Stewed tomatoes for the winter. How to cook stewed tomatoes.

Tomatoes cut into cubes or circles. Heat the pan, pour the oil, fry in an open dish.

Skillet tomatoes

Products  Tomatoes - 4 large tomatoes (500 grams)
  Onions - 1 medium onion
  Fetaxa (or feta, or feta cheese) - 150 grams
  Salt, pepper, greens - to taste

Cooking Tomatoes with Fetaxa  Wash onions, peel, chop, put on a hot frying pan, poured with sunflower oil, fry. Peel tomatoes, chop, add to onion, fry for 5 minutes. Then add salt and vegetables. Put half of the tomatoes and onions in a bowl, put the rest of the vegetables into slices of Fetax, put the tomatoes and onions on top, simmer for another 7 minutes on a quiet fire under the lid. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Cooking tomato stew with fetaxa - 25 minutes

How to fry the breaded tomatoes

Products for breaded tomatoes
  Fresh tomatoes (better fleshy varieties) - 2 large
  Cheese Feta, Philadelphia or Chevre - 150 grams
  Chicken eggs - 1 piece
  Garlic - 2 teeth
  Parsley - a few twigs
  Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  Salt - to taste
  Flour - 1 tablespoon with a hill
  Breadcrumbs - 3 tablespoons with a slide

How to fry tomatoes in breading
  Wash the tomatoes under running water, wipe dry with a towel, cut into rings half a centimeter thick and spread out 2 rings.
  Put the cheese in a bowl. Wash, dry and chop the parsley. Peel and chop the garlic. Mix cheese with parsley and garlic. Put cheese mixture on each pair of fresh tomato rings and cover with a second slice of tomato on top.
  Pour the flour in a bowl, breadcrumbs in another, break the egg into the third and beat. Preheat pan, pour vegetable oil. Roll the tomatoes in flour, then in egg and parinovka - and put them alternately in the pan. Fry tomatoes from 2 sides for 3 minutes over medium heat.


1. When frying and stewing, as a rule, use peeled tomatoes. In order that the tomato was easy to peel, first pour it with boiling water.
  2. Tomatoes can be cooked in batter and breaded.

How to fry green tomatoes

Products for frying green tomatoes
  Medium size green tomatoes - 2 pieces
  Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons with a hill
  Cornmeal - 1 tablespoon
  Chicken eggs - 1 piece
  Milk - third of glass
Breadcrumbs - half a cup
  Garlic - 1 clove
  Vinegar - 1 tablespoon

How to fry green tomatoes
  Wash the tomatoes, dry with a napkin, cut into circles 1 centimeter wide. Salt the tomatoes.
  Pour breadcrumbs and cornmeal into a bowl and mix. In another bowl, pour the milk, break the egg and beat.
  Heat a griddle over medium heat, pour the oil. Roll the tomatoes into the flour, then into the egg mixture, then breaded, put into the pan. Fry tomatoes on one side for 3 minutes, then turn them over and fry for another 3 minutes.
  Peel and finely chop the garlic. Sprinkle the tomatoes with garlic and sprinkle with vinegar. Serve hot.

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  • Step 1

    Onions must be peeled and kept in cold water for about a minute. Finely chop, lightly fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.

  • Step 2

    Washed tomatoes must be cut into cubes and add to the onions, salt and pepper and cook over low heat. Stewed tomatoes will be ready when the mass thickens and becomes homogeneous, it will happen in about 30-40 minutes. In the process of cooking the dish must be tried to make sure there is enough salt.

  • Step 3

    Beef, pork or chicken can be added to the sauce. To do this, take 500 grams of meat and finely chopped, laid out in a pan and stew over low heat. In the meat, you can add spices, be sure to salt and wait for its final preparation. The finished meat is placed in a pan with stewed tomatoes and put on the fire again, the taste of the meat is distributed throughout the sauce. Also, tomatoes can be combined with other vegetables, such as zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant.

After the tomatoes cool they can start eating, with "Chapati"  , pancakes, pasta, for pizza  , use in "shawarma" or with other bakery products. Stewed tomatoes will bring in any dish amazing notes of a special taste that will pleasantly surprise your family or invited friends. Try to cook food in a good mood, and then the food prepared with your hands will be very tasty.

Fragrant stewed tomatoes, the recipe of which is lower, will be to the taste of even the most sophisticated gourmet. Stewed tomatoes can be a side dish in a meat dish. And so, how to stew tomatoes?

Stewed Tomatoes - Recipe with Herbs

  • 8 tomatoes;
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of water;
  • 15 g (1 tbsp.) Chopped basil;
  • 15 g (1 tbsp.) Chopped parsley;
  • ground black pepper.

Stewed tomatoes - a step-by-step recipe of cooking with herbs

To simmer the tomatoes according to the recipe, make a cross-shaped cut on the round part of each tomato and put them in the pan. Add the remaining ingredients, according to the tomato stew recipe.

Bring to a boil, close the lid, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes to cook stewed tomatoes. Tomatoes should be stewed but retained their shape. Do not make a strong fire, otherwise the tomatoes will crack.

Serve the stewed tomatoes hot and eat with the peel.

How to stew tomatoes with meat

Ingredients for stewing tomato

  • 8 tomatoes cut in half
  • 1 thick slice of bread without a crust
  • 4 tbsp. l milk olive oil for lubrication
  • 200 g of boiled meat, coarsely chopped
  • 3 frankfurt sausages, uncooked, coarsely chopped
  • 40 g Parmesan, freshly grated
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 sprig of fresh smooth parsley, chopped
  • 1 fresh basil leaf, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, coarsely chopped
  • salt and pepper

Cooking stewed tomatoes

Scrape the seeds and a little pulp out of the tomatoes, sprinkle them with salt and place them down on a paper towel for an hour, to stack the juice for the preparation of the stewing. Break the bread into pieces, put in a bowl and soak in milk for 10 minutes. Heat the oven to 180 ° C (mark 4 on the gas stove). Grease heat-resistant dish with olive oil.

Put the meat, frankfurt sausages, whole egg, egg white, parsley, basil and garlic in a food processor and mix into a homogeneous mass according to the recipe. Salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly again in a combine and fill tomatoes with this mixture. Put the stewed tomatoes on the prepared dish and bake for 20 minutes - until golden brown.

Stewed tomatoes with garlic and zucchini

Ingredients for cooking stewed tomatoes:

  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 medium-sized squash;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4-6 olives;
  • 2 leaves of mint;
  • salt, dried basil, herbs to taste.

Tomatoes should be cut into circles about 1 centimeter thick. Similarly, chop the zucchini, peeled.

Mugs of tomatoes laid on top of the circles zucchini. Vegetables spread in the form and sprinkle them with basil.

Cut one clove of garlic into thin slices and finely chop the second. Cut the olives in half.

For each “toast” lay garlic cloves with olives and greens. Add some water, mint leaves, chopped garlic and salt.

Roast tomatoes with garlic for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 230-250 degrees. Decorate the snack with fresh herbs.

How to stew tomatoes with garlic and ginger

Ingredients to extinguish tomatoes:

  • 570 grams of green tomatoes;
  • 3 tablespoons of ghee or corn oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoons black mustard seed;
  • 8-10 curry leaves;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 pinch of saffron;
  • 2 tablespoons of candied ginger;
  • 1 tablespoon of black pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of papaya;
  • 0.5 cups of mango, peach and other fruits to choose from;
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro;
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic.

Cooking stewed tomatoes:

We keep tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 seconds. After that, drain the water and remove the skin from the tomato. Cut the tops of the tomatoes crosswise, extract the contents. Now cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Heat the oil in the pan and dip the mustard seeds into it. Add curry, saffron and tomatoes. Cook on medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Now you can add garlic, candied fruit, diced fruits (great if they are slightly underripe). Cook for 15 minutes until the mixture thickens. Remove it from heat and mix with cilantro. Done! Such a dish can be stored even at room temperature or in the refrigerator for several days. Although we dare to assure you: tomatoes with garlic will be a success, and you definitely will not have to think about their storage!

We hope that we inspired you to culinary experiments. Try, combine different foods and get delicious dishes!

Recipe for stewed tomatoes with mayonnaise and cheese

For this recipe, you need the following components (based on five servings): medium-sized tomatoes, one hundred twenty-five grams of mayonnaise, seventy-five grams of hard cheese, seventy-five grams of ham (or sausages), two pickled cucumbers, one boiled carrot. half a lemon, one fourth of a bunch of parsley, and salt to taste.

Cooking stewed tomatoes:

Tomatoes are carefully washed and each vegetable is cut off the lid from the opposite stalk. With a teaspoon we choose the core, lightly add some salt from the inside and turn it upside down to drain the juice. Chop cheese and ham into small cubes and mix with mayonnaise. We start the tomatoes with the resulting mass and cover with a lid, but remember that the lid should not be covered very tightly so that the minced meat is visible. For decoration in stuffing (on the side) we stick sprigs of parsley and small cones, which are cut from carrots. Put the tomatoes on the dish and garnish with cucumber slices. Beautiful and healthy dish is ready!

Stewed Tomatoes - General Cooking Principles

The most important thing to consider is that the tomatoes should be stewed and stewed, not grilled. To achieve this, you need to warm up the vegetables on the very quiet fire.

Choosing tomatoes for stewing is best red and brown varieties. Any kind will do: fleshy, watery, with thick skin or thin - all this is not significant.

Stew tomatoes blanched or uncut. To blanch the tomatoes is easy and simple, just put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then in cold water, the skin will come down almost by itself, you just need to pull a little. Tomatoes with skin before cooking should be thoroughly washed and dried.

When cutting tomatoes, use only a sharp knife so that the juice does not flow out of the fruit ahead of time.

In stewed tomatoes, you can add spices and spices, they will give the dish a special savory notes. Tomatoes are combined with almost all spices, but basil, marjoram, dill, oregano, parsley, thyme, and black pepper are especially good.

With stewed tomatoes cook meat, poultry, vegetables, cereals and even pasta. Many may argue, considering that it is enough to add sauce or tomato paste and the taste will be almost the same. It is not true. Fresh stewed tomatoes give the dish a particularly delicate flavor and unique taste, which the same type canned tomatoes cannot boast.

Recipe 1. Stewed Tomatoes

The basic recipe for stewed tomatoes, which can be changed, focusing on your taste preferences. For example, tomato paste can be replaced with a sauce, garlic can not be used at all. It is also permissible to add hot pepper and spices such as marjoram, basil.


  • kilogram of tomatoes;

  • about 10 feathers of green onions;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • 20 grams of butter and vegetable oil;

  • 30 grams of tomato paste;

  • salt to taste;

• parsley and dill leaves;

  • pinch of dry oregano, black pepper, thyme and thyme.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the tomatoes, cut at the base, pour over boiling water.

2. Remove the skin, cut into 6-8 slices.

3. Wash, peel and chop the greens, green onions and garlic.

4. Heat the frying pan, put the butter, warm.

5. Lightly fry the green onions and garlic.

6. Put the slices of tomatoes, simmer, covered with a lid, eight minutes.

7. Add tomato paste, diluted in 100 ml of water, all spices, salt and chopped leaves of dill and parsley.

8. Thoroughly mix all ingredients, simmer another 7-10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Stewed tomatoes for the winter

Original homemade preparation of stewed tomatoes is perfect as a sauce for all sorts of dishes. It can also be used as an addition to various soups, goulash.


  • five kilograms of ripe tomatoes;

  • 50 grams of salt;

  • 180 grams of sugar;

  • pepper to taste;

  • 10 ml of acetic essence.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes thoroughly wash, especially if they are not garden or greenhouse, and purchased in the store. Drain.

2. Put half of the tomatoes aside, cut the second into small cubes.

3. Put the chopped tomatoes in a deep saucepan, simmer for half an hour, gradually, as the juice comes out, add fire from minimum to medium.

4. Cut the remaining tomatoes into slices.

5. When the first part of the tomatoes is ready, put the tomatoes, sliced, add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly, simmer for fifteen minutes.

6. At the end of the preparation, pour vinegar essence, add ground pepper to taste. Stir and turn off the gas.

7. Arrange the stewed tomatoes ready in sterile jars, roll up.

8. Once the tomato salad salad has cooled, the cans can be stored for storage in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 3. Pork with stewed tomatoes and basil

Basil in this recipe emphasizes the unusual taste of tomatoes and emphasizes the taste of pork.


  • a pound of pork (ideally take the neck);

  • four large fleshy tomatoes;

  • 7-8 basil leaves;

  • Bell pepper;

  • salt, ground pepper;

  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the meat, pat dry with paper napkins, cut into small pieces.

2. Salt, sprinkle with pepper.

3. Pour into the butter pan in the pan, quickly fry the prepared pork on all sides until sweetheart on high heat.

4. Add pepper, cut into small cubes, fry both ingredients together for a minute or two. Reduce heat to low.

5. Add finely chopped tomatoes without skin, stew under a closed lid for forty minutes.

6. If necessary, in the process of cooking from time to time you can add hot broth or plain water.

7. 5-6 minutes before the readiness to put chopped basil, if you want to add salt.

Recipe 4. Meatballs with stewed tomatoes and olives

In this recipe, there is no rice in meatballs, and it is understood that they will have a side dish. For example, the same rice or potato. But you can also add rice cereal, then the dish will turn out completely independent. Expect that about a pound of minced meat will need about 150 grams of dry rice.


  • half a kilo of minced meat (preferably mixed beef: pork with beef);

  • 20 green olives;

  • onion;

  • three cloves of garlic;

  • 60 grams of bread;

  • 110 ml of milk;

  • 50-70 grams of cheese;

  • 30 ml of olive oil;

  • salt, black pepper;

  • five basil twigs.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the minced meat with bread soaked in milk and chopped onion. Add pepper and salt to taste.

2. Form small meatballs from the minced meat by placing a small piece of cheese in the center of each ball.

3. First, fry the meatballs on both sides to a blush on one tablespoon of olive oil.

4. Pour the remaining olive oil on another pan, put the garlic, cut into plates.

5. Add chopped tomatoes, salt, simmer, covered with a lid, twenty minutes.

6. Put the stewed tomatoes on top of the prepared meatballs, put olives on top, cut into two parts.

7. Simmer everything together for 10-12 minutes.

8. Serve sprinkled with chopped basil.

Recipe 5. Eggplants with stewed tomatoes, Provencal herbs and garlic

Also in this recipe, you can bake zucchini or zucchini. You can increase or decrease the number of layers. You can also add minced meat if you want the dish to be more satisfying.


  • a pound of tomatoes;

  • kilogram of eggplants;

  • four cloves of garlic;

  • 200 grams of grated semi-hard cheese;

  • 200 grams of mozzarella cheese;

  • olive oil;

  • spoon Provencal herbs;

  • salt pepper;

  • dried basil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplants into slices one centimeter wide.

2. Pour them with boiled water for five minutes, drain in a colander.

3. Wash the tomatoes, blanch and twist in a meat grinder, or chop in a blender.

4. Mix tomato puree with chopped garlic, Provencal herbs, two spoons of olive oil and dried basil. Stew in a thick-walled pan for ten minutes.

5. Put a portion of prepared eggplants in a neat layer on a greased baking sheet, pour over all the fragrant tomato puree, sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Put the second layer of eggplants, pour the second half of the tomatoes, lay the remaining eggplants on top, cover all the ingredients with mozzarella cheese, cut it into layers.

7. Bake the eggplants in the stewed tomatoes should be 20 minutes in a preheated 160 degree oven.

8. This dish is delicious and hot, and warm, and cold.

Recipe 6. Veal in the oven with stewed tomatoes and beans

Instead of meat, veal, you can use young beef.


  • 700 grams of calf brisket;

  • 600 grams of green beans;

  • 400 grams of tomatoes;

  • 110 ml of wine;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • two bows;

  • salt pepper;

  • parsley;

  • 120 ml of vegetable oil;

  • 20 grams of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bacon into four portions, discard, pepper and salt. Quickly fry on both sides of the butter. Temporarily put aside.

2. Chop the garlic into cubes, chop the onion in small squares.

3. Brown both ingredients in the meat juice by adding flour. Pour a small amount of warm water, simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Add chopped tomatoes, beans, simmer all together for 12-15 minutes.

5. Put the pieces of meat on a baking sheet, pour all the stewed tomatoes.

6. Cook in the oven on medium heat for 20 minutes, then pour in the wine, sprinkle all the chopped parsley, cook for the same amount.

Recipe 7. Chicken Breasts in Stewed Tomatoes

Instead of ordinary tomatoes, you can take cherry tomatoes. The taste will be more subtle and refined. The dish does not require a side dish. Serve stewed tomatoes, laid out around the meat and sprinkle profusely with basil.


  • four chicken fillets;

  • salt, ground pepper;

  • olive oil;

  • 500 grams of tomatoes;

  • garlic;

  • two onions;

  • Two tablespoons of fresh chopped basil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry all vegetables and breast.

2. Cut the tomatoes into two or four pieces, depending on the size.

3. Cut onion and garlic into thin rings.

4. Chicken pepper and salt, fry on both sides until golden brown in olive oil, giving each side 3-5 minutes.

5. Put the tomatoes on the chicken, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid.

6. As soon as the tomatoes make juice, put onions and garlic, salt and pepper, simmer all together for fifteen minutes.

7. Sprinkle ready-made breasts in stewed tomatoes with basil.

Stewed Tomatoes - Tricks, Tips

• Cutting to extinguish tomatoes does not matter, cut as you like - cubes, bars, slices. Just remember that the smaller the cut, the faster the vegetables are stewed.

  • If you suddenly forgot to remove the peel of tomatoes, and the recipe implies a delicate texture of stewed tomatoes - do not worry. You can extinguish the vegetable, cool, and then grind through a sieve.

  • Greens can be used both in fresh and in dried form. It will be equally fragrant and tasty.

  • Tomatoes go well with garlic. To give the dish a tart taste of garlic, you need to pre-fry it, then spread the tomatoes themselves. If you need unsurpassed flavor and sharpness, garlic is better to put at the very end of cooking.

  • Do not use to extinguish the yellow varieties of tomatoes, their taste is not as universal as that of red and brown

The recipe of cooking dishes with photos, see below.

The original way of home canning tomatoes for the winter is to stew them in their own juice and arrange in jars. It turns out a very original snack in appearance that resembles not that, not that sauce. The taste of this dish is very unusual, slightly sweet. This is due to the fact that the composition of the recipe includes sugar. If you adore tomatoes in all forms, be sure to try making these sweet stewed tomatoes for the winter.

The recipe is designed for 5 kg of tomatoes, but you can make a small batch of salad for the sample. I tried this wonderful dish in my mother-in-law, it is so tasty and unusual! I asked for a detailed recipe and at the same time took a few photos. Now I share with you, dear readers, the secrets of cooking stewed tomatoes for the winter. It turns out that everything is done very simply!

Recipe for stewed tomatoes (for winter)

The proportion is as follows:

  • 5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l salts;
  • 5 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • acetic essence 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Tomatoes wash and dry with a towel. Separate half of the fruit (2.5 kg) and cut into cubes. Place the sliced ​​tomatoes in a deep saucepan and simmer for 25-30 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. The remaining 2.5 kg of tomatoes cut into larger pieces (as slices).

As soon as the first batch of tomatoes is stewed for half an hour, we add to it the second part of the large-cut fruit, put salt and sugar. Stir and simmer another 10 minutes. At the end, pour in vinegar essence, add ground pepper as desired, mix and turn off the canoe.

Glass jars for blanks can be simply sterilized in the oven. Put clean, dry jars in the oven on the grid at 100 degrees. Heat the jars for a few minutes. Put ready-made stewed salad-sauce into jars and spin them with lids. Banks to turn the lids down and wrap the "fur coat" (something warm).

The next day, stewed tomatoes can be lowered into the basement and, as necessary, get a jar of salad in the winter. Great alternative