Where grows black birch. Birch bark and cedar from the Siberian bowels! Seed propagation

Black birch (lat. Betula nigra)  - a representative of the Birch family of the Birch family. Another name is river birch. The homeland of the species in question is the United States of America. In nature, found on wetlands, flood plains, river valleys and other places with damp sandy soils. It grows in union with the poplars, willows and maples. Fast-growing, thermophilic short-lived view.

Characteristic culture

  Black birch - deciduous tree up to 30 m high with an openwork crown of egg-shaped form. The bark is pink-brown, gray-brown or black-brown, thick-scaly, flaking layers or curls. Young shoots are silvery gray, smooth. The lateral branches are arcuate-deflected, the main ones are located at an acute angle. The leaves are dark green, alternate, short-petiolate, oval or ovate-rhombic, widely wedge-shaped at the base, blunt or sharp, jagged along the edge, up to 12 cm long. On the inside, grayish or gray-white, pubescent along the veins. In autumn, the foliage becomes dark yellow.

The inflorescences are oblong-cylindrical earrings, equipped with a stem, the length of which varies from 2.5 to 5 cm. Bracts pubescent, scaly, with equal lobes of linearly oblong shape. The fruit is a broadly ovate, winged nutlet, pubescent in the upper part. At present, several cultivated varieties with a shade of wood and resistance to pests have been developed. They are often used for landscaping personal plots.

If a strong reaction zone is formed, the fungus is encapsulated. Linden trees often exhibit a growth deficit due to the lack or insufficient counter reactions in the wood. If the attack of an inlaid fungus from a wooden cylinder occurs on the larger surfaces of the bark, flat, sunken and partially dead parts of the bark occur, since the fungus has already attacked the cambium. Wound compensation occurs only to a small extent. Then lindens appear straight and without a starch stalk with pronounced growth.

The tree seems stuck in the ground. There is an acute danger of destruction. Beech, on the other hand, shows stronger reactions to the fire bark fungus - depending on the vitality during infection. Bees can partially localize, limit, or delay infection locally. Thus, strong tides in the crust layer indicate a defense response. The fungus attacks the first central areas in the wooden body and grows after the spear, as in the sapwood area. Even a point violation of the cambium contributes to the formation of wound tissue.

Growing conditions

  In nature, black birch grows on cool, moist substrates. Plants have a negative attitude even to short-term drought. On dry soils, trees develop slowly, often affected by pests. Despite the fact that the culture is thermophilic, it denies the scorching sun, it is better to place the plants in the semi-shaded areas where the sunlight is present for most of the day. Landing of culture from the north or east side of architectural structures is not forbidden. Since black birch reaches a rather impressive size, it is necessary to take into account the location of the electric wires, otherwise during strong winds it is impossible to avoid their breakage.

Soils for black birch should not be compacted, as the surface root system on them feels defective. Optimal for the culture of slightly acidic, loose, moist, humus-rich soil. Not welcome heavy clay, strongly acidic or alkaline soils. The fact that black birch is a moisture-loving crop was mentioned more than once, this factor is considered one of the most important conditions for the successful cultivation of plants. But compared to other representatives of the genus, black birch is more drought tolerant, but only short-lived. Without prejudice to the health of the trees will make a light flooding melt waters.

He creates the ridge ridges, which are quite characteristic for the infection with Ustulin. An accurate diagnosis is necessary, especially in the case of a fungus inlaid with fire, because the symptoms must be interpreted differently due to tree-specific reactions.

You rub yourself that he works. In home construction, as footwear and weaving, light birch bark has used surprisingly many uses. Even today, raw materials have their particular advantages, which makes it interesting again for numerous applications. By the way, dried birch bark is very good for kindling fires, as the bark is slightly flammable.

Seed propagation

  Black birch, like all other species, propagates by seed. In addition, it gives abundant self-seeding, so the plants are able to capture new territories on their own. In the first few weeks, shoots develop very slowly. They are vulnerable to lack of sunlight, watering and shading by weeds. The plot for sowing should be prepared carefully, removing all rhizomes of unwanted vegetation.

Seeds in preliminary preparation do not need, if it is a question of autumn sowing. When sowing birch seeds in black spring, stratification is necessary; it will allow increasing the germination rate. This procedure lasts about 5-6 weeks at a temperature of 0 - + 5С. Before sowing the seeds are dried to a friable state, and immediately sown. Store wet seeds in room conditions can not be, they will begin to germinate and as a result will die.

Previously used birch trees are almost forgotten. Until the last century, many dishes were made for daily use. Like leather, but with less effort to extract and process birch, they took bags and covers, gloves and shoes, boxes and storage containers. But as a substitute for paper, birch nindde was used to make tools and even in the construction of a boat and to seal the roof that was used.

Birches are almost always found in densely populated areas. A fast-growing tree with white paper bark produces wood that is not well suited for construction purposes. As the tree grows fast and needs a lot of light, forest owners and forest owners usually see this poor kind of wood as a weed. The paper industry is the main buyer of birch wood.

Sowing can be carried out both in open ground under the shelter, and in the greenhouse. Sow seeds in the lowercase way, the distance between the lines should be at least 15-20 cm. Deep embedding is prohibited. For a week, crops are covered with plastic wrap or any other covering material. The soil is kept wet, a spray gun is used for irrigation, a regular watering can can erode crops.

Only high-quality grades are suitable for the production of veneer. Birch Nindde is obtained from a cut trunk. On a piece of wood with a length of one to two meters, a long cut is made with a sharp knife, then the bark can be carefully separated from the wooden trunk. The best season to get a good resource is in the summer before the first harvest of hay or in the autumn before the first frost. The material obtained in the summer is light and flexible; in autumn, the bark becomes dark and tough.

After removing the untreated bark of a tree, it should only be freed from partially rotten and dirty upper bark, so that the final raw material can be processed. Then pieces of bark alternate in stacks. To prevent indiscriminate twisting when drying, the stack should be weighed with weights. Then you have to boil or steam the bark to process it, and this will make it stronger and more resilient.

Under all conditions, shoots appear in 2-2.5 weeks. By autumn, seedlings reach a height of 30-50 cm. For winter, young plants are warmed with a thick layer of fallen leaves. The following spring, the plants dive into schools. In schools, the distance between plants should be about 5-7 cm, between rows - 30-35 cm. At the end of summer or early autumn, the grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, underdeveloped specimens are left for growing.

Both widespread and artistic use and treatment of birch bark was impressive: with coconut properties, liquids could be kept cold or warm. Because of the neutral smell of bark, it is also suitable for storing food that has been placed on the appropriate lichen. The North American Indians eventually made even light canoes from dense and flaky bark.

Birches form a genus of flowering plants in the birch family. In total, there are more than 100 types of birch, in magic you can use all the birch trees. Most often, birch is recognized by typical white bark, and then it is used respectively only by the local birch.

Black birch or river birch (lat. Bétula nígra) is a type of plant of the genus Birch (Betula) of the Birch family (Betulaceae). The small deciduous tree is 25-30 m in height and has a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. Crohn openwork, ovate.

The bark is of a different color, usually from dark gray-brown to pink-brown, thick-scaly, less often smooth, creamy-pink, exfoliated in the form of paper-like layers; on the young branches silver-gray.

When smoking, you can use leaves, flowers, wood and bark of birch. However, the smoke of the bark is especially pleasant. A little sweet, very pungent and never intrusive, the smell of birch smoke, which, as they say, takes away all the old injuries, insults and unreasonable worries. Wines and melancholy also disappear along with gently cleansing birch smoke.

Birch twigs are used to exorcise negative energies by gently stroking the branches over a person or animal. Accordingly, a broom made from birch rice is used to rid rooms of such energies. Protective and love charms are often made from birch wood or bark.

The leaf position is next.
The leaves are ovate-rhombic or oval, 5–12 cm long, 4–9 cm wide, broadly wedge-shaped at the base, acute or blunt at the apex, marginally double-lobed-toothed, dark green above, whitish or grayish from below, on pubescent petioles 6-16 mm long. In autumn, the leaves turn dark yellow.

Pestic earrings are standing, oblong-cylindrical, 2.5-3.5 cm long, on a stem 2.5-5 mm long.
Bracts pubescent, 6–7 mm long, with upwardly directed linearly oblong, almost equal lobes.

To get rid of curses, curses or grief, you wrap a white cotton ribbon around a small branch of birch in which you previously cut twelve crosses. Then you throw this forest into running water so that it carries current and takes with it negative energies. This should happen during the waning moon.

Seed propagation

If, on the other hand, you want to wear love, you use precious birch parchment to support the fulfillment of desire. Parchment is obtained by thoroughly drawing out thinned bark layers of already diluted paper. It is impossible to damage the tree and make an offering to the “woman of the forest”, as birch is also called care. Then you can expect pretty charming results if you draw a heart on this birch parchment, carefully roll the parchment, completely wrap it with red tape, and then carry this talisman close to your heart.

Nuts broadly ovate, about 3 mm long and wide, pubescent in the upper half.
The wings are equal in width to half a nut or a little more. 1000 seeds weight 1.2 g; in 1 kg 850 thousand seeds.

Seeds, unlike other birches, ripen in late spring.

Alternatively, draw a circle around your own initials and wrap a white ribbon for the protective amulet. Both birch parchment rituals are performed as the moon grows. Maple is one of the hardest forests in Europe. The trunks are tall and very old. Maple - core, without sapwood can be completely treated with bark. Therefore, wood is suitable for all living rooms and floors. The maple forest is a cold tree because of its white color; We like to use it when the room needs such coolness or even the bright light of a tree.

The spread of black birch

Widespread birch growing in the flood plains and marshes of the United States from New Hampshire to southern Minnesota in the west and to northern Florida and eastern Texas in the south.

One of the most thermophilic species of birch. It grows quickly, especially in youth, but is short-lived. Light-requiring

Maple is a tree that creates distance. Moreover, it is emphasized when it is oiled or pickled, then it retains a bright color for many years. We use it in all residential areas. Maple is a very dense wood, suitable for indoor use only. The surface can be very small and smooth.

Apple wood is quite tender and bright. It has a bright uniform brown color, sometimes there are dark brown lines in the grain. Trees are often not very old, and if they are in the core, both rotten and useless. The pieces are pretty short, so we can build small things out of this. The surface seems beautiful and velvety.

Prefers moist sandy soils, has low fertility. It grows in river valleys, on wet, alluvial soils and marshes, usually in a mixture with the western sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), elmas (Ulmus), maples (Acer), willows (Salix) and poplars (Populus).

The value and use of black birch

Since the natural environment of the tree is wet soil - it grows on a high bank, and its bark differs significantly from other types of birch trees, this allows it to be used as a landscape tree. A number of cultivated varieties with more white bark than wild species are selected for landscaping gardens.

Birch - one of the light, almost white forests. A little reddish color makes it a warm tree. Mirrors that show themselves with bark bark are also present in the forest, thanks to which birch wood has a special charisma. Trees grow taller, but not so old that it makes logs smaller in diameter. Birch is susceptible to fungi and is only suitable for indoor use. We use it for furniture and kitchens as well as floors. He saw a velvety look on large squares through the mirror.

This is a very dense wood, which makes it a dense, velvety and smooth surface. Pear - very light small wood, sometimes with a touch of reddish. It has a very uniform color and therefore radiates excellent rest. Trees can become very old. We have already made whole rooms of pear wood, it can be perfectly processed, and the surfaces feel good and velvety.

Such varieties as ‘Heritage’ and ‘Dura Heat’ are known for being resistant to birch bark with white bark Agrilus anxius in the warm south-eastern regions of the United States.

‘Heritage’ is a tree with a wide pyramidal crown, more powerful than the wild form. Branches and trunk with highly flaking bark, the layers of which are painted in cream, orange, lilac and gray tones (light tones prevail). ‘Heritage’ (‘Little King’) is a compact shrub up to 3.5 m tall with a dense oval crown. Bark cream, orange, white. Autumn leaves are copper.
Removes overmoistening, but grows better in normal conditions.

The beech is a slightly reddish forest and the core, which can be fully used before the outer bark. Reddish coloring gives the wood the heat it radiates. Trees grow very tall and straight and grow old. Beech is a highly hygroscopic wood. This property allows him to work very hard in the treated form, and is not suitable for outdoor use. The hardness and strength of wood make it excellent work surfaces, but it should be processed only in a muted form.

Steaming wood removes strong tension from wood, a strong reddish color is a side effect. The color of forests is determined by individual minerals in the soil. The surface of the wood is finely crushed and looks smooth. However, due to the hard work with wood, it can always be reached at small heights of wood, as soon as the humidity in the room changes. The yew is wild in grain from light to dark red, therefore a very attractive forest. The pegs are rather small, so they are not well suited for the construction of solid wood.

Indians made sweets by evaporating the sap of this birch, similarly to maple syrup, and its inner crust as food in conditions of survival. It is too crooked and knotty to matter as a timber tree.

The wood is heavy, strong, brown.

In the USA it is bred mainly in areas where it is found wildly and only slightly to the north; used for street plantings and landings on the edges of reservoirs. In England, introduced in 1736 in the USSR in culture is not widely spread.

For sculpture, it is well suited for small sculptures or lathe works. The surface is beautiful and velvety. Oak is brown, slightly yellowish, light wood, with a calm grain. It has pretty cool charisma and is very firm and weather resistant. Trees are getting big and very old. These trees are then protected. It is said that oaks have many mystical properties, and, standing under such an old tree, one can feel that he can tell many stories. If trees are beaten "mature", they are between 100 and 200 years old.

They often grow straight, like beech, and are therefore easy to work with. Oak has sapwood that cannot be processed because it is soft and susceptible to all kinds of pests. Here you have depending on the width of the sapwood high mix. Oak is the most sustainable forest in Europe. Therefore, it can also be used outdoors. For the construction of windows is an alternative to tropical forests. It has a large proportion of tannic acid, which leads to dark discoloration with some chemicals, so that the wood can be painted almost black.