Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich.

The future poet was born on November 23 (December 5 for a new style) of 1820 in p. Mtsensk city streets of the Oryol province (Russian Empire).

Being the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left Germany in 1820, Athanasius was adopted by the nobleman Sheenshin. After 14 years in the biography of Athanasius Feta, an unpleasant event took place: an error was found in the birth record, which deprived him of the title.


In 1837, Fet graduated from a private board of Cryman in the city of Verier (now Estonia). In 1838 he entered Moscow University for the Faculty of Philosophy, continuing to get involved in literature. He graduated from the university in 1844.

Creativity of the poet

In a brief biography of Feta, it is worth noting that the first poems were written to them in his youth. Feta Feta is first published in the collection "Lyrical Pantheon" in 1840. Since then, the poem feta is constantly printed in magazines.

In an effort by all possible ways to regain the noble title, Athanasius Fet went to serve a non-commissioned officer. Then in 1853 in the life of Feta there is a transition to the Guards Regiment. Feta's creativity even in those days does not stand still. In 1850, his second compilation comes out, in 1856 - the third.

In 1857, the poet marries Maria Botkin. Having resigned in 1858, without achieving the return of the title, acquires the land, devotes itself to the management of the economy.

The new works of Feta, published from 1862 to 1871, constitute the "from the village" cycles, "notes on a voltage labor". They include novels, stories, essays. Athanasius Afanasievich Fet strictly distinguishes its prose and poetry. Poetry for him is romantic, and the prose is realistic.

Name:Afanasy Fet

Age: 71 year

Activity: Poet Lirik, translator, memoirist, Corresponding Member of St. Petersburg An (1886)

Family status: was married

Athanasius Fet: Biography

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet is a recognized genius of literature, whose work is cited both in Russia and in countries of abroad. His poem, such as "I will not tell you anything," "whisper, timid breathing", "Evening", "This morning, the joy of this", "At the dawn, you are not boudes," "I came", "nightingale and rose "And others are now mandatory for studying in schools and higher educational institutions.

In the biography of Athanasius Feta, many riddles and secrets, which still excite the minds of scientists and historians. For example, the circumstances of the birth of the Great Genius, who chanting the beauty of nature and human feelings, is similar to a sphincline riddle.

When Shenshin was born (the surname of the poet, which he wore the first 14 and the last 19 years of life), is not known. Call on November 10 or December 11, 1820, but Afanasy Afanasyevich himself celebrated the birthday of the 5th day of the twelfth month.

His mother Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker was a daughter of the German Burger and was a spouse of some Johanne Feta, the local court's assessor in Darmstadt. Soon Charlotte became acquainted with Afanasiya Neophyptic Schieshin - an Orlovsky landowner and part-time retired Rothmistrome.

The fact is that Shenshin, having arrived in Germany, failed to book a place in the hotel, because there they were simply not. Therefore, a Russian shares in the House of Ober-Krigassar Karl Beckker - Widow, who lived with a 22-year-old daughter, a pregnant second child, son-in-law and granddaughter.

The young girl fell in love with 45-year-old Athanasius, which, in addition, for the memories of contemporaries, was non-zeisant - the story is silent. But, according to rumors, before exploring the Russian landowner, the relationship of Charlotte and Feta gradually went to a dead end: Despite the birth of the daughter of Carolina, her husband and wife often conflicted, besides, Johann got into numerous debts, poisoning the existence of a young spouse.

It is known only that from the "City of Science" (so-called Darmstadt), the girl along with Sheenshin fled to the snowy country, whose juicy frosts did not dreamly.

Karl Becker could not explain such a shavy and unprecedented daughter for those times. After all, she, being a married woman, threw her husband and a hot beloved child to the mercy of fate and sent in search of adventures into an unfamiliar country. Grandfather Athanasius used to say that "the means of indispensable" (most likely, Carl meant alcohol) deprived her mind. But in fact, later, Charlotte revealed a mental disorder.

Already on the territory of Russia, two months after moving, a boy appeared on the world. The baby was baptized according to Orthodox custom and called Afanasiy. Thus, parents predetermined the future of the child, because Athanasius translated from Greek means "immortal." In fact, Fet has become a famous writer, the memory of which does not die over long.

Acquered by Orthodoxy Charlotte, who became Elizabeth Petrovna, recalled that Shenshin was treated for a foster son as a blood relative and gave the boy care and attention.

Later, Sheenshy has three more children were born, but two died at a young age, which is not surprising, because due to progressive diseases in those troubled times, children's mortality was considered far from uncommon. Athanasius Afanasyevich recalled in his autobiography "Early Years of My Life", like his sister Anuta, who was for the year younger, flew to bed. Near the baby's beds day and night were on duty and relatives, and in the mornings, doctors visited her room. Fet remembered, as approached the girl and saw her ruddy face and blue eyes, motionlessly looked into the ceiling. When Anyuta died, Athanasius Shenshin, initially guessing such a tragic outcome, fainted.

In 1824, Johann made a proposal of the hand and heart of the governess, which brought up his daughter Carolina. The woman answered agree, and Fet either from his insult to life, whether then to pump an ex-wife, embraced Athanasius from the Testament. "I am very surprising that Fet in the will forgot and did not recognize his son. A person can be wrong, but deny the laws of nature - a very big mistake, "recalled Elizabeth Petrovna in letters to his brother.

When the young man was 14 years old, the spiritual consistory abolished the baptismal entry of Athanasia by the legitimate son of Shenshina, so the boy was awarded his last name - Fet, since he was born out of marriage. Because of this, Athanasius lost all sorts of privileges, so in the eyes of the public, did not appear as a descendant of the noble family, but as "Hessendarmstadt Tsisna", a foreigner of dubious origin. Such changes have become a blow to the heart for the future of the poet, which considered herself to Russian. For many years, the writer tried to return the surname of a man who brought up him as a native son, but attempts were in vain. And only in 1873 Athanasius won and became Sheenshin.

Athanasius held his childhood in the village of Novoselki, which is in the Oryol province, in the estate of the Father, in the house with the mezzanine and two filties. The boy's eyes discovered the picturesque meadows covered with green grass, the crown of mighty trees, lit by the sun, houses with smoking pipes and a churcher with bell bells. Also, young Fet got up at five in the morning and fled to the maid in one pajama, so that they told him a fairy tale. Although the servants engaged by the spinning tried to ignore annoying Athanasius, the boy eventually sought his own.

All these children's memories, inspirational feta, are reflected in his subsequent work.

From 1835 to 1837, Athanasius visited the German private pension Cryman, where he showed himself as a diligent student. The young man Corpel over textbooks in literature and was already trying to invent poetic lines.


At the end of the 1837, the young man went to conquer the heart of Russia. Athanasius diligently for six months was engaged under the supervision of the famous journalist, writer and publisher Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin. After the preparation of Fet easily entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Law. But soon the poet realized that the subject was patronized by the Holy Ivo Bretonsky - not his path.

Therefore, a young man without pondayvy moved to Russian literature. As a student of the first course, Athanasius Fet was seriously engaged in poems and showed his pen pier to Pen. After reading the works of the student, Mikhail Petrovich gave a manuscript, who said: "Fet is undoubted giving." An encouraged by the praise author of the book "Viy", Athanasiy Afanasyevich produces a debut collection "Lyrical Pantheon" (1840) and begins to be printed in the literary journals "Patrican notes", "Moskvatik", etc. "Lyrical Pantheon" did not bring the auto confession to the author. Unfortunately, the darity of Feta was not perceived by contemporaries.

But at one moment, Athanasia Afanasyevich had to leave literary activities and forget about the rendering of the inkwell. In the life of the darisy poet, a black band came. At the end of 1844 he dies with his beloved mother, as well as uncle, with which Feta had warm friendly relations. Athanasius Afanasyevich was counting on the inheritance of a relative, but uncle's money disappeared unexpectedly. Therefore, the young poet remained literally without livelihood and in the hope of acquiring a fortune, entered the military service and became a cavalryman. Related the rank of officer.

In the 1850s, the writer returned to verses and released the second collection, which received enthusiastic reviews of Russian critics. After a fairly large period of time, the third collection of the gift poet comes out, and in 1863 the two-volume collection of Feta works was published.

If you consider the work of the author of the "May night" and "Spring Rain", he was a sophisticated lyricist and, as if he identified nature and human feelings. In addition to lyrical poems, there are elegances, Duma, Ballads, Messages in his track record. Also, many literary critics agree that Athanasius Afanasyevich came up with his own, original and multi-faceted genre of "Melodies", in his writings there are often responses to musical works.

Among other things, Athanasius Afanasyevich is familiar with modern readers as a translator. He translated into Russian a number of poems of Latin poets, and also introduced readers with mystical "Faust."

Personal life

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet during life was a paradoxical figure: in front of the contemporaries, he appeared as a thoughtful and gloomy man, whose biography surround mystical halis. Therefore, dissonance arose in the head of poetry lovers, some could not understand how this burdened by everyday worries people could have so exalted nature, love, feelings and human relationships.

In the summer of 1848, Athanasius Fet, serving in the Kirassir Regiment, was invited to the ball in the hospitable house of the former officer of the Order Regiment M.I. Petkovich.

Among the ladies, fluttering around the hall, Athanasius Afanasyevich saw a black-haired beauty, the daughter of the retired cavalry general Serbian origin Maria Lazich. With that very meeting, Fet began to perceive this girl as or as -. It is noteworthy that Maria knew Feta for a long time, though he met him through his poems, which was read in his youth. Lazic was not educated by year, he knew how to musitize and well understood in the literature. It is not surprising that Fet admitted a relative soul in this girl. They exchanged numerous flame letters and often leafed albums. Maria became the lyrical heroine of the many Fetov poems.

But the acquaintance of Feta and Lazich was not happy. Beloved could become spouses and in the future to educate children, but the calculating and practical Fet refused the Union with Maria, because she was also poor, as he himself. In his last letter, Lazich Athanasius Afanasyevich became the initiator of parting.

Soon, Maria died: because of a casually abandoned match, her dress caught fire. The girl could not be saved from numerous burns. It is possible that this death was suicide. The tragic event struck feta to the depths of the soul, and the consolation from the sudden loss of the near man of Afanasy Afanasyevich found in the work. His subsequent poems were perceived by the reading public with a bang, so Fet managed to get a state, the fees of the poet allowed him to go on a journey through Europe.

Being abroad, Master Korea and Yamba came out with a rich woman from the famous Russian dynasty - Maria Botkin. The second Feta spouse was not good for himself, but it was distinguished by a good nature and an easy temper. Although Athanasius Afanasyevich made a proposal not for love, but by the settlement, the spouses lived happily. After a modest wedding, the couple went to Moscow, Fet resigned and dedicated the lives of creativity.


On November 21, 1892, Athanasius Afanasyevich Feth died of a heart attack. Many biographers suggest that before the death of the poet made a suicide attempt. But this version has no reliable evidence.

The grave of the Creator is located in the village of Kleenovo.



  • 2010 - "Poem"
  • 1970 - "Poem"
  • 2006 - "Athanasius Fet. Lyrics"
  • 2005 - "Poem. Poems "
  • 1988 - "Poem. Prose. Letters "
  • 2001 - "Prose of the Poet"
  • 2007 - "Spiritual Poetry"
  • 1856 - "Two Lipki"
  • 1859 - "Sabina"
  • 1856 - "Sleep"
  • 1884 - "Student"
  • 1842 - "Talisman"

Which is presented in this article - the Russian poet Lirik, translator, a memoist. He was born in 1820, on November 23, and died in 1892, November 21.

Childhood of the future poet

In a small estate located in the Oryol province, in the Mtsensky district, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born. His biography is interesting for the origin of the future poet. His father worked in the court of Darmstadt Assistor, Mother, Becker Charlotte Elizabeth, left the spouse in the seventh month of pregnancy and secretly left for Russia with Afanasiy Schaneshin. When the boy was born, he was baptized according to Orthodox custom. His name was given Athanasius. He was recorded as Shanshina's son. Charlotte Elizabeth Fet in 1822 adopted Orthodoxy, after which he was married to Sheenshin.


Fet received a good education. It was easy to study capable Athanasia. He graduated in 1837 in the city of Verier, located in Estonia, a private German school. Already at this time, the future poet began to write poems, and also showed interest in classical philology and literature. In order to prepare for the university, he studied after school at Professor Pogodin in the boarding house. This man was a journalist, historian and writer. Athanasius Fet in 1838 came first to the legal, and then at the Philosophical Faculty of the University in Moscow.

First collection of poems

During his studies at the university, he became close to Apollo Grigoriev - one of the students who fond of poetry. Together they began to visit the circle in which they were engaged in literature and philosophy. Fet, with the participation of Grigoriev, released the first collection of his verses called "Lyrical Pantheon". This book received Belinsky's approval. Gogol also noted that Fet is "undoubted giving". For the poet, it became a kind of blessing, inspired for further creativity. His verses in 1842 were published in various publications, including such popular magazines as "Moskvatik" and "Patriotic Notes". In 1844 he graduated from studying at the University of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. The biography was then continued by the military service.

Military service

In 1845, Afanasy Afanasyevich left Moscow and entered the Kirassir Regiment, located in the south of Russia. The poet believed that military service was necessary for him in order to regain the noble title. A year later, received the title of officer Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Its biography was supplemented in 1853 another important event: a novice poet was transferred to the Guards Regiment, stationed near St. Petersburg. Athanasius Afanasyevich often visited the capital, met with Goncharov, Turgenev, Nekrasov, and also got close to the editors of the "contemporary", popular at the time of the magazine. Military career in general was not very successful. Fet in 1858 resigned in the rank of Rothmistra.

Tragic love

During the years of service, he experienced a tragic love that had a great influence on his work, Athanasius Fet. The brief biography will certainly include the mention of Maria Lazich. It was a beloved poet, a girl from the poor, but a good family. This circumstance became an obstacle to marriage. Lovers broke up, and after a while the girl in a fire tragically died (they rumored about suicide). The poet kept the memory of her until death.

Marriage to Maria Botkin

Athanasius Fet at the age of 37 married a daughter of a chain from the secured family of Maria Botkin. She did not differ in beauty and youth. This marriage was calculated. The poet told the bride before the wedding about his origin, mentioned both the childbirth curse, which, in his opinion, could be an obstacle to marriage (read about it below). However, these confessions did not scare Maria Botkin, and in 1857 a wedding took place. He retired after the year of Athanasius Fet.

Biography (brief) these years is the following. Poet settled in Moscow, where he began to engage in literature. Family life Afanasia Afanasyevich was prosperous. He introduced the state of Maria Botkin. There were no children from this pair. Athanasius Feta in 1867 elected world judge. He lived in his estate as a real landowner. The poet began to work with the new force only after the return of all the privileges of the hereditary nobleman and the schi-schi.

Creativity Feta

A significant mark in the domestic literature left Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. A brief biography includes only its main creative achievements. Tell them about them. The collection "Lyrical Pantheon" was released while studying at the university. The first poems of Feta were an attempt to escape from severe reality. He wrote a lot about love, chasing the beauty of nature in the works. In his work, there was one characteristic feature at the time: Afanasy Afanasyevich spoke of eternal and important concepts only with hints, knew how to master the various shades of moods, awakening the readers bright and clean emotions.


Feta's creativity after the death of Mary Lazich acquired a new direction. His beloved was dedicated to the poem under the title "Talisman" of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. The brief biography of this girl will be presented at the end of this article when we will tell you about some interesting facts from the life of the poet. Researchers suggest that all the subsequent poems of Afanasia Afanasyevich about love were also dedicated to. "Talisman" aroused the lively interest of critics and many positive feedback. Fet at this time was recognized as one of the best poets of modernity.

Athanasius Afanasyevich was considered one of the representatives of the so-called pure art. That is, in his works, he did not affect important social issues, remaining to the end of his life with a convinced monarchist and conservative. Fet in 1856 released his third poetic collection, which challenged beauty. It was her who he considered the main and sole purpose of creativity.

Not passed without a trace for the poet heavy blows of fate. Athanasius Afanasyevich elapsed, broke a relationship with many buddies, almost ceased to create. The poet in 1863 issued a two-volume assembly of his works, and then came a 20-year-old break in his work.

"Evening lights"

Only after the return of the privileges of the hereditary nobleman and the schism's names, he was engaged in creativity with new forces. The works of Athanasius Feta by the end of their lifestyled, the so-called metaphysical realism was present in them. He wrote Athanasius Fet on the unity of a person from the whole universe, about eternity, about the highest reality. Athanasius Afanasyevich wrote in the period from 1883 to 1891 more than three hundred different poems included in the collection called "Evening lights". This collection survived four issues in the poet's life, and the fifth came out after his death.

Death Athanasius Feta

The Great Poet died of a heart attack. However, the researchers of his creativity and life are convinced that before death they made an attempt to commit suicide. But it is definitely impossible to say whether this episode was noted by this episode as Athanasius Fet. Biography, interesting facts about him sometimes cause disputes from researchers. Some of them are still recognized by the majority as reliable.

  • When the future poet was 14 years old (in 1834) it turned out that he was not a legally son of Shehenshina, the Russian landowner, and the record was made illegally. Anonymous denunciation made by the unknown, caused the proceedings. As a sentence sounded a decision: Athanasiy should be called the mother name, and he also deprived the Russian citizenship and the privileges of the hereditary nobleman. Suddenly, he turned out of a rich heir to a person without a name. As a shame perceived this event Fet. An intrusive idea was the return of the lost position for him. His dream came true only in 1873, when Fetu was already 53 years old.
  • Heavy Bremen was noted the fate of such a poet as Afanasiy Afanasyevich Fet. Biography for children usually does not mention it. For the poet there was a danger of one generic disease. The fact is that in his family there were crazy. Already in the mature age, two brothers Feta lost their mind. At the end of life, his mother also suffered madness. This woman begged everyone to kill her. Sister Nadia shortly before marriage Afanasia Afanasyevich with Maria Botkin also hit the psychiatric clinic. Her brother visited her, but Nadya did not recognize him. Often noticed by the attacks of heavy melancholy Athanasius Fet, whose biography and creativity confirm. The poet was always afraid that he would suffer the same fate as relatives.

  • In 1847, during military service in Fedorovka, the poet met a girl named Maria Lazich. She was very loved by Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet. Biography and creativity in many ways were influenced by this meeting. Relations between lovers began with a light flirt, grew gradually into a deep feeling. However, the beautiful, well-educated Maria could still become a good party for his novel the title of noble feta. Realizing that he loves this girl truly, the poet still decided that he would not marry her. The girl was calm to this, but decided to break relations with Fet after a while. After that, the poet reported the tragedy in Fedorovka. In the room of Mary, a fire broke out, clothes caught fire on it. Girl trying to escape, ran first to the balcony, and then to the garden. However, the wind only inflated the flame. Mary Lazich died a few days. The last words of this girl were about the Feta. This loss is hard to postpone the poet. By the end of the life, he regretted that he did not marry Mary. His soul was empty, and no longer was in his life of real love.

So, you got acquainted with such a poet as Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet. Biography and creativity briefly presented in this article. We hope that this information caused the reader's desire to get to know the great poet. The poetry of the so-called new classicism marked the creativity of such an author as Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich. Biography (complete) is represented by Buktamba B.Ya. Called the book "A. A. Fet. Sketch of life and creativity." At this work, you can get closer to get acquainted with such a great Russian poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Biography on dates in it is given quite detailed.

Fet Athanasius Afanasievich (1820-1892) - Russian poet, memoist and translator.

Birth and family

In the Oryol province not far from the city of Mtsensk in the 19th century, the estate of Novoselki was located, where December 5, 1820 in the house of the rich landowner Shenshina, a young woman Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker Feth gave birth to a boy Athanasius.

Charlotte-Elizabeth was Lutheran, lived in Germany and was married to Johann-Peter Karl-Wilhelm Fetom, Astravtor Darmstadt City Court. They got married in 1818, Karolina-Charlotte-Georgina-Ernestina girl was born in the family. And in 1820, Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker Fet threw a little daughter and husband and left for Russia with Afanasius Neofitich Schugshin, being pregnant in the seventh month.

Athanasius Neophytite was a retired Rothmistrome. During the trip abroad, he fell in love with Lutheran Charlotte-Elizavetu and married her. But since the Orthodox rite of the wedding was not committed, this marriage was considered legal only in Germany, and in Russia it was invalid. In 1822, the woman accepted Orthodoxy, becoming called Elizabeth Petrovna Fet, and soon they married Sheenshin landlord.


Born in 1820, the child was baptized in the same year in the Orthodox rite and recorded the schisma - Shenshin of Athanasius Afanasievich on the surname.

When the boy was 14 years old, the Oryol provincial authorities found that Athanasius was recorded on the surname Shenshin earlier than his mother was crowned with stepfather. In this regard, the guy was deprived of the names and the noble title. It was so deeply injured by a teenager, because from the rich heir, he turned into a unnamed person in one moment, all his life he suffered because of his dual position.

From this time he wore the surname of Fet as the son of an unknown foreigner. Athanasius perceived it as a shame, and he had an obsessive idea that became decisive in his future life, to return the last name.

Training and service

Until the 14th age of Athanasius, he studied at home. Then he was determined to the Estonian city of Verier to the German Gammer School.

At the age of 17, parents transported a guy to Moscow, where he began to prepare for admission to the university in the Pension Pogodin (famous historian, journalist, professor and writer).

In 1838, Athanasius became a student of the Law Faculty at the University. Then he decided to continue studying the historical and philological (verbal), translated and studied until 1844.

After graduating from the university, Fet entered the army service, he was needed to regain the noble title. He fell into one of the southern regiments, from there he was sent to the Ulan Guards Regiment. And in 1854 he was transferred to the Baltic Regiment (it was this period that he later described "my memories" memoirs).

In 1858, Fet graduated from the service as Rothmistra, as well as his stepfather, and settled in Moscow.


While studying in the boarding house, Athanasius wrote his first poems and began to be interested in classical philology.

When Fet studied in Moscow at the university, he had a friend Apollo Grigoriev, who helped Athanasia to release the first poetic collection called "Lyrian Pantheon". This book of success among readers did not bring the author, but the journalists drew attention to the young talent, Belinsky responded about Afanasia.

Since 1842, Feta poetry began to print in the "Domestic Notes" and "Moskvatian" newspapers.

In 1850, he saw the light of the second book with his verses, which in the magazine "Contemporary" has already criticized positively, some even admired the work of Feta. After that, the author's collection was accepted on Wednesday of famous Russian writers, where Druzhinin, Nekrasov, Botkin, Turgenev were entered. Literary earnings improved the financial situation of Feta, and he went to travel abroad.

The poet was a romantic, three main lines were clearly traced in his verses - love, art and nature. The following collections of his poems came out in 1856 (edited by Turgenev I. S.) and in 1863 (immediately a two-volume collected works).

Despite the fact that Fet was such a sophisticated lyrics, he managed to perfectly lead business, buy and sell the estate, to pinch a slowly monetary state.

In 1860, Athanasius bought Hutor Stepanovka, began to manage, lived there is slowly, only in the winter appearing in Moscow.

In 1877 he bought in the Kursk province a sparrow sparrow. In 1881, Athanasius bought a house in Moscow, he came to Sparrow only for the country's summer period. Now he again engaged in creativity, wrote memoirs, made translations and released another lyrical collection of poems "Evening lights".

The most popular poems Athanasius Feta:

  • "I came to you with greetings";
  • "Mum! Loaves from the window ";
  • "As a brightly full moon Surprised this roof";
  • "I still love, still languish";
  • "Wonderful picture";
  • "At the dawn, you are not boudy.";
  • "Shepot, timid breathing ...";
  • "Storm";
  • "Death";
  • "I will not tell you anything."

Personal life

In 1857, Fet was combined with marriage with Maria Petrovna Botkin, the sister of the famous critic. Her brother Sergey Petrovich Botkin is a famous medic, in honor of which the Moscow Hospital is named. The nephew of Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin was shot along with the royal family of Emperor Nicholas II in 1918.

Despite the fact that Afanasia Athanasiyevich returned the noble title and surname Shenshin, he continued to signed with Fetom.

Children in marriage Feta A. A. and Botkin M.P. did not have.

Feta poems hit the contemporaries and striking us the brightness and matching of paints, great emotional potassium.

The poet believed that it was necessary to create on whim and inspiration. The subject of art may be nature, love, beautiful - and this he followed in his poetic practice. He entered the story of Russian poetry as an original poet Lirik, master of lyrical miniatures.

Significant place in his lyrics occupies nature, it seems to be responding to the feelings of the poet. Man is a particle of wildlife, a creature that is equal to it. The poet loved to depict the transitional states of nature, different times of the year: Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter - all the same perfectly.

His love lyrics, chanting the joy and misfortunes of a big human feeling. A whole cycle of love poems about the woman is dedicated to Maria Lazich, most of them have a dramatic character.

The prevailing mood in his works is to use nature, beauty, art, memories, delight. Such are the features of Feta lyrics. Often the poet meets the motive of flight from the ground away after the lunar light or charming music.

Poetry for feta is a pure essence, something like a rarefied air on the mountain peaks: not a human house, and the sanctuary.

Like any poet, Afanasy Afanasyevich writes about the eternal theme of life and death. He is not afraid of the same death or life. A physical end of the poet is experiencing only cold indifference, and earthly existence is justified only by creative fire, commensurate in his presentation with "whole universe". They sound in verses and antique motifs, and Christian.

In this section, you will also find all the best poems of Feta, which pass students 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 classes on the school program. Patriotic poems about Motherland and Russia, about war and about freedom. Sad poems about the cemetery and religion, about loneliness, about freedom. Dedications to mother and women. Philosophical reflections on good and evil, friendship, about the abyss.

Adult readers will like short poems about sleep, satirical poems with mat. As well as lyrical, romantic and historical works. And read dedications, epigrams, romances - and enjoy the pearls of the world lyrics.