Suitable for home and not fading breeds of dogs, small and large, which of them do not smell. Breeds of dogs that do not shed.

Before you start a dog, you should think about the many different difficulties that you will encounter. One of them is a possible allergy to the wool of your future pet. And although no dog is completely hypoallergenic, there are breeds of dogs that do not shed, which means that you are less likely to cause an unpleasant allergy. The following are some of them.


These well-known decorative dogs, in addition to beauty and mind, have another remarkable property - yes, they do not shed. Moreover, they do not leave the smell of a dog, so your house will smell like anything, but not a pet.

Scottish Terrier

Or scotch terrier. This breed, bred in Scotland and widespread almost everywhere, has a very weak one. This is a lively, energetic and desperately in need of love of the owners of the pet, which will delight you with its loyalty and nice appearance.

Cairn Terrier

And this is one of the little dogs that do not shed. She is smart, has a very nice appearance, and she also has an interesting property: her wool can change color over several years.


It is a non-dying dog of medium breed, bred in Germany, which can be both an excellent pest hunter and a devoted pet. Schnauzers require long walks and good physical exertion, as well as regular removal of dead wool.


This is an ancient breed from Central Africa, distinguished by one unique property: they do not bark like ordinary dogs, but emit a uniquely low howl. Such dogs are ideal for hunting and lend themselves well to various training.


These dogs have a magnificent white wool that does not shed, and they are also gentle and love to play with the owners. Although they react to strangers uneasily, they treat other dogs well and are especially affectionate with children.

Tibetan Terrier

These cute dogs for several hundred years lived in the mountains with Tibetan monks. Now they have become excellent companions and can even be herding dogs. They have thick hair, but despite this, they practically do not shed.

Yorkshire Terrier

Do not be confused by its small size: this dog feels large enough and can fully show its character. But then they are widely known for their loyalty and dedication to their owners, and, of course, for a very insignificant moult.

Shih Tzu

Despite the cute little look of these dogs, their name comes from the Chinese word "lion". But they are not so terrible and proud as loyal and friendly. And their wool will have to be cleaned only during combing or cutting.

Bichon frize

These dogs are very smart! They are easy to train, and they also love water due to the fact that they were previously companions of sailors. Now these are pets, easy-care and hypo-allergenic.

So, many future owners are wondering what breeds of dogs do not shed. These ten breeds, of course, are only a part of a rather large list of non-stopping dogs, but you may choose one of these, as the listed breeds are perfect for families with children and are distinguished by devotion and love for their owners.

Planting a dog, many are looking for a breed that does not shed and does not have an unpleasant smell. The smell of the dog, besides the breed, is influenced by some other factors that you need to know about. It should be remembered that choosing a dog should be guided not only by its appearance, but also by its ability and ability to properly care for it. Even dogs that do not shed need special care. Any pet is not a toy at all. Before you buy, make sure you have enough time and patience for the animal.

Choosing the breed "odorless"

Are there dogs that do not shed and do not smell? Hardly ever. Depending on the breed, they emit a stronger or weaker “flavor”. Dogs that do not smell:

  1. Hairless breeds. The most common Mexican naked and They have almost no wool, which entails the lack of smell associated with its presence. However, it is very troublesome to care for such a dog: despite the apparent lack of wool, you need careful skin care, including permanent hair removal. In summer, the pet's skin must be oiled with sunscreen, and in the autumn and winter period - wear clothing.
  2. Shorthair breeds that do not have undercoat. These breeds can be attributed Their wool, due to its rigidity, practically does not get wet and does not absorb the surrounding odors.
  3. Long-haired dogs with no undercoat. Today, the most beloved and sought-after breed in this category is the Yorkshire Terrier. He has a coat that is very similar in structure to human hair. In this regard, the smell of dog in this breed is absent, but the wool is very much absorbs the surrounding odors. It is necessary to wash such dogs every week using special means. After bathing wool must be combed and dried. Such dogs, which do not shed and do not smell, need additional care products.

Healthy dog ​​- a pledge of lack of smell

Choosing a dog that does not smell, you should not forget that such a dog will need careful and troublesome care.

Not only the breed of the dog affects the presence of its specific smell. If the dog is healthy, then there is practically no unpleasant odors. However, dogs that have digestive problems or skin diseases immediately smell unpleasant. Any healthy dog ​​that receives proper care is practically odorless. But besides this, many need dogs that do not shed.

Causes of odor

  1. Paul dogs. Individuals of a female have no so expressed smell, as man's. But during estrus the situation changes, and the dog begins to smell unpleasantly. In order to get rid of such an olfactory irritant, it is enough to wash the bitch with a special agent.
  2. The appearance of smell also depends on age. Usually, old dogs that have health problems begin to smell stronger, and bathing for a long time does not change the situation.
  3. Contact with water. If the pet likes to swim in a pond or river, then a week later he will definitely get the smell of dog meat. To get rid of it, you need to wash the dog with dog shampoo. In the autumn, when it often rains and the dog gets wet, the problem of unpleasant smell also often appears. After walking in the rain, the dog must be carefully wiped or dried. Even dog breeds that do not fade emit a special smell after the rain.

Wool is everywhere

Shedding is a process laid down by nature in the body of any animal. Old wool changes to a new one, and this process occurs a couple of times a year. People suffering from an allergic reaction to dog hair are deprived of the opportunity to have a four-legged friend in the house. But there are people who do not want to fight with fallen wool. In this case, there is a way out - to get a dog that does not shed.

There are among the many breeds of dogs that do not shed. By purchasing these pets, you will not every day to remove wool from the carpet and sofa.

Dogs with wool

The Boston Terrier has a hard coat. The molting process occurs only once every few years. With proper care and combing the fallen wool in the apartment almost will not. This is a medium-sized dog that lives only in the house, unpretentious in care. A dog of this breed is suitable for people who have very little free time - for it is enough one half-hour walking a day. Many people are interested in dogs that do not shed. Photos of these animals can be seen in our article.

The Basenji breed has a short coat of wool, but sheds very rarely and scarcely. This dog is suitable for people who are allergic to dog hair. But in order to avoid undesirable accumulation of fallen wool in the apartment, the pet must be brushed with a hard bristle, especially during the molting period. The basenji are very mobile, like long walks on the street. A feature of these dogs is the inability to bark. Dogs of this breed are very sociable, have a good disposition and are somewhat similar to cat habits.

A dog with a long coat, similar in structure to human hair, is a Maltese. However, these dogs shed rarely and, due to the structure of the coat, do not cause allergies in humans. For Maltese requires very careful care. To comb a dog, you need to use several different brushes in order to comb the thick and long hair well. It is necessary to periodically trim the hair in the dog's ears, because it can fall down and impair the hearing of the pet. Bathing a dog of this breed should be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days, followed by thorough combing.

These are the main breeds of dogs that do not shed, but have hair.

Bald pets

A dog that has a small amount of wool is a Chinese crested. Only the ends of the paws and the head of the animal are covered with wool. Because of this arrangement, the dog has a rather exotic look. She sheds extremely rarely and neobylno. Water procedures dog should be arranged once every 15 days, while using special tools for places that are covered with wool. Due to the lack of wool, these dogs are very cold, so it is recommended to buy special clothes for them. Always attracting small dogs that do not shed.

Responsible step

If you are going to start a dog, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the selected breed. If a person is very busy and can not pay enough attention to the pet, then you should choose a more unpretentious dog. If the smell and wool during molting categorically does not suit the future owner, then it is better to completely abandon the establishment in the dog's apartment.

Even dogs that do not shed need special care and attention from the owner. Any animal in the house is first of all a big responsibility. After all, everyone knows the phrase from the famous story about the little prince: "We are responsible for those who have tamed!"

Theoretically, there are no such dogs that do not cause allergies.

Hypoallergenic dogs  It is accepted to call the breed of dogs, when communicating with whom the risk of allergy in a person is minimized.

Allergens are proteins found in saliva and dog hair. From this it follows that dogs that do not scatter saliva and do not shed (or little shed), can cause a minimum of allergic reactions in humans. But for some people, bare breeds of dogs can cause allergies.

There are medical observations, according to which two dogs of the same breed affect the appearance of allergies in a particular person in different ways. One can cause allergies and the other not. It is impossible to know in advance which of the dogs will be the safest for a particular person.

All dogs in varying degrees fade and scatter. The number of allergens in a dog can be reduced when performing hygienic procedures, primarily when bathing and washing the dog. Most dogs, if they are washed irregularly, even with little shedding, can provoke allergic reactions in humans.

The size of the dog can also be a factor in determining hypoallergenicity. It is logical to assume that the smaller the dog, the less hair it has, therefore, it “produces” less allergens.

Often, barking dogs are more allergenic than calm dogs. This is due to the fact that barking contributes to a more rapid spread of allergens, primarily contained in saliva. Thus, many small breeds of dogs, known to bark often and often, cannot be ideal dogs for allergies, despite their small body size. Therefore, allergy sufferers are advised to start a medium sized dog with a calm character.

Studies show that bathing and washing a dog 1-2 times a week will minimize or even eliminate allergic reactions in humans.

Scientific studies have repeatedly proven that good housekeeping removes allergens from the environment. Therefore, more often carry out wet cleaning in the house, as well as vacuuming the floor and furniture.

List of hypoallergenic dog breeds

Australian Silky Terrier (Silky Terrier)  - small, compact, short-legged dog, covered with long, straight, thin, silky and shiny hair. The color may be blue-gray or blue with tan. The coat of dogs of this breed requires constant care, they must be scratched, periodically washed and cut once every three weeks. Initially, these dogs were used to hunt rodents and snakes. The Australian Silky Terrier breed dogs are very active, they love to run and play, they need daily active walks so that they do not get bored.
American Hairless Terrier  This is a strong, active dog of medium size. The American Hairless Terrier has a full set of strong teeth, a completely naked body (except for mustache and eyebrows), it has no skin problems typical of other hairless dogs.
Affench pinscher  this is a toy dog. Affenpinscher active, inquisitive, funny dogs. Affectionate towards all family members.
  These are calm dogs in comparison with other terriers, kind, incredibly clever and attentive to their owner.
  - small dogs, popular for their appearance. They do not require daily grooming, as they do not shed. Good dog for those who suffer from allergies.
  - small dogs come from Italy. These dogs are very intelligent, love to communicate with a person, but rather carefully treat strangers. Easy to train, ideal for living in a large family with children and in families where there are other pets.
Border terrier  are sometimes stubborn, rarely show aggression. In general, Border Terriers get along well with children and other pets. Their love for people and calm nature is used in therapy, especially for children and the elderly. Often, Border Terriers are trained to be guide dogs.
  - This is a compact dog of medium size, covered with tough two-layer coat, which perfectly protects the dog from rain, dirt and wind. Color black with a tan and gray hair. Welsh Terrier is not subject to molting. Dogs of this breed are active, playful, funny and loyal. They get along well with children. Initially, this breed of dog was bred to hunt foxes, rodents and badgers. Welsh Terrier requires regular exercise and training.
Havana bichon  - curious and kind little dogs. Easy to learn. Perfectly suited for family life with children. Very fond of communicating with people. Havana Bichon does not require a lot of exercise.
Dandie Dinmont Terrier  has a very long body, short legs and a kind of crest on the head. Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a gentle, cheerful, brave and determined dog. Good watchman. Get along well with children, even with very small ones.
Irish Water Spaniel  one of the rarest breeds of dogs. These dogs will be a good choice for a family, as they get along well with other pets and children. The Irish water spaniel is a good guard dog, but not aggressive. Dogs do not need frequent grooming. Irish Water Spaniel practically does not fade.
Spanish water dog  - A medium-sized dog, covered with fluffy, curly hair, forming characteristic long cords. The color can be black, beige, white or brown, or a combination of these colors with white. The Spanish water dog is very intelligent, affectionate and loyal. In the past, these dogs were used as shepherds, hunters and to help fishermen. They love to swim. They need constant physical exertion and early socialization. With strangers, these dogs behave cautiously.
  - a small dog belonging to the group of toys, covered with very soft, silky, shiny, thin, straight hair. Most often the color in Yorks is blue with a tan, but it can also be blue with a golden, black with a tan and black with a golden one. Yorkshire terrier dogs are very intelligent, funny, active, affectionate and friendly, they love attention, but they shouldn’t have a soft character like a lapdog.
  - miniature dog belonging to the group of toys. The dwarf spitz is a compact dog with a strong build, covered with thick, long, straight, hard coat with a soft thick, short undercoat. The color of dogs can be almost anything, but most often it is red, black or creamy white. Dogs of dwarf spitz are very intelligent, active and friendly, do not like loneliness. They need training.
Cairn Terrier - a small hunting dog originally from Scotland, where it was used to hunt rats and other rodents. Their coat is coarse, creamy, wheat, sandy, gray or variegated in any color. Cairn terrier breed dogs are very intelligent, strong, resilient and loyal. They have a strong hunting instinct and love to dig in search of prey. Cairn terriers must be trained, otherwise they will grow very stubborn. Cairn terriers get along well with children.
  - a medium sized dog with a long head, covered with soft, curly hair, without undercoat. The color can be from blue-black to light gray slate. Kerry Blue Terriers practically do not fade, but they need regular haircut. Kerry Blue Terrier active, very affectionate and kind dogs, good attitude towards children. They love to play and require constant physical exertion. In the past, these dogs were used as guard dogs, as well as for hunting rats, rabbits, badgers, foxes and hares.
  practically does not fade. But these dogs need good care. Since dogs are woolless, their skin is susceptible to sunburn and dryness. Chinese crested dogs have a rather long lifespan - about 14 years. They are active, funny dogs, pets of the whole family.
Coton de Tulear  - small dogs. Breed comes from Madagascar. Dogs of this breed have soft fluffy wool, which feels like cotton wool to the touch. Since Kaka Coton de Tulear does not shed, it is a good choice for allergy sufferers.
  can be of various sizes: toys, miniature and standard. They have a smooth body, long neck, large ears and almond-shaped eyes. Xolo can be either completely naked or covered with short straight hair. Their skin is usually black or blue, and sometimes red or stained. These dogs are distinguished by grace and dexterity, they have a highly developed predator instinct. They require compulsory training and socialization from an early age.
This is a small dog with a long, thick, tough, straight and very dense coat, which requires constant care. These dogs need to be washed periodically, scratched and cut regularly. Color Lhasa Apso can be black, white, gold, red or motley. With age, the color of the dog becomes lighter. Lhasa Apso - energetic dogs, but calm, they require mandatory training and socialization. The breed of dogs Lhasa Apso was bred in Tibet, especially for the protection of monasteries. Lhasa Apso have a keen ear and ringing barking. They do not like strangers, but are devoted to their masters.
  - a small dog belonging to the group of toys, covered with a long silky white hair without undercoat. Ears may be creamy or light lemon in color, which is acceptable, but undesirable. The eyes of Maltese are large, dark and expressive. With proper care, these dogs practically do not shed and are considered hypoallergenic. Maltese is very active, funny and playful, but a little anxious, and with small children can behave irritably.
  - This is a decorative little dog belonging to the group of toys, has characteristic large ears with long hair. Its name comes from the French word for butterfly. Papillon's hair is long, thin, soft and silky. The color is usually white with spots of various colors. Lack of white in color is not acceptable. Papillon dogs are very active, sociable, athletic and intelligent.
Peruvian Inca Orchid  one of several hairless dog breeds. A characteristic feature of these dogs is the lack of coat, although they may have short hair on the head, legs and tip of the tail. The preference is given completely to bare dogs. Skin color can be chocolate, gray, copper or motley. These are fine boned, elegant medium sized dogs. They are active, friendly and very affectionate with the owners, they treat others with caution. They do not like loneliness, do not tolerate heat and cold. These dogs should be cleaned regularly and lubricated with a moisturizer and protected from sunburn.
Polish Lowland Sheepdog - A medium-sized dog with a fluffy, thick, coarse, straight or wavy coat and a soft thick undercoat. Coloring can be monophonic or spotty, white, gray, brown, more often with black or gray. These are self-confident dogs, they have an excellent memory and are easily trained, they require daily physical exertion. Initially, the Polish lowland shepherd was used as herding dogs.
Portuguese water dog  - service dog of medium size, covered with thick, tightly twisted hair. These dogs in their homeland helped fishermen in the past. They are not afraid of water and they like to swim, so they have membranes between their toes. The color can be black, brown, black with white or brown with white. Portuguese water dogs are soft, patient, very intelligent, independent, easily trained. They are sociable, but they single out one owner, whom they love very much, they like to be petted, they are friendly to strangers. Portuguese water dogs require constant exercise and exercise, otherwise they will be bored.
  - very clever dog with thick curly hair without undercoat. Molt slightly. The size of the poodles may be different. Color desirable monophonic, most often it is black, white or chocolate. Poodles need careful grooming and grooming. Poodles are people-oriented, they get on well with children, they love to play, they are easy to learn and can perform all sorts of tricks, participate in various shows, sports, competitions in agility and obedience.
Bullets  - a small shepherd's dog, covered with long, thick, tough, twisted wool, resembling dreadlocks, which makes it almost waterproof. The color is usually plain, most often black, but can be white, gray or cream. Bullet breed dogs are very smart, bold, fast and agile, can participate in sports or be a guard, sometimes bullets are stubborn. They are very faithful, attached to the owner, but others are treated with caution. They need a lot of exercise in the fresh air. These dogs cannot be kept permanently indoors.
Wheaten Soft Coated Terrier - a dog of medium size, with soft, fine coat without undercoat. The color may be wheat or white, but preferably wheat color. Puppies are born with a darker color, but with age they become lighter. For dogs breed soft-coated wheaten terrier requires constant care and grooming. These are intelligent, stubborn, energetic, funny, playful dogs, but they require constant training without the use of severity and socialization, otherwise the dog may become aggressive and fearful. Soft-haired wheat terriers are good for children, do not tolerate heat and can hunt rodents.
  - fluffy white dogs of medium size, which are raised by reindeer herders in Siberia. Usually they are used as sled dogs. Their coat is thick and thick, double-layered. The top layer is long, hard and straight, and the undercoat is short, soft and thick. Dogs of this breed are playful, very friendly, not aggressive, able to notify the approach of strangers by loud barking. They get along well with small children and other dogs.
  - low, short-legged hunting dog with an elongated body, covered with a long, reaching to the ground two-layer, hard, straight hair with a short soft undercoat. They have long hair on the ears and eyebrows, as well as a characteristic moderate beard. Color can be blue, dark or light gray, black. Sky-terrier breed dogs are smart, hardy, bold, very loyal and dedicated to their owner. They are great for hunting foxes and badgers.
Tibetan Terrier  - a dog of medium size, strong build, covered with thick shaggy, two-layer wool with a soft thick undercoat. The muzzle and eyes are closed by long strands. Color can be any, as well as tricolor, tiger or pagim. Tibetan Terrier is smart, active, affectionate with the owners, gentle with children, but can be jealous and stubborn. It treats strangers with caution, but should not show aggression or constraint. Tibetan terrier breed dogs require daily exercise, they can participate in sports.
  - gentle and faithful dogs. They love their master and the whole family. Used as a guard dog. In general, very obedient dogs with good character. Outwardly, the Bouvier of Flanders looks menacing and serious, but in reality these are the tenderest creatures.
Shih Tzu - a miniature dog born in China, with a short muzzle and large dark eyes, covered with soft, long, silky, shiny, two-layer coat. The color can be any, but preference is given to dogs that have a white spot in the form of a flame on the forehead and a white tip of the tail. The length of the wool can reach the floor, so these dogs need daily care and cleaning. Shih Tzu are intelligent, have a cheerful cheerful disposition, love the attention of people, are energetic, friendly and independent.
Schnauzers  - German breed of dogs, can be used as a guard dog. Schnauzers have a distinctively distinct beard, furry eyebrows. The color may be black, but more often the color is pepper and salt. Schnauzer hair is curly, long, usually shortly shaved on the back. In order to avoid the formation of confusion, schnauzers need to be scratched, and also to periodically trim. Schnauzers are friendly, energetic, get along well with children. They need training and daily exercise.

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Often, people refuse to have a dog just because the coat of a four-legged friend smells unpleasantly and remains on furniture and clothes during shedding, creating certain difficulties when cleaning the room. Such wool does not look aesthetically pleasing, and in people prone to allergies, it can cause complications.

Any problem has a solution. If you can not affect the natural process of molting, then you need to consider the opportunity to have a pet, taking into account the information, what breeds of dogs do not shed.

What determines the molt

Shedding is the natural process of renewing the coat. It can be of several types:

  1. Seasonal. Occurs in the fall and spring. During the lowering of the air temperature, the fur coat (undercoat) becomes thick and warm to warm the animal during the cold season. In spring, when the air temperature rises, the fur cover becomes lighter due to changes in the structure of the coat.
  2. Age. Occurs during the change of puppy coat on the coat of an adult animal.
  3. Biological. When a dog mom stops feeding her babies with milk, she also has an intense loss of hair.
  4. Caused by stress: animal disease, medication, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins. In particular, the lack of such vitamins as B2, B3 can lead to hair loss.

Hair rods appear from the same follicle, replacing each other after dying out during the molt. As a result, the total amount of hair does not change, despite the molting. But some breeds of hair live for very long, without replacing each other. It is this kind of wool that hasdogs that do not shed.

A great influence on the intensity of molting has a type of wool. In dogs, it consists of guard hairs, which can be long or short, and an undercoat formed from soft short hairs. It is the undercoat that provides the thermal balance of the animal and is replaced during seasonal molting.

Different breeds of dogs dominate this or that type of hair. For example, the Yorkshire Terrier has no undercoat, and the Mexican naked dog has bristles.

Bare rocks

The so-called naked (bald) dogs - this is the first group that includes breed dogs that do not shed. These include:

  • chinese Crested: woolless and downy;
  • peruvian bald: small - up to 8 kg with height up to 40 cm; medium - up to 12 kg with growth up to 50 cm large - up to 23 kg with growth up to 60 cm;
  • mexican naked, or Xoloitzcuintle: without wool and with a coat;
  • american hairless terrier

The history of the appearance of naked dogs is fanned by an aura of mystery. Comparing legends and myths that tell about dogs without wool, we can conclude that the ancestors of bald dogs existed in countries with a hot tropical climate on all continents, excluding Australia. Until now, it has not been reliably established whether the dogs passed from the continent to the continent in the process of migration, whether they simply contained related signs, or were formed as a result of similar mutations.

Constant exposure to hot climates has led to hair loss (in some species, they are stored only on the fingers, the tip of the tail or the head as separate bristles), the even distribution of the sweat glands throughout the body of the animal.

The bare torso, on which the wool is partially or completely absent, gives the appearance originality and charm and is the answer to the question

An important bonus for housing maintenance is the small size and lack of hassle associated with moulting: no need to cut, comb, collect wool scattered around the apartment.

However, the care for this category of dogs has some features:

  • weekly bathing;
  • thorough skin treatment;
  • the use of sunscreens to prevent burns during summer walks;
  • use of clothing in winter when going out.

A pet should have a warm sunbed, otherwise it will constantly strive to jump into a warm master's bed.

Chinese Crested is a typical representative of hairless dogs

Since ancient times, the breed symbolized financial well-being, status and honorary place of the owner in society. The houses of nobles and palaces most often became the place of the maintenance of these benevolent energetic babies.

Chinese crested is dogs that do not shed.At the same time, the psychological portrait of the crested bird, made up according to the reviews of the owners of this amazing breed, is very attractive:

  • activity and mobility;
  • complete absence of aggression and anger;
  • inexhaustible curiosity;
  • cheerful and cheerful disposition;
  • dedication to family members;
  • sociability;
  • benevolence towards other animals;
  • fearlessness;
  • high intelligence;
  • easy learning and artistry.

Crested hen does not endure harsh treatment, they suffer in frequent quarrels and scandals in the family.

The graceful Chinese crested can be with wool or completely naked. In the second case, the wool forms only a crest on the head, partially covers the tail and the lower part of the legs. The skin is smooth, soft and warm. With proper care, the smell is completely absent.

The downy variety has a long coat, a flowing soft veil. Wool is required to be brushed daily or trimmed once a month so that ticks do not form, as the dog is not prone to shedding.

The Chinese Crested Chick, like a real aristocrat, loves cosmetic procedures, seeks to be in the center of universal admiration, loves to dress. Stylish outfits give it an additional impressiveness, and innate flirtation creates a special charm.

It is believed that the Chinese crested "balds" protect luck and happiness in the house, become guardian angels of family members.

Long-haired breeds

WITH obaki who do not shed  and do not emit an unpleasant smell dogs, represented by the following breeds from among the long-haired:

  • thorcshire terrier;
  • irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier;
  • bichon Frize;
  • maltese.

Due to the fact that the long hair of these dogs does not fall out during the seasonal molt, but continues to grow, special care is needed for it. Systematic combing not only prevents the formation of tangles, but also turns the pet into a thick cloud of long silky wool. Such dogs invariably delight others, and in the apartment do not create problems due to falling hair.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - long-haired, non-fading dog

Friendly intellectual, obedient pet, loyal friend, dog with excellent health - this is the general characteristic of this species of Irish terrier.

His wool invariably delights others.The color of ripe wheat, soft to the touch, it falls thick silky wave. At the same time, seasonal molting in the soft-haired terrier is almost not expressed due to the lack of undercoat. itdogs that do not shed: heven cold and summer heat do not affect the change in the length and structure of the coat.

Wheat terrier gets its final golden appearance by the age of two. Puppies are often gray or red, their coat is straight. Only in the process of growing up, a special waviness of a single-layer wool cover appears, which has the same length on all parts of the body, covering the dog with a continuous gold cascade from head to paws.

Combing after bathing prevents the appearance of mats, gives the dog a special charm.

Short-haired and short undercoat breeds or without

unite and in the group of owners of short wool, consisting of hard guard hair. The undercoat is very short or completely absent. As a result, haired dogs practically do not leave wool on the sofa, clothes and carpets and do not smell.


  • brussels Griffin;
  • west Highland White Terrier;
  • fox Terrier Wire-haired;
  • scotch terrier;
  • cairn Terrier;
  • uha terrier terrier;
  • staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • mittelschnauzer;
  • giant schnauzer.

Due to the fact that the undercoat is not subject to seasonal cleaning, wool must be pulled out (trimmed). This procedure allows you to turn the Brussels Griffin, Terrier or Schnauzer into an elegant handsome man. With proper care, thick, smooth and tough coat protects the dog in all weather conditions. The pet does not get wet in the pouring rain, dries quickly, does not overcool in winter and does not overheat in the heat.

Brushed Wire Griffin

AskedOne can not help but pay attention to the Brussels Griffin. His shit is hypoallergenic, which makes a friendly guard especially in demand with families with children.

Owners of griffins speak about the breed with respect. The character is cheerful and devoted, the behavior is docile, the appearance is funny - this is how the Brussels griffin can be described. Strong self-esteem. Training gives in easily. She gets along well with children. With a friendly, but confident behavior, it inspires respect for other animals.

Gryphon wool does not shed, therefore, needs trimming. A simple haircut will not give the desired effect, since it does not allow to remove old, thinned hair that grows back. Wool becomes dull and unsightly. To avoid this, dying hair rods need to be plucked. This procedure is repeated 2 to 4 times a year. This creates certain difficulties in caring for a pet, but it pays off completely in cleanliness in the apartment and in a well-groomed, neat kind of pet.

Poodle: royal, dwarf, toy

This breed stands apart from other groups due to certain features. The poodle has both long hair and undercoat, which in dogs is usually the main source of smell. But about the poodles, we can safely say that these are dogs that do not shed and do not smell.

Wool poodle has a special composition, things connected from it, has a healing effect on the joints, look elegant and festive.

The breed is unique in that the poodle molts only once in a lifetime, when at the age of 8 months the puppy hair is gradually replaced by an adult. Further, the dying hairs do not fall out, but are retained in dense curls of wool, gradually creating a felt cover. To prevent this from happening, the poodle must be combed at least 2 times a week. The procedure is performed with a comb with rare large teeth, and then continues with a massage brush.

The sebaceous glands on the skin of the poodle almost do not work, so the coat is protected from fat and does not smell.

Basenji: cleanliness, tidiness, lack of smell

In a special group can be taken out and such a breed as Basenji. It is impossible to fully argue that this dogs that do not shed. Their hypoallergenic wool is subject to seasonal moulting, but to a small extent. Caring for a dog is facilitated by the fact that Basenji lick their wool, like cats.

They have one more unique feature - the inability to bark. Instead of the usual barking, there is only a low howl in combination with a snort.

Agile and active Basenji - natives of Central Africa. They possess feline grace, independent and wayward kind. They love long walks and outdoor games. Able to develop an incredible speed, carried away by the pursuit of any smell. This is not surprising, since the main purpose of the breed is to help the hunter.

Nyam-nyam-terrier, African not barking dog,  the forest dog from Congo, the creature from the thickets, and the Zande dog — this is the name of the graceful and unusually mobile basenji, which can climb trees and wash with its paw, like a cat.

With all its activity and mobility Basenji surprisingly neat, tidy, almost no smell. Smooth wool needs only occasional combing with a special brush.

And so it happened - a puppy appeared in the family. He is able to give a whole world of emotions and happy discoveries to his master.

This is how we imagine life with a dog and we are disappointed at the appearance of wool on the floor, beds, clothes - wherever you can imagine.

And the moment of truth comes: forever part with the dream or ... How to avoid a similar situation? What dogs do not shed and do not smell? We will tell about it in detail below.

What dogs do not shed? First, we will understand what kind of coat should be for this.  Experts distinguish among the main types of wool 6 most significantly different in structure, structure and length:

  • ordinary;
  • long haired;
  • smooth coat;
  • hard haired;
  • curly
  • "Exotics".

Common, most common type:  medium length and thickness, it is necessary to constantly clean and comb the animal, especially carefully - during the molting period. Intended to be kept on the street, in an apartment, these dogs become a constant source of problems, which, however, does not prevent fans from choosing again and again just sheep dogs or huskies as their pets.

Longhair dogs  They have a very long hairline and a soft thick undercoat. These dogs need careful daily care with washing with special shampoos and combing.

Pretty woman - greyhound or Pekingese should not start people with a pronounced allergy to protein, since it is almost impossible to completely remove the pieces of dead skin, food from a long beautiful coat.

Smooth-haired dogs  they do not have a rich undercoat, the guard hairs are hard, up to 1.5 - 2 cm long. These dogs are more often cleaned than washed to get rid of dead hair, particles of dirt and dust, and dandruff.

Important! Subcutaneous fat, which protects these dogs from the cold, has a strong odor, and when shedding, small and very tough needles are everywhere, and it is difficult to get rid of them.

Hard-haired individuals  easily recognizable: the soft undercoat is covered with very stiff hair.

Shedding does not cause much trouble due to the properties of the guard hair does not fall out.

These dogs are not combed out, and special movements (tweaks) remove the most regrown wool during the molting period.

For those who are irritated by the constant hairs on the floor, these dogs are great.

Curly wool  Some breeds make dogs not only extraordinarily attractive, but also suitable for many families. Their wool also does not shower the entire floor during shedding, there is no smell of dog.

Unfortunately, the care of these creatures requires careful cleaning and brushing and haircuts from professionals. These dogs do not have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, an unpleasant smell, they are good companions for the elderly and allergies.

"Exotics"  - dogs with a very unusual coat, which may be a minimum or not be at all. It is believed that these dogs are suitable even for allergies. However, given the fact that seizures are caused not only by the coat, but also by skin particles, the saliva of dogs, it is worth remembering to take care of the pet.

People who suffer from allergies or do not tolerate the pungent smell of dog, the type of wool on the floor, suitable breeds of dogs that do not shed and do not smell. You will have to choose among wire-haired, curly or exotic breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier

Non-shedding dogs

Choosing a pet, you should seriously consider exploring a possible puppy breed, because there are so many of them. Among them you can find cute creatures that do not exude a sharp smell of dog, do not showered the whole house during the moulting period with a shred of wool, are quite harmless for allergies.

Little ones

Almost no breed can do without the wool replacement process, but it is possible to pick up tiny pets, whose molting process is almost imperceptible.

Here is the most suitable "seven" candidatesnon-shedding dog breeds:

  1. West Highland White Terrier.
  2. Italian Italian Greyhound
  3. Yorkshire Terrier.
  4. Chinese Crested.
  5. Scotch terrier.
  6. Maltese.
  7. Bichon Frize.

West Highland White Terrier  - charming blonde grows to 30 cm at the withers, muscular, playful. , but they are increasingly being acquired as decorative room pets. It has a thick short undercoat and a hard guard hair of white color.

Attention! Lying on the couch, the angel is able to become a clot of energy during the game, or even an imp, if you suddenly fall apart, because the terrier remains a terrier, even with such a charming appearance.

Italian Italian greyhound  - a graceful and gentle creature, growing at the withers up to 38 cm But it was not for nothing that the Italian greyhounds were the favorites of the aristocrats; they demand the maximum attention and care.

Yorkshire Terrier  - one of the most popular breeds of indoor dogs today. Despite the tiny size (maximum at the withers - 23 cm), this dog, for the latter is able to protect the owner, extremely loyal, affectionate, playful, energetic. One of the main external advantages is long wool without undercoat.  The dog almost does not shed, but

Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested  - a very popular, not shedding breed of dogs. Crumbs with a graceful body that has hair only on the head, legs and tail almost do not bring allergic hosts with proper care of the troubles. They are devoted, cheerful, very active, but they can be nervous and behave aggressively with strangers. Requires very careful maintenance.

Scottish Scotch Terrier  - the bright representative of terriers, Differs bravery, intelligence, cheerfulness and elegance with small sizes. Stiff wool and thick undercoat require trimming twice a year, combing. And since a dog with a character and a bright personality, it is necessary to teach her to "beauty procedures" from childhood.

Maltese  - These are charming little dogs that do not shed. Long silky white wool with almost no undercoat requires careful care, but it does not crumble on the floor and upholstered furniture.

Bichon frize

Bichon frize  - the name of the breed speaks for itself - curly hair does not cause care with care, small size, wonderful temper and mind, the ability to quickly socialize make dogs of this breed the favorites of children and adults.

Medium and large

But not only decorative dogs have unique properties not to provoke attacks and not to leave shreds of wool throughout the apartment. Dog lovers of impressive size can choose a puppy from breeds with tough or curly hair from the following “troika”:

  1. Fox terrier wire haired.
  2. Airedale.

Basenji  - a medium-sized dog with a very thin coat almost does not shed, so clean that it is compared with a cat, affectionate and active.

Attention! One of the advantages of this breed is considered “silence” - Basenji do not bark, they can grumble, howl, snort and growl.

Fox Terrier Wire-haired  - and the guard. Despite the nicest appearance, he is capable of aggression, requires a serious approach to education. Hard wool requires trimming.

Airedale  - one of the most serious breeds, perfectly suitable for living in an apartment. Trimming for tough curly hair, education, attention - all that is required of this dog. Erdels are dogs that are accustomed to discipline, they are easy to train, the breed belongs to the service for good reason -.

Important!  Excellent nervous system, courage and dedication of dogs of this breed have been well known for several centuries.

Aversion to the smell of dog, scattered shreds of wool, and even allergies will not be a serious obstacle for the family who seriously decided to start a dog. Exists many popular and not very breeds, not burdensome in the content.  But to have a toy or a true friend next to you is up to you.

Additionally, check out the video about what breeds of dogs do not shed: