... perhaps, this sabelka will come in handy ...

And, turning the curve of the Cossack checker in the hands, the sailor famously shoves it for the belt, on which the weapons are already inspired on good plenty.

... Ten minutes later, Lenka sits in bed. A pelvis with warm water is standing on a stool, and Alexander Sergeyevna, having put her sleeves, washes a boy with a walled Greek sponge. Stesh helps her.

And you know, Stesha, "says Alexander Sergeevna. - Perhaps these Red Guards are not so terrible. They are even nice. Especially this, who for the main thing they have, with the hussar mustache ...

And what, a lady, "Stesha is offended. - What are they - robbers, or what? Well this is not any ditch. This is a revolutionary guard. And they are because of good people at night they will be that some bourgeoisie habit took the weapon to straight. Do you know that you have been hung in the corner house at the same State Counselor found?

Lenka flows into the ears soap water. He is afraid to listen, breaks out of the stepsy hands and asks:

What? What did you find?

And so that you, by God! - Says Stesh. - spat the whole. Do not jump, please! .. The whole machine gun in her bath she stood. And rounds two thousand. That's what!..

... These night adventures could end for a sick boy. But it probably has been sick for so long that in the end sickness sick with him and they left him. A week later he felt so good that Dr. Tuvim allowed him to get up. And after two weeks, the scarfs and bumps wound on the very nose, he first went to the courtyard.

It has long fell snow. He lay on the roofs, on the eaves, on the branches of the old poplar, on the lantern crossbars ...

Lenka stood at the entrance and, taking the head like a head, with pleasure swallowed clean, frosty, smelling smoke and Antonov apples.

Snow creaked. He looked around. Through the yard went, leaning on a stick, General Silkova. A clean ruddy face on the frost was even more flasped. The white lace collar looked out from under the red fox, whose tail was hung in a silence on his chest, and sprayed acute frills with a stared pink tongue stared as a top of the head.

Lenka looked at Slovka, like a ghost.

When the old woman passed by, he hardly sculpt in deep snow foot and said:

Hello, Madame ... So you did not hang out?

What do you say baby? - asked, stopping, Silkova.

I say: you did not hang out?

No, poor child, "the old woman replied and, sighing heavily, went further.

... In the school, Lenka returned to the very christmas holidays. He missed more than two months and, although the last two weeks worked hard at home, was afraid after all, which was much lagging behind the class. However, when he came to the real and saw what orders were reigning there, he realized that he was completely nothing to fear.

The first thing that rushed to him in the eye is that the class has been kept very much. Many desks were sitting on one student, and there was no one in general.

Where did all the boys have come? He asked his neighbor to the second.

I do not know. So long ago, - answered the ace-second. - Who is sick, who do not walk at home circumstances, and who stopped engaging at all.

And wolves?

Wolves seem to have appeared for a whole month.

"Probably also sick," she decided Lenka.

The school was cold. Batteries of steam heating barely heated. In many windows, the glass were punched with rifle bullets and cloudedly embedded with round wooden nonsense. In the change of Lenka, he noted that many high school students were walking along the corridor of the colleagues in overcoats.

Still, the main center of the school life was in the restroom. As before, there were debates all day there, but Lenka it seemed that now these disputes and rewriting became much sharper. More often heard grave words. More thanks to the scuffle ... And one more observation did Lenka: in these disputes and sweatses, the most of all got the one who dried up to defend the Bolsheviks ...

Before large variance, a class mentor came to the class and announced that there will be no lessons today, students can diverge home.

No one except Lenka was not surprised.

Why? What happened? He asked from the boy who came out with him. It was a funny, always smiling boyfriend - Kolya Markel, grandson of the school watch.

What? Nothing happened, "Markelov smiled. - We now have almost every day such a boil. Then the coarch for some reason does not work, then the teachers are sabotage, then the high school students are beaten.

"How is it flying? - I did not understand Lenka. - Band workers in factories, but how can students be used and especially teachers? "

... coming out of the school, Lenka decided immediately home not to go, but to stalk a little along the streets. He soared so long in four walls, which could not deny himself in this pleasure.

Having reinmed the huge Trinity Cathedral, having loved, as always, on a monument of glory, made of one hundred and twenty-eight guns, he went out to Izmailovsky, passed the bridge and walked around Voznesensky aside.

The day was bright, winter. Nicely hurt the snow under his feet. Syrrhels of the injection of extractoric sled. From somewhere because of the Lenicine back, because of the Tower of Warsaw railway Station, the tinned winter sun was cold.

At first glance, no special changes in the streets did not happen during this time. Trade was Boyko in the Alexandrovsky market. On the Randus of the newspaper, black with tiled turrets of the city house, the corner of the garden and Voznesensky, lay all the same newspapers: "New Time", "Speech", "Russian Will", "Petrogradsky Listka" ... It was not, however, "Kuzkina Mother "But the newspapers did not see what Lenka did not see:" Izvestiya Petrogradsky Council "," True "," Soldier's truth "...

At the door of the Boolean Filippov stood a long queue. On the calane of the Spasskie part looming Tulup sentient. A modest funeral procession was saved on the garden ... On the site against the Nikolsky market, a rustic guy who was spoiled by the Red Dusk traded by Christmas trees. Everything was, as in the past year, like five years ago. But not everything was old. There were changes that rushed into the eyes.

Street crowd became easier. It was not visible to have chic stirs, sled with bear cavities, elegant ladies, brilliant officers. Lenka even shuddered when he saw a sudden me to meet a lowest fat Mr. in a beaver hat, with a golden pensne on his nose and in high black bots. This Mr. He saw in the autumn of the Volkov. He was already wanted to worship, but then I noticed that this Mr. This is not one, "two very harsh views of a person with rifles and red bandages on the sleeves were held on the right and left hand.

Lazy shook. He again remembered Volkova.

"I will come, I find out what with him," he decided. Especially since the channel's hooks was very close.

Having risen through the scolded carpet in the belt, he had long stood before a high front door and pressed the bell button. No one opened him.

When he descended down, a severe unsharged old man was released from Swiss and in a black cap with a golden galoon.

Who are you to? He asked Lenka.

You do not know where the wolves come from the first number? Said Lenka. - I called, called, no one answers.

And they will not answer, "the Swiss replied sullenly.

How? Why not answer? And where are they?

The Swiss looked at the punishment realist, as if he was thinking whether it was worth explained with such a punishment at all, then he was sleeping and answered:

We left with the whole family south, in your immunism.

The next day, the Lenka school reported on this Markelov, who asked him, did he see Volkova.

Volkov went south, - he said.

Leave?! - laughed Markelov. - Say better - I did not leave, but washed off!

How did it wash off? - I did not understand Lenka.

Then these thieves, "thorough" words in large numbers appeared not only in the use of boys, but also in the spoken language of many adults. This is explained by the fact that the temporary government has issued criminals from prisons before its fall. This dark person, diverting on the cities and weighs of the country, held at least the last place among the enemies, with whom the young Soviet government had to fight.

What does it wash off? - Lenka asked surprise.

Chudak! - laughed Markelov. - Well, they ran out, stringly asked. Now your brother - you know - Ambo! And the Volkova-dad also probably stil in the fluff! ..

What is our brother? - It's offended by Lenka. - What are you swearing? I am not an aristocrat.

And who are you? What kind of party are you for?

I am a Cossack, "Lenka answered in habit.

This winter was very difficult. The civil war began on the country's outskirts. In Petrograd and in other cities, everything is stronger and more and more gave himself to feel hunger. Product prices grew. In the markets appeared on the sale of Konified. Black bread, which was still so recently forced, forced the dinner with the soup and hot, imperceptibly turned into a delicacy, like a cake or cakes.

Lenicina Mother still ran around the lessons, to get out of each day it became harder. All her teeth were hurt. And in the evenings, when she, as always, kissed him in front of bed and baptized the children, Lenka felt the nauseous-showing smell of garlic and Lrangess.

In the middle of winter, Stesha entered the triangle plant. She did not leave the Lenica family, continued to live in the "darkness", even helped than could, Alexander Sergeyevna. Slightly light, long before the factory bold, she got up to take a turn for bread or milk in the store "PARTYER" on Izmailovsky. Returning from work, she jumped out the dishes, endured garbage, soap floors in the kitchen and in the corridors ... Alexander Sergeevna tried to do the farm herself. She knew how to cook, as she studied once, in the first years of marriage, on culinary courses. But when she tried to wash in the children's sex once, in the evening they had a spin planted so that Lenka had to hastily run to Kalinkin Bridge for Dr. Tuvim.

Winter, which stretched infinitely for a long time, seemed like a lange of some unreal. And they did not really go. And ate not like before. And the ovens were not always warm.

Who is to blame for all this, where the reason for the ruin began. Lenka did not understand, and not very thought about it. At ten years, a person lives its own, often much more complex than in adults, interests. True, at this age, Lenka was not like her peers. He did not run on the skating rink, did not start in the courtyard or on the street of friendships-buddies, was not fond of French struggle, did not collect brands ... as before, the most expensive place his heart was his small, similar to the school desk. He still read the vehicle, composed poems and even made a small brochure called "What Love is," which was said mainly on the maternal love and where examples were made of Dostoevsky, Turgenev and Tolstoy. This philosophical treatise he forced to rewrite from his hands in ten copies Vasya, who has been studied in preparation classes for the second year and who could take on this monstrous work otherwise, as from very much respect for his brother. Vasi himself, who grew up and healthy, not by day, but for hours, there were no inconsistencies to literary classes.

In the spring, when Lenka successfully switched to the second class (which was not difficult in those conditions), a letter from the nurse came. She wrote that children need to relax, and the times came hard, everything is expensive, and the Alexander Sergeyevna will unlikely to remove the cottage this year. Will she gather with the guys for the summer to her village?

In the evening, when everyone came together in the dining room, Alexander Sergeevna announced this letter in front of his households.

Well, how do you think: we are going or not going? She asked her chicks.

"The Republic of Shkid" is one of the most famous books for children in Soviet literature. This is a autobiographical work written by tandem authors - Grigory White and (real name - Alexey Eremeev). The book tells about the years spent at the boarding school for

But there is a book that is inextricably linked with the "Republic of Skid", although not so well known. The summary of the story "Lenka Panteleev" suggests that this is the first part of the dilogy, since one of the main characters in these books is common.

"Lenka Panteleev": events, time and characters

The book is not too famous. Those who love the "Republic of the Skid" know about its existence and is interested in the life of its authors. Actually, on the "republic of a shkid", it is possible, not even seeing a story, reconstruct its summary. Lenka Panteleev briefly mentions his childhood, and the main milestones coincide with the heads of the autobiographical story.

"Lenka Panteleev" is a story about the years preceding the events described in the "Republic of Skid". This is the history of the author's childhood, his wandering over the Civil War of Russia. The picture of the world given by the eyes of a ten-year-old child is smart, good, talented, but surprisingly uncomfortable and restless. Those who are interested in this period of history will probably be interested in reading the story entirely, and her brief content. Lenka Panteleyev writes about what he saw, and the world of children's eyes is very different from thoughtful analysis of adult texts about that time.

Lenicina family

Of course, the story was written at a time when the redarmeys should have been on the definition of positive heroes, and the negative - White Guards. This can be seen, even just watching a summary. Lenka Panteleyev is to this side of the conflict experiencing sympathy. However, it may have been absolutely sincere.

Lenka Panteleyev - Son of the retired military and music teacher. There was no mutual understanding between mother and father. Former military possessed a heavy conflict character, a soft and timid mother simply was afraid of him. In the family constantly broke up quarrels, in the end, the father left to die away from home.

Heavy times came for the family. There was little money, but it was necessary to provide the boys with the opportunity to study normally in the preparatory school. Lenka - smart, he reads a lot, writes poems, learns well, although it has problems with behavior.

School and illness

In the school, he meets the Volkovo-boy from a rich family. They have common interests, and Lenka began to come to visit the Volkov. There he heard that the Bolsheviks are spies and conspirators. Since before that, the boy realized that the housekeeper was connected with the Bolsheviks, this new knowledge frightened her lange. At home, he managed to unlock the chest with the personal belongings of steha and read the letters and brochures, I could not really realize their brief content. Lenka Panteleev decided that the housekeeper was a spy. He told about all the mother, but that on the political convictions of the housekeeper, but the son called the thief. The boy suddenly lost consciousness. Whether Lenka really got sick with something, whether the hot was caused by nervous overvoltage, but the child lay in delight of 48 days. During this time, a revolution occurred, the country received a new government. Having recovered Lenka with amazement realized that life had changed around.

Country life

The ex-nurse who left for the village under Yaroslavl invited the remaining almost no livelihood to the existence of a family pupil for the summer. Exhausted by mascondition Mother Lenka takes this invitation. From this journey and starts acquaintance of the home boy lamentage with the invalid of the revolution.

In the village of Lenka gets acquainted with representatives of the Green Army - armed forms of unclear political beliefs. There was also the chairman of the committee of the poorest residents of the village of Cheltsov. Lenka made friends with him and even selflessly tried to save from the detachment of the Green Army, warning about the attack. Fortunately, the help was not needed, but Lenka was cold and fell ill with diphtherite. The boy was required serious treatment. Mother tried to take him to the hospital in Yaroslavl, but she did not succeed. The city just took the White Guard parts, and the family was forced to hide in the basement of the hotel. During the fighting, they have stolen all things, hunger has begun in the deposited in red parts of the city, there was no water.

Lenka helped her mother, as he could: walked behind the water, tried to search for products. They decided to return to the village, but on the way were detained with a detachment of the green army. Everything cost, but the bag with money was lost. The brief content of the book "Lenka Panteleev" is, in fact, a list of losses and endless wandering of the family.


By the end of the summer, the desperate mother still found a job in a small town on Kame. She was offered the position of the head of the music school. Life began to improve. But one fine it took to leave for official affairs in Peter. She left Lenka on the care of relatives. Aunt, which was supposed to look after the boy, got sick, and in two weeks, she understood the lamentage with horror that the mother would not return. He walked for aunt, took out the products, but when she recovered, it turned out that the boy is in her burden.

The boy tried to settle in the agricultural school and even for some time lived there, with the receipt that this was not an educational institution at all, but the junk. Then Lenka got into the orphanage, from where he fled, then - even in one orphanage. Finally, the boy decided that he would go to look for mom.

From this point on, the brief content of the story "Lenka Panteleev" is simply a list of places where the boy in his wrapping fell and from where he always went. Lenka was winding around the country, he was sick, he was crawling things, he himself learned to steal, ask to alms and hide. There were people who helped the boy, gave food and shelter, were those who drove him away. For almost a year, Lenka vagranuated, until he managed, finally get to Peter. There he found his family, but, alas, the bad habits, which he acquired during vagrancy, entrenched. Mother tried to cope with his son for a long time, but then he recognized defeat. She took him to the Skid - School named after Dostoevsky, boarding school for hard-primitive children. But from this place a completely different book begins.