Scheme of the cyclone for collecting sawdust. Do-it-yourself cyclone from a barrel

About filters.
The cyclone filter does not retain more than 97% of dust. Therefore, additional filters are often added to them. From English, "HEPA" translates as High Efficiency Particulate Air "- a filter for airborne particles.

Agree that even you cannot imagine your life without such necessary equipment as a vacuum cleaner? They cope not only with dust, but also with dirt.

Of course, vacuum cleaners can be used not only at home, but they are also different: rechargeable, washing, pneumatic. As well as automotive, low-voltage industrial, knapsack, gasoline, etc.

The principle of operation of a cyclone vacuum cleaner

James Dyson was the first inventor of the cyclone vacuum cleaner. His first creation was G-Force in 1986.

A little later in the 1990s, he applied for the manufacture of cyclone apparatus and already assembled his center for the creation of vacuum cleaners. In 1993, his first vacuum cleaner, known as the "Dayson DC01", went on sale.
So after all, how does this miracle of a cyclone type work?

It looks like the creator, James Dyson, was a remarkable physicist. Thanks to centrifugal force, it is involved in dust collection.

The device is two-chamber and it is divided into two types - external and internal. The air that swirls inside the dust collector moves upward as if in a spiral.

By law, large dust particles enter the outer chamber, and everything else remains in the inner chamber. And the purified air leaves the dust collector through filters. This is how vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter work.

Vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter, features

Do not opt ​​for those models that require little power. You will definitely not like such cleaning and most likely want to throw away such a device.

Do not waste money in vain, but approach the purchase of a vacuum cleaner more seriously. One has only to contact the sales consultant and he will help you with the choice of one or another vacuum cleaner.

The device should be chosen, which is 20-30% more powerful than a bag vacuum cleaner. It is best to take the one with a power of 1800 watts. Almost all manufacturers of vacuum cleaners produce models with this filter, which is good news.

Advantages of cyclone dust collectors

1.Skazhdym, probably, it happened when you accidentally found the item you needed in the dust collector? Now this is not a problem because it is transparent! And you will always be able to notice the items that you need to get out of there as soon as possible.

This is one of the most important pluses.

2. The power of such vacuum cleaners is maximum and does not slow down the speed and power, even with a clogged container. Cleaning is much more pleasant, power does not drop, cleaning is cleaner.

Such a vacuum cleaner is capable of detaining much more than you imagine. Up to 97%!!! Not likely, right? Although some are dissatisfied with this result, as they prefer vacuum cleaners with a water filter.

3. Buying a cyclone vacuum cleaner not only makes a bargain, but also saves storage space, as its weight is quite light. You don't have to carry heavy things.

4. No need to constantly change paper bags for vacuum cleaner.

5. Power. She is not lost from fullness.

6. It can be washed well with water and dried.

Cons of cyclone dust collectors

1. One of the disadvantages of these vacuum cleaners is not very pleasant. This is washing and cleaning the filter. Of course, you don’t have to clean the container every day with a brush, but still, this is one of the minuses. Laziness is present in every person. Yes, it is certainly unpleasant to face the fact that you need to get your hands dirty.

2. Noise. The noise from this type of vacuum cleaner is much greater than from a conventional one.

3. Power consumption. It is also much higher than from a conventional vacuum cleaner. This is a small tornado.

Buy this little miracle or not, it's up to you. In fact, all its advantages cover those not many of its shortcomings. Cleanliness in the house is much more pleasant than not fully completed tidy, agree?

Personal impressions

Compared to the old vacuum cleaner, the cyclone dust collector looks quite modest in size. It is impossible to believe that such a little one is capable of something serious. Now the old vacuum cleaner can only be used for wet cleaning.

I take out accessories, at the first use, I insert a pipe that is not large in diameter, I turn on the device, and what really surprises me is that the brush cleans carpets much better than my previous assistant.

He cleans everything. Dirt, the hair of our pets. Previously, it was necessary to make no small effort to cope with such “little things now”.

I have laminate flooring in the hallway and it was just as easy to clean. The fact is that I have another brush in stock, harder than the previous one for carpets, so I just coped with this task. You know, and the sound of this vacuum cleaner is not as loud as they wrote about it on the Internet.

I am pleased with this device because it is light and not so loud. I also liked the compartment for storing all the necessary nozzles, it is very convenient that it is built into the vacuum cleaner itself.

Once I knew what this little tornado was capable of, it was time to clean the container. Thank God, when I began to shake out the garbage from the dust collector, it fell in dense large lumps.

Since the debris was tamped down by the air flow. There are no balls of dust to be seen, and it did not rise into the air! So I finished my first cleaning with my cyclone vacuum cleaner. I washed the container and that was the end of the cleaning!

Cyclone for vacuum cleaner photo

All vacuum cleaners are designed for one purpose - cleanliness. This applies to all vacuum cleaners.
Industrial and construction vacuum cleaners are usually used on machine tools or for cleaning any premises. These vacuum cleaners are expensive, since the principle of operation of the cyclone filter vacuum cleaner must be selected carefully.
You should also know that most often industrial devices are used during repair and construction. Keep your work area clean.

DIY cyclone, made of transparent plastic video

Construction work is carried out after its preparation and surface cleaning. As you understand, General cleaning cannot be done with a conventional vacuum cleaner. In other words, it is fraught with damage to the device.
Even small debris, such as: sand, oil, dry mixes, powdered abrasives and wood shavings, is designed only for an industrial vacuum cleaner.
If you suddenly go to choose a vacuum cleaner for construction work, then be sure to specify the types of pollution that it will encounter.
Have you thought about using a vacuum cleaner in repair conditions? Then consider the option of a do-it-yourself cyclone for a vacuum cleaner. There are many examples of how to make this kind of vacuum cleaner.

Do-it-yourself cyclone for a vacuum cleaner

1. In order to make such a vacuum cleaner on your own, you will need a Ural PN-600 vacuum cleaner, a plastic bucket (even out of paint), a pipe 20 cm long and 4 cm in diameter.
2. The nameplate is also unscrewed, and the holes must be sealed.
3. The pipe is quite thick and will not fit into the hole, so you need to grind off the rivets with a grinder and remove the pipe fasteners. Before that, remove the springs with clamps. Wrap electrical tape around the plug and insert onto the plug.
4. At the bottom, make a hole with a drill in the middle. Then expand it to 43 mm with a special tool.
5. Gaskets with a diameter of 4 mm are cut out to seal it.
6. Then you need to fold everything, the bucket lid, gasket, centering pipe.
7. Now we need self-tapping screws 10 mm long and 4.2 mm in diameter. Self-tapping screws will need 20 pieces.
8. From the side of the bucket, cut a hole along the suction pipe. The cutout angle should be 10-15 degrees.
9. We try on and edit the shape of the hole using special scissors that cut through metal.
10. Do not forget that you also need to try on inside. Also leave strips for self-tapping screws from the inside.
11. With a marker, mark the hole in the bucket and cut off the excess material with scissors. Fasten the pipe from the outside to the bucket.
12. To seal everything, use a 30x bandage. From an ordinary first aid kit and glue like "titanium" for foam. Wrap the bandage around the nozzle and saturate with glue. Preferably more than once!
13. While the glue dries, you can check how this vacuum cleaner will work. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and load it by blocking the nozzle with your palm. When checking the operation of the vacuum cleaner, the sealing process and connection with the nozzle are improved. It is unlikely that he will soon become obsolete.
14. Vacuum cleaner is best stored in a case.

Wood has always been considered an environmentally friendly and safe material. Fine wood dust generated during the processing of a wooden blank is not as harmless as it might seem. Its inhalation does not contribute to the saturation of the body with useful microelements. Accumulating in the lungs and upper respiratory tract (and wood dust is not processed by the body), it slowly but effectively destroys the respiratory system. Large chips constantly accumulate near machines and working tools. It is better to remove it immediately, without waiting for the appearance of insurmountable blockages in the carpentry space.

In order to maintain the necessary level of cleanliness in the home carpentry, you can buy an expensive exhaust system, consisting of a powerful fan, cyclone, chip eliminators, a chip container and auxiliary elements. But the users of our portal are not one of those who are used to buying what they can do with their own hands. Using their experience, anyone can assemble an exhaust system that will meet the needs of a small home workshop.

Sawdust vacuum cleaner

Chip blower using a conventional household vacuum cleaner is the most budget option of all existing solutions. And if you manage to use your old cleaning assistant, who, out of pity, has not yet been thrown into the trash, then your inherent frugality has once again served you in good stead.


My vacuum cleaner is more than fifty years old (brand - "Uralets"). Completely copes with the role of a chip cutter. He is heavy only, like my sins, but he can not only suck, but also blow. Sometimes I take advantage of this opportunity.

By itself, a household vacuum cleaner installed in a place of honor in the workshop as a chip blower will be useless. And the main reason for this is that the volume of the bag (container) for collecting dust is too small. That is why between the vacuum cleaner and the machine there must be an additional unit of the exhaust system, consisting of a cyclone and a volumetric tank for collecting sawdust.


The easiest installationvacuum cleaner and cyclone. Moreover, the vacuum cleaner can be used at home. Instead of a cyclone (cylindrical cone), a separating cover can be used.

DIY sawdust vacuum cleaner

The scheme of the chip blower we are considering is extremely simple.

The device consists of two main modules: a cyclone (pos. 1) and a chip container (pos. 2). The principle of its operation is as follows: with the help of a vacuum cleaner, a vacuum is created in the cyclone chamber. Due to the pressure difference inside and outside the device, sawdust, together with air and dust, enters the internal cavity of the cyclone. Here, under the action of inertial and gravity forces, mechanical suspensions are separated from the air flow and fall into the lower container.

Consider the design of the device in more detail.


The cyclone can be made in the form of a cover that is installed on top of the storage tank, or you can simply combine these two modules. To begin with, consider the second option - a cyclone made in the body of the chip container.

First of all, we should purchase a tank with a suitable volume.

ForceUser FORUMHOUSE user,

Capacity - 65 l. I took it according to the principle - we need volume and convenience while carrying a filled container. This barrel has handles, which is very convenient for cleaning it.

Here is a list of additional items and materials that we will need to assemble the device:

  • Screws, washers and nuts - for fastening the inlet pipe;
  • Segment of a sewer pipe with cuffs;
  • Transitional coupling (from the sewer pipe to the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner);
  • Glue gun.

Do-it-yourself barrel vacuum cleaner: assembly sequence

First of all, a hole is made in the sidewall of the tank for the inlet pipe, which will be located tangentially to the body. The figure shows a view from the outside of the tank.

It is advisable to install the branch pipe in the upper part of the plastic barrel. This will achieve the maximum degree of cleaning.

From the inside, the inlet pipe looks like this.

The gaps between the pipe and the walls of the tank should be filled with assembly sealant.

At the next stage, we make a hole in the lid, insert the adapter there and carefully seal all the cracks around the pipe. Ultimately, the design of the chip blower will look like this.

The vacuum cleaner is connected to the upper outlet of the device, and the pipe that removes the chips from the machine is threaded into the side pipe.

As you can see, the presented design is not equipped with additional filters, which does not greatly affect the quality of air purification.

day_61 FORUMHOUSE User

I made a chip blower based on the theme. The vacuum cleaner "Rocket" with a power of 400 W and a barrel with a volume of 100 liters are taken as a basis. After assembly of the unit, tests were successfully carried out. Everything works as it should: the sawdust is in the barrel, the vacuum cleaner bag is empty. So far, the dust collector has been connected only to the router.

Whatever it was, but the cyclone still cannot detain a certain percentage of wood dust. And in order to bring the degree of purification to the maximum, some users of our portal are thinking about the need to install an additional fine filter. Yes, a filter is needed, but not every filter element will be appropriate.


I think that it is not entirely correct to install a fine filter after a cyclone. Or rather, you need to install it, but you are tormented by cleaning it (you will have to very often). There, just a filter cloth will roll (like a bag in a vacuum cleaner). In my Corvette, the top bag holds the bulk of the fine dust. I see this when I remove the bottom bag to remove sawdust.

A fabric filter can be created by attaching a frame to the top cover of the cyclone and covering it with a dense material (can be a tarpaulin).

The main task of the cyclone is to remove sawdust and dust from the working area (from the machine, etc.). Therefore, the quality of air flow cleaning from fine suspensions plays a secondary role in our case. And, given that the standard dust collector installed in the vacuum cleaner will certainly retain the remaining debris (not filtered by the cyclone), we will achieve the required degree of cleaning.

Cyclone cover

As we have already said, the cyclone can be made in the form of a cover that will be put on the storage tank. A working example of such a device is shown in the photo.

The point of the log FORUMHOUSE User

The design should be clear from the photographs. The plastic was soldered with an ordinary soldering iron using a fine steel mesh. The cyclone is quite effective: when filling a barrel of 40 liters, no more than a glass of garbage accumulated in the vacuum cleaner bag.

Despite the fact that this cyclone is part of a home-made construction vacuum cleaner, it can be successfully introduced into the design of a carpentry chip blower.

sawdust pipeline

Hoses connected to a chip extractor are best purchased from a vacuum cleaner. A plastic pipeline with smooth inner walls can be laid along the wall. It will connect the machine to the suction pipe of the cyclone.

A certain danger is static electricity, which is generated during the movement of sawdust through a plastic pipe: sticking of sawdust to the walls of the pipeline, ignition of wood dust, etc. If you want to neutralize this phenomenon, it is better to do this during the construction of the sawdust pipeline.

Far from all owners of home workshops pay attention to the phenomenon of static electricity inside the sawdust pipeline. But if the design of the chip blower is made in accordance with the rules of fire safety, then a corrugation with a built-in metal conductor should be used as a sawdust line. Connecting such a system to a ground loop will help avoid problems during operation.

alex_k11 FORUMHOUSE User

Plastic pipes must be grounded. Hoses should be taken with a wire, otherwise static accumulates very strongly.

And here is a solution for dealing with static electricity in plastic pipes that one of the FORUMHOUSE users suggests: wrap the plastic pipe with foil and connect it to the ground loop.

Exhaust devices

The design of devices that remove chips directly from the working bodies of carpentry equipment depends on the characteristics of the machines themselves. Therefore, products made of plastic, plywood and other suitable materials can be used as exhaust elements.

In order to solve this problem, the body of the tank can be equipped with a metal frame, or several metal hoops of a suitable diameter can be inserted inside (as suggested by the user alex_k11). The design will turn out to be more cumbersome, but absolutely reliable.

Chip blower for multiple machines

The system based on a household vacuum cleaner has a small capacity. Therefore, it can only serve one machine at a time. In other words, if there are several machines, the suction pipe will have to be connected to them one by one. It is also possible to install a chip blower centrally. But in order for the suction power not to fall, idle machines should be disconnected from the general system using gates (flaps).

Recently, I have become interested in working with wood and the question of removing chips and sawdust has become very acute. So far, the issue of cleaning the workplace is being solved with a home vacuum cleaner, but it quickly clogs and stops sucking. You have to shake out the bag often. In search of a solution to the problem, I reviewed many pages on the Internet and found something. As it turned out, quite workable dust collectors can be made from improvised materials.

Mini vacuum cleaner from a plastic bottle

Here is another mini venturi vacuum cleaner idea
such a vacuum cleaner works from forced air.

Venturi effect

The Venturi effect is the drop in pressure when a liquid or gas flows through a constricted portion of a pipe. This effect is named after the Italian physicist Giovanni Venturi (1746-1822).


The Venturi effect is a consequence of the Bernoulli law, which corresponds to the Bernoulli equation, which determines the relationship between the speed v liquid, pressure p in it and height h, on which the considered fluid element is located, above the reference level:

where is the density of the liquid, and is the free fall acceleration.

If the Bernoulli equation is written for two flow sections, then we will have:

For a horizontal flow, the middle terms on the left and right sides of the equation are equal to each other, and therefore cancel, and the equality takes the form:

that is, with a steady horizontal flow of an ideal incompressible fluid in each of its sections, the sum of the piezometric and dynamic pressures will be constant. To fulfill this condition, in those places of the flow where the average fluid velocity is higher (that is, in narrow sections), its dynamic head increases, and the hydrostatic head decreases (and hence the pressure decreases).

The Venturi effect is observed or used in the following objects:
  • in hydraulic jet pumps, in particular in tankers for products of the oil and chemical industries;
  • in burners that mix air and combustible gases in a grill, gas stove, Bunsen burner and airbrushes;
  • in Venturi tubes - narrowing elements of Venturi flowmeters;
  • in Venturi flowmeters;
  • in water aspirators of the ejector type, which create small vacuums using the kinetic energy of tap water;
  • atomizers (sprayers) for spraying paint, water or air aromatization.
  • carburetors, where the Venturi effect is used to draw gasoline into the inlet air stream of an internal combustion engine;
  • in automated swimming pool cleaners that use water pressure to pick up sediment and debris;
  • in oxygen masks for oxygen therapy, etc.

And now let's look at the samples that can take their rightful place in the workshop.

Ideally, I would like to get something similar to a cyclone filter, but from improvised materials:

Homemade chip separator.

The principle is the same, but made much simpler:

But this option I liked the most, as it is a reduced analogue of an industrial cyclone:


Since I don’t have a traffic cone, I decided to stop at just such a structure, assembled from plastic sewer pipes. A definite plus is the availability and cheapness of the material for assembling the structure:

Homemade cyclone from plastic sewer pipes

Please pay attention to the mistake that the master made. The garbage collection pipe should be located like this:

In this case, the desired vortex will be created.
The following video shows a similar design in action:

And finally, a slightly modified version:

In the process of various construction and repair work in the premises, it is often necessary to clean up construction debris. It is not recommended to use a conventional vacuum cleaner for this purpose, since there is a high probability of failure of the filter, or even the entire vacuum cleaner. For this purpose, a construction vacuum cleaner is used, which is designed specifically for such work.

Consider what a construction (industrial) vacuum cleaner is and its main differences from a household one.

The power of a construction vacuum cleaner is several times greater than that of a household one and can reach 4 kW. Thanks to this, it is easy to remove construction debris, both small and large. With it, you can easily remove cement dust, plaster fragments, various fragments and sand, etc. The body of an industrial vacuum cleaner is mainly made of metal.

The vacuum cleaner has a reinforced filtration system. The motor of such a vacuum cleaner is able to work for a long time and withstand heavy loads, thanks to a special cooling system. The volume of the dust collector of a construction vacuum cleaner is much larger than a conventional vacuum cleaner. All construction vacuum cleaners have an outlet for connecting power tools.

Such a vacuum cleaner is more expensive than usual, so many craftsmen try to make a construction vacuum cleaner with their own hands, remaking a household vacuum cleaner, and often encounter certain difficulties.

This article contains the most successful technical solutions on how to convert a household vacuum cleaner into a construction one. If you have a medium power vacuum cleaner at home, then if you wish, you can turn it into a construction one. Or you can buy an inexpensive vacuum cleaner and upgrade it to an industrial one. To do this, you do not have to redo the vacuum cleaner itself, but you just need to make an external cyclone filter with your own hands. Below, two main options for manufacturing such a filter with and without a cone will be considered.

The description of homemade cyclone filters is given in this article mainly to acquaint you with the general idea and principle of operation of such devices. This means that you, having familiarized yourself with the design, are not obliged to completely repeat it, but you can make various changes to it, or use the basic idea to make a cyclone filter of a completely new design.

Working principle of cyclone filter

The principle of operation of this filter is based on the passage of polluted air through an external device, in which large particles settle in its housing, then the air is cleaned of fine dust, passing through an oil filter, and enters the vacuum cleaner turbine. Thus, already cleaned air from dust and debris enters the vacuum cleaner itself.

Cyclone filter option 1 (without cone)

To make a cyclone filter with your own hands, you will need the following parts and materials:

  • Oil filter. It filters fine dust.
  • Bucket with tight-fitting lid 20 l.
  • Polypropylene elbows designed for water supply systems, and having an angle of 90 and 45 degrees and a diameter of 40 mm - 1 piece.
  • Plumbing pipe, plastic - 1 meter, diameter 40 mm.
  • A piece of corrugated pipe 2 meters long and 40 mm in diameter. It will be required to log into the device.

Manufacturing process

1. In the lid of the bucket, in the center, you need to cut a hole into which a 90-degree corner is inserted, a vacuum cleaner will be connected to it.

2. Coat the cracks with sealant.

3. Cut a hole in the side wall of the bucket and insert a 45 degree corner.

4. A piece of pipe is used to connect the corrugation to the elbow.
5. For a longer filter life, you can pull a piece of nylon tights over it.

6. The filter outlet must be connected to the elbow in the bucket lid.

It is possible that the filter cannot be put on the outlet pipe. For this purpose, you need to come up with some kind of adapter. A piece of corrugation for a plumbing siphon, or a rubber hose of a certain diameter, may be suitable. It is advisable to lubricate all joints with sealant. An oil filter can be purchased at an auto parts store.

It must be borne in mind that when closing the inlet, the bucket may crack. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the bucket, in some way, or provide something like a valve. The main thing is not to rush in this matter, measure all the connections, and then you will succeed.

The above is just one of the options. There are many such structures. Instead of a bucket, plastic barrels are used, there are structures where a fan pipe plays the role of a bucket. Many craftsmen make their own containers from tin or thin iron.

Some inventors design a cyclone filter using a cone. This design often uses a traffic cone.

Option 2 (using a traffic cone)

You will need the following parts and materials:

  • Road cone (can be purchased at a car dealer).
  • Two meter rods 8 mm.
  • Washers, nuts and lock washers 8 mm.
  • Corrugated tubes with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of about 2 meters - two pieces.

Manufacturing process

  1. At the cone, saw off the stand at the very base. The cone is inserted into the bucket from above upside down. A tube is inserted inside the bucket. The space between the cone and the tube should be filled with construction foam.
  2. Cut out a square from 20 mm thick plywood, so that the base of the cone fits into it and there is still some space left. 4 holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled at the corners of the square. A hole is cut in the center for the tube, a corrugated hose will be put on it, connecting the device to the vacuum cleaner.
  3. The lid for the bucket is sawn from plywood and should fit snugly against the bucket. Glue a rubber gasket around its edges.
  4. A hole is cut in the lid with a diameter for the narrow end of the cone.
  5. After the cone is inserted into the plywood cover, the junction is covered with foam. The cone must be placed upside down on the bucket, and fastened with four threaded rods, having a length of 50 cm and a diameter of 8 mm, they hold a plywood square with a cone screwed to it.
  6. Not far from the base of the cone, in its wide part, a hole is drilled for the tube, for connection with a corrugated hose. Various construction debris will be sucked through it.

The fine filter in this version of the cyclone is not used, so fine dust can enter the vacuum cleaner turbine. When designing such devices, vacuum cleaners with a bag are mainly used. Therefore, fine dust, in case of penetration, settles in the bag.

Options for homemade construction vacuum cleaners with an additional cyclone filter allow craftsmen to test different options without fear of ruining the vacuum cleaner itself, since most of the debris traps the filter.

When making a cyclone filter with your own hands, do not be afraid to experiment, and in the end you will definitely achieve the desired result.

If a person has his own workshop, then one of the most important issues is cleaning the premises. But unlike dusting in an apartment, an ordinary household vacuum cleaner will not help here, since it is not designed for construction waste and sawdust - its garbage tank (dust collector or bag) will clog very quickly and become unusable. Therefore, a home-made cyclone filter is often used, which, together with a household vacuum cleaner, will help clean the workshop.


Wood dust and other technical debris, although it seems harmless at first glance, in fact, they are fraught with many different dangers, both for the master and for the equipment. For example, prolonged work without protective equipment that prevents dust from entering the respiratory system can cause serious complications with the respiratory tract, worsen the sense of smell, etc. In addition, tools that are in the workshop under the influence of dust can quickly fail. This happens because:

  1. dust, mixed with the lubricant inside the tool, forms a mixture that is completely unsuitable for lubricating moving parts, resulting in overheating and further breakage
  2. dust can impede the rotation of the moving parts of the tool, which leads to additional loads, overheating and failure,
  3. dust clogs the air ducts designed to ventilate the heated parts of the tool and remove heat from them, as a result of overheating, deformation and failure again.

Thus, the issue of the quality of removal of sawing products and, in general, cleaning of the premises is very acute. Modern power tools are equipped with systems for removing dust and chips directly from the sawing area, which does not allow dust to spread throughout the workshop. In any case, a vacuum cleaner (or chip blower) is needed for the dust removal process!

There are good industrial vacuum cleaners, and if possible, it is better to choose the best option for price and quality and buy a construction vacuum cleaner.

However, there are times when you already have a household vacuum cleaner and it is easier to upgrade it and solve the problem of collecting construction waste in the room. To do this, you need to use a cyclone filter - it is done in half an hour with all the necessary elements.

Principle of operation

There are a great many different designs of cyclones, but all of them are united by the same principle of operation. All designs of cyclone chip blowers consist of three main parts:

  • household vacuum cleaner
  • Cyclone filter
  • Waste container

Its design is such that the flow of intake air is directed in a circle and its rotational movement is obtained. Accordingly, the construction debris contained in this air stream (these are large and heavy fractions) is affected by centrifugal force, which presses it against the walls of the cyclone chamber and, under the action of gravity, it gradually settles in the tank.

The disadvantage of a cyclone vacuum cleaner is that only dry garbage can be collected in this way, but if there is water in the garbage, then there will be problems when sucking such a substance.

The vacuum cleaner must be powerful enough, since in its normal operation it is supposed to suck air through a standard hose. In the case of using an additional cyclone filter, an additional filter appears in the air path, and the total length of the duct is more than doubled due to the additional duct. Since the design turns out to be as maneuverable as a separate vacuum cleaner, the length of the last hose must be sufficient for comfortable work.

Preparatory work

As mentioned above, you can make a cyclone filter for a workshop in half an hour, but for this you need to check the availability of everything necessary for the production of a chip blower with your own hands, namely: tools, materials and consumables.


The following tools will be needed to carry out the work:

  1. electric drill,
  2. screwdriver,
  3. jigsaw,
  4. compass,
  5. clamps,
  6. crosshead screwdriver,
  7. pencil,
  8. on wood (50-60mm),
  9. kit .

Materials and fasteners

Materials can be used both new and used, so carefully review the list below - you may already have something in stock;

  1. The air duct (hose) for the vacuum cleaner is corrugated or in a textile braid.
  2. A sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 100-150 mm, at one end of which the air duct of your household vacuum cleaner should be inserted.
  3. Sewer outlet 30 or 45 degrees, 100–200 mm long, at one end of which the air duct specified in paragraph 1 will be inserted in the future.
  4. Bucket ("large") plastic 11-26 liters with a hermetically sealed lid.
  5. Bucket ("small") plastic 5-11 liters. Note. It is important that the difference between the two maximum bucket diameters is approximately 60–70 mm.
  6. Sheet 15–20 mm thick. Note. The sheet size must be greater than the maximum diameter of the Big Bucket.
  7. Self-tapping screws for wood with a flat wide head and a length of 2/3 of the thickness.
  8. Gel sealant universal.

Table of standard sizes of round plastic buckets.

Volume, l Cover diameter, mm Height, mm
1,0 125 115
1,2 132 132
2,2 160 150
2,3 175 133
2,6 200 124
3,0 200 139
3,4 200 155
3,8 200 177
3,8 200 177
5,0 225 195
11 292 223
18 326 275
21 326 332
26 380 325
33 380 389

Making a cyclone filter

Creating a homemade chip blower consists of a number of steps:

  1. Creating a retaining ring and curly insert
  2. Retaining ring installation
  3. Installing the side pipe
  4. Setting the top entry
  5. Curly insert installation
  6. Assembling the cyclone filter

Creating a retaining ring and curly insert

It is necessary to cut off the side of the small bucket, which is used to attach the lid. As a result, you should get such a cylinder (well, a little on a cone).

We make the markup - put a small bucket on and draw a line along the edge - we get a circle.

Then we determine the center of this circle (see the school geometry course) and mark out another circle, the radius of which is 30 mm larger than the existing one. Then we mark the ring and the curly insert, as shown in the figure.

Retaining ring installation

We fix the ring on the edge of the small bucket so that we get a rim. Fastening is done with self-tapping screws. It is advisable to pre-drill the holes so as not to split.

We mark the roof of a large bucket. For marking, you need to put the bucket itself on the lid of a large bucket and circle its outline. Marking is best done with a felt-tip pen, as the trace is clearly visible.

It is important to note that all connections must be airtight, respectively, before installing the cover, the connection must be smeared with sealant. You also need to smear the junction of the wooden ring and the small bucket.

Installing the side pipe

The side pipe is made from a sewer outlet of 30 degrees (or 45 degrees). To install it, you need to drill a hole in the top of the small bucket with a crown. Note that the bottom of the small bucket is now the top.

Setting the top entry

To make the top entry, you need to drill a hole in the upper part of the chip cutter (small bucket), that is, in the center of the former bottom.

For a strong fixation of the inlet pipe, it is necessary to use an additional strength element in the form of a square blank made of 20 mm thick with a central hole for a 50 mm pipe.

This workpiece is fastened from below with four self-tapping screws. Before installation, for tightness, the joint must be smeared with sealant.

Curly insert installation

The shaped insert is a very important component of a homemade chip blower, it must be fixed inside the cyclone filter, as shown in the photo.

Assembling the cyclone filter

Then you need to connect the air ducts correctly:

  1. Upper nozzle - to a household vacuum cleaner
  2. Angled elbow entering from the side at an angle - to the hose.

Homemade cyclone vacuum cleaner (chip blower) is ready.


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