Adjusting the CNC machine. CNC: operating principle of machine tools and explanation of the concept

))) This is a very long story about a machine placed backwards.... I already got it all this way.... But there is an approach to the button, I’ve already checked it.

I create UE in Artkam Pro 9
Machine control program WinPC-NC

I posted what came out of it in a photo, set it up over the phone with specialists from CNC Mashine, and purchased the machine through them. But there they don’t approach this with much care, they’ve been brainwashed for a long time, they seem to have made it work, but now I’m mastering everything on my own, there’s a lot of information that’s already making my head boil, and there’s a lot of things I don’t understand...
For example, I cut everything according to the standard, where I cut it straight to finishing with an engraver, that is, I don’t change any speeds and so on, I only adjust the feed rate in the control program, as I understand it, it changes the speed of the spindle along the axes. I'm about 60% done and cutting... Now I'm studying the technical documentation for the program, but the translation leaves much to be desired, it's like listening to Chinese radio...

Hello, Alavyan."
I see your message late, but I’ll probably be useful: A year ago I was “given” a small animal - Raptor X SL 2200/ S150, this is the next generation of machines after yours. They also have the same manufacturer. The machine arrived without setup, support, and even the documentation attached to it was for machines for the HIGT-Z series. In general, the men successfully saved money and decided that as soon as the machine arrived, it would work. It didn’t work out. He stood there as if dead. We translated the documentation, including PC-NS instructions, connected it to the computer, reconnected the wires, went through half the city of craftsmen and adjusters on German machines - to no avail. As a result, I was sent to Germany to stay with my manufacturing fathers. By this time, it became clear that WIn PC-NS requires a lot of attention, and that MASH installed on a German computer is much more efficient. As a designer, I went through a bunch of drawing programs trying to find the optimal result of combining my ideas and the German mind of the machine. So, having arrived at the factory and communicating with the German, I tried with all my might to understand where the connection was in the programs that they sent with the machine. I wrote everything down, everything I looked and at the end of the conversation the German asked me: What do you use to work with the machine? To which I, as an advanced user, answered: MASH 3 and ArtCAM 2008. He laughed and said: forget everything we talked about - MASH + ArtCAM is the best combination for your work. I came home and threw WIN pc-NC, ConctruCAM and all the incomprehensible demo versions that they offered to buy from my computer. I draw vectors in CorelDROW (it’s very flexible), raise the volume in Art CAM and create a UE, the machine works in Mach3 with a specially configured profile and axes calibration. I also draw in AUTOCAD, but this is when you really want to get confused. Good luck with your work.



How to ensure that the drawing on the monitor and its dimensions correspond to the dimensions that the CNC machine will make? Why does the drawing “crawl” over the edge of the table or is it too small?

Quite often you see how beginners and not so CNC operators try to calculate the scale of the product at the development stage of the machine. They recalculate the degrees of rotation of the motor, the pitch of the ball screw, the length of the run and a lot of other parameters. Meanwhile, there is a simple method to achieve true scale on the machine without such labor-intensive procedures. With this article I will try to help all CNC machine enthusiasts.

We assume that you have already decided what engine power suits you.

So, install the existing motors on the machine axis

Install any ball screw that you were able to buy or get.

If there is no ball screw, then install any trapezoid screw

The pitch of the screw thread and the angle of rotation of the motor do not matter!

So your machine is ready, connected to the computer, the CNC program is running (in our case it is MASN-3)

Fig1 axis motor settings window

Open Notepad path-(Start-all programs-accessories-notepad)

Type in the program

G0 X50

G0 Z5

Save the program under any name with the extension " txt"

Save to "Desktop" for quick search

Upload the program to MASN-3(File-Open Gcodes).

Place the cutter

Touch the workpiece with it slight depth

Reset all coordinates

Run the program you wrote.

The machine will draw a segment 50mm long

Measure the resulting size of the segment and divide the resulting number by the number in the MASN-3 program window along the path -> “Step\units” in the window at the address “Configurations” then “Motor settings”

(The first window from the bottom left is labeled "Steps per")

There is already a certain number in the window, for example 2000 is number of steps per 1 mm of machine movement

Divide this is the number for 50 (the length of your segment) and enter the resulting number in the same window

Mill the section again segment and check the result, repeat the settings if necessary.


We created a “segment” file whose length was set to 50 mm.

Uploaded to MASN-3

We started the machine.

We obtained a cut size on the machine equal to 55 mm.

We need to bring it to 50 cm (since we set it initially)



Where 2000 is the number in the column"Step\units" .

55 - the result obtained on the machine (in mm).

36.36 = 1 machine pitch (1mm)

1818 = 50 machine steps (50mm)

1818 - We enter this number in place 2000 in the table

Precise fit

We drew a “segment” file on the machine after the adjustments made above.



Let's do

1818 \ 50,5 = 39,60

39.60 x 50 = 1980 - Enter this number into the table

That's all. Good luck!

– a set of actions aimed at bringing machine tools with numerical control into working condition. Setting up machines with a CNC system is the final stage of setting up the device. After it is carried out, the device can be used in automatic or semi-automatic mode. You can begin setup operations if the software is already installed.

Who does the adjustment

Setting up a CNC machine for processing is a complex task, which is carried out by qualified employees with technical training.

To successfully configure machine equipment, you need:

  • professional knowledge of instrument design;
  • ability to operate the device in different modes;
  • ability to use technological equipment and other tools of a milling machine.

The responsibilities of the adjuster include programming and launching control systems, as well as checking the electronics and mechanics of the configured devices during operation. He must not only have theoretical knowledge of how to set up the device, but also have practical experience.

People with higher education in the field of:

  • mechanical engineering;
  • programming;
  • electronics and computer technology.

Installers periodically need to undergo advanced training. This condition is required in connection with the periodic updating of machine-tool turning instruments, their modernization, as well as the release of new models.

CNC operating modes

When adjusting the control program and software, it uses modes to adjust the operation of the machine tool. There are several modes that are used by the operator:

  • input of information - implementation of a processing control program, its analysis, search and elimination of errors;
  • automatic operation - the process of milling a part, adjusting actions, saving parameters;
  • intervention by the installer - correction of settings, entering new information without using automatic control of milling machines;
  • manual actions - creating a control program by manually processing the part and saving the necessary parameters;
  • editing – elimination of unnecessary frames that impair the quality of detail processing;
  • information output – transferring the downloaded program to removable media or another device via a network connection;
  • calculation - obtaining the necessary parameters based on the use of formulas;
  • using a display – displaying the processing of a part on the screen at the time of this task;
  • diagnostics - checking the device, after which a warning about possible problems or a message about an emergency condition is displayed.

The peculiarity of the adjustment is that it cannot be performed professionally using just one mode. The operator must use several modes simultaneously or in stages to configure the machine tool to perform the required task.

Setup diagram

The setup is carried out step by step in several stages. The sequence of steps must not be changed, otherwise the task will be completed incorrectly. There are six main setup stages:

  • installation of equipment in a fixed position;
  • installation of devices and working mechanisms;
  • performing dimensional adjustments;
  • input of control program;
  • processing of a test piece;
  • assessing the performance of the control program and making corrections.

It should be borne in mind that even an experienced operator cannot adjust metal-cutting devices without the need to make changes. This process is called adjustment. It represents additional adjustment in order to improve the quality of processing. If the machine was set up by a professional, he will definitely carry out adjustments and look at the errors in detail.

Tool installation

The first stage of setup is the installation of tools. But you can start with installation only after cleaning the components from dust, chips and other contaminants. For this it is recommended to use:

  • rags;
  • tassels;
  • toothbrush.

Then you need to place plugs in the slots and threaded holes that you do not plan to use. After this, you should make sure that the screws are in good condition. By tightening the jaws, you need to block the rotation of the chuck. This condition is ensured by a drive. The keys used to secure the equipment during installation must be in good condition.

Tool binding

At the second stage, the tool is linked. This task is one of the most important during setup performed by the operator. The smooth operation of the equipment depends on how correctly the theory was understood and whether errors were made during binding.

The binding is carried out by determining the movements of the X and Z axes along which the departures were recorded. For measurements, not only programs are used, but also calipers. It is recommended to use the Columbus model. Special sensors are also used to accurately determine overhangs. The estimated overhang values ​​are entered into the table, after which it is easier to determine the expected trajectory of the working tool. If it is already configured, you can proceed to the next step.

Determination of workpiece zero

This value is determined after the milling machines are linked. It will indicate the surface area of ​​the workpiece from which processing will begin. In most cases, the end part of the part is used. It has a physical surface that the tool can touch. If it does not reach the workpiece, you must select another zone. The machine will not move the cutter to the desired location automatically, so the operator must do this.

Important! You cannot start processing a part with idle movement.

To determine this value, two functions are provided in the numerical control system:

  • the first is designed for one-time processing, and after turning off the machine’s CNC does not retain the value of zero;
  • the second is intended for serial processing, and ensures that data is saved after the device is turned off.

The choice of function is made depending on whether it is planned to produce several identical parts.

Input and output of control programs

Input and output of a control program is one of the simplest actions when working with a CNC machine. To perform this task, you must connect the milling tool to the control device. It can be:

  • desktop computer;
  • control terminal;
  • laptop.

If you are using a computer or laptop, you must first install the machine program on it. These actions are performed by pressing the corresponding keys. They may also be signed in English. Additionally, after selecting a task, you must press the “execute” button. Operations can only be performed when the milling machine is switched off.

Graphic control of the control program

This action is necessary if the control program was entered manually, or a large number of changes were made in the adjustment mode. A special key is also provided to enable graphic control.

This function allows you to monitor the movements of the router and record the configured path it is moving along. But she doesn't take correction into account. The processing process on the machines is displayed on the screen, where the operator can observe it. This feature allows you not only to monitor the operation of milling devices that operate intermittently, but also of serviceable instrumental devices. It allows you to minimize the likelihood of an error occurring.

Important! Before starting the function, you must enter the workpiece parameters and also set the value to zero. If this is not done, the machine may fail and require repair.

Automatic setup

The automatic mode assumes autonomous movement of the tool and control over it frame by frame. If you are milling continuously, you do not need to move the workpiece yourself, but you will need to watch for sounds. At the slightest change in the standard sound, you should press the power button. To do this, it is recommended to keep your hand on the power button when operating it. Otherwise, the workpiece will be damaged and the machine may break down.

The program does not have to be started from the very beginning. But it must begin with the tool change point. Most control programs do not have a restart function. The launch is performed on the computer or controller after selecting the desired frame.

Mach3 is a program for controlling a CNC machine that allows you to automate workpiece processing processes. The use of CNC machines is relevant for large enterprises and small workshops. The difference lies only in the characteristics and sizes of the machines that are used in certain situations. Let's consider the issue of using Mach3 at the initial stages of its development.

  • A modern milling machine equipped with a CNC module allows it to interact with a regular personal computer or laptop;
  • By installing the Mach3 driver on your PC, you can develop control programs;
  • After development, the program is loaded into the memory of the numerically controlled module;
  • The computer’s task is to configure all the necessary parameters for the CNC operation;
  • In addition to automating processes, through a PC you can manually control the movements of the cutting tools of the machine, control their movements relative to the workpiece or work table;
  • The operation of Mach3 is based on the following scheme: computer - master - milling equipment. To carry out such management, you will need the appropriate program;
  • Mach3 is an excellent example of modern software that controls and configures machines;
  • Mach3 is designed to work with all Microsoft operating systems;
  • The program works like a regular windowed application;
  • Mak3 is distinguished by wide functionality and an intuitive interface;
  • At the same time, beginners for whom CNC setting is something completely new should carefully study the instruction manual. It takes a minimum of time to adapt to working with CNC through a special program. This is due to a well-designed interface and an understandable control principle.

Preparing to work with Mach3

Photo Mach3 - programs for controlling a CNC machine

Numerical program control, that is, CNC, is an advanced development in the field of machine tool construction. The program simplifies management and automates all processes. Proper CNC setup using a program via a PC allows you to minimize the human factor and reduce the likelihood of errors to zero.

It is important to understand that if the settings are performed incorrectly, you can break the cutters, incorrectly process the workpiece, and damage the CNC module and other equipment components.

To avoid such mistakes and unpleasant incidents, you should start with proper preparation for operating CNC machines.

  1. Completely connect the machines. You must make sure that the machine is prepared for work and receives high-quality power from the electrical network. For many machines, special programs are available that allow you to check the condition of the equipment and the serviceability of its individual components via a PC.
  2. Install Mach3 on your personal computer or laptop. However, make sure that your PC meets the minimum system specifications. Mach3 is not a “heavy” program, so almost any computer can easily handle it.
  3. The program may require Russification in some cases. The licensed version is in English, but special localizations are widely available online. It is not recommended to use pirated programs like Mach3, since such software can have serious errors that can damage your machine even if the settings were done correctly. The license costs about 12 thousand rubles.
  4. Try to optimize the operation of the operating system by disabling all kinds of pop-ups and unused programs. Nothing should interfere with you while working with the machine.
  5. Do not run third-party programs in parallel with Mach3. This is especially true for computer games, watching movies and other content that requires impressive resources from a PC. Otherwise, the setting may be incorrect, which will affect the quality of processing and the machine itself.
  6. If at the same time you want to compose control programs for a CNC machine, or use your computer not only to work with Mac3, then divide the hard drive into subpartitions. For software for a CNC machine, install a separate operating system. A logical subdivision of the hard drive must be completely dedicated to machine control. This will allow you not to occupy the entire PC with CNC control issues. Use this operating system specifically for hardware settings, do not load extraneous software there, minimize the set of programs.

Working with the program

When the preparation stages are over, you will need to start setting up the Mac3 program itself.

  1. Carefully study all the buttons that are available in the Mack3 menu. Many are frightened by their huge number. But having a Russified version will allow you to quickly figure it out.
  2. Depending on the type of machine, you need to open the appropriate tabs. For milling equipment, you will need tabs for parameters of electric motors, part speeds, port parameters, spindle parameters, etc.
  3. Once you purchase the licensed version of the software, you will find all the descriptions of the settings in the user manual. Or it can be found on the World Wide Web.
  4. If you have conditionally correctly configured the machine through the Mak3 program, when commands are issued from the keyboard, the electric motors of the equipment will begin to rotate and move. It is important that the portal moves without jerking, neatly and freely. This indicates that the setup was done correctly.
  5. Perform a run. This is what is called a trial manual movement of tools. There is a corresponding button for running in the Mac3 program.
  6. The run is determined by the corresponding icon, which allows you to turn this trial mode on and off.
  7. Pay attention to the jog ball. It should light up when running. It is used to control machine tools using the mouse. The closer the cursor is to the jog wheel when clicking, the higher the rotation speed of the electric motors will be. In addition to the mouse, you can use the keys on the keyboard to activate the tool.
  8. Control of tool movements can be step-by-step or continuous. In the case of continuous, the machine tool moves constantly while you hold down the corresponding key or mouse button. The step-by-step mode assumes that after pressing the button the portal will move a strictly specified distance. You can set the step size yourself.

Mach3 is offered to customers with detailed operating instructions. Based on the official manual, you can adapt the program to a particular machine. Proceed strictly according to factory instructions. Only they make it possible to correctly set the operating parameters of CNC equipment. If the setting turns out to be correct, the compiled control program will allow you to automate the machine and adapt it to perform certain operations with workpieces.