Nikolai Zabolotsky. Biography, poems

Silver Age presented the world of amazing poets. Akhmatova, Mandelshtam, Tsvetaeva, Gumilev, Block ... Whether the time was such an extraordinary one, whether the universe has been launched for a moment, and the theory of probabilities made this incredible coincidence. But anyway, the beginning of the twentieth century is the time of fireworks, a festive salute in the world of Russian poetry. Stars flared out and Gasley, leaving behind the poems - famous and not very.

Famous unknown Zabolotsky

One of the most undervalued authors of that time is the poet N. Zabolotsky. Everyone knows that Ahmatov is a genius, but not everyone can quote her poems. The same applies to the block or color. But the work of Zabolotsky knows almost all - but many concepts do not have that this is Zabolotsky. "Kissed, beyond, with the wind in the field ...", "The soul is obliged to work ..." and even "the kitten, kitty, which ...". All this is Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich. Poems belong to his Peru. They went to the people, became songs and children's lullabies, the name of the author turned into an excess formality. On the one hand, the most sincere recognition in love from all possible. On the other hand, blatant inequity towards the author.

Proseical poet

The curse of undervaluation touched not only poet poems, but also his life itself. She was always "not in the suit." It did not comply with standards, ideas and aspirations. For a scientist, he was too poet, for the poet - too a man, for the average man - too dreamer. His Spirit did not match his body. Blonde medium height, round and inclined to complete, Zabolotsky impressed by a man of solid and power. A solid young man did not correspond to the ideas about the true poet - sensitive, wounded and rolling. And only people who knew Zabolotsky closely understood that under this external buttafa importance hid a surprisingly sensitive, sincere and cheerful man.

Infinite contradictions of Zabolotsky

Even the literary circle in which Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky was "wrong". Obeliuta - non-part, mixed, paradoxical, seemed to be the most inappropriate company for a serious young man. Meanwhile, Zabolotsky was very friendly and with Hams, and with Oleinikov, and with the introduced.

Another paradox of inconsistencies is the literary preferences of Zabolotsky. Known left him indifferent. He did not love and highly appreciated by the Akhmatov's accelerate medium. But the incomplete, irritable, the ghostly-surrelectical breadpie seemed to be a Great and deep in the poet.

The worldview of this person painfully contrasted with his appearance, his lifestyle and even origin.


Zabolotsky was born 24.04.1903 in the Kazan province, the Kizic Sloboda. His childhood passed on farms, in villages and villages. Father - Agronom, mother - rural teacher. They first lived in the Kazan province, then they moved to the village of Sernur now this is the Republic of Mari El. Later, many noted the characteristic northern language that broke through in the speech of the poet - after all, it was from there that was nikolai Zabolotsky. The biography of this person was closely intertwined with his work. Love for Earth, respect for peasant labor, touching attachment to animals, the ability to understand them - all this Zabolotsky made out of his village childhood.

Poems Zabolotsky began to write early. Already in the third grade, he "published" a handwritten magazine, in which he published his own works. And he was engaged in this with its inherent in the nature and care.

In the ten-year-old, Zabolotsky entered the real school of Urzhum. There was fond of not only literature, as it was possible to expect, but also chemistry, drawing, history. These hobbies later identified the choice that Nikolai Zabolotsky did. The biography of the poet retained traces of creative thumbs, finding itself. Arriving to Moscow, he entered immediately on two and historical and philological. Later he chose all the same medicine and even learned the semester there. But in 1920 to live in the capital without any assistance to the student was difficult. Without withstanding the lady, Zabolotsky returned to Urzhum.

Poet and scientist

Later, Zabolotsky still graduated from the institute, but the Petrogradsky, at the course "Language and literature". He wrote poems, but he was not considered talented. Yes, and he himself responded about his works of that period as a weak and imitative. The surroundings saw him rather scientists than a poet. Indeed, science was the area that Nikolai Zabolotsky was always interested. The biography of the poet could develop differently if he had decided to engage in not a poem, and scientific research to which was always a tendency.

After training, Zabolotsky was called up to the army. During the service, he entered the editorial office of the regimental wall newspaper and was very proud of the fact that she was the best in the district.

Zabolotsky in Moscow

In 1927, Zabolotsky still returned to Moscow, from which he left for a large disappointment seven years ago. But now he was no longer a student, but a young poet. Zabolotsky with his head plunged into the booming literary life of the capital. He visited the disputes and dined in the famous café, where they were regulars of Moscow poets.

During this period, the literary tastes of Zabolotsky were finally formed. He came to the conclusion that poetry should not be simply reflected by the author's emotions. No, in verses you need to talk about important things about the necessary things! How similar views on poetry were combined with love for the work of Khlebnikov - a mystery. But it was his Zabolotsky that believed the only poet of that period, worthy of the memory of descendants.

Zabolotsky surprisingly combined the incompatible. He was a scientist in spirit, practitioner and pragmatist to the bone's brain. I was interested in mathematics, biology, astronomy, read scientific works in these disciplines. The philosophical work of Tsiolkovsky, Zabolotsky even joined the author to the correspondence, discussing cosmogonic theories, made a huge impression. And at the same time it was a subtle, lyric, emotional poet, writing poems, infinitely far from academic dryness.

First book

It was then that in the lists of Oberer's members, another name appeared - Nikolai Zabolotsky. The biography and creativity of this person were closely connected with a circle of poetovators. The absurd, grotesque, illogical stylistics of the Oberistov, combined with academic thinking of Zabolotsky and its deep sensitivity made it possible to create works of complex and multifaceted.

In 1929, the first book of Zabolotsky is "columns". Alas, the result of the publication was only ridicule critics and discontent of the official power. Fortunately for Zabolotsky, no serious consequences had this random conflict with the regime. The poet after the publication of the book was published in the magazine "Star" and even prepared material for the next book. Unfortunately, this poetic collection was never signed in print. The new wave of traffacent forced the poet to leave dreams of publication.

Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky began working in the genre in publications, who oversaw Marshak himself - at the time in the literary world the figure of exceptional significance.

Translator work

In addition, Zabolotsky began to translate. "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" is still familiar to readers in the translation of Zabolotsky. In addition, he translated and shifted "Gargantua and Pantagryel" for children's publications, "Tille Ulenenspigel" and one section of Gullivier Travels.

Marshak, translator No. 1 of the country, highly responded about the works of Zabolotsky. At the same time, the poet began to work on the translation from the Old Slavonic "Word about the regiment of Igor." It was a huge work done unusually talented and carefully.

Translated Zabolotsky and Alberto Saba, a little famous in the USSR of the Italian poet.


In 1930, Zabolotsky married Catherine Klyova. Obeliuta friends responded only warmly. Even the ulcer HARMS and Oleinikov were fascinated by a fragile silent girl.

The life and creativity of Zabolotsky were closely connected with this amazing woman. Zabolotsky has never been rich. Moreover, he was poor, sometimes simply begging. The meager earning of the translator barely allowed to contain a family. And all these years, Ekaterina Klykov did not just support the poet. She fully passed him the breasts of the board with his family, never arguing with him and no reproach. Even families of the family were defeated by the loyalty of a woman, noting that there is something not quite natural in such dedication. Laying the house, the slightest economic solutions - all this defined only Zabolotsky.


Therefore, when in 1938, the poet arrested, the life of the canister collapsed. All five years of the conclusion of her husband spent in the Urzhum, in extreme poverty.

Zabolotsky was accused of anti-Soviet activity. Despite long-term exhausting interrogations and torture, he did not sign indictments, did not recognize the existence of an anti-Soviet organization and did not name any of the alleged members. Perhaps this is exactly what life saved him. The sentence was a camp conclusion, and Zabolotsky spent five years in Eastolage, located in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur region. There, in inhuman conditions, Zabolotsky was engaged in the poems of the "Words about the regiment of Igor". As then explained the poet - to keep myself as a person, not to fall to the state in which it is already impossible to create.

Last years

In 1944, the term was interrupted, and Zabolotsky received the status of exile. He lived in Altai, where the wife and his children came, then moved to Kazakhstan. It was severe for family times. Lack of work, money, eternal uncertainty in tomorrow and fear. They were afraid of re-arrest, they were afraid that they would be expelled from temporary housing, they were afraid of everything.

In 1946, Zabolotsky returns to Moscow. He lives with friends, worries translations, life begins to slowly improve. And then another tragedy happens. The wife, an infinitely faithful devoted wife, having mastered all the deprivation and burden, suddenly goes to another. Does not betray from fear for his life or the life of children, does not run from poverty and adversity. Just forty-nine years old to another man. This broke out of Zabolotsky. Proud, proud poet painfully experienced the collapse of the life of Zabolotsky gave the roll. He was noticed, feverishly looking for a way out, trying to create at least the visibility of normal existence. He suggested his hand and heart with an unfamiliar, in essence, a woman, and, on the memoirs of friends, not even personally, but by phone. I hurriedly married, some time spent with a new spouse and broke up with her, I simply cross out the second wife from my life. It was she, and not at all his wife was devoted to the poem "precious woman".

Zabolotsky went to work. He turned a lot and fruitfully, he had orders and finally he began to earn decently. He was able to survive the gap with his wife - but could not survive her return. When Ekaterina Klykov returned to Zabolotsky, he had a heart attack. He drove a month and a half, but during that time it managed to put all his affairs in order: sorted poetry, wrote the will. He was a detailed man in death as well as in life. By the end of his life, the poet had money, and popularity, and readers. But this could no longer change anything. The health of Zabolotsky was undermined by camps and years of poverty, and the heart of an elderly person could not stand the loads caused by experiences.

The death of Zabolotsky has arrived on 10/14/1958. He died along the way to the bath, where she walked to brush his teeth. Doctors prohibited Zabolotsky to get up, but he was always a man neat and even a little pedant in everyday life.


Russian empire, THE USSR

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Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky (Zabolotsky) (April 24 [May 7], Kizan Sloboda, Kazan Cayaman County County County - October 14, Moscow) - Russian Soviet poet.


Zabolotsky was fond of painting Filonov, Shagal, Bruegel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of the artist remained at the poet for life.

Having left the army, the poet fell into the situation of the last years of NEP, the satirical image of which became the theme of the poems of the early period, which amounted to its first poetic book - "columns". In 1929, she published in Leningrad and immediately caused a literary scandal and mockery reviews in the press. Evaluated as a "hostile catch", but she did not cause direct "orgvodov" to the author, and he (with Nikolai Tikhonov) managed to establish a special relationship with the magazine "Star", where about ten poems replenished columns were printed The second (unpublished) edition of the collection.

Zabolotsky managed to create surprisingly multidimensional poems - and their first measurement, noticeable immediately - this is a sharp grotesque and satire on the topic of the Meshchansky life and everyday life dissolving the personality. Another face of the "columns", their aesthetic perception, requires some special reader's preparedness, because for knowledgeable Zabolotsky splating another artistic and intellectual fabric, parody. In his early lyrics, the function of the parody changes itself, its satific and polemical components disappear, and it loses the role of weapons of intraheteral struggle.

In "Disciplina Clericalis", (1926) there is a parody of Balmont's tautological veleability, ending with Zoschenkov intonations; In the poem "on the stairs" (1928), through the kitchen, already the Zoshchenkov world suddenly appears "Waltz" Vladimir Benedictova; "Ivanov" (1928) reveals its parody-literary meaning, causing (hereinafter referred to as the text) of the key images of Dostoevsky with his Sonya marmalade and her old man; Rows from the poem "Stray Musicians" (1928) refer to Pasternak, etc.

The basis of philosophical searches for Zabolotsky

The sacrament of the origin of the main topic, the "nerve" of creative searches of Zabolotsky begins with the poems of the zodiac, the "nerve" of the creative searches of Zabolotsky - the tragedy of mind sounds. The "nerve" of these searches in the future will force his owner to pay where as more than the lines of philosophical lyrics. Through all his poems, the path of the intense gain of the individual consciousness in the mysterious world of being, which is immeasurably wider and richer by people of rational structures. On this path, the poet philosopher undergoes a significant evolution, during which 3 dialectic stages can be distinguished: 1926-1933; 1932-1945 and 1946-1958

Zabolotsky read a lot and with hobby: not only after the publication of the "columns", but also earlier he read the works of Engels, Grigory Spazoda, the work of the Timiryazev's Clement on plants, Yuri Filipichenko on the evolutionary idea in biology, Vernadsky on biology and noospheres, covering all living things and reasonable on the planet and exalting and both as great converter forces; read the theory of relativity Einstein, acquired wide popularity in the 1920s; "The philosophy of a common cause" Nikolai Fedorova.

The publication of the "columns" of their author was already their own naturalophilosophical concept. It was based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe as a single system that unites living and non-residential forms of matter, which are in eternal interaction and mutual entertainment. The development of this complex organism of nature comes from primitive chaos to the harmonious orderliness of all its elements, and the main role is played here inherent in nature, which, in the expression of the same Timiryazev, "deaf smuddes in the lower beings and only bright sparks flashes in the human mind." Therefore, it is a person called to take care of the conversion of nature, but in his activity he must see in nature not only a student, but also a teacher, because this imperfect and suffering "New Davilnya" concludes the wonderful world of the future and those wise laws that It should be guided by a person.

Gradually, the position of Zabolotsky in literary circles of Leningrad was strengthened. Many verses of this period received approving reviews, and in 1937 his book came out, including seventeen poems ("second book"). On the desktop of Zabolotsky lay the poetic arrangement of the ancient Russian poem "Word about the regiment of Igor" and their poem "Osad Kozelsk", poems and translations from Georgian. But the coming well-being was deceptive.

In custody

« The first days they did not beat me, trying to decompose morally and physically. I did not give food. Did not sleep. Investigators replaced each other, I was still motionless on a chair in front of the investigative table - a day per day. Behind the wall, in the neighboring office, at times heard someone's frantic cries. My legs began to swell, and on the third day I had to break boots, since I could not carry pain in the footsteps. Consciousness began to bother, and I was strained all the strength in order to answer reasonably and prevent any injustice to those people about which I was asked ..."These are the rows of Zabolotsky from the memoirs" The History of My Conclusion "(published abroad in English in the city, in recent years, the Soviet authorities are printed in the USSR, c).

He was serving from February 1939 to May 1943 in the system of Eastoklag in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur region; Then in the Altaylag system in Kulundin steppes; A partial view of his camp life gives them a selection of "One hundred letters of 1938-1944" - excerpts from letters to his wife and children.

Since March 1944, after liberation from the camp, he lived in Karaganda. There he graduated from the words "Words about Igor's regiment" (started in 1937), which became the best of the experiments of many Russian poets. It helped in 1946 to achieve permission to live in Moscow.

In 1946, N. A. Zabolotsky was restored in the Writers' Union. The new, Moscow period of his work began. Despite the blows of fate, he managed to return to unfulfilled plans.

Moscow period

The return period to poetry was not only joyful, but also difficult. In the "blind" and "thunderstorm", the theme of creativity and inspiration sounds the theme of creativity and inspiration. Most of the poems of 1946-1948 received a high assessment of today's literature historians. It was during this period "in this grove of birch" was written. Externally built on a simple and expressive contrast of the picture of a peaceful birch grove, singing or warts-life and universal death, it carries sadness, szvuk experienced, hung on personal destiny and the tragic premonition of common troubles. In 1948, the third collection of poet poems comes out.

In 1949-1952, the years, the extreme tightening of the ideological negle, the creative rise, manifested in the first years after return, was replaced by a creative decline and almost full switching to artistic translations. Fearing that his words will be used against him again, Zabolotsky restrained himself and did not write. The situation has changed only after the XX Congress of the CPSU, with the beginning of the Khrushchev thaw, marked the weakening of ideological censorship in literature and art.

He responded to new trends in the life of the country, "somewhere in the field near Magadan," "opposition to Mars", "Kazbek". Over the past three years of life, Zabolotsky has created about half of all the works of the Moscow period. Some of them appeared in print. In 1957, the fourth, the most comprehensive pivot collection of poems was released.

The cycle of lyric poems "Last Love" was released in 1957, "the only one in the work of Zabolotsky, one of the most dedicating and painful in Russian poetry." It is in this collection that the poem "Recognition" was placed, dedicated to N. A. Roskina, later reworked by St. Petersburg Bard Alexander Lobanovsky ( Fascinated in the wind in the field once a meant / all of you like in the shackles Issued / precious you are my woman ...).

Family N. A. Zabolotsky

In 1930, Zabolotsky married Catherine Vasilyevna Poklyova. In this marriage, the son of Nikita was born, which became the author of several biographical works about the father. Daughter - Natalia Nikolaevna Zabolotskaya (born 1937), since 1962 Wife of the Virusologist Nikolai Veniaminovich Kaverin (born 1933), Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Son of Writer Veniamine Cavery.


Although before death, the poet managed to get both wide readers and material wealth, it could not compensate for the weakness of his health, undermined by a prison and camp. In 1955, the first infarction had happened to Zabolotsky, and on October 14, 1958 he died.


The early creativity of the 3Abolotsky focuses on the problems of the city and the masses, it affects the influence of V. Klebnikov, it is noted by a comprehensibility of futurism, and the manifold of the burlesque metaphorics. Confrontation of words, giving an alienation effect, reveals new connections. At the same time, the poems of 3Abolotsky do not reach such an extent of the absurd, as in other Obaniutov. Nature is understood in verses of 3Abolotsky as chaos and prison, harmony - as a misleading. In the poem "Celebration of Agriculture", the poetics of futuristic experimentation are combined with the elements of the Iroocomic poem of the XVIII century. The question of death and immortality determines the poetry of the 3Abolotsky 30s. The irony, manifested in exaggeration or simplification, is a distance in relation to the depicted. The late poems of 3Abolotsky are combined by common philosophical aspirations and reflections on nature, the naturalness of the language, deprived of the patient, they are emotionally and more musher than the old poems of 3Abolotsky, and closer to the tradition (A. Pushkin, E. Baratsky, F. Tyutchev). Allegoric ("Thunderstorm", 1946) is added to the anthropomorphic image of nature.


Nikolay Zabolotsky is the largest translator of Georgian poets: D. Gururashvili, c. Orbeliani, I. Chavchavadze, A. Tsereteli, V. Pshavela. Peru Zabolotsky belongs to the translation of the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" (- last revision of translation).

Chukovsky wrote about the words about Igor's regiment, Chukovsky wrote that he was "more accurate to all the most accurate subsidies, since the most important thing is transmitted in it: the poetic originality of the original, his charm, his charm."

Zabolotsky himself reported in the letter N. L. Stepanov: " Now, when I entered the monument in the spirit of the monument, I am filled with the greatest reverence, surprise and gratitude to the fate for the fact that it was a miracle from the depths of centuries. In the desert of centuries, where the stone on the stone was not left after the wars, fires and the latter extermination, it is worth this lonely, nothing like that, the cathedral of our ancient glory. Scary, terribly approaching him. Involuntarily, I would like to find familiar proportions in it, the golden sections of our usual world monuments. In vain work! There is no these sections in it, everything in it is full of special tender wildness, other, not by our measure I measured his artist. And how touching the angles were touching, they sit on them crows, the wolves were crying, and it costs - this is a mysterious building, not knowing equal to yourself, and will stand forever, the level will be alive" I also translated the Italian poet Umberto Saba.

Addresses in Petrograd - Leningrad

  • 1921-1925 - Residential Cooperative House of the Third Petrograd Association of Owners of Apartments - Street of Red Zor, 73;
  • 1927-1930 - Profitable house - horseback street, 15, square meters. 33;
  • 1930 - 19.03.1938 - the house of the court stable, the embankment of the Griboedov Canal, 9.

Addresses in Moscow

  • 1946-1948 - on apartments N. Stepanova, I. Andronikova in Moscow and in Peredelkino at Duc. V. P. Ilyenkova
  • 1948 - 14 October 1958 - Good Highway, D.2 / 1 Corp.4, Apartment No. 25. Place of life, work and death of the poet. The house was part of the cultural heritage register, but was demolished in 2001 (see). In the summer months, N. Zabolotsky also lived in Tarusa.


1913–1920 - study in the Urzham real school, the first poems and the poem "Uzhumiada".

1920 - Admission to the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University.

1921–1925 - Moving to Leningrad. Study at the Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen at the language of language and literature.

1925–1927 - Participation in the literary group Observation ("Association of the only realistic art"). Publication of stories for children in the journal "Hedgehog".

1929 - Publication of the first book of poems "columns" (22 poems; two cycles: "City columns" and "mixed columns"). Disagreement of the world of ordinary people and burghers. Work on the poem "Celebration of Agriculture."

1930 - Published adapted for youth version of the translation of the "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", made by Nikolai Zabolotsky (reissue. "Library of world literature for children", Volume 2, 1982).
He married Catherine Vasilyevna Poklyova (1906-1997).

1931 - Corresponds to K.E. Tsiolkovsky, studies his work. Created a poem "Mad Wolf".

1933 - The publication in the magazine "Star" of the poem "Celebration of Agriculture" caused a wave of political criticism (although the poem had to, according to the author's plan, show the victory of the new order over the ancient way of the pre-revolutionary village, where a new life came). The prepared collection of "Poem 1926-1932" does not come out.

1933–1935 - Disappointment and creative decline. Continuing cooperation with the magazines "Yozh" and "Chizh", who supervised Samuel Marshak, writes poems and prose for children (including the children "Gargantua and Pantagruela" Francois Rabl (1936).

1936 - It is written the poem "Everything that was in the shower", which significantly marked the result of the ponday of the poet about nature.

1937 - Comes the collection "The Second Book", which includes seventeen poems. Getting started on the translation of the word about the regiment of Igor.

1939–1943 - serving the term in the system of East in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur region; Then in the Altaylag system in Kulundin steppes. A partial view of his camp life gives them a selection of "One hundred letters of 1938-1944" - excerpts from letters to his wife and children.

1944 March - after liberation from the camp lives in Karaganda. He graduated from the arrangement of "Words about the regiment of Igor" (started in 1937).

1946 - I achieved permission to live in Moscow. Removed housing in the writer Peredelkino in V. P. Ilyenkova. Restored in the Union of Writers.

1948 - the third collection of poems of the poem "poem" is published. A book was published on the basics of the literary translation of the "Notes of the Translator".

1955 - First heart attack.

1956–1957 - The "Last Love" cycle, consisting of ten poems, autobiographical to a greater extent than the others ever written by Zabolotsky.

1957 - the fourth, the most comprehensive collection of "poems" (64 poems and selected translations) is published.
The last revision of the translation of the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure".

1958 - Poem "Rubruk in Mongolia". The plot is based on the history of the journey of the French monk Rubrukka in Mongolia, the times of the Board of Genghis Khan through the expanses of Siberia.
Order of the Labor Red Banner for outstanding services in the development of Georgian art and literature.
October 14- death of poet. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Addresses in Petrograd-Leningrad
1921-1925 - Residential Cooperative House of the Third Petrograd Association of Owners of Apartments - Street of Red Zor, 73;
1927-1930 - Profitable house -;
1930 - 19.03.1938 - House of the court stable ("Writing superstructure") - the embankment of Griboyedov, 9.

Kissed, stadding ...

Nikolay Zabolotsky
He listened to birds, to beasts and stars, but did not really understand people engaged in ridiculous self-optics. As his spiritual teachers and mentors, he felt rather an aliel, a messenger of space, a translator from the stars in the language of people. As a result of such a translation, the poetry of Nicholas Zabolotsky arose.

Rewriting with Tsiolkovsky, Zabolotsky created his theory of immortality. She is attended by either his poem.

"Do not let the soul are lazy!
So that the water is not thrilled,
The soul is obliged to work
And day and night, and day and night!
Drive her home to home,
Turning from stage to stage ... "

It is written after the camp and the links, where the poet was supposed to be supposedly for the fact that he tried to break through the tunnel to Bombay on the task of English intelligence. So the words about the stage broke out by themselves. There are also other terrible confessions - that if you give an overlooking this very soul, "she is a last shirt with you without pity sill."
It can be seen, disappeared, and more than once. There is also a paraphrase of the Gospel Proverbs: "If you remove your shirt, give and caftan."
But there was nothing to give to Zabolotsky after returning from the Kazakhstan link. Is that the rhymed translation of the "Words about the regiment of Igor". It is known that none of the translations from the Old Russian is not a comparison with the original. But, if you need to choose among them, I would prefer the option of Zabolotsky.

In fact, he was arrested for involvement in the Obrairi group. The colleagues died: Harms - in the dungeons, Oleikov shot, the introduced brought somewhere in the stage. The legendary "columns", which brought to Zabolotsky, well-deserved fame did not reissued and were actually prohibited. They say, the poet rejuried in them, mocked collectivization and revolutionary transformations in the village.

"Labor learning here,
I will give a science lesson,
How to do yarn and mica
How to sew gloves or trousers. "

Only not mocked the poet, and in fact she believed that sooner or later we entered into verbal contact with animals. We will teach them and we will learn from them. He was the son of Agronom and loved all the living.

In the years of the greatest social absence of the Society, the Utopist Zabolotsky dreamed of the allegation of the animal and plant world. He considered himself a student Velimira Khlebnikov and Edward Tsiolkovsky. Maybe he alone in those years truly read their works and understood them very peculiar cosmism. It is not by chance in one of his wolf poems learning to look at the telescope on the stars. This, of course, is not about wolves, but about people. We learned how to look at the stars in the telescope, but something is not very good with the humanity of the world not only among the animals, but even among people.

"And if so, what is beauty
And why do people deify it?
The vessel is in which emptiness,
Or fire flickering in a vessel? "

If we talk about the poetry of Zabolotsky, then she is of course fire in the vessel. And the vessel himself poet, unfortunately, like all the vessels, defenseless and fragile. The heart could not stand heavy memories and broke when spiritual forces were not dried.

His poetry has always been considered elitar, but suddenly the whole country hit the hate on the frequency words: "Charming, was shadowed, with the wind in the field once in the weddish ..." In all the texts, there is his "ugly girl" - a variant of the printed frogs in a new context . The country with the poetry of Zabolotsky and in the film "Let's live to Monday," where Vyacheslav Tikhonov sings "Oriwall": "In this grove, birch ..." Something very witching and magically attractive is even in the most simple poems of this space sorcerer in round Old-fashioned glasses and pajamas, how he is captured on the pictures of the last years ...


Kissed, beyond,
With the wind in the field once the applied,
All of you as if in the shackles are claimed
My precious woman!

Not funny, not sad,
As if from the dark sky, the
You and my wedding song,
And the star is my mad.

I'm inclined over your knees,
Hug them with frantic power,
And tears and poems
I burn you, bitter, cute.

Take me a midnight face
Let me enter these eyes are heavy
In these black eyebrows East,
In these hands your half-liters.

What will add - it will not fail
What will not come true - forces ...
Why are you crying, beauty?
Or is it just might?


Death comes to man,
He tells him: "Master,
You're like to cripples,
Insect biting.
Throw live, go after me
In my coffin quietly.
White Savan Ukey
All from Mala to Great.
Do not be sad that there will be a pit,
What a science will die with you:
The field fell in itself,
Rye will rise without a plow.
The sun at noon will be burning,
Closer in the evening cool.
You, experience scientific,
You will be white and mighty
With copper cross square
Sleep in the coffin neat. "

"Death, the owner do not touch, -
Many answers her. -
For the old age of ivooy
Take me to a moment.
Give me a small deferment
Let me go. And there
I am the only daughter
For the works I will give you. "
Death does not cry, not laughing
In the hands of the maiden takes
And, as the floor, rushing,
And the grass bends under it
From the hut to the gate.
Hollyk in the field is worth
Virgo in a hilly makes noise:
"Heavily lie in the coffin,
Handled handles both,
Became hair like dust
From the breasts grows Kovyl.
Heavily lie in the grave
Sponges are thin rotted
Instead of eyes - two mugs,
No cute friend! "

Death over the hilly flies
And laughs and sad
From the gun shoots him
And, leaning says:
"Well, little baby, to lie to lie,
Fully a sip in the coffin to drag!
The world over the world exists,
Get out of the coffin away!
You hear the wind blowing in the field
Comes again the night.
Caravans of sleepy stars
Flying, swept away.
Your underground post
Well, try, climb! "

Virgo handles waved
Did not believe the ears
The board bounced, bounced,
Claw! And burst on the seam.
And flows the poor thing
In the form of small intestines.
Where was her shirt,
There remains powder.
From all body holes
Worms look looked
Like small male
Pink liquid drink.

Was Virgo - began to soup.
Laughter, do not laugh, wait!
The sun will rise, the clay will crack,
MiG The girl will rise.
From bertova bone
Will grow trees
Will be a tree to noise
About the girl song sing,
About the girl song sing,
Sweet voice ring:
"Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Bai girl my girl!
The wind flew in the field
Month beat the month.
Men on the sinks sleep,
They have a lot of kittens.
And every cat
There were red gates,
Movie shirts they have
All in gold boots,
All in gold boots,
Very, very expensive ... "

Zodiac signs

Fur sign signs of the zodiac
Over the expanses of the fields.
Sleeping animal dog
Dorming bird sparrow.
Tolstozady mermaids
Fly straight into the sky
Hands strong like sticks,
Breasts round, like repa.
Witch, sowing on a triangle,
Turns into smoke.
With Leshachi Dieman
Keykock is slightly dancing.
Following them a pale choir
Catch a fly sorcere
And stands over the skate
Fixed Lick of Moon.

Fur sign signs of the zodiac
Above the villages of the village,
Sleeping animal dog
Dorming Fish Kambala,
Beatka Tuk-Tuk-Tuk,
Sleeps the animal spider,
Sleeps a cow, fly asleep,
Over the ground moon hangs.
Above the ground a big bloom
Tilted water.

Leshel pulled out Breveshko
From the shaggy beard.
Because of the clouds of siren
Put up the leg
Cannibal from gentleman
Indecent Otgreno.
Everything was mixed in the total dance,
And fly in a dream ends
Gamadrils and British,
Witches, fleas, dead.

Candidate of past centuries
Commander of new years,
My mind! Funders these -
Only fiction and nonsense.
Only fiction, dreaming,
Sleepy thought Kolyanye,
Surrious suffering, -
What is not in the world.

High land abode.
Late late. Time to sleep!
Mind, poor Worder,
You would fall asleep until the morning.
What doubt? What is anxiety?
The day passed, and we and I -
Half aim, demigods -
I fall asleep on the threshold
New life young.

Beatka Tuk-Tuk-Tuk,
Sleeps the animal spider,
Sleeps a cow, fly asleep,
Over the ground moon hangs.
Above the ground a big bloom
Tilted water.
Sleeps plant potato.
Fall asleep soon and you!


Huge eyes like an elegant doll,
Disclosed wide. Under the arrow of the eyelashes,
Trusting and clear and correctly rounded,
Flink the rims of infant zenith.
What does she look like? And than unclean
And rural this house, and garden, and garden,
Where, leaning towards the bushes, cottons their owner,
And something, knits there, and cuts, and sings?
Two skinn roosters fight on the fence,
Humble hops crawling on the porch column.
And the girl looks. And in this pure gaze
Displaying the whole world to the very end.
He, this wonderful world, truly for the first time
Fascinated her like a miracle of miracles
And deep into her souls, like alive satellites,
This house entered, and this garden, and the forest.
And a lot of days blowjob. And heart trouble
And happiness will come to her. But the wife and mother,
She is a blissful meaning of the short one minutes
Up to gray hair, everything will remember everything.

Black boron behind this old house,
In front of the house - field Yes oats.
In the gentle sky with a silver room
Cloud of unprecedented beauty.
On the sides of foggy-lilodato,
In the middle and light and light, -
Slowly floating somewhere
Wounded Swan Wing.
And below the old balcony -
Young man with a gray head
Like a portrait in an old medallion
From the flower chamomile field.
Pure he eyes his oblique,
Seat Sun Sun coated, -
Socialized thunderstorms of Russia
Corresponding to the heart and poet.
And forests, like night, stand at home,
And oats, like mad, rod ...
What was previously unfamiliar
Close to heart is done here.

I am not looking for harmony in nature.
Reasonable proportionity began
Neither in the depths of the rocks or in clear sky
I still, alas, did not distinguish.

How the world of her dense!
In the fierce singing winds
Does not hear the heart of the right consonance,
The soul does not feel slim votes.

But in a quiet hour of autumn sunset,
When the wind flashes in the distance.
When, Sienyat is mesmerized,
Blind night drops to the river,

When, tired of the rainy movement,
From useless hard work
In anxious half of the exhaustion
Drops darkened water

When a huge world of contradictions
Pour a barren game, -
As if a sample of human pain
From the abyss of waters gets up in front of me.

And at this hour, sad nature
Lies around, sighing hard,
And she did not cute wild freedom,
Where evil is inseparable from good.

And the brilliant tree of the turbine dreams
And the measured sound of reasonable work,
And pipes pipes and glow dams,
And the wires are poured.

So, falling asleep on your bed,
Crazy but loving mother
Highlights the high world of the cat,
So together with the son of the Sun to see.

Do not let the shower be lazy!
So that the water is not thrilled,
The soul is obliged to work

Drive her home to home,
Turning from stage to stage,
On the wasteland, on Berelo,
Through a snowdrift, through a bump!

Do not allow her to sleep in bed
With the light of the morning stars,
Keep lazy in black body
And do not remove the udes from her!

Kohl give her up to the congestion,
Free from work
She is the last shirt
With you without pity, sill.

And you grab her shoulders,
Teach and teach the dothemna,
To live with you in humans
She studied again.

She is slave and queen,
She is a worker and daughter,
She is obliged to work
And day and night, and day and night!

Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich
Born: April 24 (May 7) of 1903.
Died: October 14, 1958 (55 years old) of the year.


Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky (Zabolotsky) (April 24, 1903, Kizhanskaya Caymak Caymac Caytrhism of the Kazan province - October 14, 1958, Moscow) - Russian Soviet poet, translator.

Born not far from Kazan - on the farm of the Kazan provincial zemstvo, located in close proximity to the Kizhan Sloboda, where his father Alexey Agafonovich Zabolotsky (1864-1929) - Agronom - worked as a manager, and Mother Lidia Andreevna (nee Dyakonova) (1882 (?) - 1926) - rural teacher. He was baptized on April 25 (May 8) of 1903 in the Varvarian Church of the city of Kazan. Childhood passed in the Kizic Sloboda near Kazan and in the village of Surneur of the Urzham district of the Vyatka province (now the Republic of Mari El). In the third grade of the rural school, Nikolai "published" his handwritten magazine and placed her own poems there. From 1913 to the 1920th lived in the Urzhum, where he studied in a real school, was fond of history, chemistry, drawing.

In the early poet verses, the memories and experiences of a boy from the village, organically connected with the peasant labor and native nature, the impressions of the student and pedestrian book influences, including the dominant pre-revolutionary poetry - symbolism, aqmeism: At that time, Zabolotsky highlighted the creativity of the block.

In 1920, graduating from the real school in the Urzhum, he came to Moscow and entered the medical and philological faculties of the university. Very soon, however, turned out to be in Petrograd, where he studied at the hezen named language and literature, which was finished in 1925, having, according to his own definition, the "volumetric notebook of bad poems." Next year he called for military service.

He served in Leningrad, on the Vyborg side, and already in 1927 he quit into the margin. Despite the short-term and hardly the optionalness of the army service, the collision with "turned inside out" the world of the barracks played the role of a kind of creative catalyst in the fate of Zabolotsky: it was in 1926-1927 that he wrote the first real poetic works, found his own, no one like a similar voice At the same time he participated in the creation of the Literary Group Obera. At the end of the service received a place in the Department of Children's Book of Leningrad Ogiz, who was led by S. Marshak.

Zabolotsky was fond of painting Filonova , Shagala , Breygel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of the artist remained at the poet for life.

Having left the army, the poet fell into the situation of the last years of NEP, the satirical image of which became the theme of the poems of the early period, which amounted to its first poetic book - "columns". In 1929, she published in Leningrad and immediately caused a literary scandal and mockery reviews in the press. Estimated as a "hostile catch", but she did not cause direct "orgvodov" to the author, and he (with the help of Nikolai Tikhonov) managed to establish special relations with the magazine "Star", where about ten poems replenished columns were printed The second (unpublished) edition of the collection.

Zabolotsky managed to create surprisingly multidimensional poems - and their first measurement, noticeable immediately - this is a sharp grotesque and satire on the topic of the Meshchansky life and everyday life dissolving the personality. Another face of the "columns", their aesthetic perception, requires some special reader's preparedness, because for knowledgeable Zabolotsky splating another artistic and intellectual fabric, parody. In its early lyrics, the function of the parody changes itself, its satirical and polemical components disappear, and it loses the role of weapons of intraheteral struggle.

In "Disciplina Clericalis" (1926) there is a parody of the tautological veleability of Balmont, ending with zoshchenkov intonations; In the poem "on the stairs" (1928), through the kitchen, already the Zoshchenkov world suddenly appears "Waltz" Vladimir Benedictova; "Ivanov" (1928) reveals its parody-literary meaning, causing (hereinafter referred to as the text) of the key images of Dostoevsky with his Sonya marmalade and her old man; Rows from the poem "Stray Musicians" (1928) refer to Pasternaku etc.

The basis of philosophical searches for Zabolotsky

The sacrament of the origin of the main topic, the "nerve" of creative searches of Zabolotsky begins with the poems of the zodiac, the "nerve" of the creative searches of Zabolotsky - the tragedy of mind sounds. The "nerve" of these searches in the future will force his owner to pay where as more than the lines of philosophical lyrics. Through all his poems, the path of the intense gain of the individual consciousness in the mysterious world of being, which is immeasurably wider and richer by people of rational structures. On this path, the poet philosopher undergoes a significant evolution, during which 3 dialectic stages can be distinguished: 1926-1933; 1932-1945 and 1946-1958

Zabolotsky read a lot and with hobby: not only after the publication of the "columns", but also earlier he read the works of Engels, Grigory Spazoda, the work of the Timiryazev's Clement on plants, Yuri Filipichenko on the evolutionary idea in biology, Vernadsky on biology and noospheres, covering all living things and reasonable on the planet and exalting and both as great converter forces; read the theory of relativity Einstein, acquired wide popularity in the 1920s; "The philosophy of a common cause" Nikolai Fedorova.

The publication of the "columns" of their author was already their own naturalophilosophical concept. It was based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe as a single system that unites living and non-residential forms of matter, which are in eternal interaction and mutual entertainment. The development of this complex organism of nature comes from primitive chaos to the harmonious orderliness of all its elements, and the main role is played here inherent in nature, which, in the expression of the same Timiryazev, "deaf smuddes in the lower beings and only bright sparks flashes in the human mind." Therefore, it is a person called to take care of the conversion of nature, but in his activity he must see in nature not only a student, but also a teacher, because this imperfect and suffering "New Davilnya" concludes the wonderful world of the future and those wise laws that It should be guided by a person.

In 1931, Zabolotsky met the works of Tsiolkovsky, who made an indelible impression on him. Tsiolkovsky defended the idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of life forms in the Universe, was the first theorist and the propaganda of the development of the outer space. In a letter to him, Zabolotsky wrote: "... Your thoughts about the future of earth, humanity, animals and plants deeply worry me, and they are very close to me. In my unprinted poems and verses, I could have allowed them. "

Further creative way

Collection "Poem. 1926-1932 ", already scored in the printing house, was not signed in print. Publication of a new poem "Celebration of Agriculture", written to some extent under the impression of Ladomira Velymira Khlebnikov (1933), caused a new wave of Essays of Zabolotsky. Threatening political accusations in critical articles more and more convinced the poet that he would not be allowed to be established in poetry with his own, original direction. This gave rise to his disappointment and creative decline in the second half of 1933, 1934, 1935. Here it was useful to the life principle of the poet: "We must work and deal with yourself. How many failures are still ahead, how many disappointments and doubt! But if at such moments a person shakes - the song of his Sveta. Faith and perseverance. Labor and honesty ... "and Nikolai Alekseevich continued to work. The means of existence gave work in children's literature - in the 1930s, he collaborated with the journals "Yozh" and "Chizh", who supervised Samuel Marshak, wrote poems and prose for children (including relegated for children "Gargantua and Pantagruela" Francois Rabla (1936))

Gradually, the position of Zabolotsky in literary circles of Leningrad was strengthened. Many verses of this period received approving reviews, and in 1937 his book came out, including seventeen poems ("second book"). On the desktop of Zabolotsky lay the poetic arrangement of the ancient Russian poem "Word about the regiment of Igor" and their poem "Osad Kozelsk", poems and translations from Georgian. But the coming well-being was deceptive.

In custody

On March 19, 1938, Zabolotsky was arrested and then convicted in the case of anti-Soviet propaganda. As an indictment in his case, the discernis critical articles and a slanderous review "Review" appeared, a trendy distorting creature and ideological orientation of his work. From the death penalty he was saved by the fact that, despite the torture [source, it was not listed on 115 days] at interrogations, he did not recognize the charges of creating a counter-revolutionary organization, where Nikolai Tikhonov, Boris Kornilov and others, were supposedly included. At the request of the NKVD, critic Nikolay Lesychevsky wrote a review about the poetry of Zabolotsky, where he indicated that "" Creativity " Zabolotsky It is an active counter-revolutionary struggle against the Soviet system, against the Soviet people, against socialism. "

"The first days did not beat me, trying to decompose morally and physically. I did not give food. Did not sleep. Investigators replaced each other, I was still motionless on a chair in front of the investigative table - a day per day. Behind the wall, in the neighboring office, at times heard someone's frantic cries. My legs began to swell, and on the third day I had to break boots, since I could not carry pain in the footsteps. Consciousness began to bother, and I was strained all the forces in order to answer intelligently and not allow any injustice to those people about which I was asked about ... "These are the rows of Zabolotsky from Memoirs" My Conclusion History "(published abroad in English In 1981, in recent years, Soviet authorities are printed in the USSR, in 1988).

He was serving the term from February 1939 to May 1943 in the East Kazakhstan system in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur region; Then in the Altaylag system in Kulundin steppes; A partial view of his camp life gives them a selection of "One hundred letters of 1938-1944" - excerpts from letters to his wife and children.

From March 1944 after liberation from the camp, he lived in Karaganda. There he graduated from the words "Words about Igor's regiment" (started in 1937), which became the best of the experiments of many Russian poets. It helped in 1946 to achieve permission to live in Moscow. Removed housing in the writer Peredelkino in V. P. Ilyenkova.

In 1946, N. A. Zabolotsky was restored in the Writers' Union. The new, Moscow period of his work began. Despite the blows of fate, he managed to return to unfulfilled plans.

Moscow period

The return period to poetry was not only joyful, but also difficult. In the "blind" and "thunderstorm", the theme of creativity and inspiration sounds the theme of creativity and inspiration. Most of the poems of 1946-1948 received a high assessment of today's literature historians. It was during this period "in this grove of birch" was written. Externally built on a simple and expressive contrast of the picture of a peaceful birch grove, singing or warts-life and universal death, it carries sadness, szvuk experienced, hung on personal destiny and the tragic premonition of common troubles. In 1948, the third collection of poet poems comes out.

In 1949-1952, the years, the extreme tightening of the ideological negle, the creative rise, manifested in the first years after return, was replaced by a creative decline and almost full switching to artistic translations. Fearing that his words will be used against him again, Zabolotsky restrained himself and did not write. The situation has changed only after the XX Congress of the CPSU, with the beginning of the Khrushchev thaw, marked the weakening of ideological censorship in literature and art.

He responded to new trends in the life of the country, "somewhere in the field near Magadan," "opposition to Mars", "Kazbek". Over the past three years of life, Zabolotsky has created about half of all the works of the Moscow period. Some of them appeared in print. In 1957, the fourth, the most comprehensive pivot collection of poems was released.

The cycle of lyric poems "Last Love" was released in 1957, "the only one in the work of Zabolotsky, one of the most dedicating and painful in Russian poetry." It was in this collection that the poem "Recognition", dedicated to N. A. Roskina, later reworked by St. Petersburg Bard, Alexander Lobanovsky (fascinated and the wind in the field once a robust / all of you are like in the shackles / precious you are my woman ...).

Family N. A. Zabolotsky

In 1930, Zabolotsky married Catherine Vasilyevna Klyova (1906-1997). E. V. Klyukova survived a short-term novel (1955-1958) with the writer Vasily Grossman, left Zabolotsky, but then returned.

Son - Nikita Nikolayevich Zabolotsky (1932-2014), Candidate of Biological Sciences, author of biographical and memoir works about the Father, compiler of several meetings of his works. Daughter - Natalia Nikolaevna Zabolotskaya (born 1937), since 1962, the wife of the Virusologist Nikolai Veniaminovich Kaverin (1933-2014), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Son of the writer of Veniamine Cavery.


Although before death, the poet managed to get both wide readers and material wealth, it could not compensate for the weakness of his health, undermined by a prison and camp. According to the closely visited Zabolotsky N. Chukovsky, family problems played the fateful role (wife's departure, her return). In 1955, Zabolotsky had the first heart attack, in 1958 - the second, and on October 14, 1958 he died.

Buried the poet at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


Columns / region M. Kirnarsky. - L.: Publishing House of Writers in Leningrad, 1929. - 72 p. - 1,200 copies.
Mysterious city. - M.-L.: Giz, 1931 (under the pseudonym Ya. Miller)
Second book: Poems / Per. and title S. M. Pozharskoye. - L.: Goslitizdat, 1937. - 48 p., 5,300 copies.
Poem / ed. A. Tarasenkov; Hood V. Reznikov. - M.: OV. Writer, 1948. - 92 p. - 7,000 copies.
Poem. - M.: Goslitizdat, 1957. - 200 p., 25,000 copies.
Poem. - M.: Goslitizdat, 1959. - 200 p., 10,000 copies. - (B-ka Soviet poetry).
Favorites. - M.: OV. Writer, 1960. - 240 p., 10,000 copies.
Poem / under the general editorship of Gleb Struve and B. A. Filippov. Opening articles of Alexis Ranish, Boris Filippov and Emmanuel Rice. Washington, D.C.; NEW YORK: Inter-Language Literary Associates, 1965.
Poem and poems. - m.; L.: Sov.P.P., 1965. - 504 p., 25,000 copies. (B-ka poet. Big series).
Poem. - M.: Fiction, 1967
Favorites. - M.: Children's literature, 1970
Snake apple. - L.: Children's literature, 1972
Selected works: in 2 tons. - M.: Art. LIT-RA, 1972.
Favorites. - Kemerovo, 1974
Favorites. - Ufa, 1975
Poem and poems. - M.: Contempor, 1981
Poem. - Gorky, 1983
Collected Works: In 3 T. - M., Art. LIT-RA, 1983-1984., 50,000 copies.
Poem. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1985
Poem and poems. - M.: True, 1985
Poem and poems. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1985
Poem. Poems. - Perm, 1986
Poem and poems. - Sverdlovsk, 1986
Laboratory Days: Poems (1926-1937) / Engravings Y. Sosmynin. - M.: Young Guard, 1987. - 175 p. - 100,000 copies. (In young years).
How mice with cat fought / rice. S. F. Bobyleva. - Stavropol: Stavropol KN. Publishing house, 1988. - 12 p.
Cranes / Hood. V. Jurlov. - M.: OV. Russia, 1989. - 16 p.
Poem. Poems. - Tula, 1989
Columns and poems: Poems / Design B. Třezetsky. - M.: Arts. Lit-Ra, 1989. - 352 p., 1,000,000 copies. - (Classics and contemporaries: poetic. B-ka).
Columns: poems. Poems. - L.: Lenizdat, 1990. - 366 p., 50,000 copies.
Selected writings. Poems, poems, prose and letters of the poet / Sost., Will come out. Article, notes. N. N. Zabolotsky. - M.: Arts. Lit-Ra, 1991. - 431 p. - 100,000 copies. (B-ka classics).
The story of my conclusion. - M.: True, 1991. - 47 p., 90,000 copies. - (B-ka "Spark"; No. 18).
How mice with cat fought: poems / thin. N. Shevarev. - M.: Kid, 1992. - 12 p.
Columns. - SPb., North-West, 1993
Fire flickering in a vessel ...: poems and poems. Letters and articles. Life photoering. Memories of contemporaries. Analysis of creativity. - M. Pedagogy-Press, 1995. - 944 p.
Columns and poems. - M.: Russian book, 1996
The signs of the zodiac are blown: poems. Poems. Prose. - M.: Eksmo-Press, 1998. - 480 p. - (home library of poetry).
Poetic translations: at 3 t. - M.: Terra-book club, 2004. - T. 1: Georgian classical poetry. - 448 p.; T. 2: Georgian classical poetry. - 464 p.; T. 3: Slavic epic. Georgian folk poetry. Georgian poetry of the twentieth century. European poetry. Eastern poetry. - 384 p. - (Wizard Translation).
Poem. - M.: Progress Pleiad, 2004. - 355 p.
Do not allow the soul to be lazy: poems and poems. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 384 p. - (Golden series of poetry).
Lyrics. - M.: AST, 2008. - 428 p.
Poems about love. - M. Eksmo, 2008. - 192 p. - (Poems about love).
I am brought up by the nature of harsh. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 558 p.
Poem and poems. - M.: De Agostini, 2014. - (masterpieces of world literature in miniature).