Innovation management and innovation risk management. Coursework: Organizational Forms of Innovation


Chapter 1. Complex of organizational forms of innovation activity

1.1 Large forms of organization of innovation activity

1.2 Specific forms of organization of innovation activity

1.3 Small forms of organization of innovation activity

Chapter 2 Formation of FIGs in Russia

2.1 Interros is an example of a Russian FIG. general characteristics

2.2 Charitable projects of Interros


List of used literature


Now there is an age of rapid technologies, scientific and technological revolution is developing at such a speed that it can no longer be overlooked. Accordingly, the development and introduction of new technologies requires competent managers - managers who are able to calculate the financial return of innovation and, with a positive result, competently introduce it into the enterprise infrastructure.
Innovation management as a science appeared in Russia relatively recently. Its appearance was promoted by the economic reforms carried out in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Thus, one method of management (socialist) was replaced by a completely different (capitalist) method, and here, of course, it is absolutely impossible to do without innovations and innovations, which should affect the entire economy of the country, making it healthier and bringing it to a qualitatively new stage of development.

At the same time, innovation management acts as a vital type of activity of almost any modern enterprise, and the reasons for this can be considered not only the objective requirements of scientific and technological progress, but also the conditions of competition in various market segments, etc. Taking into account the above, the process of managing innovations in enterprises and in industries should be based, first of all, on the opportunities that various organizational forms of innovation provide to market participants, such as a business incubator, technology parks, FIGs, venture capital companies, etc. The activities of these institutions allow enterprises to significantly reduce risks and increase the efficiency of innovation management.

Organizational forms of innovation and their prevalence largely depend on industry and regional characteristics.

In the practice of innovation, organizational forms have basically justified themselves. But the changed conditions of production, the increasing complexity of social needs and the need to increase the competitiveness of innovations require the search for new forms of innovation.

This topic is relevant for study, since in the context of economic reform aimed at ensuring stabilization and the transition to economic growth, it is necessary to develop measures to preserve scientific and technical potential, its development and support.

The purpose of this work is to study the organizational forms of innovation in Russia.

Coursework objectives:

· Study the complex of organizational forms of innovation;

· Study certain types of organizational forms;

· Consider the organizational form on the example of the Russian FIG Interros.

Chapter 1. Complex of organizational forms of innovation activity

The innovation process involves many participants and interested organizations. It can be carried out within local, regional, state (federal) and interstate borders. All participants have their own goals and establish their own structures to achieve them. First of all, it is necessary to consider the variety of intra-firm organizational forms - from highlighting the special role of participants in innovative activities within the company in the person of personnel to the creation of special innovative units.

Organizations in developed corporate structures are formed at two levels: the level of a simple organization that does not include other organizations in its structure (conventionally called the corporate level) and the level of the corporation (association, financial and industrial group), which includes other organizations that are managed by a special holding company. All this leads to the creation of various innovative organizational forms. Large and small organizations have different innovative activities, which correspond to their missions, goals and strategies. Therefore, corporations create a network of small innovative firms around themselves, raising their leaders in special “incubator programs”. Such organizations have the organizational form of an “incubator firm”. The diffusion of new complex industrial products and technologies sometimes takes place in the organizational form of “franchising” or “leasing”. The implementation of regional scientific, technical and social programs is associated with the organization of relevant associations of scientific (university), industrial and financial organizations: various kinds of scientific and industrial centers. Due to the riskiness of innovative projects, there are adequate organizational forms of investors in the form of “venture funds” and innovative forms of creators of innovations - risky innovative firms.

Federal and regional programs that attract large resources and designed for a long time entail the creation of scientific and technological parks, technopolises.

1.1 Large forms of organization of innovation activity

Consortium. A consortium is a voluntary association of organizations to solve a specific problem, implement a program, or implement a major project. It can include enterprises and organizations of different forms of ownership, profile and size. The consortium members retain their full economic independence and are subordinate to the jointly elected executive body in that part of the activity that relates to the goals of the consortium. After completing the assigned task, the consortium is disbanded.

Consortia, created as an inter-firm research center (IRC), have their own research base. The centers are staffed either by permanent employees or by scientists seconded by consortium members.

Concern are statutory associations of enterprises, industry, scientific organizations, transport, bank, trade, etc. based on complete financial dependence on one or a group of entrepreneurs. There may be other associations based on sectoral, territorial and other characteristics. Associations, like enterprises, are legal entities, have independent and consolidated balances, settlement accounts in banks, and a seal with their name.

Financial and industrial groups (FIG) is an economic association of enterprises, institutions, organizations, credit and financial institutions and investment institutions, created for the purpose of conducting joint coordinated activities.

FIG includes a stable grouping of various enterprises: industrial, trade, financial, including banking, insurance, investment institutions.

The most significant characteristics of FIGs include the following:

1) the integration of the links included in them not only through the pooling of financial resources and capital, but also through the general management, price, technical, personnel policy;

2) the presence of a common strategy;

3) voluntary participation and preservation of the legal independence of the participants;

4) the structure of FIGs allows solving many issues (including security-related problems) at lower costs than at other large enterprises and associations.

FIGs can arise on the basis of the largest industrial or trading companies, the influence and power of which provide them with access to the resources of credit and financial institutions, or be formed as a result of financial concentration around credit or banking organizations.

The advantages of large enterprises:

· The availability of large material, financial and intellectual resources for the implementation of expensive innovations;

· The possibility of carrying out multipurpose research, in which the efforts of specialists in various fields of knowledge are united;

· The possibility of parallel development of several innovations and the choice of the optimal option from several developed;

· Less likelihood of bankruptcy in case of failure of some innovations.

· The role of small enterprises in the development of innovations is also great when innovations do not require significant resources. Small business benefits:

· The ability to quickly switch to original work, mobility and non-traditional approaches;

· The ability to operate in areas where large enterprises see the results unpromising, limited or too risky with a small scale of profits if successful;

The need to search for fundamentally new approaches, combined with the requirements of quick and flexible implementation of results in production, bringing them to the market, contribute to the unification of the advantages of large and small enterprises: the purchase of licenses by large enterprises, the provision of loans, the acquisition of shares or the takeover of companies that have mastered a new product or technology. attraction of small high-tech enterprises as suppliers and subcontractors.

1.2 Specific forms of organization of innovation activity

Technopark - a flexible research and production structure, which is a testing ground for the creation and effective promotion of science-intensive products. It is a form of territorial integration of science, education and production in the form of an association of scientific organizations, design bureaus, educational institutions, industrial enterprises or their subdivisions. Technoparks are often provided with preferential taxation. The main tasks of creating technoparks can be attributed.

Modern forms of organizing innovation are shown in Fig. 37. They include:

· Venture innovative firms;

· Large industrial corporations and associations;

· Firms "spin-off" (spin-off firms);

· Cooperative forms of innovation activity;

· Individual research teams (firms);

· Groups of firms implementing projects on a national scale.

Figure: 37. Modern forms of organization of innovative activities

1) Small innovative firms are:

· Venture capital firms created by inventors using their own funds and loans of the so-called. “Venture” capital for industrial development and commercialization of innovations

· Firms "spin-off" (offspring) - created by separating a scientific and technical team from an industrial enterprise.

The factors that determine the important role of small innovative organizations in the field of innovation include:

· mobility and flexibility of transition to innovation, high susceptibility to fundamental innovations;

· nature of motivation, due to the reasons, both non-economic plan and commercial plan, since only the successful implementation of such a project will allow its author to take place as an entrepreneur;

· narrow specialization their scientific research or the development of a small range of technical ideas;

· low overhead (small management personnel);

· willingness to take risks.

At the initial stage, as a rule, the product small innovative firmsis at the level of ideas, prototype or prototype. Their turnover is determined by the funds they receive from state or non-state sources for R&D. Often these organizations have one or two full-time employees, the rest of the employees are involved in a specific order. Their costs are mostly salaries. They have no property relations with its owner, although the organizations already sell their products on the domestic or foreign market. They are characterized by the fact that a significant part of the turnover is formed due to the volume of sales of the project or the services provided. Since such a turnover is insufficient for self-sufficiency, the organization “earns extra money” on commerce, on “screwdriver technologies”, uses the premises and equipment of the “parent structure”. However, she already concludes agreements on joint activities, pays utility costs.

Figure: 38. Scheme for the development of infrastructure of small innovative entrepreneurship

2) Engineering companies - a legal entity engaged in the creation of industrial facilities, design, production and operation of machines, organization of production processes, taking into account their functional purpose, safety and efficiency.

Engineering organizations is a kind of connecting link between research and development, on the one hand, and between innovation and production, on the other. Engineering activities are associated with the creation of industrial property objects, activities for the design, production and operation of machines, equipment, organization of production processes, taking into account their functional purpose, safety and efficiency. Engineering organizations assess the likely significance, commercial environment and technical forecasting of an innovative idea, new technology, utility model, invention, refine and bring innovations to industrial implementation, provide services and consultations in the process of implementing a development object, carry out commissioning, test work on behalf of industrial enterprises.

3) Implementation organizationsi promote the development of the innovation process and, as a rule, specialize in the introduction of technologies unused by patent owners, in the promotion of licenses of promising inventions developed by individual inventors to the market, in the development of inventions to an industrial stage, in the production of small pilot batches of industrial property objects with the subsequent sale of a license.

2. Innovative entrepreneurship

2.1. Organizational forms of innovation

Organization of innovations is a means of streamlining and regulating the actions of individuals and autonomous groups of employees, focused on achieving through joint and coordinated actions goals for the creation and implementation of innovations of any kind in the socio-cultural, scientific and technical, industrial, defense and economic spheres of human activity. orientation, varying degrees of novelty and complexity, practical value and effectiveness.

Organization of innovations includes:

The subject of innovation.

The set of processes and actions of the organization aimed at performing the necessary functions in innovation.

Structures that ensure the internal orderliness of the system and the improvement of the relationships between its elements and subsystems.

The subjects of innovation are heterogeneous, multi-element and different-sized firms, companies, associations, universities, research institutes, technopolises, technoparks, etc.

Organizational forms of innovation are closely related to new principles of management based on the synergy of centralized and decentralized structures. The peculiarity of innovative development lies in the fact that it is based on the need to take into account two conflicting trends.

The organizational form of innovation processes should be understood as a complex of enterprises, a separate enterprise or their subdivisions, characterized by a certain hierarchical organizational structure and a management mechanism corresponding to the specifics of innovation processes, providing a justification for the need for innovation, identifying the main ideas of their creation, defining and using technology and organizing innovative processes for the purpose of practical implementation of innovations.

On the one hand, the innovation process is a single flow from the emergence of an idea to the implementation, development and deployment of production. At the same time, all stages of the life cycle of innovation, from the emergence of an idea to its market implementation, are closely interrelated and interdependent. Therefore, ensuring effective innovative development depends on systemic structural interactions that ensure the continuity of stages and the continuity of processes in time, which is manifested in an undeveloped market infrastructure and imperfect market mechanisms.

On the other hand, scientific knowledge, discovery, industrial invention are inherently discrete and stochastic. Numerous studies have found that there is no correlation between the emergence of scientific knowledge, its materialization and commercialization. Therefore, from this point of view, an enterprise does not necessarily have to carry out a full range of innovative entrepreneurial activities from the R&D stage to marketing and sales.

In the context of improving market mechanisms, according to the second trend, inter-firm interactions begin to play a special role, i.e. processes of diversification, inter-firm cooperation, etc. An increase in innovation activity is closely related to these two most important trends: the formation of innovative organizations capable of self-development, and an increase in the incorporation (i.e. involvement) of innovative structures in the system of various institutions and interfirm interactions. Thus, the properties of organizational forms of innovation are presented in Fig. eight.

Figure: 8. Properties of organizational forms of innovation

The properties of organizational forms of innovation, shown in Fig. 8, demonstrate the quality of subsystems, structures, elements and their connections within the organization as an open system.

The organizational form has two axes of orientation: the first - to internal structures, internal interactions of elements, factors and subsystems. This orientation is based on the decentralization and independence of departments, which ensures their high agility, efficiency, a plurality of forms of organizations, a variety of new methods, technologies, products and services, flexibility of structures and management methods.

The second axis of the system is focused on the external environment, it is associated with the implementation of long-term trends, with the stability of the system in the external environment. This second tendency in the development of the organization is based on the mechanism of consolidation and integration, which creates a synergistic effect, which consists in increasing the effect arising from the combination of efforts aimed at one goal. This means that it is greater than the effect of a simple "sum of elements, that is, in complex systems based on self-development and improvement, to which an innovative organization belongs, there is a significant synergistic effect. Internal and interfirm organizational forms of innovation are shown in Fig. 9. ...

Figure: 9. Internal and interfirm organizational forms of innovation


The innovation process involves many participants and many interested organizations. It can be carried out at the state (federal) and interstate levels, in regional and sectoral spheres, local (municipal) formations. All participants have their own goals and establish their own organizational structures to achieve them.

In this regard, innovative activity is characterized by a variety of organizational forms. This is due to the fact that the process of innovation covers a variety of areas of activity: scientific and technical, financial, information, marketing, and various interacting organizations participate in its implementation: research institutes, financial and consulting organizations, venture capital firms, insurance companies. The most common organizational forms of innovation are a business incubator, a technopark, a technopolis, and a strategic alliance. Business incubators are a form of support for the establishment and development of a new company. (Table 14).

Table 14

The main organizational forms of innovation

Organizational forms of innovation

Characteristics of organizational forms of innovation

Business incubator

It is an organization that solves problems limited to the problems of supporting small, start-up firms and start-up entrepreneurs who want but cannot start their own business. A business incubator can be autonomous, i.e. an independent economic organization with the rights of a legal entity, or act as part of a technopark (in this case, it can be called a "technology incubator")


This is an organization that forms a territorial innovation environment in order to develop entrepreneurship in the scientific and technical sphere by creating a material and technical base for the formation, development, support and preparation for independent activity of small innovative enterprises and firms, industrial development of scientific knowledge and high technology. The Technopark provides conditions for the implementation of the innovation process - from the search (development) of an innovation to the release of a sample of a commercial product and its implementation. The subject of the technopark is a comprehensive solution to the problems of accelerated transfer of scientific research results into production and bringing them to the consumer on a commercial basis.


It is a larger economic activity zone compared to the technopark. It consists of universities, research centers, technoparks, business incubators, industrial and other enterprises, whose practical activities are based on the results of scientific and technological research, is an integral part of the international division of labor and has a habitat purposefully formed for scientists, specialists, and highly qualified workers. strength. Technopolis maintains close ties with similar structures at the national and international level. In Russia, science cities and academic towns can serve as the basis for the formation of technopolises

Science city

An administrative-territorial entity, the infrastructure of which has been formed around a scientific organization, which determines the scientific and production orientation of its production structures. The purpose of creating science cities is to preserve and develop the existing scientific potential, increase its efficiency and create conditions for sustainable development (solving defense problems). The desire to expand the customer base, geography of presence or the sphere of influence of the company leads to the creation of partnerships, or alliances. In modern business, consolidation has become commonplace


A temporary cooperative agreement between companies that does not involve a merger or full partnership. The strategic advantages of creating joint ventures and alliances in the implementation of innovative activities are the following: the use of economies of scale in the production and / or marketing of a new product; access to partner developments and know-how; the ability to penetrate hard-to-reach markets

Organizational forms of innovation play the greatest role in the development of a scientific idea and its subsequent materialization - innovation centers . These are technologically active complexes with an established integrated structure of innovations, including universities and research and production firms. An innovative business in this model maintains stable relationships within an extensive innovation infrastructure, has developed networks of informal exchange of information and the formation of sales channels for innovations. The most famous variant of such an alliance is Silicon Valley.

Innovation centers include:

Technological parks (scientific, industrial, technological, innovation, business park, etc.);


Regions of Science and Technology;

Incubators of innovations.

As shown in Table 14, the purpose of the operation business incubators - ensuring effective incubation (cultivation) of entrepreneurs, the creation of small firms.

There are two forms of participation in a business incubator - real and associative. The second form, in contrast to the first, provides for the free use of all services provided by the incubator without placing the company directly on the territory of the business incubator.

The legal basis for the relationship between a business incubator and its members is an agreement that defines the rights and obligations of the parties, financial relations, the duration of the client's stay in the business incubator. A check is issued to the client for each service. After leaving the business incubator within 1.5 - 2 years, the financial debt must be repaid. In addition, the contract may provide for deductions from profits in favor of the business incubator (as a rule, no more than 5%), which the entrepreneur pays within 3 to 5 years after leaving.

There are three main models of business incubators in Russia:

The first type was formed under the technology parks, where they function as the main nucleus. Such business incubators operate on the basis of science-intensive production and high technologies.

The second type of business incubators is aimed at entrepreneurs associated mainly with the production of consumer goods, with the provision of various repair and maintenance services.

The third type is regional business incubators created to solve economic problems taking into account regional priorities. A large role in their activities is assigned to solving social problems.

Technopark is one of the most widespread in the USA and Western Europe forms of functioning of developers of new technologies, with risk firms. Among the great variety, there are three main ways of emergence of a technopark.

1. Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are often employees of university and research centers (SIC) seeking to commercialize the results of their own scientific developments (in a number of technology parks, this category of entrepreneurs is more than 50%).

2. Creation of their own specialized small firms by scientific and technical personnel of large industrial associations, leaving their firm to start their own business (sometimes together with colleagues in the laboratory or design bureau). As a rule, large firms do not hinder, but on the contrary, facilitate the development of this process, since they get the opportunity to subsequently connect to the production of the latest products, if it turns out to be promising.

3. Small and medium-sized firms in the technopark arise as a result of the transformation of already operating enterprises intending to take advantage of the preferential conditions for the technopark in accordance with state legislation.

The long and difficult path from the development of a new product to its serial production in a technopark has been greatly facilitated. In particular, firms are provided with the necessary premises on preferential terms, they have at their disposal typed bureaus, conference rooms, secretariats, as well as workshops for prototyping, laboratories and other premises for conducting research and development. They can get the required advice in the field of production, marketing, finance, patent information. Close cooperation is being established with the departments of fundamental and applied research at universities, as well as with research institutes located in the area, not to mention relations with other enterprises of the same technopark. In addition, they are provided with more favorable credit conditions, as well as easier contacts with large manufacturing firms in the region and potential customers.

The most advanced organizational form of innovation is technopolis ... Technopolis consists of large enterprises (at least 2-3 of the most advanced industries); a powerful group of public or private universities, research institutes, laboratories; residential area with modern houses, a developed network of roads, schools, sports, shopping, cultural centers. In addition, the technopolis should be adjacent to a sufficiently developed city, as well as an airport or railway junction.

A new form of cooperation between industrial firms and universities is science park. Idea: industrial companies create their own research organizations and enterprises near universities, which attract university personnel to work on orders from firms. In turn, researchers have the opportunity to practically apply the results of their research. This new form of cooperation between industry and science creates new jobs.

Also, along with the science park, Table 15 presents new organizational forms of innovation.

Table 15

New organizational forms of innovation

New organizational forms of innovation

Main characteristics

Founding Center

It is a new organizational form of innovation, a territorial community of newly created organizations, mainly manufacturing and manufacturing services, which has common administrative buildings, a management and consulting system

Innovation center

Conducts joint research with firms, training students, organizes new commercial companies. The innovative projects carried out at the center are applied research. If the project is brought to the stage when the feasibility of implementing the results obtained has been proven, it is financed under a program whose ultimate goal is to organize a new company. Along with scientific and technical assistance, the center takes over the financing of a new company at the stage of its formation, as well as the selection of managers

Industrial Center


The aim is to promote the introduction of innovations in mass production. This is achieved by conducting appropriate expertise, scientific research and providing advice to industrial firms, especially small ones, as well as individual inventors in the development of scientific and technical innovations.

University Industrial Center

It is formed at universities to combine the financial resources of industrial firms and the scientific potential (human and technical) of universities. Such centers conduct mainly basic research in the areas in which the participating firms are interested.

Engineering Centers

Universities are created on the basis of large universities with financial support from the government to stimulate the development of new technologies. They carry out a study of the fundamental laws underlying the engineering design of fundamentally new artificial systems that do not exist in nature. Such research does not supply the industry with a development ready for implementation, but a theory within a specific area of \u200b\u200bengineering, which can then be applied to solve specific production problems. Another function aims to train a new generation of engineers with the necessary qualifications and broad scientific and technical horizons. The organizational structure of the centers provides not only creative cooperation of engineers directly at each stage of work, but also the participation of business representatives in management at all levels

Industrial yard

It is a territorial community of mainly small and medium-sized organizations located in the same complex of buildings, managed by a parent company

The close interweaving of cooperation and competition in recent decades has manifested itself in the organization of inter-firm cooperation within the framework of strategic alliances and coalitions. It is advisable to carry out major technological breakthroughs in social production on the basis of interfirm scientific and technical cooperation, which is highly effective. Interfirm cooperation is typical for alliances, consortia, joint ventures .

Entrepreneurial associations, strategic alliances and coalitions are the most attractive in the economy "soft" associated "metastructures". They are considered not only as the cheapest and most effective way to combine joint efforts. In the organization of "soft metastructures", the most important is their orientation towards the improvement and development of basic principles and fundamental ideas in production. Competing members of "soft groups" test innovations from different sides, while partner efforts contribute to the concentration of resources in the most important direction.

One of the most important forms of "soft metastructures" is strategic alliances. Their goal is to activate the channels for improving production and transfer of new technologies, as well as the implementation of complementary functions in the conduct of scientific research and the implementation of their results. Of particular importance are strategic alliances in the form of joint research and production activities through technology transfer, as well as in the form of consortia.

Strategic alliances in knowledge-intensive industries (in the production of robots, automated production lines, microelectronics) cover several or all stages of the R&D reproductive cycle. This does not interfere with a wide variety of types of cooperative agreements on joint scientific activities within individual stages of the life cycle. Another feature of strategic alliances is the special attention paid to the technological preparation of production and the development of innovations.

The fact is that large companies are often faced with a low sensitivity of the existing production apparatus to accept innovations. Here the bottleneck becomes the stage of introduction and production of the first industrial design. For the reasons stated, large companies willingly use the form of an alliance with a small specialized implementation business.

Strategic alliances are faced with the tasks of carrying out a complex of scientific research, finding and training relevant specialists, finding financial resources, organizing laboratories, implementation centers, departments for testing and controlling product quality. As market demands become more stringent and demand diversifies, the alliance's field of activity extends to related and related industries. Diversified alliances have a great advantage over other financial and industrial groups, it is based on the selective ability to maintain a competitive advantage in the market, on the one hand, and on the successful development of promising areas for capital investment, on the other.

A promising type of inter-firm integration is consortia. Designed to integrate all stages of the innovation cycle, they are usually created for active research, industrial and foreign economic activity. An example is the Russian Aviation Consortium.

Consortia of two types are most widespread on the world market in the field of innovation. Consortia of the first type are focused on carrying out their own long-term research projects of a fundamental and applied nature. They arise in high-tech industries with predictable long-term success (eg communications, telecommunications). The second type of consortia is aimed mainly at priority scientific research of an intersectoral plan. Future market success is not yet fully outlined here, but scientific research is part of the core scientific and technological policy of corporations and the state.

For example, such consortia were created in the United States to study solid state physics, the phenomenon of superconductivity, and research on artificial intelligence. They are created to stimulate R&D "on the side", based on the largest laboratories of universities and research centers. Dozens of the largest corporations provide financial support and control over the results of such consortia in the United States and Japan. This is determined by the importance of innovative development.

Along with a strategic alliance, one of the forms of inter-firm cooperation is financial and industrial groups (FIG) ... The main principles of the creation of FIGs include their purposeful formation on the basis of technologically and cooperatively related industrial organizations, which provides improved manageability, reduced production costs, joint responsibility under contracts and stability of supplies. The key factors for the success of the organizational and economic interaction of FIG participants with financial institutions is the establishment and development of holding and trust (trust) relations, as well as the prevention of negative monopolistic tendencies due to the concentration of capital. Integration of scientific, industrial, financial and trade and marketing organizations as subjects of the main activity of FIGs is ensured by a systematic approach to their functioning in market conditions of management. A systematic approach allows you to preserve the integrity of such organizational structures, to counteract the effects of external and internal destabilizing factors. The economic substantiation of projects for the creation of FIGs is based on an examination of the potential efficiency of future joint activities of the merged organizations, an assessment of the product market, employment, and environmental safety. The efficiency of FIGs directly depends on the level of risk in the creation of science-intensive and competitive products. Therefore, insurance institutions are also included in the structure of FIGs, which makes it possible to skillfully manage the existing risks in innovative activities in fairly large organizational formations.

On the territory of Russia there are about 5 thousand organizations focused on supporting innovative entrepreneurship. Important scientific centers and technoparks are located in Zelenograd, Obninsk, Dubna, Novosibirsk, Arzamas, Krasnoyarsk, Protvin, Pushchin, etc.

On the example of innovation centers, technoparks and technopolises, the importance of innovation infrastructure is especially noticeable, which contributes to the entry of science into the market environment, the development of entrepreneurship in the scientific and technical sphere and the increase in the economic efficiency of innovations. The likelihood of commercial success of innovations increases dramatically due to the formation of special institutions, organizations and systems for ensuring the innovation process, formed into a single innovation sphere.

The innovation infrastructure plays a central role in the innovation sphere, which is the organizational, material, informational, financial and credit base for creating conditions conducive to the efficient allocation of funds and the provision of services for the development of innovation.

The state of the innovation infrastructure is closely related to the economic growth model and the level of technological development of the national economy. The innovative model of economic growth inherent in the most developed countries is characterized by an increase in the role of immaterial, innovative and informational growth factors, as well as by the rapid development of the sphere of knowledge-intensive services. In such countries, the development of an innovative structure is based on the creation of a network of consulting, engineering, information, telecommunications services, etc.

The leading role in the innovation infrastructure, in addition to scientific, state and public institutions, is played by investment institutions that contribute to the accumulation of financial and investment resources and diversification of the risks of innovation. The most important investment institutions here are insurance companies, non-state pension funds, investment banks, investment and venture funds, financial and investment companies.

The plurality of organizational forms of innovation at the state, regional and other levels is one of the features of innovation management.

TO in-house organizational entities innovative activities include brigade innovation, temporary creative teams, risky divisions associated with corporate business. The process of formation of innovation units is aimed at supporting intra-firm entrepreneurship and is an important condition for its activation, in particular, when branches with progressive ideas of innovation are created within old firms. In addition, this kind of small innovative entrepreneurship can be carried out on the basis of the creation of venture risk firms in contact with venture funds.

Entrepreneurs and managers, specialists from different branches of knowledge, performers of various functions are involved in innovation activities. Specific practice has developed a number of equally specific types and roles of innovators, leaders, and performers. Such typical carriers stand out role functions in the process of innovations as “entrepreneurs” and “intrapreneurs”, “generators of ideas”, “information gatekeepers”, etc. (Table 16).

Table 16

Typical Personnel Innovation Roles

Main characteristics


A key figure in innovative management. This is, as a rule, an energetic leader who supports and promotes new ideas, perhaps his own, who is not afraid of increased risk and uncertainty, is capable of actively looking for non-standard solutions and overcoming difficulties. The entrepreneur is also characterized by specific personality traits: intuition, dedication to an idea, initiative, the ability to take risks and overcome bureaucratic obstacles. The entrepreneur is focused on solving external problems: creating an organization operating in the external environment; coordination of the firm's services in external activities; interaction with subjects of the external innovative environment: market promotion of a new product; search and formulation of the need for new developments and new products. Therefore, the entrepreneur holds positions such as the head of the new product division, the project manager. There are not many entrepreneurs in the organization


An equally important figure in innovative management. There should be substantially more intrapreneurs in the organization. This is a specialist and leader focused on internal innovation problems, on internal innovative entrepreneurship. Its tasks include organizing numerous brainstorming sessions, initial search for new ideas, creating an atmosphere of employee involvement in the innovation process and providing a “critical mass” of innovators so that the company can be considered innovative as a whole. As a rule, this is the leader of a group that is distinguished by increased creative activity.

"Idea's generator"

This is a different type of innovative staff. Its characteristic features include the ability to develop a large number of original proposals in a short time, to change the field of activity and the subject of research, the desire to solve complex problems, and independence in judgment. "Generators of ideas" can be not only leading scientists and specialists who put forward new proposals, but also engineers, skilled workers, specialists of functional services who come up with so-called "secondary" innovations. The traditional practice of informally identifying "idea generators" can be supported by organizational decisions: outstanding innovators are awarded the titles of "idea generators" with appropriate incentives and benefits, their activity affects career advancement

"Information gatekeepers"

They are located at the nodal points of communication networks, accumulate and transfer specialized information, control the flows of scientific, technical, commercial and other messages. They accumulate and disseminate the latest knowledge and best practices, "feed" creative research with information at different stages of creating new products or carrying out organizational and economic changes in the company

"Business Angels"

Persons acting as investors in risky projects. Typically, these are retirees or senior company employees. Using them as a source of funding has several advantages. Their loans are much cheaper, as they do not have overhead costs, unlike risk funds. Practical activities leadersmainly forms four main archetypes: "leader", "administrator", "planner", "entrepreneur". All of them are necessary for the successful innovative activities of the company.

Plays its specific role in the development and implementation of design innovative solutions. The desire for something new, foreseeing the course of business, the ability to communicate with people, the ability to recognize the potential of each person and interest him in the full use of this potential are especially appreciated here.


Engaged in planning, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of an investment project. In conditions when the successful functioning of the company and the innovative project at the implementation stage requires tight control and extrapolation planning (i.e. planning for the future on the assumption that current development trends will continue in the future), the emphasis in the requirements for the leader is placed on his ability to evaluate the efficiency of the company, and not on personal qualities


Seeks to optimize the future activities of the firm by concentrating the main resources in the traditional areas of the firm's activities and directing the firm to achieve its goals


Although oriented towards the future, it differs from the "planner" in that it seeks to change the dynamics of the firm's development, rather than extrapolate its past performance. While the "planner" optimizes the future of the company in the area of \u200b\u200bits current activities, the "entrepreneur" is looking for new directions of activity and opportunities to expand the company's product range.

Innovation activity presupposes the presence of an innovation infrastructure, which includes both market and non-market organizations, firms, associations, covering the entire cycle from the generation of new scientific and technical ideas and their development to the release and sale of science-intensive products, which is a set of interrelated and mutually complementary systems and their corresponding organizational elements, necessary and sufficient for the effective implementation of these activities.

Of course, the listed examples do not exhaust all possible organizational forms of innovation. In the process of building the potential for innovative development in Russia, it is obvious that the quantity and quality of such forms will increase.


Innovation management is a special area of \u200b\u200bmanagement activity. The object of management is an innovative process that is a complex organizational system. The subjects of innovation are organizations (enterprises), customers, performers of work on an innovative project, etc.

Organizational structures for innovation management are organizations engaged in innovation, research and development.

In Russia, five types of innovative organizations:

· Institutes specialized in fundamental research in a particular field of science;

· Research institutes - industry organizations specialized in applied research, responsible for the development of a particular industry;

· Design, design, technological organizations, institutes - industry organizations specialized in design, technological, design or organizational development;

· Installation and commissioning (commissioning) departments and research centers specialized in the development of developments;

· Institutes of scientific and technical information and other organizations involved in the dissemination of innovations.

In modern conditions, there has been a reorganization of existing scientific organizations and the emergence of new forms of organization of innovative activities for Russia.

Venture capital firms - temporary organizational structures engaged in the development of scientific ideas and their transformation into new technologies and products and created for the purpose of testing, finalizing and bringing to industrial implementation of "risky" innovations. These organizations are distinguished by a small number of personnel, high scientific potential, flexibility and purposeful activity.

Conducting scientific research, especially of an exploratory nature, is associated with significant risk, therefore, the capital that finances them is called risk (venture) capital. Hence the name - "venture capital enterprises (organizations)". A feature of venture capital organizations is that the main sphere of their functioning is knowledge-intensive industries (new communications, electronics, bioengineering, computer science, chemistry).

Venture organizations are created on a contractual basis at the expense of legal entities or individuals, loans, private and public investments. Investing in venture capital firms is characterized by a number of features:

Funds are provided for a long time on a non-repayable basis and without guarantees, so investors take great risks;

Equity participation of the investor in the authorized capital of the company. This means that venture capital is not considered as a loan, but as a share contribution to the authorized capital of a venture capital organization, depending on the share of participation;

Participation of the investor (investors) in the management of the established venture capital organization. At the same time, investors provide various services (management, information, consulting, etc.).

Venture organizations can be of two types: independent, performing work on order and on their own initiative; relatively independent, created as part of large associations (companies), the so-called internal ventures. In the second case, the divisions gain independence in the choice of research areas, organization of work, and the formation of enterprise personnel. Internal ventures are usually created by decision of the management of a large company (association) and have legal and budgetary independence.

The most widespread venture business is in the United States. In Western Europe, a significant leap in venture capital emerged in the 70s. XX century and began to develop rapidly in Holland, Germany, Italy and other countries.

Engineering firms represent the link connecting innovation and production. The main areas of activity of engineering firms:

1) assessment of the likely significance of the commercial environment, utility model, invention;

2) technical forecasting of an innovative idea;

3) completion of the innovation to industrial implementation;

4) provision of services during the implementation of the development object;

5) commissioning work.

Engineering firms, uniting in associations, carry out coordinating actions in relation to their clients. They bring together the necessary specialists and resources to develop innovative technologies and form venture capital organizations for these purposes.

Implementation firms specialize in the introduction of unused patents by technology owners, promotion of licenses to the market, bringing inventions to industrial condition, production of small batches of products with the subsequent sale of licenses.

Profitcenters Is a temporary target association of scientists from several related branches of science and technology, as well as managers for solving specific scientific and technical or production problems, for example, for the development and production of new types of products.

Financial and Industrial Group (FIG) - a set of legal entities acting as main subsidiaries, either fully or partially combining tangible and intangible assets of soybeans on the basis of an agreement on the establishment of FIGs in order to implement investment and other projects and programs.

Allocate two way of organizing FIG: voluntary and directive.

The main forms of organization of FIG are the holding and participation system. Holding as a form of organization, FIG assumes the presence of parent and subsidiary companies, where the parent company owns a controlling stake in subsidiaries. Such a form of organization of FIGs is being created through the acquisition or creation of new subsidiaries.

Participation system as a form of organization of FIGs involves the mutual penetration of the capital of companies, i.e. cross-shareholding by group members. A central company is created, which, in accordance with the agreement concluded between its participants, disposes of property and income, carries out any legal actions.

Advantages of creating a FIG:

· Mutual assistance of enterprises, members of FIGs;

· Expanding the field of activity and increasing the initial capital;

· Creation of a powerful material, financial and scientific base;

· The possibility of renewal by enterprises of constantly aging production assets;

· Expanding the ability to manufacture and sell products;

· Maintenance and acceleration of scientific and technological development of enterprises.

FIG structure is largely determined by the nature of integration, which can be built on a horizontal, vertical or mixed type.

Horizontal (sectoral) integration principle effective for supporting enterprises with a small or medium innovation cycle and realizing their technological potential, accelerating the implementation of scientific developments (chemical, forestry).

Vertical Integration Principle used for conveyor production enterprises (automobile, aviation industry). The creation of FIGs with the participation of such enterprises provides them with an opportunity to strengthen their positions in the foreign market, but such an association may lead to increased monopoly on the domestic market.

When mixed type of integration the tasks of ensuring the innovation cycle of creating a complex science-intensive product are being solved. Initially, FIGs in economically developed countries were based on horizontal and vertical integration. Over time, integration based on diversification has become typical, when enterprises of various industries are merged into FIGs based on the merger or acquisition of one company by another.

Progressive forms of organizing innovative activities are technoparks... They support the development of innovation and facilitate the transfer of off-the-shelf scientific and technological innovations to the market. The main function of technoparks is to integrate science and business. For the first time, technoparks appeared abroad. Thus, the first technopark was created in the 1950s at Stanford University (USA).

The Technopark is a legal entity and is created in accordance with applicable law. This is not a charitable organization, its services are paid for either by interested firms or sponsors. The financial result of the technopark's activities is the profit from the implementation of the results of scientific and design work, which belongs to its organizers in accordance with the adopted charter.

Almost all technoparks are formed on the initiative of the state with the involvement of private firms, which are only allowed to be financed. The state finances only those research projects that are associated with increasing the competitiveness of national firms in the world market.

There are the following main types of technoparks: scientific, technological, business incubators, technopolises.

Main function science park - carrying out theoretical, fundamental and applied research. For knowledge-intensive firms at different stages of development and limited in financial and material resources, the park provides an opportunity to conduct scientific research for a fairly long time. Science parks can be specialized (as a rule, this is due to the complexity of experimental equipment and the object of research and development) or multidisciplinary (due to the presence and compatibility of research objects on the same territory for industries with a high level of technology). Science parks have three main objectives:

Initiation of original scientific ideas that can lead to a breakthrough in engineering and technology;

Implementation of the accelerated transfer of scientific and technical knowledge from universities and research institutes to industry;

Improving the quality of training of university graduates through their active participation in research and development, obtaining and applying new knowledge.

Technological park is a research and production complex that ensures the development of technologies, their transformation into a commercial product and transfer to production, testing and certification of products, after-sales service, expert assessment of technologies. In addition, the technology park creates a favorable environment for the development of small innovative firms. The technology park consists of various centers (research, marketing, training centers, etc.). Each of them implements a specific set of services.

Business incubators are complex multidisciplinary complexes and are designed to educate and support small businesses, provide them with innovative services and staff training. Business incubators are created by large companies, local authorities, government departments, and private foundations.

The business incubator supports companies that overcome the pre-launch period for a strictly limited time (incubation period 2-3 years). At the end of the incubation period, the innovative client company leaves the incubator and starts independent activities. Newly emerging high-tech firms are under the tutelage of a business incubator, using its help, while remaining economically and legally independent. The peculiarity of the business incubator is that it does not finance the firms it takes care of.

Typically, potential entrepreneurs have a vague understanding of economics and business organization. In this case, a business incubator comes to the rescue, carrying out the selection, reception, placement and support of start-up entrepreneurs and companies.

Technopolis is a research and production complex, created on the basis of a separate small town with a developed infrastructure and providing its life.

When creating a technopolis, local authorities are interested in solving local problems. Therefore, in the process of creating a technopolis, regional peculiarities must be taken into account. This is manifested in the following: a habitat is formed; the level of wages in the area surrounding the technopolis rises; favorable conditions are created for researchers, etc. Basically, technopolises are attended by large companies interested in research and development of new firms. As a rule, technopolises are associated with electronics, biotechnology, informatics, high-precision engineering, etc.

The concept of organizational forms for the implementation of innovations

Innovative activity of one or another orientation and degree of novelty in one volume or another is carried out in all spheres of society and sectors of the national economy, within enterprises and institutions of various types, as well as by a large number of individual citizens acting as individuals, employees of enterprises of various types, as well as innovators, inventors, authors and co-authors of intellectual products and innovations.

However, the overwhelming share of innovations is created within the framework of individual entrepreneurship, independent or included in larger enterprises and associations, working mainly in the field of science, as well as in various sectors of the national economy. IP creates intellectual products, innovations, which ensure scientific, technical, social and economic progress in society.

The organizational form of the implementation of innovations should be understood as a complex of enterprises, a separate enterprise or their subdivisions, characterized by a certain hierarchical organizational structure and a management mechanism corresponding to the specifics of innovation processes, providing a justification for the need for innovations, identifying the main ideas of their creation, defining and using technology and organizing innovative processes for the purpose of practical implementation of innovations. Organizational forms of individual entrepreneurs working in the field of science and ensuring the implementation of a complex or individual stages of creating innovations include its various subdivisions

responsibly to their target functions. In the practice of the development of science and technology and their connection with the production and implementation of innovations, various organizational forms of enterprises are used, which differ:

· The specifics of the innovations being created (new technology, new technologies, new materials, economic and organizational solutions, etc.);

· The breadth of coverage of the innovation process (design work, pilot production, development, implementation);

· The level of management (international, republican, sectoral, regional, associations of enterprises, enterprises and divisions);

· Territorial distribution of subdivisions (in different geographic and economic regions or in the same area);

· The form of hierarchical relationships between enterprise subdivisions (vertical, horizontal, mixed);

· The form of ownership prevailing at the enterprise (state, municipal, joint stock, mixed, private).

Types of innovative enterprises in the field of science and technology

In all highly developed countries, small research businesses use such organizational forms of chspin-off (offspring firms), investment funds and venture capital firms (risky capital firms).

Firms, "spin-off" (offshoot firms, spun off from universities, independent institutes, government research centers and special laboratories of large industrial corporations) are small innovative firms organized for the commercial implementation of scientific and technological advances obtained in the course of execution of large non-civil projects (military developments, space programs, etc.).

The experience of functioning of spin-off firms is especially important for us, since the multibillion-dollar costs of the military-industrial and space

the first complexes of Russia practically did not give anything to the civil industry, and the scientific and technical achievements obtained are separated from the potential consumers of the steppe secrecy. Under the conditions of conversion, one cannot do without creating a special mechanism for the "utilization" of military and space achievements, where an important role belongs to small organizational forms of the "spin-off" type.

Another organizational form of implementation of innovations directly related to small research business is investment funds. These funds differ from the innovative banks that have appeared in our country in that most often their activities are not commercial, but philanthropic in nature, with the goal of financial support of both small innovative firms and individual individual inventors. The foundation emphasizes its non-profit orientation with a preference for developments with a high risk of failure.

The American practice of organizing exploratory research has given rise to a peculiar form of entrepreneurship - risky (venture) business.

The venture business is represented by independent small firms specializing in research, development, and production of new products. They are created by research scientists, engineers, innovators. Venture firms operate at the stages of growth and saturation of inventive activity and the still continuing, but already declining activity of scientific research.

Venture capital firms can be subsidiaries of larger firms.

Ventures can be of two types:

Actually a risky business;

Internal risky projects of large corporations.

In turn, a risky business is represented by two main types of economic entities:

· Independent small innovative firms;

· Financial institutions providing them with capital.

Small innovative firms are founded by scientists, engineers, inventors who strive to implement the latest achievements of science and technology with the expectation of material benefits. The initial capital of such firms may be the personal savings of the founder, but they are usually insufficient to implement those who have ideas. In such situations, you have to contact one or more specialized financial companies that are ready to provide risk capital.

The specificity of risky entrepreneurship lies primarily in the fact that funds are provided on a non-repayable, interest-free basis, and the usual collateral for lending is not required. The resources transferred to the disposal of the venture capital firm are not subject to withdrawal during the entire term of the contract. In essence, the financial institution becomes a co-owner of the innovator firm, and the funds provided become a contribution to the authorized capital of the enterprise, part of the latter's own funds.

Internal ventures. They are small divisions organized to develop and produce new types of science-intensive products and are endowed with significant autonomy within large corporations. Within the stipulated time frame, the internal venture capitalist must develop the innovation and prepare the new product or product for launch into mass production. As a rule, this is the production of a product unconventional for a given company.

Widespread forms of IP association for solving complex problems of survival and development in market conditions are: scientific unions and funds, including investment funds; associations and consortia; technology parks (science, innovation, ecological, conversion, technology villages and business parks); incubators that bring together “newborn” scientific, engineering and economic teams of creative young specialists in innovative business centers and incubators.

An incubator is a structure that specializes in creating favorable conditions for the emergence

and effective activity of small innovative (venture) firms that implement original scientific and technical ideas.

This is achieved by providing small innovative firms with material (primarily scientific equipment and premises), information, consulting and other necessary services.

The following types of work can be identified in the incubator:

· Examination of innovative projects;

· Search for an investor and, if necessary, provision of guarantees;

· Provision of premises, equipment, pilot production on preferential terms;

· Provision of legal, advertising, informational, consulting and other services on preferential terms.

The incubator does not require budgetary expenditures: self-sufficiency is ensured through its participation in one form or another in the future profits of innovative firms.

The development of incubators of innovative business as the basis and nucleus of future technoparks and technopolises seems to be the optimal tactical measure.

Technopark is a compactly located complex, which, in general, can include scientific institutions, universities and industrial enterprises, as well as information, exhibition complexes, service services and involves the creation of comfortable living conditions.

The functioning of the technopark is based on the commercialization of scientific and technical activities and the acceleration of the advancement of innovations in the sphere of material production.

In large regions of science and advanced technologies, technoparks, innovation incubators, SSC, various joint-stock companies, associations, research enterprises and centers, institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, universities and universities are united into regional research and production complexes (RNPK) - technopolises.

Technopolis is understood to be concentrated in

within one region, a complex of scientific institutions of a fundamental and applied nature, universities, design and implementation organizations, as well as a number of industrial enterprises focused on the basis of innovations.

Technopolis is a structure similar to a technopark, but it includes small cities (settlements), the so-called "science cities", the development of which would be purposefully focused on the scientific and scientific-production complexes located in them.

More on topic 7.2. Organizational forms of innovative enterprises:

  1. 7.2. Enterprise as an economic entity. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises