How to make a lid on a well with a house. Making decorative covers for a well with your own hands, their types

In the recent past, the most popular protective structure for a well was a house. And this is not surprising, since it not only prevents debris from entering the water, but also serves as a storage for buckets.

At the moment, due to the use of pumps instead of buckets, such buildings have lost their relevance. They have been replaced with lids. These products are arranged quite easily, on the basis of this, they can be fully manufactured independently. We will tell you at the moment how to make a cover for a well.

Manhole cover functions

First of all, let's decide what specific functions our future product should do.

They are as follows:

  • protection of the mine from dust and various foreign objects entering it;
  • prevention of penetration of birds and animals into the well;
  • ensuring the safety of children who can play next to the well - for this, the lid on the well made of wood or other material must close well. In addition, she is obliged to withstand the weight of the child playing on her;
  • Freeze Prevention – The well cover must prevent water from freezing.

Types of well covers

All existing coatings for wells can be divided into a couple of types:

  1. Plastic- are made, in most cases, from polyurethane. It is strong enough, devoid of harmful impurities and has low thermal conductivity. This allows it to be used for insulation purposes. Installation in order for the product not to be complicated: cover on the well made of polyurethane on the upper cement ring;

  1. woody- they are created from oak or pine boards. In the center of the structure, there is usually a rectangular recess equipped with two wings. The appearance in order for the products to eat is very aesthetic. In addition, its price is also attractive;
  1. Cast iron- have a round or square shape. They are attached by means of special bolts to a previously installed concrete element. Pig-iron covers for wells differ in the long term and reliability of work;
  1. metal- their frame and base are made of a profile and steel corners. As a covering material, textolite is used here, which is a fairly durable material;

  1. Concrete- they are installed on the upper ring, or between the upper and subsequent ring. Such structures are deaf or have a hole for installing a hatch.

Advice! Concrete manhole covers must comply with established technical manufacturing standards. Otherwise, their operation will be short-lived and unsafe. Based on this, you should not think about how to fill in the well cover, but it is better to buy it from a certified manufacturer.

Independent creation of manhole covers

wood cover

Before proceeding with the creation of a wooden coating, it is necessary to measure the inner and outer diameters of the upper ring. Having fixed the value of these parameters, we make a crate from the bars. After that, we sheathe it with boards that have grooves on their edges.

Recall that the wooden cover for the well should be double. This will improve its thermal insulation properties.

To create it, you need to make another one of the same coating. It will become the lower element of our product, and the first will be its upper part.

By connecting the details together, we make additional insulation. To do this, we fill the space between the blanks with hay or sawdust.

In the event that well water needs to be extracted using a bucket, it is necessary to make an opening in the lid. This will allow you not to open it always when the water rises.

Along with this, the wooden cover on the well is equipped with one or two flaps. They are opened with the help of installed iron hinges. For the convenience of opening the doors, wooden handles are attached to them.

Advice! Instead of iron hinges, it is possible to use a rubber belt. One of its ends is attached to the opening, and the other - to the shutter element. This will allow you not to spend money on the purchase of fasteners.

Textolite cover and steel corners

The next coating option for the well is a design created using textolite. It is a laminated plastic made up of a binder and fabric.

It is processed with the same tools as wood. Due to the durability of the material, such a polymer cover for a well can last for a very long time.

For this well cover, in addition to steel corners and textolite, we also need a sequence of materials. These are profile pipes, concrete and sealant. In addition, hinges and handles will be needed.

We will take care of the necessary tools in advance.

These include:

  • yardstick;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws and bolts;
  • Bulgarian.

In order to make polymer covers for wells, it is necessary, as in the previous case, to first measure the upper cement ring. We use a measuring tape for this. It will allow you to find the dimensions of the future design.

Then, we take the iron corners of the desired size and make cuts at their ends at an angle of 45 °. In total, we must create four blanks, which are then connected into a frame by welding.

Advice! In order for the resulting iron cover on the well to be sufficiently reliable, the joints of the frame details should be boiled both on one side and on the other.

Having completed the welding work, we clean the traces remaining on the details with the help of a grinder. Then we move on to cutting profile pipes. We carry it out so that the length of the segments taken as a result is 1 cm less than that of the iron corners.

The resulting elements are inserted inside the frame along its perimeter, and crosswise. After that, we fix them by welding. Next, we process the remaining seams with a grinder.

Now we cut out two pages of a suitable size from textolite and fasten them with self-tapping screws. Do not forget to put a heater between the blanks. To eliminate heat loss, the seams are treated with a sealant.

Then, from sheet iron and steel corners, we create a base on which an iron cover for the well will be installed. To do this, we assemble a frame from the corner elements, inside which we install a circle bent from sheet metal.

We put the resulting base on the well and mount the formwork. It is to be poured with concrete. Two or three days after the completion of the pouring, it is possible to start fixing the coating.

This will require iron loops. They are welded or bolted to the base. For the convenience of opening the sash, we attach a handle to it.

This is not the end of our instructions for creating an iron coating. There is one more step that can be considered additional. This is a decoration of the taken design. It can be carried out by various methods, ranging from painting to the installation of flower pots.


The presence of a well cover will prevent foreign objects and dirt from entering the mine. In addition, it will not allow children and animals to access the water source, and will prevent it from freezing in the winter (determine here how to make water from the well into the house).

All such coatings are divided into wood, metal, plastic, concrete and cast iron products. The first two types can be made with your own hands, as described above. Independent creation of a cover will allow you to avoid additional expenses, which can be very significant, especially if a cast-iron well cover is purchased.

An open-air well can be filled with all sorts of rubbish, so a well cover is required to get only clean water for cooking. Here are the main reasons for using a well cover:

  1. Original decoration.
  2. Protection against dust and debris falling from above.
  3. If sunlight enters the well, algae grows there, which worsens the taste of water.
  4. In the cold season, the lid keeps the water from freezing.

Well covers protect water from precipitation and excess debris.

Types of covers for wells and their properties

Use only durable covers for the well, which are clearly sized and must be ventilated. In order for such a structure to be used with ease, it should not weigh too much. The choice of the type of cover is determined by the preferences of the owner of the well, who must take into account all the features of this device.

The lid can be solid or have two flaps, and their shape, in turn, is round or square. There are two ways of fastening the sashes: on hinges or removable. You can choose a plastic cover that allows you to protect the well from insects, since it closes tightly enough.

Wooden wells come with one or two flaps of covers.

The lid must be coated with a fade-resistant paint. When using decorative covers on the well, you should choose reliable and durable products. However, they may be useless for protection from the cold in winter. If you put a reinforced concrete cover, then the well will be excellently insulated, but its appearance will not be ideal, and the weight will not allow you to easily operate the structure.

The most ideal for a well would be a wooden cover, since it is an environmentally friendly and beautiful building material with a strong structure. A double cover, which can be combined, for example, a wooden one in a metal frame, will help to reduce the freezing level of water in the well in winter. The material for its creation often becomes the one from which the well is made.

How to make a cover for a well with your own hands

Instructions for making a cover in the form of a hatch

To make a hatch-shaped cover, you will need the following list of necessary materials and tools:

  1. Hinges.
  2. Nails.
  3. Dry boards with grooves.
  4. Loops.
  5. Pens.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Screwdrivers.
  8. Tight rubber strap.
  9. Measurement tools.
  10. Six bars (20-30 cm for one cover).
  11. Hammer.

The lid for the well should have a handle so that it is convenient to open it.

A wooden lid is usually made double so that it does not freeze in winter. The design can be made removable or folding. The hinged lid is put on hinges with a convenient wooden handle, which gives the whole product a decorative look. At the beginning of the work, a crate is made, having made all the necessary measurements. This will allow the hatch to be more firmly located in the neck.

When making a lid from bars, it is adjusted in size to the neck. You can sheathe the structure with the help of a tesa. Metal hinges are attached to the skin, which can be replaced with a rubber belt, nailed to the lid with one end, and worked with the other. If severe frosts occur in winter, it is best to provide two such covers, laying a heat insulator between them so that the water does not freeze.

Among the main functions of the design with two covers can be called additional protection, which consists in closing the gaps, if any. To give the greatest strength to the connection, a beam is passed through the center of the lid. It is necessary to make the upper and lower covers, laying a layer of straw between their surfaces, which serves as a heater. The top cover is installed at the top of the neck, and the bottom cover at the bottom. This is necessary so that the water in the well does not freeze at a temperature level of less than 20 degrees below zero.

The simplest handles are bars that are stuffed parallel to each other. To ensure the greatest convenience and aesthetics, you can use ready-made metal or wooden handles. The choice of a locking device is directly related to ensuring the greatest safety of the well when the owners are absent.

When the design is ready, you can start decorating the entire well. There are two options:

  1. Installation of a flat roof, having a round or rectangular shape.
  2. The device on the pillars of a decorative house.

The well roof can be not only in the form of a house, but also flat, gable, round or sloping.

A method of creating a cover from textolite and metal corners

Textolite is a layered material impregnated with resins and has good strength characteristics.

Craft lovers can make a well cover using a metal corner and textolite. In order to create a structure, you will need to prepare the following items:

  1. Metal corners.
  2. Loops.
  3. Sealant.
  4. Boards for crates.
  5. Pens.
  6. Cement.
  7. Bulgarian.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Self-tapping screws.
  10. Apparatus for welding.
  11. Roulette.
  12. Screwdriver.

To make a cover from textolite and metal corners, a number of steps should be followed:

  1. Make all necessary measurements.
  2. Cut from metal corners blanks (4 pcs.), Slightly larger than the outer walls of the well along its perimeter, observing 45-degree angles.
  3. The segments are further welded with a quadrilateral.
  4. To obtain a strong frame, weld the corners both on the outside and on the inside.
  5. When the work is already over, eliminate all traces of welding by using a grinder.
  6. Next, cut out the plates from the textolite and strengthen them using self-tapping screws.
  7. Treat the seams with a sealant, having previously laid a layer of insulation between the plates.
  8. Install the formwork along the perimeter of the tank, lay the frame and pour the concrete solution into the voids.

At the penultimate stage, the finished lid is hinged to the frame, and at the end, handles are attached to the structure. When the whole product is decorated, that is, painted, etc. it is considered ready.

How to make a wooden lid design with double flaps

Starting to carry out the design, prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. Nails.
  2. Sealant for wood.
  3. Drying oil.
  4. Bolts.
  5. Paints and varnishes.
  6. Loops (4 pcs.).
  7. Metal handles.
  8. Bar 40 x 40 mm (4 pcs.).
  9. Bar 20 x 20 mm (4 pcs.).

The design is made as follows.

They take the bars of the largest size (2 pcs.), Then they chop boards on them, picking them up of different lengths. After that, you can prepare a hole that has a rectangular shape in the center of the future cover, which will serve as a hatch. You will need to nail two bars along the walls placed on the side.

Taking smaller bars and boards, they make small shields to use them as doors that can be closed. The sashes are brought onto the hinges prepared in advance, attaching all this to the hatch, that is, its side walls. Metal handles are attached to the doors. A wood sealant is used to cover all the existing seams on the structure with it.

The lid on the well must have waterproof characteristics, so it is carefully impregnated with drying oil, which must dry on the structure, after which it is coated with varnish or paint of your choice.

Any is not only a source of wonderful cool water, but also partly a decorative element.

The site will look more elegant if the water source naturally fits into the overall style of the estate,

It is not for nothing that the owners of their own houses like to place original decorative wells on their territory, carved, paneled, with spectacular flower beds on the lid.

Textolite well cover

The well cover can be made from ready-made metal corners and textolite.

To work you will need:

  • handles and hinges
  • welding machine,
  • screws, bolts,
  • screwdrivers, hammer,
  • textolite,
  • profile pipes,
  • roulette.

Using a tape measure, we make the necessary measurements, then at an angle of 45 degrees we cut metal corners.

The four resulting segments are welded into a quadrangle. The corners are welded both from the inside and from the outside - to ensure the strength of the frame. The grinder removes traces of welding.

We cut the profile pipes so that they are one centimeter shorter than the corners. We insert pipe sections into the metal frame along the entire length of the perimeter of the base, weld them to the base itself, clean the seams with a grinder.
According to the dimensions of the frame, two plates are made from textolite. A layer of insulation is placed between them, then they are securely fastened with self-tapping screws, sealing the seams.

To connect the frame and the manufactured cover, fastening loops are installed by welding or bolts. Textolite cover is ready. To install it, you need to make a plank formwork on the well, then cement everything.

When the frame with the lid is installed, they are also covered with a layer of concrete. For ease of use, the lid needs to attach a handle to it.

The structure can be left as it is, or it can be embellished with paint or decorative finishes. Stainless steel can also be used to make a cover, but this option is more suitable for a reinforced concrete well.

Concrete covers for wells

Often, technical wells, especially those made of concrete rings, are covered by a slab with a hatch or a separate concrete cover in the form of a slab. In wells with drinking water, only concrete rings equipped with a hatch can be used.

Is it possible to make a concrete slab with your own hands?

The order of work will be in the manufacture of a concrete slab with your own hands:

  1. Depending on the configuration of the slab, a square or round hole is dug, the depth of which is 10-15 centimeters - the thickness of the slab.
  2. Its bottom is covered with a plywood sheet or polyethylene film. Wooden formwork is installed where it is necessary to make a hole for the hatch. made according to the traditional recipe - from cement, crushed stone and sand. The first poured layer has a thickness of about five centimeters. Until the solution has completely hardened, special elements for reinforcement are placed in it - thick steel wire or mesh.
  3. Then a second layer of concrete is poured to the surface level. The solution is carefully leveled and rammed.
  4. When the solution finally hardens, the plate can be mounted on the well.
  5. The joint is carefully sealed with cement mortar.
  6. Hinges are fixed to the plate with dowels, then a door is installed. For a concrete cover, it is preferred to be made of metal.

Well covers metal

Well metal cover can be double or solid, from one metal or in combination with other materials.

The simplest design is cut from a thick (5-10mm) steel sheet, while the heavy massive system belongs to the settling tanks.

The design, made of steel sheet welded to the frame from the corners, is solid and more complex.

To make your own hands, you will need materials and equipment:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • spanners;
  • steel ruler;
  • Bulgarian;
  • chisel;
  • file;
  • paint brush;
  • roulette.

Metal parts are not subject to corrosion and have high strength. However, they require rust protection. To do this, they are covered with two layers of paint: first with a primer, then with a base coat.

Metal hatches are noticeably inferior in decorativeness to wooden structures. For this reason, metal is often combined with wood, textolite or plastic.

Installing a well cover in the shape of a house

The cover can be made in the form of a gable roof (wooden house). Using the same technology that is used for, a frame of appropriate dimensions is made.

On the front slope of the decorative house, a single-leaf door is installed, which is necessary for access to water. The frame is made of wood, it can be sheathed with suitable roofing material or painted.

The result is an interesting and beautiful cover. The house-shaped top is a wonderful decorative element, and not just a special version of the top. Such a house can be made of even smooth.

For a roof, a simple one is perfect. The design can be equipped with comfortable double doors with comfortable handles. It will be a reliable protection for the well.

It is hard to imagine a cottage or a country house in which there is no running water or a well. After all, without water, especially in summer, in the sweltering heat, a comfortable existence of a person is impossible. If you are a happy owner of a well, this article is for you.

Everyone knows that a well is not only a source of tasty, thirst-quenching water, but also an important architectural element of a summer cottage as a whole. This is confirmed by the huge number of summer residents decorating their wells with intricate decorative elements, decorated with carvings, forging or drawings on the surface. If your well is not one of the wells-works of art, do not despair, because this "misunderstanding" is easily corrected. Stock up on patience, the desire to change your well and imagination, and in just a couple of hours your well will have a completely different, cozy and beautiful look.

How to decorate a well in the country? There are a lot of options, but the most common and easy to do is to create a well cover made of wood, textolite, or made in the form of a miniature house.

Option one - a cover for a well made of wood. Why from wood? Wood is an environmentally friendly material, quite wear-resistant and easy to work with. In addition, a well cover made with decorative elements is not only practical, but also very beautiful.

To make it, you should prepare durable wood, such as aspen, nails, metal hinges and the necessary tools.

Advice: if you live in a cold region where the air temperature drops below -20 degrees in winter, we recommend making such a cover double and insulated to prevent water from freezing in the well.

The creation of such a cover begins with measuring the well and determining the dimensions of the cover; after that, a crate is made according to the size of the well and sheathed with pre-prepared boards; metal loops or a rubber belt are attached to the resulting structure - with one end on the cover, and with the other - on the well.

After installing the cover, a handle is installed on its surface for more convenient opening of the well. The final stage is the decoration of the constructed cover - and here bituminous or natural tiles, metal tiles, slate and even straw come to the rescue.

Option two - a cover made of textolite. To create it, prepare the following materials in advance: the textolite itself, metal corners, profile pipes, metal hinges, measuring tape, bolts and the necessary tools. As you know, textolite is a durable building material consisting of many layers, characterized by ease of use and increased durability during operation.

The first step in creating such a cover will be cutting the metal corners into 4 pieces of the same length; after that, the resulting segments must be welded together and the welding seams must be processed with a grinder. We fix the resulting metal square on the surface of the well, and sheathe it with boards, leaving a hatch for the future cover.

After we proceed to the creation of the cover itself. To do this, we take a metal profile and again cut off four segments of the same length with a grinder, each of which should be slightly shorter than the previously cut segments for the frame.

We also weld the resulting segments and sheathe the textolite on top, using self-tapping screws for connection and treating the seams with a sealant. The resulting cover should fit tightly into the frame installed on the well; We connect the lid and frame with metal loops. At the end of the work, a handle is mounted on the lid for convenient use of the well.

And the last, third option for making a cover in the form of a miniature house. To do this, a frame for the well is made according to the technologies described in the first version in the form of a gable roof, on one of the slopes of such a “roof” a small door is made through which water will be drawn from the well.

A do-it-yourself cover for a well is a necessary element in arranging a country or private house. Any well, whether drinking or technical, requires that its mouth be closed. Naturally, if the whole well is made with love and has an aesthetic appearance, then the cover for the well should be made taking into account the design style and external perception.

Manhole Cover Features

The well cover is a protective element of the outer part (head) of the well. Its functions depend on the type of structure. First of all, the main task is to prevent a person from falling into an open mine site. For a drinking well, the cover plays an important role - it protects against precipitation, dirt, dust, hazardous substances from entering the water. In addition, it keeps water cool during the hot season and prevents it from freezing in winter. In addition, direct sunlight spoils the quality of water. In technical wells (settlers), in addition to the issue of safety, the problem of sealing is solved to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Given the functional features, it becomes clear that a do-it-yourself well cover must meet a number of requirements. Firstly, it is supposed to be sealed enough to prevent even dust and water from penetrating inside. Secondly, it must have such weight that it does not fall from a gust of wind or accidental touch, but at the same time it is easy to rise when you need to draw water. Important requirements are also mechanical strength, water resistance, resistance to atmospheric factors, including frost and exposure to sunlight, ease of use, durability and decorative effect.

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Design features

The well can be covered with a modern light roof and metal.

Structurally, covers for drinking and technical wells differ. For waterworks, the possibility of frequent and easy opening for water collection is important, which is often solved by making a door.

In settling tanks, the cover is rarely lifted, and sealing is given priority, so it has a monolithic massive structure.

The main materials for the manufacture of well covers are wood, metal, concrete, plastic, textolite, plywood. Such products can be solid or double, i.e., consist of two parts (closed and rising section). In turn, the whole structure is made in the form of a monolithic mass or shield.

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Plain wooden lid

Such a system is made in the following order. A shield is knocked down from bars measuring 4 x 4 or 4 x 5 cm - the bars are laid without a gap and fixed with two bars from the wrong side. To give the shield rigidity, another bar is fixed diagonally between these bars. All gaps and joints are sealed with a sealing compound. In simple systems, the joints are closed with thin strips from the inside. The outer surface is carefully polished.

In order to make a wooden lid, you need the following tool:

  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • sanding machine;
  • paint brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal ruler.

The simplest in design and manufacture is considered to be a solid wooden panel cover. It can have a round or rectangular (square) shape and is made of one or two layers of boards or beams fastened together in the form of a shield.

To increase resistance to microorganisms and moisture, wood should be impregnated with an antiseptic and waterproofing compound. For ease of maintenance, handles are attached to the shield. The appearance of the cover is given by varnishing or painting. The use of stain allows you to provide an imitation of valuable wood species. Aesthetics increases the installation of decorative handles. If it is necessary to give the lid a round shape, the shield is cut by a grinder according to a template.

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Wooden cover with hatch

The best solution is a roof for the well, which will not become an obstacle when collecting water and will cover the water itself from debris.

For the convenience of operating the well with frequent water intake, double wooden covers are used. Such a system contains a fixed part in which the hatch is made, and opening flaps (door).

The production of such a structure is as follows. From wooden bars measuring 4 x 4 cm, a shield is assembled with a rectangular hatch in the middle. The dimensions of the hatch are due to the convenience of maintenance (for example, 50 x 60 cm).

Fastening bars are installed on the border of the hatch, and additional ones are closer to the edge of the shield.

Hatch doors are made in the form of small shields from a bar 20 x 20 or 25 x 25 mm and are hinged to the main shield. Handles are attached to the doors. Processing and decoration are similar to the previous case.

The double system, by analogy with the wooden one, has a hatch with a lid. The opening structure is shown, consisting of two parts - a stationary frame with a hatch and a rising cover. The stationary part is made in the form of a frame from a corner 40 x 40 mm, on which a steel sheet 4-5 mm thick with a central hatch is welded. On top of the hinges, a movable part is installed in the form of a similar frame and a solid sheet; in this case, the lining can be made of a steel sheet 3-4 cm thick or textolite 8-12 mm thick.

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Metal cover

Tool for making a metal cover for a well:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric drill;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • file;
  • wrenches;
  • paint brush;
  • metal ruler;
  • roulette.

The metal cover for the well can be solid or double, only metal or in combination with other materials. The simplest one-piece construction is cut from a steel sheet with a thickness of 5-10 mm, and the massive heavy system belongs to the sedimentation tanks. A more complex one-piece design includes a frame made of a steel angle and a steel sheet 3-4 cm thick welded to it.

Metal parts have high strength, but are subject to corrosion. To protect against rust, they must be painted, and in two layers - a primer and a base coat.

In terms of decorativeness, metal hatches are inferior to wooden structures, so a combination of metal with textolite, plastic or wood is often used.