A summary of the tale of the wintering of animals. Literary reading lesson based on the fairy tale "winter quarters of animals" fgos umk "primary school of the 21st century"

Before coming cold winter the bull wanted to build a warm hut, but the pig, ram, rooster and goose did not want to participate in the construction. The cold set in, and the animals asked for the bull, threatening to destroy his house. The owner had no choice but to let the animals in for the winter. When the robbers attacked them, the friends together were able to fight back.

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Fairy tale Winter animals read

A bull walked in the forest, a ram comes across to him.

Where, ram, are you going? the bull asked.

I am looking for summer from winter, - says the ram.

Come with me!

So let's go together, they come across a pig.

Where are you going, pig? the bull asked.

I am looking for summer from winter, - the pig answers.

Where, goose, are you going? the bull asks.

I am looking for summer from winter, - the goose answers.

Well, follow us!

So the goose followed them. They are coming, and a rooster is meeting them.

Where, cock, are you going? the bull asked.

I am looking for summer from winter, - the rooster answers.

Follow us!

Here they are walking along the road and talking among themselves:

How, brothers-comrades! The time is coming cold, where to look for heat? The bull says:

Well, let's build a hut, or we'll really freeze in winter.

The ram says:

I have a warm fur coat - see what wool! I am already wintering.

Pig says:

And for me, at least some frost - I'm not afraid: I will bury myself in the ground and get it without a hut.

Goose says:

And I will sit in the middle of the spruce, lay one wing on the bed, and dress with the other, no cold will take me; I am already wintering.

The rooster says:

And me too!

The bull sees - it's bad, you have to work alone.

Well, - he says, - you, as you want, and I will begin to build a hut.

He built himself a hut and lives in it. Here came a cold winter, frost began to chill; the ram has nothing to do, it comes to the bull.

Let me go, brother, warm up.

No, ram, your coat is warm; you and so overwinter. I won't let you in!

But if you don’t let me in, then I will scatter and knock a log out of your hut; you will be colder.

The bull thought and thought: “Let me start, otherwise, perhaps, it will freeze me too,” and let the ram go.

So the pig went cold and came to the bull:

Let me go, brother, warm up.

No, I won't let you in! You will bury yourself in the ground and so will winter.

But if you don't let it go, I'll dig up all the pillars with a snout and drop your hut.

There is nothing to do, you have to let it in. He let the pig go too. Then a goose and a rooster came to the bull:

Let me go, brother, to warm up to yourself.

No, I won't let you in! You have two wings: you will make one bed, the other you will dress; and so overwinter!

But if you don’t let it go, ”says the goose,“ so I’ll pick up all the moss from your walls, it’ll be colder for you. ”

Won't you let me in? - says the rooster. “So I’ll fly upstairs, I’ll grab all the earth from the ceiling, and it’ll be colder for you.”

What is the bull to do? He let both the goose and the rooster live with him.

Here they live for themselves and live in a hut. The rooster warmed up in the warmth and began to sing songs.

The fox heard that the rooster was singing songs, I wanted to feast on the cock, but how to get it? The fox went to the bear and the wolf and said:

Well, my dear ones! I found I will live for everyone: for you, bear, - a bull, for you, a wolf, - a ram, and for myself - a rooster.

Okay, little fox! - say the bear and the wolf. - We will never forget your services. Let's go slaughter them and eat them!

The fox led them to the hut.

Well, she says to the bear. - Open the door, I'll go ahead - I'll eat the rooster.

The bear opened the door, and the fox jumped into the hut. The bull saw her and immediately pressed her to the wall with his horns, and the ram began to feed on the sides. Out of the fox and out.

That she couldn't handle the cock for so long? says the wolf. - Unlock brother Mikhailo Ivanovich, I'll go.

Well, go!

The bear opened the door, and the wolf jumped into the hut.

The bull also pressed him to the wall with his horns, and the ram began to feed on the sides. And so they beat him up that the wolf stopped breathing.

The bear waited, waited, entered the hut, and the bull and the ram also received him. The bear escaped with violence and started to run without looking back.

And the bull and his friends began to live and live. And they still live in their hut.

Russian folk tale"Wintering of animals" teaches children that it is necessary to prepare for everything in advance, and not hope at random.

Fairy tale Winter of animals. Read

Wintering animals

Russian folktale

The old man and the old woman had a bull, a ram, a pig, a goose and a rooster.

Here the old man says to the old woman:

- And what, old woman, we have nothing to do with the rooster, we will slaughter him for the holiday.

The rooster heard this and ran away into the forest at night.

In the evening the old man again says to the old woman:

- I did not find a rooster, we have to slaughter a pig!

The pig heard this and ran away into the forest at night.

The old man was looking for a pig - he did not find it.

- We'll have to slaughter the ram!

The ram heard this and says to the goose:

- Let's run away into the forest, otherwise they will stab you and me! ..

The old man went out into the yard - there is neither a ram nor a goose ...

- We'll have to, apparently, slaughter the bull.

The bull heard this and fled into the forest.

Summer in the forest is at ease ... But the summer has passed, and winter has come.

Here the bull went to the ram:

- How, brothers-comrades? The time comes cold - you have to chop the hut.

The ram answers him:

- My fur coat is warm, and so I can overwinter.

The bull went to the pig:

- Let's go, pig, chop the hut!

- And for me, at least some frosts - I'm not afraid: I will bury myself in the ground and winter without a hut.

The bull went to the goose:

- Goose, let's go cut the hut!

- No I'm not going. I'll put one wing to bed, cover with the other - no frost will penetrate me ...

The bull sees: it's bad. And he cut down himself a hut alone. He flooded the stove and lay there, warming up.

And the winter turned cold, frosts began to creep through. The ram ran, ran, couldn't get warm - and went to the bull.

- Be-eh! Be-eh! Let me into the hut!

- No, ram. I called you to cut the hut, so you said that your fur coat is warm, and you will winter out anyway.

“If you don’t let me in, I’ll run away, knock the door off the hooks, and it’ll be colder for you.”

The bull thought, thought: "Let me start, otherwise he will chill me."

A little later a pig came running.

- Oink! Oink! Let me go, bull, warm up!

- No, pig, I called you to chop the hut, so you said that at least some frosts for you - you will bury yourself in the ground.

- But you won't let me in, I will dig all the corners with a snout, I will drop your hut!

The bull thought and thought: "She will turn up the corners, drop the hut."

- Well, come in.

(And then he let go the goose and the rooster.)

Here they live for themselves - five of them - get along. The wolf and the bear learned about it. We got together and came. The wolf says to the bear:

- You go ahead, you are healthy.

- No, I'm lazy, you are quicker than me, you go ahead.

The wolf went to the hut. As soon as he entered - the bull with its horns to the wall and pinned it. The ram ran away - bam, bam, began to push the wolf on the sides. And the pig in the underground screams:

- Oink oink oink! I sharpen knives, I sharpen axes, I want to eat the wolf alive!

The goose pinches him by the sides, and the rooster runs along the bar and shouts:

- And here's how, yes an ass, yes, give it here! And the knife is here, and the buzz here ... Here I will stab him, here I will hang him!

The bear heard a cry - yes to run. And the wolf was torn, torn, violently escaped, caught up with the bear and says:

- As a peasant jumped up, in a black armor, but he grabbed me against the wall and pinned me. And a smaller peasant, in a gray army, with a butt on the sides and all butt on the sides. And even less so, in a white caftanishka, he grabbed me by the sides with tongs. And the smallest peasant, in a red dressing gown, runs along the bar and shouts: "Here I will cut him, here I will hang him!" And from the underground, someone else will shout: "I sharpen knives, I sharpen axes, I want to eat him alive!"

Since then, the wolf and the bear did not come close to the hut. And a bull, a ram, a goose, a pig and a rooster live there, live and do not know grief.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Winter House of Animals" are domestic animals: a bull, a ram, a pig, a goose and a rooster. They lived in a peasant courtyard, until one day the owner told the hostess that the rooster should be slaughtered. The rooster found out about this and fled into the forest.

The owner began to look for the rooster, did not find it, and decided to slaughter the pig. She, too, ran into the forest and took the goose with her. So gradually all the animals to live in the forest moved.

In the summer, they did not know worries in the forest, and by winter the bull thought about building a warm dwelling. He turned to the rest of the animals for help, but they refused him, saying that they would be warm in winter anyway, and they would not need a house. Bull alone, without outside help, built a house.

The winter came out harsh, and the animals became cold. They began to ask the bull to enter the house, but he would not let them in, saying that the animals did not help him with the construction. Then the animals began to threaten to destroy the house and the bull had to let them in.

The wolf and the bear learned about domestic animals wintering in the forest. They decided to profit from easy prey, and came to the winter quarters. As soon as the wolf entered the house, the bull pinned him to the wall with its horns. The ram began to gore the wolf, the goose nibbled it, and the rooster and the pig made a terrible noise. The bear heard the noise and ran away. Following him, the wolf escaped from the animals. Since then, the wolf and the bear have not come to the house of animals.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Winter House of Animals" is that by joint efforts you can cope with any problems. The wolf, able to deal with any of the animals separately, was powerless against their joint actions.

The fairy tale "Winter House of Animals" teaches you to help each other and not overestimate your abilities. The animals refused to help the bull, believing that they would be warm in winter anyway. But their assumptions turned out to be wrong.

In the fairy tale, I liked the bull. He was the first to think about the approach of severe winter cold and decided to build a warm house.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale "The Winter House of Animals"?

Unity is strength.
When we are one, we are invincible.
Fear has big eyes.

Fairy tale Winter beasts - good life lesson for large and small readers: you need to work together to achieve the goal. Both children and parents will be happy to read the fairy tale online.

Fairy tale Winter animals read

Who is the author of the tale

The winter fairy tale of animals is folklore.

Wintering animals - instructive tale about animals. When winter approached, the sensible Bull urged his friends to build a house so that they could winter together in warmth and goodness. But they all had excuses. Bull built a solid hut, and the cold is not terrible for him. And his friends were chilled from the cold and remembered the warm hut of the Bull. Whether you like it or not, I had to go to the Bull. The Good Bull was sensible, he did not reproach his friends for carelessness. He understood that it was more fun to spend the winter together. Warmed up, live - they do not know grief. Once the forest predators Fox, Wolf and Bear met and decided to profit in the Bull's hut. Only this time, the inhabitants of the hut, taught by bitter experience, acted together and rebuffed the impudent predators, so much so that they ran away without looking back. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Zimovye beasts

The tale uses the technique of allegory: human qualities are shown in the images of animals. The bull embodies reliability, thriftiness, nobility, the rest of the characters - frivolity, irresponsibility and laziness (Sheep, Pig, Goose, Rooster) or rudeness and deceit (Bear and Fox). What does the fairy tale "Wintering of animals" teach? The tale teaches you not to be lazy, value friendship and help your comrades in need. And it also warns against rash actions.

Moral of the fairy tale Wintering of animals

It is useful for both children and adults to think about the moral of the fairy tale: if you act in a friendly and united manner, any business will work out. This applies to relationships in the family, at work, with friends. Unity is strength. This truth should be learned from childhood.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • When we are one, we are invincible.
  • Unite - you will win, disconnected - you will run.
  • A wolf is not terrible for a friendly herd.